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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. The hug was welcome, even if Tona wasn't used to them. She watched the kettle boil, trying to filter through the welter of emotions she was feeling. She was embarrassed at herself for the emotional outburst, doubly so because Stesha was being so gracious already; Tona tried to be in more control of herself than that. She simply hadn't been expecting Stesha to be so welcoming of such a huge burden on top of everything else. And that brought back the feelings of elation. A home, a home for her family and everyone else she had left behind in the Terminus! She could almost picture it, not a abstract image of bringing a few people to Claremont or Freedom City, but bringing everyone here, to Sanctuary! Forests to hunt in, houses to live in, fields to till. It was almost literally a dream come true. Yes, she still had to return to the Terminus and bring her people back here, but at least she finally had an end for them in mind, a goal, a place to take them! It was an exhilarating feeling. She was engrossed in her thoughts, so she almost didn't notice when Valut stuck her head in. "Hello! Um." The alien glanced around before edging inside. "Is... someone told me this was Fleur de Joie's house?" Tona eyed the other woman. "She went to go get her daughter," she said. "Are you alright? Your room on the spaceship kind of crashed." Valut sighed. "Yeah, I saw that. It's okay. The plants pretty much survived so I can replant them." Tona blinked, confused. "So you're staying, then? You're not going back to Earth, uh, Prime?" Valut took a seat near Tona, shaking her head. "No. I told my story to the folks from the Freedom League, and they said that since I was working for the pirates under duress I could stay on Sanctuary. If Fleur agrees."
  2. Tona felt a powerful wave of emotions sweep over and through her, leaving her weak at the knees for a moment. Stesha hasn't hesitated, hadn't tried to hem her answer in any way; she'd just accepted the burden a few thousand more lives on her little space of green, and just like that the young girl's dream of saving her people, saving the history and culture of her world, took a huge step forward towards being a reality. She sniffed and realized, abruptly, that she was crying! Tona lifted a hand to wipe away the tears. "I'm... I'm sorry," she said, her voice wavering. "It's just that... I always knew I had to go back, had to try and save them. But even if I got everyone, where would I take them? I couldn't just drop them in the city. And then... and then I came here, and I saw this world and, and it was like being home again. And I thought if everyone could just be here it would be." She choked off as her voice broke and she buried her face in her hands, embarrassed to break down in front of Stesha. "Je suis désolé, j'ai besoin... I just need a minute."
  3. Tona frowned at the question. "Well I... I'm going to sch-- I'm living on Earth. I'm not living in the Terminus now." She didn't want to imagine the dangers of someone who casually traveled back and forth between any Earth and the realm of Omega. "But I'm going back. I... My family is back there." She paused and took a deep breath before popping the big question. "I want to bring them back to Earth. All... all two thousand people that I left behind. But I can barely adapt to life on Earth and I have a lot of help. I think they'd have a lot better life on Sanctuary." Well there it was, and there was no taking the idea back. "They wouldn't be a liability. My world doesn't have any of the technologies that this one does -- I'd never seen computers, cell phones, or cars before coming to your Earth. They can hunt, and farm, and make things. And... and, that's pretty much all I have to say. I can't give you anything, but I would do anything to get my people a good home."
  4. Starlight's Ini. (1d20+7=13)
  5. Raveled

    Story Seed

    So I was reading MSN news, and I came across this article. TLDR, Israeli archeologists found a stone structure underneath the Sea of Galilee and want to excavate it. Except that underwater excavations are expensive and slow. This got me thinking about a potential story involving Ironclad. Short version is she develops some telepresence robots and ships them to Isreal so the archeologists can explore this find, and she goes along to troubleshoot the system. The robots are stolen by terrorists, Ironclad gets them back. "And they fight, and they fight, and they fight, and they fight..." What's got me skittish is, well, throwing my PC at terrorists, especially since it would likely involve Palestine and whatnot. Is this a bit too topical and hot-button to run around here?
  6. Ironclad Starlight Blue Jay GM
  7. Blue Jay wasn't used to seeing the environment return her ammo to her, but it was a welcome change. She collected the arrows, double-checking that the shafts were still straight and the heads were still on tight, then hunkered down next to Fleur once again to await the next charge. In time, it came, and it was driven back again. A third charge, very ragged, followed some time after that. That seemed to be all the fight the pirates had in them, because soon after the remaining crew marched out of the ship, holding their hands in the air in surrender. It was a short step through a flower to get back to the settlement, and then Blue Jay and the bees watched over the pirates in an impromptu holding pen while Fleur contacted the authorities on Earth-Prime. It was nearing dinner when the last of the alien marauders had filed through another tree-portal, and had been taken away to be dealt with by whoever dealt with space bandits from another dimension. Blue Jay stowed her bow and relaxed, inhaling deeply and looking around the village. It was much quieter on Sanctuary than on the Earth that Claremont inhabited. It felt more like home, like the home Tona had left behind to go to Claremont. She caught sight of Stesha and walked over, her eyes watching some of the huge bees buzzing over the treetops. "Stesha," she said. "I... when you asked where I came from, earlier. I didn't tell you." She paused and had to swallow before she could continue. "I'm from the Terminus."
  8. Well if he's a doctor, what about someone attacking the hospital he works at?
  9. Starlight's Intimidate check. (1d20+12=25)
  10. Starlight was surprised at how roomy the submarine was inside. It wasn't going to induce agoraphobia in anyone, but she was familiar with the machines from movies set in and about World War II; she was expecting a hollow tube filled with dirty men, with sweating metal pipes, groaning under the pressure. This was a modern machine, though, and while the hallways weren't broad they were clean and most of the plumbing was hidden behind faux-wood paneling. It was a lot more comfortable than some starships Starlight had been on, that was certain. All of this went through her head as Starlight prowled the corridors, heading up and towards bigger and bigger corridors. She saw a large, dark room ahead and ignited a ball of sunlight there, casting bright light about the bridge. As all eyes turned to her, she nodded slightly at the half-naked man. "You can surface now," she said simply, "or I can punch you through the hull and you shall never surface. Choose."
  11. GM "Yes, I'm sure Talia taught you much," Louis said, ignoring Sam's question. "She sent you away to be surrounded by people more powerful than you, including one or two trained and focused on killing people who traffic with demons... such as yourself. And then she... Well, did what exactly?" Louis tilted his head to one side, looking at Sam askance. "Did Talia ever train you in your powers? Try to help you contain them? Ever teach you about where your magic came from or what it meant? Did she, in fact, ever give a straight answer to any important question?"
  12. Tona ran, jumped into the stream of fire coming up from before, and flew. She soared over the gap, bullets and steam-launched javelins missing her by a hair, and for a moment she thought she might make it through unscathed. That her crazy plan would work and she could be able to run off into the forest, and lose her pursuers. Then a bullet went through the meat of her left leg, and a spike no longer than a finger went through her hand on the same side. She managed to land on the ground on her good leg, but instinct made her take a step with the wounded one and it crumpled in a flare of pain. Her leg twisted and went limp under her, and she tumbled down the side of the escarpment, pain shooting up her side whenever wounded leg or hand hit the ground. By the time she rolled to a stop she was pale and sweating from the experience, but she knew that she didn't have time to lay there and bleed. The Steel Legion hunted with ruthless efficiency, and even now she could hear the front runners crashing through the brush, looking for her. She struggled to her feet. Miraculously, she'd managed to hold onto her bow and a scant few arrows, though what she was going to do with them with only one good hand was an open question. For now she would simply settle for putting some space between her and her pursuers, and limped deeper into the forest.
  13. The Prince roared in fury and surprise, as the wave of piercing light swept over the group. Civilians on the street screamed and backed away from the group, some waving their hands blindly in front of their faces. The villainess didn't seem too concerned with them, though; as the mummy tried retreating back up the stairs she pressed her attack, streams of colored light exploding from her head and slicing towards Blue Jay. The young archer ducked and wove around the attacks, however, and delivered a stinging knee to the lady's mid-section -- and then hopped off, swearing violently. "Warp! She's got some kind of maudit armor under her clothes!"
  14. So let's say it's Prince, Illusionist, Jay, and then Warp again. Initiative Warp -- Uninjured -- HPx2 Prince -- Staggered -- GM Illusionist -- Uninjured -- GM Jay -- Uninjured -- HPx4 The Prince is still hurting so he'll retreat. The Illusionist will try to attack Warp and go after the Prince! Attack, DC 25 Will save. That misses Warp. Jay will try to kick the Illusionist! Hi-ya! Attack, DC 20 Toughness. That hits her. Toughness save, vs DC 20. But she makes the save handily!
  15. Tone ducked back behind the defilde of the granite outcropping as the fire drove her back behind cover. She turned and moved into the forest, planning to disappear under cover of the trees and come back at the convoy from a different direction. That plan was scuttled, however, when she caught sight of a dozen drones marching through the brush at her. They started firing pneumatic spears at her, long spars of unworked metal propelled by powerful steam explosions. Jay ducked under the first two, and nearly ducked under the third but it left a long scratch down her back. More critically it hit her quiver, ripping the leather open and sending her arrows everywhere! The archer felt the first stirrings of panic. She grabbed a few arrows, but pretty soon more metal spears were landing around her and she started running. She ran back to the granite outcropping and, lacking any better option, jumped across the gap.
  16. GM "It shall be held," the man's voice said, "until such time as we deem El Heraldo, or another, of being worthy to bear it. Until we're sure it will not fall into the hands of evil, until we're sure that it shall be wielded properly." It was a maddeningly vague answer, but the tone indicated that it was all the answer Cerys was likely to get. "We hope that your relationship with the boy means you can resolve the situation peaceably," the crone spoke up. "However, you must return with the banner. Do not think this a request -- it must happen."
  17. Starlight was impressed by Young Britannia's handling of the situation. She didn't even know that her friend could speak Russian, and it seemed her words had the desired effect. The Lightbringer lifted into the air and sped along beside Young Britannia for a distance, then suddenly fell back. "I shall take a different route," she said. "With luck, I should be to draw some of their attention away from you, making it easier for you to approach the bridge unseen."
  18. GM "The spirit of Puerto Rica is weak," the crone said. "However, the order has not persevered by allowing enemies to lay fallow and grow strong. Wales needs the banner if it is to remain secure." "In the wrong hands," the baritone said, "it could be a powerful weapon for evil. El Heraldo, while he is mighty, is not strong enough to protect it. If it quiets your fears, consider that we shall only be holding onto a dangerous artifact for an ally of the Order," he added. "When he comes of age and shows that he can protect it, it shall be returned to him." "Will you accept the order, Blodeuwedd," the crone asked, "or shall you turn this mission down?"
  19. GM Louis glanced at the AEGIS agents, exchanged nods, and they filed out of the room. Once he was alone with Sam he pulled up a chair and sat opposite her. "I'm... something of a specialist in situations like yours. I'm sure that Talia tried her best but your case is rather beyond even her extensive expertise, don't you think? I can teach you wisdom and magic, Samantha, that you would never find somewhere else. And I will talk to you as an equal, not merely a student." He bared his teeth at Sam and steepled his fingers. "Doesn't that sound better?"
  20. GM The uniformed officer opened a door and an older gentleman walked through. He was dressed in a tailored suit, with dark hair slicked to one side and a dark goatee. Even in her shocked state, Sam was able to note important details; the suit's buttons looked to be solid gold, his nails were carefully manicured, and the way he moved seemed off to her, somehow. Too smooth and almost boneless. He nodded to the police officer and same over to stand before Sam. "Hello, Samantha," he said. "I'm Louis."
  21. Tona stood, nocked, and drew almost without thinking. Apparently the dreams of Claremont had affected her more than she had thought, because this wasn't the rational thing to do. Her first arrow spanged off the leg of the spider-soldier, but her second cut the feed line to a quarter of the legs. It turned to bring its bladed weaponry to bear on her, and the third and final shaft went through its eye. The brass and steel monstrosity fell into the ravine with a clatter, and the rest of the legion turned to check where the attacks were coming from. Tona loosed another few shots, taking out another drone and jamming up the arm cannon that yet another was pointing her direction. And then they all opened fire on her position at once.
  22. GM The Council's chambers were deep in the heart of the castle. It was a circular stone chamber, with a simple hole cut in the roof far above to let a single shaft of light hit the middle of the room. That was where Cerys stood, and the hooded figures of the Council sat in the torch-lit darkness, their features hidden by heavy robes. It was all rather melodramatic, honestly, but it was a tradition stretching back centuries, and the Amddiffynnwr O Lleu Llaw Gyffes were not likely to get rid of it anytime soon. There were seven Council members here now, but only two were talking at Cerys. "The Council has been reading your reports from America," one said with the voice of an aged, old woman. "And we watched closely when you introduced El Heraldo." "The decision has been made," said another voice, this one deeper and male. "The Banner of Victory cannot be left in the hands of a mere, unsupervised child." "If it fell into the hands of the Deep Ones," the crone continued, "then Wales could be under assault. We've decided that you shall return to Claremont, and retrieve the Banner. By whatever means necessary."
  23. Blue Jay knelt by Fleur as the sole remaining door opened, and a gangplank emerged and tried to drop to the ground. Due to the distance and the angle, though, it fell short by a good ten feet. That didn't seem to discourage the pirates, as they charged readily down the narrow walkway, slicing the air with their blades and firing blasters into the air as they came. Jay breathed in, breathed out, and loosed. Breath in, loose, breath out, loose. It was a rhythm, a mechanical process, and as the arrows cut through the air they hit pirates in the knee, in the gut, on the weapon arm or right between the eyes. The archer was careful to select the blunt setting to her arrows every single time but the awkward heads weren't stopping her arrows from striking true. Not that the young heroine's volleys were the only attacks being weathered by the pirates. Beeatriz and Curlbee were interpreting Fleur's orders a mite loosely, swooping in to grab pirates that fell off the walkway and carrying them for a quick buzz of the treetops at break-neck speeds, before dropping them more-or-less gently in a high tree. The headlong charge was expertly blunted, severed, and corralled back into the ship where the remaining pirates were simply cowering. Jay reached for another arrow, groped without success, and twisted her neck to look and see the empty quiver. She swore and stood, rolling her shoulders and eying the ship and the single open door. "Do we try a rush of our own," she asked Fleur. The younger woman wasn't relishing going into the ship and attacking so many desperate pirates in close quarters, but no other good options presented themselves.
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