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Everything posted by Fox

  1. GK will not be diving underground, it seems. Curse you, honor complication! :argh:
  2. Gaian Knight scowled at where his wound hand been before turning that scowl on the surrounding demons. Lucked out with their stumbling...let's not give them a second chance. Turning his head, he nodded to Wesley, holding up a hand - "Thanks...hold her still for a moment, will you?" - before turning his attention back to the demons. "And you...you three need a time out." Showing off, Gaian held out one softly-glowing hand palm-up and made a sudden, clenching fist. For a heartbeat there was nothing...and then a score of large, solid earthen columns shot up through the road all around the trio before collapsing into rubble, leaving one demon nearly brained and the other knocked solidly upside the head. Missed that third one...still. Could have done worse. Stepping over to stand at Wesley's back, he turned a careful - somewhat nervous - eye on the remaining set demons and heroes.
  3. Area attacking the three nearby demons with Blast 9 (bludgeoning; Area/shapeable [general]). They'll need a DC 19/Reflex, and then a DC 19/Toughness (if they succeed) or DC 24/Toughness (if they fail) vs. damage. IC post pending on results, since GK's move action depends on the attack's effect.
  4. Fox


    Yes, but it's a personal power - S'pose you could give it affects others and maybe range....
  5. Some quick re-balancing on some of Gaian Knight's powers I fortunately haven't used yet: Dropping Blast 10 (pretty redundant with an autofire Blast 9 right below it...) from the array. Use the free point to add Burrowing 1 outside the array. Only gets you ~9' in a round, but sometimes 9' is enough. Additional change to Obscure: Moving this to a full-fledged sandstorm, 4pp/rank, obscures all senses, plus an immunity to the same. All totals should remain the same. The following replaces the array on the character sheet: [b]Earthshaping Array 15[/b] (30pp array/earth, magic; [i]Power Feats[/i]: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 7) 39pp [u]BP:[/u] [b]Create Object 13[/b] ([i]Extra[/i]s: Duration/Continuous; [i]Flaws[/i]: Action/Full; [i]Power Feats[/i]: Precise, Stationary, Progression 2) [30/30pp] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Earth Control 15[/b] ([i]Extras[/i]: Range/Perception; [i]Flaws[/i]: Limited Material/Earth) [30/30pp] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Shape Matter 7[/b] ([i]Extras[/i]: Duration/Continuous; [i]Flaws[/i]: Limited Material/Earth; [i]Power Feats[/i]: Precise) [29/30pp] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Blast 9[/b] ([i]Extras[/i]: Autofire; [i]Power Feats[/i]: Indirect 2, Variable Descriptor (piercing, bludgeoning)) [30/30pp] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Blast 9[/b] ([i]Extras[/i]: Area/General, Shapeable; [i]Power Feats[/i]: Indirect 2, Variable Descriptor (piercing, bludgeoning)) [30/30pp] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Snare 10[/b] (anchored; [i]Power Feats[/i]: Indirect 2, Reversible) [23/30pp] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Obscure 7[/b] (all senses, sandstorm), [b]Immunity 1[/b] (sandstorm effects) [29/30pp] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Burrowing 10[/b] ([i]Extras[/i]: Area; [i]Power Feats[/i]: Subtle, Reverse Progression 9) [30/30pp] [b]Burrowing 1[/b] (earth, magic) 1pp The first Blast will need to be removed from the DC Block, too. Done by Sandman XI
  6. Toughness, DC23 (1d20 + 6=16) Failed by 7. Stunned and bruised, spending a hero point to shake off the stun.
  7. Misc. Notes: The immunity is rubber-scienced in her history, and essentially provides built-in resistance to outside effects. Something noninvasive and relatively lightweight like telepathic communication could likely get by with some 'static' or minor distortion; anything more intrusive or things that attempt to alter her mind (the sort of things that usually have saves) run into problems. Datalink, being native to that same mind (however warped), is not an outside force and ought to get by just fine. The description references three devices, only one of which (gauntlets) is currently working - the other two are there but completely nonfunctional, offering no benefit a normal costume wouldn't. They'll be added when she's worked out the kinks and bugs (and I've had time to work up the PP to afford them). The Hollow Man will probably be written up eventually as an NPC villain. Until then, he could easily be hand-waved by either not being present at all (sending mooks armed with tech to do his dirty work) or as a 'respectable businessman'-type crime lord with high social stats.
  8. Player Name: Fox Character Name: Dragonfly Power Level: 14 (187/233pp) Trade-Offs: +2 Defense / -2 Toughness Unspent PP: 46 Progress to Platinum Status: 123/120 In Brief: Bitter young genius out to apply her mind on her terms, and no one else's. Alternate Identity: Mara Hallomen Identity: Secret Birthplace: France (Dual-Citizenship, French/American) Occupation: Full-Time Inventor/Superhero Affiliations: Ironclad, Jill O'Cure, The Lab Family: Alexander "Hollow Man" Hallomen (Father) Age: 20 (DoB: December 1991) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'5" Weight: ~110lbs, ~160lbs in armor Eyes: Dark Blue Hair: Dirty-Blonde Description: On the short side, slim and modestly proportioned but not exactly muscular, Mara tends to take just enough care of herself to maintain her shape and stay alive, but not much else. She nearly always looks a little strung-out, hair disheveled and eyes tired, like she doesn't sleep well (which she doesn't) or spends long stretches distracted by some project or idea to the neglect of all else (which she does). Her clothing is simple, practical, and subdued in color (shades of gray and black being popular, dark reds, blues, and purples being runners-up). Makeup is practically a foreign concept. Her power suit is built to be sleek and afford her full range of motion, colored in greys and gunmetal blacks with neon blue highlights. The gauntlets are, relative to the rest of the outfit, bulkier and have plating that can shift and rearrange for the task at hand, including deploying a number of small tools; the back of the suit carries a smooth 'backpack'-like piece that extends four short articulated nodes to generate and control her wings in flight. Various parts of the suit, most notably the helmet, can be commanded to pull back or fold away for convenience (though this may, of course, invalidate the suit's life support functions, and there are safeties in place to try to avoid that happening). When not in use the suit is exchanged with a heavy, flexible metal choker that rests at the base of the user's neck; it has no visible clasp and does not look terribly valuable, being made of non-precious metal and what little detail there is being quite obviously glass. Power Descriptions: When Dragonfly's Datalink is active small lights 'dance' behind her eyes; this effect is not very bright, but is highly piercing (being subtly noticeable even through her helmet's lenses, which are otherwise not see-through from the outside). Failed attempts to penetrate her Mental Immunity are met with psychic "static," resistance, and unintelligible echoes of her multiple running thoughts. Her technology-based spatial effects typically manifest as shifting, churning distortions or fragmented space. Some effects are tinted the same distinct neon blue her suit (especially at the gauntlets) emits at the seams and glasswork when charged. In flight the suit creates four thin wings of that same neon blue-tinted energy which leave a soft trail behind her: they are insubstantial, if tingly, to the touch and designed to look like stylized and blade-like dragonfly wings (though they do not flap, but can and do adjust position for in-flight control). History: In certain parts of the underworld you don't buy or sell weapons without knowing the name Hallomen. Word is that for the right price he can get you anything: designer drugs like Max or Zoom, the very latest in illegal technology, and even, once in a rare while – if you can afford it – gadgets from caught supervillains that got 'lost' on their way to the incinerators or science labs. From the back alleys to high-class black market auctions, he supplies whole armies if the price is right and by luck, bribes, and exceptional planning he never seems to get caught; those who've dealt with him jokingly call him the “Hollow Man†(through rarely to his face) in honor of how the police raid into his storehouses and labs to find empty – 'hollow' – rooms. What customers only very rarely know is where most of the new and custom items came from. Hallomen is a cold and ruthless man but a man none the less, and around the turn of the 20th century had a short tryst with a villainess and frequent buyer. He was completely uninterested in the child she bore (what use did he have for a wailing, disgusting baby?) until several years later, when he got word that the child was displaying superhuman traits – signs of high intelligence (for a child of that age) and her mother's ability to control computers by thought alone. Now and only now was the girl useful to him and when the mother was killed (something he calmly claims he had nothing to do with, of course) the daughter fell into his care. Little Mara Hallomen was indeed predicted to be brilliant when she grew older but that simply wouldn't be enough (or soon enough) for the Hollow Man – no, anything good can be made better. He invested considerable resources into her 'education', and so it was that young Mara grew up all but alone in a barely-staffed lab, under a constant regimen of 'vitamins' and 'medicine', supplied with a never-ending stream of knowledge and information; her only human contact was a rare visit from her father, a scant few researchers or guards, and the occasional empath or psychic paid to enhance her mind in ways conventional science could not. Even this was cold comfort, however, as anyone who set foot in the building was under strict orders not to talk to Mara unless absolutely necessary so she could concentrate on her real purpose: designing new and improved tools of crime. From death rays to personal teleporters to battlesuits, she made them all. Old-school and cutting-edge, energy to gravity to good old bullets, she designed a veritable panoply and Hallomen made money hand over fist. Kept docile, driven, and borderline insane as an intended side-effect of her constant "health treatments," the only thing her father could never have predicted was the net effect it was taking on her mind: redundant and parallel in some places, warped and enhanced in others, bit by bit her brain was growing resistant to outside influence. The older she got the more treatment she underwent and the more treatment she underwent the more resistant she became; the more resistant she became the more disquieting her life seemed. Finally, near her 18th birthday, she was resting in what passed for her private room when a lone dragonfly wandered its way through the barred window and caught her eye. To anyone else it wouldn't even have been a remarkable specimen of a dragonfly, but to her the darting little bug was the most beautiful thing in the world: free. Then and there she made up her mind to be as free as the dragonfly was: to escape and feel the wind under her metaphorical wings. Less than a month later, the guards came to wake her and found the room empty, the majority of her research and designs completely destroyed, and a very large sum vanished from her father's own personal bank account. She's managed to stay a step ahead of her father and his goons ever since, figuring Freedom City and its relatively high hero count to be the perfect place to hide out…and test some new designs on her own terms. Personality & Motivation: Mara's more than a little bitter about not having had much of a childhood, and not amazingly socially skilled (which she typically deals with using snark and mistrust). When presented with a puzzle or new idea to build she's energized and almost manic as her brain kicks into gear to solve the task at hand. She's very intelligent and highly rational, but a combination of chronic bad sleep and frequent headaches (both side-effects of her altered brain and assorted substances that are even now still washing out of her system) can make her snide and irate (though continuing social exposure and her ongoing relationship are alleviating many of these problems). Given her life so far, she has a fairly intense dislike of criminals. She's softer at heart than she'd ever admit, having an especially strong drive to aid children, but by and large she's more driven by the victimizers than their victims. It's occurred to her that she could accomplish many of her goals by villainy (at the very least as the sort of villain who hunts other villains as often as they break the law), but believes heroism's just more rational – being strictly on the hero side of things provides more advantages than disadvantages...not to mention helps her sleep a little easier, particularly if she gets her own creations off the streets. Powers & Tactics: Mara dabbles in many areas of technology but most of her combat tech is based on spatial distortions, something she developed under her father's thumb but didn't work the kinks out of until she'd escaped. Her devices, her gauntlets especially, are built to warp and fold space to provide any number of effects. Her Datalink power she finds useful, but more for utility than combat; her mind's resistance to outside influence is something she tries to keep well-hidden as her ace in the hole against manipulation. When given half a chance she plans her battles quickly and efficiently, well aware that she relies on her devices and that those devices have limits. Against an obviously inferior foe she might be careless, but against anything or anyone challenging she is methodical and deliberate, striking when she'll have the upper hand and analyzing the situation for any advantage. Complications: Enemy: The Hollow Man. When she left she dealt a huge (if sadly not crippling) blow to her father's business, not to mention the very large sum of money she took with her. He wants her back, preferably in good condition, though the longer he has to pretend that the key to his most popular items hasn't vanished the more and more flexible he gets as long as she's alive and her head's in one piece. Hatred: People taking advantage of or endangering children, anyone using the creations she thought up, and to a lesser extent organized crime or high-end weapons dealers. HUD: The power suit device communicates most of its Super-Sense powers through Dragonfly's normal senses, and thus may be lost to the appropriate dazzle or similar sense-impairing attack (eg, all visual senses and Uncanny Dodge are lost when visually dazzled; radio signals cannot be 'heard' if deaf; etc). Legacy: Against her best efforts, some of her creations are still being made here and there, and there are still quite a number of older designs floating around through the underworld. Anyone savvy enough, or connected enough, can link this (often quite lethal or empowering) technology to her. Relationship: With Jill O'Cure. Responsibility: Mara now owns and runs Hallomen Advanced Experts (HAX), and is responsible for being the boss and keeping the place going and its people employed, not to mention protecting the rather valuable projects and secrets therein. Secret: Identity. Side-Effects: Powerful depressants and some other compounds (like Zombie Powder) react badly with chemicals and conditioning still in Dragonfly's system; depending on the dosage used she'll range from being slightly neurotic (as her sense of identity fights the old conditioning) up to complete if temporary regression to a happy and disturbing little worker bee that almost mindlessly devours any technical projects put in front of her. Suit Lite: Dragonfly's suit, while in choker form, is severely limited in what it can do - generally speaking, it's capable only of the Dimensional Pocket, Force Field, Shield, and Teleport powers. The device is, of course, only Subtle when in choker form and not actively being used. Abilities: 2 + 4 + 2 + 14 + 2 + 2 = 26PP Strength: 12 (+1) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 24 (+7) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 10 + 10 = 20PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +5, +11 Spatial Control Grapple: +4 Defense: +13/+5 (+5 Base, +8 Shield), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -6/-1/-0 Saving Throws: 6 + 5 + 7 = 18PP Toughness: +9/+1 (+1 Con, +5 Protection [impervious 5], +3 Force Field) Fortitude: +7 (+1 Con, +6) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) Will: +8 (+1 Wis, +7) Skills: 92R = 23PP Computers 10 (+17)Skill Mastery Concentration 4 (+5) Craft (Electronic) 13 (+20)Skill Mastery Craft (Mechanical) 13 (+20)Skill Mastery Disable Device 8 (+15) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 10 (+17) Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+15) Languages 4 (English [Native], French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish) Notice 4 (+5)Skill Mastery Perform (Stringed Instruments) 9 (+10, +12 Masterwork Instruments) Sense Motive 9 (+10) Feats: 15PP Ambidexterity Eidetic Memory Equipment 5 (25EP) Fearless Inventor Luck 2 Master Plan Online Research Skill Mastery (Computers, Craft [Electronic], Craft [Mechanical], Notice) Speed of Thought Equipment: 5PP = 25EP 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 16 + 1 = 25EP Masterwork Double Bass [1EP] Masterwork Violin [1EP] Multitool [1EP] The Lab (HQ) [5EP] The Warehouse (PL10 HQ) [1 + 1 + 14 = 16EP] An outwardly-unremarkable warehouse tucked away in Greenbank, no local gangs or criminals seem to want to talk about it. Funny, that.... Size: Medium [1EP] Toughness: +10 [1EP] Features: [14EP] Concealed (+10 DC) Computer Defense System (Blast 12) Fire Prevention System Garage Laboratory Library Living Space Power (Communication Link [Dragonfly's suit]) Power System Security System 3 (DC30) Workshop Alternate HQ [1EP] Hallomen Advanced Experts [2 + 1 + 13 = 16EP] A solid, simple lab building in the North End that houses one of Freedom City's newest up-and-coming technology consultant groups, with a little something extra hidden in a sub-basement that's not on the building plans.... Size: Huge [2EP] Toughness: +10 [1EP] Features: [13EP] Concealed (+10 DC) Computer Cover Facility Defense System (Blast 12) Fire Prevention System Laboratory Library Personnel Power System Security System 3 (DC30) Workshop Powers: 9 + 2 + 74 = 85PP Altered Brain 1.6 (8PP Container [Passive, Permanent], Feats: Innate) [9PP] Immunity 10 (Mental Effects, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect]) [5PP] Quickness 6 (x100, Flaws: Limited [Mental Tasks]) [3PP] Datalink 2 (Mental, 100ft) [2PP] (Mutation) Device 18 (90PP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose, Feats: Restricted [Datalink], Subtle) [74PP] (Powersuit, Technology) A high-tech armored suit capable of warping space to various effects. It requires Datalink to be properly piloted. When not in use it exchanges (via spatial technology and Quick Change) with a solid-looking metal choker that rests at the base of the wearer's neck. Auxiliary Power Array 4 (8PP Array; Feats: Dynamic Base Power, Dynamic Alternate Power) [11PP] Base Power (Dynamic): Flight 4 (100mph / 1,000ft per Move Action) [8PP] (Auxiliary Power Allocation: Flight) Alternate Power (Dynamic): Super-Strength 4 (STR 30 [Heavy Load: 1,600lbs]) [8PP] (Auxiliary Power Allocation: Strength) Communication 5 (radio, 5 mile range; Feats: Subtle) [6PP] Features 1 (Improvised Tools) [1PP] Force Field 3 (Feats: Selective) [4PP] (Spatial Control) Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9PP] Protection 5 (Extras: Impervious) [10PP] (Armor Plating) Shield 8 (Feats: Evasion 2) [10PP] (Spatial Control) Spatial Control 11 (22PP Array; Feats: Accurate 3, Alternate Power 3, Precise) [29PP] (Spatial Control [unless otherwise noted]) Base Power: Blast 11 (10 110ft Range Increments / 1,100ft Max Range) [22PP] Alternate Power: Strike 11 (Extras: Penetrating [DMG 22]) [22PP] (Spatial Blade) Alternate Power: Dimensional Pocket 10 (Feats: Progression [Cargo] 1 [100 tons], Quick Change) [22PP] Alternate Power: Stun 11 [22PP] (Electricity, "Taser-Hand") Super-Senses 6 (Analytical Visual Senses, Communication Link [warehouse HQ], Direction Sense, Infravision, Spatial Awareness [visual], Uncanny Dodge [Radio]) [7PP] Teleport 1 (100ft per Move Action, Feats: Turnabout) [3PP] (Spatial Control) DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC16 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Dimensional Pocket Touch DC20 Reflex Trapped DC20 Will (+1 per round) Escape Spatial Blade Touch DC26 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) Spatial Blast Ranged DC26 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) Taser Hand Touch DC21 Fortitude (Staged) Dazed/Stunned/Unconscious Abilities (26) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (23) + Feats (15) + Powers (85) - Drawbacks (0) = 187/233 Power Points
  9. I've got that when I'm up...hopefully. I think. Probably will require extra effort (will run the idea by Shaen first), and only if the engine doesn't go splodey during Talos' or his bots' turns....
  10. Reflex Save (1d20 + 7=17) Toughness Save (1d20 + 6=7) ...oh dear. Cashing in a hero point to re-roll Toughness. Hero point re-roll on Toughness (1d20 + 6=22) Failed reflex, failed toughness by 3: bruised?
  11. Gaian Knight init: 1d20 + 0 = 3
  12. RETCON: Move Object to move the cement (and the man and dog on it) over to the far west side of the bridge.
  13. I don't know who that guy is - was? man, that's gonna leave a mark - but I am so very, very glad he's not me. Or I'm not him. Whichever. Gaian shook his head to clear it. The guy with the...guitar...?...has the minivan, which leaves....right, then. Planting his feet and spreading his arms, a soft, earthy golden glow swirled around Gaian Knight's hands as the concrete from the wrecked mixer broke apart, spun together under the man and his dog, and carried them to the far side of the the west lanes, hopefully well out of the reach of mechanical spiders. "Sir? Uh, you...might want to get to safety...quickly. We've got this." ...I hope.
  14. Aw, man. Gaian Knight could not have looked more dejected if he tried. Stuck in costume in...where the heck is this, anyway? Should have brought my map, but nooo, what kind of hero carries a map around in their...coat? At first he only saw the girl, panicked and watching the...golden fire man? This city's insane. In a good way. But what was- And then he saw the demons. Oh. Well, then. Save the girl in distress. Good plan!
  15. Gaian Knight, reporting for (mildly inept) duty.
  16. Gaian Knight News Post - On Inertia (1) Reputation The Interview The Questionnaire World Domination Through Recycling (3) LOLWTFBBQ (2) 1 + 3 + 2 = 6 = 1pp + reputation (1) + interview (1) + hellQ (2) = 5pp Dragonfly News Post - New to the City Reputation (really too short to count, so far - no superhero reputation!) 1 = 1pp
  17. Fox

    Gaian Knight

    Tarrant's Journal, 6/25/2010 So I guess I should keep a record of things and thoughts, just in case...heck, I don't know. Maybe in case I manage to knock myself upside the head with a rock some day. Or someone else does it for me. Or maybe I just got a little record-crazy in all those years of school...eh. Moving on. I've been thinking a lot lately on how different types of earth have different...I don't even know. Personalities, if that makes any sense? Natures, even. I can move and shape them all but it's always a little different. What's really fascinating to me, though, is when people have already done something with the stone - processed or shaped earth of any kind. Raw ore I can throw around but not shape very well, but finished metal I can't even sense reliably. Statues and sculptures resist reshaping just a tiny bit more than normal rock. Strangest of all are things like cement, bricks, asphalt...they seem to have a sense of purpose that doesn't want to be disrupted, as crazy as that sounds. Bricks don't mind being moved but it's hard to make them into anything that isn't brick-shaped; cement is pretty easy to toss around but seems a little faded when I close my eyes and feel it out. Asphalt's the worst of all. The stuff is barely even earth anymore. I don't even bother with it - better to grab something else nearby or yank 'real' earth up from underneath. It just...wants to be asphalt. It doesn't really care what you're trying to do with it, and it will fight you to stay on the ground where it 'belongs'. On the bright side, this sort of...purpose inertia makes it really very easy to fix up any collateral damage I may cause...uh, ripping 'real' earth up through the street, I guess. Woops. Anyway, putting a rock cliff face back together? That's hard. But the streets want to be streets and will practically fix themselves.
  18. Fox

    Gaian Knight

    Introduction Who are you? Sum yourself up in one sentence. My name is Tarrant McLeod - I'm a professor of earth sciences at FCU. Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or nom de plume? When out heroing I go by 'Gaian Knight'. Couple of wise guys back in college saw me rockclimbing and called me 'Highlander'. Please...please don't. What is your full birth name? Tarrant David McLeod. Not much Scottish blood in the family by now, but it comes down from my father's side. Where do you live? I have a nice, small house tucked in around where Kingston and Hanover meet. A little more Kingston than Hanover, I guess. How old are you? What year were you born (if applicable)? 25 - was born in October, 1984. Physical Traits What is your gender? If not applicable, please explain. Male. ...."if not applicable"? How would you describe your heritage? Oh, your classic mutt. Lots of Scottish on my dad's side. Little bit everything on my mom's. How tall are you? Six feet. No more, no less. What is your body type? I'm no bodybuilder, but I like to stay pretty active. Do you have any particular weaknesses, such as allergies or physical disabilities? Nothing comes to mind. How do you carry yourself? Are you graceful, or heavy on your feet? Can you be stealthy, do you walk with confidence? Er...somewhere in the middle? Not exactly light on my feet, I guess. Was never very good at sneaking around, either. Describe your skin, eye, and hair color. Average Caucasian, with a little tan. Green eyes, boring brown hair. How do you wear your hair, if applicable? Do you have facial hair? I keep it pretty short - hard to wash dirt out of long hair, and I run into a lot of dirt. No facial hair...just too much bother to keep trimmed. Do you consider yourself attractive? Do others? I guess? I'm not really my type, haha! I'm told I'm decent-looking. Do you have any scars, tattoos, piercings, or birthmarks? None of those last three, but I've got my fair share of little scars from nicks and accidents. Do you resemble anyone famous? Was once told that David Tennant could play me if my life was a movie. I don't believe it for a second. Do you have a dominant hand? Yup, right-handed. What kind of clothing do you wear? Simple stuff if I can. Jeans, t-shirts, tank-tops if I'm going to be out rockclimbing or something. Dress up a little for teaching: slacks, vest, tie, button-up shirt. Do not wear dress shoes, ever. Stupid things aren't comfortable or practical at all. Do you wear makeup? ...what? No! What is your vocal range? Is your voice distinctive in some way? Eh, middle-of-the-road. A little on the deeper side, I guess? Do you have any distinctive habits, nervous tics, or mannerisms? Where did they come from, and what causes them? Do other people notice and remark on these habits? Do they annoy you or other people? Guess I slump quite a bit when I sigh or feel dejected. Not sure where I picked that up, though...just something that's been a habit for ages. Been told it makes my mood pretty easy to read. History Where do you come from? Grew up more towards the west coast. Have you made any major moves, or do you live in your hometown? Moved clear over here to Freedom City when I finished out my degree...wanted a fresh start. Do you feel loyal to your country of citizenship? Do you consider yourself patriotic? How do you feel about the government of your country? I...guess? More to the citizens than the leaders. I guess the government does what it can, as best it can, but I don't always agree with the decisions they make. How do you feel about the place you come from? Nice place. Very, very wet. Not sad to be away from all that depressing rain. Where is your home town? What was/is it like? Little place on the west coast. Pretty nice - quiet. Simple folk. Not 'salt of the earth' simple, but a nice little community. Growing up, were most of the people you knew similar to you, or were you somehow a minority? How did that affect you? Nah, whole town was pretty much just like me. Makes it kinda hard to grasp the minority thing sometimes, sad to say. Is there something you've always been really good at or really bad at? How has that affected your life? Always been good with rocks - studying them, identifying them, playing with them, even sculpting or carving them. Sort of informed my career. Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)? Barely escaped an avalanche once. I guess most people would have been traumatized...I thought it was fascinating. I was a weird kid. Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life. Went on a camping trip when I was...I don't even know. Pretty young. We went and saw this canyon I can't even describe. Huge, layer upon layer of all these different rocks and stones, dawn light shining on 'em...ahh, it was beautiful. Wanted to know more and more about what I'd seen after that. What stupid things did you do when you were younger? Climbed things I really shouldn't have. Gave my mother gray hair, I think, every time she saw me sitting on top of some huge rock pile or cliff or rooftop. Where did you go to school? How much school did you have, and did you enjoy it? Nice university not far from where I lived. Got clear through to a Doctorate - enjoyed it a lot. Heck, I'd hope I had, since I'm teaching other people now! Do you have any mementos of your childhood? What are they, and why did you keep them? If you have none, why not? Still got an old box full of keepsakes and some 'precious rocks'...which aren't precious at all, of course, now that I know what they actually are. But they're full of memories, so they're precious to me. When did you decide to become a hero? Why? Did anyone influence you one way or another in the decision? Seems like if I have all this power, I really ought to be using it to help people. I guess it just...feels right? No one really helped me out with the decision - never found a way to tell anyone I could move dirt with my mind. Is the reason you give people for becoming a hero different than your real reason? If so, why? Nah, that's pretty much it. Helping people's fun and feels good, and I'd feel guilty if I didn't. Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you? Not that I can think of. I once pulled a girl's pigtails in school. Does that count? Do you represent yourself as being different from who you really are? Why? I'm not as confident in a fight as I like to pretend I am. All that talking? That's me dealing with my nerves. If you do have these secrets, what do you fear would happen if the truth became known? How far would you go to protect those secrets? What, if it came out that I pulled a girl's pigtails in school? Don't really think I'd get much abuse for that. Do you have any sort of criminal record? If so, is it public knowledge? Couple speeding tickets...one arrest when a friend and I got drunk after a bad exam. Nice guy, that policeman. Kept us only long enough for us to sober up. Probably public record somewhere. Family What are your biological parents' names? Michael and Sarah McLeod. Were you raised by them? If not, please explain and describe who raised you. Yep. What was their standing in the community? What did/do they do for a living? Nothing special. Mom stayed at home to raise us, dad worked pretty hard in some office or another. Manager type. Where are your parents now? Still back out west. Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot? Stayed in one place. I guess they moved when I was a baby, but I really wasn't old enough to remember. How did you get along with their parents? How do you get along with them now (if applicable). About as well as any kid does, hah. We get along fine, now - dad doesn't really get what I do, but he's proud of how much I've accomplished. We don't talk much, I guess. How do your parents view you now, or how would they? Guess they're pretty proud. Their little boy is an honest to goodness professor! Don't really get my interest in geology, but I don't really expect them to. Do you have any siblings? If so how many and what are their names? Describe your relationship with them. One brother - Michael Junior. We never really got along. He's got a sneer and a temper he just can't let go of. What was your birth order in the family? Firstborn child. Where are your siblings now (if applicable)? Do they have families of their own? What do they do? He hangs out in the same city I went to college in. Not even sure what he does for money these days, but I hear from a friend that by now he's dated half the attractive women in the city. Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged? 'Estranged' might be too strong. But we don't, and haven't ever, really gotten along, so we don't talk much until our parents force us to. Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular? Naw. I don't like the guy, but I don't hate him. Get along fine with my parents, don't have much extended family. Is any member of the family special to you in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)? Er...not really, I guess. Too much I can't confide in them. Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)? If so, please explain. Brother seems to have side-stepped the whole 'hard-working spirit' that runs in my dad's side. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? If so, please explain, including how it has affected your life. My grandpa once told me I have some famous Scottish warrior's blood in my veins, but I'm pretty bad at history...couldn't for the life of me tell you who they were. Do you have a partner and children currently? If so, please describe them. Nope. No partner, no children, no prospects. Too new to the city, I think, and too busy with other things so far. If you do not have a partner or children, do you want them someday? How firm are you in your opinion on this, and what might change your mind? Yeah, I think I'd like to have a family some day. Nothing huge, but a wife and a kid or two sounds pretty nice. What type of person would be your ideal mate? Hadn't really thought about it. Pretty with a sense of humor, I guess. Relationships Do you have any close friends? If so, please describe them, and how you came to be close to them. Not really. New to the city, lost contact with some of my old friends when I moved. We keep in touch sometimes, but nothing that close. Do you have a best friend? If so, how did they become your best friend? How close are you to your best friend? Nah. If you were to go missing, who would worry about you? Hah. The people who pay me to teach classes! Have you lost any loves? If so, how did it happen, and what did you do? Well I've had a few breakups, but I don't think that's what you mean. So no, don't think so. Do you have any bitter enemies? If so, please describe them and their history with you. My alarm clock. If you have enemies, how do you think they might attempt to work against you in the future? My alarm clock is always working against me. What is the worst thing someone has done to you? Had a so-called 'friend' once who tried to set me up for some pretty bad drug charges by slipping the stuff into my bags at an airport...afraid they'd get caught, I guess. Security guard caught 'em, though. Where do your loyalties lie? In what order? Er...close friends, ladies, citizens, most loyal to least? I guess. Who or what do you trust the most? Why? Friends. Because that's what they're there for, aren't they? Who or what do you despise? Why? Things like 'child abusers' and the like would be cheating, so I'm gonna say "people who abuse trust." Because it's one thing to be an awful person...it's another to inflict that awfulness on someone who has faith in you. What qualities do you admire most in other people? Are these qualities you possess? Honesty, loyalty, a good sense of humor. I'd like to think I have 'em too. What qualities do you hate most in other people? Do you have any of those qualities? Huge egos, complete selfishness, unneeded violence. I...I'd like to think I don't have any of these. Do you have a secret identity? If so, who knows it? Do you hide it from people who are close to you? Why? Yeah. No one knows, that I'm aware of, although I think my old professor suspected something. If he did, he kept it to himself. I try to hide it, to protect myself and my students. Hero work makes you a lot of enemies. Do you work well on teams and in groups? Are you a leader or a follower? Not really used to working on a team, but I do okay. Don't try to lead, at all...leave that to the guys and girls with more experience at this stuff. Are you on a super team? If so, how do you get along with your comrades? Do you trust them, or do you have secrets from them? Nah, I run by myself. Not even sure what I'd do on a super team. Are you a member of any church, fraternal organization, club, committee, political party, or other group? How much time do you spend on that? University work takes up a good chunk of time. I'm new to the department so they like to dump some of the busy work on me. Personality & Beliefs Who are your heroes? I...never really paid much attention to the superhero scene until I pretty much was one. My grandfather was sort of a hero when I was growing up...he was a big, wise man. Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances? Nah. Well, was sort of disillusioned by superheroes in general growing up. Resented them a little, I guess...didn't really understand how hard it was to do what they do. Do you like being a hero? If so, what is the most rewarding part? If not, what makes you keep doing it? Being able to help people makes me pretty happy. That feeling as you watch them walk away safe is...there's not much in the world to beat it. Is there anything that would make you give up hero work, or even switch sides? Switch sides? No way. Give it up...for family, maybe, or for the greater good somehow. What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)? Survive, get better at this whole hero thing. Not getting fired from my new job would be nice. What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)? I don't really like thinking that far ahead...you lose focus on what's happening now. Survive and maybe get tenure at FCU. What is your greatest fear? Why? What do you do when something triggers this fear? Accidentally killing someone, or ruining someone's life. I'm not the most powerful hero out there, but this is still a lot of power to be flinging around. I try to remind myself that I spent a long time practicing control so that wouldn't happen, but it doesn't always help. Is there anything you would give you life for? Another life. How do you feel about money and material wealth? Do you desire it or disdain it? Are you miserly with what you have, or do you like to share? Is it a mark of success, or a means to an end? It's useful. I don't really want to be rich...too much headache. But it's a means to an end, and sometimes those ends can be pretty nice. If I said I didn't like nice things my little house would probably burst into flames. How do you generally treat others? I try to be kind and understanding when possible. Even rude people may just be having a bad day. Are you a trusting person? Has your trust ever been abused? Yeah, maybe a little too trusting sometimes. See the story up there about a friend trying to set me up. Thought he was an okay guy before that.... Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)? Do you have a lot of self-confidence? A little extroverted. I think you have to be to be an interesting teacher. How do you act around attractive, available members of your preferred sex? Not as smartly as I should. Got a long history of being charmed by a pretty face and a nice set of legs, and I'm not sure that'll end soon, sad to say. What are your most annoying habits? Not really sure. Told that I drum my fingers when I'm not paying attention, which has driven a few people up the wall. Do you feel contempt for any general category of people? Who are they, and why? Contempt? I guess people with great gifts that only use them to hurt other people. Seems like they could do something more productive with it. What is your favorite food? Do you prefer any particular type of food? Do you take the time to enjoy your food, or do you eat as fast as you can? Oooh, pie. Any pie. I will shove it down my throat so fast you'll think it was a magic show. What is your favorite drink (alcoholic or otherwise)? I stick to water, mostly, but I'll have a nice beer now and again. Imported, though. Beer made here tends to be...not so good. What is your favorite treat (dessert)? Pie. Do you have pie? 'cos I'd like some if you do. Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat? Really don't like onions. Just something about them I can't stand. Olives, too. What is your favorite color? Are there any colors you dislike? I like red and brown. Not so fond of bright, neon colors like some shades of yellow. What sort of music do you like? Is there any that you hate? Simple music - a voice and an instrument or two. Pretty flexible on genres, though I could never get into rap or hip-hop. If you have a favorite scent, what is it? Fresh-baked goods. Takes me back to home. Do you have a favorite animal? Eh...dogs, I guess. Friends used to tease me that it ought to be the mole. What is your most treasured possession? Why? The sword, I suppose. Don't even know why. Just...just seems like something I should take good care of, somehow. Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts? Creature comforts are well and good, but once in a while you've got to get back to nature. Is there a job or a task you would absolutely refuse to do? Anything that hurts people. Wouldn't be thrilled with really gross jobs, either. Spent a lot of time in college so that I'd never have to muck around in a sewer. Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? If so, how do your beliefs affect your life? How important is it to you? Not really. Maybe a little more now that I can feel part of nature everywhere I go, but don't really subscribe to any major religions. Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special? Family wasn't too church-going. If you belong to a religious organization, how often do you attend? Do you have a specific place of worship, or friends within the organization? How much do you agree with the beliefs of your organization? Guess this doesn't really apply.... Could you kill? Have you killed? ....if I had to. But I wouldn't like it, and it'd have to be the last of last resorts. What circumstances led to you forming that conviction, or taking that action? Life's a terrible thing to waste. I don't want that blood on my hands. Are there circumstances under which you believe it is permissible to kill? What are they? In someone's defense, to save their life. Or a whole bunch of lives. It's not something I like to think about, though. How would you react to watching someone kill another person? Would your reaction be different if the killer was a friend or an enemy of yours? I'd depend on why they're killing someone, but I can guarantee you I wouldn't like it. If it was a friend, they'd better have one hell of a reason. An enemy...if they've killed someone and I'm close enough to watch, that's a personal failure on my part. How would you react if something important was stolen from you? I'd get it back. Myself, if I could, calling in favors or police if I had to, depending on the item. How would you react to public humiliation? I've found that if you force a smile and laugh, you take some of the wind out of the humiliation. Even if you don't want to. How would you react if a good friend or relative were purposely or accidentally killed? Has it happened to you? Hasn't happened. I don't think I'd take it well. What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why? It's a cop-out answer, but short of really high death counts, probably things like rape and torture. Really shouldn't have to explain why.... If your life were to end in 24 hours, what five things would you do in those remaining hours? Spend time with friends, have a drink or two...maybe throw myself at some really nasty villain that's too dangerous to fight otherwise. Career & Training Do you have any special training in your hero skills? If so, where and how did you get it? Some of my geology stuff applies pretty well. Otherwise...no, not really. Who taught you the most about your heroing abilities? What was your relationship with that person? I'm pretty much self-taught. It probably shows. Do you have any particularly unusual skills? How did you acquire them? Besides the whole "moves rocks with his mind" thing? Learned some magic trick stuff back in college...palming and the like. Seemed fun at the time. Do you do something besides hero work for a living? Have you ever done anything else, or do you plan to? I'm a professor at FCU, department of Earth Sciences. Pretty happy with that...plan to do it for a long time, if I can. What is your preferred combat style? Staying away from my enemies and hitting them at range. Not that great in close combat, and I know it. Have you ever received any awards or honours? Nah. Not really one for awards and medals. What skill areas would you like most to improve in? Is there anything you can't do that you wish desperately you could? Need more practice with the earthshaping. Wouldn't mind learning to be better with the sword, or learning to fight without my powers. How do you act around people who are more skilled than you in areas you'd like to improve? Are you jealous, or do you try and learn? I try to learn. I admit I'm a little jealous, but that's not their fault and I try not to let it show. Lifestyle & Hobbies What is a normal day for you? How do you feel when something interrupts this routine? Wake up, take care of some class stuff, teach a class or three depending on the day. Head out to do some hero work, head home and go to sleep. Routine's nice, but interruptions can make things interesting. ...sometimes a little too interesting. Do you have any hobbies, or interests outside hero work? What are they, and where did you pick them up? Once in a while I do some sculpting or stone carving. It's good for the soul and once in a while brings in a little extra money. No real formal training, though...just make what I feel like making. What do you do for fun? What, saving people and defeating criminals isn't fun? I guess the stoneworking is nice and relaxing, and I'll head out to a quiet bar once in a while for a drink. Do you have a costume? What does it look like? Sorta. Kind of threw it together with a few items I bribed out of people. Long brown hooded coat, jeans, boots, mask to keep dirt and sand out of my mouth and nose. The sword, of course; also have some nice goggles I bought (for a pretty penny, too) and a platemail chest piece I had made custom. It's saved my life more than a few times. How do you normally dress when not in costume? Casually on my own...jeans and a t-shirt. Slacks, button-up, vest and tie when I'm teaching. Gotta look presentable, you know? What do you wear to bed most nights? Eh, boxers. Not like anyone's there to comment on my fashion sense. Do you wear any special jewelry? What is it, and what does it look like? Nah, don't like the stuff much. Not that there's much out there for guys. Do you have a special place where you keep your valuables? Hah! Yeah, kinda proud of this one: when you need a secret place to store things, and you can move the earth, where do you put them? Several feet under your concrete basement floor! Good luck finding that, burglars. What's your preferred means of local travel? How about long distance? I have a car for local and long-distance, though I'll take public transit if I'm feeling a little lazy. I can burrow through the ground at a pretty good clip, but it's hard to tell where I am down there. Miscellaneous Have you ever made a will, or tried to make arrangements for your death? What provisions did you make? No, but that'd be a pretty good idea, wouldn't it? I'll have to think on that one. If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body? Oh, geeze. Morbid. Er...I've broken a couple bones here and there. I guess you could check my medical records. What would you like to be remembered for after your death? As a teacher, students are sort of my legacy. If they go on to be successful, I'm happy to be the guy that helped them do that. As a hero...not really one for recognition. If I really went out in a blaze of glory a statue might be nice or something. Do you believe you pose a threat to the public? Why or why not? Not if I'm careful. I tear up a street or two sometimes, but I always put it back the way it should be. What do you perceive as your greatest strength? ...probably that I can move huge rocks with my will alone. Kinda wish I had a more personal answer for this one. What do you perceive as your greatest weakness? Probably a little too trusting, and not too experienced at this hero thing. As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice... Okay, you? You're going to run into a villainess some day and get a sword through your gut because you let your guard down. Also: training is good. Learn to fight better. Toughen yourself up. Learning to control your powers is good, but you really ought to explore pushing the boundaries of what they can do. Make some contacts with the other heroes; you're going to need them.
  19. Fox

    Gaian Knight

    A minute ago he'd been at a party with twins. Now Tarrant was floating in pure white emptiness...in his hero gear. This hardly seems fair. It's been a long couple of days, and now even my dreams have gone funky on me? He spun around in a lazy circle. Really hope this isn't supposed to represent the inside of my head. Especially if this is what I think the inside of my head looks like. Maybe if I concentrate really hard I can bring the twins back. Closing his eyes and gritting his teeth, he tried to do just that...and wouldn't you know it if a pretty girl did pop into being a few feet away. Only she was less pretty and more...impish. And less girl and more...impish. Really it was just pretty impish. A little guy, maybe three feet tall, with a pointy nose several inches long and a gray suit a size too short. Heh. He looks like some kinda other-worldly beancounter. The imp opened his mouth, which apparently was full of tiny, pointed teeth. "I am a beancounter from another world!" Oh, well then. "And you are LATE!" Tarrant blinked. "...late for what?" "For your audit!" "...er?" "Your powers. You are Tarrant David McLeod born Tarrant David McLeod currently a professor at -" the imp checked his notes, "- Freedom City University?" "....yes?" "You are late for your audit! You don't think your powers just happen do you? There's paperwork! There's records to keep! Did no one tell you anything at all when you got them!?" "....no, not really." The imp blinked at him like this was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard. "...what seriously? Those lazy stupid...wait no. What year is it where you are?" "...2010?" Now the little guy was just taken aback. "...oh, well." He glanced down at his little clipboard - Where did he get THAT from? - and back up. "Well...let's get started. I would pull up a chair if I had one but I don't so we'll have to make do with-" Talky little guy. Tarrant waved a hand and suddenly the empty white nothing was an empty white nothing with an endless plane of earth and broken rock to stand on. Another wave and the stone beneath them rippled as two ornate stone chairs twisted and grew. Giving a generous bow, Tarrant took his seat. "...how...how did you possibly..." "Well it's my dream, isn't it?" "....your...yes yes of course it is." Coughing uncomfortably, the imp very carefully floated down to sit. "Let's just get started then." QUESTION 1 "Please state your name alter ego birth date profession and home plane and planet for the record." "...you already told me half of that yours-" "FOR THE RECORD." "Right, okay. Tarrant David McLeod," - he shot the imp a glance and grinned - "born Tarrant David McLeod, October 1984, also known as Gaian Knight. Professor of earth science at Freedom City University, Earth, uh...Earth...plane? The one with Earth." The imp scowled. "You say that like it narrows things down. Nevermind moving on!" QUESTION 2 "Describe your powers." "I can feel and control earth and earthen materials to do a bunch of things. Attack, make stuff, reshape stuff. Some side-abilities, too - I'm more durable now, I can feel the earth around me everywhere I go, seem pretty immune to the hazards of being underground. Except heat. Going too deep doesn't end great." "Yes yes yes anything else?" "I have a sword which, er." Tarrant glanced down at the empty loop on his belt. "Which apparently doesn't want to show up in my dream with me. Near as I can tell it's pretty indestructible, and only I can draw it, but other than that it doesn't seem to do much." QUESTION 3 "And how did you come across these powers?" "The almighty magic answering machine gave them to me." QUESTION 4 The imp didn't look very amused. "I do not think you are taking this audit as seriously as you should. The almighty magic answering machine?" "No, really. There was this big stone...cave thing. With some kinda altar or pedestal in the middle. I touched the altar, I got taken to...somewhere. Kinda a lot like this, actually." Tarrant tilted his head and looked around. "Not this bright, though. Anyway, this magic recording or something of a floating lady in robes gave me some half-broken message about stuff I didn't understand, and poof! Powers. And was back in reality with the sword." "And that was it?" "That was it." QUESTION 5 "That doesn't seem like a very detailed answer." "Yeah, really isn't, is it? But it's about all I know." "No hints no details? Your ghostly mentor hasn't shown up yet?" "No, that's pretty much all I--wait, ghostly mentor? What?" The imp marked a little checkbox on his sheet. "Moving on." "No, wait a second here. Go back to the-" QUESTION 6 "Any important high-ranking high-exposure acts of heroism worth mentioning or worth sharing?" "Er. Well, threw down with some demons a while ago. Fought Talos when he attacked the Centery Bridge." QUESTION 7 The little guy actually looked impressed, raising an eyebrow...clear off his head, to float an inch or so above his scalp. "Talos? Really? Beat him yourself?" Tarrant shifted in his seat a little. "...well, no, not myself. And I didn't really fight him, I mean I was busy with trying to save civilians and being beaten on by robot spiders. People have to come first, you know." His auditor no longer looked impressed. QUESTION 8 "A better baseline for your powers is needed. I will now ask you questions to this end." "Okay." "Can you or have you ever moved a stone weight more than several tons?" "Yes." "Can you or have you ever created a complex hollow object out of solid rock?" "Yes." "Can you or have you ever turned completely into sand?" "...no. Are you implying that I can-" "No. Have you ever been bitten by the interdimensional nose hair worm?" "The what?" "Can you or have you ever used one planet to strike another planet?" "What?" "Can you or have you ever used the Eye of Endless Things to gaze into the mind of your planet and speak the secret that could cleave it in two?" "I don't...that...what??" He scribbled something on the clipboard. "Thank you. That was very helpful." No more late-night burritos. Ever again. QUESTION 9 "Are you currently mated?" "Pardon?" The imp sighed and flipped through a few sheets of paper, looking for something. "Are you...yes are you married dating or have children?" "Er. No. No children, currently single." QUESTION 10 "Have you in the past?" "Dated, yes. Married, children, no." "Hmm." QUESTION 11 "What qualities do you look for in a mate partner or domestic associate?" "What is this, a dating service form?" The imp didn't even look up from his clipboard. "Right, well. Er. Attractive, funny? Generally a nice person? I like a lot of things, some of them sorta mutually exclusive. I guess if I'm going to be doing the heroing thing it'd be nice if she was a hero too. Wouldn't have worry so much then." Tarrant thought about that for a moment, scratching his chin through the facemask. "It'd be nice if she had big-" "Your species' biology is disgusting and you do not need to describe any further thank you." QUESTION 12 "You have mentioned other superheroes. Have you met many?" "Well, some, I mean you can't get too far in Freedom City without tripping over one. I guess I haven't really made close friends yet. Kinda new." QUESTION 13 "What are your thoughts on other magic superheroes?" Tarrant leaned back in his chair. "Really wish I knew more of them, to be honest. Might give me some insight." QUESTION 14 "Science heroes?" He shrugged. "No real thoughts. I'd rather my power be a part of me than be some widget, but if it works for them it works. It's more important they do something good with it." QUESTION 15 "Mutants?" "Er. Depends on the mutation, I guess? I hear some of them are pretty weird. Mostly I kinda feel bad - some of them start out pretty young, sounds like. That's gotta make your childhood or teenage years tough." QUESTION 16 "Aliens?" He blinked. "What, like martians? I dunno. I don't think I've met any. Not that I know of...I guess they're alright." Grinning, he added, "Kinda wonder what they're like. Maybe there's a race out there with-" "Your alien species' biology is also disgusting and also does not need to be described thank you." QUESTION 17 "Demons and the undead?" "Er. Well, they're usually not on the heroic side of things. I guess they might be okay? Really, if someone's heroic, I'll at least give them a shot, you know? It matters more than where they came from." "That is humble understanding and extremely naive." "Yeah, probably." QUESTION 18 "What goals do you have for your future career in heroism?" "I'd really, really like to toughen up a little. Learned in the past few days that I can't take a hit like I should. Wouldn't mind learning to use the sword a little better, too, seems silly to carry it around when I can barely swing it." QUESTION 19 Both the imp's eyebrows shot up above its scalp. "You are not a swordfighter? Then why do you carry a sword?" "I...guess I don't know." Tarrant frowned. "I just...I mean I can't...it...huh. Just doesn't feel right to leave it behind...somehow." QUESTION 20 "That doesn't seem a little odd to you?" "Well, I mean, I guess I don't...really think about it? It just kind of feels right. I guess there must be some reason behind the...the, er...I'm sorry, what was the question about, again?" "Yes...well I think I have all that I need for now." The imp clipped his pen back onto the board, and it disappeared with a little pop. "Thank you for your time. There is only one more thing to say or ask you really." "Er...right, sure. Happy to help. What's the one thing?" "It is only to tell you that BREEEP BREEEP BREEEP BREEP BREEP BREEP BREEP BREEP Tarrant reached out and smacked his alarm clock, staring at it with one bleary eye. Seriously. No more burritos before bed. Ever. He reset the alarm and rolled over. Don't need to be in for another hour or two yet. Maybe those twins are still waiting.
  20. Quick Links Interview Questionnaire Reputation Journal Notes [*:3d9t8h99]05/26/2010 - On Inertia [*:3d9t8h99]01/02/2011 - Weddings and Bees [*:3d9t8h99]03/20/2011 - Unknown Power [*:3d9t8h99]On Dragons
  21. Go, with the speed of a rock! ...wait, no rocks are slow. Initiative: 1d20 + 0 = 10
  22. Tarrant was just heading out to get some paperwork done at the University when he heard the commotion on his radio - he didn't have to listen for long before turning his car around towards the bridge. Well. I guess I had to get involved in more than knocking a thug around eventually.... It took him only a few minutes to get close, find somewhere secluded to stash it, and change into his gear. Less still to make his way to the north end of the bridge and see-- The heck is that thing? Well, Tarrant. This ought to be fun. Or you might get yourself killed. I'm really hoping it's more fun than death. Death would be bad.
  23. Gaian Knight Power Level: 13/15 (225/250 pp) [252] Trade-Offs: -3 Defense / +3 Toughness Unspent PP: 25 In Brief: Young professor, given powers over the earth by unknown forces, just out to do some good in the world. Alternate Identity: Tarrant David McLeod Identity: Secret Birthplace: United States, West Coast Occupation: Professor of Earth Sciences, Freedom City University Affiliations: Sanctuary, Freedom City University, The Freedom League (reserve) Family: Parents (west coast), Brother (location unknown; estranged) Sidekick: Tiamat Description: Age: 29 (DoB: October 1984) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'1" Weight: 170 lbs. Eyes: Green (now flecked with Gold) Hair: Brown A tall man seeming to be in his early to mid twenties, Tarrant’s fit but not overly muscular: he looks more like someone who spends a lot of time outdoors than someone who hits the gym five days a week. Short brown hair tops a charming face with amused green, gold-flecked eyes. Left to his own devices he trends towards simple, durable clothing (jeans, t-shirt, unadorned jacket), but dresses up a bit more for teaching (button-up shirt, vest, tie, and slacks). No matter what he’s wearing, his footwear is practical – “death before dress shoesâ€. His heroing gear seems serviceable but a little slapdash: black fingerless gloves, heavy brown boots, dark jeans, dark red cloth over his mouth and nose, and a long brown hooded coat. Only three items are truly notable: first, a dull metal platemail chestpiece under the coat, apparently designed with an eye towards flexibility; second, a pair of round goggles completely obscuring his eyes; and third, an antique-looking but well-cared-for sword which never leaves his side. Power Descriptions: Gaian Knight leverages the abundant nearby earth for his effects, moving or reshaping it to his own ends, attacking from various angles to surprise his enemies or attack around cover. As a hobbyist sculptor he takes a bit of pride in the appearance of the things he makes, and if he's able he likes to add his own little artistic touches. His magic often causes a noticeable earthy-gold glow that becomes more and more apparent as he takes larger and larger actions, starting around his hands, then his eyes, and finally his whole body (and any rock nearby). Though he rarely notices, long-term use of his power leads to small rocks orbiting him or following him around in the air. History: Young grad student Tarrant McLeod lived a pretty ordinary life up until a friend of his – an archaeology student – called him up to help with a gigantic, mysterious cave they’d unearthed near an old ruined city. Upon entering and touching a distinctly out-of-place pedestal of polished stone he was transported to an unknown, seemingly endless plane of earth where a floating vision of a woman in flowing robes spoke to him in broken sentences and half-formed images, part of some ancient recording or ceremony; she called him the Gaian Knight, charged him with protecting “the swordâ€, and implied the purpose of this place was to empower a defender for the surrounding city when it was at the height of its grandeur. When returned to the cavern he found he’d been linked into the earth: he could feel the stone around him, shape it, move it. He also found a sword and scabbard on the altar where there had been none, and (unconsciously compelled to take it with him) made his way back outside more confused than enlightened. Since then he’s spent quite a bit of time learning to control his power, and took advantage of his new abilities to complete his schooling in record time. Offered a teaching job at FCU, he finally feels like he’s in a place in life where he can apply what he’s learned...in more ways than one. Personality & Motivation: Strange sense of humor and (sometimes forced) cheer; Tarrant’s a decent guy at heart, level-headed, stubborn, and somewhat 'salt of the earth' – he feels bad when he sees bad things happen, he wants to help when someone’s in need of help. He never paid much attention to superheroes growing up (something he regrets, now), but he genuinely enjoys helping people, even if he’s aware that may be occassionally naïve. He enjoys cheap magic tricks and carving/sculpting small art pieces in his spare time. Powers & Tactics: With his determination and power-reinforced body, Tarrant tends to be the proverbial immovable object in a fight; he won't walk heedless into danger, but if necessary he will stand and take his licks while giving as good as he gets. He's no master combatant or tricky fighter - he tends to fight as simply and as effectively as he can while minimizing the outright damage he's doing to most opponent. Complications: Honor (Chivalry): Respect and honor; he’s not an old-school knight, but even before getting his powers he was of the “won’t hurt a lady†sort. Though he’s not usually compelled to fight fair (since your average mook isn’t going to extend him the same courtesy) he can be easily convinced to listen to his opponent’s side of things... and to fight a fair battle against an enemy he knows (or thinks) is honorable. Responsibility: Professor. He tries to arrange his schedule (and the assigned homework!) as best he can, but he does have students to help and classes to teach. Secret: Identity. Teleportal: Gaian Knight's portals require an anchor - he can only create a portal to somewhere he's already set up a special anchor stone, usually in the form of an archway. No anchor, no portal - and destruction of any anchor prevents him from opening a portal to that location until he can get there some other way to fix it. Abilities: 4 + 0 + 6 + 4 + 6 + 4 = 24pp Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 18 + 14 = 32pp Initiative: +0 Attack: +9 Base, +13 Earthshaping Grapple: +11 Defense: +10 (+7 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -8/-3/-1 Saving Throws: 10 + 8 + 7 = 25pp Toughness: +16/+7/+3 (+3 Con, +13 Protection or +4 Breastplate) Fortitude: +13 (+3 Con, +10) Reflex: +8 (+0 Dex, +8) Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) Skills: 72R = 18pp Climb 4 (+6) Concentration 12 (+15) Craft (Artistic) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Earth Sciences) 13 (+15) Notice 12 (+15, +11 Nightvision Goggles) Perform (Oratory) 5 (+7) Sense Motive 8 (+11) Sleight of Hand 10 (+10) Feats: 36pp Dodge Focus 3 Equipment 6 (30EP) Luck 2 Precise Shot Sidekick 24 + 15 (Veteran Award) = 39 Equipment: 6pp = 30ep Customized Platemail Chestpiece (Protection 4) [4ep] Goggles (Flash/Nightvision) [4ep] League Communicator (Communication 5 (Radio; Extra: Area (5 miles), Flaw: Limited [Other League Communicators]) [5ep] Masterwork Sculpting/Carving Tools [1ep] Flying Islands (PL12 HQ) [16ep] A handful of large land masses floating above the surface of Earth-Sanctuary. The largest, central 'island' has a very nice castle, of all things. Size: Colossal [5ep] Toughness: +10 [1ep] Features: [9ep] Holding Cells (Toughness +15) Infirmary Isolated Library Living Space Pool Power: Flight 8 (Extras: Duration [Continuous]) [24pp] Power System Sealed Workshop Powers: 1 + 6 + 54 + 3 + 3 + 13 + 10 = 90pp Burrowing 1 (1mph / 10ft per Move Action) (Earth, Magic) [1pp] Device 1 (5pp Container, Flaws: Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 [Current Knight]) [6pp] An old and ornate-looking masterwork sword. Strike 4 (Feats: Mighty) [5pp] Earthshaping 22 (44pp Array, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 8) (Earth, Magic) [54pp] Base Power: Create Object 13 (13 cubes, Lifting STR 65 [Heavy Load: 100 tons], Toughness +13; Extras: Duration [Continuous], Range [Perception], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Precise, Progression 3 [50ft cubes], Stationary) [44pp] Alternate Power: Blast 13 (10 130ft Range Increments / 1,300ft Max Range; Extras: Autofire, Feats: Indirect 2, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing]) [42pp] Alternate Power: Blast 13 (1,300ft Max Range; Extras: Area [General, Shapeable], Feats: Indirect 2, Progression [Area] 2 [65 5ft cubes], Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing]) [44pp] Alternate Power: Burrowing 10 (1000mph / 10,000ft per Move Action; Extras: Affects Others, Area [General, Burst, 100ft diameter tunnel], Feats: Progression [Reverse Area] 10 [5ft-100ft tunnel], Subtle) [41pp] Alternate Power: Move Object 22 (Lifting STR 110 [Heavy Load: 50K tons]; Extras: Range [Perception], Flaws: Limited [Earth]) [44pp] (Earth Control) Alternate Power: Move Object 11 (Lifting STR 55 [Heavy Load: 24 tons]; Extras: Damaging) [33pp] (Earthen Hands) Alternate Power: [10 + 34 = 44pp] Obscure 5 (Visual Senses, 500ft Max Range, 100ft radius; Extras: Independent, Total Fade [10 rounds]) [10pp] Snare 13 (10 130ft Range Increments / 1,300ft Max Range; Feats: Indirect 2, Obscure Senses 5 [All], Reversible) [34pp] Alternate Power: Super-Movement 3 (Dimensional Movement 3 [Any], Extras: Linked [Teleport], Portal, Flaws: Action 2 [standard Action to open Portals]) [6pp] + Teleport 11 (2 million miles ["Earth To Past The Moon"]; Extras: Accurate, Linked [Dimensional Movement], Portal, Flaws: Action 2 [standard Action to open Portals], Feats: Change Velocity, Progression [Portal Size] 2 [25ft x 25ft], Complications: Medium [Anchor-Stones]) [33pp] [6 + 36 = 42pp] Alternate Power: Transform 10 (Earth Into Earth, 1000 lbs., 10 100ft Range Increments / 1000ft Max Range; Extras: Duration [Continuous/Lasting], Feats: Precise) [41pp] Flight 3 (50mph / 500ft per Move Action; Flaws: Platform) [3pp] (Earth, Magic) Immunity 3 (Aging, High-Pressure Environments, Suffocation [underground]) [3pp] (Earth, Magic) Protection 13 [13pp] (Earth, Magic) Super-Senses 10 (Detect Earth 2 [Mental, Extras: Accurate, Acute, Analytical, Radius, Ranged], Tremorsense [Tactile, Extras: Ranged]) [10pp] (Earth, Magic) [table]DC Block ATTACKRANGESAVEEFFECT UnarmedTouchDC17 Toughness (StagedDamage (Physical) SwordTouchDC21 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical) BlastRangedDC28* Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical) Area BlastRanged/AreaDC23 Reflex1/2 Effect DC28 Toughness (StagedDamage (Physical) Create ObjectRangedDC23 ReflexTrapped Dropped ObjectRanged/AreaDC23 ReflexNo Effect DC28 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical) Earth ControlPerceptionGrapple checkPinned/Bound Move ObjectRangedDC26 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical) Thrown ObjectRangedDC28 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical) SnareRangedDC23 Reflex (Staged)Entangled/Bound Disabled (All Senses)[/table]*Up to DC34 with Autofire. Abilities (24) + Combat (32) + Saves (25) + Skills (18) + Feats (36) + Powers (90) - Drawbacks (0) = 225/250 Power Points Character Name: Tiamat Power Level: 11 (195/195pp) Trade-Offs: -4/+4 Attack/Damage, -4/+4 Defense/Toughness Unspent Power Points: 0 In Brief: A dragon stuck in the modern world, with a chance at a clean slate and a society with fewer torches and pitchforks. Alternate Identity: Teagan Delphyne Identity: Secret Birthplace: Europe, Alternate Earth Occupation: Part-Time Translator Affiliations: Gaian Knight, Sanctuary Family: None local. Description: Age: 297 Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties Gender: Female Ethnicity: Lizard (Caucasian, in human form) Height: 6' (human), up to 16' (dragon) Weight: 165lbs / ~6 tons Eyes: Red Hair: Dark red, down to her shoulder blades Tall and fit with dark red hair and red eyes, few would disagree that Teagan is attractive, but not the sort of attractive one finds on a runway or the cover of a magazine; where willowy supermodels may look like they'd be blown over by a strong wind, Teagan Delphyne is better described as the strong wind itself. Strong, pleasant features built on a (deceptively) strong frame, she wouldn't look terribly out of place in a suit of armor at the head of a medieval army. It's something she's likely well aware of, as when fighting crime she dons a dark grey and red chestplate and cape over dark red pants and sturdy boots, her hair pulled up and her identity hidden under a simple domino mask. When she changes to her true form, though, she looks like the thing the army rides against: large and truly powerful, a European-style quadrupedal, horned dragon straight out of myth and legend. Her hide runs dark along her underside but a deep crimson everywhere else, a huge creature of teeth and scales and awful beauty. But for all her savage glory, the intelligence behind her slitted red eyes mark her unmistakeably as above a common beast. Power Descriptions: Teagan's powers are typically either subtle or inherent to her being - the major exception to this is her fire breath, a directed storm of billowing red and orange flames. When changing shape her personal belongings disappear, clothes and mace simply lost from existence until she changes back. History: Once upon a time there was a dragon, living in a world where magic had never quite been traded in for science, and where the populace knew that dragons were something to be feared and destroyed, lest they destroy cities and eat livestock...or worse. And that's precisely what dragons did, too: difficult to gather together when your species is so competetive, and nigh impossible to blend into human society (even if you could disguise your eyes and hair and hide from too-clever wizards) when the magic that offered you human form left you marked with a symbol of what you truly were. It was simply the way of things. It was how Teagan was raised, and it was how she lived, until one day she encountered a dimensionally-displaced heroine from a far-away place called Freedom City. They fought, of course, but even a mighty dragon isn't prepared for modern technology; her last waking memory on her home was hitting the ground and assuming that the nearby peasants would take advantage of her weakness and finish her, once and for all. And then she woke up somewhere very different with a very strange man nearby. He smelled of earth and old magic, and patiently explained that this may have been the way of things, but circumstances had offered her a new way: a clean slate, in a new place, full of strange people and powers. A place where she could blend in, if she wanted. Where her kind was the stuff of unbelieved but fondly-remembered legends, where - if she chose, and wanted it badly enough - she could be respected, not feared...or at least, only feared by those worth being feared by. Where every day could be something new, and interesting, and carry fights to remember. Personality & Motivation: Teagan is proud, and she can be more than a little brash and hot-headed, but with a new chance and a clean slate her heart's in the right place. Helping people - and having them thankful to be helped! - is both novel and deeply gratifying, and the ability to fight truly worthy battles is the delicious icing on a delicious cake. She's loyal to a fault (once you earn that loyalty), enjoys a good challenge (and generally respects those who give her one), and willing to stand her ground, no matter the cost, for a good cause. She has a lot to learn about her new world, but she's not as thick-headed as she'd like to appear - she learns quickly, and looking foolish or out of place hurts her dignity enough that she puts real effort into trying to fit into modern day America. Powers & Tactics: No matter her form or the battle, her strategy is pretty straight-forward: hit it until it stops fighting back, and then stop hitting it. She's a little too used to being able to win by pure, overwhemling force, but she's a clever and experienced fighter (if largely self-trained) coming from a lifetime of conflict. Complications: Compu-whatnow?: Teagan's adjusted well enough to modern life, but where she's from they didn't have 'computers' and 'cars' and 'cell phones'. Dragon: Dragon. Secret: Identity. Abilities: 14 + 2 + 14 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 40pp Strength: 24 (+7) / 40 (+15) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 24 (+7) / 32 (+11) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16pp Initiative: +1 Attack: +4 Base, +5 Melee, +6 Mace, +9 Unarmed (human) / +7 Unarmed (dragon) Grapple: +16 / +30 / +40 (Super-Strength) Defense: +9 (+4 Base, +5 Dodge Focus) / +7 Dragon, +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3 / -15 Saving Throws: 3 + 7 + 9 = 19pp Toughness: +7 (+7 Con) / +15 (+11 Con, +4 Protection) Fortitude: +10 (+7 Con, +3) / +13 (+11 Con, +3) Reflex: +8 (+1 Dex, +7) Will: +10 (+1Wis, +9) Skills: 64r = 16pp Bluff 8 (+10) Intimidate 16 (+18, +22 dragon) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+10) Language 1 (Draconic [native], English) Notice 10 (+10) Search 3 (+5) Sense Motive 8 (+8) Survival 10 (+10) Feats: 16pp Attack Focus (Melee) 1 Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 2 Dodge Focus 5 Equipment 1 Fast Task (Startle) Power Attack Ritualist Set-Up Startle Takedown Attack Uncanny Dodge (auditory) Equipment: 1pp=5ep League Communicator (Communication 5 (Radio; Extra: Area (5 miles), Flaw: Limited [Other League Communicators]) [5ep] Powers: 53 + 4 + 16 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 88pp Alternate Form 9 (45pp Container; Extras: Duration [Continuous], Drawbacks: Action [Move]) [53pp] (dragon form; magic, shapeshifting) Damage 3 (stacks with Damage 8 below; Extra: Area (General, Cone), Feats: Alternate Power 1) [7pp] Alternate Power: Super-Strength 10 (Heavy Load: 3,200 tons; Feats: Super-Breath, Thunderclap) (22/22) Flight 2 (25mph / 250 ft per move action) [4pp] Growth 8 (Extras: Duration [Permanent, +0], Feats: Innate) [25pp] Protection 4 (Feats: Innate) [5pp] (dragon hide) Super-Movement 1 (Wall-Crawling) [2pp] Super-Senses 2 (Auditory (Extended), Visual (Extended)) [2pp] Comprehend 2 (Speak Any, Understand Any) [4pp] (gift of tongues) Damage 8 (Extras: Area (General, Cone)) [16pp] (fire breath) Device 1 (Flaw: Easy-to-Lose) [3pp] A heavy, unadorned dull steel mace with a leather-wrapped handle and a hanging leather loop. Feature (Masterwork; +1 Attack) [1pp] Strike 3 (Feat: Mighty) [4pp] Immunity 11 (Aging, Fire Effects [Flaw: Half]) [6pp] Super-Senses 6 (Detect Magic [Olfactory, Extra: Acute], Infravision, Ultra-Hearing) [6pp] [table]DC Block ATTACKRANGESAVEEFFECT Unarmed (human)TouchDC22 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical) Unarmed (dragon)Touch (10')DC30 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical) MaceTouchDC25 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical) Fire Breath (human)80' coneDC23 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Fire) Fire Breath (dragon)110' coneDC26 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Fire) Thunderclap55' radiusDC21 ReflexDeafened DC21 Fortitude (-1/round)Recover[/table] Abilities (40) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (16) + Feats (16) + Powers (88) - Drawbacks (0) = 195/195 Power Points
  24. Haa. Thank you. Dropped Earth Awareness for Detect Earth with a small bundle of extras, but lower range. Stole a point from the array for balance - no more area snare. Seemed like a fancy, detailed move for a non-veteran crimefighter anyway. Barring other corrections I'll see if I can't get any final tweaks in, dust off my writing skills, and actually get this thing submitted. Thank you for help, all you helpy people.
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