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Tiffany Korta

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Everything posted by Tiffany Korta

  1. Burst of Light 1d20+7-2=11, oh well one last HP 1d20+7-2=7, so 17 to hit.
  2. So we have : Initiative 16 Whiplash - Unharmed - 1 HP 16 Demon 2 (Minion) - Unharmed - GM 12 Demon 1 (Minion) - Unharmed - GM 11 Pyre - Unharmed - 2 HP Whiplash up first.
  3. Revenant Something Fishy (2) Third Time Sucky (18) Young Britannia Light Lunch (2) Pass the Plate (1) HellQ Wiki Entry GMing (5 to Revenant, rest to YB please) Double Pink (11) The Devil his Due (6)
  4. Lucy gentle pushed Jake into a nearby seat, before taking a seat herself. “That would be lovely; I think my friend here could do with a double." she gave a little smile "My name is Lucy and this young man is Jake.†She looked at the woman’s face looking signs, anything that marked her out as the same as her. Nora had looked fairly normal, but she was the prototype, this woman seemed so alive if not a little pale. Then again she was quite vibrant in her own way, and Veronica wasn’t any paler than someone who spent their time indoors. She forced herself to relax, this wasn’t some manly face off, it was two special woman discovering if they had something on common.
  5. Auto N Warehouse The energy flowed through the tank and a mixture of the brown liquid and gas leaked from large cracks. There was however a temporary flash of some kind of force field and the energy quickly dissipated. <â€I see. The plan was always to replace her, as we are doing now. I wonder if we can do the same with you?â€? The tank began to split apart as the warehouse began to fill with a fine brown mist/fog that the creature breathed. The creature began to unfurl it tentacles toward Starlight.
  6. Tonight the part of a giant alien squid will be played by AA's Hulking Blob, whilst the drone will be a slightly modified Alien Inflitrator. The Giant Squids Toughness Save 1d20+14=16. Oh no Squid ain't going down like that. So a Hero Point for Starlight and Iniaitves for everyone. For Starlight : Nes-456 1d20+1=4 Drone 1d20+7=19 For Synth : Assistant 1d20+7=19 (wow they really are clones )
  7. Auto N Warehouse <â€With all respect in this place you can demand nothing. But I shall tell you as a sign of trust. The company is called Farrel Biotech.â€> CEO’s Office Nikki’s voice chuckled in Synth’s ear “You might have to tone it down a little, at least until he signs. Wait that isn’t…†From her ear and from outside the office came the loud ping of an elevator arriving. The man gave a broad smile “Ah, my allies have arrived I’m afraid we’re going to have to replace you.†His assistant who had been quiet the whole time suddenly stepped forwards as her features shifted into that of Mrs Hawthorn. Auto N Warehouse <“But as we speak, at the human owners suggestion, we are in the process of taking ownership of a Corporation. I believe he called it Roseus…â€>
  8. Lucy gave a sigh, why did she always end up babysitting people in these situations? “Okay, but you stay behind me keep quiet until I know it’s safe and if it all starts getting dangerous you hide somewhere, and you keep hidden even if I seem to go down.†She stepped in front of Jake and stopped at the doorstep, nodding to the elderly gentleman. “Thank you, if you’d like to lead the way. This young gentleman her.†She gestured to Jake “Is my guest and under my protection.†She just hoped they were old fashioned enough to recognize the rules of hospitality.
  9. Okay your opponments de jour are two Lesser Demons from Book of Magic (p 86), tough but minions (I hope). For my sanity I'm keeping Revenant out of the picture, unless it get's all pera shaped. So Initiatives please. Demon 1 : 1d20+7=12 Demon 2 : 1d20+7=16
  10. “This summoner must be hidden away somewhere or one someone would have found out about him by now. And there is only one person who would have been important enough to know where he could be. I’m going to see about arranging a meeting with Lady Femme, would be a minute.†Whiplash soon had her answer in a text which consisted mainly of expletives, which she took to mean yes. Beaudrie Opera House The hordes of hell were dragging Faust down as the news arrived. The mobster shuffled in nervously, the creepy thing in the robes always made him nervous. “The men at the apartment report that the police have arrived. It won’t be long before news get out.†He paused and swallowed hard, he wasn’t going to like this. “But some of those super types also showed up. Including her…†The opera must have been good; he didn’t lose his temper at all. Instead he gestured to his pet summoner. “I think we should send them a warning, don’t you?†The robe figure didn’t answer, other than a hissing laugh, but began a chant in a strange tongue. Southside There was a smell of sulfur and above the two waiting heroes and a shimmering in the air forming two winged humanoid figures…
  11. Jake may have been fast, but Lucy was faster. She lifted Jake off of his feet and whipped off her sunglasses fixing his glare with her cold black eyes. “You want to know the true secret of Immortality she’s selling. It’s nothing but a shell game, another form of vampirism. And vampires are dangerous, and she’s somehow involved with them.†Her face softened and she managed a small smile. “If it nothing then I’ll sort out a meeting I promise. But I need to know if it’s safe first, I won’t, I can’t, put you in any kind of danger†She didn’t want the same kind of near disaster that had happened when she had met Nora.
  12. CEO’s Office “…and I have powerful backers. If you don’t drop this I’m going to have to take extreme measures!†The first meeting had gone really well, the women running the shelter couldn’t believe the size of the donation Roseus were offering. The moment that the secretary showed in the representative of Farrel BioTech he burst straight in, followed by his timid little assistant and straight way started on “Mrs Hawthornâ€. It seems that he wasn’t keen on giving up the company. “I already have powerful allies and they are willing to step in if you insist on trying to take over Farrel BioTech.â€
  13. Auto N Warehouse The mould right next to Starlight began to fill with the pink liquid and began to take on a humanoid form. <â€You will understand if I don’t let you wander around unescorted.â€> a strange sound that might have been a chuckle <â€The drone will bring you to me.â€> The drone a pink humanoid figure stood up and gently guided Starlight to the center of the warehouse. This area was dominated by a huge oval shaped tank filled with a thick brownish gas. Within was the large bulk of the creature partially concealed by the fog, but vaguely cephalopod in shape. <â€I am Nes-456 of the Tine collective. Are aims for now is to infiltrate this planets command structures, at least until my brood mates arrive. I will of cause offer my resources in assistance to the Grue Unity. Already we have human allies to our cause…â€>
  14. Initiative 1d20+6=9, I don't think I need the notice roll :D
  15. Ah okay, I misread it as only a point an effect. I'll take the fatigue and stunt it.
  16. Why did they always try something so stupid? Still they would have to be careful, how could she take Heat Wave down without tipping her off? Then a memory floated up, about strobing lights to hypnotize people. And if she was subtle about this then Heat Wave wouldn’t even recognize that she was being attacked. She held her arms out and floated into her line of sight. “Look you don’t have to do this, it isn’t helping anybody. Just let the hostage go.†As she was talking she subtly began to alter the aura of light that surrounded her, causing it to flicker slightly hopefully at just the right frequency to effect Heat Wave.
  17. Going to spend a HP and Stun a Stun effect. Stun 6 (Extra: Alternative Save (Will), Feats:Extended Reach, Subtle) [14PP] (Strobing Light). 1d20+5-2=5, cause i can't hit for toffee , last Hero Point for a reroll 1d20+5-2=12, so 22 to hit and she needs a 16 Will save.
  18. Agnes wanted to be angry at the woman, but she could see that behind the curtain there was more going on than just a vapid trollop. And she knew exactly how it felt to lose power, now she hopefully had the ability to regain a little power again. “You know what Bernard, actually I’m pretty good. But I think I’m ready to go home. No offense but I think all this is pretty screwed up.†She tucked her arm around M. “Let’s go sort out getting me home, before I start to regret helping this crazy world out.â€
  19. She was a little out of practice but she had learnt how to read people, and people hadn’t changed in the last 90 years. She might not be exactly lying but she was keeping back something. The poor woman was shaken with everything that had happened, so playing the bad one probably wouldn’t help. Beside Lord Steam seemed to have a handle on the situation. So she decided just to key him into the situation, leaning in she whispered into his ear. “Ewoma’s not quiet telling the whole truth about her whereabouts on the night of the murder.â€
  20. CEO's Office Nikki went over to her desk and began rummaging in its drawers. “I think I have some of those ear buds in here somewhere. Oh no there’s no board, I’m the sole owner I bought them all out.†She met Synth eyes and look of something, pain or sadness, flashed across them. “The board, like my husband, didn’t agree with my methods. Their business practices were of the old fashion, of the old fashion Genghis Khan style of methods. If my husband hadn’t fallen into a coma…†she stopped a wiped away a tear “but enough of that let’s get you prepared for these meetings.â€
  21. Auto N Warehouse The Cab driver looked shocked and began a weak progress, but seeing Starlight demeanour though better of it. The cab had begun to pull away as Starlight entered the warehouse. The warehouse space a massive structure was filled with machinery. Large tanks of the Pink Goo the previous Shapeshifter had been composed of. In banks around these tanks were row upon row of human shaped moulds, enough for an army. Starlight felt a strange tingling feeling and it took a few seconds to realize that it actually some kind of scan. Just as realization dawned a large booming voice filled the building, a voice speaking in her own tongue. <â€I was not aware you currently had plans for this planet. May we offer assistance in your invasion?â€>
  22. Lucy swore loudly in several languages, and quite a few creative ways. “I see what you mean. I guess they get a lot of visitors.†She could get into the grounds easily but she didn’t want to break the law unless she really had to, and if she did break in Jake might follow. And she had enough to worry about without having to baby sit such a rabid fan. Still one more trick to try before she when for the direct approach. “But I am on official business; I bring word from the Master.†There was a chance this had been tried before, but she had nothing to lose.
  23. “The Haitian and I tussled, but we managed to come to an arrangement.†Lucy wondered if she should mention the whole deal, but thought it best to leave it out for now. “He left there service in less than friendly terms, so I know he wouldn’t still be involved.†Lucy then considered Pyre’s words. “The current Don blames me for destroying the power of the family, but he’s also trying to bring the family back into power. I suspect he’s trying to use fear and intimidation to bring the local gangs over to his side. That’s probably why the gangs around Southside have been so jittery the last few months. This murder might be enough to bring them over to his side, unless we can stop him.â€
  24. Rolling from Pop Culture you'd only know about fictional and publicly known robe wearers. for the real deal you'd need Arcane Knowledge. Apart from Buddist monk and nun (who don't normally wear hoods), the most famous fictional Yellow robe wearer is the The King in Yellow.
  25. Greenbank The taxi continued it journey out into the warehouses of Greensbank, before finally pulling up outside one of the larger warehouses. The only detail that made it stand out from the other was the name Auto N painted in large letters on the side of the building. The “Paramedic†left the cab, ignoring the creative calls of the driver and walked through a side door in the warehouse. After a few second, where the cab driver must have been deciding if it was worth it, he followed the Paramedic into the Warehouse.
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