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Tiffany Korta

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Everything posted by Tiffany Korta

  1. Lucy wandered the streets of Riverside,obstensively she was to meet up with Rhonda who had decided to introduce her to the girlfriend. Despite the rocky start the two were actually becoming friends, her first in the 21st Century. But mainly she was trying to see if she could find out anything about the children who had disappeared. The little text below the picture of the televisions she had been watching had said they had all disappeared in this area. Though she was rapidly adapting to this new century she was still unsure where to start exactly, how did hero's contact each other? Maybe she should get one of those little telephone everyone seemed to be carring around.? After all she was sure that a hero could only get messages through the Sisters at the Soup kitchen for so long.
  2. Thank you. I am planning to stay around, and I've got a month to prove myself and earn the points. So I guess put me down as a reserve.
  3. Oh I so wish I could take part in this, but I can't see anyway to get involved. Guess I'll have to wait for trouble to spill over .
  4. It had cost her all of her money but Lucy had to admit she was enjoying the bus ride. All the different and various people clustered together. She looked out the window, enjoying the scenery as it flashed by. Actually this was probably the furthest she had travelled outside the city proper, she could remember when this was nothing but fields. A large white building with a crowd of people clustered around it caught her eye. "Excuse me, what's that building there?" she asked an old woman sitting opposite. The woman looked at her with a smile. "Oh that’s the nuclear power station." "But why are the people standing around outside it?" The woman began to explain why but Lucy didn't hear. There was something wrong with the way the crowd were milling around. Thanking the woman she made her way to the front of bus. Just as the klaxons went off. "I need you to stop the bus." the driver began to protest, so she removed her sun-glasses and fixed him a stare with her coal black eyes "I mean now." The driver stopped the bus almost immediately. Barely waiting for the doors to open she told the driver to contact the authorities before dashing towards the station.
  5. How many people are comfortable with? I'm trying to volunteer for as many stories as possible, but I'm even greener than you so I'll probably be a liability .
  6. Well I seem to be free, if you'll have me!
  7. Revenant didn’t want to prolong this for any longer than necessary, so instead for went for a simple upper cut. She struck the vampire a solid blow, but the vampire seemed to shake off the blow. “Boy and I thought I was slow to learn.†She hadn’t much time until the vampire recovered, so followed up with a solid blow to the head. The vampire swayed, that blow must have done the trick. “So do you want some more of that?†She wouldn’t have believed it, but it seemed that she has literally knocked some sense into to man. “What? Where am I?†he collapsed to the ground. “Well, I guess I better get you to the authorities.†After checking on the victim, who it seems to have fled the scene, she carefully picked up the barely conscious Vampire. There lying on the ground was a small card, it must have dropped from his pocket during the fight…
  8. Another round. Revenant fo hit :28 Vampire Tou save 13 -1 cause injured (I forgot) so Disabled and Stunned. Okay it appears I suck at writting combat scenes, more and better to come. I'm fudging the notice roll for reasosn of plot.
  9. k, I'm going for the simple beat to a pulp option. Vampire is stunned so defense is only 3 (flat footed -5) Revenant Rolls :18 guess what a hit! Vampire has to make a Tou save against 25, rolls 26 makes it.
  10. If you'll have me I'll take a pop.
  11. As the vampire leapt, Revenant reacted almost on instinct. Thank heavens for her tomboy years. A simple side step and an outstretched arm caught the vampire in full flight. The vampire bounced off landing clumsily and shaking his head, like a large cat trying to clear his thoughts. It funny what you think about in situation like this but Lucy couldn't help but notice his cheap suit. Things may have change but it reminded her of a huckster lawyer or worst of all an accountant. "So now I have your attention..."
  12. Okay I'm going to use Nightrage (Iron Age p102), hopefully tough enough for a challenge but not enough to wipe me out... Vampire : Iniative 4 Revenant : Iniative 14 So I go first Standard Attack : 25 a solid hit Vamp has to make a Tou save against 25 16 So the vampire is Stunned and Injured. Vampire's stunned so can't react.
  13. Revenant A bite in the Park (Solo) Heavy Metal Rock! Piper of Riverside What's Done in the Dark News HellQ
  14. Revenant vs. The Vampire Just a quick fight to help me get a handle on everything, hopefully I'm doing this right. :D
  15. July 11th, 2011 Liberty Park, Late evening Lucy always liked the park at this time of night, the day people had gone home and the night people had yet to surface. Which meant mostly she had the park to herself. She also remembered the park, it was founded long before she was born. But it still held a few surprises. Like the statues she had discovered on the hill of various Mystery Men, or whatever they were called now, though she only recognized the first Bluesman. So she was quietly sitting there trying to imagine who they were and what great deeds they may have achieved when she heard the scream. Without thinking she was barrelling down the hill, towards a copse of trees where the sound was coming from. In the gloom of the copse she could make two figures, and if it wasn’t for the fact that one was struggling and screaming she could swear they were in a passionate embrace. This would have had her mumble an apology and backing away blushing. But no someone was in trouble and this is what she was doing now. She was trying to think of something witty or clever to say when the attacker spotted her. Turning towards her he hissed bearing sharp pointed teeth. “No he’s mine, she promised me she did.†leaping towards her as he spoke. “A vampire, really?â€
  16. From the autobiography of Lucy Harker, unpublished I knew it had to be done eventually, even if just for morbid fascination. Better to do it now before I embark on whatever I decide for my future. I had to visit my grave. I knew exactly where to go. My parent’s, when they thought I was asleep, would often talk about their plans for the future, especially on the dark nights when a storm was gathering. Often my mother would say they should be buried in the ground, unlike poor Lucy. Even then I knew this was someone else, someone I was named after, someone they would never talk about, especially my mother. I moved faster than I use to, but it still took me the whole day to travel to Lantern Hill. By the time I arrived the sun was already going down. And the moon was already in the sky when I entered the Cemetery. I found it under the shade of an English Oak, a stranger to this land just like my parents, a simple white stone with just my name and the date of my birth and death. They had gone for the day I went missing, though they must have held on to hope for some time after that. Though I couldn’t be sure as they didn’t seem have been buried here, the family plot contained only my stone. As I knelt there lost in my thought a light appeared behind me. I froze, not daring to turn around; even in my time there were myths and legends of a presence on the hill. But all that happened was that something, someone, stood behind me bathing me in an eerie light. I swear that the figure bowed there head, though it could have been my imagination, and then they were gone. Whether it was the light, or maybe the time spent in contemplation, but my spirits felt lifted. I sat under the tree and spent the rest of the night planning my future, further invigorated by the bright light of a dawn of a new day. It only as I was leaving did I notice that someone had left a flower on my grave. A single black rose…
  17. Here's my little corner of the site for Revenant : Lucy's Autobiography Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four HellQ 20 Questions Reputation Charts Undead woman declared “aliveâ€
  18. Little new here though I've been on Champions since beta. If you want my help you can find me as Sun-Spot@NandiBear
  19. After careful consideration I took on all of your helpful suggestions, thanks again. Tiffany K
  20. Ah, that makes perfect sense. I shall go away and make a few changes. thanks for the help. Tiffany K
  21. It cool after all you've seen it all in action in the field . I've adjusted her as suggested to max out her Attack & Defense. Thanks Tiffany K
  22. Player Name: Tiffany Korta Character Name: Revenant Power Level: 12 / 15 (250/250PP) [289] Trade-Offs: None Unspent PP: 0 In Brief: Once she was a brave lawyer that did her duty, and paid the ultimate price. Now she carries on that duty from the "other side". Alternate Identities: Lucy Harker Identity: Public, but thought dead Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: ex-Lawyer Affiliations: Bloodhound Detective Agency Family: Florence Harker (Mother, Deceased), Abraham Harker (Father, Deceased) Age: 119 (DoB: May 26th 1897) Apparent Age: 30 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Undead Height: 5'3" Weight: 125 lbs. Eyes: Black Hair: Black Description: Before her "accident" she had an average appearance, a face that wouldn't stand out in a crowd. Something she took advantage of in her profession so not to scare those working around her. Unlike most people though death seems to have improved her looks. Her pale white skin and black eyes have given her an exotic alluring appearance. And her ability means her skin is flawless with no marks or blemishes, except for a small dimple on her forehead where the bullet ended her previous life. Her only clothes are those she wore on her last day in 1927. A simple but particle dress suit, though her only defiance of 20's fashion was a pair pants. Well preserved by her disposal they still seem to be in a relatively good shape. Power Descriptions: Her mystical nature keeps her body perpetually in the state it was just before she died, though her flesh is now pale and cold to the touch. This allows her to almost instantly regenerate any damage caused to her. History: When one of the first Mystery Men bought in one of the city notorious Mob bosses Sebastian "the Revenant" Giovanni there was a problem. An excessively violet man, even by the standards of his fellow gangsters, he and his men murdered and intimidated anyone that stood in his way. So naturally none of the lawyers in or out of the city wanted to risk their life to prosecute this man. Except one. Lucy Harker was a fine civil lawyer chafing at the small minor cases she was allowed to try, after all she was "just" a woman. A male lawyer would have been moved on to higher profile case, whilst she was stuck trying petty claims. She knew that unless she could find a case to make her name, she would be stuck in this position in the rest of her career. The trial of Giovanni could be just the kind of case to catapult her to fame, though the risk could be just as colossal. After consulting with her family and her fiance, Lucy volunteered to prosecute the Mob Boss. Though not yet a highly skilled lawyer the defence had not expected anyone to dare tackle such a dangerous case. That and jury confidence was bolstered by this brave woman's actions, along with the newly active Mystery Men, resulting in a cursing Giovanni going down for his crimes, promising his revenge on the young lawyer. His men came for her two days later. Bundling her into a car they drove her down to one of their new building projects down Broadway. There they simply shot her and dumped her into the foundation of the building. Stoic to the end she showed no signs of fear, instead looking her killers straight in the eyes. And that should have been the end of Lucy Harker. But unknown to her in her youth her mother had been bitten and almost turned into a vampire, only to be saved at the last minute by some courageous vampire hunters. Somehow the curse of the vampire was passed to her through her blood, so when she was buried her mystical nature was triggered keeping her "alive" but in a state of hibernation. When the building was demolished this year Lucy awoke to a brave new world. The last few weeks Lucy has been enjoying the wonders of this new world. Slowly she has come to realize that her time "dead" has somehow changed her. Despite having nothing in this world but the clothes on her back she has decided to use her new found gifts to help those around her as one of these Mystery Men now wait is that what they're called now? Taking the nickname of the man who ordered her death the Revenant has started her journey to a wider world. Personality & Motivation:Despite all that has happened to her she still remains a rather upbeat personality. Though she still mourns for the loss of everyone she's ever know, after all to her it all happened yesterday. This chipper and upbeat, something that tends to confuse those who judge her by looks alone. A defense mechanism of the time as "just" woman in a man's world is a snide sarcastic sense of humor which has started to drift towards black humor. Her logical side tell her that all those involved in her death have long since perished. But that doesn't stop her enjoying attacking mobsters. At the moment she has restricted herself to low level hoods as least until she can discover some of the high level boss. And return the favour that bought her to this second life. Though this time she'll make sure to keep an eye on the prosecuting lawyer! Complications A woman out of her time: Must has changed in the world in the 80 odd years since she died. Though she voraciously consumes modern culture, as much as she can without money, many terms and idea still confuse and confound her. Dining on Ashes: Her undead state has dulled her sense of touch, smell and taste. Only strong smells and tastes well even register as being there. (Grand)Father-in-Darkness: The vampire whose blood has led her to this state is dimly aware of his Daughter-in-Darkness. If he ever learns of her existence he may become curious how she has escaped the disadvantages of being a vampire. Abilities: 20 + 8 - 10 + 10 + 8 + 10 = 46PP Strength: 30 (+10) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: -- (-10) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +10 base, +12 unarmed Grapple: +22 (Base Attack + 10, Strength +10, Super Strength +2) Defense: +12 (+10 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Knockback: -11 Saving Throws: 0 + 9 + 10 = 19PP Toughness: +12 (- Con, +12 Protection); Impervious 5 Fortitude: - (-) Reflex: +13 (+4 Dex, +9) Will: +14 (+4 Wis, +10) Skills: 128RP = 32PP Bluff 16 (+21) Diplomacy 16 (+21) Gather Information 10 (+15) Investigate 5 (+10) Knowledge (Arcane) 10 (+15) Knowledge (Business) 10 (+15) Knowledge (Civics) 12 (+17) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 10 (+15) Knowledge (Streetwise) 10 (+15) Languages 1 (English [Native], Latin) Notice 16 (+20) Sense Motive 12 (+16) Feats: 6PP Attack Specialization (Strike) 1 Dodge Focus 2 Fearless Improved Initiative 1 Taunt Powers: 30 + 24 + 32 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 13 = 110PP Immunity 30 (Fortitude Saves) [30PP] Protection 12 (Extra: Impervious 12) [24PP] Regeneration 30 (Recovery Bonus 14 [+9], Disabled 8 [no action] Injured 6 [no action] Resurrection 2 [1 day], Feats:Persistent, Regrowth) [32PP] Speed 4 (100 mph / 880 ft. per move action) [4PP] Strike 2 (Feats: Mighty) [3PP] Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision) [2PP] Super-Senses 2 (See Undead [Extended]) [2PP] Super-Strength 6 (Lifting Strength 60 [Heavy Load : 50 tns] Feats: Groundstrike) [13PP] Drawbacks: -4PP Vulnerability (Fire, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Major [x2]) [-4PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC27 Toughness Damage Strike Touch DC29 Toughness Damage (Physical) Abilities (46) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (32) + Feats (7) + Powers (110) - Drawbacks (4) = 250/250 Power Points
  23. Does nobody read Love and Cape or the Hero Business? I also have a soft spot for the very irregular antics of Lovelace and Babbage over at 2DGoogles... Tiffany K
  24. Thanks for that. I've updated the skill, altered the background and added some complications. Unless anyone can spot some really glaring errors I'm giong to try and get her accepted. Wish me luck . Tiffany K
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