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Tiffany Korta

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Everything posted by Tiffany Korta

  1. Hi, Thank you for you kind words and constructive cricism Single female Undead lawyer please . I didn't mean to imply that the Mystery Men were distrusted or hated, just that in the early day's the law couts wouldn't have caught up with this new form of crime fighting. The main reason for the reluctance was because of the Mob boss being ntorious, rather than the man that bought him in. You right about an up and coming female lawyer in the 20's, I'll alter the text a little so that she was stuck in civil cases and grab this oppertunity. As everyone was expecting him to walk free they just went why not. After all she was just a woman! Me too. I've fixed all the minor formating errors and little bug. I think a few error crept in as I made a few last minute errors. As suggested I've reduced Regeneration and Strength and upped my attack, defence and toughness. I still want some Super-Strength as I envisioned Revenant fighting with what’s at hand, up to and including parked cars. I might tweak that after I she her in play. I've also put in a Vulnerabity to fire, I did have this initially, but dropped it when my points looked okay. As for some complication and power origins I'm still giving it some thought. I'm leaning towards embracing the Harker family name and giving her a mystical background. I'm thinking her changes are due to here mother surviving a vampire attack. Whether it the Harkers and the vampire is Dracula I'm still undecided about. I'm happy to accept any suggestions. I'll wait on the offical line but thanks for the head up. Any skill she has are probably a little out of date anyway. At the moment I recond she has nothing whilt she finds her feet. Any money she would have had would have been lost in '29, something she isn't even aware of yet. Long term I planning on her to restart her career, once she's use to the 21st century. Tiffany K
  2. Hi All, I though I'd share my new little character before submitting it to be approved. Player Name: Tiffany Korta Character Name: Revenant Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Trade-Offs: "None" Unspent PP: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: Once she was a brave lawyer that did her duty, and paid the ultimate price. Now she carry’s on that duty from the “other sideâ€. Alternate Identities: Lucy Harker Identity: Public, but thought dead Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: ex-Lawyer Affiliations: none Family: Florence Harker (Mother, Deceased), Abraham Harker (Father, Deceased) Age: 114 (DoB: May 26th 1897) Apparent Age: 30 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Height: 5’3†Weight: 125 lbs. Eyes: Black Hair: Black Description:Before her “accident†she had an average appearance, a face that wouldn’t stand out in a crowd. Something she took advantage of in her profession so not to scare those working around her. Unlike most people though death seems to have improved her looks. Her pale white skin and black eyes have given her an exotic alluring appearance. And her ability means her skin is flawless with no marks or blemishes, except for a small dimple on her forehead where the bullet ended her previous life. Her only clothes are those she wore on her last day in 1927. A simple but particle dress suit, though her only defiance of 20’s fashion was a pair pants. Well preserved by her disposal they still seem to be in a relatively good shape. Power Descriptions: Her mystical nature keeps her body perpetually in the state it was just before she died, though her flesh is now pale and cold to the touch. This allows her to almost instantly regenerate any damage caused to her. History: When one of the first Mystery Men bought in one of the city notorious Mob bosses Sebastian “the Revenant†Giovanni there was a problem. An excessively violet man, even by the standards of his fellow gangsters, he and his men murdered and intimidated anyone that stood in his way. So naturally none of the lawyers in or out of the city wanted to risk their life to prosecute this man. Except one. Lucy Harker was a fine civil lawyer chafing at the small minor cases she was allowed to try, after all she was “just†a woman. A male lawyer would have been moved on to higher profile case, whilst she was stuck trying petty claims. She knew that unless she could find a case to make her name, she would be stuck in this position in the rest of her career. The trial of Giovanni could be just the kind of case to catapult her to fame, though the risk could be just as colossal. After consulting with her family and her fiancé, Lucy volunteered to prosecute the Mob Boss. Lucy Harker was a fine civil lawyer chafing at the small minor cases she was allowed to try, after all she was “just†a woman. A male lawyer would have been moved on to higher profile case, whilst she was stuck try petty claims. She knew that unless she could find a case to make her name, she would be stuck in this position in the rest of her career. The trial of Giovanni could be just the kind of case to catapult her to fame, though the risk could be just as colossal. After consulting with her family and her fiancé, Lucy volunteered to prosecute the Mob Boss. Though not yet a highly skilled lawyer the defence has not expected anyone to dare tackle such a dangerous case. That and jury confidence was bolstered by this brave woman’s actions, along with the newly active Mystery Men, resulted in a cursing Giovanni going down for his crime, promising his revenge on the young lawyer. His men came for her two days later. Bundling her into a car they drove her down to one of their new building projects down Broadway. There they simply shot her and dumped her into the foundation of the building. Stoic to the end she showed no signs of fear, instead looking her killers straight in the eyes. And that should have been the end of Lucy Harker. But unknown to her in her youth her mother had been bitten and almost turned into a vampire, only to be saved at the last minute by some courageous vampire hunters. Somehow the curse of the vampire was passed to her through her blood, so when she was buried her mystical nature was triggered keeping her “alive†but in a state of hibernation. When the building was demolished this year Lucy awoke to a brave new world. The last few weeks Lucy has been enjoying the wonders of this new world. Slowly she has come to realize that her time “dead†has somehow changed her. Despite having nothing in this world but the clothes on her back she has decided to use her new found gifts to help those around her as one of these Mystery Men… now wait is that what they’re called now? Taking the nickname of the man who ordered her death the Revenant has started her journey to a wider world. Personality & Motivation:Despite all that has happened to her she still remains a rather upbeat personality. Though she still mourns for the loss of everyone she’s ever know, after all to her it all happened yesterday. This chipper and upbeat, something that tends to confuse those who judge her by looks alone. A defence mechanism of the time as “just†a woman in a man’s world is a snide sarcastic sense of humor which has started to drift towards black humor. Her logical side tell her that all those involved in her death have long since perished. But that doesn’t stop her enjoying attacking mobsters. At the moment she has restricted herself to low level hoods as least until she can discover some of the high level boss. And return the favour that bought her to this second life. Though this time she’ll make sure to keep an eye of the prosecuting lawyer… Complications A woman out of Time: Must has changed in the world in the 80 odd years since she died. Though she voraciously consumes modern culture, as much as she can without money, many terms and idea still confuse and confound her. Dining on Ashes: Her undead state has dulled her sense of touch, smell and taste. Only strong smells and tastes well even register as being there. (Grand) Father in Darkness: The vampire whose blood has led her to this state is dimly aware of her Daughter-in-Darkness. If he ever learns of her existence he may become curious how she has escaped the disadvantages of being a vampire. Abilities: 15 + 4 - 10 + 6 + 4 + 6 = 25PP Strength: 25 (+7) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: -- (-10) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 16 + 14 = 30PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +8 Grapple: +15/20 (base 8, Str +7, Super Strength +5 Defense: +8 (+7 Base, +1 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3 Saving Throws: 0 + 4 + 4 = 8PP Toughness: +5 (+0 Con, +5 [Protection]) Fortitude: - (-) Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4) Will: +6 (+2 Wis, +4) Skills: 36R = 9PP Bluff 5 (+8) Diplomacy 5 (+8) Gather Information 5 (+8) Investigate 2 (+5) Knowledge (Buisiness) 2 (+5) Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7) Knowledge (Streetwise) 2 (+5) Languages 1 (English [Native], Latin) Notice 5 (+7) Sense Motive 5 (+7) Feats: 3PP Attractive 1 Dodge Focus 1 Fearless Powers: 30 + 7 + 32 + 1 + 10 = 80PP Immunity 30 (Fortitude Saves) [30PP] Protection 5 [5PP] Regeneration 30(Recovery Bonus 14 [+9], Disabled 8 [no action] Injured 6 [no action] Resurrection 2 [1 day], Feats: Persistent, Regrowth) [32PP] Speed 1 [1PP] Super Strength 5 [10PP] Drawbacks: (-1) + (-4) = -5PP Impoverished [-1PP] Vulnerable (Fire, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Majoor [x2]) [-4PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC22 Toughness Damage Abilities (25) + Combat (30) + Saving Throws (8) + Skills (9) + Feats (3) + Powers (80) - Drawbacks (5) = 150/150 Power Points I think she's sound, though my spelling might be a little rough so sorry for that. Tiffany K
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