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Everything posted by TheAbsurdist

  1. Asad didn't get a chance to respond, his mind processing the people there. The thrumming in his ears did not help him the slightest, but he remembered, a split second before stars exploded, and he was careening into furniture and against the wall. It hurt. Finding limits for his abilities was not something he wanted right now. Dazed from the blow, he sagged against the wall he was currently occupying an indentation in. Still breathing, still conscious just rattled from what felt like a southbound train crashing into him.
  2. Skill Mastery on Gather Info for Well-Informed check. So he knows about Larceny Inc. Not necessarily an expert. Toughness (1d20+15=18) Um, ouch. Gonna spend a Hero Point. Toughness (1d20+15=22) Yeeeah. Okay.
  3. "Thank you Weaver. This is my stop." And once more he threw himself from the carpet. He was sloppy, and more than a little unconcerned with his safety. But that made sense. Weaver had seen, as had the others, that Asad was bulletproof. He landed ungainly, unbalanced, but his arms snaked around wrapping around the waist around the thug. Asad skittered, almost losing his grip, but he held, he locked. And he brought that strength to bear on the criminal as he recovered. And he had that creature secure, ash e spun about and look up at Madame Marvelous and his eyes widened in recognition. "Angela...? Angela is that you? What is going on? What are you doing?" He could almost see the headlines reading Awkward. "Why are you playing Dr. Moreau?"
  4. Initiative (1d20+7=12) Yes... yes Get-Away shall.
  5. Asad will move to initiate a grapple on Beast Boy. 1d20+5=13 Ugh. Will go with him being distracted by his Ex, and will say something pithy. Oh, unless this thug has the same defense as the others, then it would be hit. And crap, I messed up. Grapple (1d20+25=32)
  6. Amir was never someone who woke slowly. So that creeping sensation that someone else in the apartment made his eyes snap open. Shifting a little in bed, he waited, almost expecting a cat to leap out of the shadows, but that wasn't what he felt. His eyes narrowed, and he slide out the bed, bare feet to the floor. Clenching his hands, he padded towards the door to the room, and very carefully turned the doorknob, and opened it. This was a new experience, he did not find it novel or entertaining. Going from dead sleep to adrenaline pounding through his blood and his head, he glanced back to the sleeping form in the bed. He'd make it up to her later. Pushing open the door he stepped out into the hallway outside of it.
  7. Asad Crunched numbers on current sheet a few times, and it turns out I was overspent by 1pp, so I will put 1 pp from what I gained last month to fix that. And the other three will be spent on feats. All-Out Attack Luck Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Sense Motive) Soopercape'd 24/11/11
  8. Whoops, sorry about that Airon. Here is my Init: Initiative (1d20+7=21)
  9. He watched him, and smirked a little. "I expect you would feel that. The the question is are just a member of the team or are you an employee as well. They are quite different altogether." He leaned back against a girder behind him. "As easy as it is to join up, it is never that simple Voltage. Especially since there is a chance we are getting photographed by paparazzi. And you should know what you are signing up for, I intend to build a network, an affiliation of heroes. So that there will be ready access to resources and allies. I am not ostensibly the leader, and if you want to be an employee, that can arranged for your costumed identity to be one, if you do not wish to reveal to me your normal identity." Asad ducked his head briefly, then cocked it to the side. "Of course you look quite young, you have reached the age of majority, correct?"
  10. Asad was not precisely an intimidating figure. Sure he was above average height, but had never really learned how to convey himself as imposing. However, his expression was skeptical at best, possibly displeased, at worst. "So you risk what amounts to electronic terrorism with a man whose company holds various contracts with governmental agencies, and who is on speaking terms with the DA?" His tone was serious, and his eyes sharp. Then slowly he started to smirk. "I think I am going to like you. Young, brash. And I am going to guess your powers can be used to hack into computer system such like what happened earlier. You are in kid. Welcome to the Summit." Asad stepped towards Voltage and offered his hand to the younger superhero.
  11. October 23rd, 2011. How do you get a bunch of superheroes to meet? Mostly it seemed like chance and circumstance were the best ways. And fortunately circumstance and his money had become a bit of a confluence. He had passed his contact info amongst various people during the Harvestfair, where a bunch of heroes had been. All he hoped was that someone would listen. And then the press conference three days earlier helped. So a meeting was arranged, he had sent out invites to the responses he got, and to some he didn't get. "I apologize for the impersonal nature of this, but you likely are aware of my recent efforts. As such I wish to discuss with you the possibility of affiliating yourself with what I am building. I prose a meeting atop the opera house. 7 P.M. on the 23rd of October. Myself and King of Suits will be there, barring some catastrophe that might arise." It was a little form letter-ish and he regretted that as he raced with Weaver towards Hanover on the Arug. But it looks like he wasn't going to be make his appointment, a call to the contact information he had for King, and he hoped everything would go smoothly in his absence. though it was more a little fear, than something legitimate. He understood he could not force things to go according to plan, as right now showed.
  12. The text came in on his phone, and it surprised him. Making Amir sit up in his chair whilst having been reading reports and recommendations and analyses. A frown on his face, as he thumbed over the message, but it soon twisted into a crooked smile. Good. Always hope someone picks up the gauntlet you throw down. The response was easy enough, telling this Voltage fellow to meet him atop of the construction site that was five blocks away. Then came the phone call to his assistant, and then his secretary, informing them to change any meetings or appointments he had in the afternoon, he had some business to take care of. Which was truth enough. Though by now, they were starting to accept that he simply had other priorities. But given he paid his personal staff well, and allowed them a good bit of latitude, he had the free time he wanted. He had 20 minutes, fortunately it was less than a minute by air, and all he had to do was change, before going to the roof and jetting over there. Taking his phone with him, he put it in the fleece jacket he wore over his costume. Soon enough he was jetting the distance to the construction site, and landing atop what would serve as the roof. Resting on an i-beam, and standing there, waiting for the person called Voltage.
  13. October 20th, 2011, 4:32 PM They were listening now. His show in the park the day of his announcement and the fight he had later that night meant he had a busy debut. Today it was different, there was a bit more buzz as it wasn't just expected to be financial news. That was confirmed when walked into the room wearing his costume. He added jacket and the glasses today, but that had become standard for his costume almost immediately, it got cold flying, and having extra pockets was useful. Asad smiled at the reporters politely as he stood behind the podium, lifting a hand to coverh is mouth for a moment, and coughing to clear his throat. The dropcloth behind him hid something from the reporters. Showtime. "Hm, well, unlike some have predicted, my efforts at being a hero have not been an unmitigated disaster. I know that would have been a better news for all of you." He laughed and looked down at he floor, collecting his words, before speaking again, and looking at them. "I have no illusions over the image that I have in the media, and with the general populace. And as I have said I have the means to do good. I have strived to make my company, Summit Transnational, a leader in philathropic endeavors since I rebranded it. That is not enough, hence why I have personal invested in both this city, and even more charitable causes." Asad paused again, this time it was purposeful, measured. It was for effect. "Blessed with these abilities I have turned them towards helping others. That is still not enough. As such, I have been taking measures to form a new group of heroes. Using my resources, my ability to network, I am building an affiliation of heroes united towards the cause of justice. They will have the benefit of my full backing. I call on those who wish to join me in this, who want ready allies, who could utilize what I can provide to help them do even greater good. Ladies and gentlemen of the press, I announce the formation of the Summit." With a showman's flair, he grasped at the drop cloth and pulled it from what was behind it, revealing to everyone before him the white and gold stylized mountainous pinnacle emblem of Asad's group. "It is my fervent hope that others will join under this banner, united, to undertake it's simple, clear goal. Together we will stand stronger than we ever could as individuals!" Asad's cadence was sharp, his voice rising as the press surged and lept forward at the news, crying out and clamoring at a revelation counter his anticipated retirement from 'playing superhero'. He gave them his most photogenic smile. 3 Hours Later... His phone rang, and he pulled it out of his pocket, looking at who was calling. Seeing his father's number, he pressed his thumb against the dismiss button. A short snort of laughter as he lifted his gaze to look over the city. Asad put the earbuds in, and tapped at the MP3 player strapped to his arm before the swan dive from the building, and he was flying, singing along "Birds flying high, you know how I feel..."
  14. "Alright guys, I need you all to heel. Heel. Stay. Good strangely modified thugs." He set the van down on the side, and looked up at Catalyst and Weaver, shouting at them. "I am going after the runner!" Two steps were taken, and then he pushed off of the ground, and he soared up into the air, giving chase to the lone feral thug. Things were going well, so far. Though it was clear the lone man had whatever it was they stole, and was still trying to get away with it. Asad was not inclined to let that happen, even if normally he would have been more than happy to chat with the other heroes here. So he gave chase, and he tried not to grin with complete delight as he raced after, aiming to keep pace with the guy. At least until they came upon an advantageous spot for him to strike.
  15. She made him pause, and he looked at her with a veiled expression for several moments before he said anything. "Mm, noted. My apologies, I was just working out if I could get you a tailor for suits. Normally I do try to behave myself better around a beautiful women, but I do tend to lose a little bit of tact when I am doing business." His expression was a little stricken, but apologetic. "But that is all for business, I believe. Barring of course the ID card, and all of that. Fortunately heroic identities are legal, so I do not have the onus of convincing others to give me their civilian identities. Hopefully the comm badges will be ready sooner rather than later, though you will be helping with them, as you are an environmental consideration." Leaning back in his chair, he didn't prop his legs up on the desk, he just turned the sideways, looking out the window, sipping at his tonic, losing himself in thought.
  16. Asad is gonna drop the van on it's side, and then he is going to turn and give chase.
  17. There was no simulation he could run to appreciate this. The blast made him stepped back, it hurt, it actually hurt, and he could feel it's power, and he made it his. Looking to Agnes he frowned broadly and shook his head. I can't... "Stay down, stay safe." That decision was clearly a hard one for him, and he turned to face the villains, his face set in a determination that he had avoided most of his adult life. "First I had a press conference in front of people who think I am joke. Then I had to help defend a little fair in the park because Mr. Mist decided to rob it. Now... now... I am trying to spend my money to help this city, and you racist half-wits decide to rob us now. I have had a very trying day." Slowly he rose into the air, his expression showing a profound anger he hadn't had a luxury to ever had before. "I am Asad, and this is my roar." It made him curl his body slightly, before he arched back and unleashed the power, the concussive force of the power surged out of him, with a huge woosh of air and booming sound in the large chamber.
  18. Asad is going to turn Bonnie's power back on them, 200' ft, Selective Burst Damage , with Bonnie's descriptor. Hitting all the baddies, sparing the heroes and the bystanders. Asad doesn't think to stop it from damaging objects, so he is going to have a bill after this. edit: It is a Damage 10 effect.
  19. Reflex (1d20+7=13) No on the Reflex save. Toughness (1d20+15=18) So he failed on them. Spending a Hero point to reroll toughness. 1d20+15=19 And now I have a slight vendetta against IC.
  20. He noticed the room get colder so after she asked the question he let a few beats go before he responded. "Unless you happen to have a few business formal clothes in your closet, I think you might need more. Besides there is a reason you are getting an expense account, and you will be going to the occasional red carpet event. This is a Fortune 100 company, and I have made Forbes' list." He moved into his chair and leaned back in it, turning slightly back and forth. "Well, yes, office, computer, your phone, and tablet PC, among other things." A smirk on his face as he looked at her. "There is the goal it will be immune, I am not particularly worried about it getting smashed, such is life. I have a few ideas done up for the logo, and the comm badge, but the tech guys are worrying over that, for now." He offers her a small smile. "If you have any questions or comments now is the time to voice them."
  21. Fortunately the paperwork had been drawn up with superheroes in mind, that way they would only have to fill out their relevant names, and since the superhero name was a legal identity it made things so much easier. "Some people do not like working for a Muslim, it's always a good idea to check on these things. Now primarily you will be serving a couple roles, one, you'll be one of my assistants..." he paused and looked at her carefully, "...hm, I think we are going to have to expense account some clothes for you. Anyway, most of your assistance duties will be about translation, and the odd testing cold tolerances of stuff the tech boys think up, and the like. Also, I will be looking for input during construction of the headquarters. I expect less than 10 hours of actual work on an average week." He ate idly, between sips of his tonic water. Shrugging a little and offering her a smile. "I will have all your things prepped shortly. Probably tomorrow, and we'll get you the phone, and all that other stuff. And a car. We will need to get you a car. Or would you prefer a driver?" At this point she would notice a part in the contract discussing the amount of pay, it was a six figure annual salary, a high six figure annual salary.
  22. He popped another dolma into his mouth, and went to his drink cabinet, pouring himself some tonic water, and nothing else. "Would you like another? And it is me just saying grace, thanking Allah, that kind of thing. It seemed appropriate for the entry into an auspicious partnership." Inclining his head to her and nodding. There was some dark brown peasant bread that came with the meal, he tore off a piece, and chewed on it thoughtfully. "I hope it is not a problem I am Muslim. And do not worry you wont have to convert." He flashed her a small grin, and took the plates off the tray and started to dish her up some of the gyros, and then did the same for himself. Anyway, the packet near you has all the papework you will need to sign."
  23. "Hang on you Island of Dr. Moreau rejects!" He yelled up at the truck, before he crouched a little, then burst into the air, pushing himself faster through the air than he had done before. Soaring, if but briefly before landing before the guy who tried to flee. "Hey, you, halt!" To emphasis his point Asad waggled the truck at him, in a casually threatening manner. Blinking back the sting of the pepper spray he had to pass through to get here. He imagined he looked tougher than he felt, as he didn't want to throw the truck to deal with collateral damage. Including the people involved. Fortunately he wasn't feeling his strength flag yet. And he squared off with the bestial thug who was trying to escape.
  24. Carrying the the truck, Asad does an All Out Move, to cover the distance between him and the fleeing thug. Landing in front of him and holding the truck one handed.
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