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Everything posted by Shofet

  1. Shofet

    Late Arrival

    Mia smiled awkwardly at the two, waving. She could see that she was probably going to be the tallest girl this semester. Why couldn’t there be any really tall girls? Oh, well, she supposed this Ashley girl was kinda tall. Not really. Mia still had like, half a foot on her. And she was giving her the stink-eye. Couldn’t have that. Mia squared herself up a bit, undoing the general slouch she did and standing at her full height. She clearly didn’t have the physique this girl was rocking, but she learned a long time ago that it was more about projecting confidence than actually looking domineering. She smiled at Ashley, locking eye-contact for a moment, then looked down at her shirt. “Do I have something on me?” she asked. She performatively ran her hand over her shirt, ‘looking’ for stains. It was a statement, really, a subtle one. 'I ain't scared'a you.'
  2. Shofet

    Late Arrival

    Mia didn't know what the proper response was to that. She didn't think any less of Danica for it, but Mia definitely knew that she did not want to spend any more time as a teenager than she already was. "Huh," she said. "Bet your grades're pretty good, then. Mine... Aren't. I mean historically. I don't have any grades yet. Here. Can't see the future either." She stopped to consider her last statement. "Although... Maybe someday," she said, puzzling it over. Turning her attention back to Danica, she smiled. "Hey, maybe you can introduce me to some of our floormates. Might like me more if you're the one doing the talking. You seem like the sorta person people like easy," she said. "That, and you know. You already know them."
  3. The Meta-Naut "The 60s," said the Meta-Naut. "So back in the Silver Age when even the real villains were squeaky clean. Which is pretty good for us, yeah. I don't know why you'd call your gun's offensive power 'murder mode' if you're not actually going to try and kill the person you're shooting at, but hey. I'm still alive because of that, which is good. I would really hate being dead." She put her hands on her hips, looking at the damage. It didn't make sense that he would have been able to get out on his own. He had fallen off of a moving truck for pete's sake! He had to have at least broken a few bones or something. Which meant that he probably had some sort of accomplice. That or a healing factor. She doubted he had a healing factor. Unless... Nah. "...How much you want to bet our Captain Crime has a Ms. Demeanor, too?"
  4. Shofet

    Rat Patrol

    Claremont Fall 2019 Noon Mia sighed as she exited the counselor’s office, rubbing her temples. She had just received what she was pretty sure was a tongue-lashing, except not much like the ones she had back at public school. There was less anger, more ‘we’re disappointed in you’, which strangely enough, felt worse. She grimaced, and pulled her phone out from the pocket of her faded black jeans. She looked down at the screen as she unlocked it, weighing her options. She decided to settle on her dad. He was always the softer one with her. Letting her mom know she’d already gotten in trouble was going to give her a conniption and Mia didn’t need that. Her mom didn’t either, probably. Too much stress going on, lately. But her dad. He could take it, right? She opened up a new text window. Mia grimaced. That was fast. He must have been taking his lunch. Mia glared at her screen, and hastily tapped a reply, then deleted it, then wrote another reply. Mia’s eyes went wide. Tell her mom? No! She was telling him specifically to avoid letting her mom know! Mia pumped her fist. She assumed the acceptance of a peace offering meant that she was safe from him telling her mom. For now. He was definitely not getting that cola if he told her mom. No one would get any cola then. Her attention turned back to the counselor’s office, and she narrowed her eyes. She couldn’t believe she actually got in trouble for this. It was such a non-issue. But of course, people had to blow everything out of proportion all the time. Couldn’t just be cool about things. Ugh. And man, now she had to write an apology letter to Aquaria, too. What was even the point of an apology if someone made you write it? She rolled her eyes, then turned around, only to find she was staring at the reason she had teleported out of the presentation in the first place. “Oh, hey,” she said flatly. “Didn’t… See you there.”
  5. It is, unfortunately, Damage 8, penetrating 2, meaning it gets right on through your armour. Except you're also a conductor so... huh. Guess you're fine!
  6. Adrian is going to rush on out into the backyard since the front is still blocked, and let loose a blast from his pistol at one of the Rocket Troopers! It's a 19, which is a hit! Now, the Rocket Trooper has to resist... which it does surprisingly well, with a 23. It's still not doing great, and will miss its next turn. Which is right now! The remaining Rocket Trooper will let loose a plasma grenade blast at the back yard, meaning I need a DC 18 reflex save from everyone from everyone still in the backyard and near the back door. Adrian makes it with a 29, which, when combined with some feats, means he doesn't take any damage at all. Serena is by the back door, but also immune to plasma. Lookin' at you, @Exaccus
  7. GM A great clap filled the air as the lightning rained down on the young woman and her minions, causing her to go limp in the air and yet somehow remain flying, while two of the jet-packed beings seemed to dissolve into puddles of slime that dropped down onto the ceiling of the house, causing their jetpacks to go rocketing off aimlessly, one crashing into a distant neighbour's car and the other to fly off to God-knows-where. The other two, somewhat miraculously, sustained the blast and readjusted the fearsome looking blaster rifles in their hands. Out front, the young man and his men were assaulted by Merge, but he moved with supernatural grace, flipping out of her grasp and flipping her off in the process. Once he landed, all his four goons readied their blasters, getting ready to try and pepper Merge with fire. The mailbox still laid there, sizzling from Liteshow's earlier sword attack.
  8. Dang! That does hit, but Liteshow resists with a 27!
  9. It is! Godlike rolls a 12, meaning Hologram succeeds. (Godlike is a girl, though. Looks a lot like Serena, incidentally)
  10. Shofet

    Late Arrival

    Mia stopped for a moment, and considered what Danica just said to her. How could she have been around when her mom was active? Then, she remembered she was at a meta-human school, and there were probably a whole bunch of answers. Time travel. Alternate dimensions. She could even have been cryogenically frozen! There were a lot of possibilities. Now only to find a way to ask which one. “Yeah, my mom’s Corona now. Total good guy. And uh… I don’t know Hologram and Fast-Forward personally, but my mom… She’s on a first name basis with them! They’re friends. Even fought bad guys together. Like that half-sister I mentioned,” she said. “I’m gonna meet’em eventually, probably,” she said. She rubbed the back of her neck. “So… Uh… How were you around when my mom was a villain? You from another dimension or a time traveller or… what? I’m sorry if I’m being rude. Not trying to be rude.”
  11. Shofet

    Late Arrival

    Mia waved her hand in a inoffensively dismissive way. “Eh, I get it. We all got baggage,” she said, referring to Ashley. She looked around conspiratorially, and then lowered her voice. “Don’t tell anyone, but my mom used to be a supervillain called Revolt.” She lowered her voice even more. “She punched Lady Liberty in the face in the 90s.” She didn’t actually look all that bothered by it. In fact, Mia almost looked a little bit proud. Then, her face shifted. “But seriously. Don’t tell anyone. Only telling you because you’re my roommate and I feel like it’ll come out at some point because I’m gonna be calling my mom a lot. I don’t wanna deal with the problems people thinking they know me or my mom because of something that happened like a bajillion years ago.” She felt she was taking a risk in telling anyone, but on the other hand, maybe it could earn her some cool cred? Everyone liked someone with a secret, especially an edgy one like this one. Maybe the edgy rebel aura from her mom would rub off on her. Probably should have gotten to know Danica better before telling her this, but like she said. It was going to come out eventually, right?
  12. Shofet

    Late Arrival

    Mia blew a raspberry. “Of course you can keep it! Would be real weird if I kept a statue of my roomie just for myself. Consider it a… ‘Sorry, you gotta put up with me for two years!’ gift,” she said with a grin. She set her guitar down on her bed, and started to unpack her bags. She set a cheap looking lap-top on her desk, along with a metal water bottle and a few books in a neat stack. She flipped her laptop open, and then punched in a PIN to show a desktop with an anime wallpaper that consisted of a bunch of effete looking boys all lounging around on a step and posing. Mia blinked, and then waved around her mouse, causing the wallpaper to change to a picture of Sarajevo. “So,” she said, pretending that the first wallpaper wasn’t even a thing. “What are the other girls on this floor like? They’re not the worst, are they? Because I don’t have time for any drama stuff,” she said. She was lying, of course. She was often the cause of drama stuff.
  13. Shofet

    Late Arrival

    Mia handed over the statue. “That’s permanent, by the way. Like it’s here forever. It’s a real thing.” When she was asked about her powers, a big smile spread over her face. “So, I’m basically exuding this like… Field of energy, right? All the time. And uh, so like I can rearrange particles and like protons and neutrons to create whatever I want. With simpler stuff like really basic atoms like hydrogen it’s more like a matter of using them as the building blocks to create whatever I want. As long it doesn’t have a soul, I guess. Can’t create living things. I’ve tried but it’s never pretty. And I can also do stuff like invert the charge of an atom to create anti-matter but that would create a huge explosion and I’d probably go to jail. Get expelled at least.” Then, her thoughts turned to the school schedule. “No, I got a laptop in my bag and…” she went to look for her pockets, when she remembered she didn’t have them. She slapped her forehead, and then there were a few sparkles as she seemingly stuck her hand into the ether and pulled out a beat-up looking smart-phone. “I got email on my phone,” she said. “Oh, yeah, and I have like this… other dimension I store stuff in.”
  14. Well, this was something. Mia had come to here to meet one of her mom’s work friends and ask a few questions and now people were freaking the hell out. Oh, hey, the guy could turn into an squid thing. That was neat. Circumstances around it seemed pretty terrible, though. Mia wasn’t exactly sure what she was supposed to be doing in this situation. She was going to try and track Aquaria down after the presentation to talk to her some more but that seemed… unwise, now. Like she was taking a side against a fellow student? Didn’t need that drama. “Uh… thanks for the presentation, Ms. Innsmouth! My mom says hi! Hopes you’re doing well. I gotta… go do a thing… In…” she said, narrowing her eyes as she thought. “Mexico.” With that, the air around her warped and bended, and there was a loud crack, and then, suddenly Mia wasn’t there anymore. She was off to La Paz, until this whole mess blew over. Man, she could not deal with awkward situations at all.
  15. Mia Mustafic-Markov sat off in a corner on her own, away from the other students. She didn’t know any of them very well yet, and was content to keep it that way for now. She was sure they were good people, but some of them were loud and others were really fancy and made her self-conscious which she really didn’t need right now. She had decided to come when she had heard Aquaria was coming. Her mom had mentioned her, and said that she was pretty cool so Mia wanted to check out the Deep One for herself. However, it seemed like there were people here, like this old ugly dude - General Donkulous or something - was really being harsh on her. That annoyed Mia. She didn’t have much time for racism and all that. Seeing her opportunity, she asked her question. “Hey, Ms. Innsmouth. I’m Mia Mustafic-Markov, uh, Corona’s daughter. She was the lady you saved the kittens with? Anyway, uh... Whaddaya mean about the whole Claremont keeping someone in a torture basement? Because I didn't sign up for that. I mean, my mom signed me up. But she'd be peeved too." Mia smelled strongly of ozone and a sharp metallic scent, not unlike that of a nuclear sub or meltdown. However, underneath was a more bourbon, caramel sort of scent, not entirely unlike her own mother.
  16. Shofet

    Late Arrival

    “Yeah, my mom brought me out and got me a t--” she blinked as the thought changed. “Uh, yeah, I don’t really have a problem with the room, never been on a top bunk bef--” she paused, and then stuck her tongue in her cheek. “No, I haven’t got it yet. Woke up late today, so I was kinda in a rush.” She looked Danica over for a moment. “…Just, uh, lemme know where I need to go and I can teleport down and pick it up.” She put a little extra emphasis on the whole “teleport” thing. It was the first time she really got to brag about it, and hey, maybe it would impress this girl. Sure, this was a super school but what was as cool as being able to teleport anywhere you wanted on Earth? Even using it for mundane stuff had to win her some brownie points, right? “Or, you know, could make my own,” she said, before the air around her sparkled and shimmered, most intensely around her hand, before the light faded and a tiny wooden Danica statue sat in the palm of her hand. “Eh? Eh?”
  17. Shofet

    Late Arrival

    Mia rubbed the back of her neck. “Haven’t met anyone yet, no… Just ah… My mom got into this thing where she had to fight like, one of her old super-team buddies and like my weird half-sister I didn’t know I had and that just sort of threw everything outta whack.” She shrugged. “I woulda moved in yesterday but it was my birthday, so I got one extra day of freedom,” she said. “Alright,” Ahmed announced, forcing an entry into the conversation. “I am going to have to go. Grigori is going to be annoyed if I am not back to help with the deli.” He walked over, and pulled Mia into a bear-hug, before kissing her on the cheek and messing up her hair. “I expect a call tonight on how your first day went.” Mia blushed, and nodded. “Alright, babo…” She watched him go, and then looked to Danica again. “So… Yeah. Wasn’t here for orientation because of mom stuff.”
  18. Shofet

    Late Arrival

    Ahmed blinked at Danica, then looked over to Mia, who was entirely nonchalant. The teenage girl smiled. “Good to meet you, Danica. I’m Mia Mustafic-Markov, and this is my grand-dad, Ahmed Mustafic. I'm good, though, don't need to trouble yourself.” Mia herself wasn’t as striking as Danica, but she did stand out. Standing 6’01” and incredibly skinny, Mia was dressed in a long Wednesday 13 t-shirt that drooped down to her mid-thighs, along with a pair of black leggings that were starting to go thread-bare and a pair of fading black and white high-tops. Her pale skin was dappled with freckles. Ahmed waved. “Uh, hello. Just here to help,” he said. “You want me to move stuff inside?” Mia picked up her stuff, and started moving it inside. “I’m probably good, honestly. I can handle stuff myself.” Ahmed nodded, and then blinked. He dipped into his right pocket and fished out an inhaler. “I saw you left this in the car! You almost forgot it.” Mia immediately turned red. “Babo!” Mia cried, snatching the inhaler and stuffing it into one of her bags. “Didn’t need’ta do that so publicly…” she said. Ahmed stared. “I don’t… I don’t think anyone here is going to judge you for asthma”
  19. Shofet

    Late Arrival

    Claremont, Freedom City September 2, 2019 11:00 AM Mia sighed to herself as they ascended the stairs up to her new dorm. Most kids got something like a game console for their birthdays, instead she got the gift of boarding school. Which, in her opinion (which she respected very much), was rather stupid when both parents were still living in the city but somehow both her mom and dad had agreed that it would be “good for her” to live away from home. How, exactly, it would be good for her escaped her at the moment, but she was sure her parents could come up with some post-hoc justification. Her grandfather, Ahmed Mustafic, huffed and puffed behind her, carrying several boxes as he climbed the stairs. He was shorter than average, only standing 5’07”, with black hair and a thick broom like mustache. Considering how much darker he was than her, the only real sign that they were related, in her opinion, was their shared grey eyes. She turned to him, frowning. “You know, babo, you didn’t have to do this. I could have just teleported,” she said. “I have like… a dimensional storage thing, too.” Ahmed waved his free hand. “Nonsense!” he said, the faint traces of a Bosniak accent still clinging on despite decades in the USA. “I wanted to be here for you for your first day, sweetbean. At least to see you off, yes?” Mia sighed, and smiled. “I love you, babo.” “Good!” Ahmed responded. “That’s all I need.” They continued their climb until they made it to the third floor. They passed through the halls until they finally made it to room 302. Mia set down her guitar case and the box she was carrying, and knocked on the door. “Anyone home? I’m… This is the room I was assigned to. I’m here with my granddad, he’s helping me move in.”
  20. Mia's a musician in her own right, and would love to play the Witch.
  21. Fixed that, and changed Knowledge (Chemistry) to Knowledge (Physical Sciences)
  22. Okay, I've changed the descriptors to "magnetism", and elaborated further on her powers in her description.
  23. I was actually basing the descriptor on Zenith who used "Matter Control/Manipulation" in her sheet. The radiation is instead the damage descriptor for the effect of the anti-matter, the matter-manipulation is just how she's doing it.
  24. Soliton Power Level: 10 [11] (150/169PP) Unspent Power Points: 19 Trade-Offs: -5 Attack/+5 Damage In Brief: Physics Manipulating teen hero trying hard to impress her mom. Alternate Identity: Mia Mustafic-Markov Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey Residence: Claremont Occupation: Student/Moody Teenager Affiliations: Claremont Family: Serena Mustafic (mother), Pete Markov (father), Ahmed Mustafic (maternal grandfather), Haim Markov (paternal grandfather), Rahav Markov (paternal grandmother), Rachel Morgan (godmother) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: September 1, 2003) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian-American (Bosnian-Russian Jewish mix) Height: 6’01” Weight: 134 lbs Eyes: Grey Hair: Black Mia is tall for a woman, standing 6’01”, and is very, very skinny. So much so that she tends to get asked if she's eating well enough at home. She’s pale, with skin dappled with freckles, and has long black hair that falls all the way down past her butt. She has a heart-shaped face, with long, thin and arched eyebrows that make her look vaguely sinister or mean. She has almond-shaped grey eyes that she inherited from her mother’s side. She also has a small tattoo on her arm in the form of a Bosnian flag. Mia’s fashion sense tends towards baggy t-shirts and loose jeans, hoodies and skirts and sometimes shorts and tank-tops. When winter comes, she simply layers up on sweaters. Most of her clothes have holes in them - this is a choice on her part. As Soliton, she creates an outfit that's a black and white body suit that alternates colours - a white left leg, black left arm, black right leg and white right arm along with a white torso emblazoned with a stylized Einsteinium atom on her chest. Those who know anything about chemistry will notice that it is in fact accurate in the number of electrons represented as dots. History: Mia Mustafic-Markov was an unlikely baby. Though her mother Serena Mustafic didn’t know it at the time, the crystals in Serena’s blood that gave her powers were incredibly volatile, and posed a serious threat to anyone who received blood from her, including any children. Unfortunately for Serena, she only found this out when she was 4 months pregnant with Mia. Desperately, Serena enlisted the help of the only super genius she knew, Rachel Morgan. With her help, a few treatments were devised to help ensure that the pregnancy would go fine without any baby explosions. It seemed to work, since 5 months later a healthy baby named Mia Mustafic-Markov was born. Mia grew up poor, the result of a hasty marriage and a mother who was a high-school dropout, and more than that, an ex-supervillain without a lot of prospects. Despite her parents’ best attempts to provide for her, Mia grew up on secondhand clothes and cheap, off-brand variants of the toys her classmates played with. Occasionally, her parents would splurge and get her something nice, but she always felt the economic after-effects. It got even worse when her parents separated, spreading a thin budget even thinner. Even when her grandfather, Ahmed (who she was very close to) chipped in, From a young age, Mia displayed strange abilities, but most of them were fairly controllable and mundane until Mia hit the age of 8 years old. While at her mother’s apartment, she managed to terrify Serena, after a fight over how late she was allowed to stay up, teleported to Dubai for a couple hours, until she calmed down and returned home, much to the relief of her mother who thought that their child had just exploded out of existence. She then managed to disintegrate her broccoli when her mom tried to get her to eat it, which was concerning. Unfortunately, Serena considered Nicholson's off the table - she didn't trust the superhero community, and figured they didn't trust her. After that, her parents tried very hard to try and manage her powers and get her to use them as little as possible. What made things worse is that they didn’t really understand where her powers came from - they especially didn’t expect that the procedures that allowed Mia to survive the crystals actually caused them to dissolve and become a part of her. This did not sit well with Mia, who began to feel that her parents were embarrassed of her. Combined with frustration at her poverty, Mia began to act out. It was never anything too serious, only minor acts of rebellion. Shoplifting, staying out late. When she was 15, she finally got busted stealing some make-up. Serena had noticed her daughter growing distant and moody, but when Mia got busted for shoplifting, she realized something was wrong. It wouldn’t have normally fazed her, but it seemed like this was the sign that Mia was going down on a bad path. Mia herself didn’t know what path she was headed on, but she knew she was angry. There was a fight, a lot of screaming, and then a talk. Serena apologized for forcing Mia to hide herself. Mia apologizing for blaming Serena. It wasn’t easy, but it was ‘agreed’ that Mia would go to Claremont to explore her powers in a safer environment, while Serena would try to be someone that Mia could look up to more. It’s not a perfect solution, but they’re working with what they got. Personality & Motivation: Mia’s a typical moody teenager, prone to sarcastic comments and acting out, but her heart is in the right place. She is generally indignant at injustice and doesn’t want to hurt anyone. She’s also hot-tempered and a little self-righteous, not to mention great at making excuses for herself. Mia’s also a deeply insecure young woman. She’s grown too quickly and too awkwardly for her liking, and is generally afraid people find her ugly or embarrassing to be around. This insecurity extends to her relationships with her family - she is still afraid her mom is mad at her, or that she hasn’t lived up to what her father wants her to be, or anything like that. Her relationship to her powers are complex. She has not been able to use them much for most of her life, so she is eager to explore them, but she’s also aware of how destructive they can be. They also make misbehaving pretty easy. Like her mother, Mia is very much into music as a form of self-expression. She plays multiple instruments, and enjoys all of them. She's also acutely away that her talents with music can impress people, and she hopes make people like her. That does sometimes lead to her losing sight and getting frustrated and anxious when she messed up when playing, however. Powers & Tactics: Soliton is a highly mobile fighter, thanks to her teleportation abilities. She is, however, not very accurate. She instead relies on the fact that her offensive capabilities are highly destructive and can cover a large area. If she feels confident, she is willing to teleport up into someone’s space and try and melt an enemy’s weapon or armour, or maybe convert them into something strange and useless. Power Descriptions: Mia’s powers derive from the near total-body infusion of the strange chemical that made up the crystals in her mother’s blood. Now no longer crystals, they are part of almost every cell in her, giving her mutant powers. Mia is giving off a low level electromagnetic field at all times, but in most cases it is invisible. However, when she starts using her powers, the air around her begins to shimmer and twinkle as it interacts with the molecules around her. Some might even say it sparkles, but she would be very cross with them. The effect becomes more intense closer to whatever she is affecting, to the point that objects she is transforming are nearly engulfed in light as she rearranges the atoms. Her matter manipulation powers function by Mia projecting her field on the atomic and molecular level manipulating them into whatever shape she wants. When she creates antimatter, she simply makes her field invert the charge of a few atoms. If she directs it, it takes the form of a controlled, contained beam of energy, but if she doesn't, it disperses in a giant blast, which, while not as powerful, covers a wide area. When she uses her dimensional powers, she instead projects her field and entangles with wherever she wants to be, opening up a hole in space-time and travelling to where she wants to go, or opening up a portal to her pocket dimension. Her force-field works on a similar principle, simply using short, small stutters of teleportation to reduce enemy effectiveness in terms of damage. When she creates an anti-matter explosion, a long tendril of her energy reaches out to the point she is converting, whereupon she inverts the charge of a few atoms. This creates a small point of light, which rapidly expands into a massive burst of radiation and light. When she teleports, the world visibly bends before suddenly snapping back into place with a loud crack, and the same thing happens on the other end. Complications: Forgot my Inhaler: Mia suffers from mild asthma, usually not a problem for her and almost always solved from one or two puffs from her inhaler. Except, there’s a problem. She’s kind of forgetful, especially since she’s embarrassed of her condition, so sometimes she can find herself in a bad spot without it at hand. The GM can inflict a Staggered or Nauseated condition. Still Getting the Hang of This: Mia has not had ample opportunity to practice her matter manipulation powers, and at times she gets effects she did not intend for. The GM can award her a point for causing some negative effect for her powers she did not plan. Devil on Her Shoulder: Mia is a bubbling mass of insecurities and angst, and can often be motivated to do things that aren’t in her best interests when pushed. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 0 + 2 = 16PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 4 + 8 = 12PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +5 Ranged, +2 Base Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +2 Knockback: -5/-1 Saving Throws: 6 + 6 + 6 = 18PP Toughness: +10/+2 (+2 Con, +8 Force Field) Fortitude: +8 (+2 Con, +6) Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6) Will: +6 (+0 Wis, +6) Skills: 60R = 15PP Computers 9 (+12) Craft (Electronics) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 7 (+10) Perform (Percussion) 14 (+15) Perform (Singing) 14 (+15) Perform (Strings) 9 (+10) Feats: 13PP Accurate Attack Attack Focus (Ranged) 3 Dodge Focus 6 Luck 3 Powers: 3 + 8 + 34 + 31 = 76PP Dimensional Pocket 1 (Personal Storage; 250 lbs; PF: Progression) [3 PP] (Mutant, Dimensional) Force Field 8 (Displacement Field) [10 PP] (Mutant, Dimensional) Matter Manipulation (30 PP Array, PF: Alternate Power 4) (34 PP) BE: Damage 15 (Antimatter Cannon; Extras: Ranged) {30/30 PP} (Mutant, Atomic) BE: Damage 10 (Antimatter Burst; Extras: Area [Burst, General; 50-foot sphere], Ranged) {30/30 PP} (Mutant, Atomic) AP: Create Object 13 (Molecular Forge; 13 10-foot cubes; Extras: Continuous; Flaws; Permanent; Power Feats: Subtle, Precise, Innate, Progression) {30/30 PP} (Mutant, Atomic) AP: Transform 7 (Molecular Re-arranging; Inanimate Object to any Inanimate Object, 100 lb, Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting; PF: Subtle) {29/30 PP} (Mutant, Atomic) AP: Corrosion 10 (Molecular Disassembly) {30/30 PP} (Mutant, Atomic) Time-Space Manipulation (30 PP Array, PF: Alternate Power 1) (31 PP) BE: Teleport 9 (Extras: Accurate; PF: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy) {30/30} (Mutant, Dimensional) AP: Teleport 7 (Extras: Accurate, Affects Others; PF: Change Velocity, Change Direction) {30/30} (Mutant, Dimensional) DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Antimatter Burst Ranged, Area DC 20 Reflex Damage Antimatter Cannon Ranged DC 30 Toughness Damage Molecular Disassembly Touch DC 20 Fortitude Drain Toughness Molecular Forge (Dam.) Ranged DC 23 Reflex Damage Molecular Forge (Trap) Ranged DC 23 Reflex Imprison Totals: Abilities (16) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (15) + Feats (13) + Powers (76) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/169 points
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