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Everything posted by Shofet

  1. Liteshow gets a pretty good roll of 34, meaning that is a miss.
  2. So outside out front, where one of the Merges is, there is Liteshow and the Wu Troopers in front of her. Just above her is Godlike and the Rocket Troopers, 2 of whom just got busted by Fast-Forward while Godlike has just been dazed.
  3. Any specific baddie? A Wu Trooper or a Rocket Trooper or attempting on one of the NuDelinquents?
  4. Soliton Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: -5 Attack/+5 Damage In Brief: Physics Manipulating teen hero trying hard to impress her mom. Alternate Identity: Mia Mustafic-Markov Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey Residence: Claremont Occupation: Student/Moody Teenager Affiliations: Claremont Family: Serena Mustafic (mother), Pete Markov (father), Ahmed Mustafic (maternal grandfather), Haim Markov (paternal grandfather), Rahav Markov (paternal grandmother), Rachel Morgan (godmother) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: September 1, 2003) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian-American (Bosnian-Russian Jewish mix) Height: 6’01” Weight: 134 lbs Eyes: Grey Hair: Black Mia is tall for a woman, standing 6’01”, and is very, very skinny. So much so that she tends to get asked if she's eating well enough at home. She’s pale, with skin dappled with freckles, and has long black hair that falls all the way down past her butt. She has a heart-shaped face, with long, thin and arched eyebrows that make her look vaguely sinister or mean. She has almond-shaped grey eyes that she inherited from her mother’s side. She also has a small tattoo on her arm in the form of a Bosnian flag. Mia’s fashion sense tends towards baggy t-shirts and loose jeans, hoodies and skirts and sometimes shorts and tank-tops. When winter comes, she simply layers up on sweaters. Most of her clothes have holes in them - this is a choice on her part. As Soliton, she is required to wear the Claremont colours, much to her chagrin. As such, she's not especially interested in her costume, which is simply a blue leotard with golden trunks and similarly coloured boots, with her identity concealed behind a blue domino mask. When she thinks she can get away with it, she creates an outfit that's more evocative, being a black and white body suit that alternates colours - a white left leg, black left arm, black right leg and white right arm along with a white torso emblazoned with a stylized Einsteinium atom on her chest. Those who know anything about chemistry will notice that it is in fact accurate in the number of electrons represented as dots. History: Mia Mustafic-Markov was an unlikely baby. Though her mother Serena Mustafic didn’t know it at the time, the crystals in Serena’s blood that gave her powers were incredibly volatile, and posed a serious threat to anyone who received blood from her, including any children. Unfortunately for Serena, she only found this out when she was 4 months pregnant with Mia. Desperately, Serena enlisted the help of the only super genius she knew, Rachel Morgan. With her help, a few treatments were devised to help ensure that the pregnancy would go fine without any baby explosions. It seemed to work, since 5 months later a healthy baby named Mia Mustafic-Markov was born. Mia grew up poor, the result of a hasty marriage and a mother who was a high-school dropout. Despite her parents’ best attempts to provide for her, Mia grew up on secondhand clothes and cheap, off-brand variants of the toys her classmates played with. Occasionally, her parents would splurge and get her something nice, but she always felt the economic after-effects. It got even worse when her parents separated, spreading a thin budget even thinner. Even when her grandfather, Ahmed (who she was very close to) chipped in, From a young age, Mia displayed strange abilities, but most of them were fairly controllable and mundane until Mia hit the age of 8 years old. While at her mother’s apartment, she managed to terrify Serena, after a fight over how late she was allowed to stay up, teleported to Dubai for a couple hours, until she calmed down and returned home, much to the relief of her mother who thought that their child had just exploded out of existence. She then managed to disintegrate her broccoli when her mom tried to get her to eat it, which was concerning. Unfortunately, Serena considered Nicholson's off the table - she didn't trust the superhero community, and figured they didn't trust her. After that, her parents tried very hard to try and manage her powers and get her to use them as little as possible. What made things worse is that they didn’t really understand where her powers came from - they especially didn’t expect that the procedures that allowed Mia to survive the crystals actually caused them to dissolve and become a part of her. This did not sit well with Mia, who began to feel that her parents were embarrassed of her. Combined with frustration at her poverty, Mia began to act out. It was never anything too serious, only minor acts of rebellion. Shoplifting, staying out late. When she was 15, she finally got busted stealing some make-up. Serena had noticed her daughter growing distant and moody, but when Mia got busted for shoplifting, she realized something was wrong. It wouldn’t have normally fazed her, but it seemed like this was the sign that Mia was going down on a bad path. Mia herself didn’t know what path she was headed on, but she knew she was angry. There was a fight, a lot of screaming, and then a talk. Serena apologized for forcing Mia to hide herself. Mia apologizing for blaming Serena. It wasn’t easy, but it was ‘agreed’ that Mia would go to Claremont to explore her powers in a safer environment, while Serena would try to be someone that Mia could look up to more. It’s not a perfect solution, but they’re working with what they got. Personality & Motivation: Mia’s a typical moody teenager, prone to sarcastic comments and acting out, but her heart is in the right place. She is generally indignant at injustice and doesn’t want to hurt anyone. She’s also hot-tempered and a little self-righteous, not to mention great at making excuses for herself. Mia’s also a deeply insecure young woman. She’s grown too quickly and too awkwardly for her liking, and is generally afraid people find her ugly or embarrassing to be around. This insecurity extends to her relationships with her family - she is still afraid her mom is mad at her, or that she hasn’t lived up to what her father wants her to be, or anything like that. Her relationship to her powers are complex. She has not been able to use them much for most of her life, so she is eager to explore them, but she’s also aware of how destructive they can be. They also make misbehaving pretty easy. Like her mother, Mia is very much into music as a form of self-expression. She plays multiple instruments, and enjoys all of them. She's also acutely away that her talents with music can impress people, and she hopes make people like her. That does sometimes lead to her losing sight and getting frustrated and anxious when she messed up when playing, however. Powers & Tactics: Soliton is a highly mobile fighter, thanks to her teleportation abilities. She is, however, not very accurate. She instead relies on the fact that her offensive capabilities are highly destructive and can cover a large area. If she feels confident, she is willing to teleport up into someone’s space and try and melt an enemy’s weapon or armour, or maybe convert them into something strange and useless. Power Descriptions: Mia’s powers derive from the near total-body infusion of the strange chemical that made up the crystals in her mother’s blood. Now no longer crystals, they are part of almost every cell in her. Mia is giving off a low level energy field at all times, but in most cases it is invisible. However, when she starts using her powers, the air around her begins to shimmer and twinkle. Some might even say it sparkles, but she would be very cross with them. The effect becomes more intense closer to whatever she is affecting, to the point that objects she is transforming are nearly engulfed in light as she rearranges the atoms. When she creates an anti-matter explosion, a long tendril of her energy reaches out to the point she is converting, whereupon she inverts the charge of a few atoms. This creates a small point of light, which rapidly expands into a massive burst of radiation and light. When she teleports, the world visibly bends before suddenly snapping back into place with a loud crack, and the same thing happens on the other end. Complications: Forgot my Inhaler: Mia suffers from mild asthma, usually not a problem for her and almost always solved from one or two puffs from her inhaler. Except, there’s a problem. She’s kind of forgetful, especially since she’s embarrassed of her condition, so sometimes she can find herself in a bad spot without it at hand. Still Getting the Hang of This: Mia has not had ample opportunity to practice her matter manipulation powers, and at times she gets effects she did not intend for. The GM can award her a point for causing some negative effect for her powers she did not plan. Devil on Her Shoulder: Mia is a bubbling mass of insecurities and angst, and can often be motivated to do things that aren’t in her best interests when pushed. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 0 + 6 + 0 + 2 = 12PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 4 + 8 = 12PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +5 Ranged, +2 Base Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +0 Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 8 + 6 + 6 = 20PP Toughness: +10 (+0 Con, +10 Force Field) Fortitude: +8 (+0 Con, +8) Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6) Will: +6 (+0 Wis, +6) Skills: 56R = 14PP Computers 7 (+10) Craft (Electronics) 4 (+7) Knowledge (Chemistry) 8 (+11) Perform (Percussion) 14 (+15) Perform (Singing) 14 (+15) Perform (Strings) 9 (+10) Feats: 13PP Attack Focus (Ranged) 3 Dodge Focus 6 Accurate Attack Luck 3 Powers: 4 + 10 + 34 + 31 = 79PP Dimensional Pocket 2 (Personal Storage; 250 lbs) [4 PP] (Mutant, Dimensional) Forcefield 10 (Displacement Field) [10 PP] (Mutant, Dimensional) Matter Manipulation (30 PP Array, PF: Alternate Power 4) (34 PP) BE: Damage 15 (Antimatter Cannon; Extras: Ranged) {30/30 PP}(Mutant, Radiation, Matter-Manipulation) BE: Damage 10 (Antimatter Burst; Extras: Area [Burst, General; 50-foot sphere], Ranged) {30/30 PP} (Mutant, Radiation, Matter-Manipulation) AP: Create Object 13 (Molecular Forge; 13 5-foot cubes, 65-foot cube; Extras: Continuous; Flaws; Permanent; Power Feats: Subtle, Precise, Innate) {29/30 PP} (Mutant, Matter-Manipulation) AP: Transform 5 (Molecular Re-arranging; Inanimate Object to any Inanimate Object, 25 lb, Extras: Duration [Continuous]) {30/30 PP} (Mutant, Matter-Manipulation) AP: Corrosion 15 (Molecular Disassembly) {30/30 PP} (Mutant, Matter-Manipulation) Time-Space Manipulation (30 PP Array, PF: Alternate Power 1) (31 PP) BE: Teleport 9 (Extras: Accurate; PF: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy) {30/30} (Mutant, Dimensional) AP: Teleport 7 (Extras: Accurate, Affects Others; PF: Change Velocity, Change Direction) {30/30} (Mutant, Dimensional) DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Antimatter Burst Ranged, Area DC 20 Reflex Damage Antimatter Cannon Ranged DC 30 Toughness Damage Molecular Disassembly Touch DC 25 Fortitude Drain Toughness Totals: Abilities (12) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (14) + Feats (13) + Powers (79) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150
  5. Name: Mia Mustafic-Markov Codename: Soliton Year: Sophomore Pronouns: She/Her Prospective Roommate: Danica Goal: Ultimately, Mia just wants her mom to stop being mad at her. The fact that she gets to be in an environment where she gets to use her powers freely is largely a bonus. Her goal, in the end, is to create a world where she can use her powers without being weird or strange. Favourite YA Fiction Novel: The Inkheart Trilogy.
  6. Okay, so I want to note something about this fight - you might have unconventional ways to do damage or achieve effects throughout the thread. I'm very much into creativity in players.
  7. Godlike does pretty well, getting a 26 to her toughness save. She's bruised and dazed. Meanwhile, the Rocket Troopers do the best they can, with a very crummy 11. I am going to give you a hero point to allow 2 of the 4 to continue being conscious.
  8. Good Guys Corona's Initiative: 11 Rachel's: 12 Adrian's: 24 Bad Guys Wu Troopers: 17 Wu Rocket Troopers: 19 Godlike (White Rook): 10 Liteshow: 17 Here is the turn order: Fast-Forward Merge Trois Hologram Adrian Rocket Troopers Archer Liteshow Fascimile Wu Troopers Grimalkin Rachel Corona Godlike This is gonna be chaos.
  9. The Meta-Naut Raya shrugged her shoulders, and waved at the hero as she entered into the back seat of the waiting car. Before she closed the door, she stuck her head out to say one last thing to Valkyrja: "Alright, but try not to scare the guy. I really do want this cabinet," she said. When the door slammed shut, her driver looked back at her. She was a younger woman, about Raya's age, with red frizzy hair and pale skin covered in freckles. She leaned back, looking at Raya, her deep green eyes intensively inquisitive. "So, uh... you normally hang out with superheroes?" She asked, sounding more curious than anything. "Sometimes," she said. "This one wasn't planned, though." "Huh," the driver said. "I'm Miriam McBannon, by the way. We didn't talk on the way there." "Raya," Raya offered with a smile. "Raya Wells." The drive took them through down-town Halifax and into the suburbs. The city was beautiful, Raya had to admit. It had a sort of old-world charm you didn’t normally see in North America. She had heard some about the place, that it was the first landing for many families up here in Canada. Pier 21, she remembered. Kinda like New York, she thought, except nowhere near as enormous. As they passed through into the suburbs, Raya noticed that the houses were getting progressively smaller and dingier. She checked her phone to make sure they were headed the right way. Google Maps told her that they were. She blinked for a moment, and then pulled up an image of the house she was supposed to be visiting. It looked pristine in the photo, but it didn’t seem to match up with the houses she was seeing around her. It was tall and alabaster, with a large porch and garage, along with a green shingled roof. She frowned in contemplation, but didn’t dwell too much on it. Sometimes, there was the odd house that was much nicer than its neighbours. Finally, after 20 minutes of driving, they arrived. When Raya looked out the window, the house matched the photo, but there was something implacably wrong about it and its placement. It seemed to sit between its two neighbours, much more practical single storeys, in an odd way she couldn’t explain. It was as if somehow the house had intruded there. Still, she got out of the car, and looked up to the sky to see if Valkyrja had managed to keep up.
  10. Can I get init from everyone?
  11. GM Mohinder's room, to initial observation, seemed barren of any obvious clues to the nature of the attack. However, the lock revealed much. The area around it was scorched, and the metal itself seemed to have run and deformed, suggesting that intense heat had been applied to the area. The ceiling above helped confirm it - smoke stained the particle board, turning it from bright white to a mixture of blacks, browns and greys. Miracle Girl, with her speed, also came across several small pieces of work, all marked late. Angry comments in red marker chastised him for this, though it seemed as though his marks were only deducted because of how late they were - they were otherwise perfect. Miracle Girl also found a small blue glass pipe, a lighter, and an empty plastic baggy still full of tiny green crumbs. Meanwhile, Bee merely managed to find a tiny pill bug gawping up at her.
  12. You can! What's your total?
  13. Corona Serena had quite a productive talk with Nick, going over what he saw and the details on the victim herself. It took her about ten minutes, after which point she emerged to talk with the Sandman about what she had seen. "Yeah. So the victim's name was Ruth Cohen. Apparently she had been drinking a LOT when it happened. According to the waiter I talked to, she had some sort of falling out with a friend over a project, and came there to forget it. She had been drinking alone, no one with her." Then, she received a call from Terrifica. Answering, she relayed the same information she had just given to the Sandman to the other heroine. Once that was done, she asked a question to both of them. "You have any working theories yet?"
  14. The Meta-Naut The Meta-Naut watched as the criminals scattered off, fleeing from some ethereal force that Rebellion seemed to project. The concept of anyone having that power made her ill-at-ease, and she didn't entirely know why. Well, at least he was on her side. "Yeah, I am," she said, and hovered after him. Sure, she could walk, but she had the ability to fly. Why waste it? "So," she said as they entered into the precinct. "You can sorta... Magically scare people? Psychically? Fire off a frequency into their amygdala?" The interior of the building was an absolute mess. The walls were coated in graffiti, the desks were overturned and trash covered the floor. Strangely and miraculously, there seemed to be no bullet holes anywhere. Whatever turned these people criminal didn't turn them murderous. Actually, that was a thought. "Hey, I just thought of something. I don't think I've seen anyone turned criminal has actually tried to kill anyone. Even Crime's gun hurt, but it didn't feel like it was going to kill me."
  15. Corona (18 IC posts + 9 GM posts = 36 posts) 3 PP Brain Drain! 1 IC Post, 1 GM Post Green Thumb - 2 IC posts Import/Export - 1 IC post Kingmaker: Benelux - 5 GM Posts, 6 IC Posts Kingmaker: Opening Move - 5 IC posts Kingmaker: Queen’s Defence - 3 GM Posts Valley of the Shadow of Death - 3 IC Posts The Meta-Naut (19 IC posts + 5 GM posts + 1 Extracurricular = 29 posts +1 PP) 4 PP Not all Fun and Games - 5 IC posts Otherworld Capers - 5 GM posts, 14 IC Posts Eros Unlimited Profile - 1 PP
  16. GM The criminals gawped at Rebellion, before their eyes nearly bugged out of their heads and they began running into every direction imaginable. Some threw themselves through open windows, others ran into cars and drove away, while some simply dived headfirst into dumpsters and cowered from him. It was clear, at the very least, that his powers had worked. Even the tougher ones had cleared out, leaving the area safe for them to explore further should they choose to do so.
  17. The baddies fail their save! Good job, Mr. Scary Man.
  18. For Hologram First, Hologram does notice a psychic influence, but it isn't on the people. Instead, she detects an active psychic effect on Garvey, the house's AI. It's a very potent effect, taking the form of strange wisps of psionic energy drifting throughout the house and into every single electronic device. With her ESP, she is able to detect a few individuals. The first is a young woman, hovering above the house in black tights, arms folded. She has a severe undercut, and resembles a younger, paler Serena some. On the ground, she sees a young man who kind of looks like Rachel, toying with what appears to be a holographic sword, right up until he cuts the mailbox in half with it. He's wearing a trench-coat and cargo pants. Both the girl and the boy are accompanied by bald, blank-eyed looking men with features that look like they've been crudely sculpted from clay, carrying what seem to be some sort of ray-rifles. The ones with the hovering woman also seem to have jet packs that let them hover with her. For Fast-Forward Fast-Forward finds a lot of stuff. First and foremost, he finds the injectors that Rachel uses to inject herself with power cells every week down in the workshop. Tomorrow's batch is neatly labelled, as are the ones for the next few weeks. He also finds welding tools, several chipsets, wrenches, a plasma cutter (with attached gas tank!) and several gizmos that probably do something cool but he doesn't know what. In keeping with Rachel's stated pacifism, there is nothing that seems like it could obviously be used as a weapon. He finds a sealed door that says "generator", with a sign that says "warning! Thorium Reactor. Use safety gear before entering", and he sees a radiation suit hanging on a hook nearby. He finds a back room next to the workshop that is essentially a bunker, full of rations that have expiry dates somewhere in the next millenium. Outside of the workshop, he finds a catalogue of Popular Mechanics and Popular Science going back decades, many of which are reprints. Because he scored so well, he also discovers the top issue is in fact a disguised control tablet for the house, with a holographic interface. More concerningly, he also finds a looooot of stimulants. Like a lot a lot. They're all legal, but it's pretty clear they see a lot of use. Less legally, he finds a signal jammer that looks heavy duty enough that it could get a visit from a lot of angry neighbours all at once if used. Finally, following a hidden tunnel, he finds what seems to be a one person space craft, with more rations!
  19. The Meta-Naut Raya stared at Valkyrja for a moment, analyzing her. Did she want her along? Well, if there were any problems, it seemed like the woman would probably be a good help. She and her rude horse. Raya picked up the bag of burgers. "Sure, why not. You're probably going to have to follow me, because I don't think my driver is going to accept a horse in his car. Or even be able to fit one." She started to walk to the car. "It's not far. Just a few blocks. If you've got like... I don't know, a stealth mode, might help. Don't want the seller to freak when I bring I giant Asgardian to his door. Might think I am going to rob him or something." "Oh and if you want a burger, I got like... Six in here."
  20. Corona Serena nodded. "Right, but I am not exactly sure what I can do. Not exactly a trained medic," she said. She went around the boat, mostly looking for the people she had hit especially hard. She hoped that she hadn't done any permanent damage; even if these people were hostage-taking, gun-toting creeps, the idea of giving anyone brain damage or anything like that was something that she didn't relish at all.
  21. GM Ruth looked around, confused. Then, as the woman materialized, she stared. Her mouth hung open for a moment as she worked her jaw, the gears slowly grinding in her head. She squinted for a moment, before finally relaxing. "Kay," she said warily. "He was... Like... Ink. Inky. Like a big swirling thundercloud, with white eyes... His voice sounded... Different. Uh... Like... Like he was on the radio." She nodded to herself, content with her answer. --- Once again, the dream force came forward and reached out to the Sandman. Pressed against the wall was a familiar scene, a young woman with curly brown hair desperately struggling against a dark figure. Yet immediately, there was a problem. The figure was much shorter than the previous one, standing not much taller than its victim, and under the distortion of its voice, there was something sounding... Feminine. "You think you're so smart, Ruth... But not smart enough..." It said as it pressed its fingers up against the drunken woman's temple. --- Mohinder's room was typical of a young man's dorm. Clothing lay strewn about, and the smell of adult man was strong in the air. A computer lay in the corner, untouched, while a window on the far wall remained crossed with police tape. It seemed as though the lock had been... Melted, or something strange.
  22. GM Adrian frowned deeply. "This isn't the time for bleeding hearts. It's also not the time for me to run and hide. I've killed my fair share of metas, and if they're coming for me, I can do it again." Rachel shot Adrian a look. "Absolutely nobody is killing nobody. Hate that word. And besides, Mr. Edgey, you don't have any gear on you and I for one certainly have no intention of arming you so you can go and do your dirty work." Adrian looked pointedly at Rachel, and knelt down, lifting up his pant leg to reveal a hidden holster strapped around his thigh, freeing a blaster pistol from it. It was pretty heavy duty looking for a holdout weapon, which earned him a concerned look from Serena and an incredibly annoyed look from Rachel. "Now that gun better have a stun setting, Adrian, or you are leaving my house right now," Rachel said, glaring at him. Adrian stared back at her, and the two locked eyes in a battle of wills. After a tense silence, Adrian groaned and turned a little dial the pistol, looking incredibly perturbed all the while. "There. Now it's on stun. Happy?" Adrian said, sounding like a contrite teenager. "Oh I am still quite annoyed, but you did save yourself a tongue-lashing," Rachel said. Then, she turned to the other group. "This might help." "Garvey, activate security mode!" Rachel called, and suddenly, a bunch of heavy metal shutters slammed over the windows while everything went dark and then turned back on after a moment as the house switched from the local power grid to a generator. Then, then the telltale hum of a forcefield began to sound from the outside. "That should buy us time," Rachel said confidently.
  23. Corona Serena looked around at everyone. With all of them together, they probably stood a way better chance than they would have split up. But still, she felt a bit uneasy. She had fought what was essentially her own child not that long ago, and now there was a speedster and someone called Rayburst. Were they similarly connected? And Wu mentioned tweaking powers back then too. Just how much stronger would these kids be? "Okay. We've got a pair of kids called Roadkill and Rayburst, and they sound like they mean business. They called us up in Belgium to let us know they were going to attack us, which... You know, could just be overconfidence but when it comes to Wu, I am really worried about how much damage they could do." She ran her fingers through her hair. "We got our hands on a chemical that might be able to deal with Heather, too. Apparently, Adrian has been making contingencies. For all the Delinquents," she said, looking sidelong at her old comrade. "It's a chemical that will destroy the part of Heather's brain that makes her psychic. Good chance of brain damage and a chance of death, too. Which means we have to keep it out of their hands, especially since the kids seem to consider Heather their mom and could be... Well, you know." "I honestly don't want to use it. But we might not have a choice." She stopped to think, and then her eyes went wide. "Crap! Black Mamba. We need to let him know what is going on, ASAP!"
  24. Corona Serena stared, wide-eyed, at her surroundings. Somehow, she was now in her best friend's kitchen, next to a whole bunch of people she didn't expect to see for another few hours. Her eyes settled on Richard, whole whole body vibrating. "YOU CAN TELEPORT?!" she said, dumbfounded. Then, she looked to Paige, not even waiting for an answer from Richard. "Yeah, uh... Turns out some superkids who might have my old team's DNA are coming after us and they sound suuuuper psycho so..." She paused. "...There were two of them... Okay, I don't wanna alarm anyone, but one of those kids also had my DNA, and she could some like... Flying brick stuff, and Wu said he was gonna make her stronger so if she shows up... Be prepared for that." She looked at Adrian. "Also, hey everyone, this is my friend Adrian. He's a government meta-assassin." Adrian frowned. "That's probably the worst way to introduce m-- Oh, hey Rachel." Rachel nodded at him. "Adrian. You look good." "You too," he said pleasantly.
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