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Everything posted by Shofet

  1. The Meta-Naut is going to pull some connections to get a data-base check for Captain Crime - rolling a 16. Given that this is not an especially outlandish request, she has succeeded.
  2. She can! Inside the house, Rachel is hanging around in her kitchen, in her PJs making coffee. And so far, nothing on the danger sense.
  3. Meta-Naut The Meta-Naut paused. Crud, I hoped he would have something in mind, she thought to herself. That question put her back on the back foot. She had no idea how to help this guy. But she did offer the help so now she was obligated. "Uh..." she said. "Well! We should probably try and figure out where this guy even came from. I donno about you, but I've never heard of this Captain Crime guy before, which is a little weird, yanno? Maybe if we teamed up, we could find out more together." She paused. "I also have some contacts I could call, see about getting some database checks for the guy."
  4. Shofet

    Green Thumb

    Serena sighed. "Sure, abandon me in my shortness," she said. "No, but she's right, kiddo. You've got your mom's looks and your dad's height, you'll do fine." Mia blew a raspberry. "I'm flat as a board and have the same amount of curves. If I didn't have long hair, most people would think I'm just a really tall twelve year old boy." "Hey now, I didn't get mine until I was like 20. Give it time," Serena chided. "Now buckle up." Mia rolled her eyes, and strapped in, as her mom did the same. She chewed her lip for a moment. "You really didn't get yours until you were twenty?" "Second puberty is real, honey."
  5. You're welcome to make an appearance any time you like, but yes, in character it was said that Mamba would be the backup.
  6. Meta-Naut The Meta-Naut watched as the cop walked away, then looked to Rebellion. She sized Rebellion up. Only a select few types of person were willing to talk to a cop like that, though not all of them were villainous. It seemed like the guy believed there was more to this, and hey, the city wasn't supposed to have super-villains, so maybe there was? At the very least, she did owe him for saving the day, so maybe she could lend a hand. "Soooo..." she said, "thanks again. Maybe I can return the favour?" She wasn't entirely sure what returning the favour entailed, but maybe the guy would have something in mind. Maybe she could just buy him a sandwich or something. A really fancy sandwich.
  7. Corona Serena huffed and puffed, not so much out of strain from exercise, but rather strain from terror. Human beings were not meant to go as fast as she just did, and her body told her that. The mascara and eyeliner she had deigned to wear now ran down her cheeks, which she futilely rubbed at with a napkin that was leftover from a fast food meal. "Ohmigod... Hokay..." she said. She looked at Archer miserably. "I swallowed so much seawater. Gak. Next time, we're just taking a plane." "Since I know him... Should probably... Be the one to visit him at the front. I am going to suggest that Archer hangs around back since FF here can zip around to join him and intercept if he needs to, anyway." She looked at Richard seriously. "So, important note. Less quips with him, or he will totally throw a tantrum. He always took himself super seriously and if you make fun of him he'll have to prove he's the big man and it'll be really, really stupid."
  8. Searchable Profile [A dark-skinned woman, smiling at the camera with a champagne flute in her hand, dressed in swimwear. She appears to be on a ship.] [The same woman, surrounded by two dogs licking at her face] Name: Raya Gender: Gender-fluid, but female most days Preferred Era of Pop Culture: Whenever baby, I time travel. I f--- with it all. About you: Hi, I’m Raya. I’m 24, Brazilian-American (but don’t DM me in Portuguese, please), proud of it. I like travelling, good food, and movies. Also pretty into cartoons. Sometimes, I travel to other dimensions and timelines, and I can take you there with me. I like to mess with gadgets in my spare time, sometimes it’s trying to make a cell-phone from memory, or rebuilding my computer. I collect MLP merch, though not to like a creepy level. I’m pretty set financially, so I can pay on dates. Got two dogs - Dre and Diddy. Dre’s a poodle, and Diddy’s a beagle. I vape, if that bothers you. Looking For: I tend to like older guys and girls, but I can be convinced any which way. Partner Goals: I’m looking for fun, but fun might become something else, I’m not psychic. Not looking for anyone with kids. I’m bad with kids. Fun Prompts! My Favorite Thing About The Place I Live Is.… The beach is pretty nice. Most People Who Know Me Would Say I'm… Pretty smart. My Favorite Childhood Memory Is… Going to the movies with my mom and dad. Five Things I Am Not… Dumb, a homebody, boring, lazy, sheltered Private Letter to ErosUnlimited
  9. This is the OOC for Kingmaker: Queen's Defence.
  10. GM Bayview, Freedom City, USA July 27th, 10:00am Rachel Morgan would be a star employee at almost any other organization, but at ASTRO Labs, she was surrounded by all sorts of super-geniuses and was thus just one of many scientists. She had no personal workshop there, so when she wanted to tinker, she had to work at the one in her home. Which worked fine for her, she had many ideas she had no intention of monetizing. She had been kicked out of a few places thanks to problems with Home Owners Associations and late-night noise, so she had finally given up on attached homes and splurged on a solitary property in Bayview, where she could work in peace. She had the home specially built with sound-proofing in the basement so that she wouldn’t be bothered by any further noise complaints. Now, the most the Home Owners Associations mostly just bothered her about neglecting her lawn, which she promised herself she would fix the robot that mowed it for her soon. The house itself was unassuming, a fairly standard one-story building, built wide with a green tiled roof and with a cherry red electric car sitting out front. On a flag pole sat an American flag, and beneath it a pride flag. There was a porch, painted white, its front partially obscured by grass growing ever higher in front of it. The front door was protected by a screen in front of it, and a charming little welcome mat declared “I can see your underwear”. Yet in the place of a doorbell, there was a strange, HAL-looking piece of machinery. As the group approached, it chirped. “Hello there, I’m Garvey. Welcome to Ms. Morgan’s home. What’s your names, and what’s your reason for visiting?” Those with pop-culture affinities might have noticed it sounded quite a lot like Michael Caine. @Heritage @Electra @Tiffany Korta @Exaccus
  11. This is the OOC for Kingmaker, Benelux.
  12. GM Brussels, Belgium July 27th, 4:00 PM The trip over water had been mostly fine. When going at the speeds that Fast-Forward was capable of, there was little in the way of hazards that could slow you down. Going overland was more of an issue, being more bumpy, breaking off from the Scheldt river near Antwerp to hit the capital of Belgium. Brussels was, in many ways, one of the most powerful cities in the world. De facto capital city of the European Union, it was a meeting place of every sort of power you could imagine. Which made it the perfect sort of place for a super-hunter-for-hire to set up. Much as they wanted to keep it quiet, the governments of the world knew that there were plenty of powerful individuals who could take on entire nations, and sometimes things had to be done a little more black hat than the average superhero could manage. Amongst the mixture of modern and antique buildings rose a white complex, cast in the art moderne style, looking more than a little out of place next to its neighbours. It rose for 6 storeys, lacking much in the way of detail beyond glass, white plaster and steel. This was the home and office of Adrian Pike, once known as Kombat, former ally of Corona and now a potential threat. @Avenger Assembled @RocketLord @Tarrakhash
  13. Serena nodded, rubbing at her chin. The teams suggested seemed to work fine for her. She couldn't see any problems, so she was going to go with it. "Okay," she said. "It looks like we have things ready. Those of you headed to Rachel, just remember what I said and you should be fine. For those of us going to Adrian, even if he isn't mind controlled, this is probably going to suck. He's such a jerk." Lester nodded, which brought Serena's attention to him. "And you. Take care of yourself, you big fuzzball." Lester smirked. "Not like I have much to offer Wu with my ruined back and heart condition. My poor life choices will keep me safe." Serena giggled, and then looked to the others. "Guess we can finish eating, then get ready to go."
  14. Final teams are: Team Rachel: Merge, Facsimile, Hologram and Grimalkin Team Adrian: Corona, Fast Forward, Archer and Black Mamba
  15. GM The young woman sniffled, and rubbed at her eyes. The hugs seemed to have worked to some extent, calming her down. She stepped back, and nodded at the two women, straightening up as much as she could as she gathered herself. “I am Naisha Chaudhary, and my brother is Mohinder Chaudhary. The attack, it was… About a week… Maybe a little longer, ago. It was around noon, I remember because I got the call when I was just about to sit down with my boyfriend. It had been in his room, apparently. He was taking a nap after morning classes. His girlfriend, Joanne… She saw it climbing out through the window, and my brother was just… staring with these… empty eyes.” She rubbed her temples, and then fished something out of her pockets. “Here are the keys to his dorm. I… Hung onto them for him. For when he gets better. And here’s Joanne’s number, she’ll be able to talk to you.” She hastily scrawled down a number, and handed it off. What Terrifica discovered was that there was no magic, but there was plenty of psychic residue. It took the form of glowing blue fingerprints, ebbing with ethereal psychic ‘smoke’ off of her temples. It had faded some, but was still pleasant. Looking around, she could see it on all of them. It was potent, too, coming from something that clearly possessed potent capabilities. The next area brought them to an area around an on-campus drinking establishment, for those students who were of age. The foot traffic was, at the moment, fairly relaxed, but there was no obvious sign of a struggle here, either. The pub itself seemed to have a fair few people inside, mostly eating and relaxing.
  16. Meta-Naut Raya squinted at the woman suspiciously, though it could not be made out behind her sunglasses. She considered things for a moment, wondering what the woman's angle was. Then, her stomach grumbled. She was still due for cheeseburgers. "Uh, sure," she said. "Walk with me." She began moving towards the exit. "I got a car waiting for me. Uhhh, so! Polybius. The rumour goes it was a game that appeared in Portland for a few months in 1981 in a few small backwater arcades. What made it interesting is it was supposed to do a bunch of weird stuff to kids' minds. Made them angrier, do violent stuff, have seizures, become addicted... And these guys in suits would show up to collect data. The theory is that it was made by the US government for mind control stuff." She rubbed the back of her neck. "It's been a huge urban legend in the gaming community for a while now. I just sorta like weird stuff, so I looked around, found one that seemed legit, and now I am going to go meet with the guy who sells it." As they made it out the door, a fancy looking car pulled up, and Raya nodded at the driver. "After lunch, anyway. Hopefully I don't run into any more Conan weirdoes." She paused. "If your hero friend wants to meet me, guess they could do it at uh..." She quickly punched in some details into Google maps, and then nodded. "The A&W at this address. You can come too I guess, if you want."
  17. GM The officer stared at Rebellion with a mix of confusion and horror. “Uh, what? I don’t… What?” He stepped back a few feet, obviously unprepared for this kind of confrontation. “I don’t know anything about the gun? We just got it?” He paused, and then he squinted at Rebellion. “Why? Do you know anything about it?” By the sound of his voice, it seemed as though Rebellion’s reaction had made him suddenly suspicious of the young man. He looked back at the other officers that had remained behind, then back at Rebellion, his squint deepening.
  18. Serena frowned at Fast-Forward. "You know, I was waiting for someone to make a beer joke, but I thought I was safe from it from you. God, the worst is that I don't have any good nicknam-- Speedo!" She snapped her fingers, then puzzled. "No, now it sounds forced." She turned to the others. "Okay, it looks like we have a good idea of teams. You all have my number, so we can check in. Let me know if you run into trouble with Rachel." She sighed. "She has to charge every week to keep her cybernetics going. She takes it in the form of an injection of power cells, every Sunday. If you go tomorrow, she will be at her lowest power. She'll still have plenty in reserves, but if she's hostile, you might be able to drain her." "If she isn't hostile, she's a sweetheart and one of my best friends." She scanned the room, taking in all the people who were helping her. "I think that covers everything. Thank you, all of you. I really appreciate this."
  19. Meta-Naut Raya turned around, surprised to see another woman behind her. She jolted, managing to not jump off the ground but only barely. She frowned. Normally, Raya dressed quite garishly, but today she was understated, wearing an open flannel shirt, a white t-shirt underneath and some cargo pants, along with a pair of mirrored sunglasses and a baseball cap. Still, it was hard to hide the buzzed left side of her head, bedecked with laser lines. "Man, I don't even know. I am just here to buy a rare arcade cabinet called Polybius and I got accosted by this weird Conan looking dude who told me it had ruined him or something," she said, neglecting to mention he had disappeared "Someone must've tipped off the reporters and it sent all the freakazoids after me. Game has this weird mythology around it so it attracts weirdoes like flies."
  20. Serena ran her fingers through her hair again, leaning against the bar-top. She folded her arms, and frowned. She knew what the best option for her visit was, but she wasn't jazzed about it. "...I hate to say this, but I should head to Belgium too. I'm the only one who really knew Adrian who can travel, and if he's anything like he used to be..." "He is," Lester chimed in. "Then I am probably the best equipped to deal with his... Adrian-ness."
  21. Shofet

    Green Thumb

    Mia rolled her eyes. "I am mostly legs, it's true," she deadpanned. "And hey, maybe we can get a booster seat for mom." Serena scoffed. "I am not that short." Mia smirked as they walked towards the vehicle. "Suuuurrre." "Hey, it's not my fault they started putted hormones in everything and made a generation of giants. I used to be pretty average. Heck, lookit your grandfather, he's only 5'07"" "That's because he grew up in Yugoslavia, I am pretty sure he got to eat like, once a week as a kid," Mia retorted. Serena blew a raspberry. "You're full of it, he ate fine as a kid. He'll tell you himself. He's just naturally short, like me, thanks to not having eaten those hormones I mentioned," said Serena.
  22. Meta-Naut The Meta-Naut shrugged her shoulders. "I feel a bit sore from when he shot me, but no real compulsion to go do some crimes, no," she said, looking as a good portion of the police began to drive away. One, however, walked up to the truck. "Hey guys," he said. "Sorry to break up your conversation, but this truck is evidence and we gotta take it back to the station, so if you could just..." The Meta-Naut blinked. "Oh! Oh, yeah." She landed, the light constructs around her legs disappearing as she touched the ground. "Sorry about that, sorta blanked there." "It's fine," the officer said, adjusting his gun belt. "Oh, uh... Noticed you got shot back there." The Meta-Naut nodded. "Yeah, really stung." "Feeling any different?" The cop asked. "No, not really." The cop stared for a moment, sticking a tongue in her cheek. "Weird. Mind if we have medical take a look at you?"
  23. Serena breathed a sigh of relief, looking down at the kittens. It seemed as though her plan had worked, if one could call empathizing with a mommy cat "a plan". "We need ASTRO Labs. They will probably know what to do. Power nullifying collars, or... Something. She ran her fingers through her hair. "We also need to make sure they're fed. Need to get to a pet store. Kitten formula." She paused, and looked at Aquaria. "Oh, and... Uh... You have real pretty eyes, by the way." Having seen the woman's face, she wanted to extend an olive branch. She imagined that she probably had to deal with enough prejudice in her life, and Serena really did appreciate the help.
  24. This is the OOC for Not All Fun and Games
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