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Everything posted by Shofet

  1. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 2:04 PM, August 10, 2019 Meta-Naut They were only ten minutes out of the Halifax Stanfield International Airport, but after a whole third of a day spent in the sky on her private jet, even ten minutes seemed like a lot to Raya Wells. It helped that she had been waiting on this purchase for months now, and there had already been a few delays. The chance to buy a cabinet of the infamous Polybius, perhaps the only cabinet in the world, was something she never expected to have. That was, until, someone had contacted her with an offer. They had found her through some forum posts a few months back, and there had been a back and forth ever since. But now, it seemed like she was going to have it. It was a bit strange, honestly. She had checked through multiple dimensions, and never found any indication that any such models still existed. It had taken some time travelling to even confirm that the thing even ever existed, and even that, multiple trips since they were hidden back in some pretty low-key arcades in 1980s Portland. There were all sorts of myths around the cabinet. That it gave kids seizures or changed their behaviours, that it was strangely addictive, or that somehow it was connected to MKULTRA and government research into mind-control. Well, if the last was true, the USG was saying absolutely nothing to her. Which, given, wasn’t all that unusual. If it wasn’t them, they wouldn’t want to reveal they were testing mind control on kids, and if they weren’t, then they were just as in the dark as she was. A voice crackled over the intercom. “Alright, buckle up, we’re landing.” Raya did as she was told, and watched as the ground grew ever closer through the window. When they touched down, it took a bit of willpower to not immediately stand up even though the plane was still rolling into place. Once it stopped, she could not get her seatbelt off fast enough. She rose to her feet, moving to the door, pulled on a baseball cap and sunglasses, and headed out. Only to find a bunch of reporters standing at the bottom. She frowned, pulling her cap down, and moved quickly, not even looking at the reporters as she descended the steps. “Excuse me!” one called “We heard you were buying a Polybius cabinet for $6 million, can we borrow a moment of your time?” She ignored that comment, and simply kept moving into the airport. She hated talking to reporters. Raya had earned a reputation as being rather mysterious, avoiding contact with the media where she could and doing what she could to keep a low profile. The main factor was mostly anxiety - those cameras freaked her out. But also, the fact that any records before a few years ago were fabricated helped make her nervous. She didn’t want to draw too much attention and get people investigating her too much. As she made her way inside, her first thought was getting something to eat. She was thinking burgers. Yet she was interrupted again, this time by a grubby looking man with a long, dirty blonde beard and wild eyes, wrapped in a long green coat that was definitely too warm for the weather. He looked like he had really been through the ringer. She would have felt bad for him, if not for the giant sword he held in his hand. “How did you even get that in here?” she asked, confused. “YOU!” he rasped. “You threaten to truck with dark forces. Turn back, and return from whence you came!” She stared at him. “Uh… Right.” She looked around. “Security?” “They cannot see me,” he said. “I have been disconnected from this realm, and it takes all my strength merely to reveal myself to you. Turn back, Raya Wells! Seek not Polybius! ‘Tis an evil game! I was once like you, and it ruined me! RUINED ME!” With that, he seemed to fade from existence before her eyes. She looked around, confused, and frowned. “Oh, this is going to be stupid, isn’t it?” she asked rhetorically.
  2. Meta-Naut The Meta-Naut looked back at where the gun had been, now being taken away to be used as evidence. At least, she was pretty sure that was what was going to happen. She frowned for a moment, before looking back at Rebellion and shrugging her shoulders. "They already have the gun, dude, and I don't think they'll just hand it over to us," she said. "And, uh, you know, like it's not that I disagree with you. Just, not in a mood to start picking fights with the police right now. I just got shot, which, you know, shot with a weird gun means I'm already on the hook if I do anything suspicious since it can be like "heyyy, delayed reaction", and I'm already not white so the deck's kind of stacked against me there from the start, right?" She paused. "Right?"
  3. Meta-Naut The Meta-Naut watched as all the goons were rounded up from the truck, moved away in handcuffs. She wondered if they were actually transformed or not, and if they would be tried even if they were. She wouldn't put it past the legal system to blunder this, somehow. Then again, who was to say she wouldn't either. She turned to see police grabbing the strange gun and bagging it as its owner was loaded into a well-guarded ambulance. She frowned to herself. She had wanted to study the gun, but it seemed like that was out of the question for now. It was then that her gaze turned to the person still standing on top of the truck. She levitated up and off the ground, floating up towards the top of the truck. "Hey," she said. "Good save back there. I'm the Meta-Naut... And you are?"
  4. Meta-Naut The Meta-Naut managed to regain a hold of her senses after a few moments, and immediately got back to the chase. She got to see a strange looking man attack Captain Crime with a baton, throwing him off of the truck in the process. She watched him hit the ground, shriek, tumble for a bit, shriek some more and somehow despite it all get back up. She didn’t want to take any chances, and thus prepared a blast. Her hand was engulfed in a blue, transparent gauntlet, and she let loose a tachyonic burst. It hit true, and he let loose another shriek in the middle of what appeared to be a tantrum, collapsing to the ground. “That’s for shooting me!” Still, not wanting to risk the guy’s life, she landed next to him. First, she took his gun, then gently prodded him with her foot, eliciting a slow, high-pitched whine. Then she looked up to see the goons getting out of his armoured car. “Ah, crud. Right.” The only thing that stopped the confrontation was the screech of the police cars skidding a halt behind her as a bunch of officers came pouring out to meet the thugs, guns at the ready. The goons dropped their own weapons, and raised their hands up high in the air. "...Huh," she said. "This seemed... way too easy."
  5. GM “Nya-ha-ha!” cried Captain Crime. “Well, that deals with that noble nuisance!” Yet just as the words left his lips, his victory turned to ashes in his mouth as some strange, abyssal looking man threw a baton in his face. He didn’t even get to quip as he went sailing off of the truck, shrieking the entire way. His shrieking did not stop when he hit the street below, the truck only barely swerving to miss him. The truck slowed to a stop as they realized what happened, the men hurrying out to see what had happened to their boss. Meanwhile, Captain Crime slowly staggered to his feet, a terrible stinging in his ribs. At least, where it wasn’t numb. “Nocturnal ne’erdowell…”he whined to himself, rubbing the blood from his lower lip. “INKY INGRATE!”
  6. Oh, that hits alright, and oof! He's not doing so hot. Staggered and dazed, and you send him flying back 10 feet Good work! Unfortunately for him, that's off of the truck. He goes careening into the street below. He thus rolls a toughness save against DC 19 (the result of your knockback), which he gets a pretty okay 17 for. So he's not unconscious, but he probably wishes he was. He's also now prone on the street. From his laying down position, he's gonna spend his turn getting up, a bit woozy. The Meta-Naut is going to try and take this opportunity to blast him! And gets a piddly 13. Spending a hero point from her luck pool, she rerolls for 25! That's a hit. He's gonna try and survive it, but with an 11, he is unconscious.
  7. Alright, so the way this is looking is that with 8 players, myself included in that, we're going to have teams of 4 people visiting each ex-Delinquent. We don't NEED to do a perfect 4/4 split, but it is the cleanest. Right now, we have Archer volunteered for Rachel/Heathen. That's 1 for that team.
  8. Meta-Naut The Meta-Naut sped after the van, watching as the man on top spread chaos about by blasting randomly at people, turning them into more criminals like she had seen in front of the cafe. She had no idea what this guy’s angle was, but he was doing something real weird and she intended to put a stop to it. Yet before she could get close, she was struck by a blast of light. Her force-field flashed around her, unable to fully stop the blast as she felt energy rush through her entire body. She cried out in pain, and came to a dead stop, merely floating there in the air. “Yeagh!”
  9. Since Captain Crime is going first, he will attempt to blast Meta-Naut out of the sky! And it's a hit! Now, Meta-Naut has to save against a DC 19 Toughness Save! She fails by 5, meaning she is dazed and bruised! She misses her turn, which means it's time for Rebellion to go!
  10. Captain Crime rolls initiative and gets an 11 Meta-Naut rolls initiative and gets an 8. I continue to do terribly in dice rolls.
  11. GM Captain Crime was riding high. His plan to steal an armoured vehicle had gone off without a hitch, thanks to his army of felonized subjects, but this was only phase one of his plan! Next, he would have to head to town hall. Then, he could blast the mayor with his crime gun, and have him make all crime legal in… whatever city he was in! It was brilliant! Soon, Captain Crime would run this place! However, his triumph was interrupted by the cries of his drivers. “Boss!” They yelled. “Look up in da sky! It’s a supah-hero!” Crime blinked, looking up to see a strangely dressed woman flying up above him. He glowered. “D’ohhh! Do-gooders! Out to foil my plans! You will rue the day you chose to tangle with Captain Crime!” He turned the dial on his Crime Gun, moving it away from its transformative properties and instead towards the much more dangerous Murder Mode! He aimed up at the interloper, and let loose a wicked looking blast of energy right at her!
  12. Riverfront August 5, 5:11 Meta-Naut Raya sighed contentedly to herself as she sipped her coffee, stroking the back of a pretty little siamese cat. Somehow, so few dimensions appreciated the brilliance of a cat cafe. What could go better than the relaxing effect of a nice, hot cup of coffee and the sublime experience of being surrounded by just, like, a whole lot of cats. So many cats. She set her mug down, picking her phone up from the table, and started to browse. Her emails were all boring, being mostly about business stuff she had no interest in dealing with at the moment, so she switched to look at her RSS feed. She scrolled through, but still, nothing caught her interest aside from some cute fan-art. But fan-art was not enough to keep her interest for long. She frowned, and checked her texts. Nothing new there either. Then, she heard it. The sound of sirens screaming. She turned her head to see an armoured van race past the cafe’s front door, topped by a man in what could only be described as the most stereotypical criminal outfit, firing weird beams wildly into the streets. One woman, dressed in yoga pants and a tank top, was hit. Suddenly, she was wearing biker leathers, and was brandishing a knife, which she started waving in the face of a shocked business man as she forced him to take out his wallet and give it to her. “...Huh,” Raya said. “Should probably do something about that.” Using the shock of the patrons, she snuck out of the cafe, and changed in the alley into the Meta-Naut! Her identity now concealed by a chrome helmet, she engaged her power of flight and took off into the air, heading after the strange man.
  13. Here is the OOC for Otherworld Capers.
  14. Riverfront August 5, 4:10 PM GM It was a fairly standard afternoon in the Riverfront. The cars pushed along, their drivers eager to get out of the downtown and retreat to the suburbs where they lived. The heat made things slightly sticky, only encouraging people to want to vacate faster. The sidewalks similarly were lined with people going about their daily business, entranced by their phones and latest purchases. Yet in one alley, there was something quite un-standard. It started as a small pulse of light, before the air in the alley began to ripple and shudder. For only a split-second, that light became a crack in the border between worlds and just as soon, it was gone. In its place stood a man clothed in the stereotypical outfit of a burglar: A black-and-white striped shirt, a black beanie, a domino mask, and black pants. In his left hand, he held a strange-looking gun - shaped like a ray gun from 1950s sci-fi movies, it was coloured shiny gold and covered in dials and meters. “Myah!” He cried. “I did it! They thought it would not work, but they were fools to doubt Captain Crime, who breaks even the laws of causality!” His victorious gloating was interrupted by the sound of a door opening. Captain Crime turned to see a young man, dressed in a black polo with khaki pants and a similar apron, carrying a bag of trash. The young man stopped, and stared at Captain Crime. “Uh… You lost?” he asked. Crime smiled, and raised his pistol. The young man backed away, raising his hands. “Hey, now, buddy, we can talk ab--AAA!” His high pitched-shriek intermingled with the sound of a laser blast, the light of which enveloped his whole body. When the beam had faded, the young man had changed. Now he was dressed in an open, sleeveless leather vest, along with torn up jeans and combat boots. What had once been a fairly neat blond undercut was now a lime green mohawk. He stood still for a moment, looking at his surroundings, before a cruel grin crossed his face. “Eyyy,” he said. “Now this is nice. Hey, boss, you wanna go and mess some stuff up?” Captain Crime’s grin grew wider. “Oh, oh yes, my felonious friend, I do.”
  15. So, I've added a blurb in backstory elucidating on that: While also elaborating in Personality:
  16. Alright, I changed out the point to invest into skills to bring both Knowledge: Cosmology and Craft (Electronics) to their maximums by giving them two skill points each for a total of 1 PP.
  17. Soothing the big kitty with charismagic First attempt: 1d20+2 = 4 Rerolling with HP: 1d20+2+10= 21
  18. Corona frowned, looking at the scene going on in front of her. It seemed like this was mama cat, somehow... Projecting. As far as it was concerned, it was probably just protecting her babies from strangers. "Guys, try backing off," she said. She looked down at the kittens resting on her jacket, and then whistled sharply to try and get the giant cat's attention. "Hey! Your babies are over here. See? They're not hurt. They're fine." She moved slowly away from the kittens, making sure not to make eye contact with the big cat. Once she got a good distance from the kittens themselves, she crouched down, trying to make herself as small and non-threatening as possible. Still, she remained ready to launch herself at the cat, just in case it wanted to hurt the kittens instead of help them.
  19. Alright! I removed it, and replaced it with Swimming 6 - It gives her another avenue to travel. EDIT: After some discussion, I have changed it to Super-Sense: Radio SECOND EDIT: Removed the descriptor "computational" from the Super-Sense, leaving it as just raw technological.
  20. Serena glowered over all the criminals, running her hands over the bullet holes in her costume, and looking at the hostages. A vengeful, nasty part of her brain reminded her that these people had attempted to take her life and were willing to threaten the lives of others, but she pulled it back. Just in case, she melted the guns with her disintegration beam one by one, before looking over at the hostages. “Alright, you’re all safe now. I’m hoping to God you people can actually understand me, or I am just wasting my breath.” She rubbed her temples. Looking over to Talon, she frowned. “So we’re gonna wanna get these people outta here, so I’m gonna call emergency services unless you have any objections.”
  21. Lester paused, and then fished out a business card, placing it down on the table. “Yeah, sorta.” Serena sighed. “Rachel’s a technopathic cyborg. She’s able to interface with almost anything that’s got a digital component, and she’s terrifyingly smart. Can solve millions of equations in her head before you can even blink. She’s not especially combat oriented, since she became a pretty devoted pacifist after… the crime thing. Removed any and all weapons tech from her body, but under Heather’s control… She could easily build more with a well-stocked garage.” She frowned. “Adrian… Adrian’s got like a thousand years of combat data from an extinct alien civilization in his head, and the serum Wu gave him basically made him… Like a perfect human. A super-soldier. Combined with the combat training and any gear he’s got, he can punch way above his weight level. He can hit pretty hard, can move fast, doesn’t get tired easy… If you got rid of any weapons he had, anyone with tough enough skin could probably take him, but… You’d have to get them away from him first.” She chewed her lip. “…Yeah. If they’ve been gotten to… It might be difficult. It’s up to everyone what we wanna do from here.”
  22. Alright! I have made some more edits - changing Raya's backstory, removing Benefit: Security Clearance and changing it to Connected to reflect those changes, and editing her personality slightly to also reflect those changes, along with editing the first complication slightly.
  23. Alright, I have clarified her wealth (it's 3, due to the sheer economic opportunity that world-jumping provided) and security clearance (1 since I don't imagine the USG lets her know everything). Also, I have added a description of how her life control works under power description.
  24. Serena's eyes went wide at the revelation. The idea that one of her teenage idols had been connected to Professor Psion was a lot to process at first. However, she knew it was something that had to be hard to actually admit. "I... Oh wow," Serena said. "I didn't realize. I'm... Thank you for helping. I'm glad I have someone with your experience helping deal with this. I... Hmn." She rubbed her temples, then looked to Merge. "Well, uh... First off, I guess, I'm not the boss. I don't believe in that hierarchy stuff. Second, no idea as for names for a team. Third, as for a plan, well, my suggestion is that we go and check on the other two Delinquents, Rachel and Adrian. Rachel used to be Heathen, she was the brains." She looked at Richard and Paige. "You would have known her as Lucas, but... Yeah. Deadname. She is also the godmother of my child." She rubbed her temples. "Adrian's harder. I have no idea where he is." Lester straightened up. "I do. He showed up a while ago. He's... Well, he's a capehunter-for-hire. Works for all sorts of governments. He told me he's currently living in Belgium somewhere, keeps him close to government contacts." "So out of reach, basically," Serena said. "Yeah, unless anyone feels like buying plane tickets."
  25. Serena liked to think of herself as a composed person, but when she started smashing through windows and buildings, she couldn’t quite help but shriek a little bit. She maintained just enough wherewithal that as she passed through the glass, she wrapped her durable arms around her belly to protect the kittens, and angle herself so that it was her back that hit the ceiling, and then rolling so that it was her back that hit the floor. She laid there on the floor for a moment, looking at all the new cuts in her leather jacket and costume made by the broken glass of the window, and was immediately thankful that she was so incredibly durable. She groaned as she heard something moving in the basement beneath her, and unzipped her jacket, looking down at the kittens. “Sorry, fuzzballs, ride’s over ‘til I can deal with this,” she said, gently removing her jacket and placing them aside on top of it as she moved to get to her feet.
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