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Everything posted by Shofet

  1. Alright, can I get a Knowledge: History or Knowledge: Pop Culture check from you guys? Or Current Events, if your character is older. To start us off, Corona's got a Knowledge: Current Events roll of 13 @Tiffany Korta @Exaccus @Tarrakhash @RocketLord @Heritage
  2. She has Impervious 10, does that mitigate it?
  3. To make sure the kitties survive, it is a 1d20+2 = 20 dex roll, while her initiative is a much less impressive 1d20+2 = 7
  4. Alright, I edited. I also fixed my knockback, noticing it was a holdover from when I had my force-field as impervious, which is it not anymore. The powers are all radiation-based, except for comprehend, which is psychic. I've also expanded the description of how her powers work to clarify.
  5. The Mighty Meta-Naut Power Level: 7/8 (105/126PP) Unspent Power Points: 21 Trade-Offs: +1 Attack/-1 Damage In Brief: Dimension-hopping, time-travelling thrill-seeker who occasionally stops interdimensional and cross-temporal crimes. Theme: Time Crime by Scandroid In the Year 2525 by Zager and Evans The Way Life's Meant to Be by Electric Light Orchestra Alternate Identity: Raya Wells (Legal Identity) / Rosana Carvalho (Birth Identity) [Both secret] Birthplace: Miami, Florida Residence: The Emerald Cities Base of Operations: The Emerald Cities Occupation: Adventurer/CEO Affiliations: Compass Rose International (Company), United States Government Family: Beatriz Carvalho (Mother), Hugo Carvalho (Father), Enzo Carvalho (Brother) Description: Age: 24 (DoB: February 22nd, 2008) Gender: Gender-fluid, primarily female-identifying. Ethnicity: Mixed Brazilian Height: 5’10” Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Raya is a beautiful woman, no doubt. Standing 5’10”, she’s tall, with a lithe figure. Her skin is deep brown and clear in a way that only expensive spa treatments can get, while her black hair is half-shaven into laser lines on the left side, while on the right it is allowed to fall down to her neck. She prefers colourful makeup, going for colours like gold, cotton candy blue or neon pink for things like lipstick, eye-shadow and eyeliner. As the Meta-Naut, she dresses in a variety of outfits, but the most common one (at least on Prime), is a white half-jacket covered in black lightning bolts and stars, adorned with a pair of tails that drop down to the back of her knees, a red full-sleeve shirt, and blue pants, with a chrome belt and a pair of blue boots to tie it all together. When she needs to obscure her identity, she wears a chrome helmet with a tinted visor. Whatever she is wearing, she always has what appears to be a silver, circular brooch or badge with three concentric rings of what appears to be back-lit or glowing sapphire. History: Rosana Carvalho’s mother Beatriz was a Scientist with a capital S. She sought to expand humanity’s horizons, and bring them to places heretofore only reachable by the superhuman. She wanted to open the gateway to other dimensions, and she had a plan to do it. Unfortunately, to most institutions her plans sounded fairly kooky and thus she was forced to experiment in the basement, developing a machine that could serve as the key to the multiverse. Being quite young, Rosana didn’t quite understand what her mother was working on. She understood that it could bring you to other places, but didn’t quite comprehend the multiverse as it was. That is, until she saw Equestria Girls. Then, suddenly, everything made sense. She could meet Twilight Sparkle. Her plans were made. One night, when her family was asleep, Rosana snuck down into the basement to see the multiverse machine. Not really understanding it, she punched the word “Ekwestreea” into the coordinator, and got ready. With a great burst, the machine zapped Rosana, teleporting her away. In doing so, it also short-circuited itself, destroying its own machinery and knocking out the power to the whole neighbourhood. By the time Beatriz could come down to see what had happened, Rosana was already long gone. Rosana did not get to meet Twilight Sparkle. Instead, she was transported to a place known as Earth-KTX-12, a world in which the dinosaurs never went extinct, and had evolved into a sapient race living under the cruel, dystopic rule of the Dinosaur King. A scared, confused child, Rosana wandered the streets of Dinosaur City, where had arrived, looking for help. While she was lucky enough to find that the dinosaurs spoke English, she was not lucky enough to avoid being arrested by the state on charges of being a potential spy. The trial was quick, once they ascertained that she was not a spy, and instead simply five. However, she was instead charged with entering the country (which covered the entire planet) illegally, and sentenced to eternal community service as an unpaid scientist’s assistant. The scientist she was given over to was Professor Ptu, a Pterosauroid who specialized in interdimensional research, and had explicitly asked for her from the courts. Rather than being evil, however, Ptu was a good and kindly scientist who wanted to overthrow the tyrannical rule of the Dinosaur King. Ptu promised that one day he would send Rosana home to her family, as soon as he figured out the means to do so. For 12 long years, Rosana helped Ptu work, learning some of the tricks of the trade in the process. She wasn't given the full scope of things - Ptu had his secrets, especially the project he was working on to transport people interdimensionally. He said that, once it was complete, it would not only allow them to escape the Dinosaur King's tyranny, but take the fight to him. However, one fateful day, Ptu’s plans to overthrow the government were discovered by the Dinosaur King’s men. As the thugs kicked down the door, Ptu affixed a small badge to Rosana’s chest, and told her to press down on it. As she did, the last thing she saw was Ptu being shot at by the king’s men. Then, suddenly, she was back in her family home, appearing suddenly in the middle of a tearful argument between both parents. To both her and her parents’ shock, though 12 years had passed in the dinosaur world, only 6 days had passed on Earth Prime. While the initial reunion was somewhat joyful, the obvious problems manifested rather quickly. Rosana had spent the majority of her life on another world, and was now almost a grown woman. Painfully, Rosana had forgotten almost all Portuguese from her youth, and was now strictly monolingual. More than that, the fact that her disappearance was directly due to her mother’s negligence in securing the multiversal device put a strain on her parents’ marriage that would never be healed and result in divorce a few months later. Her mother found some way to bond with Rosana in her interest in the device she had traveled back with. Through prodding, Beatriz was able to find all sorts of features embedded in the device, including the ability to travel through dimensions and time itself. It was also capable of other things, like generating a force-field, small blasts of tachyonic energy, even granting the power of flight. It was, simply put, a technological marvel. And Rosana knew exactly what to do with it. Feeling guilty about the damage she had done to her family, Rosana swore to make her family’s life easy. Travelling from dimension to dimension, and into the future, to find advancements in technology and research. Thinking cleverly, she normally avoided any sorts of super-tech that might give herself away, instead going for small things like minor developments in things like cell-phone technology and electric car batteries. However, she ran into a problem when patenting things - by all accounts, Rosana Carvalho was 5 years old, not 17 as she was at the time, and five year olds could not hold bank accounts. While she could do things through her mother, that didn't solve the problem of Rosana basically being a non-entity. Not seeing many avenues, she approached the United States Government. They took a keen interest in her story, and the fact that her mother had managed to successfully develop a multidimensional travel device. Arrangements were made. Rosana was provided with a new identity as Raya Wells and allowed to publish her patents, with the proviso that she allow the government to look over anything she brought with her and veto it should it be too potentially disrupting to society. She was also offered the possibility of helping the world by reporting and dealing with any interdimensional and cross-temporal threats. She took the opportunity, and founded Compass Rose International, a company dedicated to rocketry and space exploration with the money she made from her patents. Meanwhile, her mother was recruited into the United States Airforce as a scientist. With a little s. With her new riches and identity came the freedom to explore reality and different times freely, outside the constraints of simply seeking to enrich herself. Her new powers also allowed her to explore different aspects of herself - like the fact that she didn't always feel like a she, which she found out when she impersonated a man a few times, for various reasons. Nowadays, Rosana, now Raya, protects Earth Prime from those from other worlds and other times who would seek to destroy it as the Mighty Meta-Naut! Personality & Motivation: Raya is someone who has been through the wringer, though she doesn’t want you to know that. Outwardly, Raya is a fairly peppy, exuberant person, even to the point of seeming a bit immature. Which she is. Internally, however, she is guilt-ridden, fairly traumatized and emotionally stunted. While she does enjoy helping people, much of her adventuring is something of an escape for her. She is still intensely uncomfortable with the amount of damage her life has sustained, and enjoys being able to get away from the world and go somewhere where she can be anyone else. Much of her wealth goes to the pursuit of pleasure in the form of fine food, hard drink and other worldly delights. She is prone to lavish on anyone she befriends, and given her sizable bank account, she can lavish a LOT. Despite her outgoing personality, Raya likes her privacy. She maintains a fairly low media presence, and tends to discourage people from digging too deep. One of the big ways to get her mad is to try and investigate her family, which is likely to earn someone her ire and a fairly large legal suit if possible. She eases up around people she trusts more, but she has a lot of anxiety about her life damaging her family more than it already has been. Nine days out of ten, Raya identifies as a woman. She's content with it, but sometimes she feels like she is something else. Sometimes it's a man, sometimes it's something in between. That's when her morph power comes in handy. She personally prefers it as a minor thing, an extension of one of the many facets of herself - but she understands that it is not fully accepted yet, and thus avoids sharing that side of herself with those she doesn't know very well. She generally uses she/her pronouns, but when she is in the form of a man, prefers he/him. When in-between, whatever people prefer is usually fine. Powers & Tactics: Despite her relatively wide array of powers, Raya's tactics are relatively basic. Being a fairly piddly melee combatant, she relies heavily on her tachyonic blaster, using her flight to ensure people can't close the distance. She also makes use of her tractor beam, throwing objects at her enemies or moving things in the way of those trying to get too close. Given the ability to morph her appearance, the Meta-Naut often goes in disguise, hoping to avoid conflict until she can get the drop on people. Power Descriptions: All of the Meta-Nauts powers descend from the use of her badge, which is a highly advanced piece of technology from another dimension. When she uses her powers, she is enveloped by a blue glowing construct, usually concentrated on the area that is receiving the focus of her powers. There is also always a tendril of blue light leading back to her badge, almost forming a sort of wire. For example, when she uses her blaster, it takes the form of a transparent blue gauntlet with a hole in the middle that serves as a blaster, while when she is flying, it appears as though her feet are encased in glowing, winged boots, and in both cases it appears as if they are connected by a glowing blue wire back to her badge. When she flies, or travels through dimensions and time, she is using gravitons. By concentrating gravity to a great degree, she is able to punch a hole in space-time, centred on herself, which allows her to move across the multiverse. Her tractor beam uses gravity similarly, in a focused beam. Many of her other powers are derived from radiation, while her comprehension is from a translator software inside her badge. Complications: We Know Where You Sleep: While the US Government is mostly cordial with Raya, they do keep a close eye on her given the nature of her powers, and at times can be over-bearing. Given that they know her true identity, they're quite willing to leverage that information over her. How Does This Thing Work?: While Raya understands enough about her badge to repair it, she doesn’t actually know entirely how it works, only how to keep it working. This means it can’t actually be produced, forcing her to go to some pretty hefty lengths to protect it. I Must Have It!: The badge is also a technological marvel, unparalleled by almost anything on Earth. This means that many are inclined to try and steal it for themselves. Love Me, Love Me, Love Me: Raya very desperately wants people to like her, and this can come off fairly clearly to some. There are those out there who are unfortunately quite willing to take advantage of this, especially when they know how wealthy she is. Fear the Dinosaur King: The Dinosaur King’s thugs were able to retrieve Professor Ptu’s research, and have developed cruder models of the same badge Raya has. However, they very much want hers back. Do You Have Time for an Interview?: Someone as wealthy as Raya with so little a presence is quite the curiosity, and many journalists are chomping at the bit to find out more information about her. Sometimes, they go a little far. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 2 + 10 + 0 + 4 = 16PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 6 + 6 = 12PP Initiative: +1 Attack: +3 Melee, +8 Ranged Defense: +7 (+3 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +3/+14 (Move Object) Knockback: -0/-3 Saving Throws: 4 + 4 + 3 = 11 PP Toughness: +7 (+1 Con, +6 Force Field) Fortitude: +5 (+1 Con, +4) Reflex: +5 (+1 Dex, +4) Will: +3 (+0 Wis, +3) Skills: 36R = 9PP Craft Electronic 10 (+15/+17) Bluff 4 (+6) Diplomacy 6 (+8) Disguise 2 (+4/+14) Knowledge (Cosmology) 10 (+15/17) Knowledge (History) 4 (+9) Feats: 16PP Attack Focus 5 Benefit 3 (Wealth 3) Connected Dodge Focus 4 Evasive 2 Luck 2 Powers: 40 PP All powers have the "technological" descriptor Device 10 (50 DP, Flaws: Hard to Lose [4PP per rank]) [40 PP] Comprehend 2 (all languages) [4 DP] (Computational) Enhanced Skills (Data Repository, +2 on Knowledge: Cosmology, +2 on Craft Electronics) (Computational) [1 DP] Force-Field 6 (Power Feats: Selective) [7 DP] (Radiation) Immunity (Life-Support) [9 DP] Morph 2 (Any Humanoid) [4 DP] (Radiation) Movement Systems (6 Points, Power Feats: Alternate Power 1) [7 DP] BE: Flight 3 (50 mph) {6/6 DP} (Gravitic) AP: Super-Movement 3 (Dimensional [any]), Extras: Affects Others, Flaws: Action [Full] {6/6 DP} (Gravitic) Tachyonic Blaster (12 PP Array, Power Feats: Alternate Power 2) [14 DP] BE: Damage 6 (Tachyonic Blast, Extras: Ranged) {12/12 DP} (Radiation) AP: Move Object 6 (Tractor Beam, Heavy Load 3200 lb) {12/12 DP} (Gravitic) AP: Healing 6 (Vita-Rays, Range: Touch) {12/12 DP} (Radiation) Super-Movement (Space Travel [Interstellar]) 2 [4 DP] (gravitic) (4+7+9+4+7+4+14+1= 50 DP) DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Tachyonic Blaster Ranged DC 21 Toughness Damage Throw Object Ranged DC 21 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (16) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (9) + Feats (16) + Powers (40) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/126 PP
  6. The Mighty Meta-Naut Power Level: 7 (105/105PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +1 Attack/-1 Damage In Brief: Dimension-hopping, time-travelling thrill-seeker who occasionally stops time crimes and regular crimes for the government. Theme: Time Crime by Scandroid In the Year 2525 by Zager and Evans The Way Life's Meant to Be by Electric Light Orchestra Alternate Identity: Raya Wells (Legal Identity) / Rosana Carvalho (Birth Identity) [Both secret] Birthplace: Miami, Florida Residence: The Emerald Cities Base of Operations: The Emerald Cities Occupation: Adventurer/CEO Affiliations: Compass Rose International (Company) Family: Beatriz Carvalho (Mother), Hugo Carvalho (Father), Enzo Carvalho (Brother) Description: Age: 24 (DoB: February 22nd, 2008) Apparent Age: 22 Gender: Gender-fluid, primarily female-identifying. Ethnicity: Mixed Brazilian Height: 5’10” Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Raya is a beautiful woman, no doubt. Standing 5’10”, she’s tall, with a lithe figure. Her skin is deep brown and clear in a way that only expensive spa treatments can get, while her black hair is half-shaven into laser lines on the left side, while on the right it is allowed to fall down to her neck. She prefers colourful makeup, going for colours like gold, cotton candy blue or neon pink for things like lipstick, eye-shadow and eyeliner. As the Meta-Naut, she dresses in a variety of outfits, but the most common one (at least on Prime), is a white half-jacket covered in black lightning bolts and stars, adorned with a pair of tails that drop down to the back of her knees, a red full-sleeve shirt, and blue pants, with a chrome belt and a pair of blue boots to tie it all together. When she needs to obscure her identity, she wears a chrome helmet with a tinted visor. Whatever she is wearing, she always has what appears to be a silver, circular brooch or badge with three concentric rings of what appears to be back-lit or glowing sapphire. History: Rosana Carvalho’s mother Beatriz was a Scientist with a capital S. She sought to expand humanity’s horizons, and bring them to places heretofore only reachable by the superhuman. She wanted to open the gateway to other dimensions, and she had a plan to do it. Unfortunately, to most institutions her plans sounded fairly kooky and thus she was forced to experiment in the basement, developing a machine that could serve as the key to the multiverse. Being quite young, Rosana didn’t quite understand what her mother was working on. She understood that it could bring you to other places, but didn’t quite comprehend the multiverse as it was. That is, until she saw Equestria Girls. Then, suddenly, everything made sense. She could meet Twilight Sparkle. Her plans were made. One night, when her family was asleep, Rosana snuck down into the basement to see the multiverse machine. Not really understanding it, she punched the word “Ekwestreea” into the coordinator, and got ready. With a great burst, the machine zapped Rosana, teleporting her away. In doing so, it also short-circuited itself, destroying its own machinery and knocking out the power to the whole neighbourhood. By the time Beatriz could come down to see what had happened, Rosana was already long gone. Rosana did not get to meet Twilight Sparkle. Instead, she was transported to a place known as Earth-KTX-12, a world in which the dinosaurs never went extinct, and had evolved into a sapient race living under the cruel, dystopic rule of the Dinosaur King. A scared, confused child, Rosana wandered the streets of Dinosaur City, where had arrived, looking for help. While she was lucky enough to find that the dinosaurs spoke English, she was not lucky enough to avoid being arrested by the state on charges of being a potential spy. The trial was quick, once they ascertained that she was not a spy, and instead simply five. However, she was instead charged with entering the country (which covered the entire planet) illegally, and sentenced to eternal community service as an unpaid scientist’s assistant. The scientist she was given over to was Professor Ptu, a Pterosauroid who specialized in interdimensional research, and had explicitly asked for her from the courts. Rather than being evil, however, Ptu was a good and kindly scientist who wanted to overthrow the tyrannical rule of the Dinosaur King. Ptu promised that one day he would send Rosana home to her family, as soon as he figured out the means to do so. For 12 long years, Rosana helped Ptu work, learning some of the tricks of the trade in the process. She wasn't given the full scope of things - Ptu had his secrets, especially the project he was working on to transport people interdimensionally. He said that, once it was complete, it would not only allow them to escape the Dinosaur King's tyranny, but take the fight to him. However, one fateful day, Ptu’s plans to overthrow the government were discovered by the Dinosaur King’s men. As the thugs kicked down the door, Ptu affixed a small badge to Rosana’s chest, and told her to press down on it. As she did, the last thing she saw was Ptu being shot at by the king’s men. Then, suddenly, she was back in her family home, appearing suddenly in the middle of a tearful argument between both parents. To both her and her parents’ shock, though 12 years had passed in the dinosaur world, only 6 days had passed on Earth Prime. While the initial reunion was somewhat joyful, the obvious problems manifested rather quickly. Rosana had spent the majority of her life on another world, and was now almost a grown woman. Painfully, Rosana had forgotten almost all Portuguese from her youth, and was now strictly monolingual. More than that, the fact that her disappearance was directly due to her mother’s negligence in securing the multiversal device put a strain on her parents’ marriage that would never be healed and result in divorce a few months later. Her mother found some way to bond with Rosana in her interest in the device she had traveled back with. Through prodding, Beatriz was able to find all sorts of features embedded in the device, including the ability to travel through dimensions and time itself. It was also capable of other things, like generating a force-field, small blasts of tachyonic energy, even granting the power of flight. It was, simply put, a technological marvel. And Rosana knew exactly what to do with it. Feeling guilty about the damage she had done to her family, Rosana swore to make her family’s life easy. Travelling from dimension to dimension, time period to time period (particularly hunting Portuguese treasure ships), Rosana was able to accrue vast amounts of wealth in a small amount of time. That worked out, right up until the IRS showed up and wondered just where all this gold came from. Rosana and her family explained what had happened, and ended up in long talks with the United States Government. By the end of it, Rosana was given a new identity (given that few would understand the age problem) and allowed to keep most of the wealth she had acquired under some fairly strict provisos, not the least of which was that she would be working for the United States whenever she was asked. Similarly, her mother was recruited to be a scientist for the US Airforce. With a little s. Nowadays, Rosana goes by Raya Wells as her public identity, serving as the CEO of a company called Compass Rose International, though it is the United States government which holds the commanding share through shell companies. When duty calls, she serves as the Mighty Meta-Naut, protecting the USA and the rest of the world from interdimensional, cross-temporal and other strange threats! Personality & Motivation: Raya is someone who has been through the wringer, though she doesn’t want you to know that. Outwardly, Raya is a fairly peppy, exuberant person, even to the point of seeming a bit immature. Which she is. Internally, however, she is guilt-ridden, fairly traumatized and emotionally stunted. While she does enjoy helping people, much of her adventuring (at least the parts not mandated by the government) is something of an escape for her. She feels constrained by the situation she is in, and enjoys the ability to go to places where people aren’t in charge of her. Much of her wealth goes to the pursuit of pleasure in the form of fine food, hard drink and other worldly delights. She is prone to lavish on anyone she befriends, and given her sizable bank account, she can lavish a LOT. Powers & Tactics: Despite her relatively wide array of powers, Raya's tactics are relatively basic. Being a fairly piddly melee combatant, she relies heavily on her tachyonic blaster, using her flight to ensure people can't close the distance. She also makes use of her tractor beam, throwing objects at her enemies or moving things in the way of those trying to get too close. Given the ability to morph her appearance, the Meta-Naut often goes in disguise, hoping to avoid conflict until she can get the drop on people. Power Descriptions: All of the Meta-Nauts powers descend from the use of her badge, which is a highly advanced piece of technology from another dimension. When she uses her powers, she is enveloped by a blue glowing construct, usually concentrated on the area that is receiving the focus of her powers. There is also always a tendril of blue light leading back to her badge, almost forming a sort of wire. For example, when she uses her blaster, it takes the form of a transparent blue gauntlet with a hole in the middle that serves as a blaster, while when she is flying, it appears as though her feet are encased in glowing, winged boots, and in both cases it appears as if they are connected by a glowing blue wire back to her badge. Complications: Property of the United States Government: Raya is firmly under the American government’s thumb, and they aren’t inclined to let her forget it. If they think she’s straying, they aren’t afraid to yank the leash, either. How Does This Thing Work?: While Raya understands enough about her badge to repair it, she doesn’t actually know entirely how it works, only how to keep it working. This means it can’t actually be produced, forcing her to go to some pretty hefty lengths to protect it. I Must Have It!: The badge is also a technological marvel, unparalleled by almost anything on Earth. This means that many are inclined to try and steal it for themselves. Love Me, Love Me, Love Me: Raya very desperately wants people to like her, and this can come off fairly clearly to some. There are those out there who are unfortunately quite willing to take advantage of this, especially when they know how wealthy she is. Fear the Dinosaur King: The Dinosaur King’s thugs were able to retrieve Professor Ptu’s research, and have developed cruder models of the same badge Raya has. However, they very much want hers back. Do You Have Time for an Interview?: Someone as wealthy as Raya with so little a presence is quite the curiosity, and many journalists are chomping at the bit to find out more information about her. Sometimes, they go a little far. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 2 + 10 + 0 + 4 = 16PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 6 + 6 = 12PP Initiative: +1 Attack: +3 Melee, +8 Ranged Defense: +7 (+3 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +3/+14 (Move Object) Knockback: -6 Saving Throws: 4 + 4 + 3 = 11 PP Toughness: +7 (+1 Con, +6 Force Field) Fortitude: +5 (+1 Con, +4) Reflex: +5 (+1 Dex, +4) Will: +3 (+0 Wis, +3) Skills: 36R = 9PP Craft Electronic 10 (+15) Bluff 4 (+6) Diplomacy 6 (+8) Disguise 2 (+4/+14) Knowledge (Cosmology) 10 (+15) Knowledge (History) 4 (+9) Feats: 16PP Attack Focus 5 Benefit 4 (Wealth, Security Clearance) Dodge Focus 4 Evasive 2 Luck 2 Powers: 40 PP All powers have the "technological" descriptor Device 10 (50 DP, Flaws: Hard to Lose [4PP per rank]) [40 PP] Comprehend 2 (all languages) [4 DP] Force-Field 6 (Power Feats: Selective) [7 DP] Immunity (Life-Support) [9 DP] Morph 2 (Any Humanoid) [4 DP] Movement Systems (6 Points, Power Feats: Alternate Powers 2) [8 DP] BE: Flight 3 (50 mph) {6/6 DP} AP: Super-Movement 3 (Dimensional [any]), Extras: Affects Others, Flaws: Action [Full] {6/6 DP} AP: Super-Movement 3 (Temporal [any]); Extras: Affects Others, Flaws: Action [Full] {6/6 DP} Super-Movement (Space Travel [Interstellar]) 2 [4 DP] Tachyonic Blaster (12 PP Array, Power Feats: Alternate Power 2) [14 DP] (radiation) BE: Damage 6 (Tachyonic Blast, Extras: Ranged) {12/12 DP} AP: Move Object 6 (Tractor Beam, Heavy Load 3200 lb) {12/12 DP} AP: Healing 6 (Vita-Rays) {12/12 DP} DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Tachyonic Blaster Ranged DC 21 Toughness Damage Throw Object Ranged DC 21 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (16) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (9) + Feats (16) + Powers (40) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105 PP
  7. Serena almost found herself stumbling, but managed to steady herself despite the rumbling. She looked around, and frowned. “What the heck is this?” she asked, forcing herself to talk despite her teeth chattering. She didn’t flinch when Aquaria’s helmet split open. She had expected her to not be human - she had given off a distinctly alien vibe, though she hadn’t expected a Deep One of all things. Her eyes followed the woman’s trident to her jacket, and she realized quickly what was going on. “Th-th-they’re T-kitties!” she cried. Feeling the shakes around her, she knew that she had to, at the very least, get them outside the building. What she did next wasn’t clear yet, but she had to get out of the building. Considering the cats seemed to be fine with the vibrations, she hoped that they would survive the next part. Creating a burst of plasma beneath her feet, Serena flung herself up over the staircase, heading for the exit.
  8. Corona (48 IC Posts) Brain Drain! (1 IC Post) Green Thumb (12 IC Posts) Import/Export (9 IC Posts) Homecoming (11 IC Posts) Kingmaker: Opening Move (8 IC Posts) The Valley of the Shadow of Death (7 IC Posts) GM (11 GM = 22 Posts) Brain Drain (3 GM Posts) Homecoming (8 GM Posts) Extra-Curriculars (2 PP) Eros Unlimited Profile (1 PP) Reputation Post (1 PP) PP Totals: 48 IC Posts + 11 GM Posts +2 PP = 6 PP for Corona.
  9. Lester frowned, and put the glass he was cleaning down. "Hey, knock it off you two. My back might be messed up but I see either of you start stuff, I'm still strong enough to be my own bouncer." He squared up a bit, and stared at them seriously. Serena sighed. "Can we not do the macho man contest here? I trust Archer not to hurt Heather too severely. Besides, she's... She does sort of have a mental thing. Like... Like a force-field around her, so she can take more punishment than you'd think. Still, I'd like to try talking her down out of this, seeing if... maybe... I can reach through to her beyond all the crap that Wu's put her through." She drank more of her beer, using the time to gather her thoughts some more. "I need all of you to not treat her like some monster. She's not, not the way I remember her. She's a person. A person with a lot of issues, but like... I need to have hope that whatever good there was in here is still there, and that maybe when all of this is done, we can get her help. Wu is abusing her, and has been for years. I just..." She frowned. "Yeah." Lester looked over at everyone, then at Serena. "You know, she could be doing this willingly." Serena didn't even look at Lester, looking down at the ground. "I gotta hope she isn't."
  10. Serena’s eyes widened at the sight of Paige Cline. The last time she had seen the woman in person, it had been the early 90s and Serena was looking for advice on how to be a supervillain while they were skipping town. Serena had changed in appearance somewhat, developing what her daughter affectionately called “mom-bod”, while to Serena’s eyes, Paige basically looked exactly the same. Her jaw gaped for a moment. “Holy crap,” she said for a moment. “Hi. You look… great. Even off the TV.” She sighed. “Okay, good to see you, but yeah. Heather. Also known as Tantrum. She’s… Okay, so, background. Wu gave all of us powers, except for Heather. He helped lower hers. They were too strong at the time. She could hear what the entire city was thinking, all at once, and couldn’t turn it off. When she got mad, it was like stuff rattling. In fact, uh… She was kinda an orphan because she threw an entire mansion at her parents during an argument. That’s what she told me, anyway. But she couldn’t really control it, so Wu gave her these implants. They lowered her powers, but just enough so that she could manage them. She can read minds, change your personality, move stuff telekinetically, ” She chewed her lip for a moment. “What I’m trying to say is Heather is powerful. Very, very powerful. And Wu has her on his side. He’s already used her to plant suggestions in my head. She could do that to anyone.” She rubbed the back of her neck, feeling uncertain as to what to say. “…Look. Heather was my friend once, we were close. Like family. But she’s dangerous, and as long as Wu has her, he’s a massive threat. If he really wants to do damage, he could get her to do all sorts of stuff. Especially since she’s not… When I knew her, she wasn’t stable. She almost made a cop eat his gun, once, just because he pulled us over in a stolen car. Les had to pump the gas to get her away from him. We used to be safe from her using her powers on us, but… clearly that doesn’t apply anymore.” She frowned. "Sorry, I'm going in circles."
  11. Yeah, go ahead and gimme a notice roll.
  12. Serena looked out at all the people promising to help, and again, she felt a little emotional. They didn’t know her at all, but were willing to step up to the plate and help anyway. It reminded her how good the community was. She supposed Lynn was right. She did have more friends than she had realized. She smiled at Lynn, and then watched Richard go. “…He’ll be back,” she said. “Probably forgot something.” She waited a second. “He did say he’ll be right back.” Then, something occurred to her to bring up. She turned to Black Mamba. “Also, just so we’re clear… I’m not young. I’m in my 40s. I know I look young but that’s just good genes. So yeah, middle-aged, not young one…” She sounded more awkward than offended. Then, she turned to Archer. “And hey! New Archer. That’s cool. Always considered myself lucky I didn’t fight the original. Glad you showed up.” “Anyway… I’ll fill in a little more once Fast-Forward gets back.”
  13. GM The young woman sighed as Bee hugged her, and she forced some measure of composure onto herself. She looked at Bee and Miracle Girl, rubbing at her eyes, but took a moment to speak, as if gathering her thoughts. “Mohinder was so smart,” she said. “I don’t… I can’t… imagine why anyone would do this. Everyone liked him. And his poor girlfriend, too, she had to watch as his brains got…Got…” She broke again, crying into her hand. The guards blinked, then started to scrambling. “Hey! HEY!” they cried, turning and looking around them. One of them snarled. “☠☠☠☠ing supes, man!”He looked at his partner. “You check inside there, I’m gonna go look down the hall.” He pulled at the radio on his chest. “Hey, we might have a security breach in here. Might wanna keep an eye out for a young woman, about 5’5”, 5’6” in height. Blue costume, orange T on her forehead. Hard to miss.” Inside the room, it was surprisingly colourful. The floors were coated in multi-coloured foam, while the walls were painted a warm and inviting blue. Light filtered in through the big windows, but it was marred somewhat by the white metal bars over-top them. Small benches sat around grey, long tables, many of them covered with flash cards and puzzles. There were two kinds of people inside the room. The first, and more numerous, were young men and women dressed in plain grey sweats, many of which were stained, wearing velcro shoes. The other were men and women, looking very tired, wearing all sorts of different clothes. The most interesting of these two was a normally-dressed man sighing and staring down at a young blonde woman in sweats, whose face was redder than a cherry tomato. “Maggie, I get it,” he said in a soft voice. “We don’t have to do any more flash cards, but I need you to calm down.” “NO! I DON’ WANNA CALM DOWN! I WANNA BE SMART AGAIN!” she bellowed. The little scene was interrupted when the guard burst in, hand at the taser on his belt. He looked around, frowning. “Any sign of a woman in a blue costume in here?” he asked. “No, and close the door before one of th-- HEY! Ruthie, away from the door! Yeah, I see you!” Replied one of the normally dressed women. The guard frowned. “Well, tell me if you see anything,” he said, closing the door. It seemed as nothing else would happen, until Sandman got too close to the Scar. Suddenly, within the dream realm, an echo of the material world formed. A great, swirling black form took shape, marked only by white eyes that flashed like lightning storms, looming over a young, brown haired man who brandished a pocket knife in his hand. “Stay away from me!” the young man cried, swinging the blade wildly and cutting into the tree. The black humanoid form watched, seeming to grow larger. “Gustav Ingleson… You have wasted your mind…” the form replied, its voice intermingling with psychic static. It reached out, and placed its hand on the young man’s temple. Then, suddenly, everything became fuzzy, less defined.
  14. Corona narrowed her eyes at the criminals below, and leapt down at them, wanting to get into the fray so that they couldn't start aiming their guns anywhere else. Speaking of, her eyes went to the hostage. "Go on, get out of here!" she said, before turning to one of the men with the guns, and throwing a solid punch at the one who had managed to actually hit her. He seemed like the best shot, best to take him out first. "This is just gonna keep happening until you all surrender!" she shouted.
  15. Taking a 10 on Mr. Shooty Bang Bang there with her punch. DC 27 toughness save, penetrating 6, knockback 4.
  16. Well, first one is a piddly 9, so I am gonna use that hero point to reroll and oh, come on! 13.
  17. GM One of the guards finally broke, and looked over at Terrifica, frowning. He sighed, working his jaw, then looked down at her badge again, before something of a smile spread across his face. Unfortunately, there was no good humour there. "Ah, yeah, Professor Xiu. Yeah, well, the school actually heard about her bringing in your types, and they ain't happy. On strict orders to keep her friends from snooping, even." His smile grew wider. "So why don't you do me a favour and go somewhere you're wanted."
  18. Sandman does not detect any conventional dreamstuffs, but what he does get is a sort of harsh psychic stain on the surrounding area. Basically a sort of... Wound in the dream realm brought on by the terror of whatever happened here.
  19. Serena nodded over to Lynn, rolling her eyes slightly. “Yeah, she's old enough, even if she is a huge brat,” she said with a smirk. Lester complied, and began to pour Lynn a pint, clapping it on the bartop when he was done. Serena found herself distracted, however, when even more people entered in. Serena was stunned to see so many heroes had showed up to help her. She had convinced herself that most of the superheroic community would be content to simply let her rot. After all, hadn’t she fought them? But no. Her friends had come, and she remembered how good it was to have friends, and even complete strangers had come. She was, genuinely, touched. She inhaled sharply through her nose, and moved to the centre of the room, clapping her hands together. “Uh, hi, everyone. Some of you already know me, but for those who don’t, I'm Corona,” she said, looking over all the heroes. “Back when I was a teenager, there was a man named Dr. Will Wu, and he gave me and some other people,” she nodded over in Lester's direction. “Superpowers. He made us pay him back by committing crimes for him as the Delinquents. He messed with our heads, tortured some of us… And now he’s back.” She straightened up. “About a month ago, me and Facs over there found he had been doing something in our old HQ. We learned some important things – the first is that he had been using another of my old team-mates, Heather Romano, to make me want to come investigate. If Facs hadn’t been there, I probably would have been brainwashed into serving him again. Heather’s a very powerful psychic who can make you do things you would normally find awful, but you somehow think they’re your own idea. Now, that’s already bad, but Wu has done something else. When Facs pulled my bacon outta the fire, Wu sent a teenage girl with my and Heather’s DNA to try and capture us, and she had paragon powers. Which means he’s forming a new set of Delinquents.” She took a long pull from her beer. “Whatever Wu plans with them, it can’t be good. He's a bog-standard narcissist with an IQ somewhere up in space and he's real mean, and with Heather and a bunch of superkids on his side, he can do a lot of damage.” She frowned. “Last time, he mostly used us to steal stuff to get money or equipment for his experiments. I can’t explain it, but I feel like it is different this time. I get the feeling he is gonna hurt people. He's gotta be hurting those kids. Definitely hurting Heather.” She looked down in her beer. “I think he's gonna come after me again, too. We were always property to him…” She looked back up to the crowd. “Look. This is probably gonna get hairy, and I definitely can’t do it alone. That’s why I'm trying to form this… team. I don’t have a name for it. I can’t pay any of you. You'd just be helping a lady who mad a lot of mistakes and now has to face up with them and maybe making sure people on the sidelines don't get hurt. I understand if that's not enough. But I would really appreciate all the help I can get. Those of you who don’t want any part of this, you can leave now and I'll just be happy you showed up to hear me out.” She paused, waiting to see if anyone left.
  20. Serena’s eyes went wide at the arrival of Richard Cline. She had not been expecting him of all people to show up, but she was more than happy that he had. It was good to have someone as seasoned as him to deal with the problems they were going to be facing. And more than that, someone who had experience with how villains thought. She accepted the embrace gladly. “Real glad you’re here, FF,” she said. “And yeah, Facs and I met when I discovered what sort of… prompted this meeting, about a month ago.” She didn’t have much time to keep going, given that Black Mamba entered next. She sized the man up, taking in his appearance. “Oh, wow,” she said. “You look spooky.” She broke off from Richard, grabbing the beer that had been poured for her from the bar and moving over to greet the newcomer. “Well, good to have you, Black Mamba. I’m Corona,” she said. “…You’re the first person here I don’t actually know.” Meanwhile, Lester was simply staring at Fast-Forward. "...She knows Richard Cline," he said, disbelieving. "Of course she does. Because nothing makes any sense." He sighed, pulled out a bottle of Jim Beam, and poured himself a shot. It was gone in the next second or two.
  21. Serena looked down at the kittens as she started to help them into her leather jacket, to let them use her body heat. She took the time to gently stroke the sides of their faces with the back of her index finger, smiling. "We can buy kitten formula for them at the pet store," she said. "... It's artificial milk, basically. For when the mom can't lactate or... Well, when there is no mom." "We're gonna have to walk there, though, don't wanna put their little bodies through all the force of my leaping, since they're pretty delicate when they're this young."
  22. Serena sighed, casting her eyes off to the side. “Look… I appreciate that, Facs, I really do. But… I’m gonna have to be honest about what’s going on here with anyone who is teaming up. I mean, she called me ‘mom’ last time, which if anyone else heard that, they’d be pretty confused. ‘Sides… If Wu can do it to me, he can definitely do it to other people. Y’know? Should make them prepared for that possibility.” Lester nodded, then gestured to the cloche on the far end of the table. “Warning, bud, those are some real hot wings. Like real, real hot. 400 000 scovilles.” Serena blinked. “You made them even hotter?” “You know it,” Lester said with a grin. “Hey, whaddaya wanna drink, ‘Corona’?” Serena snorted. “Facs knows my first name. But uh… Gimme a Brooklyn.” Lester snapped his fingers, and then began preparing a pint. “Dunno if she told you this, but I was Corona’s first boyfriend. We were onna team together.” Serena rolled her eyes. “Yeah. He was Beastfreak on the Delinquents. He chose that name, by the way. Willingly. No one forced’em.” “I was 16!” He said, placing the pint on the bartop. “And it was the 90s. Things were different.”
  23. Shofet

    Green Thumb

    Mia watched with rapt attention, watching the pins in Lynn's hands as she juggled, obviously impressed. She was even more impressed when Lynn mimicked her, her eyes lighting up like Times Square. At the end of the demonstration, she was positively beaming. "Wow, Ms. Epstein, that's... You're really cool," she said, wearing a dorky grin. Serena watched the whole display as well, but her eyes had been largely on her daughter. Watching how she reacted to Lynn's advice. By the end, Serena was smiling too. Her daughter had been a bit moody lately, not to mention having that odd mix of narcissism and self-loathing that a lot of teenage girls had, but seeing her marvel at something like this made Serena feel like... Well, she wasn't sure, but she knew it was good for her little girl. "That's pretty good, Ly--" "Hey!" Mia interjected. "Mom works for you. You know her well enough to do an impression with those powers of yours?" Serena snorted. "Please, I'm the one and only."
  24. Les gestured to Facsimile, looking at Corona. “See? Someone’s here. And he has… a ball he named.” He turned to Facsimile, his tone quizzical and his eyebrow raised. “You named the ball?” Corona giggled, and waved. “Hey, big guy, glad you got the invite. You’re the first to arrive, so… Yeah.” She shrugged. Lester looked Facsimile over for a moment. “Super-strength, I’m guessing, can’t tell what else you got. But… Food’s over there, we got my famous kamikaze wings over there, as well as fried pickles, the famous beef Donahue Stew, some other stuff I’m forgetting.” He paused. “You want a beer? We have Bud, Bud Light, Coors, Brooklyn Lager, Guinness, Sam Adams… Corona…” At the least one, he gestured over at Serena, who made a mock, silent laugh.
  25. Shofet

    Green Thumb

    Serena snorted at the thought of that. While she couldn't imagine being happy about it happening to herself, she did have to acknowledge at the very least it made for a decent story. "Hopefully you won't ever forget me in here," Serena said. Mia rubbed her nose with her knuckles. "Maybe, uh... I dunno, sometime you could show me how you keep your powers stable? I mean, mine are mutant and... yours are faerie magic, but, like... we kinda have a few of the same powers and you seem like you're good at this."
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