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Found 3 results

  1. Rita Kord Dormitories, Third Floor Claremont Academy, Freedom City, New Jersey Saturday, September 7, 2024 Although it was a rather cloudy day, the weather was warm and pleasant in Bayview Heights. Once again the start of another school year was drawing near, with classes starting in just a couple days. As was tradition, this mean that the Claremont Academy campus was a scene of general chaos as students and their families made their way to the school’s dormitories to get the students moved in for the year. Two of the older students tasked with trying to maintain some semblance of order for the third floor of the Kord dormitory were Carmen Arrache and Iris Miller. A sixteen-year-old girl exited one the stairwell at the west end of the floor, pulling behind her a large suitcase with one hand, while the other held a violin case. Lynn Conners had her long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and was dressed in a navy blue skit and a white button up blouse. She tried her best to have something of neutral expression on her face as she started down the hallway toward the room she would be sharing with Mattie Hopper for the year. The blonde teen could have already been to her room if she had wanted to, but did not want to so openly use her speed (she would save that for putting things away in her room). Instead, she had taken the time walking from the parking lot to try to calm herself after the ride from North Bay with her adopted brother. Lawrence Harrow reminded her so much of her own brother (although some of his mannerism and accent were completely different) that being around him too long often triggered memories of what had happened that lead to her barely escaping her own timeline and eventually ending up in this one. Thankfully she was feeling a bit better at the moment, the last thing she wanted was to have a nervous breakdown the first day at Claremont.
  2. Sub-Basement of Claremont Academy Bayview, Freedom City, New Jersey Friday September 13, 2024. 10:00 AM (Counting as GM Post) A spooky day! In theory. Friday the 13th, the day of horror and spooks. Especially one getting so close to Halloween. It was that day when the student listing of Renee Cole King, Vanya "Jack" Davydov, Harper Hale, Daphen Celeste, and Sarah Francine Thatcher were requested in a room with a very exciting name. It was noted to show up in either their uniforms or costumes and expect strenuous activity. In the case of the last group of the week, it was likely they'd already heard rumors either from other classmates or their Sophomore classmates about what to expect; that they'd get a chance in the 'fabled' Doom Room, to test their mettle and powers against some of the creatures cooked up in the complex and effective simulator. Some of the tales their upperclassmen and fellow sophomores had said about what they would encounter had been clearly exaggerated, likely in good humor for the newer students; a particular Upperclassman had regaled several students with a tale that she'd had to fight The Centurion. She'd later been sternly lectured by another Upperclassman about scaring the new students. So they probably weren't going to fight The Centurion. But others had suggested encounters that seemed more than possible; The Maestro, Dinosaurs, Orion the Hunter, just to name a few. While the stories varied in the specifics, the overarching details did indicate there was probably going to be some sort of fighting or other conflict for the students to navigate to get a hold of their powers and learn how to work as a team, and for the faculty themselves to be aware of those same factors, because nothing beat a first hand test. In that way, you could in fact take it as the first test of the new school year. The large room was mostly white and grey, covered in hexagons, and gave no indication as to what the group would be facing as they entered, heading down the stairs from the student entrance to the building. They couldn't even tell who was going to be administering the test, as the black windows in one side of the room were one way, letting the instructor see but not the students. All they had been told was to get into costume and get into the room, and the test would begin soon.
  3. Harper Hale / Spore The Hale Family Current Affairs DC 15 DC 20 DC 25 Business DC 25 Gather Information DC 10 DC 15 DC 20
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