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  1. GM Sunday 19th May 8pm Union Rail Yards Greenville The day had been been quiet, a train arriving around midday to offload cargo, some historic items bound for the Hunter Museum of Natural History being locked securely in a safe in the primary warehouse. As the sun descended however the quiet was suddenly disrupted, the armoured form of the villain Steel Shade and his team smashing through the wall next to the safe, before the rest of his team got to work. Within minutes they were ready to depart, the teleportation device they'd made use of many times prior about to activate when a stone flechette tore through the delicate device, and a tide of small green creatures burst from the walls. The combat quickly became a fighting retreat, leading deeper into the train yard. Gunshots and yells ring out across the evening air as the groups engage in their battle. For the first time in quite a while the heroes have time to respond to this latest robbery.
  2. @Spacefurry @Supercape OOC for this
  3. Bloody Mess Power Level: 10/15 (250/250PP) [255] Trade-Offs: None (In alternate form: +4 Attack, -4 DC, +4 Defence, -4 Damage) Unspent Power Points: 0 In Brief: Mutant Pugilist blood controller. Alternate Identity: Fred 'Freddy' Furlong Identity: Public Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Hero for hire (Ex Pugilist) Affiliations: Bloodhound Investigations Agency, Revenant Family: Alex Furlong (father), Dasha “Mama” Furlong (mother) Description: Age: 39 (DoB: 01/01/1985) Apparent Age: 39 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’1” Weight: 140 Kgs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Fred Furlong looks like a brick. He is only a whisker over five foot, but has an unnatural build, with a barrel chest and short, thick limbs loaded with slabs of muscle. He looks like a short, steroid-loaded body builder. As a 'detective' of sorts, Fred normally wears casual clothes that can fit his abnormal body, like a t-shirt, jacket and joggers. He usually wears a blood red t shirt with “M” on the front. Power Descriptions: Freddy Furlong is a mutant with an unnaturally stocky and resilient body. When he “pumps up”, his blood becomes supercharged – meaning his muscles swell and engorge, his veins and arteries throb, and he looks like a sack of watermelons. Freddy has the ability to control his own blood and the blood of others. He can thin or clot blood, for instance. Doing so will make his eyes red and his skin blister. He prefers a straight fight than “cheating” with his blood control powers. His most spectacular power is to drain the blood from his body, forming a homunculus of blood whilst his own body remains desiccated and inanimate. History: Fred grew up in a poor Immigrant family (from Poland). His father was always keen for his son to be able to “look after himself” and young Fred was soon down the boxing gym, pounding away. It was here that it slowly became apparent Fred was a mutant, although this was not confirmed until many years later. As he continually punched, and was punched back, his body grew into a short, squat and muscular form, able to shrug off even the strongest right hook. He soon became a feared bareknuckle boxer, and got mixed up with the mafia. When Fred refused to do any more of the Mafia’s dirty work, he was shot and left to dead. It was at this point he discovered his real power: the ability to control blood. His wound stopped bleeding and he arose stronger than ever. The years of boxing, combined with a minimal education, had left Fred a little short in the brains department. It was at this point that Harry Hound, part time private investigator and all time coward, stepped in. He was looking for a partner, someone to be the hero. Personality & Motivation: Fred is a good natured but crude guy. He has a heady laugh and has a strong sense of honour. He dislikes crooks, liars, cheats, and people who hit dames. Having said that, he has a nasty temper, and when he fights, he fights dirty. Fred grew up on the streets, and knows that when you slug it out, you do what you need to. He is quick to use his fists and intimidate people. Fred is a good guy, and likes being a hero, even though he knows he ain’t the smartest tool in the box. He relies on Harry Hound to keep him “in business”, although he is more moral than Harry. Fred will take on a charity case, much to Harry’s annoyance. Powers & Tactics: Fred is exceptionally strong and tough, with a body that has adapted to blunt force. His blood gives him superhuman strength. He is thus happiest slugging it out fist to fist, where his strength, training, and resilience will win through. If he has time, he will “pump up”, rushing more of his super-charged blood to his already powerful muscles. This takes a moment or two, and is short lived, but makes him much stronger, able to run and leap even further. When this happens, his muscles swell massively, his veins bulge out, and he throbs with every heartbeat. Whilst Fred prefers a straight out slug, he can use his control over blood to offensive purposes. Normally this would mean either thinning the blood, making the enemy tired and weak. He can also cause bleeding eyes and ears, blinding his opponent (at least till they wipe the blood away). As a more dangerous measure, he can seriously hurt people by stopping the blood flow, causing bleeding, clotting, or other very dangerous effects. Of course, he only does this in more serious situations. Complications: Bloody: Harry's alternate form is continuous, but he cannot actually deactivate it without the blood crawling back to his body; or more accurately, if he deactivates it (leaving a puddle of his blood), he cannot restart his real body without a blood transfusion or the like. Bloody Coward: Whilst Harry Hound is technically a fanatic sidekick, in reality his courage often fails him.. Bloody Crude: Fred lacks many social graces and is happiest in the gutter with street life. He ain’t going to fit in with polite society. Bloody Dames, Don’t Ever hit Dames: Fred may fight mean and dirty, but he was always brought up to know that a man don’t ever hit a dame. Bloody Illiterate: Fred can’t read or write, although he has learned a crude signature. Bloody Messy: Fred's blood related powers are, to be frank, rather messy and ugly. It isn't a gore-fest (and remains PG-12), but it’s easy enough to see the signs of his powers (specks, drops, or pools of congealed blood), or follow the trail of his homunculus. And the sight of his blood draining out of his mouth to form the homunculus is a little unsettling... Bloody Old and Rusty: The Bloodhound Detective Agency always uses second hand and out of date equipment and vehicles, with a tendency to break down, belch and burp. Blood, and only Blood: Bloody Mess’ blood control powers require the target to have blood (as opposed to be alive). Some creatures (such as Jellyfish, or fungus) without a blood system will be immune to his powers. Abilities: 12 + 6 + 20 - 2 + 2 + 2 = 40PP Strength: 22/26 (+8) [up to 30 (+10) if boosted] [14/18 (+2/+4) in alternate form, up to 22 (+6) if boosted] Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 30 (+10) Intelligence: 8 (-1) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +10 [+14 in alternate form from size] Grapple: +20 [+4 in alternate form], up to extra +4 when boosted Defense: +10, +5 Flat-Footed [+14, +9 Flat Footed in alternate form from size] Knockback: -6 [-1 in alternate form], up to -10 when boosted. Saving Throws: 2 + 7 + 7 = 16 PP Toughness: +10 (+10 Con) [+6 in alternate form from size] Fortitude: +12 (+10 Con, +2) Reflex: +10 (+3 Dex, +7) Will: +8 (+1 Wis, +7) Skills: 60R = 15PP Bluff 4 (+5) Climb 2 (+10) Craft [Mechanical] 4 (+3) Drive 4 (+7) Gather Information 4 (+5) Handle Animal 4 (+5) Intimidate 8 (+9) [+6(+7) total in alternate form] Knowledge [streetwise] 12 (+11) Notice 4 (+5) Search 4 (+3) Sense Motive 4 (+5) Stealth 4 (+7) [+19 total in alternate form from size] Swim 2 (+10) Feats: 57PP All-Out Attack Benefit 2 (Use Attack bonus for feint, challenge: no penalty for doing so as move action) Defensive Attack Elusive Target Equipment 5 Fast Overrun Fearless Improved Critical 2 [unarmed Attack] Improved Initiative 1 Improved Overrun Improved Sunder Improved Throw Improved Trip Interpose Move By Action Power Attack Second Chance (Toughness save vs Unarmed Attacks) Sidekick 32 The Hound Takedown Attack 2 As enhanced traits Endurance 1 (Potentially boosted up to Endurance 5) Equipment 5PP = 25EP Ultrasonic Whistle (Communication 2, Extras: Omni Directional, Flaws: One Way, Limited to whistle) [1 EP] Headquarters: The Bloodhound Detective Agency [11EP] (Size: Medium [1EP]; Toughness: 10 [1EP]; Features: Communications, Fire Prevention System, Garage, Gym, Living Space, Security System 3, Workshop [9EP]) Vehicle: Modified Chevy [13 EP] (Size: Huge [2EP]; Toughness: 10 [1EP]; Strength: 35 [1EP]; Features: Alarm 1, Oil Slick, Smoke Screen [3EP]; Speed 5 (250mph) [5 EP]; Super-Senses 1 (Radio) [1EP]) Powers: 47 + 9 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 2 = 86PP Blood Control Array (42PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [47PP] BP: Alternate Form 9 (45PP Container; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Projection [-1]; Drawbacks: Full Round to Activate [-3]) {42/42} Enhanced Skills (Intimidate +4 Ranks) [1 PP] Enhanced Strength 4 [4 PP] (Total STR with Shrinking of 18) Immunity 4 (Critical Hits, All Suffocation) [4 PP] Insubstantial 1 (Flaws: Permanent) [5 PP] Shrinking 12 (Diminutive Size, -12 STR, -2 Size Categories Feats: Innate, Normal Movement, Flaws: Permanent) [14PP] Super Movement 4 (Slithering, Wall Crawling 3) [8 PP] Drawback (-1 Toughness) [-1 PP] (1 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 14 + 8 -1 = 35 PP) AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude], Range 2 [Perception] Feats: Sedation, Variable Descriptor 1 [blood]) {42/42} “Cause bleeding / clotting” AP: Fatigue 10 (Extras: Range 2 [Perception]; Feats: Reversible, Sedation) {42/42} “Thin Blood” AP: Dazzle 8 (All Senses but NB Complication, Extras: Alt Save [Fort], Range [Perception], Feats: Reversible, Selective [Can choose which senses affected]) [42/42 PP] “Bloody Nose” AP: Nauseate 6 (Extras: Continuous Aura [+4], Feats: Reversible, Selective Aura [38/42 PP] “Toxic Blood Blisters" AP: Nullify 10 (All Blood/Bleeding Effects, Extras: Effortless, Perception Range [+1], Feats: Selective) [41/42 PP] Enhanced Strength 4 (turbo powered blood) Enhanced Trait 1 (Endurance 1) [1PP] (turbo powered blood) Immovable 1 (Extras: Unstoppable) [2PP] (pumped up body) Immunity 6 (Fatigue Effects, Disease) Flaws: Limited, Half Effect) [3 PP] “Mutant Blood” Leaping 2 (Running jump 90’, standing jump 45’, high jump 22’) [2PP] (mighty pumped up legs) Speed 2 (25mph / 220’ rnd) [2PP] (mighty pumped up legs) Super Senses 5 (Olfactory Detect Blood, Accurate, Acute) [5 PP] NB: Can detect blood in the open, not in a person (for instance, could detect a person with a bloodied nose, or bleeding wound). Super Strength 2 (Effective lifting strength 32/36; Feats Ground Strike; Shockwave, Super Breath) [7 PP] Swimming 2 (5mph / 44'/rnd) (mighty pumped up arms and legs) Boost 4 (All strength based powers, Feats: Slow fade 1 [1 minute], Flaws: Only self) [9 PP] Drawbacks: -1PP Vulnerability (Dehydration; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Minor [x1]) [-1PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVEE FFECT Unarmed Touch DC 23* Toughness Damage (Physical) Blood Control Perception DC 25 Fortitude Damage (Physical) Blood Thinning Perception DC 25 Fortitude Fatigue Bloody Nose Perception DC 23 Fortitude Dazzle** Blood Infect Touch/Aura DC 21 Fortitude Nauseate *Unarmed attack -2 DC if in alternate form. Up to +2 DC if boosted. Totals: Abilities (40) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (16) + Skills (15) + Feats (57) + Powers (83) - Drawbacks (-1) = 250/250 Power Points
  4. GM Southside, Freedom City, New Jersey Sunday April 6, 2014 10:14 PM It had been several months since Foreshadow had first gotten on the trail of a mysterious new underworld figure. That incident had suggested that this mysterious figure might have abilities similar to Foreshadows. In the intervening time, Foreshadow experienced difficulty in trying to track down the figure, all the while the mystery man began making moves to disrupt the criminal underworld in Southside. It had been less than 48 hours since Foreshadow had gone to an underground night club to speak with an arms dealer, Grigory Salnikov. Given the assassination attempt on Salnikov, the arms dealer had been willing to provide Foreshadow with information on one of his customers, the mysterious man behind the recent unrest in parts of the Southside criminal world. Salnikov had revealed that the mystery man Foreshadow had been chasing went by the name Foresight. While Salnikov could not confirm whether he had abilities similar to Foreshadow's, he did indicate that Foresight appeared to have an uncanny ability to predict events. Salnikov had also provided the address of a location used by Foresight to which the arms dealer had delivered shipments in the last couple of months. Given that Foreshadow had already encountered one super powered operative working for Foresight, as well as another that was at least highly trained, the costumed crime fighter had decided it might be time to even the odds some. So, as he sat on the roof of another warehouse, watching the location provided by Salnikov, he was joined by Dee Farrington, who also was Synapse of the UK superteam Vanguard. They had been in place about an hour, and thus far there had been very little activity within the warehouse. A couple of blocks way on the street… Harry Hound and Freddy Furlong pulled the Caddy to a halt on a dark street, looking over at an old warehouse a few blocks away. The two private detectives generally focused on cases within the Fens or the surrounding neighborhoods, but when Lucy Harker had given them info about a power struggle taking place in Southside between some unknown new underworld figure and the existing gangs that was leaving a trail of bodies, the two had agreed (reluctantly in Harry's case) to investigate the matter. It had taken a bit of work, and some "convincing" by Freddy, but the two had eventually gotten a lead to the warehouse that sat in front of them. According to their sources, the group that was muscling in on existing groups' turf was using the building to channel the illegal arms shipments that were fueling their takeover.
  5. Bloody Mess Power Level: 10/15 (250/250PP) [254] Trade-Offs: None (In alternate form: +4 Attack, -4 DC, +4 Defence, -4 Damage) Unspent Power Points: 0 In Brief: Mutant Pugilist blood controller. Alternate Identity: Fred 'Freddy' Furlong Identity: Public Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Hero for hire (Ex Pugilist) Affiliations: Bloodhound Investigations Agency, Revenant Family: Alex Furlong (father), Dasha “Mama” Furlong (mother) Description: Age: 30 (DoB: 01/01/1985) Apparent Age: 28 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’1” Weight: 140 Kgs Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Fred Furlong looks like a brick. He is only a whisker over five foot, but has an unnatural build, with a barrel chest and short, thick limbs loaded with slabs of muscle. He looks like a short, steroid-loaded body builder. As a 'detective' of sorts, Fred normally wears casual clothes that can fit his abnormal body, like a t-shirt, jacket and joggers. However, when he acts more as a superhero, he has a costume of blood red tank top, trousers and boots, and - although everybody knows who he is - an equally red eye mask. Power Descriptions: Fred is a mutant with an unnaturally stocky, resilient and strong body. When he “pumps up”, his blood becomes supercharged – meaning his muscles swell and engorge, his veins and arteries throb, and he looks like a sack of watermelons. His ability to control blood is generally unnoticeable, unless he controls his own blood by pushing it out of his body into a small homunculus of blood (and his real body a desiccated shrivelled up horror). History: Fred grew up in a poor Immigrant family (from Poland). His father was always keen for his son to be able to “look after himself” and young Fred was soon down the boxing gym, pounding away. It was here that it slowly became apparent Fred was a mutant, although this was not confirmed until many years later. As he continually punched, and was punched back, his body grew into a short, squat and muscular form, able to shrug off even the strongest right hook. He soon became a feared bare knuckle boxer, and got mixed up with the mafia. When Fred refused to do any more of the Mafia’s dirty work, he was shot and left to dead. It was at this point he discovered his real power: the ability to control blood. His wound stopped bleeding and he arose stronger than ever. The years of boxing, combined with a minimal education, had left Fred a little short in the brains department. It was at this point that Harry Hound, part time private investigator and all time coward, stepped in. He was looking for a partner, someone to be the hero. Personality & Motivation: Fred is a good natured but crude guy. He has a heady laugh and has a strong sense of honour. He dislikes crooks, liars, cheats, and people who hit dames. Having said that, he has a nasty temper, and when he fights, he fights dirty. Fred grew up on the streets, and knows that when you slug it out, you do what you need to. He is quick to use his fists and intimidate people. Fred is a good guy, and likes being a hero, even though he knows he ain’t the smartest tool in the box. He relies on Harry Hound to keep him “in business”, although he is more moral than Harry. Fred will take on a charity case, much to Harry’s annoyance. Powers & Tactics: Fred is exceptionally strong and tough, with a body that has adapted to blunt force. His blood gives him superhuman strength. He is thus happiest slugging it out fist to fist, where his strength, training, and resilience will win through. If he has time, he will “pump up”, rushing more of his super-charged blood to his already powerful muscles. This takes a moment or two, and is short lived, but makes him much stronger, able to run and leap even further. When this happens, his muscles swell massively, his veins bulge out, and he throbs with every heartbeat. Fred has the ability to manipulate blood. Normally he uses this to either control bleeding (therapeutically), or to drain his own blood, which leaves a desiccated, withered, and immobile Fred and a small, 2’ high “homunculus” of his own blood that can then act, retaining most of Fred’s strength. He uses his homunculus form when he needs to be stealthy or creep into places he could not normally access. Whilst his homunculus form has certain advantages in terms of resilience, it does of course leave his desiccated body very vulnerable... Whilst Fred prefers a straight out slug, he can use his control over blood to offensive purposes. Normally this would mean either thinning the blood, making the enemy tired and weak. He can also cause bleeding eyes and ears, blinding his opponent (at least till they wipe the blood away). As a more dangerous measure, he can seriously hurt people by stopping the blood flow, causing bleeding, clotting, or other very dangerous effects. Of course, he only does this in more serious situations. Complications: Bloody: Harry's alternate form is continuous, but he cannot actually deactivate it without the blood crawling back to his body; or more accurately, if he deactivates it (leaving a puddle of his blood), he cannot restart his real body without a blood transfusion or the like. Cowardly Dog: Whilst Harry Hound is technically a fanatic sidekick, in reality his courage often fails him.. Crude: Fred lacks many social graces and is happiest in the gutter with street life. He ain’t going to fit in with polite society. Don’t Hit Dames: Fred may fight mean and dirty, but he was always brought up to know that a man don’t ever hit a dame. Illiterate: Fred can’t read or write, although he has learned a crude signature. Iron Man: To maintain his powers, Fred needs a vast amount of iron in his diet. He eats vast quantities of red meat and spinach. Messy: Fred's blood related powers are, to be frank, rather messy and ugly. It isn't a gore-fest (and remains PG-12), but it’s easy enough to see the signs of his powers (specks, drops, or pools of congealed blood), or follow the trail of his homunculus. And the sight of his blood draining out of his mouth to form the homunculus is a little unsettling... Old and Rusty: The Bloodhound Detective Agency always uses second hand and out of date equipment and vehicles, with a tendency to break down, belch and burp. Abilities: 12 + 6 + 20 - 2 + 2 + 2 = 40PP Strength: 22/26 (+8) [up to 30 (+10) if boosted] [14/18 (+2/+4) in alternate form, up to 22 (+6) if boosted] Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 30 (+10) Intelligence: 8 (-1) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40PP Initiative: +11 Attack: +10 [+14 in alternate form from size] Grapple: +20 [+4 in alternate form], up to extra +4 when boosted Defense: +10, +5 Flat-Footed [+14, +9 Flat Footed in alternate form from size] Knockback: -6 [-1 in alternate form] Saving Throws: 2 + 6 + 5 = 13PP Toughness: +10 (+10 Con) [+6 in alternate form from size] Fortitude: +12 (+10 Con, +2) Reflex: +9 (+3 Dex, +6) Will: +6 (+1 Wis, +5) Skills: 60R = 15PP Bluff 4 (+5) Climb 2 (+10) Craft [Mechanical] 4 (+3) Drive 4 (+7) Gather Information 4 (+5) Handle Animal 4 (+5) Intimidate 8 (+9) [+3 total in alternate form from size] Knowledge [streetwise] 12 (+11) Notice 4 (+5) Search 4 (+3) Sense Motive 4 (+5) Stealth 4 (+7) [+19 total in alternate form from size] Swim 2 (+10) Feats: 57PP All-Out Attack Challenge: Fast Feint (No -5 penalty for Move Action Feint) Defensive Attack Elusive Target Equipment 5 Fast Overrun Fearless Improved Critical 1 [unarmed Attack] Improved Initiative 2 Improved Overrun Improved Sunder Improved Throw Improved Trip Interpose Move By Action Power Attack Second Chance (Toughness save vs Unarmed Attacks) Sidekick 30 The Hound Takedown Attack 2 Teamwork 3 As enhanced traits Endurance 1 (Potentially boosted up to Endurance 5) Equipment 5PP = 25EP Ultrasonic Whistle (Communication 2, Extras: Omni Directional, Flaws: One Way, Limited to whistle) [1 EP] Headquarters: The Bloodhound Detective Agency [11EP] (Size: Medium [1EP]; Toughness: 10 [1EP]; Features: Communications, Fire Prevention System, Garage, Gym, Living Space, Security System 3, Workshop [9EP]) Vehicle: Modified Chevy [13 EP] (Size: Huge [2EP]; Toughness: 10 [1EP]; Strength: 35 [1EP]; Features: Alarm 1, Oil Slick, Smoke Screen [3EP]; Speed 5 (250mph) [5 EP]; Super-Senses 1 (Radio) [1EP]) Powers: 48 + 9 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 2 = 86PP Blood Control Array (42PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 6) [48PP] BP: Healing 10 (Extras: Action [Standard], Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Limited (Damage causing blood loss or blood effects only); Feats: Stabilise) {41/42} “Seal Wound” AP: Alternate Form 9 (45PP Container; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Projection [-1]; Drawbacks: Full Round to Activate [-3]) {42/42} AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude], Range 2 [Perception] Feats: Sedation, Subtle, Variable Descriptor 1 [blood], Drawback: Target must have blood system*) {42/42} “Cause bleeding / clotting” AP: Fatigue 10 (Extras: Range 2 [Perception]; Feats: Reversible, Sedation, Subtle, Drawback: Target must have blood system*) {42/42} “Thin Blood” AP: Dazzle 8 (All Senses but NB Drawback, Extras: Alt Save [Fort], Range [Perception], Feats: Reversible, Selective [Can choose which senses affected], Subtle, Drawback: Sensory organs must have significant blood supply [-2]*) [41/42 PP] AP: Nauseate 5 (Extras: Contagious, Continuous Aura [+4], Disease [+2], Feats: Reversible, Selective Aura, Flaws: Sicken only [-1]) [42 PP] “Blood Infection” AP: Nullify 10 (All Blood Effects/Blood Loss, Extras: Effortless, Perception Range [+1], Feats: Selective, Subtle) [42/42 PP] *Drawback Boost 4 (All strength powers [Enhanced Strength, Leaping, Speed, Super-Strength, Endurance]; Flaws: Personal; Feats: Slow Fade 1 [1 minute]) [9PP] (pump blood) Enhanced Strength 4 (turbo powered blood) Enhanced Trait 1 (Endurance 1) [1PP] (turbo powered blood) Immovable 1 (Extras: Unstoppable; Feats: Innate) [3PP] (squat body) Immunity 10 (Fatigue Effects, Disease, Own Blood infection power Flaws: Limited [Half effect] for disease and fatigue) [4 PP] “Mutant Blood” Leaping 2 (Running jump 90’, standing jump 45’, high jump 22’) [2PP] (mighty pumped up legs) Speed 2 (25mph / 220’ rnd) [2PP] (mighty pumped up legs) Super Senses 5 (Detect Blood*, Olfactory, Accurate, Acute) [5 PP] Super Strength 2 (Effective lifting strength 32/36; Feats Ground Strike; Super Breath) [6 PP] Swimming 2 (5mph / 44'/rnd) (mighty pumped up arms and legs) Drawbacks: -2PP Vulnerability (Dehydration; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Minor [x1]) [-1PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVEE FFECT Unarmed Touch DC 23* Toughness Damage (Physical) Blood Control Perception DC 25 Fortitude Damage (Physical) Blood Thinning Perception DC 25 Fortitude Fatigue Bloody Nose Perception DC 23 Fortitude Dazzle** *Unarmed attack -2 DC if in alternate form. Up to +2 DC if boosted. **Any sensory organ that would be affected by bleeding (in most humans this would be visual, auditory, olfactory senses). Totals: Abilities (40) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (15) + Feats (57) + Powers (86) - Drawbacks (-1) = 250/250 Power Points
  6. Player Name: Supercape Character Name: Bloody Mess Power Level: (10/15) (229/235PP) Trade-Offs: None (In alternate form: +2 Attack, -2 DC, +2 Defence, -2 Damage) Unspent Power Points: 6 Progress To Silver Status: 55/60 In Brief: Mutant Pugilist blood controller. Alternate Identity: Fred 'Freddy' Furlong Identity: Public Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Hero for hire (Ex Pugilist) Affiliations: Bloodhound Investigations Agency, Revenant Family: Alex Furlong (father), Dasha ‘Mam’ Furlong (mother) Description: Age: 28 (DoB: 01/01/1985) Apparent Age: 28 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’2†Weight: 140 Kgs Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Fred Furlong looks like a brick. He is only 5’2†but has an unnatural build, with a barrel chest and short, thick limbs loaded with slabs of muscle. He looks like a short, steroid-loaded body builder. As a 'detective' of sorts, Fred normally wears casual clothes that can fit his abnormal body, like a t-shirt, jacket and joggers. However, when he acts more as a superhero, he has a costume of blood red tank top, trousers and boots, and - although everybody knows who he is, an equally red eye mask. Power Descriptions: Fred is a mutant with a powerful affinity to control blood – as part of this mutation his own blood is exceptionally potent. As a result of this his body is extremely strong and powerful. History: Fred grew up in a poor Immigrant family (from Eastern Europe). His father was always keen for his son to be able to ‘look after himself’ and young Fred was soon down the boxing gym, pounding away. It was here that it slowly became apparent Fred was a mutant, although this was not confirmed until many years later. As he continually punched, and was punched back, his body grew into a short, squat and muscular form, able to shrug off even the strongest right hook. He soon became a feared bare knuckle boxer, and got mixed up with the mafia. When Fred refused to do any more of the Mafia’s dirty work, he was shot and left to dead. It was at this point he discovered his real power – the ability to control blood. His wound’s stop bleeding and he arose stronger than ever. The years of boxing, combined with a minimal education, had left Fred a little short in the brains department. It was at this point that Harry Hound, part time private investigator and all time coward, stepped in. He was looking for a partner, someone to be the hero… Personality & Motivation: Fred is a good natured but crude guy. He has a heady laugh and has a strong sense of honour. He dislikes crooks, liars, cheats, and people who hit dames. Having said that, he has a nasty temper, and when he fights, he fights dirty. Fred grew up on the streets, and knows that when you slug it out, you do what you need to. He is quick to use his fists and intimidate people. Fred don’t believe in killing, or knives, or guns. Fred is a good guy, and likes being a hero, even though he knows he ain’t the smartest tool in the box. He relies on Harry Hound to keep him ‘in business’, although he is more moral than Harry. Fred will take on a charity case, much to Harry’s annoyance. Powers & Tactics: Fred is exceptionally strong and tough, with a body that has adapted to blunt force. He is thus happiest slugging it out fist to fist, where his strength, training, and resilience will win through. He is quite comfortable with using improvised weapons such as lamp-posts in combat. If he has time, he will “pump upâ€, rushing more of his super-charged blood to his already powerful muscles. This takes a moment or two, and is short lived, but makes him much much stronger, able to run and leap even further. When this happens, his muscles swell massively, his veins bulge out, and he throbs with every heart beat. Fred has the ability to manipulate blood. Normally he uses this to either control bleeding (therapeutically), or to drain his own blood, which leaves a desiccated, withered, and immobile Fred and a small, 2’ high ‘homunculus’ of his own blood that can then act, retaining most of Fred’s strength. He uses his homunculus form when he needs to be stealthy or creep into places he could not normally access. Whilst his homunculus form has certain advantages in terms of resilience, it does of course leave his dessicated body very vulnerable... Whilst Fred prefers a straight out slug, he can use his control over blood to offensive purposes. Normally this would mean either thinning the blood, making the enemy tired and weak. As a more dangerous measure, he can seriously hurt people by stopping the blood flow, causing bleeding, clotting, or other very dangerous effects. Of course, he only does this in more serious situations. Complications: Cowardly Dog: Whilst Harry Hound is technically a fanatic sidekick, in reality his courage often fails him... Crude: Fred lacks many social graces and is happiest in the gutter with streetlife. He ain’t going to fit in with polite society. Don’t Hit Dames: Fred may fight mean and dirty, but he was always brought up to know that a man don’t ever hit a dame. Enemy: Fred still has some enemies in the mafia from his youth. Illiterate: Fred can’t read or write, although he has learned a crude signature. Iron Man: To maintain his powers, Fred needs a vast amount of iron in his diet. He eats vast quantities of red meat and spinach. Messy: Fred's blood related powers are, to be frank, rather messy and ugly. It isn't a gore-fest (and remains PG-12), but its easy enough to see the signs of his powers (specks, drops, or pools of congealed blood), or follow the trail of his homunculus. And the sight of his blood draining out of his mouth to form the homunculus is a little unsettling... Old and Rusty: The Bloodhound Detective Agency always uses second hand and out of date equipment and vehicles, with a tendency to break down, belch and burp. Abilities: 12 + 6 + 20 - 2 + 1 + 1 = 40PP Strength: 22/26 (+8) [up to 30 (+10) if boosted] [18/22 (+4/+6) in alternate form] Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 30 (+10) Intelligence: 8 (-1) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +10 [+2 in alternate form from size] Grapple: +18/+20 [+8/+10 in alternate form, up to +4 total if boosted] Defense: +10, +5 Flat-Footed [+2 in alternate form from size] Knockback: -6 Saving Throws: 2 + 6 + 5 = 13PP Toughness: +10 (+10 Con) [+8 in alternate form from size] Fortitude: +12 (+10 Con, +2) [up to +20 from Endurance feat if applicable] Reflex: +9 (+3 Dex, +6) Will: +6 (+1 Wis, +5) Skills: 44R = 11PP Bluff 4 (+5) Craft [Mechanical] 2 (+1) Drive 2 (+5) Handle Animal 2 (+3) Intimidate 8 (+9) [+5 total in alternate form from size] Gather Information 2 (+3) Knowledge [streetwise] 10 (+9) Notice 4 (+5) Search 2 (+1) Sense Motive 4 (+5) Stealth 4 (+7) [+15 total in alternate form from size] Feats: 49PP Challenge: Fast Feint (No -5 penalty for Move Action Feint) Equipment 5 Fearless Fighting Style: Boxing All-Out AttackDefensive Attack Elusive Target Improved Block Power Attack Takedown Attack 1 Fast OverrunImproved Overrun Improved Sunder Improved Trip Improved Critical 1 [unarmed Attack] Improved Initiative 1 Second Chance (Toughness save vs Unarmed Strike) Sidekick 28 Ultimate Effort (Fort Saves) Equipment 5PP = 25EP Headquarters: The Bloodhound Detective Agency [12EP]Size: Medium [1EP]; Toughness: 10 [1EP]; Features: Communications, Fire Prevention System, Garage, Gym, Kennels (Houses Dogs), Living Space, Security System 3, Workshop [10EP] Vehicle: Modified Chevvy [13 EP] Size: Huge [2EP]; Toughness: 10 [1EP]; Strength: 35 [1EP]; Features: Alarm 1, Hidden Compartments 1, Oil Slick, Smoke Screen [4EP]; Speed 5 (250mph) [5 EP]; Super-Senses 1 (Radio) [1EP] Powers: 9 + 36 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 15 + 2 + 2 + 4 +2 = 78PP Boost 4 ( All strength powers [Enhanced Strength, Leaping, Speed, Super-Strength, Endurance]; Flaws: Personal; Feats: Slow Fade 1 [1 minute]) [9PP] (pump blood) Blood Control Array (32PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [36PP] Control Bleeding : Healing 10 (Extras: Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Limited (Damage causing blood loss or blood effects only); Feats: Stabilise) {31/32} Bloody Mess Form : Alternate Form 7(35PP Container; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Projection [-1]; Drawbacks: Full Round to Activate [-3]) {32/32} Blood Attack : Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude], Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Sedation, Variable Descriptor 1 [blood]) {32/32} Thin Blood : Fatigue 10(Extras: Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Reversible, Sedation) {32/32} Drain Blood: Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude], Vampiric; Feats: Improved Critical 1, Sedation) {32/32} Enhanced Strength 4 (turbo powered blood) Enhanced Trait 1 (Endurance 1) [1PP] (turbo powered blood) Immovable 1 (Extras: Unstoppable; Feats: Innate) [3PP] (squat body) Immunity 30 (Bludgeoning and Impact effects Flaws: Limited (half effect only)) [15PP] (pugilistic mutant adaptation) Leaping 2 (Running jump 90’, standing jump 45’, high jump 22’) [2PP] (mighty pumped up legs) Speed 2 (25mph / 220’ rnd) [2PP] (mighty pumped up legs) Super Strength 2 (Effective lifting strength 32/36) [4PP] Swimming 2 (5mph / 44'/rnd) (mighty pumped up arms and legs) Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -2PP Vulnerability (Dehydration; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Moderate [x1.5]) [-2PP] DC Block[table] ATTACKRANGESAVEEFFECT UnarmedTouchDC 23* ToughnessDamage (Physical) Blood ControlPerceptionDC 25 FortitudeDamage (Physical) Blood ThinningPerceptionDC 25 FortitudeFatigue Blood SuckingTouchDC 25 FortitudeDamage[/table]*Unarmed attack -2 DC if in alternate form. Up to +2 DC if boosted. Totals: Abilities (40) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (11) + Feats (49) + Powers (78) - Drawbacks (-2) = 229/235 Power Points
  7. Union Rail Yards Friday, May 30th, 2014 9:32 PM There was a wound in the world. Nick Cimitiere admitted that he wasn't the most science-minded individual in the world - his talents lay in the arts, the arcane, and perhaps an espresso machine. Which meant it was kind of hard to describe the sight before him. He'd been catching up with some of the ghosts that lurked around the neighborhood when a bright flash had caught his eye. Trailing it, he found the anomaly - a dark, blue sphere of light that hung two foot above the ground, neither flickering nor fading. It was almost the color of midnight, and it appeared as constant as any object - save, that is, for the occasional dark blue spark that crackled off of it. He planted his feet before the sphere. This might not be his department, but he had a feeling he didn't want to take his eyes off of it. Who knew what might emerge from its confines...
  8. September 3, 2013 8:23 AM This morning found the sky over Freedom City overcast, with showers expected throughout the day and possibly thunder storms in the afternoon. Despite the cloud cover, the otherwise warm morning air was already very muggy due to the humidity. Nestled along the southeastern end of downtown Freedom City, the Fens were just as muggy as anywhere else. In the rather battered building that housed the Bloodhound Detective Agency, there was no reprieve from the humidity, as the building's air conditioning had once again decided to break down for the umpteenth time this summer. Harry was seated at his desk near the window, which was open in the hopes of getting a breeze. Freddy was seated on the sofa, watching the news, a fan blowing on him at the highest setting. Lucy was in the office she had recently moved into the humidity not bothering her in the slightest.
  9. August 30th, 2014 The Fens, Freedom City Morning The morning was crisp and cool, just enough of a tang in the air to drive one to wear a coat. The battered coup idled outside the building for the Bloodhound Investigative Agency. It was a humble building, for a humble organization, and at the moment that humility wasn’t earning it any brownie points with the car’s driver. Necessity won out over disdain, though, and the car was parked properly. The driver popped out and strode up to the door of the building, stepping neatly aside when a mob of school-age children rushed down the street. They turned and shouted insults at him; he made a rude gesture back and they walked off, hooting and hollering. He walked up the door and reached over his head for the button marked “BLOODHOUND INVESTIG,†and the rest of the label had flaked off. There was a loud buzzing from the intercom system, and when the door didn’t unlock immediately he stabbed the button several more times. “Hey, wake up,†he shouted into the speaker grill. “Is anyone working in there today?â€
  10. Rolls and suchlike to be made in >this thread.
  11. Thursday, February 7, 2013 Early evening A couple of days ago, Lucy Harker had received a visit from a mother that was concerned about her young adult son being in some sort of trouble. Ms. Diaz was originally from Mexico, having moved to the United States more than twenty years ago before becoming a naturalized citizen. Her son, Benito, was a first generation Mexican-American, and his mother had worked hard to make sure he had plenty of opportunity and did not fall into the wrong crowd. One of the activities Benito had taken to was boxing, and he had even won a few junior competitions in the city. Ms. Diaz had told Lucy that Benito had changed dramatically in the last couple of weeks, often staying out late at night and occasionally coming home with injuries which he gave shaky explanations for when she would question him about them. But Lucy had barely been able to start looking into things when she had received a call from Ms. Diaz this morning, informing her that Benito had been gone since Tuesday night. After assuring Ms. Diaz that this was now a top priority for her, Lucy had called one of her clients, the Bloodhound detective agency, and invoked part of their "agreement" to enlist their aid in tracking down the young man. Then, she had gone with Fred Furlong and Harry Hound to Ms. Diaz's home to start trying to figure out what might be going on with her son. After searching his room, they had found a fair amount of cash hidden in a drawer, but nothing else that would suggest gang activity or drug dealing. They had spent the rest of the day asking around in the neighborhood, but could not turn up anything that would suggest Benito had joined a gang. At this point, Harry and Fred brought up a rumor they had been hearing recently about some underground street fighting rings being run in parts of the Fens and Greenbank. Of course, the two private eyes knew little more than the possible existence of these operations, but they knew someone who likely knew more. Of course, given how their last visit to see Ricky Ferreti had gone, they decided to try to catch him before he reached his favorite watering hole. So now Lucy, Fred and Harry were sitting in the Bloodhound agency's Cadillac outside the bar, watching for Ricky to arrive.
  12. Sunday, February 10, 2013 Early evening The sun was starting to make its final descent to the West of Freedom City as a cool evening breeze stirred across the grounds of Claremont Academy. Being a weekend evening, the school's Main Qaud was quiet and empty, save for one lone figure. Giang Trang was sitting on one of the wooden benches along the outside of the circle of grass in the center of the open air courtyard. Standing in the center of the grass circle was the statue of a proud-looking Dr. Charles Claremont. The Asian teen was dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a red shirt and a light black jacket, the cool evening air not bothering her in the slightest. Today marked the beginning of the Chinese New Year, the start of the Year of the Snake. The start of Chinese New Year had been one of the few holidays Giang had known growing up in Vietnam. Freedom City's small Chinatown in the West End was having a festival for the start of the Year of the Snake, so the Asian teen was looking forward to the opportunity to attend, having asked John Smith to accompany her. So, she was sitting in the Main Quad waiting for John to arrive. As she sat waiting, her posture perfect as always, the Asian teen projected a calm, almost serene presence, despite the faint feelings of excitement she had early brought under control with some meditation.
  13. The OOC for this thread, for when we need it.
  14. Back in the day, Revenant had a fun little romp called Bloody Mess, where she encountered Rene due Sans and a child vampire who whiled away the hours haunting a slaughterhouse. Fun times. At the end of the thread, Rev and Rene called in Nick Cimitere's expertise to de-vampify the little girl, and were successful in turning her into a child who merely has years of therapy in front of her. Now, all this means that there is a vampire cure in the Freedom Verse; however difficult and convoluted it may be, vampirism can be cured. The question I will now give to you all is: knowing that, how would one explain a person becoming and staying a vampire? Assuming they don't simply want MORE POWER!! Is there a logical method that someone could be stuck as a bloodsucking undead horror?
  15. January 13th, 2013 "This is the place" said Fred, in the cold rain of a miserable overcast January morning. It was just past nine and the city had failed to catch alight with its normal energy. People were tired, sluggish, and down after the festive period. "Looks like it" said the mangy but large dog by his feet. The dog had looked around quite carefully to check nobody was listening before it spoke in a gruff, dog-like voice. "Stay there, Ill just nip over and..." continued the dog, before scuttling off between some buildings and behind some trash cans. In the blink of an eye, the dog vanished, replaced by Harry "the Hound" Hound, wearing a crumpled mac, crumpled shirt, and crumpled tie. His hair was crumpled. He was crumpled. Fred didn't act surprised. He had seen Harry change several times now. Instead, he focussed on the building. He couldn't read the sign outside, but Harry had told him all about the place. "Looks a bit...y'know...old and crumbly..." he said about the building. "Just like our lawyer" said Harry, failing to light a damp cigarette in the rain. "Still, what a thing, hey Harry? a dead Lawyer, all back to life n' everyfing! She must be something, eh. Must know a lot about the law and all. Good thinkin' as always, Harry. Good thinkin'. She must be dead good..eh?" he chuckled. "Ha Ha" said Harry cynically. "I'll tell you what, she is dead cheap. I'll give her that..." he said, cheering himself up. At the back of both men's mind was that they were in a dangerous business. Harry was good at hiding and running if need be, and Freddy could more than take care of himself. But neither really wanted their lawyer at the end of a Mafia sniper's sights. Fred, particularly. "Anyway, stay here and keep lefty and righty to yourself. Don't get into any trouble. Just..err..enjoy the rain..." "Hmphhh..." said Fred, kicking a half eaten discarded hot dog in the gutter out of boredom. "Right then, lets see what this lady has to say for herself..." said Harry, to himself, as he entered the building and knocked on the door to Ms. Lucy Harker's office. A natural coward, he had a slight sense of unease about her not-alive status. He had done his research, he had his contacts... But she is cheap! he reminded himself.
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