With all the guidebook stuff and other fairly intresting things happening around me, i began to feel a bit like a useless eustace and began thinking to myself, "What can i do to help this fine site?" and the answer was nothing practically useful with the setting development, I am Simply too disorganized and scatterbrained for anything like that.
So with this in mind I made the decision to as many have before me here, on roninarmy and the atomicthinktank before it have and made tmade this (second and hopefully better organized) build thread with the express intention of filling it with Example characters much like those provided already by AvengersAssembled in the guide book for comparison, contrast and possible use, be it as NPCs or PCs.
And now standard Disclaimer: The views represented here within are soley those of Exaccus (me!) and not in anyway representative of those of Freedom City play by post and the builds are not guaranteed approval though they meet the houserules of our site, a lot of it comes down to the concept you attach and of course the moderators discretion.
So with that said, lets get started!
Note: I will be converting each character to the sites formatting eventually but untill then it will be a direct output from herolab
PL 10 Archetypes
Energy Projector 1
Energy Absorber
PL7 Archetypes