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Found 7 results

  1. Bayview Mall, Early October, 2024 October was getting started early at the Bayview Mall. A legion of 12 foot tall Skeletons guarded the entrance to the Mall. In the open planned courtyard of the mall, you could take pictures with cut outs of Freddie, Jason, the Predator, and other horror movie icons. For kids, Scooby-Doo and Freddie Fazbear and the like offered much more sanitized versions of spooks and scares, all alongside the classic witches and goblins and ghouls. Carmen Alvarez Arrache, Harper Hale, Katherine "Kate" Melita Devon-Leeds, and Alden Underwood were also at the Bayview Mall. There was an overarching reason for this, alongside a few specific individual reasons to draw the Claremont Students to the mall. Harper Hale was getting pictures for her first article in the Claremont school paper; an article on the Halloween decorations going up around town, the new Halloween activities at the Bayview Mall included. The current fun was getting a special set of commemorative stickers if a young child in question went to all the special zones set up and got signatures from the Head Witch of the Coven, the Skeleton King, The Zombie Lord, The Werewolf Pack Leader, and Frankenstein. While Halloween wasn't for a few weeks yet, it was nice to get out and do stuff like this early, especially when many stores were offering Halloween discounts and stores putting up early Halloween costumes- the Freedom League was a popular as ever-, so a family could do a lot of their Halloween shopping very early in the month. Meanwhile, Carmen as a Senior had been given her own mission; to get some decorations that were going to be going up on Claremont's Campus for the month. They'd run out in the middle of putting up decorations, and Michael had begged Carmen to take his (mother's) card and go pick up some more Halloween stuff; another few skeletons, some witches and skulls and jack-o-lanterns. Due to certain other issues going on, Claremont students were expected to go out with their teams as much as possible, and as such Kate and Alden had, additionally, been asked by Claremont's local super-powered Golden Retriever to go with her and help her carry back the supplies. So the 4 members of the Green Squad were currently in the Bayview mall, carrying out their specific tasks and keeping an eye on each other to make sure that no one got concerned. Accompanying them- partially to help Carmen as well, but also as an adult figure in charge-, was the new School Nurse, Anna-Marie Delgado. An older woman in her mid 50s born in Mexico, like Carmen she was a native Spanish speaker, a handsome older woman with dark hair and eyes. She was content to let Carmen handle the transactions of business, working purely as a social support, since the school wanted Carmen to get a little more comfortable in her own skin as she got closer to graduation. Everywhere in the Bayview mall, young kids ran about watched over by their parents as the Claremont students carried out their tasks. It was a nice day, and it seemed like nothing was going wrong.
  2. Riverside Freedom City, New Jersey Tuesday June 11, 2024. 7:00 PM Jack and Lynn had communicated via text over the last few days after meeting in Liberty Park and Lynn having to take a rain check on buying Jack lunch. In that time, lunch had changed to dinner, and Lynn suggested meeting in Riverside for the open houses put on by local art galleries on the second Tuesday evenings of each month. This choice certainly made sense, given they both had an interest in art. So, Jack was waiting on the sidewalk in Riverside where Lynn had indicated as a meeting place, near the start of the various art galleries. Jack had not yet really spent any time in this part of Freedom City, down near the bay and the famous Sentry Statute. In addition to various residential neighborhoods with small, well-kept apartment buildings and rows of townhomes, in addition to art galleries, it was filled with restaurants, coffee shops, bookstores and a number of other small boutique businesses. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ever since it had been decided that he would begin attending Claremont Academy in the fall, Eòghann Soillearsgian had begun making some trips to Freedom City to acquaint himself some with the city before he began residing there. During his last visit, he had learned about this regular event hosted by various art galleries in one of the city’s neighborhoods. So, the young prince had once again traveled to Freedom City and was walking down a sidewalk in Riverside, headed towards a street that boosted a large number of galleries. As he walked along the streets, he found them busy with all manner of people. There were couples, groups of friends, individuals and families. While young adults seemed to easily be the most common age group he had seen, there were certainly other teens, and plenty of older adults (in addition to children of various ages among the families).
  3. Sub-Basement of Claremont Academy Bayview, Freedom City, New Jersey Tuesday September 10, 2024. 10:00 AM BOUNCE! A new year at Claremont means new students, and new students mean that the teachers need to figure out just what they can do, see them in action, put them through the paces. In short, it's Doom Room time! After the start of the school year on a Monday, and with the first group of new students participating in their assessment Tuesday, the second group have been scheduled for Wednesday at 10 AM, featuring none other than Diego D'Angelo, Lady Estelle de Havilland, Annabelle Simran Jones, Matilda Hopper and Alden Underwood. They had all been told to be there on time, and they had all been told to be in uniform, costume or whichever they prefered to call it. They should be ready for combat, and ready to show off what they could do. For her part, Mattie Hopper is more than happy to be there. Her eyes are all but bulging out of her head as she walks into the large room, gawking at the sheer size of the hexagon covered room. She is dressed in a form fitting purple costume with white details on her sides and chest. Her short hair is purple, and her smile is wide as she spots the dark plexiglass windows on one of the walls. That's gotta be where the teachers are, right? She enthusiastically starts waving at whoevers in there, while shouting for them. "This sure is somethin'! Do all the big time super heroes here in Freedom got a place like this?"
  4. OOC for this. Please give me Initiative rolls so we're ready once the assessment starts.
  5. Edward Jon Carter Dormitories, Second Floor Claremont Academy, Freedom City, New Jersey Saturday, September 7, 2024 The cloudy sky insured that the weather in Bayview Heights this Saturday was rather warm and pleasant. School was set to begin on Monday at Claremont Academy, so the move in for students had begun, the campus filled with students and their families. For the returning students it was a chance to catch up with friends. For the new students and their families, it was trying to find their way around. Thankfully a number of the older students had been asked to assist in directing the new students in the right direction. Lawerence Harrow was one such student, the blond Junior having recently arrived with his adopted half-sister, Lynn. His things already put away in the room he shared with Baz, Lawrence was walking along the halls, both looking for his friends and anyone that might need assistance…
  6. Harlequin Power Level: 12 (180/190PP) Built as PL8 Unspent Power Points: 10pp Trade-Offs: +4 Defense / -4 Toughness In Brief: Prince of Ogres and Goblins fated to nobility and heroism. Catchphrase: “Might I have your name?” Theme: Born to be a Killer - Chase Noseworthy Alternate Identity: Alden Underwood (Human Name, Secret), Eòghann Soillearsgian, Prince of the Shadowed Places (True Name, Secret) Birthplace: Kingdom of Goblins and Ogres, Avalon Residence: Claremont Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Student, Prince Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Ogres and Goblins, Unseelie Fae, Aes Sídhe Family: Muireadhach the Goblin King, Mòrag the Ogre Queen, Cathán the Unseelie (Secret) Description: Age: 16 (DOB: 1 November 2008) Ethnicity: Fey (Natural Form) / Caucasian (Human Form) Height: 5’5” Weight: 113lbs Eyes: Yellow (Natural Form) / Green (Human Form) Hair: Blonde Eòghann has a thin, lithe figure, possessed of grace beyond the normal for humanity, even when he's disguised as a human the perceptive can see it, his movements are too smooth and any accidents seem planned to be only the most minor and harmless. In both his normal human disguise and his natural form his face is elfin and beautiful, his combined heritage softening the sharp features of his goblin father and thinning the more bulbous features of his ogre mother to produce a face that bears graceful, gently curved lines. In both forms he possesses flowing golden locks that if straightened the tips would reach his shoulders, but instead creates loose curls around his face and ears instead. Below elegantly arched eyebrows his eyes are bright and focused, mischief dancing within them when he relaxes, a golden yellow when in his natural form and bright green when disguised. In his natural form his skin is a dusky green-blue hue, his teeth pointed and sharp, and his ears are long and pointed, both of which are hidden beneath lightly tanned and freckled skin and human teeth and ears. His clothes tend to reach the Romantic Era and be no more modern, given to ruffles and other trappings of the era. When going out as a hero he wears a harlequin costume and masquerade mask, painting what of his skin is visible white, or using his illusions to the same effect if he does not have time to apply the paint normally. History: Eòghann's parents are powerful rulers in the lands of Faerie, the King of Goblins and Queen of the Ogres each rule their fearful throng. But both wanted more, and harbored a great affection for the other. So motivated they arranged to be wed, so that their peoples may be joined and their might combined. There was but one foible. They were without child. No matter how the royal couple tried, an heir eluded them, and as the other fruits of their union grew, they became ever more desperate to secure their legacy, and their rising station amongst the Unseelie Courts. So driven they invoked the True Name of Cathán, a mighty knight of the Aes Sídhe, binding him to weave his magics to allow them to sire a child. Cathán was incensed at the invocation of his Name, but nonetheless intrigued at the audacious request and so he bestowed three blessings and one curse upon the child, unbeknownst to the King and Queen. The babe would be powerful, beautiful and share in his own blood, his own secret heir. But he would also possess a nobility of spirit that would never be quenched. Eòghann was born on the morn of Samhain, and from the moment of his birth could never understand what might be wrong with him. He took the lessons in stride, learning from the mightiest Ogre Mages and the most devious Redcaps and exceeding in his studies far beyond his years. But his heart was never settled, and he could never bring himself to fully embrace the darker teachings, the thieving of names and infants, the slaughtering of livestock and laying of traps. Still he did his damnedest to meet the expectations of his parents and tutors, while sneaking out during his free time to undo the damage caused as best he could. This charade has continued until his sixteenth year. His parents had their most devious plan yet. Their son would infiltrate the world of Men beyond Avalon, and ensnare the latest generation of their great heroes in Fae schemes, and graduate with new champions in his thrall! Personality & Motivation: Eòghann is gregarious and enjoys having company, having not been around many peers growing up. He is still muddling through the mess of expectations that his parents, tutors and culture laid upon him prior to leaving for the human world, and how they interact with his own morals and knowledge, leading to uncertainties and insecurities which he covers with mischief and bravado. At his heart Eòghann wishes for everyone to get a happy ending, be they man, ogre or goblin, which is at the core of his crisis: How can he make everyone happy? Powers & Tactics: Eòghann is an accomplished mage for his age, able to disguise himself as both people and animals, cast illusions, make plants grow wild and strong and conjure weapons made of shadows, immaterial blades which attack the very soul for as long as they remain embedded within the foe. The spell he is most proud of is his ability to shield others from harm, a shield of light and silver in the shape of a Harlequin mask springing up between them and whatever would do them harm, an ability he developed while trying to undo the damage his lessons caused. In addition, Eòghann is practiced in the art of stealing names, able to through a mix of guile and magic weasel past the defenses of the wary to claim their names, which he can then use to work more insidious magics upon them, able to confuse and control the mind but here too he has found a way to twist the magic to help others, able to grant others access to his magical techniques although it is a very tiring practice. Finally he is able to channel his magics to disguise himself, teleport, burrow and regenerate. In addition he can comprehend any language spoken or written and speak to anyone. Complications: Thy Truest Name Invoking Eòghann's True Name grants one power over him, allowing the individual to control the young Prince. Anyone who knows Eòghann's full True Name can command him as though via Mind Control with ranks equal to their Power Level or his, whichever is greater. Under Revealing Light The light of the full moon and similar phenomena dispel falsehoods, rendering many of Eòghann's magics ineffective. Under the light of the full moon, or after being affected by a power with the Light descriptor as well as the Blessed/Celestial/Holy and/or Silver descriptors, Eòghann's Shapeshifting, Illusion, and Glamour powers are nullified. I Bar Thee from Entry A location warded with charms of Iron, Rowan, or a line of Salt around the entrance is barred to Eòghann. Eòghann is unable to willingly enter a location warded with Iron, Rowan or Salt. The Tongue of Thine Birth Eòghann’s magic allows him to understand and be understood by anyone, but this could also help reveal his secrets. Eòghann always speaks in listeners native language, this can raise suspicion if there's no way for him to have known the listeners native tongue, doubly so if there's no reasonable explanation for how he knows it. Prince of the Unseelie Eòghann may have worked to repair the damage he caused under his tutor’s guidance and his parent’s expectations but he did so under disguise, and so those who see his true form will see only the dark prince. When not disguised, Eòghann may be recognized by witnesses, who may respond to the prince negatively. Abilities: 0 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 52PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 26 (+8) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 26 (+8) Combat: 16 + 8 = 24PP Initiative: +8 Attack: +8 Melee (+8 Base), +8 Ranged (+8 Base) Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +0 Knockback: -0 Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 2 = 2PP Toughness: +4 (+4 Con) Fortitude: +4 (+4 Con) Reflex: +8 (+8 Dex) Will: +6 (+4 Wis, +2) Skills: 72R = 18PP (1PP = 4 Skill ranks) Acrobatics 3 (+11) (Skill Mastery) Bluff 6 (+14) Diplomacy 6 (+14) Disguise 2 (+10/+20 [Morph]) Gather Information 6 (+14) Intimidate 6 (+14) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 10 (+12) Languages 0 (Fae [Native]) Notice 12 (+16) (Skill Mastery) Perform 2 (+10) Sense Motive 12 (+16) (Skill Mastery) Stealth 7 (+15) (Skill Mastery) Feats: 18PP Luck 2 Ritualist Dodge Focus 8 Benefit (Fey Royalty) Benefit (Wealth) 3 Evasion 1 Skill Mastery 1 (Acrobatics, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth) Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) 1 Powers: 39 + 18 + 9 + 6 + 1 = 73PP All powers have the following descriptors: (Magic, Fae, Goblin, Ogre, Trickery) Magic Array 18 (36PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [39PP] Additional Descriptor(s): None BP: Damage 8 (Shadowstuff Blades; Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Duration [Concentration], Penetrating 6; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach 3, Split Attack) {36/36PP} (Piercing, Shadows, Soul) AP: Illusion 8 (Faerie Mirage; All Sense Types; Feats: Progression 2 [Area, 25ft.]; Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [When unable to speak and gesture; Frequency: Common]) {32/36PP} AP: Create Object 15 (Plant Growth; Extras; Duration [Continuous], Impervious 4; Feats: Innate, Precise, Progression [Area, 10ft. Cube], Subtle; Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [When unable to speak and gesture; Frequency: Common]; Flaws: Permanent) {36/36PP} (Plant, Wood) AP: Deflect 12 (Shield of Silver; All Attacks 3PP/Rank; Extras: Range [Ranged]; Feats: Triggered 2; Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [When unable to speak and gesture; Frequency: Common]; Flaws: Limited [Only Deflect Attacks Against Others]) {36/36PP} (Light, Silver) Name Invocation Array 8 (16PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3; Drawbacks: Power Loss 1 [When unable to speak]) [18PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Curse, Sonic) BP: Transform 8 (Name Stealing; Mental Transform 2PP/rank; Target Forgets Name(s); Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Duration [Continuous]; Feats: Subtle; Drawbacks: Reduced Range [5 Increments]; Flaws: Requires Opposed Skill Check [Bluff]) {16/16PP} (Interaction) AP: Mind Control 8 (Command the Named; Extras: Conscious; Flaws: Limited [Requires Target to be effected by Name Stealing]) {16/16PP} AP: Confusion 8 (Curse the Named; Extras: Insidious; Feats: Incurable, Reversible; Flaws: Limited [Requires Target to be effected by Name Stealing]) {10/16PP} AP: Share Magic adds (Extras: Affects Others, Range [Ranged]; Feats: Progression 2 [5 Targets]) to Magic Array (Feats: Subtle; Flaws: Limited [Requires Target to be effected by Name Stealing], Tiring) {14/16PP} (Blessing) Might and Mischief 3 (6PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [9PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Bloodline) BP: Morph 2 (Glamour; Any Humanoid 2PP/Rank; Extras: Duration [Continuous]) {6/6PP} (Disguise, Illusion) AP: Burrow 3 (Goblin Tunnels; Extras: Area [15ft. Tunnel], Penetrating; Flaws: Distracting) {6/6PP} (Earth) AP: Teleport 2 (Fae Escape; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity) {6/6PP} AP: Healing 1 (Ogre Toughness; Extras: Action 4 [Reaction, Triggers when struck]; Feats: Stabilize; Flaws: Personal) {6/6PP} Comprehend 3 (Understand and Speak All Languages) [6PP] Comprehend 1 (Read All Languages; Flaws: Duration 2 [Concentration]) [1PP] Drawbacks: -3 + -4 = -7PP Vulnerability (Iron; Frequency: Uncommon [+1PP]; Severity: Major [+100% Effect, +2PP]) [-3PP] Weakness (Iron; Frequency: Uncommon [+1PP]; Intensity: Moderate, -1 Constitution Drain [+2PP], Accelerated Effect: 5 Minutes [+1PP]) [-4PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Shadowstuff Blades Touch (Ext. Reach) DC 23 Will Damage (Sustained) Name Stealing Ranged DC 18 Will Mental Transform Command the Named Perception DC 18 Will Mind Control Curse the Named Ranged DC 18 Will Confuse Totals: Abilities (52) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (2) + Skills (18) + Feats (18) + Powers (73) - Drawbacks (7) = 180/190
  7. Okay, this one was quite difficult to make. So many different calls as to what I wanted as complications, drawbacks and powers. I think everything is above board with the exception of the Name Stealing array which DEFINITELY wants ref approval. I did ask Fox to bring up the Requires Opposed Check flaw like two months ago, so I'm hoping that's not too controversial. The other big things are the powers being limited to when the Base Power has been used on a target, which I think shouldn't be too bad given the low effect of the base power and that it uses up a whole turn, but I'm happy for feedback. Finally the elephant in the array is adding Affects Others to his big array, which (assuming I've read the extra right) should let him grant access to his whole array to people in exchange for fatigue/exhaustion etc. The whole extra seems to be in a weird grey area, since similar things like Boost are heavily restricted in ways the Affects Others extra isn't? Feedback would definitely be appreciated there, but I'm hoping that especially with the tiring flaw it's acceptable. Harlequin Power Level: 12 (180/180PP) Built as PL8 Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +4 Defense / -4 Toughness In Brief: Prince of Ogres and Goblins fated to nobility and heroism. Catchphrase: “Might I have your name?” Theme: Born to be a Killer - Chase Noseworthy Alternate Identity: Alden Underwood (Human Name, Secret), Eòghann Soillearsgian, Prince of the Shadowed Places (True Name, Secret) Birthplace: Kingdom of Goblins and Ogres, Avalon Residence: Claremont Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Student, Prince Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Ogres and Goblins, Unseelie Fae, Aes Sídhe Family: Muireadhach the Goblin King, Mòrag the Ogre Queen, Cathán the Unseelie (Secret) Description: Age: 16 (DOB: 1 November 2008) Ethnicity: Fey (Natural Form) / Caucasian (Human Form) Height: 5’5” Weight: 113lbs Eyes: Yellow (Natural Form) / Green (Human Form) Hair: Blonde Eòghann has a thin, lithe figure, possessed of grace beyond the normal for humanity, even when he's disguised as a human the perceptive can see it, his movements are too smooth and any accidents seem planned to be only the most minor and harmless. In both his normal human disguise and his natural form his face is elfin and beautiful, his combined heritage softening the sharp features of his goblin father and thinning the more bulbous features of his ogre mother to produce a face that bears graceful, gently curved lines. In both forms he possesses flowing golden locks that if straightened the tips would reach his shoulders, but instead creates loose curls around his face and ears instead. Below elegantly arched eyebrows his eyes are bright and focused, mischief dancing within them when he relaxes, a golden yellow when in his natural form and bright green when disguised. In his natural form his skin is a dusky green-blue hue, his teeth pointed and sharp, and his ears are long and pointed, both of which are hidden beneath lightly tanned and freckled skin and human teeth and ears. His clothes tend to reach the Romantic Era and be no more modern, given to ruffles and other trappings of the era. When going out as a hero he wears a harlequin costume and masquerade mask, painting what of his skin is visible white, or using his illusions to the same effect if he does not have time to apply the paint normally. History: Eòghann's parents are powerful rulers in the lands of Faerie, the King of Goblins and Queen of the Ogres each rule their fearful throng. But both wanted more, and harbored a great affection for the other. So motivated they arranged to be wed, so that their peoples may be joined and their might combined. There was but one foible. They were without child. No matter how the royal couple tried, an heir eluded them, and as the other fruits of their union grew, they became ever more desperate to secure their legacy, and their rising station amongst the Unseelie Courts. So driven they invoked the True Name of Cathán, a mighty knight of the Aes Sídhe, binding him to weave his magics to allow them to sire a child. Cathán was incensed at the invocation of his Name, but nonetheless intrigued at the audacious request and so he bestowed three blessings and one curse upon the child, unbeknownst to the King and Queen. The babe would be powerful, beautiful and share in his own blood, his own secret heir. But he would also possess a nobility of spirit that would never be quenched. Eòghann was born on the morn of Samhain, and from the moment of his birth could never understand what might be wrong with him. He took the lessons in stride, learning from the mightiest Ogre Mages and the most devious Redcaps and exceeding in his studies far beyond his years. But his heart was never settled, and he could never bring himself to fully embrace the darker teachings, the thieving of names and infants, the slaughtering of livestock and laying of traps. Still he did his damnedest to meet the expectations of his parents and tutors, while sneaking out during his free time to undo the damage caused as best he could. This charade has continued until his sixteenth year. His parents had their most devious plan yet. Their son would infiltrate the world of Men beyond Avalon, and ensnare the latest generation of their great heroes in Fae schemes, and graduate with new champions in his thrall! Personality & Motivation: Eòghann is gregarious and enjoys having company, having not been around many peers growing up. He is still muddling through the mess of expectations that his parents, tutors and culture laid upon him prior to leaving for the human world, and how they interact with his own morals and knowledge, leading to uncertainties and insecurities which he covers with mischief and bravado. At his heart Eòghann wishes for everyone to get a happy ending, be they man, ogre or goblin, which is at the core of his crisis: How can he make everyone happy? Powers & Tactics: Eòghann is an accomplished mage for his age, able to disguise himself as both people and animals, cast illusions, make plants grow wild and strong and conjure weapons made of shadows, immaterial blades which attack the very soul for as long as they remain embedded within the foe. The spell he is most proud of is his ability to shield others from harm, a shield of light and silver in the shape of a Harlequin mask springing up between them and whatever would do them harm, an ability he developed while trying to undo the damage his lessons caused. In addition, Eòghann is practiced in the art of stealing names, able to through a mix of guile and magic weasel past the defenses of the wary to claim their names, which he can then use to work more insidious magics upon them, able to confuse and control the mind but here too he has found a way to twist the magic to help others, able to grant others access to his magical techniques although it is a very tiring practice. Finally he is able to channel his magics to disguise himself, teleport, burrow and regenerate. In addition he can comprehend any language spoken or written and speak to anyone. Complications: Thy Truest Name Invoking Eòghann's True Name grants one power over him, allowing the individual to control the young Prince. Anyone who knows Eòghann's full True Name can command him as though via Mind Control with ranks equal to their Power Level or his, whichever is greater. Under Revealing Light The light of the full moon and similar phenomena dispel falsehoods, rendering many of Eòghann's magics ineffective. Under the light of the full moon, or after being affected by a power with the Light descriptor as well as the Blessed/Celestial/Holy and/or Silver descriptors, Eòghann's Shapeshifting, Illusion, and Glamour powers are nullified. I Bar Thee from Entry A location warded with charms of Iron, Rowan, or a line of Salt around the entrance is barred to Eòghann. Eòghann is unable to willingly enter a location warded with Iron, Rowan or Salt. The Tongue of Thine Birth Eòghann’s magic allows him to understand and be understood by anyone, but this could also help reveal his secrets. Eòghann always speaks in listeners native language, this can raise suspicion if there's no way for him to have known the listeners native tongue, doubly so if there's no reasonable explanation for how he knows it. Prince of the Unseelie Eòghann may have worked to repair the damage he caused under his tutor’s guidance and his parent’s expectations but he did so under disguise, and so those who see his true form will see only the dark prince. When not disguised, Eòghann may be recognized by witnesses, who may respond to the prince negatively. Abilities: 0 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 52PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 26 (+8) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 26 (+8) Combat: 16 + 8 = 24PP Initiative: +8 Attack: +8 Melee (+8 Base), +8 Ranged (+8 Base) Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +0 Knockback: -0 Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 2 = 2PP Toughness: +4 (+4 Con) Fortitude: +4 (+4 Con) Reflex: +8 (+8 Dex) Will: +6 (+4 Wis, +2) Skills: 72R = 18PP (1PP = 4 Skill ranks) Acrobatics 3 (+11) (Skill Mastery) Bluff 6 (+14) Diplomacy 6 (+14) Disguise 2 (+10/+20 [Morph]) Gather Information 6 (+14) Intimidate 6 (+14) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 10 (+12) Languages 0 (Fae [Native]) Notice 12 (+16) (Skill Mastery) Perform 2 (+10) Sense Motive 12 (+16) (Skill Mastery) Stealth 7 (+15) (Skill Mastery) Feats: 18PP Luck 2 Ritualist Dodge Focus 8 Benefit (Fey Royalty) Benefit (Wealth) 3 Evasion 1 Skill Mastery 1 (Acrobatics, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth) Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) 1 Powers: 39 + 18 + 9 + 6 + 1 = 73PP All powers have the following descriptors: (Magic, Fae, Goblin, Ogre, Trickery) Magic Array 18 (36PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [39PP] Additional Descriptor(s): None BP: Damage 8 (Shadowstuff Blades; Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Duration [Sustained]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach, Split Attack) {36/36PP} (Piercing, Shadows, Soul) AP: Illusion 8 (Faerie Mirage; All Sense Types; Feats: Progression 2 [Area, 20ft.]; Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [When unable to speak and gesture; Frequency: Common]) {32/36PP} AP: Create Object 15 (Plant Growth; Extras; Duration [Continuous], Impervious 4; Feats: Innate, Precise, Progression [Area, 10ft. Cube], Subtle; Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [When unable to speak and gesture; Frequency: Common]; Flaws: Permanent) {36/36PP} (Plant, Wood) AP: Deflect 12 (Shield of Silver; All Attacks 3PP/Rank; Extras: Range [Ranged]; Feats: Triggered 2; Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [When unable to speak and gesture; Frequency: Common]; Flaws: Limited [Only Deflect Attacks Against Others]) {36/36PP} (Light, Silver) Name Invocation Array 8 (16PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3; Drawbacks: Power Loss 1 [When unable to speak]) [18PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Curse, Sonic) BP: Transform 8 (Name Stealing; Mental Transform 2PP/rank; Target Forgets Name(s); Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Feats: Subtle; Drawbacks: Reduced Range [5 Increments]; Flaws: Requires Opposed Skill Check [Bluff]) {16/16PP} (Interaction) AP: Mind Control 8 (Command the Named; Extras: Conscious; Flaws: Limited [Requires Target to be effected by Name Stealing]) {16/16PP} AP: Confusion 8 (Curse the Named; Extras: Insidious; Feats: Incurable, Reversible; Flaws: Limited [Requires Target to be effected by Name Stealing]) {10/16PP} AP: Share Magic adds (Extras: Affects Others, Range [Ranged]; Feats: Progression 2 [5 Targets]) to Magic Array (Feats: Subtle; Flaws: Limited [Requires Target to be effected by Name Stealing], Tiring) {14/16PP} (Blessing) Might and Mischief 3 (6PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [9PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Bloodline) BP: Morph 2 (Glamour; Any Humanoid 2PP/Rank; Extras: Duration [Continuous]) {6/6PP} (Disguise, Illusion) AP: Burrow 3 (Goblin Tunnels; Extras: Area [15ft. Tunnel], Penetrating; Flaws: Distracting) {6/6PP} (Earth) AP: Teleport 2 (Fae Escape; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity) {6/6PP} AP: Healing 1 (Ogre Toughness; Extras: Action 4 [Reaction]; Feats: Stabilize; Flaws: Personal) {6/6PP} Comprehend 3 (Understand and Speak All Languages) [6PP] Comprehend 1 (Read All Languages; Flaws: Duration 2 [Concentration]) [1PP] Drawbacks: -3 + -4 = -7PP Vulnerability (Iron; Frequency: Uncommon [+1PP]; Severity: Major [+100% Effect, +2PP]) [-3PP] Weakness (Iron; Frequency: Uncommon [+1PP]; Intensity: Moderate, -1 Constitution Drain [+2PP], Accelerated Effect: 5 Minutes [+1PP]) [-4PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Shadowstuff Blades Touch (Ext. Reach) DC 23 Will Damage (Sustained) Name Stealing Ranged DC 18 Will Mental Transform Command the Named Perception DC 18 Will Mind Control Curse the Named Ranged DC 18 Will Confuse Totals: Abilities (52) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (2) + Skills (18) + Feats (18 ) + Powers (73) - Drawbacks (7) = 180/180
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