Date: June 5th, 2010 (a Saturday)
Sunrise 5:32am, sunset 8:21pm. High 92 oF, low 72 oF; clear, wind ~9mph SW.
North Bay is a posh district of expensive waterfront homes and historic mansions owned by some of Freedom City's wealthiest families. It features exclusive yacht clubs and beachfront property, with few stretches of public beach. During the holiday season, North Bay's stately mansions are beautifully decorated and there are tours to see them.
There were also a fair number of bodies buried up there.
And not all of them rested peacefully.
Which is why, slowly making his way up from his usual haunt of Lantern Hill, the Revoltin' Revenant known as Dead Head came to the area. He knew there were those he could help here, in his own unique fashion, and he intended to do so.
So focused was he on his task, though, that he did not notice the layer of frost which covered the headstones of the small family plot he was shambling through....