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  1. Character Name: Major Flux Power Level: 12 (180/180) Effective Power Level: 8 Trade-Offs: +4 Atk/-4 Damage, +2 Defense/-2 Toughness In Brief: Time Displaced Portal User Alternate Identity: Hal Davis Jr. Identity: Public Birthplace: Dallas, Texas Occupation: Pilot Affiliations: Family: Hal Davis Sr. (Father), Caroline Davis (Mother), Alan Davis (Brother), Buddy Davis(Great-Nephew), Marat Hassan (Great Grand Nephew) Sally Garner (Sister), Dina Hassan (Great Niece), Hal Davis III (Great Grand Nephew) Description: Age: 28 DoB: March 12th, 1912 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Black Height: 5'7" Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Black Hair: Black History: Earning a fierce reputation as a member of the United States Armed Forces very own Tuskegee Airmen, Hal Davis was a pilot of phenomenal accord. If he were born with a different skin color his accolades would have earned more commendations. Regardless, during a turbulent time his service as a pilot was heavily acknowledged quickly rising to the rank of first lieutenant, a temporary rank due to combat need. His wartime efforts actually went so far as to earn him the rank of Major when he enlisted in the still newly formed, and newly segregated Air Force. It did come with a provision, the government didn't want him as an active pilot. They wanted him as a teacher. A position he enjoyed for all of five minutes. Hal was not a teacher, he was a flyer. So when he got the offer to fly again, this time to the stars, Major Davis quickly jumped at the chance. Even if the mission was to be undisclosed it was the opportunity to be the first African American in space. It's essentially a public secret that in 1947, a Grue scout ship landed in Roswell, New Mexico. Some of the crew was captured, and some of course went on to blend with society. The reports never mention the fact that there was Lor ship wreckage as well. After all, someone had to shoot the scout ship down in the first place. The operation was to be largely kept secret from the public. Especially when something went awry with the ship's warp drive. Causing an explosion that would actually end up propelling the vehicle through a wormhole. The unstable environment in the wormhole coupled with an odd mixture of Lor and Grue healing agents on board actually caused the major's genetic structure to meld with the wormhole itself. When he awoke, he was in a bed on a recovery hospital having been in a coma for a month. Having crashed landed the ship in the middle of a corn field. Or at least that was the official story. They couldn't explain why he had landed unharmed a mile from the crash site. At least not yet. Hal's nearest living relative Marat Hassan (his sisters' grandson) had spend the month watching over Hal. And gladly took him with him when the hospital was willing to release the time traveller. Once free from the inevitable public scrutiny that came from the curious journalist. Marat revealed he was leading a project to rebuild the ship from the crashed remains and wanted Hal there to explain the technology. Which Hal agreed expecting it to be a way back home. Unfortunately the ship was barely holding it together in the first place and even after rebuilding it a second time the wormhole travel had made its hodgepodge of Grue and Lor technology even less reliable. Not to mention the residual cosmic energies from the wormhole travel. Perhaps if the team rebuilding the ship was larger than a three man operation they might have caught that last bit. As it were no one expected what was to follow. After being brought in on the "completed" project the moment Hal touched the ship it reacted. But not positively. Immediately it exploded. Joe, the youngest member of the engineering trio was killed by the debris. Hal, Malachai, and Marat survived when Hal accidentally created a wormhole to protect the three from harm much to their surprise. Malachai (Joe's Father), and Marat were changed in the explosion much like Hal. The combination of Grue dna, Lor dna, and Cosmic energy affected both men different. Malachai gained control over time itself. Whereas Marat seemed to gain animal like powers. Malachai blamed Hal and Marat for his son's death swearing vengeance the scientist left with his son's body. Seeing as they seemed to have superpowers (and an enemy to boot), Marat suggested they become heroes much to Hal's chagrin who still just wanted to get home. Seeing as that didn't seem to be an option, Hal agreed. If only to make up for the life that he felt responsible for. Personality & Motivation: Discovered he was gay when it wasn't all that sociably acceptable. In fact, his enlistment into the Army was knowing full well being found out would lead to a dishonorable discharge. And that's only what the government would do to him, the residents of his home would be far less kind. He actually left on his mission before the first real strides in LBGT rights in the United States. Leaving a gap in fully understanding what his sexuality actually meant. Despite all this, Hal is proud of his service. A soldier to the end, he is always willing to fight the good fight. Power Description: Hal's powers manifests as a translucent circular ripple in the air (or wherever he chooses to form the wormholes). Powers & Tactics: Major Flux is able to create wormholes to cross great distances and harm. The size of the wormholes and relative distance to the exit is directly proportional to how quickly Major Flux is able to form them. Using this to his advantage Major Flux excels at creating micro wormholes coupled with good old fashioned boxing. Able to strike foes in rapid succession from any angle within the blink of an eye Major Flux's unconventional method of utilizing a conventional means to harm makes him trouble to contend with. Major Flux can see what he describes as echoes from time/space manipulation. Furthermore, he can create micro wormholes to spy on the surrounding area. Though these wormholes can be seen through by those on the exit if they spot them. The spatial nature of his powers allows Major Flux to even harm intangible entities by distorting his portals ever so slightly. Complications: Fish Out of Water: Major Flux is a man of the 40s through and through. While he may have been progressive for his time (as is always the way) the fact remains, that he is out of place. Guilt: Major Flux blames himself for the accident that killed Joe. Bringing it up is a surefire way to unnerve him. Nazis, why'd it have to be Nazis?!: He fought Nazis during WWII. A time period that it's a bit closer to him than the rest of society. But the Nuremberg trials were supposed to have made clear that there were to be no more nazis. But SHADOW survives and they might just want to carve another famous name on their mantle. Time Paradox: His presence may cause trouble around the presence of time controllers. Or whilst time travelling due to the nature of his spatial rift causing powers. For some reason this also extends to any attempts to any powers that would help him get back home (which would technically be an alternate timeline). Somehow arriving in his proper dimension slingshots him back to Earth Prime for unknown reasons. Abilities: 8 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 6 = 38PP Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +4 Attack: +4 Base, +12 Unarmed & Microwormhole Unarmed Grapple: +8 Defense: +10 (+4 Base, + 6 Dodge Bonus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -2/-3 Saving Throws: 0 + 6 + 2 = 8PP Toughness: +6 (+4 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +4 (+4 Con) Reflex: +10 (+4 Dex, +6) Will: +4 (+2 Wis, 2) Skills: 68R = 17PP Concentration 12 (+14) Craft (Artistic) 3 (+5) Diplomacy 7 (+10) Drive 3 (+7) Intimidate 8 (+11) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 6 (+8) Notice 7 (+9) Pilot 12 (+16) Sense Motive 10 (+12) Feats: 43PP All-Out Attack Attack Specialization 4 (Unarmed) Defensive Attack Defensive Roll Elusive Target Evasion Challenge 2 (Simultaneous Task 2 [Evasive Maneuvers while Attacking] ) Power Attack Sidekick 29 Takedown Attack Uncanny Dodge [Vision] Powers: 23 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 2 +23= 58PP Wormhole Control Array 4.2 (21PP Array; Feat: Alternate Power 2) [23PP] BP: Damage 0 ( Feats: Accurate 4, Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Range, Indirect 3, Mighty, Precise, Progression [increase Range] 1; Extras: Autofire 4, Range [Ranged] ) {21/21} (Micro-Wormhole Unarmed) AP: Damage 0 ( Feats: Accurate 4, Affects Insubstantial 2, Mighty, Precise, Progression [increase Area; Extras: Area [20-40', Targeted Burst, Selective Attack ) {17/21} (Micro-Wormhole Unarmed) AP: Teleport 4 ( 800'/Continental ) {20/21} Enhanced Defense 6 ( Flaw: Duration [sustained] ) [6PP] (Teleport Dodge) ESP 2 ( Affects Visual Senses; Drawback: Noticeable [Portals] ) [3PP] (I Spy) Feature 1 ( Temporal Inertia) [1PP] Super-Senses 2 ( Dimensional Awareness [Vision], Time Awareness [Vision] ) [2PP] Teleport 4 (400 ft/1 mile, Extras: Accurate , Portal; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy) [23PP] [table]DC Block ATTACKRANGESAVEEFFECT UnarmedTouchDC19 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical) Micro Wormhole UnarmedRangeDC19 Toughness (Staged)Damage(Physical) Micro Wormhole Unarmed Flurry40' BurstDC19 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical)[/table]
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