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  1. Nicki Dee Power Level: 12/14 (225/225PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: None In Brief: An ex-thief trying to live three lives at the same time. Alternate Identity: Merge Trois (Secret) Birthplace: Lincoln, Freedom City Residence: Freedom City Affiliations: None Family: Cheryl Dee (Mother), Tony Dee (Father), Dwayne Dee (Brother) Description: Age: 31 (DoB: December 9, 1992) Apparent Age: mid-20s Gender: Female Ethnicity: African-American Height: 5'4" Weight: 112 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Black As a professional Nicki has adopted a business casual look, tending towards business pantsuits that are well-tailored and not overly ostentatious. Whilst expensive they're not excessively obvious unless you know your tailoring. She often wears her hair up in a sensible bun along with glasses to give her a professional-looking appearance. She keeps her hair on the shorter side compared to the others, normally around shoulder-length. The whole look is to blend in and not stand out from the crowd. History: What do you do after you've sold your soul to save a family member, only to succeed? Well after a short criminal career, and a longer superhero one Nicki has just this problem. What she did was semi-retire and went back to school to study Psychology and psychoanalysis, managing to study all night whilst also partying all night thanks to Merge who couldn't or wouldn't just sit around as Nicki committed to her studies. Such an arrangement worked as Nicki passed near the top of her class, gaining the licence to practice her (new) craft. Using her money, made through a series of investments, she set herself up in business. Not forgetting her roots she offered free consultation to superheroes, and to supervillains trying to reform, as long as they called ahead of time and made an appointment. Of course, being known as the psychologist to superheroes gained her not a small amount of buzz and clients looking to maybe meeting one whilst going to also get help. Less commonly mentioned was that she also volunteered her time to go help down at Providence Asylum. Something weird started to happen to Merge during this time, the first duplicate after Merge Prime was far from the open-in-your-face person but a quiet, bookish woman who wanted to stay away from people and trouble. Maybe it was the stress of setting up a business or having to put on a more personable personality, or maybe she'd studied far too many Freudian ideas but they'd manifested a third personality who they named Camera Obscura in honour of the brother who'd got her into this mess in the first place. Along with all this Merge, and reluctantly Obscura, have still been acting as heroes doing what they could to help Freedom City in their own way. Personality & Motivation: Whilst Nicki can come over as introverted she anything but shy and has, over the hard years of high school, learned to stay in the background and subtly manipulate people to get what she wants. Though Nicki is still inclined to use her abilities to just be left in peace she does now try to use them to help other people. Nicki has always had a strong moral code, she could never harm or kill anyone, and her career as a criminal hasn't changed her attitude. She does however have a dim view of large corporations and banks, something her criminal career has only helped but reinforced (though there are rare exceptions), she'll make sure that people are not harmed but wouldn't attempt to reduce property damage or the loss of earnings. Powers & Tactics: Whilst Merge prefers to use guile and cunning to avoid conflict if trouble starts she tends to rely on the sheer strength of numbers to defeat her foes flooding the area with as many duplicates as she can. She also tends to avoid bringing Nicki into direct contact with the plan in hand, if possible she will remain a safe distance away and allow Merge to handle the situation herself. Power Descriptions: With a moment of concentration, Nicki can summon up Merge Trois and is linked to her and Camera Obscura sharing their thoughts and senses. Whilst they share a consciousness they all have their own thoughts and desires, mostly they have similar goals just different styles of achieving them. Complications: Freedom: No one knows that Nicki is Merge Trois, something that she works very hard to maintain. As far as possible they've tried to maintain that they don't know each other, or at least only vaguely aware of each other. Abilities: 0 + 6 + 6 + 10 + 8 + 10 = 40PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 16 + 8 = 24PP Initiative: +3 Attack: +12 Unarmed, +8 Base Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8 Knockback: -1 Saving Throws: 8 + 7 + 8 = 23PP Toughness: +3 (+3 Con, +0) Fortitude: +11 (+3 Con, +8) Reflex: +10 (+3 Dex, +7) Will: +12 (+4 Wis, +8) Skills: 152R = 38PP Acrobatics 12 (+15) Bluff 15 (+20)Skill Mastery Concentration 6 (+10) Diplomacy 15 (+20)Skill Mastery Disable Device 10 (+15) Drive 2 (+5) Gather Information 5 (+10) Intimidate 10 (+15) Knowledge (Behavioral Science) 10 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Current Events) 5 (+10) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 10 (+15) Knowledge (Streetwise) 10 (+15) Language 1 (English [Native], Spanish) Notice 11 (+15) Perform (Dance) 2 (+7) Sense Motive 16 (+20)Skill Mastery Stealth 12 (+15) Feats: 20PP Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 2 Benefit (Wealth) 2 Contacts Dodge Focus 6 Evasion 1 Luck 2 Minion (Camera Obscura) 4 Skill Mastery (Behavioral Science, Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive) Well-Informed Powers: 19 + 61 = 80PP ESP 6 (all senses, 20 miles, Feat: Rapid (x10), Flaw: Medium) [19PP] Summon 12 (Merge Trois Extra: Duration [Cotinious], Fanatical, Heroic Feats: Mental Link) [61PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (40) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (23) + Skills (38) + Feats (20) + Powers (80) = 225/225 Power Points
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