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Pacer Power Level: 11 (195/200 PP) Trade-Offs: None (Offensive); +4 Defense, -4 Toughness (Defense) Unspent PP: 5 In Brief: Literally Speed Incarnate. A cosmic energy being has become the soul of a mortal human. Residence: Claremont Academy dorms Base of Operations: Earth, basically. Catchphrase: “A moment is all I need.” And variations thereof. Alternate Identities: Mona Simms Identity: Secret Birthplace: Glen Burnie, Maryland Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy in general Family: Silver Streak (Holly Wood, grandmother & retired Golden Age hero), Hannah Simms (mother, deceased), Miss Invincible (Francine Simms, aunt, hero, secret agent, & twin of Frank), Frank Simms (uncle & twin of Francine); Stalwart (Mickey Simms, twin brother) Age: 16 Apparent Age: 16 Gender: Female Ethnicity: White Hispanic Height: 4’ 10” (5’ 1” in costume) Weight: 90 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Description: Mona is…well, tiny. Really, really tiny. Occasionally mistaken for a grade schooler tiny. She covers for it as best she can with baggy clothing, but now and again there’s just nothing she can do about it. Anyone who actually takes a good look at her will see she is a teenage girl. Just, you know, in miniature. She doesn’t do makeup or jewelry. Hell, she doesn’t even carry a purse. Definitely rocking that tomboyish aesthetic. Her costume is a bulky, dark blue bodysuit with a full cowl (though her hair sticks out in the back. That’s about it. No special markings or anything. History: Mona Simms has been fast ever since the day she was born. Fortunately, it took until she could walk reliably before she discovered the sound barrier wasn’t one to her. She’s been running ever since. She’s been quite literally everywhere on earth that’s above water. There probably isn’t a person alive who doesn’t have a story about the little girl who did something, then disappeared in an instant. If global urban legends were a thing, she’d be one. Not that she was ever late for dinner, mind you. Aunt Francine would’ve kicked her butt up between her shoulder blades. Of course, if one travels long enough, you start to see things you can’t let happen. Not and keep sleeping at night. The quickest way around all the annoying obstacles about doing the hero thing without actually being one is just putting on the mask already. Pacer was born. It started in the Golden Age, with the hero Silver Streak. Her speed (rivaling that of even Johnny Rocket) was the name of the game, but that wasn’t her only power. She was strong, tough, and hella smart, too. She had no idea how powerful she really was, and never found out. Until long after she retired, and her three children not only inherited her powers, but took them to heights she never imagined. Francine got the toughness, and is so close to being literally invincible as to make no real difference. Frank got the intellect, and he’s frightening with how much he understands about everything sometimes. And Hannah, her baby, got the speed and the muscle. None of the three went into heroics, not really. Francine’s dabbled, but she’s spent far more time as a freelance secret agent than anything else. They…lived not ordinary lives, exactly, but lives out of the spotlight. Then Hannah got pregnant. Frank’s never shown any signs of being interested reproducing, and Francine’s powers prohibit it. Even her eggs are hella tough. Unfortunately, that very same toughness was the reason Holly Wood survived birthing her children in the first place. A toughness Hannah did not share. Frank and Francine adopted the newborn twins in their sister’s memory. The thing that none of the four know (barring maybe Frank, he’s hella smart and might’ve checked) is that their powers have nothing to do with genetics, magic, or technology. Their souls aren’t human souls. They’re cosmic energy beings, each with a section of nigh-infinite power all its own. Speed, Strength, Stamina, and Mind. Holly Wood was possessed by all four, and passed on each one to one of her children. Hannah did the same. It’d have taken nullifying manacles to get young Mona to stay at Nicholson. So Francine bided her time. When she (well, Frank noticed first) that the two were starting the superhero thing, she called in a few favors to get her niece and nephew admitted to Claremont. Personality & Motivation: Pacer is someone who could dance in the virtual eternity between seconds. She is speed incarnate. The fastest thing on the planet. And since she’s always been this fast, she knows it. Impulsive, impatient, and apparently suffering from the worst case of ADHD of all time. Her emotions appear ephemeral and fleeting. Often capricious and unpredictable, but never actively malicious. She’s someone who’s never had to slow down unless she wanted to. But even the most carefree of children gets older. Sees things. Things their conscience won’t allow to stand. Somebody has to do something. The faster the better, amirite? Power Descriptions: As before, Pacer is someone who could dance in the virtual eternity between seconds. She is speed incarnate. The fastest thing on the planet. A blur, borderline impossible to hit. A swarm of tiny fists and flying pebbles, all supersonic and strong enough to crack steel. Everything she does comes from raw speed. She’s not strong, tough, or particularly skilled, but the speed makes up for a lot of failings. Also, weirdly, her powers don’t entirely do business with physics. She does not gain mass as she gets faster, and she lacks the hyperfast metabolism of other speedsters. She’s shown the fleeting ability to lend her speed to others, making regular Bystanders into PL10 Speedsters…somehow. Note: That’s not an I don’t know, that’s a she don’t know. Cosmic energy can be lent, apparently. Above Speed 10, for those who can actually see her, energy is crackling off her as if she was an electric controller. One last thing. For anyone who can perceive cosmic energy, she is a beacon in a dark universe. As impossible to miss as the sun would be if it was at the moon’s distance from earth. Powers & Tactics: Pacer’s tactics aren’t complicated. Hit the enemy until he stops getting up. She’s got a couple of tricks up her sleeve, though. She’s great at overruns, and can do that speedster trick of vibrating so fast she turns intangible. Lastly, she can do the twin thing with her brother, borrowing some of his strength at no cost to him. After all, he’s got plenty to go around. Complications: Too Fast, Too Furious: Pacer is fast, and this has made her reckless. She’ll do just about anything on a dare, because she thinks she’s fast enough to escape the negative consequences. It doesn’t even have to be a dare. She could just get bored with the plan and improvise. A GM may award a hero point for Pacer’s impulsive recklessness getting the better of her. Tokyo Drift: Pacer lives in a world the vast, vast majority of people wouldn’t understand. Her mind processes information faster than most neurons fire once. Staying still long enough for sound to enter her ears can be torturous at times. So…it’s entirely possible she was having an epic, 13 hour long episode TV series of a daydream, and missed the entire conversation. Or she ran to Japan for some ramen because the speaker was taking too long, and is just now getting back. Things like that. A GM may award a hero point when this becomes a problem. Turbo Charged:Pacer’s powers come from the nigh-infinite power of the cosmic energy being that is her soul. And all that energy has to go somewhere, if she’s not actively using it. If her powers are nullified, she’s kept immobile for a significant portion of time, or she’s just plain knocked out, the speed can…leak…and cause all sorts of zany hijinks. Hijinks that I’ll leave to a GM’s imagination, as he or she awards the hero point. La Bandolera: Pacer can borrow some of her brother’s immense strength, as they’re twins. However, this doesn’t work if one of them has their powers nullified, one’s knocked out, or they’re just way too far from each other for it to work. Sometimes it just doesn’t work for no apparent reason. A GM may award a hero point for this occurrence. Fast Future: Future Pacer is incredibly powerful, enough to make present Pacer seem weak and kittenish. She zips through time itself, doing the hero thing with no regard for the laws of time. Too fast for time itself to catch, let alone any of its servants and defenders. Naturally, the various guardians of the timestream don’t like her very much and wish she would just stop, already. This can…complicate present Pacer’s life. A GM may award a hero point for Future Pacer’s actions having a negative effect on Present Pacer. Also, plot hook! Abilities: 0 + 10 + 6 + 4 + 0 + 2 = 22PP Strength 10 (+0) (20 [+5], Lifting STR 40 w/ Borrowing From Mickey) Dexterity 20 (+5) Constitution 16 (+3) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 12 (+1) Combat: 10 + 14 = 24PP Initiative: +25 (+5 Dex, +20 Improved Initiative) Attack: +5 Base (+11 Speed Attacks) Grapple: +5 (+15 w/ Borrowing From Mickey) Defense: +15 (+7 Base, +8 Dodge Focus, +4 Flat Footed) Knockback: -2 Saving Throws: 2 + 10 + 8 = 20PP Toughness: +7 (+3 Con, +4 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +5 (+3 Con, +2) Reflex: +15 (+5 Dex, +10) Will: +8 (+0 Wis, +8) Skills: 36R = 9PP Acrobatics 5 (+10) Knowledge (Current Events) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 3 (+5) Notice 10 (+10) Search 5 (+7) Sense Motive 10 (+10) Feats: 56PP Accurate Attack Acrobatic Bluff Defensive Attack Defensive Roll 2 Dodge Focus 8 Evasion 2 Fast Overrun Improved Initiative 5 Improved Overrun Luck 3 Move by Action Power Attack Seize Initiative Sidekick 33 (Stalwart) Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 30 + 6 + 1 + 22 + 5 = 64PP All Speed Array 12.5 (25PP; Power Feats: Alternate Power 5) [30PP] Base Power: (Setting The Pace) Concealment 6 (All Visual Senses, All Auditory Senses; Power Feat: Close Range; Extra: Linked [+0]; Flaw: Limited to While Moving) + Enhanced Quickness 9 (to 20, Extra: Linked [+0]) + Enhanced Speed 9 (to 20, Extra: Linked [+0]) {7 + 9 + 9 = 25/25} Alternate Power: Damage 11 (Extra: Autofire; Power Feats: Accurate 3) {25/25} (One Million Punches) Alternate Power: Damage 11 (Extra: Area [Targeted, Burst]; Power Feats: Accurate 3) {25/25} (Crowd Control) Alternate Power: Damage 11 (Extra: Ranged; Power Feats: Accurate 3) {25/25} (Throwin’ Stuff) Alternate Power: (Borrowing From Mickey) Enhanced Strength 10 (to 20, Extra: Linked [+0]) + Leaping 5 (Extra: Linked +0) + Super Strength 5 (Lifting STR 45, Extra: Linked +0) {10 + 5 + 10 = 25/25} Alternate Power: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Power Feats: Subtle 2) {22/25} (Vibrating At The Speed Of Awesome) Enhanced Feats 6 (Improved Initiative 5, Seize Initiative) [6PP] Luck Control 1 (Force Reroll; Flaw: Limited 2 [Attacks against Pacer]) [1PP] Quickness 11 (Extra: Linked [+0]) + Speed 11 (Extra: Linked [+0]) [11 + 11 = 22PP] (Speed Incarnate) Super Movement 5 (Sure Footed 2, Wall Crawling 2, Water Walking; Flaw: Limited to While Moving) [5PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Unarmed w/ BfM Touch DC 20 Toughness Damage One Million Punches Touch DC 26 Toughness (Autofire) Damage Crowd Control Area [Targeted, Burst] DC 26 Toughness Damage Throwin' Stuff Ranged DC 26 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (9) + Feats (56) + Powers (64) - Drawbacks (0) = 195/200 Power Points
Player Name: Eternal Phoenix Character Name: Pacer Power Level: 12 (200/201 PP) Trade-Offs: +2 Attack, -2 Damage (Borrowing From Mickey; Offensive); +5 Defense, -5 Toughness (Defense) Unspent PP: 1 In Brief: Literally Speed Incarnate. A cosmic energy being has become the soul of a mortal human. Residence: Several tiny islands scattered around the world Base of Operations: Global, with a focus on Freedom City Alternate Identities: Mona Simms Identity: Secret Birthplace: Glen Burnie, Maryland Occupation: Adventurer, Social Media Influencer Affiliations: Claremont alumnus association Family: Silver Streak (Holly Wood, grandmother & retired Golden Age hero), Hannah Simms (mother, deceased), Miss Invincible (Francine Simms, aunt, hero, secret agent, & twin of Frank), Frank Simms (uncle & twin of Francine); Stalwart (Mickey Simms, twin brother) Age: 21 Apparent Age: early 20s Gender: Female Ethnicity: White Hispanic Height: 4’ 10” Weight: 90 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Description: Mona is…well, tiny. Really, really tiny. Occasionally mistaken for a grade schooler tiny. She covers for it as best she can with baggy clothing, but now and again there’s just nothing she can do about it. Anyone who actually takes a good look at her will see she is a teenage girl. Just, you know, in miniature. She doesn’t do makeup or jewelry. Hell, she doesn’t even carry a purse. Definitely rocking that tomboyish aesthetic. Her costume is a dark blue bodysuit with a full cowl (though her hair sticks out in the back). That’s about it. No special markings or anything. History: Mona Simms has been fast ever since the day she was born. Fortunately, it took until she could walk reliably before she discovered the sound barrier wasn’t one to her. She’s been running ever since. She’s been quite literally everywhere on earth that’s above water. There probably isn’t a person alive who doesn’t have a story about the little girl who did something, then disappeared in an instant. If global urban legends were a thing, she’d be one. Not that she was ever late for dinner, mind you. Aunt Francine would’ve kicked her butt up between her shoulder blades. Of course, if one travels long enough, you start to see things you can’t let happen. Not and keep sleeping at night. The quickest way around all the annoying obstacles about doing the hero thing without actually being one is just putting on the mask already. Pacer was born. It started in the Golden Age, with the hero Silver Streak. Her speed (rivaling that of even Johnny Rocket) was the name of the game, but that wasn’t her only power. She was strong, tough, and extra smart, too. She had no idea how powerful she really was, and never found out. Until long after she retired, and her three children not only inherited her powers, but took them to heights she never imagined. Francine got the toughness, and is so close to being literally invincible as to make no real difference. Frank got the intellect, and he’s frightening with how much he understands about everything sometimes. And Hannah, her baby, got the speed and the muscle. None of the three went into heroics, not really. Francine’s dabbled, but she’s spent far more time as a freelance secret agent than anything else. They…lived not ordinary lives, exactly, but lives out of the spotlight. Then Hannah got pregnant. Frank’s never shown any signs of being interested reproducing, and Francine’s powers prohibit it. Even her eggs are invincible. Unfortunately, that very same toughness was the reason Holly Wood survived birthing her children in the first place. A toughness Hannah did not share. Frank and Francine adopted the newborn twins in their sister’s memory. The thing that none of the four know (barring maybe Frank, he’s extremely smart and might’ve checked) is that their powers have nothing to do with genetics, magic, or technology. Their souls aren’t human souls. They’re cosmic energy beings, each with a section of nigh-infinite power all its own. Speed, Strength, Stamina, and Mind. Holly Wood was possessed by all four, and passed on each one to one of her children. Hannah did the same. It’d have taken nullifying manacles to get young Mona to stay at Nicholson. So Francine bided her time. When she (well, Frank noticed first) that the two were starting the superhero thing, she called in a few favors to get her niece and nephew admitted to Claremont. It would be inaccurate to say Mona thrived there, but she got a high school education. Close enough. It’s been a few years since graduation, but Mona is still Mona. Just more mature. Most of the time. Nobody’s quite sure what her job entails, but she’s always got enough money to eat and a place to sleep somewhere on the planet. The main problem is that she doesn’t seem to have an identity aside from wearing the mask. A social life that doesn’t exist, and a job that doesn’t require her to interact with people outside of the internet. Personality & Motivation: Pacer has matured from that frenetic teenager. Well. Some. She still can be impulsive. Her emotional state can still shift with shocking rapidity, but retains a default state of cheerful confidence. But that childish capriciousness is gone. The Terminus Invasion some years back while she was still in school altered the way she thought about things. Now more than ever, there are things that someone who has the power to do something about them cannot allow happening. And the list of people on the planet with more power than Pacer is a hell of a lot shorter than the list of people with less. The main problem with her is that she’s found herself profoundly socially isolated. She just…doesn’t know how to relate to normal people. She saves and protects them because it’s good and right, but...she doesn’t have any connections to anyone who isn’t family and thus can borrow some speed to talk to her. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. She was supposed to have lots of friends. But they’re all so slow. Sigh. It ain’t easy being different. She’s lonely in a way she doesn’t know how to articulate. Power Descriptions: Pacer’s powers don’t normally have any visual indicators. She’s just very, very fast. However, above Speed 12, for those who can actually see her, golden energy crackles around her body as the cosmic energy inside pops outside with higher level use. This also applies if she ever uses Extra Effort. One last thing. For anyone who can perceive cosmic energy, she is a beacon in a dark universe. As impossible to miss as the sun would be if it was at the moon’s distance from earth. Powers & Tactics: Pacer is the Avatar of Speed. She has a cosmic energy being of nigh-infinite power for a soul. So she’s phenomenally fast without any effort at all on her part. She can dodge attacks and strike foes with absurd ease should she so choose. Also, weirdly, her powers don’t entirely do business with physics. She does not gain mass as she gets faster, and she lacks the hyperfast metabolism of other speedsters. She can’t even do the air control tricks other speedsters do. In fact, unless she’s specifically being tested for cosmic energy any scanners will only detect a normal if tiny human being. No powers. No special physiology. Nothing. Pacer’s tactics aren’t complicated. She’s either doing damage or using a special trick of speed. One Million Punches. Is literally her punching the target a million times or more inside a few seconds. She’s not very strong, but all the blows add up. She actually shows a sign of her future power here, as a temporal echo continues striking at the target the following round. Crowd Control is a similar amount of punches, just spread out among an area or group of opponents. Throwing Stuff is literally just throwing debris at hypersonic speeds. It is surprisingly effective. Setting The Pace is her basic special trick; unleashing just how fast she really is. Max Reverb is moving so fast while relatively immobile that she is vibrating out of phase with reality and functionally no longer a solid object. Borrowing From Mickey is not really a speed trick per se, as she’s tapping into her brother’s immense strength. She hits harder on her own, but her carrying capacity is massively increased. Complications: Too Fast, Too Furious: Pacer is very, very fast. This makes escaping danger rather trivial, most of the time. So she’s never been seriously injured or defeated in combat. This has made her more reckless and overconfident then she should be. A GM may award a hero point for making Pacer simply try to do too much. Tokyo Drift: Pacer has been incredibly fast for her entire life. Paradoxically, this has made her very slow on the uptake s ometimes. When a person’s mind moves at anywhere from ten thousand to several million times faster than most anyone else’s, they tend to have attention span issues at the very least. She has a hell of a time understanding people with normal speed brains as while it’s merely a few seconds for them, subjective hours, days, weeks, or even months have passed for her and she’s forgotten what they were even talking about. The rhythm of normal speed conversation, understandably, can and does elude her. Especially under stress. A GM may award a hero point when she misses out on information in this way, or screws a social situation in a way that really matters. Turbo Charged: Pacer has more energy contained within her tiny body than any star could put out. And if, for whatever reasons she can’t use it right now (knocked out, powers nulled, being stealthy for too long, etc), it’s gonna come out anyway. And break stuff she needs right now. Or give bystanders speed powers they can’t control. Or light up the sky in a display that alerts every enemy for miles around. It’s gonna be strange, unexpected, and very unhelpful to the current situation. A GM may award Hero Points as they see fit for the barrage of shenanigans. La Bandolera: Pacer can borrow some of her brother’s immense strength, as they’re twins. However, this doesn’t always work and the reasons are mysterious as the cosmic energy beings they come from. A GM may award a hero point for this occurrence. Fast Future: Future Pacer is incredibly powerful, enough to make present Pacer seem weak and kittenish. She zips through time itself, doing the hero thing with no regard for the laws of time. Too fast for time itself to catch, let alone any of its servants and defenders. Naturally, the various guardians of the timestream don’t like her very much and wish she would just stop, already. This can…complicate present Pacer’s life. A GM may award a hero point for Future Pacer’s actions having a negative effect on Present Pacer. Also, plot hook! Abilities: 2+10+10+4+0+4=30 Strength 12 (+0) (30 [+10] w/ Lifting STR 60 Borrowing From Mickey) Dexterity 20 (+5) Constitution 20 (+5) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 14 (+2) Combat: 16+14=30 Initiative: +29 (+5 Dex, +24 Improved Initiative) Attack: +8 Base (+12 Speed Attacks) Grapple: +9 (+24 w/ Borrowing From Mickey) Defense: +17 (+7 Base, +4 Dodge Focus, +6 Enhanced Dodge Focus, +4 Flat Footed) Knockback: -2/-3 w/ Defensive Roll Saving Throws: 3+6+8=17 Toughness: +7 (+5 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +8 (+5 Con, +3) Reflex: +17 (+5 Dex, +6, +6 Enhanced Reflex) Will: +8 (+0 Wis, +8) Skills: 48 SP= 12PP Acrobatics 10 (+15) Bluff 3 (+5) Diplomacy 3 (+5) Gather Information 3 (+5) Knowledge (current events) 3 (+5) Knowledge (pop culture) 3 (+5) Notice 10 (+10) Search 3 (+5) Sense Motive 10 (+10) Feats: 18PP Accurate Attack Acrobatic Bluff Beginner’s Luck Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff Defensive Attack Defensive Roll Dodge Focus 4 Evasion Luck 4 Move by Action Power Attack Uncanny Dodge (auditory) Enhanced Feats Dodge Focus +6 (to 10) Evasion +1 (to Evasion 2) Luck +2 (to 6) Improved Initiative 6 Seize Initiative Powers: 43+50=93 All powers have the Cosmic source descriptor Speed Techniques (Array 19 [38 PP], Power Feats: Alternate Power 5) [43 PP] Base Power: Concealment 10 (All Senses; Power Feat: Close Range; Flaw: Limited to While Moving); Enhanced Quickness 8 (to 20 [5,000,000x speed]); Enhanced Speed 8 (to 20 [25 mil MPH, 220 mil ft/rnd, ~42k mi/rnd]) (Setting The Pace) [27/38PP] Alternate Power: Blast 12 (Power Feats: Accurate 2, Improved Crit 1, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing]; Extra: Autofire [10 ranks only]) (Throwin’ Stuff) [38/38PP] Alternate Power: Strike 12 (Power Feats: Accurate 2, Improved Crit 2; Extras: Autofire [10 ranks only], Secondary Effect) (One Million Punches, Bludgeoning effect descriptor) [38/38PP] Alternate Power: Strike 12 (Power Feats: Accurate 2; Extra: Targeted Shapeable Area, Selective Attack) (Crowd Control, Bludgeoning effect descriptor) [38/38PP] Alternate Power: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Power Feats: Precise, Selective, Subtle 2) (Vibrating At The Speed Of Awesome) [24/38PP] Alternate Power: Enhanced STR 18 (to 30); Leaping 3 (x10, 200 ft. running jump, 100 ft standing jump, 50 ft high jump); Super Strength 6 (Lifting STR 60) (Borrowing From Mickey) [36/38PP] Container 10 (Speed Incarnate; 50 PP Container) [50PP] Enhanced Feats 16 (Enhanced Dodge Focus 6 (to 10), Enhanced Evasion (to Evasion 2), Enhanced Luck 2 (to 6), Improved Initiative 6, Seize Initiative) [16PP] Enhanced Reflex 6 [6PP] Luck Control 1 (Force Reroll; Flaw: Limited 2 [attacks against Pacer]) (Microsecond Dodge) [1PP] Quickness 12 (10,000x speed) (Cosmic Quickness) [12PP] Speed 12 (50,000 mph, 440,000 ft/rnd,~ 86 mi/rnd) (Cosmic Speed) [12PP] Super Movement 3 (Wall Crawling 2, Water Walking; Flaw: Limited to while moving) [3PP] Name Attack Bonus Range Save & DC Effect Unarmed +8 Melee 16 Toughness Damage Unarmed (Borrowing From Mickey) +14 Melee 25 Toughness Damage One Million Punches +12 Melee 27 Toughness (Autofire, Secondary Effect, Improved Crit 2) Damage Crowd Control +12 Melee 27 Toughness (Targeted Area) Damage Throwin’ Stuff +12 Ranged 27 Toughness (Autofire, Improved Crit 1) Damage Abilities 30 + Combat 30 + Saving Throws 17 + Skills 12 + Feats 18 + Powers 93– Drawbacks 0= 200/201
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GM A Place Beyond Time and Space Early March 2022 The Judges had come to them all. They had told the runners that they were among the fastest beings on this world, and this would be the race to determine the fastest being. A great title to be held, for sure. And the price would be great, one wish, to be fulfilled by these perfect beings, almost nothing would be impossible. As long as they ran. The runners that had accepted the race now stood in a wide open area, a barren wasteland with a dark red sky above. The moment they had acccepted, they had simply disappeared from where they were before, and now they were here, suddenly dressed in whatever they prefered to wear while running. The hard ground under their feet were paved with dark asphalt, and the road stretched as far ahead as any could see, right from the glowing white starting line. The Judges hovered above. Flowing dark grey robes, with glowing lights in vaguely humanoid shapes underneath, shifting across all colors of the spectrum. Heroes and villains from across the world mingled or kept to themselves. The heroes that had arrived would perhaps be able to recognize some of them, among the dozen or so runners. Get-Away, of Larceny Inc., a middle-aged woman with short black hair in a primarily white costume with purple shoulders and outer arms. Gumball Rally, a former intern to the Atom Family and super hero, now a member of the Candy Crew, wearing an Ultra-Speed Harness. Speed Freak, Johnny Rocket II's brother-in-law and Rocket's father, in a full body black suit with chaotic yellow and red lightning bolts, all features obscured. Faster Pussycat, the high profile thief in her skin-tight cat-themed costume. Johnny Speed, of the Tyranny Syndicate. He was older than when he had last fought Velocity, but his glare as he stared at her easily told her that he had not forgotten her. The only prominent speedster that seemed to be missing from the crowd was Johnny Rocket.
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ooc for this. If you want to make any rolls or anything, go ahead. The Judges will stop any attempt at violence. @Avenger Assembled @Thevshi @KnightDisciple @EternalPhoenix
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- faster pussycat
- johnny speed
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Scion was facing down a couple of small time super powered criminals in the West End of Freedom City. The two thieves thought they could take what they wanted in broad daylight. Some criminals never did have any sense. "Freedom City, of all places," she laughed, "you better be glad all yo got was me!" Slamming one into the other. "Fortunately your hospital stay will be short, but your jail time will be..." Her, admittedly one sided, conversation was quickly interrupted. The two obstacles, in the blink of an eye, were now unconscious and handcuffed to boot! It "Pacer," Scion exclaimed, greeting the quick heroine, "how goes it, lady of the wind?"
GM Pacer would be running. Of course she would be. After all, that was the entire reason that she had been chosen for this. A blur had raced past, and she had heard a single sentence spoken, with a voice that was almost like a whisper. The accent had been strange, nothing she could place from anywhere she had run to on the Earth. The message was simple, and yet enough to attract her attention: "Catch me if you can." Then she had seen the blurred being rush past her in a straight line. The other runner had the headstart, but she was slowly catching up, and she was starting to spot him. A golden blur, leaving behind a trail of sparks. Like a lighter that failed to ignite a flame.
Jack was never late for sound check. Yet here they were in Freedom City of all places, missing their drummer. They'd been looking for him all day. Last they saw him he was half down a bottle last night. Still, he never was this late. Tanya and Brandon strummed a few notes as Serena harmonized, but no drummer. It was weird. He hadn't answered his phone once. Two hours until the gig was supposed to start. Brandon and Serena looked to Tanya. "C'mon, you ain't got some of that evil magic juju that can find a lost person," Brandon said half silly half desperate. Serena laughed at the dark tone, "don't worry, man. If he doesn't come soon, she'll drink his half of the bottle. And we'll all split his share," she said as if the threat of losing either would send him through the door of the bus. It didn't Tanya sighed She had already drank his half. "Yeah, I'm worried too guys. Not like him. At all." She pressed her eyelids closed, focusing on her friend. Nope. Nothing. She canted a few gibberish words that sounded magical. But really she could have been shouting for a magical doctor to appear and it would have done the same thing. "Bombay's not in, man."
Talon and Hell Girl run into each other for the first time.
GM February 20th, 10:30 PM A little town with no name, about 25 miles Northeast of Clarksville, Arkansas. Hell Girl had heard the rumors. Something big was about to go down in the middle of nowhere, Arkansas. A small town that wasn't even on any map. It was maybe twenty houses, arranged in a nice cross with houses oppsite of each other, a single store in the middle of all that, and maybe three farms a bit further away. The town was surrounded by hills, with nothing but dust trails leading to it from other, more populated areas. There were a few trucks around, some with confederate flag decals. This time of the night, the town was silent. All dark. They had power from somewhere, sure, but everyone would normally be sleeping. But this night, all three barns were lit from the inside. Each of them had two people standing watch outside the doors. According to the rumors that Hell Girl had picked up, this little town in the middle of nowhere was not as innocent as it seemed. They were a cult of some sort. Or at least tried to be. Had grown out of some trailer park, then decided to go start their own place. And this night they were trying to bring forth their demonic master. So, Hell Girl had called in some help.
OOC for this @Heartbreaker, @secondling, @EternalPhoenix Probably primarily a combat thread, but let's see where it takes us.
Mona Simms was not busy. Pacer could get anything done in seconds. So she was living as she always had. World traveling speedster. Changing continents several times a day, if not an hour. But she had a Twitter account (two, actually. one for each identity) and Pacer sported an Instagram for all the crazy pics she got from being able to get places most couldn't. Hero House got in touch through those, and it was surprisingly easy to get the tiny young woman to agree. Pacer was an excellent typist. Okay, no she was awful, but she was certainly fast. Her screen name was PaceSetter
October 20, 2018. Belleville, Illinois. BEAST Craft BBQ Co. 1 PM. Mona Simms loved a good meal. She did a lot of running, and she was technically still a teenager; so her caloric intake was truly heroic. In days past, her twin brother Mickey would be here as well, but recently they’d begun branching out from each other. Thus she was consuming a truly massive amount of barbecue (pork, beans, slaw, etc) on her own. This did not bother the tiny young woman, not one bit. And she thought she’d pay this time. After all, she had done some work for…who was it again? Some tech firm? Eh, whatever, she had some cash. Might as well spend it, right? Plus dining and dashing was much less cool when you were doing a full meal rather than a small snack. She was growing as a person. Maybe.
OOC for this. First name Roland. Last name Nitiative.
West End, Freedom City, 645PM, 27 October Moira had kept up with Mickey and Mona ever since they met in August. They'd meet up to bust criminals in Freedom City. It was a friendly relationship, but Moira took affection to Mick, spending more time with him after the heroics. After a couple of months, she finally broke down and asked him If he wanted to do something less on the books. She didn't come right out and say 'a date', which was weird for her, but they decided somewhere nice. Dinner, movie, stargazing, a ride home. All that first date stuff. It almost felt like a formal declaration or something. Something Moira didn't do often. While not dressed to the nines, Moira did more than just casual clothes. A short, white, lace dress, and heels, of which the latter she dreaded to wear, but it was for something nice. She smelled lightly tropical due to the concoction of perfumes, nothing overpowering. And light make up too, enough to 'accent'. It was a little before time. So she shot a message to him through text Moira 18:45:57 [Hey Mick. Hope everything's going smooth on your end.] [It's almost seven, love.] [See you when you get here. ?]
For this. In which Moira and Mickey keep getting interrupted and go further and further out! @EternalPhoenix?
GM Lots of things happen in a city of heroes and villains. About a month ago the Terminus invaded and left a stamp on the landscape in the form of mutated citizens. Terra, Razor, Silk, and Crush were some of the 'lucky' ones. Friends through the same neighborhood, they looked after each other. These powers made it easier to do. Razor got a voice that could melt minds. Terra was lucky all the time, though she could never hit the numbers. Silk and Crush, the twins, got fire and ice powers, respectively. Things were looking up for Plantation Circle. Except for when their plans started going off. The lure of cheap thrills hit them all too easy. Terra was their lynchpin in getting away scot free. If they got caught theyd slip through the cracks and be out on a technicality. Cops in The Fens were starting to call it the Plantation Circle Clause. So much so when they were called to the scene, they almost gave up. A police call to Cleary's Jewelers? Thats where they were today. The precinct preferenced it with PCC. Plantation Circle Clause.
Left to right: Terra, Razor, Silk, and Crush. All wearing bandanas. But people around here know who they are. Terra is Scarlet Witch build. Razor is Songstress build with dances converted to song, dropped to PL8. Silk and Crush are Energy Controllers PL6.
March 4, 2018 Noon Clouds hung over Claremont Academy, the occasional gust of wind shaking snow from the bare trees of the grounds. But for some of the students living on the grounds, this mattered about as much as the next song on the oldies station playing in the teacher's lounge. After having changed out of her warm winter clothes and into the gold and blue uniform of the school, Selena Kwon stepped out of the girl's locker room and into the programmed reality of the school's combat simulation room. Taking a deep breath, enjoying the facsimile of a beach in the middle of summer. Stepping across the sand, she withdrew several pieces of steel from her belt and waited for the targets to start appearing.
Title unrelated to thread content. But seriously now. I have three PCs and a Sidekick I'm not using right now. Queenie's got Praetorian things to do, so I'm happy enough with that. Who would like to GM something for me? Terrifica, the prickly costumed detective Waverider, the Claremont senior and vibration controller Pacer and Stalwart, Speed and Strength Incarnate, twins, and Claremont juniors
GM The Totality. The Solar Eclipse. Happens all the time, but why focus on it now? It has some magical significance for the Yellow Sign. Something about the Pact being weaker? Who knows, those guys are nuts. While they're being dealt with by other heroes, we focus on our daily life in Freedom City. Heroes with equally important tasks. Grimalkin, fae hero of great power. Spitfire, twisted firestarter. Red Moon, 'vampire'. Scion, former Olympian goddess. Going about their days as usual. Maybe they're fighting crime. Maybe they're trying to watch the eclipse (Good luck, only 70ish percent in New Jersey!)
GM June 4, 2017 The New Beginnings Ranch wedding venue. Outside Abilene, Texas The story had been on all the news channels in Texas. It was both very strange and not so strange at the same time. The not so strange part was that a disgruntled ex had crashed a wedding. Which in and of itself was not newsworthy. What was strange, and newsworthy, was the rest of it. The disgruntled ex had high tech weaponry, from the few wedding guests who had managed to flee, they had what seemed like sci-fi plasma rifles. The whole situation had gone bad fast. Hostages were taken and the police had cordoned off the venue. One psychotic screaming ex with a plasma rifle would have been more than enough for the Abilene police department. But there wasn't just one. There were three. One man and two women with high tech weaponry who had taken hostages inside of the ranch. "Listen just let us go!" One bride cried. One of the crashers responded by smacking her across the face. "Home Wrecker!" She snarled back and waved the rifle, discharging a few shots over the heads of the very terrified hostages.
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June 10, 2017 Freedom City, New Jersey Mid-morning The day was warm, months of overcast days finally giving away to blue skies and summery weather. Liberty Park was full of groups enjoying the fine weather; a group of breakdancers showing their moves near a fountain while teenagers in paper hats hawked from food carts. A group of gray-haired women bent their legs and moved their arms in wide Tai Chi circles. A pick-up game of ultimate frisbee verged dangerously near a family group. Warren Locke held himself in readiness to intervene anywhere. He stood under the shadow of the monorail line, across from the Kirby Museum, right where he had asked Mona to meet him, but he couldn't relax. Even on this bright and beautiful day he was constantly aware of his responsibilities as a hero-in-training. Part of that was his own choice, but he could also feel the static-electricity feel of the hologram projector making him look like a normal boy. It reminded him, subtly and at the back of his mind all the time, that he was different from everyone else out here.
6:50 pm February 25th, 2017 Earth-Prime Freedom City The arrival of an extra dimensional entity to earth prime was strange enough. Oh sure it happened, but it was rare for it to happen the way it had. An entire pirate ship sailing out of a shadow as the sun dropped below the horizon? It was odd to say the least. The black streak that had left the ship faster than most people could track? Concerning. The black streak raced through Freedom. Reports over the next few minutes began to come in. Crimes being stopped by a black specter of death. A bone hook hand and a terrible voice. A long black coat and a skull for his mask with the left eye blacked out. A speedster that bullets passed straight through as it stopped crimes in the slums of the city. "Have ye seen someone like me, ye scurvy dogs?" Most crooks survived the encounters. Killers and the like? Many were left maimed at the least by slashes from the hook. All the while the sun sun began to set on this new ship in foreign waters.
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Friday, August 26th, 2016 Aaron Cage Gymnasium, Claremont Academy, Bayview 8:03 PM The Kick-Off Dance was the first major event of any school year at Claremont Academy. Traditionally it was held on the Friday before the start of the year the next Monday. It was no different this year, and people had flocked to the gym, much to the delight of various students who had spent many hours during their summer break to organize it. Banners were hung alongside the wall. Somebody had actually brought a disco-ball. Along a table on the wall various bowls of punch had been set up, and bar tables with peanuts and chips on them stood scattered around the gym and just outside of it. A stage had been set up too, elevated just slightly, a DJ table slightly off to one side, with the rest of the stage for people that wanted to dance where everyone could see them, or some pre-dance entertainment. A smoke machine was not needed, the DJ, a now-senior student, provided the smoke with his powers. Outside, the sun began to set, while inside the lights had been dimmed, spotlights towards the stage. The entertainment phase had just ended, and the dance was about to start. A new arrival , taller and more muscular than most students, had just left the stage after a short vocal performance, the DJ was currently giving a few final words before switching to music for the rest of the evening. “Okay people, that was Hau Ta … Tayou … just Hau! He’s still looking for bandmates everybody, go talk to him if you’re interested! And now, a short break while somebody fetches a cup of punch for me, they’re free after all, and then it’s gonna be music the rest of the night. I’ve got some good songs planned, so don’t leave anytime soon!”