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  1. Golden Star Power Level: 9/14 (196/239PP) Unspent Power Points: 43 Trade-Offs: -3 Attack / +3 Damage, -3 Defense / +3 Toughness, Blast and Paralyze are +1 Attack / -1 Damage instead. In Brief: Star Student turned Future Star Hero Catchphrase: He wants one but he's still work-shopping it. Theme: Next In Line - Divide Music Alternate Identity: Michael Adon (Secret) Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: His Parent's House/Claremont High Occupation: Full-Time Student, Part-Time Superhero, Part-Time Everything Else Affiliations: His Family, Claremont, Sampson's Sodas Family: His Father, His Mother, his two brothers, and his best friend Sam Description: Age: 17 (DoB: 2007) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'2 Weight: 205lbs Eyes: Brown, Orange to Red when Superheroing Hair: Brown, Orange to Red when Superheroing Michael has all the looks of a golden boy; he’s got the broad shoulders and strong arms of the highschool quarterback, the square jaw and well done hair of the class president, the outgoing and happy nature of the most popular kid in class. He’s always wearing something that’s fancy, rather than trendy; he’s the kid who shows up in suits to events, knows how to tie his own tie. He polishes his shoes and irons his own clothes. His Super Suit is a red, white, and gold affair with red boots and shoes, a white bodysuit, and a sun on his chest, with a long, golden cape. History: Backstory Year 1 (Sophomore): Adapting to Claremont has come quickly to Michael; he's accomplished it quickly and with as much grace as someone could expect from someone who just suddenly got Superpowers. He's made several new friends- and a girlfriend-, and he is as always striving to be an exemplar. This has come with an increasing inferiority complex as several of the students have shown just how much they outclass him in various ways. He's no longer a big fish in a small pond, he's a regular fish in a massive ocean. Between fighting evil students, monsters attempting to ruin time, fairytale creatures brought to life, men brought out of cursed video game consoles and any number of other things, including alongside a galactic emperor and the strongest being in the universe, Michael has been trying to catch up to what he sees as impossible goals, straining himself more and more each day. Personality & Motivation: Michael is genuinely the sort of person who who wants to help people and looks on the bright side. His easy-going compassion comes from a gentle life; “It’s easy to be compassionate when you’ve never suffered.” is something that could be leveled at him; but part of why he’s never suffered is he never lets things get him down too much. He might be doing too many things at once, running around as fast as he can to be all he can be, but it’s not caused him to develop a short temper or burn out, yet. He has a vision and is carried forward by it. His time at Claremont hasn't changed his regular personality, but with his new powers, he's become more prone to bouts of rage, especially at his friends being in danger, and that's been coupled with a growing inferiority complex that leads him to try and match up to his mental image of his friends that he feels constantly in danger of being left behind by. Powers & Tactics: Michael starts almost any interaction with, obviously, an introduction. Since first impressions are important, he makes sure he has a firm handshake and tries to anticipate what the person he’s meeting might want; for kids his age or younger, he’s always got a discount card for Sampson’s stashed on him as a ‘nice to meet you’ gift. For older people, he’s smart enough not to try that unless he knows they have kids or younger relatives. Even when he’s heroing, he keeps to the same ideas; speak from the diaphragm, keep your head up straight, look people in the eye. When he has to fight, he goes for things he learned on the sports field first; tackles, shoulder checks, and some light boxing. He always gives people a chance to find a peaceful resolution first, and never swings unless someone's already swung. As he's gotten used to his powers, he's become more confident in using them, and he's also gained the ability to empower his friends with his own energy. Power Descriptions: Michael at lower levels of effort doesn’t overtly express his powers; he looks to be a ‘generic’ superhero; he's got flight, super strength, speed, and resistance, his hair and eyes burning somewhere between burnt orange and bright red. When he engages in fighting, or needs to use his full strength, he begins to glow, surrounding him in a corona of red and gold energy. While glowing, there’s a low level humming sound to his actions as he moves, almost like his entire body is vibrating, which it is, as his highly charged cells become more and more active. This also ties into his weakness to strong vibrations or those that find the right ‘resonance frequency’ for him; by focusing vibrations on him, his cells start to vibrate out of sync, crashing against each other. Complications: Abilities: 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 10 = 40PP Strength: 35/16 (+12/+3) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 34/16 (+12/+3) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +6 Base, +10 Blast/Paralyze Defense: +6 (+6 Base), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +19-27/+9 Knockback: -10/-1 Saving Throws: 0 + 4 + 6 = 10PP Toughness: +12/+3 (+12/+3 Con, Impervious 8/0) Fortitude: +12/+3 (+12/+3 Con, +0) Reflex: +7 (+3 Dex, +4) Will: +9 (+3 Wis, +6) Skills: 72R = 18PP Bluff 4 (+9) Diplomacy 14 (+19), Skill Mastery Gather Information 4 (+9) Investigation 4 (+7) Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7) Knowledge (Business) 4 (+7) Knowledge (Current Events) 4 (+7) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 4 (+7) Language 1 (Base: English, Spanish) Notice 7 (+10) Skill Mastery Perform 4 (Oratory) (+9) Skill Mastery Profession (Politician) 4 (+7) Search: 7 (+10) Sense Motive: 7 (+10) Skill Mastery Feats: 14PP All-Out Attack Assessment Connected Inspire 5 Interpose Jack of All Trades Leadership Luck 1 Quick Change Skill Mastery (Diplomacy, Notice, Perform, Sense Motive) Powers: 21 + 18 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 10 + 10 + 20 + 5 = 93PP All Powers are Biological, Biochemical, and Kinetic, except the Muay Thai Training, which is Training. Enhanced Strength 19 (to 35/+12, Feats; Alternate Power 2) (The Strength of an Exploding Sun) [21PP] Blast 8 (Feats; Accurate 2, Precise) (Kinetic Beam) {19/19PP} Paralyze 8 (Extras: Ranged (+1), Flaws; Full Round Action (-1), Feats; Accurate 2, Affects Insubstantial 1) (Energy Drain) {19/19PP} Enhanced Constitution 18 (to 34/+12) (The Resilience of an Exploding Sun) [18PP] Flight 1 (Star Powered Flight, 10 mph / 100 feet per Move action) [2PP] Quickness 1 (Explosive Thoughts, 2x) [1PP] Speed 1 (Shining Speed, 10 mph / 100 feet per Move action) [1PP] Super-Strength 1 (Feats; Shockwave, Countering Punch, Super-Breath) (Solar Might, Effective Strength 40) [5PP] Immunity 10 (Life Support, Hunger and Thirst) [10PP] Impervious Toughness 8 (Feats; Alternate Power 2) (Inner Combustion) [10PP] Quickness 4 (25x) + Speed 4 (100 mph / 1000 feet per Move action) {8PP} Total Possible: Quickness 5 (50x) and Speed 5 (250MPH / 2500 feet per Move Action) Super Senses (Infravision, Ultravision, Microscopic Vision 2, Extended Sight 1, Radio, Ultra-Hearing, Extended Hearing 1) {8PP} Array 8 (Golden Array; 16 points; Feats: Dynamic, Dynamic Alternate Power, Alternate Power) [20PP] Dynamic Base Power: Flight 1-8 (Star Powered Flight, 10-2,500 mph / 100-25,000 feet per Move action) {2-16PP} Total Possible: Flight 9 (5,000 mph / 50,000 feet per Move action) Dynamic Alternate Power: Super-Strength 1-8 (Effective Strength 45-80) {2-16PP} Total Possible: Super-Strength 9 (Effective Strength 80, Light Load: 250 tons, Maximum Load 1,600 tons) Alternate Power: Boost Powers 5 (All Powers at once; 4PP/R, Flaws; Others Only (-1), Feats; Slow Fade 1) {16/16PP} Container 1 (Muay Thai Training) (Training) [5PP] Enhanced Feat; Power Attack {1PP} Enhanced Feat: Takedown Attack 2 {2PP} Enhanced Feat; Improved Initiative {1PP} Enhanced Feat; Move By Action {1PP} Drawbacks: (-3) + (-0) = -3PP Vulnerability (Vibration; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Moderate [x1.5]) [-3PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 27/18 Toughness Damage Blast Ranged DC 23 Toughness Damage Paralyze Ranged DC 18 Will Paralyze Shockwave Ranged Reflex DC 19/Tough 24 Damage Super-Breath Ranged Reflex DC 19 Trip Totals: Abilities (40) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (18) + Feats (14) + Powers (93) - Drawbacks (3) = 196/239 Power Points
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