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Found 18 results

  1. DUST DEVIL II Power Level: 12 (182/182PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: The successor of the Dust Devil legacy, expanding his protectorate beyond the Magic Mesa. Theme: Grave Digger - Blues Saraceno Alternate Identity: Cassidy Collins Birthplace: Southside, Freedom City Residence: Broken Crow Refuge on Halifax Street 16, Lantern Hill, Freedom City Base of Operations: Lantern Hill Occupation: Guardian of Magic Mesa Affiliations: Magic Mesa Family: John Collins (father, born 1962), Pearl Collins (née Hart, mother, borm 1961), William 'Billy' Collins (born 2003), Benjamin Collins (paternal uncle, born 1965) DESCRIPTION Age: Born on June 5th 1987 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'0'' Weight: 203 lbs., variable Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Cassidy Collins is a Caucasian man that looks perhaps a few years older than his age. He has wild, but short black hair and a short black beard. While he can look normal with effort, his skin will often appear to crack, like the ground in a desert. His eyes are blue and glow. He prefers to wear flanel or dress shirts with jeans and a old tan duster jacket, which he will often supplement with various scarves or cowboy hats. He tends to wear nicer clothing at the Broken Crow Refuge when taking in those that need his help, such as supplementing the dress shirts with vests or gloves, or wearing sunglasses to hide his unnatural looking eyes. He very much styles himself as a modern day desperado or cowboy. Cassidy's body and clothing will turn to sand at will, often taking on various half-dissolved sand forms as he moves about. HISTORY Cassidy Collins had never been a golden child, but he had never been a bad kid either. He grew up poor, but he made do, working various jobs to make ends meet, including helping his uncle Benjamin out with some of his less legal activities. One such job involved driving out into the Painted Desert in Arizona in 2019. Unfortunately, Cassidy discovered that his uncle was smuggling stolen weaponry from the 2018 Terminus Invasion. Benjamin killed Cassidy to maintain the secret. Cassidy died in the desert, afraid, alone and abandoned. Only, it wasn't the end. Hours later, Cassidy opened his eyes. He was alive, only he wasn't. His heart no longer beat, and he was alone. The Magic Mesa had reached out to Cassidy, chosing him as it's newest guardian, it's new Dust Devil. Cassidy returned to Freedom City. He tried to use his powers to be a hero. Tried to make his family proud, but that was never meant to be his path. The Dust Devil was meant for something else. As his powers began to evolve and grow, he found himself drawn away, towards the Magic Mesa and beyond. Becoming less man and more a force of nature as time progressed and he fought threats where the Magic Mesa led him, Cassidy would eventually come to accept that he had become something quite inhuman, the will of a dead man in the form of a sandstorm. He fully embraced the mantle of the Dust Devil, the supernatural guardian of the Magic Mesa. Eventually, the path set out for Cassidy by the Magic Mesa would lead him back to Freedom City. As always, the city would become the center of major ramifications for the world, and the Mesa wanted its guardian to stand ready. Cassidy established the Broken Crow Refuge on Halifax Street 16 in Lantern Hill, and quickly set about establish the Refuge as the place to come for anyone in need. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Cassidy Collins is a serious individual, with a dry sense of humor. His main motivation in life is to fulfil his charge, by protecting those that seek his aid at the Broken Crow Refuge, or those that he is guided to help by the Magic Mesa. He does not go out of his way to get into trouble of his own accord, but he has, despite his own complaints to the opposite, a strong sense of right and wrong, and he is liable to find trouble by putting himself in danger to keeps others safe. He is blunt and to the point, rarely putting on a show, instead prefering the most direct route to disable a threat. Cassidy has resigned himself to his role as an undead guardian, doing the bidding of the Magic Mesa with little question. He doesn't realize that the Mesa affords him as much freedom as he would like, and that his choices matter much more than he knows. Perhaps he will one day learn that the Magic Mesa would afford him to have a life. POWERS & TACTICS All of Cassidy's powers come from the magic of the Magic Mesa. Appointed as the Mesa' newest Dust Devil, Cassidy has become a being of living sand. Like the previous Dust Devil, Cassidy cannot be killed and he requires no rest or sustenance, and while he has yet to see the signs, he has stopped aging. He is incredibly resilient to damage, being able to shrug off most attacks by instantly rebuilding his sand body, which also means he is unaffected by most kinds of poison and diseases. If Cassidy sustains enough damage to actually hurt his body, he can rebuild himself. Cassidy can manipulate and expand the sand that makes up his body, using it to reshape his body, creating weapons made out of sand or even summon a steed made out of sand that he can ride. He can create sand and dust storms powerful enough to flay the skin off his enemies, either damaging them or flaying their or damage to weaken them. He can spread out the sand in his body, spreading it to make him more difficult to hurt, or reform in another position. He can even use sand as a medium to travel across the globe. COMPLICATIONS Betrayed: Cassidy was betrayed and killed by his own uncle. He understandably has some trouble fully trusting others. The GM can award Dust Devil a Hero Point if his lack of trust in others complicates a situation. Broken Crow Refuge: Cassidy has dedicated himself to the Broken Crow Refuge, and he is bound to at least listen to the pleas of those that come to it to seek his aid, most likely putting him in trouble as he seek to help them. Dead Like Me: Cassidy died. Then he came back. The experience was traumatic, and while he believes that he has dealt with his feelings on the matter, he hasn't. His undead state as a sand creature might also mean negative reactions from the world around him, if they learn what he is. The GM can award Dust Devil a Hero Point if his status as an undead being made of sand causes issues, such as in social or medical situations. Dust Devil Legacy: The Dust Devil is an almost mythic figure. The protector of Magic Mesa, he is a ruthless guardian. Those that know of the first Dust Devil can be predisposed towards Cassidy, for good or bad. The GM can award Dust Devil a Hero Point if the Dust Devil Legacy makes them negatively predisposed towards him. Guardian of Magic Mesa: Cassidy's powers come with a price. While not as strictly bound as the first Dust Devil, he must protect the Magic Mesa if needed, forcefully being drawn to its protection. This can both mean direct threats at the Magic Mesa, as well as more indirect threats, such as those whose actions could simply threaten the gateways between worlds. This can lead to Cassidy becoming involved in situations and battles he would rather have avoided, or being forced to abruptly leave his current location. The GM can award Dust Devil a Hero Point if the Magic Mesa forces him to return to protect it at an inopportune time, or nudges him to get involved in a conflict he would rather not. Whatever Happened to the Dust Devil: The old Dust Devil is gone, and Cassidy has taken his place as guardian of Magic Mesa. He doesn't know whether the first Dust Devil moved on, died or was otherwise rendered unable to fulfill his duties. ABILITIES: 0 + 6 - 10 + 4 + 8 + 6 = 14PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: - (N/A) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT: 8 + 6 = 14PP Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +4 Base, See individual Powers in DC Block Defense: +7 (+3 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +4 (+4 Attack) Knockback: -8 (Toughness /2) SAVING THROWS: 0 + 5 + 6 = 11PP Toughness: +17 (+17 Protection) Fortitude: - Reflex: +8 (+3 Dex, +5) Will: +10 (+4 Wis, +6) SKILLS: 68R = 17PP Diplomacy 7 (+10) Intimidate 7 (+10) Investigate 4 (+6) Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 13 (+15) Notice 6 (+10) Ride 7 (+10) Sense Motive 6 (+10) Stealth 12 (+15) Survival 6 (+10) FEATS: 14PP Benefit [Wealth] 1 Connected Dodge Focus 4 Hide in Plain Sight Improved Initiative Interpose Luck 3 Move-by Action Ritualist Veteran Awards Equipment 4 (20EP) Broken Crow Refuge (Headquarters; An unassuming brick front building on Halifax Street in Lantern Hill) [20EP] POWERS: 14 + 32 + 30 + 17 + 2 + 15 = 110 All have the Magic and Sand descriptor unless otherwise noted. Devil Array 6 (12PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [14PP] BP: Create Object 3 (Extras: Movable; Feats: Progression [Base Size] 3) (3x50 ft. cubes) {12/12} (Descriptors: Shape Sand) AP: Emotion Control 12 (Flaws: Limited [Fear]) {12/12} (Descriptors: Fear the Devil) AP: Environmental Control 4 (Distraction DC 15, Visibility -4; Flaws: Range [Touch]) (50 ft. radius) {12/12} (Descriptors: Sand Storm) Dust Array 15 (30PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [34PP] BP: Blast 12 (Feats: Accurate 4, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any weapon formed of sand]) {30/30} (Descriptors: Sand Weapons) AP: Damage 12 (Extras: Area [General Burst]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Progression [Area Size] 3) (60-600 ft. radius) {29/30} (Descriptors: Dust Storm) AP: Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Ranged; Feats: Accurate 4, Improved Critical 2) {30/30} (Descriptors: Dust Devil's Touch) AP: Healing 13 (Extras: Affects Objects (+0), Total; Flaws: Personal; Feats: Persistent, Regrowth) {29/30} (Descriptors: Putting Myself Together) AP: Snare 12 (Feats: Accurate 4, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any shape formed of sand]) {30/30} (Descriptors: Sand Trap) Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30PP] (Descriptors: Undead Guardian) Protection 17 [17PP] Regeneration 2 (Resurrection 1/day) [2PP] (Descriptors: Rise From The Grave) Sandstorm Array 6 (12PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [15PP] BP: Insubstantial 2 (Gaseous Form; Feats: Selective) {11/12} (Descriptors: Sand Form) AP: {6 + 6 = 12/12PP} (Descriptors: Steed, Summon, Animal) S peed 6 (500 mph, 5000 ft/rnd; Extras: Linked [Super-Movement] (+0)) [6PP] Super-Movement 3 (Air-Walking 2, Trackless; Extras: Linked [Speed 6] (+0)) [6PP] AP: Teleport 12 (Extras: Accurate; Flaws: Long-Range, Medium [Sand]) (Range: 20 million miles) {12/12} (Descriptors: Travel Through Sand, Dimensional, Temporal) AP: Teleport 4 (Extras: Accurate; Flaws: Short-Range; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Turnabout) (Range: 400 ft.) {11/12} (Descriptors: Dissolve and Reappear, Dimensional, Temporal) DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus/Other Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +12 Sand Revolver 120 ft. DC27 Tou (staged) Damage +12 Fear the Devil Perception DC22 Will (staged) Fail: Shaken >5: Frightened Panicking Dust Storm Burst Area 60-600 ft. radius DC22 Ref Reduce Damage effect to DC21 Tou Area DC27 Tou (staged) Damage Dust Devil's Touch 120 ft. DC22 Fort Toughness Drain +12 Sand Trap 120 ft. DC22 Ref (staged) Fail: Entangled >5: Bound and Helpless +12 Totals: Abilities (14) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (17) + Feats (14) + Powers (110) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/182 Power Points
  2. Ghost Power Level: 12 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 235/250PP Unspent Power Points: 15pp Trade-Offs: +5 DEF / -5 TOU In Brief: Long time hero still in action after a life of hardship. Catchphrase: "Just your friendly neighborhood Ghost." Theme: 100 Bad Days - AJR Alternate Identity: Casper Baltazar Church Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: The Fens Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Constantly changing Affiliations: Freedom League Family: Jessie Taylor Wilson (Born 1988, real estate agent, ex-wife), Carrie Belinda Church (Born 2014, daughter living with mother), Cole Church (1950-1995, father), Carrie Elizabeth Church (1948-2017, mother) DESCRIPTION Age: Born Febuary 13th, 1988 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6’0’’ Weight: 155 lbs. Eyes: Light blue Hair: Brown Casper is a brown haired man in the mid 30'es. His eyes are light blue, almost, but not quite unnaturally so. His hair is usually cut short, and he sports a full beard. He usually dress in cheap or well worn clothes. Casper often seems to be tired. The friendly neighborhood Ghost wears a light grey and white costume with thick black accents. The costume is mainly light grey, with white boots and gloves, separated from the rest of the costume with thick black lines. The middle of his chest and lower body is white, separated from the light grey with the same thick black lines, which also show the difference between pants and shirt. Thick black lines stretch from just under his chest, under his arms and connecting on his back. He wears a white mask that covers his entire face, leaving just his eyes visible. Casper wears a pair of x-ray goggles with light blue glass that seems to glow over his eyes. While they seem to be built into the costume, each lens can be moved and placed separately. His logo is a stylized light blue ghost that almost seems to be glow, placed directly in the middle of his chest. Offensive use of Ghost's powers tend to create a chaotic light blue energy effect . HISTORY Casper Church probably shouldn't have attended that science expo at ASTRO Labs back in High School. Looking back, that was the thing that pretty clearly changed his life forever. The malfunctioning extradimensional looking glass device that bombarded him with some strange radiation was a dead give away. The researchers at ASTRO Labs checked him out, everything seemed fine. Harmless particles, they said. Nothing to worry about. Have a nice little promise of an internship down the line, everything will be fine, nothing to worry about. A few weeks later Casper fell through a floor and then walked through a wall. Everything was not fine. In fact, they were better than fine. He had super powers. With help from Doctor Benjamin Palmer, the ASTRO Labs researcher that had first checked him out, he figured out his powers and limits, developing a close relationship with Doctor Palmer in the process. As any other enterprising Freedom City youth suddenly granted powers, Casper had a choice to make. He tried to use his powers to become rich and famous. The Ghost made a few headlines appearing on television and online, made some money. It was some good weeks. Then, he saw something he shouldn't have at the set. The man that had hired him had ties to a super villain group, one that was planning a large scale heist. Casper didn't care, it didn't have anything to do with him. Then the gang hit ASTRO Labs. Casper's mentor was killed in the attack. Casper reasoned it was all his fault, and the Ghost went on the warpath. He confronted the producer and fought the gang. Victorious, the Ghost set out to become a hero. That was the prologue. Since 2003, the Friendly Neighborhood Ghost has remained a Freedom City fixture, fighting the good fight and saving lives. Never one of the most well known heroes of Freedom City, his status has fluctated wildly from beloved hero to hated menace and back again over the years. With an evergrowing rogues gallery of his own, the Ghost has saved Freedom City on multiple occasions, though his efforts have rarely been acknowledged by the city at large. Not that it bothers him. Action is his reward, after all. Having experienced a great deal of super heroic and extra normal conflicts have left him a bit wiser about the ways of the world, and perhaps a bit weary, but nonetheless still a dedicated hero. Ghost seemed to be doing well. Casper on the other hand? Not so much. Turns out that having a super heroic double life is hard work. Professionally, he never amounted to much. He just couldn't hold a steady job, always rushing off to play the hero. He had married his high school sweetheart in 2010. In 2014, their daughter Carrie was born. Casper had told Jessie his secret identity long before they were married, but even then, his double life eventually created cracks in the relationship. In 2017, the marriage broke, with Jessie gaining custody of Carrie. Even though the former couple tried to remain on friendly terms, Casper had lost an important pillar in his life. Casper's father had died when he was young. In 2019, illness claimed his mother. A chance encounter with Fleur de Joie of the Freedom League led to Casper to realize that he had been in a rut at best, spiralling at worst. He needed to do better, to become better, at least according to himself. To become someone that his daughter would be proud of. At Fleur de Joie's suggestion, he reached out to Comrade Frost, then leader of the Freedom League Auxillary, which he joined. The Freedom League Auxillary saw little action during this time, and would eventually become inactive, though Ghost would make the move to the Freedom League proper. Staying busier than ever, Casper initially formed few bonds with other members of the Freedom League, often hindered from participating in meetings due to action elsewhere. During this time, he met and befriended another experienced crimefighter, Grimalkin. The duo were clearly attracted to each other, though Casper would, as usual, continue to second guess himself and what they felt. After all, Grimalkin could just be friendly. A long, hard life of fighting is piling on, but still, Casper remains a hero as the Friendly Neighborhood Ghost. At least things have started to look up, at least until the other shoe drops. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Casper is tired. He has been fighting crime in Freedom City and beyond since 2003, and it has cost him much. The once optimistic and happy-go-lucky Ghost has become jaded. He will still crack jokes and snark with the best of them, but with far less enthusiasm than he used to. Still, despite his seeming reluctance, Casper is a hero. He might act like he doesn't believe he can make a difference, but that doesn't matter: He will still try. No matter what else happens in his life, Casper will always be a hero, and he will never give up. Even if he will complain a lot along the way. Casper's sense of responsibility will always win in the end. If he can do something to save the day, he will. This has cost him missed dates, job interviews, meetings with his mother and so much more. He might be brilliant, but what does that matter if he can never keep to an appointment? As Casper's personal life has fallen apart, he has retreated more and more into the Ghost persona, spending at least as much time in his mask as outside it. He is still reeling from his divorce, and the fact that he can't spend nearly as much time with his daughter as he would like to. After all, he has responsibilites, and it wouldn't be fair to try to explain those to a preteen. Casper desperately wants to be seen as a good father and a cool dad by his daughter Carrie, with little succes. She likes her father, sure, but she sees him more as a bumbling dad than being cool in any way. He has finally decided to give up on Jessie, and is content to be on friendly terms with her. Despite his love for Carrie, Casper is really not too fond of teenagers or young heroes in general. He feels that he has been where they are now, and, well, look where that got him? Sure, they might end up doing better than him, but really, why even bother? There's plenty of people out there and yeah, he knows that he's a bit of a hypocrite there. He's already gone through it all, no reason they gotta go through heartbreak too, right? POWERS & TACTICS Casper prefers a stealthy approach, approaching his targets and attacking through walls, floors, ceilings or anywhere else where they can't see him until it is too late. He is not above living up to his codename and taking actions to scare his enemies. He will often quickly change his position, rarely staying in one place at once, while moving his surroundings to his own benefit. Despite his preferance for stealth, Casper seems to have trouble stopping talking if he is discovered, throwing jokes and taunts as often as attacks. POWER DESCRIPTIONS The strange radiation from the extradimensional looking glass irrevocably altered Casper's body, granting him the ability to become intangible by dimensionally dispersing his body. Through time and training, he has learned to use this power in a great number of ways, from simply passing through matter to completely dispersing his body to reconstitute close by, effectively teleporting. He posses fine enough control to only make part of his body intangible or tangible, and he can use this ability to fly. His body also seem to have been generally enhanced, making him much sturdier and agile than he would otherwise be. Casper's intangibility can have a number of interesting effects on the world around him. By touching a living person, he can perform what he calls a Chilling Touch, effectively stunning on knocking out his foe. Alternatively, he can disrupt a target's nervous system, causing severe, lingering damage with a single touch. Casper calls this ability the Shock Touch. Casper can turn another person or item temporarily intangible by touching them, effectively allowing him to push them into the floor, walls, cars or whatever else is around, allowing him to trap them with his Phantom Touch. Casper can augment the effect of his intangibility into affecting a greater area by becoming fully tangible. When he imbues his effect with Phantom Force in this way, he might be tangible, but his abilities affects the entire area around him. When he affects the world around him he creates a chaotic, light blue energy effect. Casper augments his powers with a pair of goggles that gives him X-Ray vision, only stopped by lead. Originally built as a jointly by Casper and Dr. Palmer, Casper has since refined and improved the device, adding GPS capabilities. COMPLICATIONS Can't Get No Respect: Despite his long career, having saved the day, the city and much more countless times, Casper is hardly considered an A-list hero, with a number of his victories not even being public knowledge. He's popular in some circles, hated in others, or even outright dismissed. Casper has some ambivalent feelings towards this, and might react harshly if dismissed, despite his experience. If Casper lashing out at someone for dismissing him makes the situation worse, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Friendly Neighborhood Ghost: So far, being Ghost have pretty much ruined Casper's personal life, but he can't help himself. He has these powers, and he has to use them for good. The GM can award Casper a HP if his sense of responsibility somehow makes his social situation worse, be it missing appointments, losing yet another job or getting someone mad at him. Ghostbusters: Casper has made a great number of enemies over the years, having fought just about any bad guy. When Ghost encounters an enemy, there's at least a 50/50 chance that he has fought them or thwarted a scheme before, which means they might know some of his tricks, and might want to defeat or even kill Ghost in retaliation. If Ghost has encountered an enemy before and their knowledge of him or attitude towards him makes the situation worse, the GM can award Casper a Hero Point. Hands-On Approach: Casper's power to temporarily phase the solid objects and make others slip into them relies on his targets being relatively close to a surface. If Casper's target is flying or the GM otherwise deems them to be too far away from a surface, they can negate any succesful Snare via Phantom Touch, giving Casper a Hero Point instead. Loser Dad: Casper wants nothing more in life than for his daughter to think that he's cool. The GM can award Casper a Hero Point if Carrie is somehow placed in danger and used to weaken Casper, Casper finds some way to try and make her seem him as cool, but being cool means worsening the situation, or he is otherwise hindered by the love for his daughter. Scary Ghost: Casper's enemies have at times managed to convince the public that he is, in fact, a super villain. While he has always managed to clear his name, some people are still suspicious of Ghost's motives. If this somehow complicates or worsens a situation, the GM can award Casper a Hero Point. ABILITIES 0 + 2 + 2 + 10 + 6 + 6 = 26PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 12 (+1) / 24 (+7) Constitution: 12 / 20 (+5) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT 8 + 12 = 20PP Initiative: +7 (+7 Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +12 Melee, +4 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +17 (+6 Base, +11 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +12 (+4 Base Attack, +8 Attack Focus [Melee]) Knockback: -3 / -2 without Defensive Roll SAVING THROWS 5 + 7 + 7 = 19PP Toughness: +7 (+5 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +10 (+5 Con, +5) Reflex: +14 (+7 Dex, +7) Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) SKILLS 124R = 31PP Bluff 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Computers 1 (+6) Craft [Electronic] 5 (+10) Craft [Mechanical] 2 (+7) Disable Device 10 (+15) Gather Information 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Knowledge [Current Events] 5 (+10) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 10 (+15) Knowledge [Streetwise] 10 (+15) Knowledge [Technology] 10 (+15) Notice 12 (+15) Search 10 (+15) Sense Motive 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Stealth 13 (+20) Skill Mastery FEATS 38PP Attack Focus [Melee] 8 Benefit 1 [Freedom League Member] Challenge (Fast Feint) Contacts Defensive Roll Dodge Focus 11 Evasion 2 Hide in Plain Sight Inventor Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 4 Move-By Action Power Attack Skill Mastery (Bluff, Gather Information, Sense Motive, Stealth) Taunt Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Well-Informed Veteran Awards Equipment 2 (10 EP) Freedom Leagues Communicator [6EP] Communications 5 (Radio, 5 miles; Extra: Area; Flaw: Limited [Other FL Communicators]) [5EP] Communications Link 1 (Freedom League HQ) [1EP] POWERS 4 + 8 + 12 + 7 + 30 + 40 = 101PP Device 1 (5DP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [4PP] (Descriptors: X-Ray Goggles, Invention, Technology) Super-Senses 4 (Vision Penetrates Concealment; Drawbacks: Power Loss [Lead]) [3DP] (Descriptors: X-Ray Vision) Super Senses 2 (Direction Sense; Distance Sense) [2DP] (Descriptors: GPS) Enhanced Constitution 8 [8PP] (Descriptors: Ghostly Constitution, Physical Mutation) Enhanced Dexterity 12 [12PP] (Descriptors: Ghostly Dexterity, Physical Mutation) Flight 3 (Feats: Subtle 1) (500 ft./turn, 50 mph) [7PP] (Descriptors: Phantom Flight, Dimensional, Physical Mutation) Friendly Neighborhood Ghost Array 14 (28PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [30PP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Physical Mutation) BP: {4 + 23 = 27/28PP} (Descriptors: Intangible Ghost) Immunity 2 (No need to breathe, Vacuum; Flaws: No Permanent Flaw (+1): Continuous Duration) [4PP] Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Affected by Cold; Feats: Selective, Subtle 2) [23PP] AP: Teleport 11 (Extras: Accurate; Flaws: Short-Range; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Progession [Mass] 3, Turnabout) (Teleport w. 1000 lbs. of mass. Distance 1100 ft.) {28/28} (Descriptors: Poltergeist 'Port) AP: Selective Area Power 12 Adds (Extras: Area [General Shapeable], Selective; Feats: Progression [Area] 4) (12-300 5 ft. cubes) to Ghost With The Most Array {28/28} (Descriptors: Phantom Force) Ghost With The Most Array 18.5 (37PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [40PP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Physical Mutation) BP: Stun 12 (Extras: Affects Corporeal; Feats: Reversible) {37/37} (Descriptors: Chilling Touch) AP: Damage 12 (Extras: Affects Corporeal, Secondary Effect; Feats: Reversible) {37/37} (Descriptors: Shock Touch) AP: {3 + 27 + 6 = 36/37} (Descriptors: Turning Others Ghost) Affects Others Flight 3 Adds (Extras: Affects Others, Linked [Insubstantial 4]) to Flight [3PP] Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Affected by Cold; Extras: Affects Corporeal, Affects Objects, Affects Others, Linked [Immunity 2] (+0); Flaws: Action 2 [Standard]; Feats: Selective, Subtle 2) [27PP] Immunity 2 (No need to breathe, Vacuum; Extras: Affects Others, Linked [Insubstantial 4] (+0); Flaws: No Permanent Flaw (+1): Continuous Duration) [6PP] AP: Snare 12 (Extras: Affects Corporeal, Secondary Effect; Flaws: Range [Touch]; Feats: Reversible) {37/37} (Descriptors: Phantom Touch) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 TOU (staged) Damage +12 Chilling Touch Touch DC22 FORT (staged) Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned >10: Unconscious +12 Shock Touch Touch DC27 TOU (staged) Damage +12 Phantom Touch Touch DC22 REF (staged) Fail: Entangled >5/2nd Fail: Bound & Helpless +12 Chilling Touch - Phantom Force Area, 12-300 5 ft. cubes DC22 REF Area effect: Pass to reduce Stun Effect to DC15 Area DC22/16 FORT (staged) Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned >10: Unconscious Shock Touch - Phantom Force Area, 12-300 5 ft. cubes DC22 REF Area effect: Pass to reduce Damage Effect to DC20 Area DC27/21 TOU (staged) Damage Phantom Touch - Phantom Force Area, 12-300 5 ft. cubes DC22 REF Area effect: Pass to reduce Snare Effect to DC15 Area DC22/16 REF (staged) Fail: Entangled >5/2nd Fail: Bound & Helpless Totals: Abilities (26) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (31) + Feats (38) + Powers (101) - Drawbacks (0) = 235/250 Power Points
  3. The STORMCROW Power Level: 12 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 244/250PP Unspent Power Points: 6PP Trade-Offs: -3 TOU/ +3 DEF, +2 ATK/-2 DC In Brief: The Nightwing to the Raven's Batman. Theme: Shine - Matt Beilis / Spotlight - Saliva Alternate Identity: Charles 'Charlie' Arthur Pratten (Secret) Birthplace: Freedom City, United States of America Residence: Guardians HQ, Bayview, Freedom City Base of Operations: Guardians HQ, Bayview, Freedom City; The Rookery Occupation: Adventurer, Crime Fighter Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Raven III, Raven Family, Young Guardians Family: Martin Pratten (Father, Born 1980, Accountant), Lily Pratten (Mother, Born 1979, Lawyer), Thomas Pratten (Paternal Grandfather, Born 1940, Retired Software Developer) DESCRIPTION Age: DoB: 2004 [January 19th] Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’10’’ Weight: 150 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Dark red Charlie is an athletic young man, standing at 5'10'''. He has short red hair and blue eyes. He prefers to dress in darker colors, most often wearing black dress pants and dress shirts. He often wears loose ties in lighter colors, contrasting the dark colors he usually wear. Since his time at Claremont, Charlie has also to taken to dressing more casually with jeans, t-shirts and sneakers of varying colors and designs. As the Stormcrow, Charlie's costume is as finely engineered as his mentor's, with a multitude of hidden features that one would not suspect from first glance. While the costume has multiple layers underneath, the outer layer appears a seamless dark grey full-body suit. Over the suit, he wears a black cowl connected directly to a black cape. The edges of the cape is very light, somewhat shiny blue, and connects to a logo with a bird with outstretched wings on Charlie's chest. The inside of the cape is a slightly lighter grey than the full-body suit. The cowl is outfitted with light blue one way lenses in a vaguely bird beak shape, which covers and hides his eyes. The lens acts as a heads-up display for Charlie. The dark grey full-body suit is broken up with a pair of shiny light blue bracers with shiny black edges that end in triangles at each end, and boots in similar design and color scheme, which ends in triangles pointing to his knees. He wears a silvery and light blue utility belt with another light blue bird logo on a black background as the buckle. HISTORY Charles Arthur Pratten had a normal childhood. Loving parents, friends, school life. Sure, Charlie was a bright kid. Maybe a bit too interested in the super hero known as the Raven, but aside from that, his childhood really was what one would consider normal. He went on vacations. He spent time playing games with his friends. He went to the movies. Something of a prodigy, Charlie was a popular kid at school. He was athletic and a gymnast, he got good grades, his grandfather instilled a keen interest in computers. His room tended to be filled by posters of the Raven and her predecessor. He had databases full of observations and notes on the Ravens. When Nevermore debuted, Charlie was overjoyed. If the Raven had a sidekick, then maybe he could become the Raven's sidekick too? It was a possibility, at least! He would have to find out how to contact her, how to reach the Raven and present himself, but until then, he continued his training, honing his acrobatics and athletism, continuing to compile all the information that he could. Any notes, anything he could find. Charlie kept the project a secret. After all, how could anyone understand the drive that he felt? He could become the Raven's partner, too. He just knew it. Still, life happened. Charlie's interest slowly waned as other things, like friends, sports and girls became more important to him. Shortly after the third Raven's debut, Charlie saw him in action. The way he moved, the way he acted. It all came rushing back, all that he had dreamed of just a few years before. Everything he saw, all the articles, everything, Charlie just knew that the new Raven was Nevermore. There was no question. And if he had become the Raven, then that meant no one was Nevermore. It took a long time. Compiling all of Charlie's old data, discovering new information, comparing it all. Socially, he began to distance himself from his friends again. He was obsessed. It took hard work, it took time, it took luck, but bit by bit, Charlie began to see a pattern, he began to see the truth. Finally, he was sure. The Raven was Aleksander Garen Nakani, a college student from Georgia, who lived with his adoptive parents at the Summers Estate. The 15 years old Charlie went to the estate by himself. He managed to get inside and confronted Aleksander with the truth. To Aleksander, history repeated itself. Much like how he had figured out the previous Raven's identity, Charlie now stood before him. Unlike Aleksander's plans when he had confronted Duncan Summers, Charlie was not looking to replace Aleksander as the Raven. Charlie had plans of succession, sure, but he wanted to succeed Aleksander as the Raven's partner, not as the Raven. Aleksander did not quite agree with the plan, but he agreed that making it this far meant Charlie had at least some skill. For a time, Charlie helped out at the Summers Estate and the Rookery, eventually graduating into becoming the Raven's main in the chair. Not that it helped for long. With or without Aleksander's blessing, Charlie got into trouble. With a makeshift costume and whatever equipment he could "borrow" from the Rookery, Charlie went out to fight crime on his own, to mixed result. Aleksander finally relented and agreed to take him in as his sidekick, but it would be his his terms. If nothing else, it meant that he could make sure Charlie didn't do anything stupid. Charlie spent 9 months training with Aleksander before he was first allowed out on patrol, during the Spring of 2020. Now 16, the new Nevermore followed much of the same pattern as Aleksander had. A few patrols per month to get used to actual crime fighting, primarily watching the Raven's back, slowly being allowed to do more and more, eventually culminating in being allowed to patrol on his own. And, as Aleksander insisted, Charlie would follow his path in another way, starting at Claremont in the fall of 2020 as Charles Gordon Pym, an orphan from the streets of Freedom City, recently taken in by the Summers Estate. Alek and Charlie worked extensively on creating a false electronic trail, creating a cover to keep Nevermore II's actual identity secret. While at Claremont, Charlie quickly struck up friendships with several other students, and when Sebastian Shields, otherwise known as Casanova, assembled a team of students with less than heroic intentions as New Young Freedom, Charlie started organizing his friends into their own team in response. Charlie led a shifting roster of Young Guardians to thwart not just Casanova's New Young Freedom, but through a few other adventures as well. Casanova would, in particular, grow to hate Charlie for his effort. At the same time, he worked with the Raven to combat the rising crime brought on by the Doomforge, with the House of Usher having returned and set up shop in it's shadow, spreading their influence throughout Freedom City. Charlie would eventually leave Claremont near the end of his second year, disappearing rather suddenly from the school when he and the Raven focused their efforts on fighting the House of Usher, eventually dismantling their operations in Freedom City and driving them away from the city. Not content to let the Usher family escape justice, the Raven and Nevermore gave chase, hunting them across the world. The duo had a number of adventures along the way. Charlie grew from these experiences, and began to realize that he wanted to be more than just the Raven's sidekick. He had plans and ideas for what he wanted to do on his own. Alek agreed that it was time for Charlie to go out on his own. Returning to Freedom City, Charlie began to prepare. He wanted to do it right, so he took his time, and, with funding from the Summers family, he designed a new headquarters that he could use with his friends, as well as a new identity. And soon, the Stormcrow would soar, and, with some luck, he would be joined by the Young Guardians once again. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Charlie is intelligent and a natural detective, and he knows it. He is good at what he does, with plenty of experience both alone and working together with others, particularly the Raven, though he has not grown out of his cockiness yet. He's a joker, which can at times belittle his intelligence and skills, not that he minds. If someone underestimates him, then all the better. During his time in Claremont and abroad, Charlie has grown into an accomplished detective, hero and leader. His ego and bravado remain as strong as ever, but they are now rooted in genuine experience and knowledge of his own capabilities and skills. Charlie remains as driven as ever, and still tends to fixate on finding solutions to any mystery or problem that catches his interest, almost to the point of obsession. POWERS & TACTICS The majority of Charlie's tactics relies on analysis, distraction and misdirectio. Observe an enemy, figure out how to best stop them, and then execute his plan. His personal fighting style emphasizes the use of his various gadgets, both for scouting and disabling his enemies. Generally speaking, he prefers to stay outside close combat, but will pull out his collapsible staff if forced into a close quarters situation. Stay out of trouble, stick to the shadows and put his brains to good use. Charlie tends to take on a leadership, or at least planning, role when working with others, whether they like it or not. He has studied and worked towards this, and he generally dislikes being ordered around by people that he doesn't think what it takes to lead. He will, for instance, not have any issues with the Raven giving him commands, or other more experienced heroes, while someone that had just joined Claremont would be a stretch. His tactics tends to involve teamwork, and he will try to weaken enemies or set them up for attacks from his more powerful teammates if possible. POWER DESCRIPTIONS Charlie posses no powers of any kind, instead relying on the training he has received from the Raven III and at Claremont Academy, as well as suit and gadgets he has developed together with Raven III. Charlie's Stormcrow costume is an ultra modern piece of crime fighting technology. Nano-weaved from a number of high resistance materials, it effectively protects him from any type sharp objects, while the armor plating handles most general types of damage a foe could wish to inflict. The thermal underlayer helps support him in heat or cold, while the night vision lenses lets him see in the dark. A heads up display aids Charlie with information such as the time and GPS, while his built in headset allows him to communicate at a distance of 5 miles. For traversal, the suit boast a grappling gun built into the gauntlets and grapple claws, as well as an electro-reactive glider cape, which lets Charlie soar across the sky. Charlie's utility belt contain a large number of tools, useful for both combat and infiltration. While he tends to keep his distance from most foes, the belt contains a collapsible staff for use in melee combat, which also contain a charged shock charge. He uses a modified version of the Raven's ravenrangs, smaller and lighter, which he call's Crow's Claws. He utilizes a great number of different types of tools to snare or trip his opponent, as well as multiple types of gadgets to blind his foes, whether it is with flashbangs, darkness, gunk in the eyes, light shows, concentrated zones of darkness or something else, all to allow him to effectively immobilize and distract his foes. The playback device, one of his favorite tools, let's him play any recorded sounded through remote control, be it movement or voices, letting him draw attention away from himself. Charlie has even figured out how to use the playback devices offensively, by throwing them at a target and playing extremely loud noises. These noisemakers are even powerful enough to deafen a target. The last piece of Charlie's standard equipment are small remote controlled drones, which transmits images of their recordings directly to Charlie's HUD, aiding him in infiltration and information gathering. The drones are shaped like small dark crows, small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. COMPLICATIONS A Legacy of Ravens: Charlie is secure in himself, he knows what he can and cannot do, and that he is only just getting started. As the Stormcrow, he is the newest part of the Raven legacy, and while he had good times as Nevermore II, it was high time that he stepped into his own role. Still, he is not without issues, and a mix of this legacy and working with his hero means that Charlie can seem arrogant and flippant to some, and not without reason. While he is a team player, he naturally falls into the leadership roll and can have issues stepping out of it. If Charlie's seeming arrogance or inability to let others take the lead makes a situation worse, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Gadgets: While an enemy would need to somehow get rid of Charlie's utility belt to get rid of all his gadgets, he could be deprived of individual gadgets, either by having them taken away or by simply running out of them. If the GM determines that Charlie somehow loses access to a gadget, they can award him a Hero Point, in turn making one of the powers in his Utility Belt array unusable. Secret Identity: One of the Raven's conditions for training Charlie was that he keep his identity secret, even from his family. Whenever Charlie ends up in a situation where his secret identity causes issues, such as not being able to act outside of costume without revealing himself, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Tell-Tale Heart: Charlie tends to grow obsessed. Mysteries, enemies, anything that give him trouble, anything that is a challenge that can't be solved. This can lead to him becoming narrowminded, focusing on the subject of his obsession over other important things at hand. Whether it be by Charlie focusing on a particular enemy to the detriment of any tactics in combat to taking unnecessary risks by trying to solve a particular mystery, the GM can award Charlie a Hero Point when his obsession makes a situation worse. Ushers, Masques and Conqueror Worms: The legacy of 3 generations of Ravens have led to a great number of enemies that might target one of the newer members of the extended Raven family, just for the sake of taking revenge. Aside from legacy villains, Charlie has made a few enemies of his own, including several former Claremont students with less than heroic intentions, such as Sebastian Shields, otherwise known as Casanova, and he has personally interfered with the House of Usher who has thrived in the shadow of the Doomforge, aiding the Raven in driving them from Freedom City and chasing them across the world. Traveling across the world with the Raven only earned Charlie more enemies as they continued their heroics abroad. If any of Charlie's enemies interfere in a situation to attack Stormcrow and make the situation worse, the GM can award Charlie a Hero Point. ABILITIES 8 + 14 + 8 + 14 + 6 + 10 = 60PP Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 24 (+7) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 24 (+7) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 20 (+5) COMBAT 12 + 10 = 22PP Initiative: +15 (+15 Knowledge [Tactics]) Attack: +6 Base, +6 Melee, +14 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +15 (+5 Base, +10 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +10 (+6 Base Attack, +4 Strength) Knockback: -2 / -4 (w. Costume) SAVING THROWS 6 + 7 + 7 = 20PP Toughness: +9 (+4 Con, +5 Protection) Fortitude: +10 (+4 Con, +6) Reflex: +14 (+7 Dex, +7)Evasion 2 Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) SKILLS 176R = 44PP Acrobatics 13 (+20)Acrobatic Bluff, Skill Mastery Bluff 10 (+15) Computers 13 (+20)Online Research, Skill Mastery Diplomacy 10 (+15) Disable Device 8 (+15) Drive 3 (+10) Escape Artist 8 (+15) Gather Information 10 (+15)Well-Informed, Skill Mastery Investigate 13 (+20)Skill Mastery Knowledge [Tactics] 8 (+15) Language 4 (American Sign Language, Chinese [Mandarin], English [native], Japanese, Russian) Medicine 3 (+6) Notice 17 (+20)Skill Mastery Pilot 3 (+10) Search 8 (+15)Skill Mastery Sense Motive 17 (+20)Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 8 (+15) Stealth 13 (+20)Hide in Plain Sight, Skill Mastery Survival 7 (+10) FEATS 49PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Focus [Ranged] 8 Beginner's Luck Benefit 1 (Raven Family) Benefit 1 [Use Knowledge [Tactics] For Initiative Rolls] Challenge (Fast Acrobatic Bluff) Dodge Focus 10 Evasion 2 Hide In Plain Sight Inspire 5 Jack of All Trades Leadership Luck 4 Master Plan 2 [Use Knowledge [Tactics] for rolls] Online Research Set Up Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobatics, Computers, Gather Information, Investigate, Notice, Search, Sense Motive, Stealth) Teamwork 3 Track Well-Informed Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Enhanced Feats Luck 4 -> Luck 6 Second Chance 2 [Toughness Save vs. Ballistics and Conventional Blades] Takedown Attack 2 Veteran Awards Equipment 16 (80 EP) Equipment Communicator [7EP] Communication Array 3 (6DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [7EP] BP: Communication 5 (Radio; 5 miles; Feats: Subtle) [6EP] AP: Datalink 3 (Radio; 1000 feet; Feats: Rapid 2 (x100), Subtle) [6EP] Guardians HQ (Headquarters; Mansion in Bayview) [21EP] The Stormchaser (Vehicle; Motorcycle) [20EP] Guardians Jet (Vehicle; Jet) [32EP] POWERS 20 + 20 + 9 = 49 Device 5 (25DP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [20PP] (Descriptors: Stormcrow Costume, Costume, Technology) City Movement Array 4 (8DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [9DP] BP: {2 + 4 + 2 = 8/8DP} (Descriptors: Gauntlet Mounted Grappling Gun) Super-Movement 1 (Swinging; Extras: Linked to Speed (+0)) [2DP] Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) [4DP] (Descriptors: Grapple Claws) Speed 2 (Extras: Linked to Super-Movement (+0)) (25 mph, 250 ft. per round) [2DP] AP: Flight 3 (Flaws: Gliding; Feats: Subtle) (50 mph, 500 ft. per round) {4/8DP} (Descriptors: Electro-reactive Glider Cape) Concealment 2 (All auditory senses; Flaws: Blending) [2DP] (Descriptors: Noise Dampening Materials) Enhanced Feats 2 (Second Chance 2 [Toughness Save vs. Ballistics and Conventional Blades) [2DP] (Descriptors: Nano-weaved Material) Immunity 1 (Environmental Cold and Heat; Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [1DP] (Descriptors: Protective Thermal Under-Layer) Protection 5 [5DP] (Descriptors: Armor Plating) Super-Senses 3 (Infravision; Vision Counters Obscure (Darkness) [Darkvision]) [3DP] (Descriptors: Night Vision Lenses) Super Senses 3 (Direction Sense; Distance Sense; Time Sense) [3DP] (Descriptors: Head-Up Display) Device 5 (25DP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [20PP] (Descriptors: Utility Belt, Belt, Technology) Gadgets Array 8.5 (17DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 8 ) [25DP] (Descriptors: Gadgets) BP: Damage 6 (Extras: Ranged; Feats: Improved Range, Mighty 4) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Crow's Claws, Piercing Damage Type, Thrown Weapon) AP: Damage 6 (Feats: Accurate 4, Extended Reach 1 [5 ft.], Improved Critical 2, Mighty, Subtle, Takedown Attack 2) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Collapsible Staff, Bludgeoning Damage Type) AP: Dazzle 10 (Visual Dazzle; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Subtle, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: See No Evil, Flash, Darkness, Optic Disruption, Etc.) AP: ESP 5 (Auditory and Visual ESP; Extras: Duration [Sustained]; Flaws: Medium [Small Flying Drone]; Feats: Subtle 2) (Range: 1 mile) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Crow Drone, Remote Control, Spy Device) AP: Illusion 12 (Auditory; Extras: Independent (+0); Feats: Progression [Area] 3, Triggered 2) (600 ft. area) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Noisemaker, Playback Device, Sound, Remote Activated) AP: Obscure 6 (Visual Obscure; Extras: Independent (+0); Feats: Progression [Area] 1, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) (Range: 60 ft., Area: 250-500 ft. radius) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Visual Distortion, Grenade, Smoke, Darkness, Flashbang, Illusionary Confusion, etc.) AP: Snare 10 (Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Improved Critical 1, Reversible, Tether, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Crow's Traps, Nets, Cuffs, Rapidly Expanding Foam, Shock Field, etc.) AP: Stun 10 (Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Accurate 4, Extended Reach 1 [5 ft.], Improved Critical 2) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Stun Staff, Electricity) AP: Trip 10 (Feats: Improved Critical 1, Improved Trip, Subtle 1, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Crow's Prey, Various Tripwires, Bolas, Lines, etc.) Luck Control 2 (Force Rerolls, Spend HP For Others; Feats: Innate, Luck 2) [9PP] (Descriptors: Master Tactician, Training) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK NAME ACTION RANGE SAVE EFFECT ATTACK BONUS Unarmed Standard Touch DC19 Tou (staged) Damage +6 Crow’s Claws Standard 150 feet DC25 Tou (staged) Damage +14 Collapsible Staff Standard Touch: 5 ft. DC25 Tou (staged) Damage +14, Crit 18-20, Subtle, Takedown Attack 2 Crow’s Prey Standard 225 ft. DC20 Trip Resist (Worse bonus) Tripped +14, Crit 19-20, Improved Trip, Subtle 1, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological] Crow’s Traps Full 100 ft. DC20 Ref (staged) Fail: Entangled >5: Bound and Helpless +14, Crit 19-20, Reversible, Tether, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological] Noisemaker Standard Perception, 600 ft. area DC22 Will Fail: Believe audio illusion Independent, Triggered 2 See No Evil Standard 90 ft. DC20 Ref DC20 Fort to recover Blinded +14, Crit 18-20, Subtle, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological] Stun Staff Full Touch: 5 ft. DC20 Fort (staged Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned >10: Unconscious +14, Crit 18-20 Totals: Abilities (60) + Combat (22) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (44) + Feats (49) + Powers (49) - Drawbacks (0) = 244/250 Power Points
  4. Justice Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 10 Power Points: 231/250PPUnspent Power Points: 19 Trade-Offs: Defensive Trade-offs vary between TOU+5/DEF-5, None and TOU-5/DEF+5, see ScaleDriver Weight System In Brief: Genius tokusatsu fangirl making her dreams come true. Catchphrase: [Scales set! Are you ready?] "Henshin!" [Time for justice!] Theme: Hell No! - Mel Senese Alternate Identity: Robin Lynne Langley (Secret) Birthplace: Emerald City Residence: Riverside, Freedom City Base of Operations: The Secret Headquarters, Riverside, Freedom City Occupation: Comic, Gaming & Hobby Store Owner, Adventurer Affiliations: None Family: Anna Maria Langley (mother), Lucas John Langley (father), Lucas John Langley Jr. (2 years older brother), Mark Milton Langley (20 years younger brother), Dottie Patricia Langley (paternal grandmother) DESCRIPTION Age: (DoB: 1997 [April 1st]) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'5'' Weight: 125 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Dark brown Robin is slender, her body honed by years of gymnastics. Her dark brown hair is, quite frankly, a mess that stands out in all directions. She has green eyes and wears glasses with red frames. She will usually dress casually, preferring t-shirts with prints or logos of cartoon characters, dragons and so on. Lately, she has taken to wearing jackets, pants and shoes over the undersuit for her armor. As Justice, Robin wears the ScaleDriver, a grey belt with a darker grey core, forming a sort of A shape with a triangle pointing down from the center of the A and reaching the same parts as the sides of the A in front of Justice. The center of the belt holders a red scale, slightly protruding from the rest of the belt. Activating the ScaleDriver causes the undersuit to appear, unfolding from the belt: A black suit with while soles, three white stripes on both sides of Robin's abdomen, a white line running from each shoulder and down her chest, and thinner white lines around her neck and the inside of her arms near the elbows. While the back of Robin's hands and her palms are covered, her fingers are left free. By scanning an ImagiCard on each of the weights on the scale and setting the weight, Robin can summon the Justice Armor X from Z-Space: Armored red boots with blue knees and shins, with thick white trim, blue armored shoulders and outer upper arms, with the lower arms beind completed covered, with additional white armor over the knuckles and the back of the hand. The center of Robin's chest, stretching from her shoulders and down to the ScaleDriver belt, is covered in red armor. The blue armor on the shoulders extends up in a collar around the side of her neck. She wars a red helmet that completely hides her features, with white guard in front of the mouth, white armor on the side of the hand and a white crest or crown with grey center at the front. Her eyes are hidden behind a black visor with blue trim. She wears a long white scarf around her neck. HISTORY Robin Lynne Langley has lived in Emerald City her entire life, always wondering why she lived in the one city that didn't seem to have any super heroes at all. Still, she loved heroes of all kinds, and if she couldn't find them by staring up at the sky, she would find them in comics and on the screen. When he older brother Lucas Jr. introduced her to the world of Japanese Tokusatsu, she was sold, even going as far as starting gymnastics due to her inspiration. Growing up, she kept her dream of really seeing heroes alive, Robin eventually decided that one day, she would be a hero. Eventually enrolling at Emerald City University, she sought out any class, course or knowledge that could help her in her goal, ending up with a rather varied curriculum, only broadening her knowledge of science in particular. She was only emboldened by the appearance of the Emerald Spider. Finally, using a combination of her own funds and components made available at the university, Robin created the first version of her Justice Driver and Justice Buster, setting out into Emerald City to become a hero. Since her debut, Robin has faced gangs of thieves, monsters, super natural threats and much more. She has been gifted her grandmother's amulet, that she once used as the super hero Miss Step, allowing her to access Z-Space, where she has established headquarters in an abandoned structure, though not going unnoticed by other inhabitants. She has worked through multiple iterations of her armor, finally settling on a modular design. Faced with the knowledge that MarsTech had stolen her designs to create the Ultio Suits and that Max Mars himself had discovered her identity, Robin put out the call to the heroes of Emerald City. Gathering together, the group has started to work against Max Mars and MarsTech, Justice has been thrust into a leadership role that she never expected to find herself in. Robin did not defeat the secret group by Max Mars and MarsTech. Despite her attempts, the whole thing fell apart, and she was eventually captured and disappeared from Emerald City. Six months later, Robin reappared in Freedom City, the owner of the new Riverside comic, gaming and hobby shop the Secret Headquarters. She seems to have forgotten that she was ever a super hero. Faced with villains rampaging through Riverside, Robin found the mysterious ScaleDriver hidden in a stockroom in the Secret Headquarters. Donning the belt, she became Justice for the first time once again. As Robin begins to rediscover herself, she will have to figure out just what happened to her, why it happened... and maybe why Max Mars and his Ultio Program has made their way to Freedom City. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Robin is a dreamer. Anything is possible if you have the will and make your own means. Intellectually gifted and curious, she will pursue anything that strikes her fancy. A great fan of super heroes, she has been disappointed at the lack of any prominent heroes in Emerald City, which is part of her reason for deciding to become a hero herself. The other part is her great love of Japanese Tokusatsu shows, which has inspired the technology she uses. She is idealistic, usually willing to give almost anyone the benefit of doubt, but can be surprisingly ruthless in combat. Since arriving in Freedom City, Robin seems to suffer from partial amnesia, having forgotten that she was ever a super hero. She is slowly rediscovering herself, leading to sudden shifts in personality: One moment, she might act as a rookie hero that has no idea what she's doing, before acting as a veteran hero the next. POWERS & TACTICS Robin will usually try and talk her opponent into surrendering at first. Otherwise, she will engage using her arsenal and any other gadgets she has managed to bring along. She will usually switch rapidly between weapons, using whatever the situation calls for, while creating portals to Z-Space to exchange other bits and pieces of her armor while in action. Robin posses no innate powers. All her abilities come from gymnastic skills or technology she created herself. While she had studied magic under Salvo, she has found herself utterly unable to actually use magic herself, instead relying on merging technology and magic as what she has dubbed WonderTech. After several different battle suit iterations and design philosophies, including her prototype suit and using a number of different armors for different situations, Robin's newest armor channels powers directly from Z-Space. As with previous versions, the undersuit unfolds from Robin's belt, dubbed the ScaleDriver, while other armor pieces are summoned from Z-Space and attaches directly to Robin. Robin's grandmother's amulet powers the ScaleDriver and allows Robin to access Z-Space and teleport short distances in real space, while also giving her access to her storage. She uses a number of different gadgets she has created or cobbles together on the fly as needed. The Justice Armor X enhances Robin's physical capabilities and assists her in combat, including a built-in A.I. that assists in combat. Robin can switch between different weapons and armor by scanning magically programmed NFC cards that she has dubbed HeroCards to the two scales on her belt, with each HeroCard being able to activate either the Alpha or Beta slot. By manipulating the weights on the scale, she can increase or decrease her armor, allowing her to switch between three modes: Balance: a balanced mode, Lightweight: Quick, but with little armor and Heavyweight: Slow, but heavily armored. Robin commonly uses the following HeroCards to set her armor's Alpha Slot, giving her access to different attacks: Lady Liberty: Melee focused, with enhanced strikes. Justice: Gives Robin access to the Justice Kick, damaging everything in her path. Patriot: Gives Robin access to the Patriot Blaster, a weapon with variable magical attacks. Emerald Spider: Gives Robin access to Quantum Webbing, used to entangle her targets. Captain Thunder: Gives Robin access the stunning Thunder Strike. and the following HeroCards to set her armor's Beta Slot, giving her different defensive and utility abilities: Centurion: Enhanced strength and environmental defenses. Synapse: Psionic efenses and mental senses. Raven: Stealth focused abilities. Freedom Eagle: Flight and gives Robin access to the Eagle Blaster, which she can use to channel any of her attacks at a range, making some of her attacks instant hits. Velocity: Increased speed. While these are the HeroCards commonly used by Robin, she has access to others through stunts. Furthermore, Robin can access the more powerful World's Finest Mode armor by using the Centurion HeroCard in the Alpha slot and the Raven HeroCard in the Beta slot at the same time. COMPLICATIONS Fangirl: Robin is a big fan of super heroes. Even as experienced as she has become, meeting a famous hero can give her pause, or at worst go into complete fangirl mode. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if fangirling over another hero causes her to skip a turn or otherwise become distracted. Friend In Need: If given a situation where she can stop a villain or save someone, Robin will always try to save another person first, even if it might not be the smartest action. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if a situation arises where she has to choose between saving someone or defeating a villain, and Justice's choice to save someone lets the villain get away or get an advantage over her. HeroCards: Robin uses special cards with NFC reader and magic code to activate her different weapons and abilities. While she can quickly use different cards, situations can arise where change weapons just isn't feasible, such as being in a situation where she can't use her arms or being caught in an intense fight. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if they decide that the situation makes it difficult or outright impossible for Justice to activate a new HeroCard, which in turn means that Justice can't change the active powers in her ScaleDriver Alpha Slot and ScaleDriver Beta Slot arrays. Mars Attacks: While Justice has become an enemy of the entire Chamber of Emerald City, she has, in particular, become one of Max Mars' targets. While he has kept her around for now, he is not above sending enemies to mess with her just because he can. Ultio Suit Users tend to attack Justice on sight, for instance. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point by, at any point, deciding to involve Max Mars' machinations in the plot, such as sending a group of Ultio Suit Users to make life difficult for Justice and her allies. Motor Mouth: Robin likes to talk. A lot. She can just keep going if she wants to, and doesn't always know when to not explain something. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if her constant talking causes issues, such as making a social situation worse or getting her in trouble by overxplaining thing. No Secret Identity: Somehow, Robin was lucky enough that only Max Mars learned her secret identity back in Emerald City. Her debut in Freedom City was much too public for that, and her identity is now out in the open. On the other hand, she does usually wear an armor while working as a hero, so she won't be as easy to recognize as someone running around without a mask. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if her lack of secret identity causes issues, such as people recognizing her. Power Up Let Down: Justice's World's Finest Mode. armor, accessed through the Morph power Centurion/Raven: World's Finest requires large amounts of power to run. The GM can effectively veto any use of the World's Finest Mode Armor if they don't want Justice to use it in a thread. Invoking this complication does not award Justice a Hero Point, but allows the GM an excuse to keep Justice from increasing in PL during a thread. ABILITIES 4 + 4 + 8 + 14 + 6 + 6 = 42PP Strength: 14 (+2) / [Justice Armor X] 18 (+4)Dexterity: 14 (+2) / [Justice Armor X] 16 (+3)Constitution: 18 (+4)Intelligence: 24 (+7)Wisdom: 16 (+3)Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +7 (+7 Int [Speed of Thought]) / [Justice Armor X] +11 (+7 Int [Speed of Thought], +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +4 Base / [Justice Armor X] +4 Base, +10 for Individual Attacks, +10 MeleeLady Liberty HeroCard(+4 Base, +6 Attack Focus [Melee]) Defense: +4 Base, +2 Flat-Footed / [Justice Armor X] +10 (+4 Base Defense, +1 Enhanced Defense, +5 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Balance), +5 (+4 Base Defense, +1 Enhanced Defense, +0 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Heavyweight), +15 (+4 Base Defense, +1 Enhanced Defense, +10 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Lightweight), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +6 (+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength) / [Justice Armor X] +8 (+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength, +2 Enh. Strength), +14Lady Liberty HeroCard(+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength, +2 Enh. Strength, +6 Attack Focus [Melee]), +20Lady Liberty/Centurion HeroCard(+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength, +2 Enh. Strength, +6 Attack Focus [Melee], +6 Super-Strength), +22Lady Liberty/Centurion HeroCard/Balance(+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength, +2 Enh. Strength, +6 Attack Focus [Melee], +8 Super-Strength) Knockback: -2 (TOU 4) / [Justice Armor X] -2 (TOU 5 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Lightweight), -5 (TOU 10 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Balance), -12 (TOU 15, Imp. TOU 10, ScaleDriver Weight System set to Heavyweight) No Armor Balance Heavyweight Lightweight Defense +4 +10 +5 +15 - Flatfooted +2 +3 +3 +3 Toughness +4 +10 +15 / Imp 10 +5 Fortitude +10 +12 +13 +14 Reflex +7 +10 +8 +12 Will +11 +13 +14 +15 Knockback -2 -5 -12 -2 Base Armor Balance Lady Liberty Centurion LL+C B+LL B+C B+LL+C Grapple +6 +8 +10 +14 +14 +20 +16 +16 +22 SAVING THROWS 6 + 5 + 8 = 19PP Toughness: +4 (+4 Con) / [Justice Armor X] +10 (+4 Con, +1 Protection, +5 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Balance), +15/Imp. Tou 10 (+4 Con, +1 Protection, +10 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Heavyweight), +5 (+4 Con, +1 Protection, +0 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Lightweight) Fortitude: +10 (+4 Con, +6) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) / [Justice Armor X] +8 (+2 Dex, +1 Enh. Dex, +5), +10 (+2 Dex, +1 Enh. Dex, +5, +2 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Balance), +12 (+2 Dex, +1 Enh. Dex, +5, +4 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Lightweight) Will: +11 (+3 Wis, +8) SKILLS 124R = 31PP Acrobatics 12 (+14) / [Justice Armor X] (+15) Computers 8 (+15) Concentration 7 (+10) Craft [Electronics] 8 (+15) Craft [Mechanical] 8 (+15) Diplomacy 12 (+15) Disable Device 8 (+15) Drive 7 (+9) / [Justice Armor X] (+10) Gather Information 7 (+10) Investigate 3 (+10) Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 3 (+10) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 8 (+15) Knowledge [Popular Culture] 5 (+12) Knowledge [Technology] 8 (+15) Medicine 3 (+10) Notice 7 (+10) Search 3 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+10) FEATS 11PP Acrobatic Bluff Artificer Challenge [Fast Acrobatic Bluff] Equipment 7 [Veteran Reward] Improvised Tools Inventor Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 3 Speed of Thought Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Enhanced Feats Accurate Attack Attack Focus [Melee] 6Lady Liberty HeroCard Evasion 2 Improved Initiative Power Attack Quick Change Takedown Attack 2Justice Strikes Uncanny Dodge [Mental]Synapse HeroCard Uncanny Dodge [Visual] Equipment: 7PP = 35EP The Law Rider (Vehicle; Motorcycle) [15EP] The AnneX (Headquarters; Abandoned Outpost in Z-Space) [20EP] POWERS 14 + 90 + 8 = 112PP Device 3 (15DP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Restricted 2 [Only Robin can use]) [14PP] (Descriptors: Grandmother's Amulet, Magic) Dimensional Pocket 2 (PF: Progression 3 (1,000 lbs) [5DP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Magic, Z-Space) Feature 2 (Adaptible Power Source - Can be used to power anything that requires power to function) [2DP] (Descriptors: Magic) Z-Space Array 3.5 (7DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [8DP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Magic, Z-Space) BP: Teleport 4 (Flaws: Short-Range; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Turnabout) (400 ft. distance) {7/7} (Descriptors: Combat Teleport) AP: Super-Movement 1 (Dimensional Movement [To and From Z-Space]; Extras: Portal (+2), Feats: Alternate Power 1, Progression [Portal Size] 3) (Up to 50ft x 50ft portal) {7/7} (Descriptors: Z-Space Portal) Device 22 (110DP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Restricted 2 [Only Robin can use]) [90PP] (Descriptors: Justice Armor X, Invention, Magic, Technology) Datalink 2 (Radio; 100 feet; Feats: Machine Control) [3DP] (Descriptors: Remote Hacking) Enhanced Dexterity 2 [2DP] (Descriptors: A.I. Assisted Coordination) Enhanced Feat 5 (Accurate Attack, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative, Power Attack) [5DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1DP] (Descriptors: Instant Armor) Enhanced Strength 4 [4DP] (Descriptors: Enhanced Musculature) Enhanced Trait 2 (Defense Bonus+1) [2DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines) Features 2 (Built-in Subtle Computer) [2DP] (Descriptors: Computer, A.I. System) Morph 1 (One Form [World's Finest Mode]; Feats: Metamorph 1) [2DP] (Descriptors: Centurion/Raven: World's Finest, Super Mode) Protection 1 [1DP] (Descriptors: Armor) ScaleDriver Alpha Slot 14.5 (29DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [33DP] (Descriptors: Weapons, Z-Space) BP: {23 + 6 = 29/29DP} (Descriptors: Lady Liberty HeroCard) Damage 6 (Extras: Penetrating 4; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3, Knockback 5, Mighty, Takedown Attack 2) [23DP] (Descriptors: Justice Strikes, Kicks, Punches, Enhanced Musculature, Bludgeoning Damage Type) Enhanced Feat 6 (Attack Focus [Melee] 6) [6DP] AP: {13 + 16 = 29/29DP} (Descriptors: Justice HeroCard, Justice Kick, Enhanced Musculature, Finishing Move, Bludgeoning Damage Type) Damage 6 (Extras: Area [General Trail], Linked [Drain Toughness] (+0); Feats: Mighty) (60 ft. trail area) [13DP] Drain Toughness 8 (Extras: Area [General Trail], Linked [Damage] (+0)) (80 ft. trail area) [16DP] (Descriptors: Z-Space Energy) AP: Blast 10 (Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 1, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Magic]) {29/29DP} (Descriptors: Patriot HeroCard, Patriot Blaster, Variable Ammunition, Z-Space Portals) AP: Snare 10 (Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3, Tether) {29/29DP} (Descriptors: Emerald Spider HeroCard, Quantum Webbing) AP: Stun 10 (Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3, Sedation) {29/29DP} (Descriptors: Captain Thunder HeroCard, Thunder Strike, Electricity) ScaleDriver Beta Slot 10.5 (21DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [25DP] (Descriptors: Armor, Z-Space) BP: {16 + 5 = 21/21DP} (Descriptors: Centurion HeroCard) Super-Strength 6 (Feats: Groundstrike, Shockwave, Super-Breath, Thunderclap) (+30 STR Carry, Heavy Load: 9.6 tons) [16DP] (Descriptors: Centurion's Strength) Stacks with Super-Strength in Weight System Array Balance: Total Super-Strength 8 (Feats: Groundstrike, Shockwave, Super-Breath, Thunderclap) (+40 STR Carry, Heavy Load: 38 tons tons) Immunity 9 (Life Support; Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [5DP] (Descriptors: Centurion's Protection) AP: {10 + 11 = 21/21DP} (Descriptors: Synapse HeroCard) Immunity 10 (Psionic Effects) [10DP] (Descriptors: Psi-Shield) Super-Senses 11 (Danger Sense [Sense Types: Mental], Mental [Sense Type: Mental; Default Extras: None; Extras: Accurate, Acute, Counters Concealment, Counters Illusion, Radius, Ranged]) [21PP] (Descriptors: Danger Sense) AP: {3 + 10 + 6 + 2 = 21/21DP} (Descriptors: Raven HeroCard, Stealth) Concealed Attack 3 Adds (Feats: Insidious, Subtle 2) to Weight Alpha Array [3DP] (Descriptors: Hidden Attacks) Concealment 10 (All Senses; Flaws: Blending) [10DP] (Descriptors: Superior Stealth) Obscure 6 (Visual Obscure; Flaws: Range [Touch]) [6DP] (Descriptors: Instant Darkness, Darkness) Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) [2DP] AP: {11 + 10 = 21/21DP} (Descriptors: Freedom Eagle HeroCard, Flight, Range) Eagle Eyes 10 Adds (Extras: Range; Feats: Progression [Range] 1) to Weight Alpha Array [11DP] (Descriptors: Eagle Eyes, Blaster, Channel Attacks, Z-Space) Flight 5 (250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd.) [10DP] (Descriptors: Wings of Freedom, Flight, Gravity) AP: {10 + 4 + 3 + 4 = 21/21DP} (Descriptors: Velocity HeroCard, Super Speed) Full Velocity 10 Adds (Extras: Autofire) to Weight Alpha Array [10DP] (Descriptors: Full Velocity, Quick hits) Speed 4 (100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd.) [4DP] Stacks with Speed in Weight System Array Balance: Total Speed 6 (500 mph, 5000 ft./rnd.) Lightweight: Total Speed 8 (2500 mph, 25,000 ft./rnd.) Super-Movement 4 (Sure-Footed 2, Wall-Crawling 2; Flaws: Limited [While Moving]) [3DP] Quickness 4 (Tasks at x25 Speed) [4DP] ScaleDriver Weight System 10 (20DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22DP] BP: {5 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 4 = 20/20} (Descriptors: Balance) Enhanced Feat 5 (Dodge Focus 5; Total Defense +10) [5DP] Enhanced Trait 2 (Reflex Save +2) [2DP] Leaping 2 (Leap distance x5: Running 70 ft.) [2DP] Protection 5 (Total Toughness +10) [5DP] Speed 2 (25 MPH, 250 ft./rnd) [2DP] Super-Strength 2 (+10 Effective Strength, heavy load: 700 lbs./1200 lbs.) [4DP] (Descriptors: Enhanced Musculature) AP: {10 + 10 = 20/20} (Descriptors: Heavyweight) Impervious Toughness 10 [10DP] Protection 10 (Total Toughness +15) [10DP] AP: {10 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 20/20} (Descriptors: Lightweight) Enhanced Feat 10 (Dodge Focus 10; Total Defense +15) [10DP] Enhanced Trait 4 (Reflex Save +4) [4DP] Leaping 2 (Leap distance x5: Running 70 ft.) [2DP] Speed 4 (100 MPH, 1000 ft./rnd) [4DP] Super-Senses 8 (Counters Visual Concealment, Counters Visual Obscure, Uncanny Dodge [Visual]) [8DP] (Descriptors: H.U.D., Computer Analysis, Combat Subroutines) Gadgets 1 (5PP Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers At Once; Extras: Duration [Continuous]) [8PP] (Descriptors: Summon Gadgets, Invention, Technology, Z-Space) Sample powers DRAWBACKS 0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack Bonus Unarmed Touch DC17 TOU (staged) Damage +4 Unarmed – Lady Liberty HeroCard Touch DC19 TOU (staged) Damage +10 Justice Strike Touch 100 ft.Freedom Eagle DC25 TOU (staged) Damage +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3, Knockback 5, Penetrating 4, Takedown Attack 2, AutofireVelocity, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven Justice Kick 60 ft. Trail Area 100 ft.Freedom Eagle DC18 Fort (staged) TOU Drain General Trail Area, linked to Damage Effect, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven DC25 TOU (staged) Damage General Trail Area, linked to TOU Drain Effect, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven Patriot Blaster 100 ft. PerceptionFreedom Eagle DC25 TOU (staged) Damage +10, Crit 19-20, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological] , AutofireVelocity, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven Quantum Webbing 100 ft. PerceptionFreedom Eagle DC20 REF (staged) Fail: Entangled >5/2nd Fail: Bound & Helpless +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3, Tether, AutofireVelocity, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven Thunder Strike Touch 100 ft.Freedom Eagle DC20 FORT (staged) Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned >10: Unconscious +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3, Sedation, AutofireVelocity, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven Totals: Abilities (42) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (31) + Feats (11) + Powers (112) - Drawbacks (0) = 231/250 Power Points
  5. FOREVER BOY Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 247/250PP Unspent Power Points: 3 Trade-Offs: +5 Defense / -5 Toughness, (Draw Weapon) -2 Attack / +2 DC In Brief: Super powered trickster from Foreverworld, a world of adventure and action. Catchphrase: "Just trust me!" Theme: Storytime - Nightwish / Fly - Blind Guardian Alternate Identity: Pan (Secret), Pan Barrie (Secret, Earth identity) Birthplace: Neverworld, now known as Foreverworld Residence: Freedom City Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Adventurer Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: None known DESCRIPTION Age: Unknown. Claims to be 16. (DoB: Unknown, legally listed as 2002 on Earth) Apparant age: 16 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Alien. Appears Caucasian Height: 5’10’’ Weight: 170 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Dark red Pan is an attractive young man with wild, semi-long dark red hair and green eyes. He has an athletic build, which he doesn’t mind showing with mostly form fitting clothing. Pan prefers green and red clothing, rarely wearing any dark colors. He almost always seem to be smiling. In uniform, Pan wears an emerald green suit with golden yellow details. A golden yellow line runs up the front of each of his legs from his feet, where he wears flared red pirate boots with golden yellow soles and detailing. The yellow lines on his legs run up past his belt and up his ribs, curving in and meeting at his solar plexus. A pair of stylized golden yellow wings stretch out from that connecting point of the golden lines at his solar plexus and up his chest to his shoulders, where they run around and connect at his back. The uniform ends in a golden ring at Pan's neck. He wears green gloves that seem to be part of the sleeves until he takes them off. He wears a red belt with a golden buckle, as well as an emerald green domino mask. Pan has taken to wearing a dark red coat with golden details, often wearing it both with and without his uniform. HISTORY In Neverworld, adventure and action rule. Swashbuckling heroes chase heinous villains across the seas in flying airships, pixies guide adventures in search of treasures haunted by ghosts in the machine. The Lost Heroes chase the being known only as the Crocodile across the endless ocean, hoping that it will one day fulfil its destiny and defeat The Hooked Man for good. Pan was born into this world. Raised by pixies, he never knew his parents. Always believing they abandoned him, Pan quickly came to resent most adults. Aided by the pixies, he performed daring heists into the bustling cities of Neverworld to gather food or just play pranks, and Pan became something of a myth: A never aging trickster that would disappear into the night. Eventually, the Lost Heroes happened upon the city that Pan had decided to visit. Hearing the rumors of the mysterious Forever Boy, they set a trap, and managed to capture him. Feeling pity for the boy, they took him in, and through time and effort, Pan came to trust them, joining them in the quest for the Crocodile. Pan spent long travelling with the Lost Heroes, until they met the Hooked Man. A man of monstrous power, the Hooked Man defeated the Lost Heroes one by one, until he finally stood before Pan. With the strike of his blade, the Forever Boy severed the Hooked Man’s hand, which hurled into the waters below. As the Hooked Man prepared to kill Pan in retaliation, the Crocodile rose from the depths. Pan blacked out, and the next thing he knew, he woke up in Freedom City. With no way home, Pan wasted little time in exploring this strange new world. While living on the street and surviving through petty theft, he was eventually discovered while stopping a robbery with several future classmates from the Claremont Academy. Offered the choice of joining the Claremont Academy, Pan accepted, given the identity Pan Barrie. If he could not find a way home to Neverworld, he could at least try to find a new adventure. Pan was busy during his three years at Claremont Academy, being one of the few students to remain part of Blue Squad for the duration of his time. He formed a close friendship with his roommate Micah Roebuck, otherwise known as Thunderbird, and eventually Eira Katastroff Natt och Dag, otherwise known as Angelic. He formed friendships with several other students, including Selena Kwan, Adam Lanchester, Veronica Danger, Louise Beaumont, Corinne Conrad, Leon Moore, Jaycee Cahill and, to some degree, Jaycee's bodyguard Ashley Tran, as well as many others. While at Claremont, Pan bluffed the demon Baal, helped defend the school from Krampus, went on a summer vacation with Veronica Danger and several others, fought Sky Pirates and the Great Whale from Neverworld, journeyed in time to fight against Die Übermensch during World War Two, found the ghost of Eira's original human self and much more, before eventually returning to Neverworld with Eira and Micah at his side. The trio found Neverworld overrun by the Hooked Man's Sky Pirates with the Crocodile in their thrall. Through trials and tribulations, Eira attempted to raise an army of automatons with the help of a version of Victor Frankenstein, while Pan and Micah sought the aid of Pixies. The last Pixies sacrificed themselves to give Pan and Micah a wish each. Together, they returned to Eira. As Neverworld burned around them, the trio managed to free the Crocodile and defeat the Hooked Man. Pan remembered that this was but the latest cycle for Neverworld, one that would be washed away and replaced by yet another permutation of the same story. But Pan had been changed by his time away from Neverworld. Aided by the power of Micah's wish, Pan made something else, something better: Neverworld became Foreverworld! Refusing to restart his own story, Pan forced himself and his friends back to Earth-Prime, pulling himself free from the tale that had bound him before. The Forever Boy is now fully free. He has escaped the story that would bind him, he has graduated from Claremont, he is much more than he was before, and he has his friends and a great wide world of adventure waiting for him. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Pan has, despite his protests to the contrary, grown and changed since he reached Freedom City. He is still a trickster with a love for adventure, and he is still utterly fearless, though his perspective have shifted: His one fear is now that those that he care about will be seriously hurt. High flying, loud, proud and prone to leaping before looking, Pan will eagerly jump into any situation that he believes requires his particular brand of heroics. He insists that you can trust him, and, if you are his friend, you can. Others? Not so much. He will freely lie, bluff or cheat if that's what it takes to save the day, or to play a good joke on someone. He has formed several close relationships, particularly with Micah Roebuck and Eira Katastroff natt och Dag. He would give his life for any of his friends, if it came to it. No matter what applies to everyone else, his friends can always trust him to have their backs and come rushing in when they need him. POWERS & TACTICS While Pan has been categorized as an alien and magic, the truth is far stranger: He is a story come to life, a story that is being told and retold, over and over again. And now that he has broken free from the constraints of his story, he has begun to break down the limits of just what he can do. Pan posses enhanced hearing and an uncanny luck. His thoughts are like quicksilver, and he can understand and be understood in any language, even reading the thoughts of others, if he feels so inclined. As one would expect of his story, he will never age beyond 16, can fly and cannot be held. He is supernaturally charismatic, though he can also channel this ability in different, unpredictable ways, such as creating life-like illusions and mists, or letting himself fly even faster. Since breaking free from the story that bound him, Pan has learned how to manipulate his own story, and the story of those around him. This essentially makes Pan a reality warper, though bound by certain self-imposed limitations. He can detach his shadow to entangle foes, change the emotions and memories of others, create illusions and constructs, including an ever expanding array of weapons, out of thin air. His words can be so harsh that they can cut, and, if he gets close enough, he can turn back the pages of a story, reverting wounds. Many of these newfound abilities take a great deal of focus, but Pan enjoys them anyway. Pan is a master of social situations, being able to make any lie sound true. He can manipulate his surroundings and change the story as it happens, which he uses to sow chaos and confusion among enemies in combat. While far from adverse to facing opponents head on, the Forever Boy is a firm believer in teamwork, often working closely with his friends and allies in combat, using his own considerable abilities to aid his friends. COMPLICATIONS Oh, the cleverness of me: Pan is a trickster, and he has trouble not taunting and otherwise aggravating his enemies. This can lead to escalation of conflict if Pan manages to aggravate the enemy enough, or Pan being attacked where he was previously ignored, making the situation worse for him. To live will be an awfully big adventure: To Pan, a life without adventure would be worse than death. He searches for adventure in any form, always having trouble sitting still, be it during classes, stakeouts or strategy meetings. This can apply in many ways, such as picking up a strange idol, pressing the tempting button with "Do not press" or flying after something the glowing light in the sky, having trouble staying focused during planning on learning, which can cause problems later on, if Pan forgets crucial information or just didn't pay attention in the first place. I'll hold you in my heart, until I can hold you in my arms: Pan is quick to find friends, and quick to trust them. He is willing to do just about anything for his friends, even if he shouldn't. Hurt his friends, and his revenge will be swift, even if it shouldn't be. If Pan's friends are hurt or in situations where they will be seriously hurt or worse if Pan or someone else doesn't help them, Pan will be spurred into action, even if the situation places Pan himself in great danger. All you need is faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust: Pan has to actually believe in himself and his abilities for his powers to work effectively. If his faith in himself is shaken, for instance by being met with an overwhelming foe or otherwise being worn down, any of his powers with the Pixie Dust descriptor might fail when he try to use them. All children, except one, grow up: Pan has a soft spot for children, and they tend to like him in turn. While he might not outright believe everything a child will say or do, knowing all too well how mischievous a child can be, he will always believe in children, prioritizing their protection and well being. It may have been quixotic, but it was magnificent: Pan's uncanny luck tends to have strange consequences. If probability is pushed far enough in one direction, it might just decide to push back, causing improbable things to happen, like the password to a computer suddenly changing, or a piano suddenly falling from the sky. ABILITIES 0 + 16 + 6 + 4 + 8 + 10 = 44PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 26 (+8) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 20 (+5) / 44 (+17)Forever Charisma COMBAT 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +12 (+8 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +6 Base, +6 Melee, +6 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +17 (+6 Base, +11 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +6 (+6 Base Attack) Knockback: -1 / -3 (with Defensive Roll) SAVING THROWS 7 + 6 + 6 = 19PP Toughness: +7 (+3 Con, +4 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +10 (+3 Con, +7) Reflex: +14 (+8 Dex, +6) Will: +10 (+4 Wis, +6) SKILLS 76R = 19PP Bluff 17 (+22) / (+34)Forever Charisma Languages 1 (Native: Foreverspeak; Learned: English) Notice 16 (+20)Skill Mastery Perform [Oratory] 2 (+7) / (+19)Forever Charisma Sense Motive 16 (+20)Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 12 (+20)Skill Mastery Stealth 12 (+20)Skill Mastery FEATS 41PP Beginner's Luck Challenge [Fast Feint] Challenge [Fast Taunt] Defensive Roll 2 Distract [Bluff] Dodge Focus 11 Evasion 2 Fearless Improved Initiative 1 Inspire 5 Jack-of-All-Trades Leadership Luck 4 Move-by Action Setup Skill Mastery (Notice, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth) Taunt Teamwork 3 Uncanny Dodge 2 [Auditory, Visual] Enhanced Feats Luck 4 -> Luck 6 Quick Change Takedown Attack 2Draw Weapon POWERS 8 + 1 + 10 + 1 + 5 + 8 + 2 + 38 + 27 + 3 = 103 Comprehend Rank 3 (Understand, speak and read all languages; Feats: Alternate Power 1, Selective) [8PP] (Descriptors: Universal Understanding, Alien, Magic) AP: Mind Reading 12 (Flaws: Feedback, Limited to Surface Thoughts; Feats: Subtle 2) {6/7PP} (Descriptors: Tell Me What You Think, Alien, Magic, Training) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] (Descriptors: Forever Uniform, Magic, Pixie Dust) Flight 5 (Flight speed: 250 MPH / 2500 ft./rnd) [10PP] (Descriptors: Fairy Flight, Flight, Magic, Pixie Dust) Immunity 1 (Aging) [1PP] (Descriptors: The Forever Boy, Immortality, Magic, Pixie Dust, Story) Immunity 5 (Entrapment Effects [Snare, Grappling, Bonds]) [5PP] (Descriptors: Forever Free, Freedom, Magic, Pixie Dust, Story) Luck Control 2 (Force Rerolls, Bestow Hero Points to Others; Feats: Luck 2) [8PP] (Descriptors: Forever Lucky, Luck, Story) Quickness 4 (Flaws: One type [Mental]) (Able to perform mental tasks at x25 normal speed) [2PP] (Descriptors: Cleverness of Me, Alien, Quick Thinking) Tricks Array 15.5 (31PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 7) [38PP] (Descriptors: Tricks, Magic, Pixie Dust, Story. Additional descriptors on individual powers) BP: Damage 14 (Extras: Penetrating 5; Feats: Accurate 2, Extended Reach 2 [10 ft.], Improved Critical 2, Incurable, Precise, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack 2, Variable Descriptor 1 [Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing]) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Draw Weapon, Precise Strikes, Slashing/Bludgeoning/Piercing Damage Type, Training, Weapons) AP: Create Object 12 (Extras: Movable; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Precise, Progression [Object Size] 3, Selective, Subtle 2) (12x50 ft. Cubes) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: As Real As I Say) AP: Damage 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Penetrating 4, Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full Round], Sense-Dependent [Auditory]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Incurable, Precise; Drawbacks: Power Loss 1 [Must be able to speak]) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Harsh Words) AP: Emotion Control 12 (Feats: Mind Blank, Reversible, Subtle 2) {28/31PP} (Descriptors: Powerful Emotions, Emotion) AP: Healing 10 (Extras: Total; Feats: Regrowth) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Rewrite) AP: Illusion 7 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 3) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 50 ft. radius) (Stacks with Endless Forms) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Forms Most Beautiful, Illusion) Stacked Power: Illusion 12 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 7) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 1250 ft. radius) (Descriptors: Endless Forms Most Beautiful, Illusion) AP: Snare 12 (Feats: Accurate 3, Indirect 3, Subtle) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Binding Shadow, Pan's Shadow, Grasping Shadows) AP: Transform 12 (Change Memories; Extras: Alternate Save [Will] (+0), Duration 1 [Continuous], Range 1 [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full Round], Sense-Dependent [Auditory]; Drawbacks: Power Loss 1 [Must be able to speak]) {23/31PP} (Descriptors: Don't You Remember?) Trickster Array 12 (24PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [27PP] (Descriptors: Trickster, Magic, Pixie Dust, Story. Additional descriptors on individual powers) BP: Enhanced Charisma 24 {24/24PP} (Descriptors: Forever Charisma, Superhuman charisma) AP: Flight 12 (stacks with Fairy Flight) {24/24PP} (Descriptors: Forever Flight, Flight) Stacked Power: Flight 17 (2,500,000 MPH / 25,000,000 ft./rnd) AP: Illusion 5 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 4) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 100 ft. radius) (Stacks with Forms Most Beautiful) {24/24PP} (Descriptors: Endless Forms, Illusion) Stacked Power: Illusion 12 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 7) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 1250 ft. radius) (Descriptors: Endless Forms Most Beautiful, Illusion) AP: Obscure 6 (Affects Visual Senses; Extras: Independent [+0], Selective Attack, Total Fade) (Duration: Independent [20 rounds], Radius: 250 ft.) {24/24PP} (Descriptors: Hide & Seek, Illusion, Mists) Super-Senses 3 (Danger Sense [Sense Types: Auditory], Auditory [Sense Type: Normal Hearing; Default Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged; Extras: Accurate]) [3PP] (Descriptors: Enhanced Senses, Alien, Enhanced Senses, Genetic, Training) DRAWBACKS -3PP Vulnerable (Emotion effects; Medium Intensity: +50% to saving throw DC) [-3PP] DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC17 Tou (staged) Damage +6 Draw Weapon Touch (Up to 10 ft.) DC29 Tou (staged) Damage +10, Crit 18-20, Incurable, Precise, Takedown Attack 2 Draw Weapon - Stunning Attack Touch (Up to 10 ft.) DC24 Fort (Staged) Fail: Dazed for 1 round >5: Stunnedfor 1 round >10: Unconscious +10, Crit 18-20, Incurable, Precise, Takedown Attack 2 Powerful Emotions Perception DC22 Will (staged) Fail: Emotion Changed >10: Target takes no hostile action Mind Blank, Reversible, Subtle 2 Binding Shadow 100 ft. DC22 Ref (staged) Fail: Entangled >5/2nd Fail: Bound & Helpless +12, Indirect 3, Subtle Endless Forms Perception DC15 Will (staged) Tricked if disbelieving illusion N/A, 100 ft. radius Forms Most Beautiful Perception DC17 Will (staged) Tricked if disbelieving illusion N/A, 25 ft. radius Endless Forms Most Beautiful Perception DC22 Will (staged) Tricked if disbelieving illusion N/A, 500 ft. radius Totals: Abilities (44) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (19) + Feats (41) + Powers (103) - Drawbacks (3) = 247/250 Power Points
  6. Justice Power Level: 13 Effective Power Level: 10 Power Points: 198/233PPUnspent Power Points: 35 Trade-Offs: Justice Buster: +4ATK/-4DC; Defensive Trade-offs vary between TOU+5/DEF-5, None and TOU-5/DEF+5, see M.O.D. System power In Brief: Genius tokusatsu fangirl making her dreams come true. Catchphrase: Time for justice! Theme: Hell No! - Mel Senese Alternate Identity: Robin Lynne Langley (Secret) Birthplace: Emerald City Residence: University Hill, Emerald City Base of Operations: University Hill, Emerald City Occupation: PhD Student at Emerald City University, Tech Support Affiliations: None Family: Anna (mother), Lucas (father), Lucas Jr. (2 years older brother), Mark (20 years younger brother), Dottie (paternal grandmother) DESCRIPTION Age: (DoB: 1997 [April 1st]) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'5'' Weight: 125 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair:Dark brown Robin is slender, her body honed by years of gymnastics. Her dark brown hair reaches her shoulders and is almost always worn loose. She has green eyes and wears glasses. She will usually dress casually, preferring t-shirts with prints or logos of cartoon characters, dragons and so on. As Justice, Robin wears a dark red suit with her Justice Driver belt. The upper body part of the suit has a tall collar with bright pink trim, which connects to a pink zipper that goes to Robin's right shoulder and down over her right breast to the center of her belt. She has a classic, heraldic lion in pink over her left breast, using it as a logo. Her sleeves end in bright pink trim at her wrists, while she wears grey gloves that leave the back of her hand bare, with a pink trim in a square shape. She wears light grey boots that ends about halfway up her lower leg in a W-shape, with the trim and soles being bright pink. To protect her identity, she wears a dark red domino mask with white lenses, in the same color as the costume. Activating the Justice driver causes her armor to appear: A dark red suit with purple-pink power lines running up the arms and down the legs from the belt buckle of the Justice Driver belt, with grey metal plating on the chest and shoulders. Her arms and legs are wrapped in dark grey and purple armor, with similar armor plating as the chest area. Her helmet has silver armor plating on the side and two small antenna on top, and a silver armor plate over her mouth, with large purple-pink one-way lenses over her eyes. Robin has also added red scarf in a brighter color to the rest of the armor. HISTORY Robin Lynne Langley has lived in Emerald City her entire life, always wondering why she lived in the one city that didn't seem to have any super heroes at all. Still, she loved heroes of all kinds, and if she couldn't find them by staring up at the sky, she would find them in comics and on the screen. When he older brother Lucas Jr. introduced her to the world of Japanese Tokusatsu, she was sold, even going as far as starting gymnastics due to her inspiration. Growing up, she kept her dream of really seeing heroes alive, Robin eventually decided that one day, she would be a hero. Eventually enrolling at Emerald City University, she sought out any class, course or knowledge that could help her in her goal, ending up with a rather varied curriculum, only broadening her knowledge of science in particular. She was only emboldened by the appearance of the Emerald Spider. Finally, using a combination of her own funds and components made available at the university, Robin created the first version of her Justice Driver and Justice Buster, setting out into Emerald City to become a hero. Since her debut, Robin has faced gangs of thieves, monsters, super natural threats and much more. She has been gifted her grandmother's amulet, that she once used as the super hero Miss Step, allowing her to access Z-Space, where she has established headquarters in an abandoned structure, though not going unnoticed by other inhabitants. She has worked through multiple iterations of her armor, finally settling on a modular design. Faced with the knowledge that MarsTech had stolen her designs to create the Ultio Suits and that Max Mars himself had discovered her identity, Robin put out the call to the heroes of Emerald City. Gathering together, the group has started to work against Max Mars and MarsTech, Justice has been thrust into a leadership role that she never expected to find herself in. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Robin is a dreamer. Anything is possible if you have the will and make your own means. Intellectually gifted and curious, she will pursue anything that strikes her fancy. A great fan of super heroes, she has been disappointed at the lack of any prominent heroes in Emerald City, which is part of her reason for deciding to become a hero herself. The other part is her great love of Japanese Tokusatsu shows, which has inspired the technology she uses. She is idealistic, usually willing to give almost anyone the benefit of doubt, but can be surprisingly ruthless in combat. Having grown more confident in herself, Robin has begun learning what it means to be a hero. She has faced tough decisions and battles, reacting by continuing to update her armor and arsenal. POWERS & TACTICS Robin will usually try and talk her opponent into surrendering at first. Otherwise, she will engage using her arsenal and any other gadgets she has managed to bring along. She will usually switch rapidly between weapons, using whatever the situation calls for, while creating portals to Z-Space to exchange other bits and pieces of her modular armor while in action. A favorite trick is to activate her smoke in an area around her, then shift to her visual enhancements, allowing her to see through the smoke, while her enemies are left unable to see her. POWER DESCRIPTIONS Robin posses no innate powers. All her abilities come from gymnastic skills or technology she created herself. After several different battle suit iterations and design philosophies, including her prototype suit and using a number of different armors for different situations, Robin has finally settled on a modular armor design, using her grandmother's amulet, now incorporated directly in the new and improved Justice Driver belt. The amulet is a large light purple, almost pink, round stone, normally hanging from a necklace. Unknown to Robin, her grandmother had used the amulet's ability to access Z-Space as the 70'es super hero Miss Step. Unaware of the amulet being magic, rather than just a great source of energy and a way to reach Z-Space, Robin continues to use it as her power source. The newest iteration of the Justice Driver belt houses both an utility belt, able to access a multitude of Robin's inventions, and access to the Justice Armor. By activating the Justice Driver through inserting her grandmother's amulet, and using the keyword "Henshin", Robin expands the under armor from the Justice Driver belt, while simultaneously summoning the rest of the armor. While the armor's actual appearance seems more or less unchanged since the last iteration, everything underneath, both hardware and software, has been changed greatly, utilizing 4 systems that Robin has created. Together, they utilize the power source in the amulet in a fine balance, driving precisely the amount of power needed for each task. The principal system used by the armor is the Rapid Intervention Defense and Emergency Response (R.I.D.E.R.) system . The R.I.D.E.R. system provides base enhancement to the wearer's physical strength, while offering protection and computer assistance to the wearer's reflexes and combat skills. The Modular Output Defense system (M.O.D.) , was designed to offer variable speed and protection in combat. By rapidly altering the armor plating on the suit, the wearer can quickly switch between slow, but heavily protected armor, or fast, but not quite as formidable armor, or anything in between, adapting to fit the situation as needed. While the process is quick, it is possible to interrupt it during combat, which leads to Robin prefering an armor setting for the M.O.D. system as combat starts. To improve her mobility in combat, Robin designed the Multivariable Outrageous Virtous Extension (M.O.V.E.) system. By using rocket boosters housed in the boots, Robin can either propel herself forward in great leaps or move at incredible speeds for brief periods of time. The system also enhances the wearer's carry weight, due to the various support structures needed in the armor to make sure the rocket boosters caused her no harm. Alternatively, by diverting energy from the rocket boosters, Robin can attach heavier, bullet proof armor. Whereas the other systems are rather rigid in their design and utility, the Interactive Dynamic Expansion Application system (I.D.E.A.) contain a great number of different gadgets and tools that Robin developed for the armor, connected by using the same power source from the armor. While the list of tools in the I.D.E.A. system is ever expanding, it so far contains enhanced visual options and, allows Robin to use her grandmother's amulet to create portals to Z-Space, allowing her access to the AnneX, or to summon different armors parts and weapons. Finally, Robin has begun using what she has dubbed her Z-Space Arsenal. By rapidly creating portals to the AnneX in Z-Space, Robin is able to swiftly exchange the weapons she need during a battle. While she has a number of plans for how to expand her arsenal, it currently includes the Justice Buster a one-handed gun that fires a number of different blasts,, Snare Grenades, rapidly expanding heavy wire meshes that expand from grenades to entrap targets, Stun Stickers, small stickers with technology that carries a powerful charge capable of stunning targets and Smoke Grenades, which releases a thick, obscuring smoke when activated. Both the Justice Buster and Smoke Grenades can be aimed through Z-Space Portals to arrive from any position near their target. Outside of the external arsenal, she retains her signature Justice Strikes, where she redirects power from the armor into powerful motors in her legs or arms, allowing her to strike with incredible force. To combat the ever growing threats of Emerald City, Robin has developed Heuristic Emergency Response Operator mode, or H.E.R.O. mode, an alternative battlesuit. While the H.E.R.O. mode armor is more powerful, drawing directly on energies from Z-Space, it is designed solely for combat, with little utility outside speed and pure power. COMPLICATIONS Family: Robin's family is generally unaware of her activities as Justice, but can all be used against her if a villain were to find out. Fangirl: Robin is a big fan of super heroes. Meeting a famous hero can give her pause, or at worst go into complete fangirl mode. Friend In Need: If given a situation where she can stop a villain or save someone, Robin will always try to save another person first, even if it might not be the smartest action. Modular Armor Problems: It can take time to change the amount of armoring, allowing Robin to shift between defense and speed. If the GM determines that a situation is too chaotic, they can prevent changes in PP allocation for the M.O.D. systems array, giving Robin 1 HP instead. Motormouth: Robin likes to talk. A lot. She can just keep going if she wants to, and doesn't always know when to not explain something. Power Up Let Down: Justice's H.E.R.O. armor, accessed through the Morph power Armor Change, is often undergoing maintenance, either needing repairs or being in the process of being recharged. The GM can effectively veto any use of the H.E.R.O. armor if they don't want Justice to use it in a thread. Invoking this complication does not give Justice a Hero Point. Secret Identity: Robin tries to keep her identity as Justice a secret. So far, only her grandmother Dottie knows. Superhero 101: For all her good intentions, Robin is rather new to the game, and a lot of her understanding of super heroics comes from movies and tv shows. Not all of this knowledge will necessarily translate to real life. ABILITIES 4 + 4 + 8 + 14 + 6 + 6 = 42PP Strength: 14 (+2) / [Justice Armor] 18 (+4)Dexterity: 14 (+2) / [Justice Armor] 16 (+3)Constitution: 18 (+4)Intelligence: 24 (+7)Wisdom: 16 (+3)Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +7 (+7 Int [Speed of Thought]) Attack: +4 Base, [Justice Armor] +6 Base, See additional Attack Bonuses for individual attacks on DC Block Defense: +4 Base, +2 Flat-Footed, [Justice Armor] +10 (+4 Base Defense, +1 Enhanced Defense, +5 M.O.D. System set to Base Armor), +5 (+4 Base Defense, +1 Enhanced Defense, +0 M.O.D. System set to Extra Armor), +15 (+4 Base Defense, +1 Enhanced Defense, +10 M.O.D. System set to Less Armor), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +6 (+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength), [Justice Armor] +10 (+4 Base Attack, +2 Enh. Base Attack, +2 Strength, +2 Enh. Strength), +12 (+4 Base Attack, +2 Enh. Base Attack, +2 Strength, +2 Enh. Strength, +2 Super-Strength) Knockback: -2 (TOU 4/2), [Justice Armor] -2 to -7 (TOU 5-15, based on M.O.D. System), -6 to -11 (tou 5-15, based on M.O.D. System, +4 from Impervious Toughness 8 if applied) SAVING THROWS 6 + 5 + 8 = 19PP Toughness: +4 (+4 Con), [Justice Armor] +10 (+4 Con, +1 Protection, +5 M.O.D. System set to Base Armor), +15 (+4 Con, +1 Protection, +10 M.O.D. System set to Extra Armor), +5 (+4 Con, +1 Protection, +0 M.O.D. System set to Less Armor) Fortitude: +10 (+4 Con, +6) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) / [Justice Armor] +8 (+2 Dex, +1 Enh. Dex, +5), +12 (+2 Dex, +1 Enh. Dex, +5, +4 M.O.D. System set to Base Armor or Less Armor) Will: +11 (+3 Wis, +8) SKILLS 124R = 31PP Acrobatics 12 (+14) / [Justice Armor] (+15) Bluff 2 (+5) Computers 8 (+15) Concentration 7 (+10) Craft [Electronics] 8 (+15) Craft [Mechanical] 8 (+15) Diplomacy 12 (+15) Disable Device 8 (+15) Drive 7 (+9) / [Justice Armor] (+10) Gather Information 7 (+10) Investigate 3 (+10) Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 3 (+10) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 8 (+15) Knowledge [Popular Culture] 3 (+10) Knowledge [Technology] 8 (+15) Medicine 3 (+10) Notice 7 (+10) Search 3 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+10) FEATS 11PP Acrobatic Bluff Artificer Challenge [Fast Acrobatic Bluff] Equipment 7 [Veteran Reward] Improvised Tools Inventor Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 3 Speed of Thought Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Enhanced Feats Accurate Attack Evasion 2 Power Attack Quick Change Takedown Attack 2Justice Strikes Uncanny Dodge [Visual] Equipment: 7PP = 35EP The Law Rider (Vehicle; Motorcycle) [15EP] The AnneX (Headquarters; Abandoned Outpost in Z-Space) [20EP] POWERS 82 = 82PP Device 20 (100DP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Restricted 2 [Only Robin can use]) [82PP] (Descriptors: Justice Armor, Invention, Technology) I.D.E.A. System 5.4 (27DP Container) [27DP] Datalink 2 (Radio; 100 feet; Feats: Machine Control) [3DP] (Descriptors: Remote Hacking) Gadgets 1 (5PP Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers At Once; Extras: Duration [Continuous]) [8DP] (Descriptors: Summon Gadgets, Invention, Technology) Sample powers Super-Movement 1 (Dimensional Movement [To and From Z-Space]; Extras: Portal (+2), Feats: Alternate Power 1, Progression [Portal Size] 3) (Up to 50ft x 50ft portal) [8DP] (Descriptors: Z-Space Portal, Dimensional, Magic, Z-Space) AP: Teleport 4 (Flaws: Short-Range; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Turnabout) (400 ft. distance) {7/7DP} (Descriptors: Combat Teleport) Super-Senses 8 (Counters Visual Concealment, Counters Visual Obscure, Uncanny Dodge [Visual]) [8DP] (Descriptors: H.U.D., Computer Analysis, Combat Subroutines) M.O.D. System 7 (14DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [16DP] BP: {5 + 4 + 5 = 14/14} (Descriptors: Base Armor) Enhanced Feat 5 (Dodge Focus 5; Total Defense +10) {5DP} Enhanced Trait 4 (Reflex Save +4) {4DP} Protection 5 (Total Toughness +10) {5DP} AP: {10 + 4 = 14/14} (Descriptors: Extra Armor) Impervious Toughness 4 {4DP} Protection 10 (Total Toughness +15) {10DP} AP: {10 + 4 = 14/14} (Descriptors: Less Armor) Enhanced Feat 10 (Dodge Focus 10; Total Defense +15) {10DP} Enhanced Trait 4 (Reflex Save +4) {4DP} M.O.V.E. System 4 (8DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [10DP] BP: {4 + 4 = 8/8DP} Leaping 4 (Leap distance x25: Running 350 ft.) [4DP] (Descriptors: Jump Jets, Rocket Boots) Super-Strength 2 (+10 Effective Strength, heavy load: 700 lbs./1200 lbs.) [4DP] (Descriptors: Enhanced Musculature) AP: {4 + 4 = 8/8DP} Speed 4 (100 MPH, 1000 ft./rnd) [4DP] (Descriptors: Boost Jets, Rocket Boots) Super-Strength 2 (+10 Effective Strength, heavy load: 700 lbs./1200 lbs.) [4DP] (Descriptors: Enhanced Musculature) AP: {6 + 2 = 8/8DP} Impervious Toughness 6 {6DP} (Descriptors: Armor Plating) Leaping 2 (Leap distance x5: Running 70 ft.) [2DP] (Descriptors: Jump Jets, Rocket Boots) R.I.D.E.R. System 3.6 (18DP Container) [18DP] Enhanced Dexterity 2 (Dexterity +2) [2DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines, A.I. Assisted Coordination) Enhanced Feat 4 (Accurate Attack, Evasion 2, Power Attack) [4DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1DP] (Descriptors: Collapsible Armor) Enhanced Trait 4 (Attack Bonus+2) [4DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines) Enhanced Trait 2 (Defense Bonus+1) [2DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines) Features 2 (Built-in Subtle Computer) [2DP] (Descriptors: Computer, A.I. System) Morph 1 (One Form [H.E.R.O. Mode]; Feats: Metamorph 1) [2DP] (Descriptors: Armor Change) Protection 1 [1DP] (Descriptors: Armor) Z-Space Arsenal 12.5 (25DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [29DP] (Descriptors: Weapons, Z-Space) BP: {21 + 4 = 25/25DP} Damage 6 (Extras: Penetrating 5; Feats: Accurate 2, Improved Critical 2, Knockback 3, Mighty, Takedown Attack 2) [21DP] (Descriptors: Justice Strikes, Kicks, Punches, Enhanced Musculature, Motors, Bludgeoning Damage Type) Enhanced Strength 4 [4DP] (Enhanced Musculature) AP: Blast 6 (Extras: Penetrating 4; Feats: Accurate 4, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {25/25DP} (Descriptors: Justice Buster, Blaster, Variable Ammunition, Z-Space Portals) AP: Obscure 9 (Visual Obscure; Extras: Independent (+0); Feats: Indirect 3) (2500 ft. area radius) {21/25DP} (Descriptors: Smoke Grenade, Grenade, Smoke, Z-Space Portals) AP: Snare 10 (Feats: Accurate 2, Indirect 3) {25/25DP} (Descriptors: Snare Grenade, Rapidly Expanding Wireframe, Z-Space Portals) AP: Stun 10 (Feats: Accurate 2, Improved Critical 1, Reversible, Sedation) {25/25DP} (Descriptors: Stun Sticker, Electricity, Sticker) DRAWBACKS -3PP Normal Identity (Major, Uncommon; Free action to activate, Normal ID has no access to Justice Armor; Requires Justice Driver Belt to activate) [-3PP] DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack Bonus Unarmed Touch DC17 TOU (staged) Damage +4 Unarmed – Justice Armor Touch DC19 TOU (staged) Damage +6 Justice Strike Touch DC25 TOU (staged) Damage +10, Crit 18-20, Knockback 3, Penetrating 5 Justice Buster 60 ft. DC21 TOU (staged) Damage +14, Penetrating 4, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological] Snare Grenade 100 ft. DC20 REF (staged) Fail: Entangled >5/2nd Fail: Bound & Helpless +10, Indirect 3 Stun Sticker Touch DC20 FORT (staged) Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned >10: Unconscious +10, Crit 19-20, Reversible, Sedation Totals: Abilities (42) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (31) + Feats (11) + Powers (82) - Drawbacks (-3) = 198/233 Power Points
  7. Little Mermaid II Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 212/250PP Unspent Power Points: 38PP Trade-Offs: (Unarmed) ATK-4/DC+4, No defensive In Brief: The second Danish hero to bear the mantle of the Little Mermaid, empowered by H. C. Andersen's hidden true fairy tale. Catchphrase: "Let's make a splash!" Theme: Under The Sea - Jonathan Young Alternate Identity: Mette Madsen (Secret) Birthplace: Copenhagen, Denmark Residence: Copenhagen, Denmark Occupation: Adventurer, Swimming Coach Affiliations: Vanguard Family: Lasse Madsen (Father, Born 1971, Gardener), Tanja Madsen (Mother, Born 1970. School Principal) DESCRIPTION Age: DOB (2000, December 24th) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Scandinavian Height: 5’6’’ Weight: 150 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Dark brown Mette is a woman of obvious Scandinavian descent. She has dark brown hair, usually cut into a pixie cut, and dark green eyes. She is toned and in shape from countless hours spent swimming, both with and without the use of her powers. She is good-looking, but not supernaturally so, though she has plenty of charm to make up for that. Mette's style tend to be a clash of frilly dresses in light colors and leather or denim jackets, often with heavy boots. When Mette transforms into her costume, her hair grows to reach her waist, flowing freely. The parts of her costume that covers her upper body are mainly in green scales, with a red pointed mark just below her neck, and red bands aroudn her wrists. She wears a green mask in the same scale material on her head, leaving the top of her head, her mouth and her chin free. The costume's pants are white, with a red line seperating the the green upper body and white lower body. The soles of her feet are red, with three thick red lines on the outside of her lower legs. When Mette enters water, her legs fuse into a white mermaid's tail HISTORY Mette was born on Christmas Eve, 2000. The last Christmas of a millenium, a day full of magic and wonder, of promises of the future. Mette had a normal childhood. Growing up she had friends, she had trouble, she did alright in school, she loved fairy tales and stories. She was a tough girl, standing up to bullies, but all in all, she didn't exactly have much trouble in her life. It was a normal, happy life. Mette's greatest hero was the Little Mermaid, who had been protecting Denmark. The heroine had first been seen on Christmas Eve in the year 2000. A coincidence, perhaps, but it only made Mette love the hero even more. As Luck would have it, Mette met the Little Mermaid by pure chance, during the summer 2012. While out shopping with her mother, Mette was caught in a battle between the Little Mermaid and the villain Metalhead. Mette was saved by the Little Mermaid and then, despite her parents' protest, she seemed to often find herself in the company of the Little Mermaid. Wearing a domino mask of her own making, she became the Little Mermaid's unofficial sidekick and helper, doing all she could to help her hero, even as she struggled to keep up with her obviously supernatural abilities. For five years, Mette had two lives. On one hand, she was just Mette. Growing up, growing older, learning and maturing, going to school, doing homework, spending time with her friends. On the other, she was the Little Mermaid's sidekick, helping her hero however she could, learning all she could from her hero, while doing her best to stay out of fights. After all, she was just a normal girl, right? Things changed on Christmas Eve, 2017. 5 years after they had first met, the Little Mermaid told Mette that she planned to retire. She had been a hero for almost 20 years, and time was taking its toll on her. Mette was distraught, how could her hero do this? Denmark had so few heroes already, what would they do without the Little Mermaid? The hero just smiled as she led Mette to the Little Mermaid statue at Langelinie. There, she revealed the secret of her powers. The power of the fairy tale hidden in the statue, the true legacy of the writer H. C. Andersen. And now, it was Mette's turn to take on the powers. Since then, Mette has acted as the second Little Mermaid, quickly growing to become one of Denmark's most prominent, and beloved, heroes. More powerful and effective than her mentor ever was, Mette has spent most of her time within Denmark's borders, fighting both local and foreign villains, but perhaps the time has come to branch out and try to become something more. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION At first glance, Mette seems headstrong and boisterous. As the successor to her childhood hero, and with a few years of experience herself, one would think that she would be secure in her abilities, and for as long as she stayed in Denmark, one would assume right. Now that she has entered the international scene, Mette seems to have a constant need to prove herself as more than just a small fish, even if she's from a small country with little super human activity. She will go for the biggest target, she will take on any comers, and won't back down from a challenge. She's tough, she's strong. Mette actively tries to hide many of the softer parts of her personality when she spends time with other heroes. She likes what one would consider girly things, like singing and pretty dresses, but generally tries to downplay these qualities, as she thinks it will lead other heroes to take her less seriously. As a hero she has to be strong, tough and always be ready to protect everyone else, so she is sure there's no room for any interests like fairy talesm going shopping or gushing about the latest romance movie she watched. POWERS & TACTICS Mette likes to get in close, hitting as hard and as often as she can. She's quick to use her water manipulation abilities to both protect and attacks, overwhelming foes with water or creating areas of water to hinder villains. If you're surrounded by an ocean, then you're already caught. Mette is not overly fond of her Siren's Song, both because she finds it kind of creepy to actually mind control others, and because she thinks its kind of weird to start singing in the middle of a fight, but if its what's needed, then she will do it. As part of her efforts to prove herself, Mette tends to go for the biggest and baddest enemy first. If someone's the boss or seems to be the strongest enemy, she will go for them. POWER DESCRIPTIONS The Danish writer H. C. Andersen didn't just write fiction, he created what was essentially blueprints for creating super humans, what he had dubbed as Fairytalers. Mette is empowered by the magic of the fairy tale of the Little Mermaid. The particular blueprint that both Mette and her predecessor used was found in the Little Mermaid statue at Langelinie in Copenhagen. Mette posses all the abilities one would expect a mermaid to posses: She can breathe and survive under water, even in crushing pressure, and she is able to swim far faster than any human, by transforming the lower half of her body into a mermaid's tail. On land, her legs retain the strength of her tail, allowing her to leap great distances. She can see in the dark and is able to feel even the slightest tremor through the water around her. She is able to talk under water and communicate with all manner of marine life. Whether the marine life has anything useful to say is another matter entirely. Mette is able to conjure a costume at will, appearing as if by magic. Physically, Mette has been enhanced, being faster, tougher and stronger than she would otherwise be. She posses incredible strength, much more than one would guess given her size. While she cannot outright create water from nothing, she is able to expand a single drop or even the humidity in the air into great amounts of water, which she can manipulate and shape as she wants, such as by creating a high pressure burst of water or by creating waves to crash down on her opponents. Finally, Mette posses a siren's song. By singing, she can erode the mental defenses of others, in turn allowing her to control their actions through a psionic effect. COMPLICATIONS Babysitter: Mette has spent a lot of time as a babysitter, taking care of children. She loves them, and they tend to love her. If anyone want to get her attention, distract her or get her to do something, targeting or threatening children is a good way to do it. If someone targets children to make a situation worse, the GM can award Mette a Hero Point. Fairytaler: Mette's power comes quite litterally from fairy tales. It is a rather vague description, and she honestly doesn't know much about why they work, just that they do. She has a strange connection to other things that could be considered fairy tales. Some "natural" fairy tales, such as various creatures from folk tales, might consider her an artificial fairy tale, something made by man, a perversion of their purpose. Some might attack Mette on sight, others might not want to work with her, some might instinctively fear her, and others might not do anything at all. If this innate reaction to Mette complicates a situation, the GM might award her a Hero Point. H2O Required: In order to create water, Mette needs to have access to a certain degree of humidity, or even just a single drop of water, being able to expand it into great amounts. If she ends up in a desert or similarly arid place where not even the humidity offers any water, she will be unable to create water using her Create Object power, and the GM can award her a Hero Point. I'm Not Ariel: Sure, Mette doesn't mind Disney's Little Mermaid movie at all, she kinda likes it, but it gets a bit tiresome to have people ask why her tail is white and her hair isn't red. She's a great singer, but that doesn't mean she have to start singing all the time, and her life doesn't revolve around any princes. If Mette loses her temper due to such a situation and complicates everything, the Gm can award her a Hero Point. Small Fish in Big Pond: Mette is used to mainly dealing with issues in Denmark, and while they have their share of trouble, the super human population is fairly low. Despite being a succesful hero at home, Mette feels it doesn't matter much in the grander scheme of things, and as such, she is constantly trying to prove herself. For instance, she could try to attack the leader of a group of enemies, or someone that seems to be the strongest, even if that is tactically the wrong choice. The GM can award Mette a Hero Point if her actions to prove herself ends up complicating a situation. ABILITIES 0 + 6 + 8 + 4 + 10 + 10 = 38PP Strength: 10 (+0) / 42 (+16) Dexterity: 16 (+3) / 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) / 34 (+12) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 20 (+5) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) / +5 (+3 Dex, +2 Enh Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +8 Melee (+4 Base, +4 Attack Focus), +4 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8 (+4 Base Attack, +4 Attack Focus [Melee]) / +31 (+4 Base Attack, +4 Attack Focus [Melee], +16 Enh Str, +7 Super-Strength) / +32 (+32 Bring the Sea) Knockback: -2 (TOU/2) / -3 w. Defensive Roll / - 5 w. Enh Con / - 6 w. Enh Con and Defensive Roll SAVING THROWS 0 + 7 + 7 = 14PP Toughness: +4 (+4 Con) / +12 (+4 Con, +8 Enh Con) Fortitude: +4 (+4 Con, +0) / +12 (+4 Con, +8 Enh Con, +0) Reflex: +10 (+3 Dex, +7) / +12 (+3 Dex, +2 Enh Dex +7) Will: +12 (+5 Wis, +7) SKILLS 92R = 23PP Diplomacy 15 (+20) SM Gather Information 5 (+10) Intimidate 15 (+20)SM Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 3 (+5) Knowledge [Earth Sciences] 3 (+5)SM Languages 3 (Native: Danish; Learned: Atlantean, English, French) Notice 10 (+15)SM Perform [Singing] 10 (+15)SM Sense Motive 10 (+15)SM Survival 5 (+10) Swim 10(+10) / (+26 w. Enh Str)SM FEATS 29PP Accurate Attack Attack Focus [Melee] 4 Benefit 1 [Famous in Scandinavia, known in Europe] Challenge (Fast Startle) Dodge Focus 8 Evasion 2 Move-By Action Luck 4 Power Attack Skill Mastery 2 [Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge [Earth Sciences], Notice, Perform [Singing], Sense Motive, Swimming] Startle Takedown Attack 2 Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Enhanced Feats Environmental Adaption [Aquatic] Quick Change POWERS 2 + 16 + 4 + 1 + 53 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 10 = 92 All powers have the Fairy Tale and Magic origin descriptors, unless otherwise noted. Comprehend 2 (Speak with and Understand Animals; Flaws: Limited [Marine Life Only]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Talk to Fish, Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Constitution 16 [16PP] (Descriptors: Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] (Descriptors: Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] (Descriptors: Magical Uniform, Summon Uniform) Fairytaler Array 24 (48PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [53PP] (Descriptors: Mermaid) BP: {32 + 16 = 48/48} (Descriptors: Mighty Mermaid, Physical Enhancement, Underwater Adjustment) Enhanced Strength 32 [32PP] Super-Strength 7 (Feats: Groundstrike, Shockwave) (+35 Strength to checks; Carrying capacity: Heavy load 532.5 tons) [16PP] AP: Blast 12 (Extras: Area [General Line], Penetrating 6; Feats: Knockback 6) {48/48} (Descriptors: High Pressure Water Burst, Water, Impact Damage Type) AP: Create Object 11 (Extras: Duration [Continuous], Movable; Feats: Progression 2, Selective, Tether) (Up to 11x25 feet cubes) {48/48} (Descriptors: Shape of Water, Water, Water Expansion, Water Shaping) AP: Move Object 16 (Extras: Range [Perception]) {48/48} (Descriptors: Bring the Sea, Water, Water Control) AP: {24 + 24 = 48/48} (Descriptors: Siren's Song, Mind Control, Psionic, Song) Drain Will 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will] (+0), Area [Auditory Perception], Linked to Mind Control (+0)) [24PP] Mind Control 12 (Extras: Area [Auditory Perception], Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Range 2 [Touch]) [24PP] AP: Stun 12 (Extras: Area [General Cone], Knockback) {48/48} (Descriptors: Siren Scream, Song) Immunity 3 (Breathe underwater, High pressure, Environmental cold) [3PP] (Descriptors: Underwater Adaption, Physical Enhancement) Super-Senses 2 (Tremorsense [Sense Type: Tactile; Extras: Ranged; Flaws: Limited [Only under water]) [1PP] (Descriptors: Tremorsense, Physical Enhancement) Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision [Sense Type: Visual; Extras: Counters Obscure [Darkness Descriptor]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Darkvision, Physical Enhancement) Tail & Legs Array 4.5 (9PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [10PP] (Descriptors: Mermaid, Physical Enhancement) BP: Swimming 8 (Environmental Adaption [Aquatic]) (Swim speed: 500 mph, 5000 ft./rnd.) {9/9} (Descriptors: Mermaid's Tail, Mermaid, Physical Change) AP: {5 + 4 = 9/9} (Descriptors: Powerful Legs) Leaping 5 (x50 Leaping distance, run 500 ft. / 1300 ft.) [5PP] Speed 4 (Run speed: 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd.) [4PP] DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +8 Unarmed - Mighty Mermaid Touch DC31 Tou (staged) Damage +8 High Pressure Water Burst 120 ft., Line Area DC22 Ref Reduce Damage effect to DC21 if passed Area DC27 Tou (staged) Damage Penetrating 6, Knockback+6 Siren's Song Area, Auditory Perception DC22 Ref Ignore Drain Will and Mind Control effects if passed DC22 Will (staged) Drain Will Linked to Mind Control Effect DC22 Will Mind Control Linked to Drain Will effect Siren Scream 120 ft., Cone Area DC22 Ref Reduce Stun effect to DC16 if passed DC22 Fort Fail: Dazed 1 rnd. >5: Stunned 1 rnd. >10: Unconscious Knockback Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (23) + Feats (29) + Powers (92) - Drawbacks (0) = 212/250 Power Points
  8. Paper Power Level: 14, but built as 12 (219/226PP) Unspent Power Points: 7PP Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Reformed juvenile criminal with the power to control and shape paper, still has a slight authority problem Catchphrase: None Theme: ‘The Anthem’ by Good Charlotte Alternate Identity: Leon Moore (Secret) Birthplace: Seattle, WA Residence: Downtown Freedom City and Young Guardians Manor Base of Operations: Downtown Freedom City and Young Guardians Manor Occupation: Actor Affiliations: Young Guardians, Claremont Academy Alumni Family: Foster brother and sister Description: Age: 20 (DoB: March 19, 2004) Apparent Age: 20 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5' 10" Weight: 180 lbs. Eyes: Grey Hair: Black Description: Black hair, cut short and brushed back except for a few bangs that won't cooperate. Leon keeps himself in shape, and trains to keep his agility. He likes to dress casually in his free time, anime/cartoon or band themed t-shirts and jeans usually. After graduating Leon has been trying several changes to his costume. Most notably he now creates a plain white mask of paper to cover his nose and mouth. He usually also creates a hooded jacket, black with red trim, reminiscent of the shirt he wore as a student during missions. His shirt is usually white with reinforced white paper for protection. His pants vary, but are also reinforced by paper. He still carries a couple pouches of paper on his thighs, as well as pockets of paper concealed on himself. He has also learned to better hide paper amongst his clothing and within his paper arm. History: Born in Seattle to a teen mother, she moved to Freedom City when he was still young with her then boyfriend. When Leon began to show signs of not being ‘normal’ the man abandoned them. His mother felt she could not take care of a ‘special’ child and surrendered him to the foster system without telling them of his ‘nature’. Shortly there after she returned to family in Seattle. Leon has not had any contact with her since. In the system since age 8, Leon was moved from home to home several times, unable to settle, acting up, and trying to run away. At first, he blamed his powers for his mother abandoning him. When he was 11 he landed in the same foster house as two other children hiding their powers. With their help he accepted his powers and embraced them. The three agreed that they could only rely on each other and swore to always be there for the each other. Believing the system was a failure and that no one else could or would see them as more then either a burden or a paycheck, the three ran away together and turned to small crimes to do what they thought they needed to survive. At the age of 16, Leon wanted to prove to his brother and sister that he could work solo; he broke into the Freedom City Museum to attempt to steal something. Before he could secure his prize an explosion rocked the building. In the resulting confusion a FCPD detective that was in the building entered the showroom Leon was in. A second, smaller explosion struck and part of the building collapsed inward. Without thinking, he moved to protect the detective with a shield of paper over them both, but he wasn’t fast enough and Leon was knocked out. After the events at the museum Leon was hospitalized. He woke days later to find he had lost his left arm mid-bicep, but thanks to his quick reaction the detective had escaped with only minor injuries. During the hearing that followed, the court gave special considerations for his selfless actions and young age, while he would not turn evidence against his siblings, a deal was reached. A representative from Claremont Academy had petitioned on his behalf and Leon agreed to attend the private school under probation. If, and when, Leon successfully graduates from Claremont he would be given a clean slate with the courts and his juvenile records will be sealed. At first he was rebellious and troublesome, but teachers quickly saw the seeds for a good kid buried under the anger of a rough life. In the time he has attended Claremont, Leon has grown in both power and sense of responsibility, although he would never admit to the latter himself. He hasn’t disclosed it to anyone yet, but relations with his brother and sister have become strained and he can’t understand why. While still attending Claremont, he and fellow student Neko Musume began dating and continues to. With the sudden return of the now named Stormcrow, coupled with being estranged from his found family, Leon is resentful toward the hero. But despite that, he has remained as a member of The Young Guardians and loyal to his teammates. During a trip to Japan with his girlfriend, Neko, and two teammates, Charlie and Bernadette, Leon came into contact with a book containing an entity. Unknown to Leon, the entity slipped into the paper he uses to escape the captivity of the book. While hiding in his paper, the entity has formed a bond with Leon and is able to strengthen Leon’s powers. As yet, the entity seems to be biding its time and has not revealed any motives or plans, other than not being returned to its old prison. Personality & Motivation: Leon has always been a bit of a show off. He was also the most ‘energetic’ of his trio of foster siblings. Not bad kids by nature, they simply felt let down and abandon by an over taxed system. Although feeling they had to do what they had to, to survive, none of them ever wanted to hurt anyone. Leon would never give up his siblings, and would never turn his back on them. He isn’t likely to trust anyone quickly, and even if he does, he would just be waiting for the other shoe to drop. While he doesn’t usually trust anyone quickly, usually suspicious of the motives of others, he has formed a strong bond with Luke Landers. His roommate throughout his time at Claremont. He considers Luke his best friend. He is also fiercely loyal to his girlfriend Neko. If asked why he saved the officer he just shrugs and dismisses it as an act of stupidity on his part, admitting he couldn’t stand to see someone get hurt. This is the excuse he gives whenever asks when he continues to act as a hero. Power Descriptions: Leon can control and manipulate paper, altering its shape and strength at his will. He can make paper stronger than metal and sharper than any normal blade. He can make it solid enough to resist liquids and gas. He can even have it resist heat and fire to a point. It can easily protect from an explosion with little harm to the paper, but repeated or continued exposure could eat away at the paper eventually. Shaping it, he can create nearly anything from simple weapons and gear to clothing and simple golems. Many pieces of smaller papers can be melded into a single, seamless construction and when done with them the constructs fall apart into their original pieces, or what’s left of them. Aside from his power over paper, or perhaps more because of it, Leon has taught himself how to use simple weapons. These would cover most blades, clubs/maces, spears/staves, bows and arrows, and throwing objects. All things he can easily create with paper. Skill wise, Leon is quick and agile from practicing often. He is not overly strong, equal to anyone his size that works out every so often. He has also developed a firm sense of balance. Leon has gained greater control over his power, including creating modes of transportation. Recently, due to the acquisition of an ancient tome he has found his power increased and has even learned to shape paper even more realistically. This can allow him to potentially disguise himself, and possibly others. This also adds a Mystical element to his powers. Complications: Claustrophobic: a result of the trauma after his accident, it hadn’t come up until sometime later. Leon has panic attacks when forced into small spaces. Book Knowledge: the boost to his power is because of the spirit of the book he absorbed. As such, should he be separated from its power or have its powers nullified, he would lose its benefits. This would reduce the level of all powers in his Paper Control array by 2 and reduce his Protection by 2. Growing Fame: Leon has a growing role on a locally filmed daytime drama. Work/life/hero balance may cause problems. Possible issues could range from having to duck out of filming to fight, the chance of someone recognizing him in is civilian identity (for good or bad), paparazzi, maybe even the chance of a stalker someday, etc. ABILITIES 4 + 10 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 8 = 40PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 18 (+8) COMBAT 12 + 14 = 28PP Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +6, +12 w/ Paper Control Defense: +12 (+7 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Uncanny Dodge Grapple: +8 (+6 Melee Attack, +2 Strength), +24 w/ Paper Control, +26 vs Paper Knockback Resistance: -9, -2 without "Paper Shield" SAVING THROWS 6 + 7 + 8 = 21PP Toughness: +12 (+4 Con, +8 Protection; Impervious 6) Fortitude: +10 (+4 Con, +6PP) Reflex: +12 (+5 Dex, +7PP) Evasion 2 Will: +10 (+2 Wis, +8PP) SKILLS 168R = 42PP Acrobatics 5 (+10) Skill Mastery Bluff 16 (+20) Taunt Climb 8 (+10) Computers 7 (+10) Concentration 8 (+10) Disable Device 7 (+10) Disguise 1 (+5) Escape Artist 5 (+10) Gather Information 6 (+10) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Streetwise) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 7 (+10) Language (Japanese (English native)) Notice 17 (+19) Skill Mastery Perform (Acting) 11 (+16) Pilot 5 (+10) Search 12 (+15) Sense Motive 13 (+15) Sleight of Hand 14 (+19) Skill Mastery Stealth 15 (+20) Skill Mastery FEATS 19PP Benefit (Fame: TV Star) Distract Dodge Focus 5 Evasion 2 Improved Initiative Luck 4 Quick Change Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sleight of Hand, Stealth) Taunt Uncanny Dodge 2 (Sense Types: Auditory, Visual) POWERS 71PP (2+2+45+14+8=71) Comprehend 1 (Languages 1 [Read/Write Any]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) Comprehend 2 (Objects 2 [Speak To; Understand]; Flaws: Limited [Books, Paper, Paper-like objects]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) Paper Control 20.5 (41PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [45PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) Base Power: [40PP] (Additional Descriptors: Lift Paper) Move Object 18 (Lifting Strength: 90, Heavy Load: 3.2k tons; Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [Paper]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Precise, Subtle) [40/41PP] Alternate Power: [40PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Projectiles) Blast 12 (Range: 12 100-ft Increments, 1200ft Max; Extras: Penetrating [6 ranks, Effective Damage 18]; Feats: Accurate 3 [+6 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Precise, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]; Drawback: Medium [paper]) [40/41] Alternate Power: [40PP] (Additional Descriptors: Shape Paper) Create Object 12 (Range: 1200ft; Max Volume: 12 5-ft. cubes; 120 ft. Max.Toughness: 12; Lifting Strength: 60,Heavy Load: 50 tons; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Feats: Precise, Progression 2 [25-ft cubes], Selective, Stationary, Subtle; Drawback: Medium [paper])) [41/41] Alternate Power: [34PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Barrage) Damage 12 (Extras: Area [General, Cone] 120' long, Penetrating [6 ranks, Effective Damage 18], Selective; Flaw: Action (Full Round); Feats: Indirect 3, Selective, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]; Drawback: Medium [Paper]) [36/41] Alternate Power: [32PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Cocoon) Snare 12 (Range: 12 100-ft Increments, 1200ft Max; Feats: Accurate 3 [+6 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Obscures Senses 2 [Sense Types: Auditory, Visual], Reversible, Subtle, Tether; Drawback: Medium [paper]) [36/41] Protection 6 (Paper Shield 6; Extras: Impervious 6) [12PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control, Paper Shields) Super-Senses 8 (Paper Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Common; Sense Type: Mental, Default Extras: None; Extras: Accurate, Acute, Extended, Radius, Ranged) [8PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC17 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Lift Paper* Perception Grapple vs +27 Pinned/Bound Thrown Paper Throwing DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Lift Stuff With Paper Ranged Grapple vs +24 Pinned/Bound Thrown Object Throwing DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Paper Cocoon Ranged DC22 Reflex (Staged) Entangled/Bound Paper Projectiles Ranged DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical)** Shape Paper Dropped Paper Ranged DC22 Reflex Avoided DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Paper Trap Ranged DC22 Reflex Trapped * Limited to Paper. ** Variable Descriptor: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage. TOTALS Abilities (40) + Combat (26) + Saving Throws (21) + Skills (42) + Feats (19) + Powers (71) - Drawbacks (0) = 219/226 Power Points
  9. Starlok Power Level: 12 (185/186 PP) Unspent Power Points: 1 Trade-Offs: N/A In Brief: A countess from a vampire-like alien species out to protect the galaxy as part of her noble duty. Catchphrase: Starlok hungers! Theme: Mannfred von Carstein Theme - Total War Warhammer 2 Alternate Identity: Ori-Bath of House Nos, Countess of Lugo (Public) Birthplace: Castle Lugo, on the night moon of Nokton Residence: Space Base of Operations: The Pale Rider Occupation: Aristocrat Affiliations: House of Nos Family: Ney-Var (father, deceased), Ka-Har (mother, deceased), Ven-Ruth (brother), Description: Age: 122 (DoB: May 26, 1897) Apparent Age: Mid-20s. Gender: Female Ethnicity: Alien Height: 5’08” Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Red Hair: Dark blue, long Starlok’s appearance, to an Earthling, immediately calls to mind the wicked vampire. Her skin is pale grey, her eyes blood red, her ears pointed, her fingers ending in black, razor sharp fingernails and in place of canines, she has fangs. Yet there is the touch of something alien to her as well: Her long, widow’s peaked hair, though normally appearing black, is revealed to be actually a very dark blue under the right light; her skin lacks any blemish, not even a mole; her pupils are actually a subtle starburst shape rather than round. Starlok stands 5’08”, with a lithe, athletic figure. Her face is angular, with very prominent cheekbones, with a thin upper lip and a pointed nose. She is fond of makeup, wearing black eyeshadow and similarly coloured lipstick in most occasions, even when she is going into battle, and is fond of wearing golden rings and necklaces. When in a civilian context, she dresses richly, favouring long, flowing gowns and fashionable jewelry in colours like dark purple, mauve and burgundy. When dressed for battle, she dons the Panoply of Nos, which takes the form of a golden girdle, a similarly coloured open-top helmet that frames her face adorned with what looks like bat wings, and a sword made of blood red metal. This is accompanied by a midnight blue leotard, thigh high red boots, and a black opera cape with the collar turned upwards so that it reaches up above the back of her head. History: Ori-Bath was born as a scion of House Nos on the night moon of Nokton, the daughter of Count Ney-Var and his wife, Ka-Har. The oldest of two children, Ori-Bath was raised to become the next Countess of Lugo, a prestigious position that her younger brother Ven-Ruth made no secret of coveting. Only separated by a year, Ven-Ruth constantly jockeyed for favour, but both Ori-Bath and her parents ignored these attempts. For over a century, Ori-Bath remained convinced of her succession. However, in that time, her brother’s bitterness had grown. Secretly, Ven-Ruth made alliances with other houses and built up forces to strike when the time was right. The chance came when Ney-Var decided to abdicate and allow Ori-Bath to ascend as Countess. On the day of her coronation, Ven-Ruth struck. Both Ney-Var and Ka-Har were struck down, but Ori-Bath herself managed to survive. Taking with her the ancestral Panoply of Nos, the ancient gear necessary to hold the right to rule, she fled aboard one of her family space-ships, the Pale Rider, and took off into space. Adopting the title of “Starlok”, a sobriquet once used by the founder of her noble house, Ori-Bath fled into the wider galaxy looking for support to reclaim her rightful lands. In doing so, she has occasionally deigned to act as a hero to whatever people she has been near, partially out of a sense of noble duty and partially because she knows that she needs to build respect to gain the aid she needs. All the while, her brother and his allies send hunters after her, knowing that without the Panoply of Nos, Ven-Ruth’s rule can never be legitimate. Forever watching her back and yet always moving forward, Starlok must contend with much if she is ever to reclaim her lands and return home. Personality & Motivation: As befitting a noblewoman, Starlok is a very haughty woman. She has an exceptionally high opinion of herself, and an even more exceptionally low opinion of most others. Her reasons are many - her noble blood, her impressive intellect, her appearance. But even if she had none of these, her personality is such that she would still hold herself in high regard. Bruises to her ego only strengthen her resolve to prove herself better than her enemies, of which she has many. Yet, for all her belief of superiority, Starlok believes strongly that she has an obligation to ensure the safety and security of those around her, a noblesse oblige. This is still tied into her ego - the helpless masses needing the aid of someone competent and regal - but it’s there. She bristles at the pointless mistreatment of others, and is completely and utterly honest to the point of bluntness. Unafraid of combat, she will gladly put her life on the line to defend the common people, even if this is mostly because she’s too arrogant to believe she’ll ever die. Starlok loves to be theatrical, and is prone to making grand proclamations and refer to herself in the third person. When people don’t take this seriously, she takes notice and becomes annoyed. She demands respect, and only becomes more theatrical the more it is denied to her. Powers & Tactics: Starlok is a frontline combatant, through and through. Wading into combat with her Blade of the Blood Drinkers, she hacks and slashes her way to victory. Should she be disarmed, or simply very injured, she switches to her claws, which allow her to drink the life-force of her enemies and restore herself. Preferring straight-forward combat, she primarily uses her flight to bridge the gap between herself and enemies, rushing forward to hit them with her sword. Power Descriptions: Though she appears humanoid, Starlok’s biology is very different than that of H. sapiens. Her flesh contains thin layers of non-newtonian fluid, which when combined with bones that possess natural carbon fiber and redundant organs like a second liver and heart make her body more resilient than many species in the galaxy. Her eyes are specially constructed to see in the dark, combining hyper-sensitive photoreceptors with cat-like reflectors. What appear to be merely claw-like fingernails are instead an important part of her digestive system, combining enzymes with efficient muscles to drain the blood of others and filter out important nutrients like Vitamin D even as it enters the bloodstream. However, she also faces some complications. Her species is native to the dark side of a massive moon, and as such she is effectively allergic to daylight, and other intense light is similarly damaging to her skin and eyes. Silver is as toxic to her as arsenic is to humans, due to its extreme rarity on her homeworld. The non-newtonian fluid in her flesh is also slightly flammable, and thus fire hurts her more than other substances.’ She is supplemented by the Panoply of Nos, a set of armour and a sword that have been designed to enhance its wearer to even higher levels. The girdle, also known as the Girdle of Es-Tep, projects a gravitic field that allows her to project a force-field of gravitic energy, which simultaneously allows her to take flight into the sky. It also releases pulses of energy into her muscles, stimulating them to the point that they allow her to perform amazing feats of strength. Her sword, the Blade of the Blood Drinkers, is made of a strange red metal that is profoundly sharp and sturdy, allowing her to hack through even the toughest enemies, while her helmet, the Helm of Nos, empowers her natural senses and notifies her of danger. Complications: You Fool! You Worm!: Starlok is of a grandiose disposition, and sometimes cannot help but remind the enemy of how superior she is to them. The GM can award her a hero point if she wastes her turn monologuing rather than doing anything productive. The Peasants are Revolting: Starlok is an aristocrat through and through, and sometimes she cannot conceal her contempt for the lower classes. The GM can award her a hero point if her snobbery ruins a social interaction. Starlok Hungers!: While she can be sated by normal food for a time, Starlok’s primary mode of sustenance is the life essence of others and she will become weak if she goes too long without feeding. The GM can award her a point to give her a -2 penalty to all physical stats until she feeds on a living thing. Nobless Oblige: For all her snobbery, Starlok firmly believes nobility comes with duties like protecting the lesser folk. The GM can award her a hero point to force her to drop what she is doing to protect the imperiled. How Dare You!: Starlok has an ego the size of a large nebula, and it is easily bruised. The GM can have award her a hero point to have her focus on an enemy who has insulted her, or to forgo her turn out of spite if another PC offends her. A Countess Should Keep Her Word: Starlok is painfully honest, and will always keep her word even if it would benefit her to break it. She is similarly almost pathologically unwilling to lie, something which has caused numerous problems for her in the past. The GM can award her a hero point whenever her honesty causes problems for her. ABILITIES: 10 + 4 + 16 + 20 + 10 + 6 = 66 PP Strength: 20 (+5), Lifting STR 40 Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 26 (+8) Intelligence: 30 (+10) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT: 8 + 8 = 16 PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +12 Melee, +4 Ranged Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +17/+21 Knockback: -6/-12 SAVING THROWS: 2 + 8 + 5 = 15 PP Toughness: +12 (+8 Con, +4 Force Field; 8/10 Impervious) Fortitude: +10 (+8 Con, +2) Reflex: +10 (+2 Dex, +8) Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5) SKILLS: 52R = 13PP Diplomacy 7 (+10) Intimidate 16 (+19) Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 2 (+12) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+12) Languages 3 (Nokton [Native], English, Galstandard, Lor) Perform (Oratory) 7 (+10) Pilot 8 (+10) Search 2 (+10) Sense Motive 5 (+10) Enhanced Skills: Notice 4 (+9) FEATS: 36PP Attack Focus (Melee) 8 Dodge Focus 8 Equipment 12 Fearless Improved Initiative Jack-of-All Trades Luck 2 Status (Nobility, Wealth 2) Equipment: 12PP = 60EP The Pale Rider (Vehicle; Spaceship) [60 EP] Size: Colossal [4 EP] Strength: 75 [5 EP] Defence: 2 [0 EP] Toughness: 13 [0 EP] Features: Communications, Computer, Hangar, Living Space, Personnel Powers Damage 10 [Extras: Ranged] [20 EP] Flight 10 [10,000 MPH] [20 EP] Super Movement: Space Flight 3 [Intergalactic] [6 EP] POWERS: 25 + 12 + 2 + 9 + 3 = 51 PP Device 6 (Panoply of House Nos; Flaws: Hard to Lose; Power Feats: Restricted: Bloodline [House of Nos]) [25 PP] (Multiple items) Sword Damage 7 (Blade of the Blood Drinkers; Power Feats: Mighty, Penetrating 3, Takedown Attack) [12 DP] (Physical, Slashing, Piercing) Girdle Flight 3 (Wings of Nos; 50 MPH) [6 DP] (Cosmic, Gravitic) Force Field 4 (Invisible Armour of Estep; Extras: Impervious 2; Power Feats: Selective) [7 DP] (Cosmic, Gravitic) Super-Strength 4 (Micropulse Muscle Stimulation; Flaws: Sustained) (Cosmic, technology) [4 DP] Helmet Enhanced Skill (Integrated Sensors: Notice 4 [1 DP] (Technology, Computational) Drain Constitution 8 (Thirsting Talons; Power Feats: Progression 4 [20 minutes]) [12 PP] (Alien, Biological) Immunity 1 (Perfect Telomeres; Ageing; Power Feats: Innate) [2 PP] (Alien, Biological) Impervious Toughness 8 (Natural Resilience; Power Feats: Innate) [9 PP] (Alien, Biological) Super-Senses: Darkvision (Hunter’s Eyes; Power Feats: Innate) [3 PP] (Alien, Biological) DRAWBACKS: (-2) + (-2) + (-2) + (-5) = -12 PP Vulnerable (“Fire” effects; Frequency: Common. Intensity: Minor) [-2 PP] Vulnerable (“Light” effects; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Moderate) [-3 PP] Vulnerable (“Silver” effects; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Moderate) [-2 PP] Weakness (Daylight; Frequency: Very Common; Intensity: Moderate [-1 Constitution; Time: 20 minutes) [-5 PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 20 Toughness Damage Thirsting Talons Touch DC 18 Fortitude Drain Constitution Blade Touch DC 27 Toughness Damage TOTALS: Abilities (66) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (13) + Feats (36) + Powers (51) - Drawbacks (12) = 185/186 points
  10. Starlok Power Level: 12 (180/180 PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: 0 In Brief: A countess from a vampire-like alien species out to protect the galaxy as part of her noble duty. Catchphrase: Starlok hungers! Theme: Mannfred von Carstein Theme - Total War Warhammer 2 Alternate Identity: Ori-Bath of House Nos, Countess of Lugo (Public) Birthplace: Castle Lugo, on the night moon of Nokton Residence: Space Base of Operations: The Pale Rider Occupation: Aristocrat Affiliations: House of Nos Family: Ney-Var (father, deceased), Ka-Har (mother, deceased), Ven-Ruth (brother), Description: Age: 122 (DoB: May 26, 1897) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Alien Height: 5’08” Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Red Hair: Dark blue, long Starlok’s appearance, to an Earthling, immediately calls to mind the wicked vampire. Her skin is pale grey, her eyes blood red, her ears pointed, her fingers ending in black, razor sharp fingernails and in place of canines, she has fangs. Yet there is the touch of something alien to her as well: Her long, widow’s peaked hair, though normally appearing black, is revealed to be actually a very dark blue under the right light; her skin lacks any blemish, not even a mole; her pupils are actually a subtle starburst shape rather than round. Starlok stands 5’08”, with a lithe, athletic figure. Her face is angular, with very prominent cheekbones, with a thin upper lip and a pointed nose. She is fond of makeup, wearing black eyeshadow and similarly coloured lipstick in most occasions, even when she is going into battle, and is fond of wearing golden rings and necklaces. When in a civilian context, she dresses richly, favouring long, flowing gowns and fashionable jewelry in colours like dark purple, mauve and burgundy. When dressed for battle, she dons the Panoply of Nos, which takes the form of a golden girdle, a similarly coloured open-top helmet that frames her face adorned with what looks like bat wings, and a sword made of blood red metal. This is accompanied by a midnight blue leotard, thigh high red boots, and a black opera cape with the collar turned upwards so that it reaches up above the back of her head. History: Ori-Bath was born as a scion of House Nos on the night moon of Nokton, the daughter of Count Ney-Var and his wife, Ka-Har. The oldest of two children, Ori-Bath was raised to become the next Countess of Lugo, a prestigious position that her younger brother Ven-Ruth made no secret of coveting. Only separated by a year, Ven-Ruth constantly jockeyed for favour, but both Ori-Bath and her parents ignored these attempts. For over a century, Ori-Bath remained convinced of her succession. However, in that time, her brother’s bitterness had grown. Secretly, Ven-Ruth made alliances with other houses and built up forces to strike when the time was right. The chance came when Ney-Var decided to abdicate and allow Ori-Bath to ascend as Countess. On the day of her coronation, Ven-Ruth struck. Both Ney-Var and Ka-Har were struck down, but Ori-Bath herself managed to survive. Taking with her the ancestral Panoply of Nos, the ancient gear necessary to hold the right to rule, she fled aboard one of her family space-ships, the Pale Rider, and took off into space. Adopting the title of “Starlok”, a sobriquet once used by the founder of her noble house, Ori-Bath fled into the wider galaxy looking for support to reclaim her rightful lands. In doing so, she has occasionally deigned to act as a hero to whatever people she has been near, partially out of a sense of noble duty and partially because she knows that she needs to build respect to gain the aid she needs. All the while, her brother and his allies send hunters after her, knowing that without the Panoply of Nos, Ven-Ruth’s rule can never be legitimate. Forever watching her back and yet always moving forward, Starlok must contend with much if she is ever to reclaim her lands and return home. Personality & Motivation: As befitting a noblewoman, Starlok is a very haughty woman. She has an exceptionally high opinion of herself, and an even more exceptionally low opinion of most others. Her reasons are many - her noble blood, her impressive intellect, her appearance. But even if she had none of these, her personality is such that she would still hold herself in high regard. Bruises to her ego only strengthen her resolve to prove herself better than her enemies, of which she has many. Yet, for all her belief of superiority, Starlok believes strongly that she has an obligation to ensure the safety and security of those around her, a noblesse oblige. This is still tied into her ego - the helpless masses needing the aid of someone competent and regal - but it’s there. She bristles at the pointless mistreatment of others, and is completely and utterly honest to the point of bluntness. Unafraid of combat, she will gladly put her life on the line to defend the common people, even if this is mostly because she’s too arrogant to believe she’ll ever die. Starlok loves to be theatrical, and is prone to making grand proclamations and refer to herself in the third person. When people don’t take this seriously, she takes notice and becomes annoyed. She demands respect, and only becomes more theatrical the more it is denied to her. Powers & Tactics: Starlok is a frontline combatant, through and through. Wading into combat with her Blade of the Blood Drinkers, she hacks and slashes her way to victory. Should she be disarmed, or simply very injured, she switches to her claws, which allow her to drink the life-force of her enemies and restore herself. Preferring straight-forward combat, she primarily uses her flight to bridge the gap between herself and enemies, rushing forward to hit them with her sword. Power Descriptions: Though she appears humanoid, Starlok’s biology is very different than that of H. sapiens. Her flesh contains thin layers of non-newtonian fluid, which when combined with bones that possess natural carbon fiber and redundant organs like a second liver and heart make her body more resilient than many species in the galaxy. Her eyes are specially constructed to see in the dark, combining hyper-sensitive photoreceptors with cat-like reflectors. What appear to be merely claw-like fingernails are instead an important part of her digestive system, combining enzymes with efficient muscles to drain the blood of others and filter out important nutrients like Vitamin D even as it enters the bloodstream. However, she also faces some complications. Her species is native to the dark side of a massive moon, and as such she is effectively allergic to daylight, and other intense light is similarly damaging to her skin and eyes. Silver is as toxic to her as arsenic is to humans, due to its extreme rarity on her homeworld. The non-newtonian fluid in her flesh is also slightly flammable, and thus fire hurts her more than other substances.’ She is supplemented by the Panoply of Nos, a set of armour and a sword that have been designed to enhance its wearer to even higher levels. The girdle, also known as the Girdle of Es-Tep, projects a gravitic field that allows her to project a force-field of gravitic energy, which simultaneously allows her to take flight into the sky. It also releases pulses of energy into her muscles, stimulating them to the point that they allow her to perform amazing feats of strength. Her sword, the Blade of the Blood Drinkers, is made of a strange red metal that is profoundly sharp and sturdy, allowing her to hack through even the toughest enemies, while her helmet, the Helm of Nos, empowers her natural senses and notifies her of danger. Complications: You Fool! You Worm!: Starlok is of a grandiose disposition, and sometimes cannot help but remind the enemy of how superior she is to them. The GM can award her a hero point if she wastes her turn monologuing rather than doing anything productive. The Peasants are Revolting: Starlok is an aristocrat through and through, and sometimes she cannot conceal her contempt for the lower classes. The GM can award her a hero point if her snobbery ruins a social interaction. Starlok Hungers!: While she can be sated by normal food for a time, Starlok’s primary mode of sustenance is the life essence of others and she will become weak if she goes too long without feeding. The GM can award her a point to give her a -2 penalty to all physical stats until she feeds on a living thing. Nobless Oblige: For all her snobbery, Starlok firmly believes nobility comes with duties like protecting the lesser folk. The GM can award her a hero point to force her to drop what she is doing to protect the imperiled. How Dare You!: Starlok has an ego the size of a large nebula, and it is easily bruised. The GM can have award her a hero point to have her focus on an enemy who has insulted her, or to forgo her turn out of spite if another PC offends her. A Countess Should Keep Her Word: Starlok is painfully honest, and will always keep her word even if it would benefit her to break it. She is similarly almost pathologically unwilling to lie, something which has caused numerous problems for her in the past. The GM can award her a hero point whenever her honesty causes problems for her. Abilities: 10 + 4 + 16 + 16 + 2 + 6 = 56 PP Strength: 20 (+5) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 26 (+8) Intelligence: 26 (+8) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16 PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +12 Melee, +4 Ranged Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +17/+21 Knockback: -6/-12 Saving Throws: 2 + 8 + 8 = 18 PP Toughness: +12 (+8 Con, +4 Force Field) Fortitude: +10 (+8 Con, +2) Reflex: +10 (+2 Dex, +8) Will: +10 (+1 Wis, +8) Skills: 48R = 12PP Diplomacy 7 (+10) Intimidate 12 (+15) Knowledge (Cosmology) 2 (+10) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+10) Languages 3 (Nokton [Native], English, Galstandard, Lor) Perform (Oratory) 7 (+10) Pilot 8 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+9) Enhanced Skills: Notice 8 (+10) Feats: 33PP Attack Focus (Melee) 8 Dodge Focus 8 Equipment 11 Fearless Jack-of-All Trades Luck Status (Nobility, Wealth 2) Equipment: 11PP = 55EP The Pale Rider (Vehicle; Spaceship) [55 EP] Size: Colossal [4 EP] Strength: 70 [4 EP] Defence: 2 [0 EP] Toughness: 13 [0 EP] Features: Living Space Powers Damage 10 [Extras: Ranged] [20 EP] Flight 10 [10 000 MPH] [20 EP] Super Movement: Space Flight 3 [Intergalactic] [6 EP] Powers: 29 + 2 + 7 + 14 + 3 = 57 PP Device 7 (Panoply of House Nos; Flaws: Hard to Lose; Power Feats: Restricted: Bloodline [House of Nos]) [28 PP] (Multiple items) Sword Damage 7 (Blade of the Blood Drinkers; Power Feats: Mighty 5, Penetrating 3, Takedown Attack) [16 DP] (Physical, Slashing, Piercing) Girdle Flight 3 (Wings of Nos; 50 MPH) [6 DP] (Cosmic, Gravitic) Forcefield 4 (Invisible Armour of Estep; Extras: Impervious 2; Power Feats: Selective) [7 DP] (Cosmic, Gravitic) Super-Strength 4 (Micropulse Muscle Stimulation; Flaws: Sustained) (Cosmic, technology) (4 DP) Helmet Enhanced Skill (Integrated Sensors: Notice ? [2 DP] (Technology, Computational) Immunity 1 (Perfect Telomeres; Ageing; Power Feats: Innate) [2 PP] (Alien, Biological) Impervious Toughness 8 (Natural Resilience; Power Feats: Innate) [9 PP] (Alien, Biological) Natural Weapons Array (12 PP Array; Power Feats: Alternate Power, Innate) [14 pp] (Alien, Biological) BE: Damage 3 (Thirsting Talons; Extras: Vampiric; Power Feats: Mighty 5) {12/12} AP: Drain Constitution 8 (Plasma Drain; Power Feats: Progression 4 [20 minutes] {12/12} Super-Senses: Darkvision (Hunter’s Eyes; Power Feats: Innate) [3 PP] (Alien, Biological) Drawbacks: (-2) + (-2) + (-2) + (-5) = -12 PP Vulnerable (“Fire” effects; Frequency: Common. Intensity: Minor) [-2 PP] Vulnerable (“Light” effects; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Moderate) [-3 PP] Vulnerable (“Silver” effects; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Moderate) [-2 PP] Weakness (Daylight; Frequency: Very Common; Intensity: Moderate [-1 Constitution; Time: 20 minutes) [-5 PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 20 Toughness Damage Thirsting Talons Touch DC 23 Toughness Damage, Vampiric Plasma Drain Touch DC 18 Fortitude Drain Constitution Blade Touch DC 27 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (56) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (12) + Feats (33) + Powers (57) - Drawbacks (12) = 180/180
  11. Cheval Power Level: 14 (Built as PL12; 200/212PP) Unspent Power Points: 12PP Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Celebrity hero of the people empowered by the loa Ogoun. Catchphrase: "I am iron, I am covered in iron." Theme: Unstoppable - The Score Alternate Identity: Marcus "The Iron Horse" Dumont (Public) Birthplace: Vibora Bay Residence: Weston District, Viboary Bay Base of Operations: Weston District, Vibora Bay, Occupation: Celebrity Hero, former Middle-Weight Boxer Affiliations: None Family: Michael Dumont (Father, deceased), Gabrielle Dumont (Mother, deceased), James Dumont (24, younger brother, attends University of Florida Vibora Bay), Nana Dee (Maternal grandmother, retired) Description: Age: 29 (DoB: 1990, August 10th) Gender: Male Ethnicity: African-American Height: 6'3'' / [God of Iron] 7' Weight: 167 lbs. / [God of Iron] 1.336 lbs. Eyes: Black / [God of Iron] Metallic black Hair: Black, shaved bald Tall and strong, Marcus' physique clearly shows off his history as a former professional boxer. Standing at 6'3'' and 167 lbs. of muscle, he is not easily intimidated of stopped. Despite his size and muscles, he is lean and athletic, the kind to dance around other, heavier boxers. His black hair is usually shaved bald, with a neatly trimmed black beard. He tends to wear dark red dress shirts and black slacks, often with a black tie. As Cheval, Marcus wears a dark red and black bodysuit, which leaves his arms and face exposed. While primarily dark red, the suit is black on his sides, from under his arms and stretching to his feet, where he wears black boots with dark red soles. The upper part of the costume is in a black down pointing triangle that reaches his solar plexus, leaving a red stripe between the black triangle and the black parts of the costume on his side. When ridden by Ogoun, Marcus grows in size to 7', his weight increasing to 1.336 lbs. His skin becomes metallic, like iron, and his eyes turn completely white. His beard becomes metallic, while remaining black. If he is wearing his costume, it grows to his size to continue being a perfect fit. He bulks up considerably, becoming even more muscular than normal. History: Marcus Dumont was born to Michael and Grabielle Dumont in Vibora Bays Weston District. While his parents did all they could to provide for their son, his grandmother Nana Dee took care of the young Marcus. A firm believer in the loa, Nana Dee told the young Marcus, and later his younger brother John, stories of the loa, their actions and their beliefs. To the young boys, it seemed like it were but fairy tales, but part of it stuck, particularly the tales of Papa Legba and Ogoun. While their parents loved both sons, the family could barely afford more than survival, and Marcus dreamed of one day becoming rich, so he could provide for his family, the way they had taken care of him. Where Marcus was strong and fast, John was clearly the smarter son. Easily bullied, John relied on Marcus to defend him, a task that the older brother took up with no complaint. The brothers loved each other dearly, that much was true. Everything came tumbling down when Michael and Gabrielle died in a car accident 2009. While Marcus had already moved out, he took John in, and took up boxing to provide for his younger brother and pay his college tuition. Marcus had long since accepted that his brother had a much greater chance of becoming someone, but he could at least do the one thing he knew how: Use his fists. Marcus quickly proved to be a natural. Marcus "The Iron Horse" Dumont rose through the ranks, earning greater and greater prizes, becoming well known in Weston, his fame slowly spreading through the rest of Vibora Bay. Marcus was happy. He was finally making something of himself, and he could take care of his brother. . Marcus discovered a fondness for rum, one that some thought might prove troublesome, even if he did not turn to alcoholism. Then, hurricane Michael hit Vibora Bay. John disappeared in the chaos, with Marcus frantically searching the streets for weeks to find his brother in the aftermath. He hunted every rumor, every path he could. He had to find John, he was sure that he was out there somewhere. Destitute and stressed, his fondness of rum slowly grew, and Marcus was rarely seen without a bottle of rum on his person during this time. One dark evening, he finally found him. The Mayombe, a sinister cult devoted to the darker sides of the loa, had used the chaos of the hurricane's arrival to make their way into Vibora Bay. Fading in power, now but a shadow of what she once was, the cult's leader, Lady Mamba, sought to commune with the loa Dinclinsin and Mademoiselle Charlotte in a bid to restore herself. To do so, they had prepared a sacrifice: John Dumont. As the Mayombe sang to the loa, Marcus acted to save his brother. He fought his way through cultists as best as he could, until he finally broke under their numbers, and was thrown into the interrupted ritual. Lady Mamba was delighted. Another sacrifice. The ritual resumed, the song continued, and Marcus remembered Nana Dee's teachings. He sang out to Papa Legba. Suddenly, he was elsewhere. Standing at the crossroads, he saw an old man with a crutch and a wide-brimmed hand. The old man removed the pipe from his mouth, and blew smoke rings. He asked why Marcus had sung out to him. He asked what he wanted. He asked what Marcus would offer. Marcus needed help. He needed the power to save his brother. He needed the power to stop the Mayombe. And he offered a bottle of rum, held high before Papa Legba. The old man smiled, waved his hand and called forth a man with a sword, dressed in a red sash: Ogoun. For a short time, they talked. Marcus would become Ogoun's cheval, being ridden by the loa in return for great power. Great power that he would use to do good. Marcus accepted. He had to save his brother. Marcus returned to the ritual, but something was different. He could feel the presence of Ogoun, and his body was far heavier than before. He was iron, he was covered in iron, and Ogoun pushed him on. With power far beyond what he had ever experienced before, Marcus fought the Mayombe, freeing his brother. As Cottonmouth the serpent man joined the fray, the battle spilled into the streets of Vibora Bay. Through power and skill, Marcus prevailed. His brother was saved. The Mayombe was pushed back, for now. As he stood victorious, his powers faded, and soon, he was recognized as the Iron Horse. He became an instant celebrity, revelling in his newfound fame. Sponsorships and more came through, and Marcus thought he had it made. He could provide for his brother and himself. He was barred from boxing, since no one knew if powers would resurface and give him an edge, but who cared? He stayed in Weston, he stayed in touch with the people on the street, he gave back to the community, and he had a good time. Three weeks after the fight, the voice started talking to him. Ogoun was not done with Marcus yet. He was his cheval, and there more good to be done in the world. Marcus found the powers that he had briefly possessed returned. He required little persuasion from Ogoun. As Cheval, he would fight for the people. Personality & Motivation: Friendly and affable, Marcus Dupont does much to combat his initial appearance as that of a muscular thug with his behavior. He is good with fans and kids alike, the two categories often overlapping, treating them with respect and talking to them as equals. Dedicated to his family and community, Marcus is determined protect everyone that he can. A former boxer, Marcus used to win over the crowd with his showmanship, which he continues to display even as the hero Cheval. Marcus' drive to be a hero comes from multiple sources. First and foremost, he wishes to protect his community. This is driven both by his own personal belief in protecting others when he can, as well as a constant push by Ogoun to use the powers he has been granted for justice. Having used his deeds to become a celebrity, Marcus has found himself driven to fight on for the sake of his fans, those that believe that he will show up to save the day, and, of course, the wealth that he has begun to amass from various endorsement contracts and the like. While he is aware of the contradictions and is determined not to let his newfound fame and wealth change him, time will tell if a he will succeed or not. Greatly dedicated to his younger brother James, Marcus first started boxing to support his studies, and still uses a sizeable amount of his wealth to take care of his brother, letting him pursue his dreams. Powers & Tactics: Marcus is a boxer at heart. His initial solution to most problems are to try to punch them, usually to great effect, given his powers. Given his near indestructible body, he will usually try to protect others, placing himself between them and blows, pushing them out of the way, or simply trying to take down an opponent before they can reach others. While often a bit of a showman, and known for showboating, Cheval will drop all pretense and fight without any showmanship, should the situation call for it. Power Descriptions: Marcus' powers come from being Ogoun's cheval, being ridden, or possessed, by the loa God of Iron and Fire. To have Ogoun's power enter his body, Cheval must be able to speak the phrase "I am iron, I am covered in iron", upon which he rapidly grows in height and mass, his skin becoming divine, living iron. In this form, Cheval is impervious to most forms of damage, gains incredible strength, and his fighting skills are enhanced by Ogoun, allowing Cherval to fight at far greater skill than what he would normally posses. Cheval can channel Ogoun's power into a number of different strikes, which he had dubbed the Break Strike, Drain Strike and Flame Strike, allowing him to break through defences, drain foes to heal himself or create a burst of fire. Through the divine power of Ogoun, Cheval's iron body is even able to touch and strike ghosts and spirits. Ogoun's power has left its mark on Marcus, even when not being ridden by the loa. Even when in his normal mortal form, Marcus is able to see and communicate with spirits. Complications: Famous: Before gaining his powers, Marcus was well known boxer in Weston, with many believing he could be a contender, many still recognizing him from that time. Now, as Cheval, he has become known throughout Viboray Bay, both as Cheval and Marcus Dumont, which, while it offers benefits, can come with its own trouble. Hero of the People: Ogoun drives Cheval to be a hero, a warrior and a protector. He cares deeply for the well being of the man on the street, focusing on keeping them safe above all else. Cheval can be distracted by putting someone in danger. Iron Horse: Though Ogoun leaves Cheval in control when he rides him, the God of Iron will sometimes take full control, if his objectives differ from Marcus'. Knight of Shining Armor: When Cheval is powered up, his mass and weight increases drastically to more than a ton, which can cause drastic issues if he is somewhere that cannot support his increased mass. Rogues Gallery: Cheval has faced his share of foes, already starting to build an impressive array of foes. He has so far managed to earn the scorn of the Mayombe, Maitre Carrefour and the loa Mademoiselle Charlotte and Dinclinsin. Showboating: Cheval's tendency to showboat can put him at an disadvantage in a fight, giving enemies chances to prepare, avoid blows that could have taken them out or the like. You Know My Name: While he usually goes by Cheval, Marcus' identity was outed during the incident where he gained his powers, leaving him little choice in whether he wanted to keep a secret identity or not. Abilities: 8 + 8 + 8 + 0 + 6 + 6 = 36PP Strength: 18 (+4) / [God of Iron] 34 (+12) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 18 (+4) / [God of Iron] 36 (+13) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 8 + 6 = 14PP Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +4 Base / [God of Iron] +12 Melee (+4 Base, +8 Attack Focus [Melee]) Defense: +4 (+3 Base, +1 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed / [God of Iron] +7 (+3 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8 (+4 Base Attack, +4 Strength) / [God of Iron] +27 (+4 Base Attack, +8 Attack Focus [Melee], +12 Strength, +1 Super-Strength, +2 Super-Strength from Density) / +33 (+4 Base Attack, +8 Attack Focus [Melee], +12 Strength, +1 Super-Strength, +2 Super-Strength from Density, +6 Super-Strength) Knockback: -2 Toughness / [God of Iron] -16 (-12 Impervious Toughness, -2 Toughness, -2 Immovable from Density) Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 9 = 9PP Toughness: +4 (+4 Con) / [God of Iron] +17 (+13 Con, +4 Density) Fortitude: +4 (+4 Con, +0) / [God of Iron] +13 (+13 Con, +0) Reflex: +4 (+4 Dex, +0) / [God of Iron] +6 (+4 Dex, +0, +2 Enhanced Reflex Save) Will: +12 (+3 Wis, +9) Skills: 44R = 11PP Climb 0 (+4) / [God of Iron] (+12) Diplomacy 7 (+10) Gather Information 4 (+7) Intimidate 7 (+10) Knowledge [Arcane] 5 (+5) Knowledge [Popular Culture] 1 (+5) Languages 2 (English [Native], French, Haitian Creole) Notice 7 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Swim 0 (+4) / [God of Iron] (+12) Feats: 17PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Benefit 1 [Fame] Benefit 1 [Wealth] Dodge Focus 1 Improved Initiative 1 Improved Throw Interpose Luck 4 Move-by Action Paralyzing Attack Power Attack Attack Ultimate Effort [Toughness Save] Enhanced Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2 [On Unarmed] Attack Focus [Melee] 8 Dodge Focus 3 Improved Critical [Unarmed] 2 Powers: (25 + 18 + 2 + 2 + 11 + 9 + 7 + 3 + 27 + 3 + 4) + 2 + 1 = 114PP Has Divine and Iron descriptors except where noted Alternate Form 22.6 ("God of Iron"; 111PP Alternate Form) [113PP] Density 8 (Extras: Duration [Continuous], Unstoppable 2; Flaws: Permanent; Feats: Buoyant) (Strength +16, Toughness +4, Impervious Toughness +4, Immovable 2 [w/ Unstoppable], Super-Strength 2, Mass x8) [27PP] Enhanced Constitution 18 [18PP] (Prowess) Enhanced Traits 2 ("Cold Iron"; Add to Unarmed: Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2) [2PP] Enhanced Traits 2 (Reflex Save +2) [2PP] (Prowess, no Iron descriptor) Enhanced Traits 11 (Attack Focus [Melee] 8, Dodge Focus 3) [11PP] (Prowess, No Iron descriptor) Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9PP] Impervious Toughness 8 (Drawbacks: Noticeable [Iron Skin]) (+4 ranks from Density 8: Total rank 12) [7PP] Leaping 3 (Leap distance x10: Running 220 ft.) [3PP] (Prowess, No Iron descriptor) Power of Ogoun Array 12 (24PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [27PP] (Prowess, No Iron descriptor) BP: {12 + 12 = 24/24} Knockback Strength 12 ("Might of Ogoun") Add (Feats: Knockback 12) to Unarmed [12PP] Super-Strength 6 (+2 ranks from Density 8, +1 rank from Super-Strength 1: Total rank 9) (Total: +45 STR carry. Heavy load 716.8 tons) [12PP] AP: Autofire Strength 12 ("Break Strike") Add (Extras: Autofire, Penetrating 3; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Knockback 7) to Unarmed {24/24} AP: {12 + 12 = 24/24} Vampiric Strength 12 ("Drain Strike") Add (Extras: Vampiric) to Unarmed [12PP] Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Linked to Unarmed) [12PP] AP: Damage 12 ("Flame Strike"; Extras: General Area [Cone]) (Area: 120 ft. cone) {24/24} (Fire) Speed 3 (50mph, 440 ft./round) [3PP] (Prowess, No Iron descriptor) Super-Strength 1 (Feats: Groundstrike, Thunderclap) (+2 ranks from Density 8: Total rank 3) (Total: +15 STR carry. Heavy load 11.2 tons) [4PP] (Prowess) Comprehend 1 (Comprehend Spirits) [2PP] (No Iron descriptor) Super-Senses 1 (Spirit Awareness, Descriptor Frequency: Uncommon, Sense Type: Visual [Default Extras: Accurate, Acute, Ranged]) [1PP] (No Iron descriptor) Drawbacks: (-3) = -3PP Normal Identity ("Must recite: 'I am iron, I am covered with iron' to active God of Iron alternate form"; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Major]) [-3PP] DC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC19 Tou (staged) Damage +4 Unarmed - Might of Ogoun Touch DC27 Tou (staged) Damage +12, Affects Insubstantial 2, Knockback+12 Unarmed - Break Strike Touch DC27 (staged) Damage +12, Affects Insubstantial 2, Autofire, Penetrating 3, Knockback+7, Crit 18-20 Unarmed - Drain Strike Touch DC27 Tou (staged) Damage +12, Affects Insubstantial 2, Vampiric DC27 Fort (staged) Drain Toughness Linked to Drain Strike Damage effect Flame Strike Area, 120 ft. cone DC22 Ref (staged) Reduce Damage effect to DC21 Area DC27 Tou (staged) Damage Groundstrike Area, 120 ft. radius DC22 Ref (staged) Halve Trip effect Area Trip roll vs. Strength Check Tripped Thunderclap Area, 60 ft. radius DC22 Ref (staged) Halve Auditory Dazzle effect to DC16 Area DC22 Ref (staged) -> DC22 Fort (staged) Auditory Dazzle Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (9) + Skills (11) + Feats (17) + Powers (116) - Drawbacks (3) = 200/212 Power Points
  12. For this character's background and original statistics, see Freedom's Most Wanted, page 75, and Freedom City 3rd Edition, page 245. Character: Goanna Power Level: 12 Tradeoffs: -4 Attack / +4 Damage (Bite/Claws), -4 Defense / +4 Toughness Power Points: 259 Alternate Identity: Doctor Cooper Seidel Identity: Public Legal Status: USA citizen and fugitive Base of Operations: Freedom City, New Jersey Residence: Mobile Occupation: Former: Geneticist, Herpetologist; Current: Criminal Affiliations: Doctor Sophia Marks (former fiancée); ASTRO Labs (former employer) DESCRIPTION Gender: Male Height: 9' as Goanna, 5'10" as Seidel Weight: 750 lbs. as Goanna, 155 lbs. as Seidel Hair: None as Goanna, Brown as Seidel Eyes: Red as Goanna, Brown as Seidel UPDATES The immortal Daedalus still holds out hope for a cure to Doctor Cooper Seidel's condition. Doctor Sophia Marks has cancelled her engagement to Doctor Seidel and moved on with her life. The "Cooper Seidel" and "Goanna" personalities have meshed back together. The arrogant, entitled petulance which represented the "dark side" of Doctor Seidel's personality and had metastasized into Goanna are now the dominant forces in his psyche at all times. Goanna, while still prone to violent rage, is no longer controlled by it. The change between Seidel and Goanna is almost completely physical now, with almost no psychological changes. Doctor Seidel no longer sees his condition as something which needs to be cured, only stabilized and enhanced. He has refined his mutagenetic antivenom serum multiple times, which has granted him greater control over his transformations. He can now willingly transform from Seidel into Goanna or vice versa, and Goanna is larger and stronger than before. He retains his human form mostly for utility and convenience; he is no longer repulsed by his reptilian form. He still transforms into Goanna involuntarily sometimes, when angered or hurt. Exposure to the image or voice of Doctor Marks will sometimes still transform him back from Goanna into Seidel. Doctor Seidel refuses to face the reality that Doctor Marks has left him. Instead, he embraces the delusion that she belongs to him and they are fated to reunite. Once he thinks he's perfected his serum, he plans to kidnap and infect her. He thinks that she will love him again when he turns her into a creature like the one he's become. ABILITIES 16PP Strength: 35/10 (+12/+0), 60/10 Lifting (Heavy Load: 50 tons / 100 lbs.) Dexterity: 18/10 (+4/+0) Constitution: 34/10 (+12/+0) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 12 (+1) COMBAT 36PP Initiative: +4 Attack: +8 (+9 Base, -1 Size), +12 Venom Damage +12 Unarmed/Thrown, +16 Claws, +12 Venom Grapple: +30 (+10 Melee Attack, +12 Strength, +4 Size, +4 Super-Strength) Defense: +8 (+9 Base, -1 Size), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: 16 ATTACK RANGE SAVING THROW EFFECT Unarmed Touch +5ft* DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Bite/Claws Touch +5ft* DC31 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical, Lethal) Venom Bite Touch +5ft* DC22 Fortitude (Staged) Slowed/Paralyzed Venom Spit Touch +30ft* DC22 Reflex Dazzle Visual DC22 Fortitude Recover *Touch-range at Size Large is 10ft. SAVING THROWS 14PP Toughness: +16 (Impervious 8, +12 Con, +4 Protection) Fortitude: +12 (+12 Con, +0PP) Reflex: +8 (+4 Dex, +4PP) Will: +12 (+2 Wis, +10PP) SKILLS 132R = 33PP Computers 10 (+15) Craft (Chemical) 15 (+20) Handle Animal 9 (+10) Intimidation 12 (+13, +15 Size) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 15 (+20) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 15 (+20) Knowledge (Technology) 5 (+10) Medicine 13 (+15) Notice 10 (+12) Search 7 (+12) Survival 13 (+15) Swim 8 (+20)Swimming FEATS 10PP All-Out Attack Animal Empathy Chokehold Environmental Adaptation (Underwater) Grapple Finesse Improved Grapple Improved Pin Improved Trip Power Attack Startle POWERS 161PP Additional Limbs 1 (+1 Limb) [1PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Tail) Concealment 4 (All Visual-type senses, Flaws: Blending, Passive) [2PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Shapeshifting) Enhanced Constitution 19 [19PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Regeneration, Super-Toughness) Enhanced Dexterity 8 [8PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Super-Agility, Super-Reflexes) Enhanced Strength 15 [15PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Super-Strength) Growth 5 (Size: Large, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Permanent, Feats: Innate) [16PP] (Descriptors: Mutation) Immunity 4 (Environmental 2 [Cold, Pressure], Poison, Suffocation [Underwater]) [4PP] (Descriptors: Mutation) Impervious Toughness 8 [8PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Regeneration, Scales, Super-Toughness) Leaping 4 (x25, Running Long Jump: 550ft) [4PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Super-Strength) Protection 4 [4PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Scales, Super-Toughness) Regeneration 11 (Recovery Rate: Bruised 3 [No rest], Injured 6 [No rest], Disabled 2 [1 hour], Feats: Regrowth) [12PP] (Descriptors: Mutation) Reptile Power 20 (40PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 2) [42PP] (Descriptors: Mutation) Base Power: [7PP] Damage 4 (Feats: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Mighty, Variable Descriptor [Claws and/or Bite, Piercing and/or Slashing], Drawbacks: Lethal) [7PP] (Descriptors: Bite, Claws, Mutation) Alternate Power: [20PP] Dazzle 12 (Sense Types: Visual, Flaws: Range [Touch], Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Extended Reach 4 [25ft], Improved Critical 2 [18-20]) [20PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Venomous Spit) Alternate Power: [40PP] Paralyze 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude], Secondary Effect, Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20]) [40PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Venomous Bite) Speed 2 (25MPH / 250ft per Move Action) [2PP] (Descriptors: Mutation) Super-Movement 3 (Slithering, Wall-Crawling 2) [6PP] (Descriptors: Mutation) Super-Senses 6 (Acute Tracking Smell/Taste, Danger Sense [Sense Types: Olfactory], Infra-Vision, Low-Light Vision, Uncanny Dodge [Sense Types: Olfactory]) [6PP] (Descriptors: Mutation) Super-Strength 4 (Lifting Strength: 60, Heavy Load: 50 tons) [8PP] (Descriptors: Mutation) Swimming 4 (25MPH / 250ft per Move Action, Can Take 10 on Swimming checks) [4PP] (Descriptors: Mutation) DRAWBACKS -11PP Involuntary Transformation (From Cooper Seidel into Goanna, triggered by anger or pain, Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Moderate [DC10 to resist change]) [-4PP] Involuntary Transformation (From Goanna into Cooper Seidel, triggered by Doctor Sophia Marks, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Minor [DC5 to resist change]) [-1PP] Normal Identity (Frequency: Common [Full Action], Intensity: Major) [-6PP] Abilities (16) + Combat (36) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (33) + Feats (10) + Powers (161) - Drawbacks (11) = 259 Power Points
  13. Dust Devil II Power Level: 12 (185/188PP) Unspent Power Points: 3 Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: The successor of the Dust Devil legacy, expanding his protectorate beyond just Magic Mesa. Theme: Shakedown - The Score Alternate Identity: Cassidy Collins (Secret) Birthplace: Southside, Freedom City Residence: Southside, Freedom City Base of Operations: Freedom City & Magic Mesa Occupation: Grocery store stocker Affiliations: Magic Mesa Family: John Collins (father, grocery store manager), Pearl Collins (née Hart, mother, dance studio teacher), William 'Billy' Collins (16 years younger brother, student), Benjamin "Uncle Ben" Collins (paternal uncle, unemployed) Description: Age: 26 (DoB: June 5th, 1992) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'10'' Weight: 175 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Cassidy stands at 5'10'' with an athletic build. He has short black hair and a full beard. He is average looking, never tending to stand out in crowds. He usually dresses casually in jeans and t-shirts, wearing a denim jacket if necessary. He tends to wear dark red or grey colors. As the Dust Devil II, Cassidy wears grey pants and black shoes. He wears a dark grey shirts with white patterns across the torso and lower arms, as seen in the picture below, wearing black gloves on his hands. He wears a grey bandana as a mask that hides his upper face. History: Cassidy Collins grew up as an average boy from Freedom City's Southside district. A slacker at heart, he never amounted to much, rarely having any motion or drive beyond just getting through the day so he could read comics, play games or hang out with his friends. He didn't excel at school, he only did a little sports if it was a game with friends or something that he had to do, and his parents John and Pearl grew to accept that he would most likely never amount to much. He was trusting of everyone, to the point of being naïve, which would often get him into trouble. Cassidy's parents blamed the influence of his beloved uncle Benjamin Collins, a conman that moved in and out of the prison system. At least some of it changed when Cassidy's brother William was born a few months after Cassidy turned 16. Immediately taking a shine to his baby brother, Cassidy would spend hours playing with and doting on his brother. Graduating from high school, Cassidy even went through a series of jobs to help support his somewhat struggling family, though he would never be able to hold a job for long. He just didn't show the interest in the work or he would be caught slacking off. Still, Cassidy's uncle Ben would show up to help him from time to time, whether it was finding him a new job or offer moral support. Eventually, Cassidy moved into his own place, a tiny one room apartment in Southside, though he would still make frequent visits to his family. Cassidy's life would change drastically when he lost his latest job. Declining his father's offer to come work in the grocery store that he managed, Cassidy instead accepted to come work with uncle Ben. Unfortunately, uncle Ben was an even worse influence than Pearl and John had feared. A short while later, they went on a road trip to meet with one of uncle Ben's clients in the American South West. Cassidy believed that he was simple coming along to keep his uncle company and occasionally carry heavy cases of equipment. Cassidy thought it was strange that they had to drive all the way out in the desert to do the trade, but uncle Ben would have to know best. After all, he was his uncle, and Cassidy had never had a reason not to trust him. Out in the desert, Cassidy accidentally opened one of the cases and discovered its contents: Alien weaponry, stolen wreckage from the 2018 Terminus invasion. Cassidy panicked, alerting uncle Ben's buyers to his presence. With a single "Sorry" and explanation that it was simply business, uncle Ben shot Cassidy three times in the chest. As Cassidy fell over, his uncle Ben returned to his buyers. Hours later, Cassidy opened his eyes. It was a miracle that he still lived. Only, he didn't. He could no longer feel his heart beating. Uncle Ben and his buyers had disappeared, and vultures were circling overhead. He knew that he was now in the Magic Mesa, and he knew that it had brought him back to become its new guardian, as the newest Dust Devil. Cassidy had little choice in the matter, and at first, he simply wanted to give up. He had been betrayed and killed. Even with the new powers he instinctively knew he possessed, he was the wrong man for the job. Then he realized that uncle Ben might come from the rest of his family. Reacting by instinct, Cassidy travelled through the sand for the first time, returning to Southside. Shocked at his newfound abilities, he accepted his charge. While he returned to his parents, he kept the details of the falling out with uncle Ben to himself, instead simply saying that he was dangerous and they should stay away from them, while he also accepted a job as stocker in his father's grocery store. Now, Cassidy finds himself driven to fight evil where he finds it. He feels a passion and drive unlike any before, as he steps into the role of the Dust Devil, not just to protect the Magic Mesa and his family, but to make sure what happened to him happens to no one else. Personality & Motivation: Before his transformation into the Dust Devil, Cassidy was a slacker. He made his way through school without much effort or accomplishment, which informed his attitude to most of everything in his life. Cassidy were trusting of others, often being called naïve. Never really getting excited about anything or trying to get involved, Cassidy just followed along with what others told him. The only exception were his family. Caring deeply for his much younger brother, Cassidy would do anything for him and his parents. He secretly felt ashamed of his lack of drive and initiative, but never shared it with anyone. After becoming the Dust Devil, Cassidy has become a much more driven individual. While he has lost much of his unconditional trust in others, Cassidy has leaned into the role of a hero, now being more than willing to put himself in harm's way to save others, and actively seeking out injustice to fight and wrongs to right. He rarely speaks much, letting his actions speak for him instead. He is troubled about his ressurection and what it means for him, and just what he has become. Cassidy is not fully sure what the Magic Mesa wants with him, and wonders what will happen if there is ever a conflict between himself and the Magic Mesa. Powers & Tactics: Cassidy's power was granted by the Magic Mesa, making them magical in nature. He prefers to get up close and personal, where his strength can be used to effectively disable his opponents. He trusts in his great durability to protect him against most attacks, leading to him often trying to protect others. Not above dirty tricks, he will turn to sand to seemingly disappear and strike at his opponent without them knowing what hit them. Power Descriptions: All of Cassidy's powers come from the magic of the Magic Mesa. Appointed as the Mesa' newest Dust Devil, Cassidy has become a being of living sand. Like the previous Dust Devil, Cassidy cannot be killed and he requires no rest or sustenance, and while he has yet to see the signs, he has stopped aging. He is incredibly resilient to damage, being able to shrug off most attacks and being unaffected by most kinds of poison and diseases. He posses incredible strength, only just learning the limits to his power. He can sense magic around him, just getting a feeling that there is something weird going on, though he has yet to explore this ability. While Cassidy's body normally appears fully human, he is able to to reshape it in various ways. He can become a cloud of sand, allowing himself to move freely through small cracks and become immune to most types of physical damage, or he can merge with sand around him, using it as a medium for travelling great distances. This is even possible if the sand at his location and destination is not directly connected. By manipulating the sand in his body, Cassidy is able to fly at roughly 25 mph. With Cassidy's mastery of his new body and abilities having grown, the disconnect that let to him creating weapons out of sand has disappeared, and he is now able to directly reshape his body into various weapons and extending his reach, or directly shoot sand out of his body in various forms, whether as quick blasts of hardened sand or longer storm effects that can push enemies back, without the need for creating fake weapons out of sand to do the work for him. Starting to tap into the mystic side of his abilities, he can create wide ranging sandstorms around him that only affects those that he wants, and can use the temporal abilities of the Magic Mesa to rapidly dehydrate enemies around them, making them easier to hurt. *All of Cassidy's powers has the Magic and Sand descriptors, with some having additional descriptors as noted. Complications: Dead Like Me: Cassidy died. Then he came back. The experience was traumatic, and he has yet to deal with all his feelings on the matter. The experience has changed him greatly, even as he tries to put on a brave face for his family. Guardian of Magic Mesa: Cassidy's powers come with a price. While not as strictly bound as the first Dust Devil, he must protect the Magic Mesa if needed, forcefully being drawn to its protection. This can both mean direct threats at the Magic Mesa, as well as more indirect threats, such as those whose actions could simply threaten the gateways between worlds. This can lead to Cassidy becoming involved in situations and battles he would rather have avoided, or being forced to abruptly leave his current location. Dust Devil Legacy: The Dust Devil is an almost mythic figure. The protector of Magic Mesa, he is a ruthless guardian. Those that know of the first Dust Devil can be predisposed towards Cassidy, for good or bad. Whatever Happened to the Dust Devil: The old Dust Devil is gone, and Cassidy has taken his place as guardian of Magic Mesa. He doesn't know whether the first Dust Devil moved on, died or was otherwise rendered unable to fulfill his duties. Betrayed: Cassidy was betrayed and killed by his own uncle. He understandably has some trouble fully trusting others. Man of Sand: While he is able to become human, Cassidy is essentially a being of living sand. He is starting to grasp the implications of just what his powers mean, and he fears that he is no longer considered human. He might react badly if confronted with this fact. Dutiful Brother & Son: Cassidy cares deeply for his parents and younger brother. They're both a strength and a weakness. Desperado: Cassidy tries to keep his identity as the Dust Devil a secret. Not even his parents and brother know his secret, which is starting to create some friction. Abilities: 8 + 4 + 14 + 0 + 4 + 0 = 30PP Strength: 18 (+4) / 34 (+12) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 24 (+7) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 16 + 14 = 30 PP Initiative: +10 (+2 Dex, +8 Improved Initiative 2) Attack: +8 Base, +12 Unarmed (+8 Base, +4 Attack Specialization [Unarmed]) / +12 Sand Weapon (+8 Base, +4 Accurate Attack) / +12 Sand Blast (+8 Base, +4 Accurate Attack) Defense: +7 (+7 Base), +4 Flat-Footed Grapple: +12 (+8 Attack, +4 Strength) / +13 (+8 Attack, +4 Strength, +1 Super-Strength) / +17 (+8 Attack, +4 Strength, +5 Super-Strength) / +18 (+8 Attack, +4 Strength, +6 Super-Strength) / +20 (+8 Attack, +12 Strength) / +21 (+8 Attack, +12 Strength, +1 Super-Strength) / +25 (+8 Attack, +12 Strength, +5 Super-Strength) / +26 (+8 Attack, +12 Strength, +6 Super-Strength) Knockback: -8 / -20 (Impervious Toughness -12, Toughness -17/2) Saving Throws: 4 + 6 + 9 = 19PP Toughness: +17 (+7 Con, +10 [Protection]) Fortitude: +11 (+7 Con, +4) Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6) Will: +11 (+2 Wis, +9) Skills: 68R = 17PP Concentration 8 (+10) Gather Information 8 (+8) Intimidate 4 (+4) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8Skill Mastery (+8) Notice 8Skill Mastery (+10) Sense Motive 12Skill Mastery (+14) Stealth 12Skill Mastery (+14) Survival 8 (+10) Feats: 13PP All-Out Attack Attack Specialization [Unarmed Attack] 2 Favoured Environment [Desert] Hide in Plain Sight Improved Initiative 2 Interpose Luck 2 Move-by Action Skill Mastery Takedown Attack Enhanced Feats Accurate Attack Improved Critical 2 [Unarmed Attack] Instant Up Power Attack Powers: 33 + 12 + 10 + 2 + 14 + 5 = 76 All have the Magic and Sand descriptor unless otherwise noted. Magic Mesa Guardian Array 14 (28PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 5) [33PP] BP: Guardian's Strength (Linked) {28/28} Enhanced Strength 16 [16PP] (Rock) Enhanced Trait 2 (Improved Critical 2 [Unarmed Attack]) [2PP] Super-Strength 5 (Effective Strength 59, heavy load 44.8 tons) [10PP] (Rock) AP: Blast 12 ("Devil's Storm"; Extras: Area [Cone]; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Knockback 4) {28/28} (Impact Damage type) AP: Blast 12 ("Sand Blast"; Feats: Accurate 2, Incurable, Precise) {28/28} (Impact Damage type) AP: Damage 12 ("Sand Weapon"; Extras: Penetrating 5; Feats: Accurate Attack 2, Variable Descriptor 1 [Bludgeoning, Impact, Piercing and Slashing damage type]) [20PP] + Enhanced Trait 2 (Accurate Attack, Power Attack) [2PP] + Elongation 6 [6PP] {28/28} AP: Drain Toughness 12 ("Dehydration"; Extras: Area [Burst], Selective; Flaws: Limited (Only affects living); Feats: Incurable, Progression 2 [Area], Reversible) {28/28} (Temporal) AP: Environmental Control 6 ("Sandstorm"; Distract DC5, Hinder Movement ½, Visibility -4; Extras: Selective, Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Range [Touch]; Feats: Progression 4 [Area]) {28/28} (Radius: 250-6250 ft.) Immunity 12 (Aging, Life Support, Sleep, Starvation & Thirst) [12PP] Protection 10 [10PP] Regeneration 2 (Resurrection 1/day) [2PP] Walking Desert Array 6 (12PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 2) [14PP] BP: Impervious Toughness 12 ("Solid Rock Form") {12/12} (Rock) AP: Insubstantial 2 ("Whirling Sand Form"; Gaseous Form; Feats: Selective) [11PP] + Enhanced Trait 1 [Instant Up]) [1PP] {12/12} AP: Teleport 12 ("Travel through sand"; Extras: Accurate; Flaws: Long-Range, Medium [Sand]) {12/12} (Range: 20 million miles) (Dimensional, Temporal) Whirling Sand Array 2 (4PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 1) [5PP] BP: Flight 2 (Flight Speed 25 mph, 220 ft./rnd) {4/4} AP: Super Strength 1 (Effective Strength 23/64, heavy load 600 lbs./89.6 tons. Feats: Shockwave, Super-Breath) {4/4} DC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus/Other Unarmed Touch DC19/27 Tou (staged) Damage +12, Crit 18-20 Sand Blast 120 ft. DC27 Tou (staged) Damage, Incurable, +12, Precise Sand Weapons Touch (10 ft.) DC27 Tou (staged) Damage, Penetrating 9 +12 Devil’s Storm Cone Area 120 ft. DC27 Ref Reduce Damage effect to DC21 Tou Area DC27 Tou (staged) Damage, Knockback 4 Dehydration Area 120 ft. radius DC22 Ref Reduce Drain effect to DC16 Fort Area DC22 Fort (staged) Toughness Drain Shockwave Cone Area 40/120 ft. DC14/22 Ref Reduce Damage effect to DC16/21 Tou Area DC19/27 Tou (staged) Damage Super-Breath Cone Area 40/120 ft. DC14/22 Ref Reduce trip effect to +2/+6 Area Opposed Trip save vs. +4/+12 Trip Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (30) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (17) + Feats (13) + Powers (76) - Drawbacks (0) = 185/188
  14. Emerald Spider Power Level: 12/13 (219/226PP) Unspent Power Points: 7 Trade-Offs: +2 Attack / -2 Damage, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness In Brief: Your friendly neighbourhood spider hero. Catchphrase: "It's the duty for those who can to protect the weak." Theme: Catch Me If You Can, Girls Generation Alternate Identity: Peri Pyeng (Secret) Birthplace: Emerald City Residence: Bethlehem Heights, Emerald City Occupation: Air Conditioner Repairs Affiliations: None Family: Mi-yeong Pyeng (mother, deceased), Jin-ho Pyeng (father), Myung-sook Pyeng (Grandmother), Jae Pyeng (Aunt) Description: Age: 33 (DoB: 25th February 1991) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Korean-American Height: 5'5" Weight: 125 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Peri has only recently begun to look more into her appearance, though she still gives it as little attention as she can manage. Her hair is usually kept relatively short and tied up to keep it out of the way. With a little more responsibility she's begun to dress appropriately in a pantsuit, though they are fairly cheap and often dirty from her hands-on way of working. When not working she dresses for comfort and utility not really worrying about how fashionable her choices appear to everyone else. The superhero costume she wears is based on the original hoodie she was wearing when she first appeared as Emerald Spider, though a dark green rather than the black of the original. Over the costume is a fine web-like silver pattern, that increases the efficiency of the Spdr Rig. The Spdr Rig itself has been improved over time and is now three distinct unit's the two gloves, now green with the silver thread like the rest of the costume, and a slim silver belt. The gloves have a series of capsules around the wrist, whilst the belt is mostly made up of them, then generated the quantum field and provides power. To hide her identity beneath the hood she wears a green hood and goggles. History: Peri still remembers well what her mother would always tell her before she went away on deployment, Mi-yeong serving in the armed forces, that it was her duty to protect those that couldn't protect themselves. To her shame, a young angry Peri told her mother that she didn't care about those stupid people, what she said wasn't important (though she can remember it in vivid detail) what matter was that she never came back from that flight. The young Peri didn't cry or show any emotion of her mothers death, instead, she made a promise of herself that she would do everything she could to make her mother proud. Already possessing a keen mind she applied herself to her studies, paying less attention to the science fields that she loved in favour of the more practical fields of engineering. Whilst she didn't have many friends or go on many dates she was content to follow this path and was rewarded with top grades at both High School and University. With such amazing grades there was a clamour of several top companies trying to recruit her to there company. At that point her future looked bright. After careful consideration she chose Nerio Concepts a small research firm that was working to create a device to project a force field to both protect the wearer and allowed limited flight function. The snappily named Spdr Rig was she was told to help emergency services to safely reach trapped and injured people for when they couldn't rely on superheroic help. Though she didn't originally develop the suit she quickly figured out its manufacture and made numerous improvement to the systems operations, indeed she already had numerous ideas for the second Rig once the first proved successful. The one fateful night she was doing final checks on the Spdr Rig's computers when she discovered there was a function to allow the suit to generate and expel a potentially dangerous burst of energy. Digging further she discovered more hidden functions that allowed the Spdr Rig to be weaponised, this went against the purpose she believed for the suit could and should be used for. Carefully she began to rooting through the companies computers she further discovered this was the actual aim of the project and that the Spdr Rig was to be sold off to the highest bidder. However, she wasn't careful enough and was confronted by a group of strangely armored guards, finally making her realised that the company was a front of a Super-Criminal organisation. With no other choice, she donned the Spdr Rig and used it to escape, without harming anyone in the process, escaping into the night. Thinking it was over she was shocked to be awoken the next morning by the police to be informed that the place had been burnt down in a fire, one that they had evidence that she'd started, and had claimed several lives. They didn't quite arrest her but did take her into custody, where a company lawyer explained that this could all go away if she told them where the Spdr Rig was now. She didn't even hesitate and instead told them that the Rig was destroyed, ready to accept whatever they had in store for her. To her surprise instead of arresting her or worse, they released her though in the cruellest thing they could do they had her blacklisted meaning she could never work in the field she had dedicated her life. Never being a quieter she picked herself up and rebuilt her life the best she could, having no plans to do anything with the Spdr Rig she wasn't as far as she was concerned a hero. Collecting the Spdr Rig to finally destroy it, better than it falling into the wrong hands, she spotted a mother and daughter about to be hit by a runaway bus. Without thinking she leapt into action snatching the two up and away from the danger, by scaling a nearby building with them. Having been caught on many cameras overnight she became a local hero, dubbed the Emerald Spider. Finally, she had a way to do good and help others in memory of what her mother had done. With Emerald Cities having few superheroes Emerald Spider was quickly adopted by the populous as there hero, an honor that Peri has taken very seriously. Keeping fiercely independent Emerald Spider hasn't only saved lives and fought villains she's also spoken out about the ills that befallen even a city as lucky as Emerald Cities. Whilst some have criticised her being so vocal most love her for standing up for her home, some snidely pointing out that most of those Freedom City heroes never even set foot in Emerald Cities. Away from the cowl being such a vocal hero has bought Peri out of her shell and bought out the communicator that had been inside her all along. This has allowed her to move up in her job, to a better-paying position, and a new apartment away from her father, though she has to share with her only slightly older Aunt Jae. But being a hero as well known as Emerald Spider can't help but bring out powerful enemies... Personality & Motivation: Peri's entire life has been focused in many ways to helping others, feeling that in this way she honors the memory of her mother. Even though she knows it's not her fault she's never been able to shake the guilt of the last things she said before her mother died. Though she's still very serious her time as Emerald Spider has affected her greatly, allowing her an outlet to enjoy herself has made her less stern. She's even been known to tell a joke now and again! Whilst she's Emerald Spider she's much more relaxed, having little time to overthink things she tends to rely on her instincts to deal with challenges. What started as a way to deal with her nerves, quips and joke at the expense of her enemies, has turned into something she now does naturally. Powers & Tactics: Peri's relies on her enhanced agility to keep constantly moving, making herself a difficult target to hit as can. She will do hit and run tactics, especially on ground base targets, hopefully keeping out of the way of potential danger. Mainly she chooses to make herself the main target of any attack, so others can take advantage of this fact. She's been doing this long enough to be a competent fighter, though she still prefers to use other means before fighting itself. Power Descriptions: The Spatial Distortion Resonance Rig (Spdr Rig) generates a field that works on strong and weak atomic forces to either attract or repel the operator from objects around them. The various way that this can be used is done with a series of complicated finger movements, despite several alterations to the design of the Rig she's kept the hand gestures her main thought is that this makes it's difficult for other to try an operate. The rig itself consists of a pair of gloves and belt and boots that all work together to generate the field, this had been enhanced by the fine silver mesh she's inlaid throughout her costume, the web pattern it forms was just a bonus. Because of the way the three interact lose of any of them will disrupt the function of the device. The Spdr Rig when active generates a shimmer in the air of a twisting of cords in the air, a visualization of multidimensional superstrings or quantum filaments, the solidity of these cords depends on how concentrated that part of the field is currently, from almost hidden by the silver web of her costume for her force field to almost solid for her Spdr Blast. Continued exposure to these fields has subtly altered her own quantum signature allowing her to do some of the Spdr Rig's abilities without wearing the apparatus. It's only recently that she's discovered this and she's still exploring the range of these powers and what possible harm they could cause to her. Complications: Don't run on Triple A's: Manipulating the fundamentals of the universe is a little power draining, to say the least, at the most inopportune moments her Spdr Rig can sometimes run out of juice making things difficult, to say the least. With Great Power: Peri is driver by the memory of her mother to always try and do the right things. She will push herself to her very limits, and sometimes beyond, to try and stop the villains. Can't fool Nana: Whilst Peri has managed to hide her identity in Emerald City from everyone except one, Nana Myung-sook. Nana had seen through her disguise almost immediately and got Peri to confess to the fact. Whilst it's mostly a bonus, giving Peri someone to talk to about her problems, Nana Myung-sook can't help but try to get involved in her granddaughter business putting herself in danger. Superheroin' don't pay the bills: Whilst she's managed to earn herself a better job, though she still spends lots of time on skyscraper roofs, the continuous improvement and power needs of the Spdr Rig still take up a substantial portion of her wages. Abilities: 0 + 6 + 0 + 12 + 6 + 6 = 30PP Strength: 10/18 (+0/+4) Dexterity: 16/24 (+3/+7) Constitution: 10/22 (+0/+6) Intelligence: 22 (+6) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 24 + 20 = 44PP Initiative: +11/+15 Attack: +14 Spdr Blast +12 Base Defense: +14 (+10 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Grapple: +12/+20 Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 7 + 7 + 7 = 21PP Toughness: +6/+10 (+0/+6 Con, +4 Force Field) Fortitude: +7/+13 (+0/+6 Con, +7) Reflex: +10/14 (+3/+7 Dex, +7) Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) Skills: 140R = 35PP Acrobatics 8 (+11/+15) Bluff 7 (+10) Climb 6 (+6/+10) Computers 9 (+15) Craft (Electronics) 9 (+15) Craft (Mechanical) 9 (+15) Diplomacy 7 (+10) Drive 3 (+6/+10) Escape Artist 3 (+6/+10) Gather Information 7 (+10) Intimidate 7 (+10) Investigate 4 (+10) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 9 (+15) Knowledge (Technology) 9 (+15) Language 1 (English [Native], Korean) Notice 12 (+15) Perform (Percussion) 6 (+9) Search 9 (+15) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Stealth 8 (+11/15) Feats: 26PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Specialization (Spdr Blast) 1 Blind-Fighting Challenge (Improved Taunt) Distract (Bluff) Dodge Focus 4 Evasion 2 Fascinate (Bluff) Improved Disarm 1 Improved Initiative 2 Improved Trip Luck 4 Move-by Action Takedown Attack 2 Taunt Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) 1 Weapon Bind Powers: 12 + 8 + 8 + 2 + 24 + 1 + 8 = 63PP Enhanced Constitution 12 Quantum Enhancement [12PP] (Quantum, Physiology) Enhanced Dexterity 8 Quantum Enhancement [8PP] (Quantum, Physiology) Enhanced Strength 8 Quantum Enhancement [8PP] (Quantum, Physiology) Leaping 2 (Jump x 5, Running Jump 70ft, Standard Jump 35ft, Hight Jump 17ft) Quantum Enhancement [2PP] (Quantum, Physiology) Spdr Rig 8 (40PP Device, Easy to Lose) Quantum Manipulator [21PP] (Quantum, Technology) Damage 10 (Spdr Blast, 100ft range, Extra: Range Feat: Alternative Powers 4) [24PP] Dazzle 10 (Blinding Filaments, Visual Sense, 100ft range) [20PP] Snare 9 (Snaring Filament, 225 ft range Feats: Improved Range, Tether) [20PP] Snare 6 (Snaring Filaments, 60 ft range, 60ft radius burst Extra: Area Burst (General) Feat: Progression, Tether) [20PP] Trip 9 (Trippin' Filament, 90 ft range, 90ft radius burst Extra: Area Burst (General) Feat: Progression, Improved Throw) [20PP] Flight 4 (Swinging Filament, 100 mph / 880 ft/rnd Flaw: Gliding, Forward Only) [3PP] Force Field 4 [4PP] Impervious Toughness 1 [1PP] Super-Movement 2 (Quantum Cohesion, Slow-Fall, Wall-Crawling 3) [8PP] Super-Senses 1 (Field Distortion, Danger Sense) [1PP] (Quantum) Super-Strength 4 (+20 Str, Heavy Load 4,800 lbs) [8PP] (Quantum, Physiology) DC Block Attack Range Save Effect Spdr Blast Ranged DC Toughness Damage Dazzle Ranged DC 20 Fort/Ref Blinded Snare Ranged Area DC 16 Ref Snare Snare Ranged DC 19 Ref Snare Trip Ranged DC 19 Trip Unarmed Ranged DC 19 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (33) + Feats (11) + Powers (63) = 219/226 Power Points
  15. Forever Boy Power Level: 12 (216/227PP) Unspent Power Points: 11 Trade-Offs: (The Forever Blade) -5 Attack / +5 DC, (Fireworks) +4 Attack / - 4 DC, +5 Defense / -5 Toughness, (The Forever Weapon) -4 Attack / +4 DC, +5 Defense / -5 Toughness In Brief: Super powered trickster from Neverworld, a world of adventure and action. Catchphrase: "Let's go straight on 'til morning!" Theme: Storytime - Nightwish / Fly - Blind Guardian Alternate Identity: Pan (Secret), Pan Barrie (Secret, Earth identity) Birthplace: Neverworld. Residence: Claremont Academy, Freedom City. Base of Operations: Claremont Academy, Freedom City. Occupation: Student at Claremont Academy. Affiliations: Claremont Academy. Family: None known. Description: Age: Unknown. Claims to be 16. (DoB: Unknown, legally listed as 2002 on Earth) Apparant age: 16 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Alien, from Neverworld. Appears Caucasian. Height: 5’10’’ Weight: 170 lbs. Eyes: Green. Hair: Dark red. Pan is an attractive young man with dark red hair and green eyes. He has an athletic build, which he doesn’t mind showing with mostly form fitting clothing. Pan prefers green and red clothing, rarely wearing any dark colors. He almost always seem to be smiling.Pan wears a form fitting green uniform with white piping details on his elbows, the end of his sleeves, three lines on each shoulder and the bottom of his shirt, over his green pants. He wears green boots in the same color as his shirt and pants, with a white line just above his ankles and thicker white line where the boot ends. At Pan's chest, the green shirt is open in an elongated square shape, with one corner just below his solar plexus, and two at his chest. Under the green shirt, he wears a red shirt with a white heart interconnected with an infinity symbol. He wears a green domino mask. History: In Neverworld, adventure and action rule. Swashbuckling heroes chase heinous villains across the seas in flying airships, pixies guide adventures in search of treasures haunted by ghosts in the machine. The Lost Heroes chase the being known only as the Crocodile across the endless ocean, hoping that it will one day fulfil its destiny and defeat The Hooked Man for good. Pan was born into this world. Raised by pixies, he never knew his parents. Always believing they abandoned him, Pan quickly came to resent most adults. Aided by the pixies, he performed daring heists into the bustling cities of Neverworld to gather food or just play pranks, and Pan became something of a myth: A never aging trickster that would disappear into the night. Eventually, the Lost Heroes happened upon the city that Pan had decided to visit. Hearing the rumors of the mysterious Forever Boy, they set a trap, and managed to capture him. Feeling pity for the boy, they took him in, and through time and effort, Pan came to trust them, joining them in the quest for the Crocodile. Pan spent long travelling with the Lost Heroes, until they met the Hooked Man. A man of monstrous power, the Hooked Man defeated the Lost Heroes one by one, until he finally stood before Pan. With the strike of his blade, the Forever Boy severed the Hooked Man’s hand, which hurled into the waters below. As the Hooked Man prepared to kill Pan in retaliation, the Crocodile rose from the depths. Pan blacked out, and the next thing he knew, he woke up in Freedom City. With no way home, Pan wasted little time in exploring this strange new world. While living on the street and surviving through petty theft, he was eventually discovered while stopping a robbery with several future classmates from the Claremont Academy. Offered the choice of joining the Claremont Academy, Pan eventually accepted, given the identity Pan Barrie. If he could not find a way home to Neverworld, he could at least try to find a new adventure. Personality & Motivation: Pan is a trickster, preferring to solve problems through trickery rather than brute force. He enjoys playing tricks on others, whether they are practical jokes or something more. Pan is utterly fearless, aside from one thing: The fear that he will never return home. He hides this fear behind bravado and a smile, while trying to find anyone to become his friend, rather than remain alone in this strange, new world. Despite his fears, Pan is determined to enjoy Freedom City as his newest adventure, and to aid his new home however he can, at least until he can find a way back to Neverworld. Powers & Tactics: Pan’s powers are either an innate part of his alien nature, or a use of Pixie Dust taught to him by the pixies of Neverworld. True to his nature as a trickster, Pan prefers to disable his opponents through his various tricks, rendering them unable to fight back against him and his allies, sowing chaos and confusion on his way. While he will taunt and provoke his enemies, he prefers to fight at range. Power Descriptions: Pan's powers come from one of two sources: His alien genetics as a resident of Neverworld, or his usage of Pixie Dust, gifted to him by the Pixies of Neverworld. Any powers with the Pixie Dust descriptor, save for those explicitly told otherwise, tend to have a golden glow and leave behind golden glitter that disappear after a few seconds. Pixie Dust are is a form of magical technology used by the Pixies of Neverworld. Anyone is able to be empowered by Pixie Dust, if it is given as a gift by the Pixies, though it might cause different effects. The only standard effect for everyone seem to be the ability to fly. For Pan, it has also resulted in his lack of aging, seemingly being stuck at the age of 16 forever. He is also able to summon his uniform at will. Unless Pan decides to use his Pixie Dust for creating life-like image or outright illusions that can fool all senses, it seems to increase his natural charisma greatly. He can also use it to create a sort of mist that can fool both the visual and auditory senses of the ones caught within the mist, and not just their eyes. Pan is able to direct the mists away from allies, preventing them from being affected. Pan can use the Pixie Dust in a number of offensive ways, most notably by creating just about any weapon he can think of, all of which seem to glow with the light of the Pixie Dust, even if his prefered use is to create swords. He can channel the dust in a Pixie-shaped blast of light that homes in on his enemies, or an explosion of light that blinds his targets. Finally, he is able to create glowing golden bands from seemingly out of nowhere, which quickly converge to trap his foes. Pan's alien heritage as a Neverworlder leaves him tougher than a regular human, along with greatly enhanced hearing and a sixth, mental danger sense that warns him of danger moments before it happens. His mind is sharp, even for a Neverworlder, letting him complete mental tasks at incredible speeds, and he is able to understand any written or spoken language. He has always been exceptionally lucky, from being found by the Pixies to ending up in a place as interesting as Earth-Prime. Complications: Never is an awfully long time: While usually fearless, Pan has just one fear: That he will never be able to return to Neverworld. If Pan is affected by a Fear effect targeting his fear of never returning to Neverworld, his Fearless feat will not apply. Alternatively, if faced with a situation where he might be able to return home, it might cause him to hesitate or otherwise make the current situation worse.  Oh, the cleverness of me: Pan is a trickster, and he has trouble not taunting and otherwise aggravating his enemies. This can lead to escalation of conflict if Pan manages to aggravate the enemy enough, or Pan being attacked where he was previously ignored, making the situation worse for him. To live will be an awfully big adventure: To Pan, a life without adventure would be worse than death. He searches for adventure in any form, always having trouble sitting still, be it during classes, stakeouts or strategy meetings. This can apply in many ways, such as picking up a strange idol, pressing the tempting button with "Do not press" or flying after something the glowing light in the sky, having trouble staying focused during planning on learning, which can cause problems later on, if Pan forgets crucial information or just didn't pay attention in the first place. I'll hold you in my heart, until I can hold you in my arms: Pan is quick to find friends, and quick to trust them. He is willing to do just about anything for his friends, even if he shouldn't. Hurt his friends, and his revenge will be swift, even if it shouldn't be. If Pan's friends are hurt or in situations where they will be seriously hurt or worse if Pan or someone else doesn't help them, Pan will be spurred into action, even if the situation places Pan himself in great danger. All you need is faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust: Pan has to actually believe in himself and his abilities for his powers to work effectively. If his faith in himself is shaken, for instance by being met with an overwhelming foe or otherwise being worn down, any of his powers with the Pixie Dust descriptor might fail when he try to use them. All children, except one, grow up: Pan has a soft spot for children, and they tend to like him in turn. While he might not outright believe everything a child will say or do, knowing all too well how mischievous a child can be, he will always believe in children, prioritizing their protection and well being. It may have been quixotic, but it was magnificent: Pan's uncanny luck tends to have strange consequences. If probability is pushed far enough in one direction, it might just decide to push back, causing improbable things to happen, like the password to a computer suddenly changing, or a piano suddenly falling from the sky. Abilities: 4 + 10 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 10 = 36PPStrength: 14 (+2)Dexterity: 20 (+5)Constitution: 16 (+3)Intelligence: 14 (+2)Wisdom: 12 (+1)Charisma: 20 (+5) / 44 (+17) w. Forever Charismatic Combat: 12 + 14 = 26PPInitiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)Attack: +6 Base, +6 Melee, +6 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC BlockDefense: +17 (+7 Base, +10 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-FootedGrapple: +8 (+6 Base Attack, +2 Strength)Knockback: -2 / -3 (with Defensive Roll) Saving Throws: 5 + 7 + 8 = 20PP Toughness: +7 (+3 Con, +2 Protection, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +8 (+3 Con, +5) Reflex: +12 (+5 Dex, +7) Will: +9 (+1 Wis, +8) Skills: 48R = 12PP Acrobatics 2 (+7) Bluff 17Skill Mastery (+22) / (+31 w. Forever Charismatic) Notice 13Skill Mastery (+14) Sense Motive 11Skill Mastery (+12) Sleight of Hand 2 (+7) Stealth 3Skill Mastery (+8) Feats: 31PP Challenge [Fast Feint] Defensive Roll 1 Distract Dodge Focus 10 Evasion 2 Fearless Improved Initiative 1 Inspire 4 Jack-of-All-Trades Leadership Luck 3 Move-by Action Skill Mastery (Bluff, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth) Taunt Uncanny Dodge 2 [Visual, Auditory] Powers: 6 + 1 + 11 + 27 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 32 + 3 = 93PP Comprehend Rank 3 ("Universal Understanding"; Understand, speak and read all languages) [6PP] (Alien, Genetic) Enhanced Feat 1 ("Forever Uniform") (Quick Change) [1PP] (Pixie Dust) Flight 5 ("Fairy Flight"; Feats: Alternate Power 1) 250 MPH / 2500 ft./rnd) [11PP] (Magic, Pixie Dust) AP: Flight 2 ("Happy Thoughts"; Extras: Affects Others, Area [General Burst], Feats: Progression [Area] 1, Selective) (50 ft. radius) (25 MPH / 200 ft./rnd) {10/10} Trickster Array 12 (24 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [27PP] (Magic, Pixie Dust, Training) BP: Enhanced Charisma 24 ("Forever Charismatic") {24/24} AP: Illusion 10 ("Endless Forms"; Affects: Visual; Feats: Progression [Area] 4) (Area: 100 ft.) {24/24} AP: Illusion 5 ("Endless Forms Most Beautiful"; Affects: All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 4) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 100 ft.) {24/24} AP: Obscure 6 ("Hide & Seek"; Affects: Visual, Auditory; Extras: Independent [+0], Selective Attack, Total Fade; Flaws: Action [Full Round]) (Duration: Independent [24 rounds], Radius: 250 ft.) {24/24} Immunity 1 ("The Forever Boy"; Immunity: Aging) [1PP] (Alien, Pixie Dust) Immunity 5 ("Forever Free"; Entrapment Effects [Snare, Grappling, Bonds]) [5PP] (Magic, Pixie Dust) Luck Control 1 ("Forever Lucky"; Option: Force Rerolls) [3PP] (Alien, Genetic) Protection 2 ("Tough") [2PP] (Alien, Genetic) Quickness 4 ("Cleverness of Me"; Flaws: One type [Mental]) (Able to perform mental tasks at x25 normal speed) [2PP] (Alien, Genetic) Tricks Array 14.5 (29 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [32PP] (Magic, Pixie Dust, Training. Additional descriptors on each power) BP: Damage 14 ("The Forever Weapon"; Feats: Accurate, Extended Reach 2 [10 ft.], Improved Critical 2, incurable, Mighty, Precise, Stunning Attack, Variable Descriptor 1 [Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing]; Extras: Penetrating 5) {29/29} (Light, Slashing Damage Type) AP: Blast 12 ("Pixie Blast"; Feats: Accurate 3, Homing, Precise) {29/29} (Light, Impact Damage Type) AP: Dazzle 12 ("Fireworks"; Affects visual senses; Feats: Accurate 3, Incurable, Reversible) {29/29} (Light, Sound) AP: Snare 12("Binding Bands"; Feats: Accurate 3, Indirect 2) {29/29} (Solid, Light) Super-Senses 3 ("Never Senses"; Danger Sense [Sense Types: Hearing], Audio [Sense Type: Audio, Default Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged, Extras: Accurate]) [3PP] (Alien, Genetic) Drawbacks: -2PP Vulnerable (Emotion effects; Minor Intensity: +1 to saving throw DC) [-2PP] DC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC17 Tou (staged) Damage +6 Binding Bands 120 ft. DC22 Ref (staged) Entangled/Bound +12, Indirect 2 Fireworks 120 ft. DC22 Ref (Staged) Visual Senses Useless +12, Incurable Pixie Blast 120 ft. DC27 Tou (staged) Damage +12, Homing (1 attempt), Precise The Forever Weapon Touch (Up to 10 ft.) DC31 Tou (staged) / DC 26 Fort (staged) Damage / (Dazed/Stunned/Unconscious) +8, Crit 18-20, Incurable, Precise Endless Forms Perception DC20 Will (staged) Tricked if disbelieving illusion N/A Endless Forms Most Beautiful Perception DC15 Will (staged) Tricked if disbelieving illusion N/A Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (26) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (12) + Feats (31) + Powers (93) - Drawbacks (2) = 216/227 Power Points
  16. Okay going to start the design process for The Aviatrix, I'm going to be making a starting post and for now I am going to use this as a scratchpad. Once I'm done with the writing, I will change the following sentence to "Okay, open for advice/ideas." PLEASE WAIT TO RESPOND, UNDER CONSTRUCTION The Aviatrix Power Level: Built to PL 7 Caps with PL 10 Points (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: Trade-Offs: None In Brief: High Flying Costumed Detective equally at home in the grimier alleys of Emerald City. Catchphrase: "The skies of the future belong to the bold!" Theme: Alternate Identity: Annie Rose Mistral (Secret) Birthplace: Emerald City, USA Residence: Emerald City, USA Base of Operations: (Might have an HQ... still working on things) Occupation: Aerobatic Pilot Affiliations: AEGIS (On call) Family: Description: Age: 25 (DoB: July 24th, 1990, 8:36 am) Apparent Age: 25 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian (Scottish/French American) Height: 5 feet, 8 inches / 172.72 cm Weight: 150 pounds / 68.04 kg Eyes: Green Hair: Red History: Personality & Motivation: Powers & Tactics: Power Descriptions: Annie has a High-Tech pilot suit that she uses for a costume, Complications: Famous Aerobat: As Annie, The Aviatrix is well known for her Aerobatic skill, and is highly popular among aviation enthusiasts. On Call for AEGIS: At any time, AEGIS might call The Aviatrix up to assist either on Pilot duty or to help in an investigation. Abilities: 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 0 + 0 = 0PP Initiative: +0 Attack: +0 Melee, +0 Ranged Defense: +0 (+0 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +0 Flat-Footed Grapple: +0 Knockback: -0 Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Toughness: +0 (+0 Con, +0 [Example: Protection, Defensive Roll]) Fortitude: +0 (+0 Con, +0) Reflex: +0 (+0 Dex, +0) Will: +0 (+0 Wis, +0) Skills: 0R = 0PP Feats: 0PP Equipment: 0PP = 0EP Powers: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Totals: Abilities (0) + Combat (0) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = PLEASE WAIT TO RESPOND, UNDER CONSTRUCTION
  17. Midnight II Placeholder Text History Placeholder Text Costume and Appearance Placeholder Text Powers Placeholder Text Allies Placeholder Text Sidekick, HQ, Etc Placeholder Text Timeline 2010 Spring The Clock Strikes Twelve: Trevor Hunter transfers to Claremont Academy to finish the school year and is greeted by Mark Lucas and his friends. The taciturn teen is happy to let his new classmates do most of the talking and finds that his inherited codename comes with some cachet even if his powers pale next to those of his peers.Midnight Meeting: In the dormitory common room late at night, Trevor meets Erin White, also known as Wander. She shows him the Academy's Doom Room, a holographic combat simulator, and suggests he might be a good fit for Young Freedom. Trevor is impressed by her abilities but suspects his admiration may go a bit beyond strictly professional.The Wolf and The Night: Midnight encounters the werewolf Lukos while hunting criminals and after a brief skirmish the pair agree to work together toward their common goal.New Sound: Trevor meets another new student at Claremont, Warren Wilder, known at the time as Rift and latter simply Riff.Midnight Express: Erin accompanies Trevor of a nighttime patrol and he shows off a bit by talking them over the cables of the Pramas Bridge on the Night Cycle. They foil some minor crime and talk over diner food with Trevor working up the nerve to causally invite her to a charity gala he'll be attending.Japanese Import: Trevor is among the students to greet Karakuri Aiko on her first day at Claremont Academy.What is Essential: Eve Martel, a telepath and transfer student, arrives at Claremont Academy and Trevor helps her find the administrative office.House of L: Trevor, Erin and several others arrive at the Lucas residence just in time to see a booby trapped Steelgrave robot explose and slay Mark. Stunned by the loss they accompany their friend's family to the hospital where Rick Lucas has a breakdown, unleashing previous dormant reality warping powers that wash over the city...House of L: Wake-Up Call: In the new reality crafted by Rick Lucas everyone seems to have gotten what they most wanted; the original Midnight is still vital and active with Trevor acting as his sidekick, Kid Midnight. But standing over his parents' grave site with two sets of conflicting memories, Trevor is compelled to track down his friends and try to discover what is or isn't real.House of L: Bringing Down the House: The teens find that Mark has been revived in this new world but is imprisoned in a twisted version of his family home to keep him out of harm's way. Trevor infiltrates the house and breaks Mark free so that he can join the others in confronting his father.House of L: The End: Rick restores the world to its rightful state, saving his son's life in the process. Victory is not without cost, though, as Rick is forced to leave that reality and his family behind and each of the young heroes must contend with the secret wishes they've denied themselves in the process.House of L: Eve of Midnight: Trevor confronts Eve, who is bitter over losing the use of her voice a second time in the wake of House of L. Thanking her for helping to restore a world where his parents still live, Trevor strikes up a friendship with the petite Frenchwoman, who is similarly stubborn and driven.Monsters in the Streets! - Southside: Massive monsters run rampant through the streets of Freedom! Midnight teams up with Arrowhawk, Freedom Angel and others to take down some of the mysterious titans.Life's Parade of Fashion: Trevor brings Erin to meet his family's tailor, the incomparable Frank Jr. Frank sets to work designing a formal dress for Erin and shares some stories about the age of mystery men, letting slip that Trevor has a history as a competitive swing dancer.Summer "...And I'm a Mutant.": The country watches as Alex Albright comes out as a metahuman by birth on national television. Trevor questions the wisdom of stepping into the light.Could've Danced All Night: Trevor and Erin attend the charity gala and make a bit of a splash. Trevor runs into an old acquaintance, Meaghan Mercer, but their relationship is clearly anything but friendly. Even so after some nervousness the night goes well and Erin invites Trevor to the junior prom Alex has been planning.Jail Break: A massive riot at Blackgate Prison brings a laundry list of heroes out to stop the worst Freedom City has to offer from breaking free and causing chaos!Save Tonight: The off-campus prom promised to be the event of the season but when secrets come out in the worst way possible the fun turns to heartbreak and violence. Trevor joins in the damage control but friendships are left ruined. In the fallout he and Erin manage to share one quiet dance, listening to music through his earbuds.Midnight Bloom: A mystery chemical agent is killing plant life and Fleur de Joie seeks the help of renowned chemist Travis Hunter to discover its source. Trevor joins Fleur as Midnight to stop the dastardly defoliation!At the Mountains: Mark brings Young Freedom along to check on the Centurion's Sanctum, a duty inherited from his father. They find Dr. Stratos and Medea intent on freeing Superior from the Zero Zone. When Medea uses her magic to control Erin's mind Trevor and James have to work together to stop her long enough to break the spell.Lights at His Back, Stars in His Eyes: Greeting another new student to Claremont, Trevor finds that his eyes are increasingly light-sensitive and worries what that might mean about his developing metahuman powers.The Other Guys: Still in possession of the spaceship from Rick Lucas' alternate version of history, James raises the idea of proactively taking the fight to dimensions in need of saving to Trevor, Erin and Eve.Just Another Class Trip: Mr. Lumins, better known as Dark Star, takes a class of Claremont Students to an alien world for a field trip. When the planet comes under attack and Dark Star must deal with a fleet in orbit, Trevor and Erin work to lead their less experienced classmates against the invaders' ground forces.Temple of the Sun: Generations meet as Midnight attends a Lifetime Achievement ceremony for El Feugo alongside Edge, Ace Danger and Bombshell.Rose Tinted Glasses: A secondary leaves Trevor with onyx black sclera and blood red irises, horrifying him. Thanks to the support of Erin and their friends - and a timely shove from Eve - he begins to adapt to his new situation.Midnight Oil: Erin meets Trevor in the garage while he's working on the Night Cycle to tell him about James' confession of love. They agree that while they want to take things slowly they also want to continue deepening their relationship. She kisses him and he kisses her back.Fall A Trip Between Two Worlds: Trevor, Erin and Mark end up temporarily stranded on Earth-XX, a parallel world almost identical to Earth-Prime save that everyone's gender is reversed! Trevor gets along well enough with Tricia Hunter, encouraging her to pursue her feelings for the temperamental Arron White. A perfectly good pair of pants are ruined by glitter.Shadow in the Night: Midnight steps in to foil a mugging and ends up getting struck in the neck with a pipe by Carrie Wendle, after which she asks for his autograph.
  18. Wander Keeley Erin White (formerly Erin Keeley White), is the civilian alter-ego of the superheroine called Wander. Born November 11, 1992, in an alternate timeline (Freedom League Designation Earth Z-Omega-1(extinct)), Erin White arrived on Earth Prime October 17, 2008. Her legal name was changed shortly thereafter, to avoid confusion with her native double. She graduated from the Claremont Academy in Freedom City in the spring of 2011. She currently works as Chief of Security at HAX, a supertech company owned by Mara Halloman. In Erin's superhero identity as Wander, she is currently a member of the Liberty League. She's a former founding member of Young Freedom and keeps in touch with most of her old teammates. Wander's powers include superhuman agility, speed and strength, as well as an enhanced constitution that protects her from disease, poison, and most physical injury. She also has the ability to heal extremely quickly from injuries. She is a seasoned fighter and an experienced hero alone or in team-ups. Timeline 2009 SpringTouching Down: Erin arrives in Freedom City from Seattle with all her worldly possessions in a duffle bag. She is met by Alex Albright (Psyche) and Mike Harris (Phalanx) who are also starting school at Claremont Academy. The trio bonds over being the same age and uncertainty about the new school, and Alex offers to tutor Erin to help her catch up before the new school year.(Un)Familiar Faces: Erin, Alex and Mike arrive at Claremont Academy and get the ten-cent tour from Mrs. Harcourt. Alex and Erin are assigned as roommates for the summer.Going Walkabout Erin explores the school grounds on her own, but finds it difficult to let go of the habits and outlook she learned in her old life.Coping Strategies: Dr. Marquez, the school psychologist, assigns Erin to the Interdimensional Student Support Group, for kids from alternate realities. She meets several other students, including her classmates Quark and Agent H, but is quickly depressed by the stories of alternate realities and frustrated by the seemingly asinine response from the psychologist. She walks out of the group and does not attend again.Notes from Therapy: Wander Erin continues in private sessions with Dr. Marquez, but is less than communicative. As a compromise, he asks her to write stories to convey her feelings about all she has been through. SummerThe Sweet Science Erin and Mike help Coach Jones test some new gym equipment, and prepare for their upcoming placement tests.Placement Test: Wander: Mr. Archer, the gym teacher, gives Erin her combat assessment in the Doom Room holosimulator. After priming her adrenaline response with physical challenges and perceived threats to life and limb, he tells her to fight four simulated opponents using her normal fighting style. She frightens off one opponent, kills the next two messily, and nearly knocks herself unconscious fighting the last one before Mr. Archer ends the test. Both of them are badly shaken by the testing and what it reveals about Erin's readiness to fight for the side of good.What Dreams May Come Rattled by the combat assessment, Erin falls asleep and has a nightmare, inadvertently pulling her psychic roommate Alex along for the ride. Alex gets a look at the horrors of Erin's past and does her best to help, bringing the pair closer together.The Delicate Art of Thunder Erin goes with Mr. Archer to have specialized training from a powerhouse heroine called Thunderstanding. They get off to a rocky start when Erin finds it difficult to curb the reflexes that make her fight to kill, but eventually begins working on a number of drills to eventually make her safe for hero work.Making Schemes Erin strikes up a tentative friendship with Hope (Agent H), another dimensional refugee from a world overrun by Nazis.Making Friends Erin, Alex and Mike make the acquaintance of Eddie (Breakdown), a brash new student who is not sure whether he wants to be a hero or a famous DJ. That same afternoon they meet another student, Mark Lucas (Edge) a heroic legacy who already has a year at Claremont under his belt. They explore the library and meet Zaranna and her micro-raptor Squeaker, who once bit Mark during a sensitive moment while he and Zaranna were dating.Darian and Erin: Erin gets tutoring from Darian (Quark), who tries to teach her history with the use of a time-travel device. In the process she meets Dr. Tomorrow, gets a bit of her memory erased, and begins to wonder if Quark's fantastic devices might hold the key to going back and saving her world before it died. Darian opens a portal to her home on EZO1, but when she sees a moving humanoid shadow, she has a panic attack and makes him shut it down without going through.Out Tonight Mark wins tickets to a concert and invites his friends along, including upperclassman Chris Kenzie (Geckoman), partially due to his having a vehicle. They arrive at the concert to find Eddie already there, line-jumping and schmoozing. Chris winds up flirting with two supervillainesses, who try to put the whammy on him before Erin picks him up bodily and carries him out of danger, much to his chagrin.And Hell Came Knocking: Erin meets new classmate James Prophet (Hellion), scion of a prominent local family and possessor of an interesting set of hellfire-related powers. They arrange to play videogames together some night, as he is also of the rarely-sleeping persuasion.Take Me Out to the Ball Game: On a school outing to a Comets game, the gang arrive late due to some very unlucky traffic patterns and a wrong turn. By the time they arrive, the stadium has been taken hostage by villains Tech Kid and Mystic Force. The students work together to stop the villains and free the civilians, though once again Erin finds it extremely difficult to control her powers in the midst of a fight. At the end of the battle, Mark coins a team name, Young Freedom.Up All Night: Erin and James bond over a night of video games, two very guarded people letting their walls down just a little bit.Sweet Sixteen: Alex's sixteenth birthday party is all fun in the sun with Young Freedom until they uncover a map that leads to her mom's abandoned underground base. It's the perfect new HQ for a new team!Growing Up Claremont: Alex and Erin sign up for Driver's Ed and gossip about their male teammates. Erin asks Alex about Darian's time-travel suggestion, but Alex gently breaks the news that while going back in time might create a new and better timeline for a divergent Erin and her family, it will not bring back the family Erin lost. Erin is crushed but tries to hide it, and decides that now would be a good time to try sparring with Mike.Schoolyard Brawl Erin and Mike's sparring session leads to anger and hurt feelings when they tell each other uncomfortable truths that neither are ready to face. Alex steps in to try and smooth the ragged edges, but has a few unresolved issues of her own to deal with.The Other Goods Alex needs a dress for her first date with Mark, so she and Erin hit the mall. Erin manages to brave the crowds long enough to act like a normal teenager and is very proud of herself.Those Who Fight Monsters Erin comes across James sleeping in the library and, after nearly getting stabbed, learns about his nightly visits to hell courtesy of his demon-lord father. She tries to share with him a little about her world, but can't handle it and runs away. They reconcile later over Mario Kart and things go back to normal.Postgame Analysis After Alex returns from her date with Mark, she and Erin discuss how it went and what she ought to do next, then play a game of Life using house rules based on themselves and their teammates.Wandering Edge Erin and Mark work together in the simulator and learn that they make a formidable team. Erin manages to not botch a diplomatic situation, and Mark gets taken for a ride.Birthday at the Park: James treats all his friends to a day at Ocean Heights Amusement Park for his birthday, including food, rides and prepaid gift cards for the stores. Erin uses her card to augment her severely limited wardrobe and enjoys rides with her friends. At the end of the day, they fight some cultists and the emotion-controlling demon they summoned.A Three-Hour Tour: Erin tries to help recruit her friend Hope onto Young Freedom, but the effort is pretty much derailed by student shenanigans and a surprise trip to Erde.Morning in America: Erin, Mike, Mark and Chris wind up in Freedom City on Erde, while Alex, James, Eddie and Hope are sent to Erde's Kaiju Island. The foursome destroy a Nazi facility, where Erin scores a decisive victory against a small army of Nazi robots and disable a device that the Nazis had been using to contact other dimensions. They scavenge the pieces they need to repair the Resistance's teleporter, then head off to find their friends.Reunited and it Feels So Good: The students are teleported home from Erde, whereupon Eddie immediately says something dumb and insensitive about Nazis to Hope. Erin skips the debriefing to take her friend somewhere she can cool off.The Visit: Erin gives Dr. Haviland (Gossamer), the new chemistry teacher, a tour of the school grounds. She is mildly freaked out by the new teacher's impressive hair-based powers.Creative Destruction: Mike and Erin end up together in the Doom Room again, but this time on the same side. They patch up their differences, break the simulator, defeat a couple of villains, and cook up a plan to try simulator softball one of these days.Car Shopping: James takes Erin and Alex car shopping, theoretically for a vehicle for Young Freedom, then winds up sneakily buying Erin the blue pickup truck she's fallen in love with. FallTraining Maneuvers: Erin goes through another painful combat assessment from Mr. Archer in the Doom Room. This time she avoids killing any of her opponents, but begins to respond with lethal force to a powerful opponent. Mr. Archer gives her a real-life version of the padded bat she's been training with in the simulator.Sunny Afternoon Erin tries out her socializing ability by welcoming an uncertain new student to the school.The End of the World: Mike and Alex take Erin and Mark to the library as part of a convoluted scheme by Eddie and Chris for Mike to ask Erin on a date. Before anything can happen, Erin notices Mystic Force from the baseball stadium doing something nefarious with the library computers. It escalates into a standoff on the steps outside, one that is broken when Zoe Harris (Zephyr) comes hurtling back into the past from 30 years in the future to help her parents and their friends. Zoe spins a convoluted story to explain where she comes from, but eventually tells the truth to Erin and Headmaster Summers, asking them both to keep her secrets.Guitar Heroes: After Zoe's revelations, Erin assures her she will keep the secret, but advises Zoe that Alex will find out one way or another. She is surprised by the fact that she apparently lives another thirty years in Zoe's timeline, then clears out of the way so Zoe can go meet Eddie to join his band.Mysteries and Gossip: Back in their room, Erin and Alex discuss the day, including Mike's odd behavior and Zoe's appearance. Erin isn't exactly swept off her feet by the idea that Mike considers her “safe” to ask on a date, but doesn't rule out the possibility. She does her best to keep Alex from prying into Zoe's background, but is not terribly successful.Cool Air: Mike takes the advice of his friends and asks Erin out on a practice date, which she agrees to with some reluctance. They play simulator baseball, have a simulated brawl, share a milkshake, and fly over the lights of Freedom City at night. Erin feels awkward, but it's oddly nice.Some Girls: Despite Erin's best efforts to dissuade her, Alex runs a DNA profile on Zoe and discovers the truth about her parentage. Daisy (Student Body) overhears Alex's tearful discussion with Erin about how she isn't ready to be a mother, and gleefully spreads a mistaken conclusion all over school. Mike very nearly beats Mark to a pulp before Alex intervenes, and everyone starts to figure out what's actually going on. Alex and Mark break up, and Mike's experiment with practice girlfriends is finished.Beautiful City: Erin and Alex work together in the Doom Room for the first time, where Alex acquits herself well despite Erin's overprotective instincts. They are rewarded by additional homework from Mr. Archer.Memory: Mike stops by Erin's room for a chat on the awkward topic of breaking up a relationship that may or may not have existed. Erin insists that one outing as friends didn't mean anything more than that, but admits that maybe, if things were different, she might have liked there to be more.The Morning Of James and Erin play video games in the early morning hours of October 31. James mentions he's been having odd power spikes, and cagily mentions he has to deal with family business that evening. Erin shares that she's been confined to quarters for the evening to prevent accidents with partygoers. As he says goodbye, James tosses Erin the keys to his car, saying he won't be needing them. Erin misses the ominous overtone, too excited about the chance to go driving.Speak of the Devil: Halloween night, Erin begins to worry about James and goes to look for him. She finds a farewell note in his room and calls for her friends to help track him down before he does anything stupid. After a consultation with Phantom, the team heads out for a rescue mission.Another One Bites the Dust: Erin, Mark, Mike and Alex find James in an old cemetery, making his last stand against a small army of demons. There is a pitched battle, in which Alex and Mike both manage previously untouched levels of power, but it is not enough to keep James from being dragged off into hell.Fallen Friends: In the week after Halloween, Erin and Alex do research to try and find a way to reach and rescue James. They come up totally empty, and Erin begins to crack under the strain.Invasion:Riverside Gate: Young Freedom is called to fight a demonic Hellion and close the gate that is releasing a demon army on Freedom City. The fight seems hopeless, with far more demons than can be fought, until Psyche weaponizes the power of friendship and Erin controls her fighting instincts long enough to reach out to her lost friend. James comes back to himself and shuts the gate on his father, returning the city to pre-invasion calm.Rapproachment: Days after the end of the demonic invasion, James finds Erin exercising after dark and comes over to apologize to her. They mend fences over all that was said and unsaid, and Erin finally gets a chance to drive James' car with him in it.Giving Thanks: Acting with the very best of intentions, Mark invites Erin to his home for an awkward Thanksgiving dinner with his family. Erin appreciates the gesture and does her best, but is still drowning in grief for her own lost family. Her one saving grace is the mangy orange cat who seems to have adopted her, and who makes her feel better when she pets him.Beyond the Veil: Erin and Oliver turn out to support Mark when he learns the truth of his origins: his father is actually the son of Jimmy Lucas' genie pal rather than Jimmy Lucas himself, making Mark one-quarter djinn himself. Erin also has her first meeting with Phantom, a rather tense one until Phantom assures her that she won't be throwing Erin off Earth Prime. 2010 WinterMoney for Nothing: Over Christmas Break, Alex cooks up a plan to play the stock market and build up a college fund for Zoe. She hires Erin to keep an eye on the stocks at night, and helps her out by making her a stock-owning employee of the new company and dumping a basic course in the stock market into her head. Erin is not sure about any of this working, but needs money for cat food and wants to help out anyway.It's a Jungle Out There: Young Freedom goes on their first international adventure, traveling to Dakana to fight a clone of Shadivan Steelgrave. They defeat him and save his captured proles from firey volcanic death, but during the standoff, Erin learns that the Terminus was responsible for the virus that began the apocalypse in her home dimension.Fatherly Advice: Rick Lucas makes an unusual evening visit to Erin's dorm room to say that Mark will recover from his experience in Dakana and to warn her about the perfidious evil of Shadivan Steelgrave.Gazing Into the Abyss: Erin seeks out the dimensional guardian Phantom for more information about the Terminus and the man Steelgrave called Friendly. Phantom tells her about Physician Friendly and his horrible hospital on Nihilor, and confirms that he could well have killed Erin's world, but warns her that he is too well-defended for Erin to try and fight with any hope of success.Battle of the Sexes: Erin, Alex, Mike and Mark square off in a silly girls-versus-boys match to test their new simulator. The girls defeat the boys using an amusing human-size hamster ball and flee the scene to savor their victory.It Is Well With My Soul: Erin and James hear a rumor about a real honest-to-god (so to speak) angel in Freedom City. Since they both have a bone to pick with religion, they go seek out Heyzel, who does seem to be the real deal. No productive conversation ensues, but everyone gets something to think about.Title of Show: Young Freedom's training game of Capture the Flag on campus is interrupted when Erin and Mike nearly collide at high speeds with new student Faith. Mark executes a daring last-minute save and proceeds to unleash every romantic cliche he can think of to impress the pretty new girl. Everyone else proceeds to tease Mark, who totally ignores them in favor of his new and very impressed conquest.From the Shore to the Water: Alex and Erin go swimsuit shopping after being invited to James' mid-winter pool party extravaganza. They discuss strategies for Alex's ongoing seduction of Mike, as Erin attempts to find a swimsuit that doesn't make her look like a bodybuilder. Erin is not certain whether she'll have fun at James' kind of party, but promises to at least make an appearance.Beach Party in Winter James throws a temperature-controlled beach party for all his friends, and Erin goes with some trepidation. She has fun for awhile, then is roped into an uncomfortable conversation about the inevitable implosion between Mark and his girlfriend Faith.Beyond the Door: Erin goes back to St. Stephen's for another theological discussion with Freedom Angel, this time without taking James along. She keeps her temper a little better this time, long enough to ask about how Heaven works, even if she doesn't understand the answers. Freedom Angel admits that God has not spoken to his angels in nearly 1500 years, which is sobering to them both. SpringI Don't Know Kung-Fu: Erin attempts to teach her teammate Geckoman how to fight hand-to-hand after he loses his zappers in a fight against his supervillain girlfriend. They make some progress, but are hampered by fundamental differences in approaches to combat.A Day Without Powers: Some of the kids from Young Freedom agree to wear power suppressors for a day for a school project. Erin feels weak and clumsy, but is much less affected by the suppressors than some of her more powerful classmates.Midnight Meeting: While spending yet another late night in the common room, Erin meets new student Trevor Hunter, Midnight II, who is also a night owl. She offers to show him the Doom Room, and they run through a training scenario together and are reasonably impressed by each others' abilities. Erin offers to put in a good word for him with Young Freedom if he wants a team.Enter the Squid: Erin gives new student Blake, Kid Cthulhu, a quick tour of the school after Oliver gives him the cold shoulder upon his arrival.Monsters in the Streets:Bayview: With monsters attacking all over the city, Young Freedom is called to save the Pramas bridge from a trio of giant monsters set on shaking it to bits, civilians and all!New Sound: Oliver introduces Erin to another new student. Warren, called Rift, is a sound controller who is eager to meet people and get started at Claremont.Midnight Express: Erin and Trevor meet up on another late night. He takes her for a thrilling ride on his motorcycle, including a cable jump of the Pramas Bridge. They fight a little crime and have a surprisingly easy chat over coffee and cocoa, then Trevor invites Erin to a fancy dress party in a few weeks time.House of L: A sudden alert on Memorial Day draws Erin, Trevor and some of her teammates and friends to Mark's home, where he's just fought off another Steelgrave robot. They arrive just in time for the booby-trapped chassis to explode, impaling Mark with a metal shard and killing him instantly. At the hospital, Rick Lucas has a complete meltdown in a roomful of grieving heroes, lashing out at his old comrades and vanishing most of the Freedom League before making a wish that everything would be how it was supposed to be again.House of L: Wakeup Call: Erin finds herself falling onto the lawn of Freedom Hall, where she is immediately chased across town by a doppelganger who calls her “Rednaw.” Her friends have all been dropped into new, Rick Lucas-approved lives, but Erin is a wild card for some reason. They quickly discover that not following the script can lead to people being deleted or hurt, as happens to Chris when he throws a punch at his gone-evil girlfriend. They regroup aboard James' brand new spaceship (aliens being more Lucas-approved than demons) and try to make a plan to set things right.House of L: Bringing Down the House: Now reunited, Erin and her friends set off to look for Mark, and find him trapped in a warped version of his own home, apparently for safekeeping. They break him out and go to confront Rick Lucas in Freedom Hall, trying to convince him to fix the world. Erin reminds him that he is not the only one who is desperate to change the past, but this is not the way. Eventually Rick breaks down and uses his power again, dissolving the world.House of L: The End: When the world reforms itself again, Erin and her friends are standing on Mark's lawn, along with Mark's parents and Mark himself, still alive. Rick then tells his family he can't stay, that two reality warpers of his caliber would damage the world, and tells them he loves them before vanishing. A grieving Mark asks to be left alone with his mom, so his friends slowly dispersed, having won a victory that seems somehow a little hollow.No More Good Days: Mark reaches out to Alex and Erin for help dealing with his many emotions surrounding his father's disappearance and his own temporary death.Fisticuffs 2: Opening Credits: Erin attends a citywide sparring match for superheroes, looking to meet some heroes and pick up some pointers. Instead she encounters Dead Head for the first time, which results in an embarrassing loss of composure for her and an inconvenient loss of head for him.Consolations and Remembrances: After fleeing her confrontation with Dead Head, Erin comes back to campus, where James finds her crying against a tree. She pours out the story of her powers and her dead world to him, and he does his best to comfort her, for all he has to admit that she probably didn't kill Dead Head. James promises things will get better, and she tries hard to believe him.Life Lessons: Erin meets up again with Dynamo, a speedster she met at the sparring match, when he comes to Claremont for powers testing. His intrusive questions fluster her and make her question the place she's tried so hard to achieve among her fellow students.So the Drama: Alex and Erin discuss recent events in Erin's life, especially her argument with Dynamo and the upcoming fancy-dress date with Trevor. Alex floats an idea for a junior prom, despite their concerns that some of the members of Next Gen will try to make trouble.Life's Parade of Fashion: Trevor takes Erin to meet his family tailor, an elderly but spry man named Frank who designs uniforms and formalwear for superheroes and mystery men. He decides to design Erin a red dress that she is slightly unsure about, and tells them stories of the good old days.A Simple Plan: Mike asks Erin for advice on whether he should propose to Alex even though they are still in high school, and how he should do it. She is diffident, but advises him to go ahead if he thinks he is truly ready. She also recommends keeping things very simple, no flashy stuff. He thinks this is a good call.Now What Did You Learn Dynamo brings Erin flowers and apologizes for his rude behavior on their last meeting. She accepts the apology and shows him how to use a tennis ball cannon for training.Walk Softly and Carry a Collapsible Stick: Erin meets Eve, a new student who is a mute telepathic gymnast. They work out together and have a very brief sparring session, then chat about the school.Cold Case: While out on patrol, Erin happens upon a misunderstanding-fight between Dead Head and Lady Winter. She drops in and subdues Dead Head's skeleton minions, threatens the zombie for a few minutes, then takes Lady Winter back to base so Psyche can help her find a place to live in Freedom City.Just Like Old Times: James' increasingly hectic schedule has been keeping him off campus, but he and Erin eventually find an evening to catch up. They talk about his new ship, brought over from Rick Lucas' world, and play Mario Kart. SummerSummer Job Listing: Erin answers an ad for a babysitter with combat skills and winds up interviewing with Phantom and Avenger for the job of babysitting their dhampir child. She impresses Avenger with her reflexes and hard right hook and gets the job.No Mercy: With Grue rampaging in the streets of Freedom City, Young Freedom and the Interceptors team up to protect the beleaguered Freedom Medical Center from an enormous Grue monster.Nockin' on Iron: Erin and James step in to assist a pair of new heroes who get in over their heads while trying to stop a drunk and disorderly villainess from tearing up a neighborhood.High Noon: Erin and Young Freedom work together to stop a deadly solar laser blast from incinerating large chunks of Freedom City, but although they see it is a manmade threat, they cannot find who might have done it.Could've Danced All Night: Erin and Trevor attend a fancy party as the representative of the Hunter family and his date. Trevor wins major points by letting her drive his classic limo on the way, and despite a little nervous awkwardness, they have fun dancing and socializing. By coincidence, James is also at the party, and realizes his feelings for Erin have shifted, though he does not make this known. At the end of the evening, Erin asks Trevor to the prom.Save Tonight: Erin and Trevor go to the prom Alex is putting on at the AEON building, only for the evening to be ruined by Daisy conspiring to out the truth of Zoe cheating on Eddie with James. Consternation turns to near-catastrophe when Eddie responds by driving a sports car into the ballroom, hoping to hit James, and Mike nearly causes mayhem on his own when he lets anger get the best of him. Eddie and Zoe break up, Eddie gets ejected from Young Freedom, and Trevor and Erin enjoy one quiet dance in a hallway, listening to Trevor's iPod.I See What You Did There: Young Freedom faces the music from the Headmaster after the prom disaster. Erin is surprised to be complimented on her handling of the situation.Strength to Strength: Duncan Summers lines up a new mentor for Erin: the heroine Fulcrum. After seeing Wander in action in Fisticuffs, Fulcrum is slightly ambivalent, and after losing her first mentor after a short period of time, Erin is ambivalent as well. They eventually go out for lunch and have a pleasant small-talk conversation.At The Mountains Mark brings his teammates with him on a trip to the Centurion's Sanctum to make sure things are still in good shape there. When they arrive, they find Medea and Dr. Stratos trying to release Superior from the Zero Zone. Medea mind-controls Erin to attack her friends, before James and Trevor working in concert manage to subdue her and get her back to fighting the bad guys again.Giant Dragon Bees: Erin and Jack of All Blades mend some fences while stopping some giant fire-breathing bees menacing Freedom City.MAWS Erin steps in to assist the heroine Fusion when she gets in over her head, so to speak, while fighting Megalodon and his army of shark mutates.A Clearer View: James invites Erin for a tour of his spaceship, where engine troubles and passive-aggressive AIs make the tour a little more fraught than fun. James finally confesses he has feelings for her that are more than friendly, leaving Erin very confused.Coincidences: Erin helps out a street-level hero named Drifter nap a fleeing crook, then has a talk with him about what it means to be a real hero.A Better World Erin meets a dimensionally-jumping version of herself from a universe where the vaccine that empowered her was distributed, rather than the zombie-causing vaccine. The other Erin's world now has two billion superheroes running around. She warns Erin to be on the lookout for Shadivan Steelgrave, who has attacked and hurt or killed a number of Erins along their shared universal axis, and mentions that there are Erins out there in even worse shape than Wander.Lights at His Back, Stars in His Eyes: Erin and Oliver meet the new carrier of the Beacon legacy, Erin rescues Mark from another ill-advised sky-high adventure, and Trevor has trouble with his increasingly light-sensitive eyes.Crypt Tonight: Erin is assigned to go talk with Dead Head as part of her cognitive behavioral therapy for zombies. They do not make friends, but she doesn't beat him up a third time, so it's a partial victory.Calimari on the Menu: Fusion invites Erin to her home for dinner as a thanks for her help with the giant sharks. Erin attends and manages to act normal the entire time, a significant accomplishment. Joan, a reporter in her civilian life, is very interested by Erin's lack of answers about her personal life.The Other Guys James invites Erin, Eve and Trevor to his ship to discuss the possibility of interdimensional adventures.Just Another Class Trip: Erin and Trevor go with Dark Star and some of their summer school classmates to an alien world tha is quickly invaded by the Stellar Khanate. Trevor and Erin work toghether to save their less-experienced classmates and the day as well.Rose-Tinted Glasses: Trevor's powers manifest in the form of a secondary mutation: black and red eyes. Erin, who has been getting steadily closer to Trevor, is thrown for a few minutes, but she and the rest of Trevor's friends quickly begin to adjust to the change.Midnight Oil: Erin works up her nerve and talks to Trevor about James' feelings for her, and why things have been slightly strained on the new team. She also tells him that she really likes him and wants to keep getting to know him, even though they both have issues that require care and time. She kisses him, he kisses her back, and they make plans to have dinner together later.We Can Be Like They Are: Erin has another nightmare about zombies, this one about all her friends and family as zombies, with a gleeful Dead Head reminding her that every zombie she's ever killed was a person once, part of somebody's family.Case of the Mondays: Erin drags a very reluctant Oliver off-campus for a visit with the city's only super vet. FallA Trip Between Two Worlds: Erin, Trevor and Mark get pulled into an alternate dimension where everyone's gender is reversed. Mark and Marcie hit it off big time and Trevor and Tricia get along, but Erin's own insecurities and self-doubt lead to lots of friction with her double Aaron.A Doktor Who Makes House Calls?!: Erin's quiet night of babysitting is interrupted when Dr. Archeville comes by to give JJ a checkup, and then interrupted further when the doktor reads an eldritch tome that possesses him and releases a quintet of monsters into the city.* Outing: Erin goes to sit with Mark at the hospital while he watches over his sick grandmother. Rick Lucas drops in for a visit as well, his first since leaving the dimension, and warns them that trouble with the Terminus is coming. Mark asks Erin how her father died, and she tells him.Mind Games: Erin, Trevor, Mark, Blake and Warren are dropped into Anti-Earth by an evil version of Rick Lucas, swapped with their counterparts to see who survives better. Erin is horrified to learn that her double is a dimensional refugee like herself, driven mad and caged until needed as a weapon.Whistling in the Dark: A slow night in Southside results in a four villain pile-up for Erin, Gabriel, Momentum and Dyne. Gabriel gives the younger heroes the lowdown on Southside, while Erin gives Momentum a sobering look at what it really means to be a superhero.Meet the Interceptors: Erin's mentor, Mona, takes Erin to the Brownstone to meet her team, the Interceptors. Erin gets a tour of the house and a look at the simulator, but is a little thrown by the team's super-casual vibe.Midnight Run: Erin and Trevor take Erin's newly customized truck for a spin, and the words “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” are tried out for the first time. Chocolate pie, a discussion about evil ex-girlfriends and some very exciting kisses round out the evening.Midnight Confessions: Erin decides to tell Trevor exactly how she came to be on Earth Prime, just in time for zombies to attack Freedom City. Flouting the restriction that she is to stay on campus during any undead activity, Erin helps Mark get his mom to safety at Midnight Manor, then follows Trevor out to fight.Midnight in Her Eyes: Several days after the zombie uprising, Trevor goes to check on Erin, who's had a hard time settling down. They talk about what happened in the Manor, and start getting comfortable with one another again.The Quality of Mercy: Mark brings Erin some new clothes to replace what was recently ruined or given away, and to talk about his decision to heal his evil doppelganger. Erin admits that she was angry about that, given how Hex treated her own double, but that she was more unhappy because there was nothing she could do to help the luckless Singularity. Mark talks about UNISON, and Erin reveals she plans to stay in Freedom City after graduation for reasons.Settling In: Erin has a brief conversation with Corbin, a new student who Oliver found up in a tree. They have little in common, but the exchange is friendly enough.Absent But Not Forgotten: Erin and JJ go on a babysitting adventure to the park, where they are surprised to encounter JJ's often-absent mom Taylor. Erin tries to encourage Taylor to spend more time with JJ, but mostly just ends up annoying her employer a little. She does get permission to bring Trevor along on babysitting jobs.This Party's Better Than It Seems: Erin opens her birthday box from the White family in Seattle, while chatting about school and making friends with Jill O'Cure. She gets a new netbook, some sweaters, and an heirloom necklace that is half the set that was Erin Prime's inheritance from her grandmother.Kill A Man: The members of Young Freedom are invited by White Lion to visit Dakana for fun and education. On the way there, they take advantage of Dakana's lower drinking age, get tipsy via Alex's telepathy, and play Truth or Dare. Erin tells Trevor she loves him, and he returns the sentiment. At the reception, Hellion turns up for the first time in four months.Kill A Man: Boys Boys Boys: After the reception, Erin and Alex enjoy the plush furnishings of their room in the palace and discuss what Erin wants to do with and about Trevor.Inside Out, Upside Down: Erin goes with Avenger, Dead Head and a weird grown-up Jack Junior to rescue Phantom and JJ when an argument with Heshem leads to them being trapped inside the Void. Minions are beaten down, speeches are made, and eventually Taylor retakes her mantle and Erin gets a paycheck that will be the security deposit on her first apartment.Mind Over Matter: Erin visits The Lab on an assignment to assist a scientist and write a report about it. She tries helping Supercape with a quantum energy project, but is much more effective helping him fight off the Factor Four when they try to rob the place! He offers to show her any alternate dimension she likes, but she takes a raincheck, saying she's not ready to go to the world she wants to visit.House on the Hill: Erin brings Trevor with her to babysit JJ, but first he must pass Avenger's somewhat obnoxious idea of an entrance exam.Starve Free: Erin meets Harrier, a freed Omegadrone, when he comes to campus. She takes him to the Doom Room and has him sketch out everything he knows about Physician Friendly's Helpful Hospice, in the hopes of taking it down herself.All Your Bank Are Belong To Us: Erin takes Cobalt Templar out on training patrol, only for things to turn surprisingly dangerous when they find Pax trying to protect a bank from a crowd of robot robbers. Erin manages to keep either boy from being hurt and defeats the leader robot, but at the cost of several ribs. Back on campus, Jill finds her and cures her with trademark blunt snarkiness. Alternate Timelines and Characters 2009Ghosts in the Shell Set in Earth C-Future-2, Zoe Harris' (Zephyr's) home timeline. Erin and Mark, middle aged and divorced in this world, search the rubble of Freedom City for Zoe after the disaster that killed Alex and Mike. Their daughter Clara shows up to help, but all the evidence points to Zoe using her super-speed to run straight towards an explosion she could not have survived. 2010Mind Games Remix: While Wander and Young Freedom struggle to find a way home from Anti-Earth, Singularity gets an intoxicating taste of freedom as the Young Imperials try to chase her down.
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