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  1. Closing the book on 2024! Special congratulations to two players who earned new reward slots this month; well done! As usual, if you didn't get your posts in on time you can throw them into Late Thread Counting and let us know. If you have any concerns or questions about this month's counts, please reach out to us and we'll take a look. Ari Rainshadow 1 PP (Guide Point) AvengerAssmbled Angelic 14 posts = 2 PP Sea Devil +1 PP (Ref Point) Neko 1 + 2 = 3 posts = 1 PP Azuth [now Gold!] Gauss 3 posts = 1 PP Dr. Archeville Doktor Archeville [MAXED] 2 posts Artificer 2 posts (rollover) = 1 PP + 1 PP (Ref point) = 2 PP Dracostern Cerebral and Cerebellum 1 + 7 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 22 posts = 2 PP Tinman and Oz 4 posts = 1 PP EternalPhenoix Serendipity 5 + 6 + 1 + 1 +1 + 1 = 16 posts = 2 PP + 1 PP (Ref Point) = 3 PP Queenie 2 posts = 1 PP Terrifica [MAXED] 1 post = 1 PP Fox Gaian Knight [MAXED] 4 posts Nocturne 1 rollover post = 1 PP + 1 PP (ref point) = 2 PP Grim 1 rollover post = 1 PP Gremilin 1 rollover post = 1 PP Masque 1 rollover post = 1 PP Gizmo Chittin +1 PP (Ref Point) Heritage Crystal-Gazer 3 posts = 1 PP Gossamer II 10 posts (rollover) = 2 PP Miracle Girl [MAXED] 5 posts Grimalkin [MAXED] 4 + 5 = 9 posts Jack Arctus 2 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 26 posts = 3 PP Kaede Kimura Harlequin 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5 posts = 1 PP Shadowborn 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 6 posts + 4 GM = 10 posts = 2 PP Blue Bolt 2 + 1 = 3 posts = 1 PP Dreamer 1 + 1 = 2 posts = 1 PP Shooting Star 1 + 1 = 2 posts = 1 PP GM 1 + 1 = 2 posts x2 = 4 posts Knight Disciple Patrioteen +1 PP (Ref Point) Lone Star Ghule 5 + 1 + 1 = 7 posts +6 GM rollover = 12 posts = 2 PP Prime Mover 8 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 16 posts = 2 PP GM 2 + 1 = 3 x2 = 6 posts Moonsimply La Puma Negra 5 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 16 posts = 2 PP Nerzul Animist 1 post = 1 PP Nightscale 1 post = 1 PP Poncho [Now Platinum!] Golden Star 4 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 5 + 10 + 2 = 30 posts + 20 GM = 50 posts = 4 PP + 2 PP (vignette) = 6 PP Dwayne Devon Davidson 3 posts +7 GM = 10 posts = 2 PP King Cole III 1 + 3 + 5 + 2 = 11 posts +89 GM = 100 posts = 5 PP + 2 PP (origin vignette) + 1 PP (20Q) + 2 PP (HellQ) + 1 Rep page + 2 PP (Nov/Dec Vignette) + 1 PP (Ref point) = 14 PP Star Knight and Star Squire 2 posts = 1 PP GM 1 + 4 + 2 + 12 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 15 = 59 posts = 118 Rocket Lord Bounce 9 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 3 = 19 posts + 31 rollover/GM = 50 posts = 4 PP Dust Devil II 1 rollover post = 1 PP Rex Atom 2 posts + 8 GM = 10 posts = 2 PP Space Ranger III 1 rollover post = 1 PP Spaceman 5 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 12 posts +38 rollover/GM = 50 posts = 4 PP + 1 PP = 5 PP Archer II [MAXED] 2 posts Ghost [MAXED] 5 + 6 + 5 = 16 posts Justice [MAXED] 1 post Stormcrow [MAXED] 7 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 14 posts GM 2 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 8 + 2 + 3 = 26 x 2 = 52 posts Spacefurry Blackstaff 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 8 posts = 1 PP Paper 3 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 3 = 12 posts = 2 PP Predator 2 posts = 1 PP Seraphim 2 + 3 + 5 + 1 = 11 posts = 2 PP Supercape Lament [MAXED] 13 posts (roll to Spore) Pitch [MAXED] 1 post (roll to Peak) Spore 3 + 1 + 2 = 6 posts + 13 (rollover) + 6 GM = 25 posts = 3 PP Gamma Buzz 2 + 10 + 2 + 3 = 17 posts +8 = 25 posts = 3 PP Sgt Shark 2 posts (rollover) = 1 PP + 2 PP (vignette) +2 (rollover vignette) = 5 PP Rev [MAXED] 1 post (roll to Peak) BloodyMess [MAXED] 1 post (rollover to Sgt Shark) Captain Cosmos vignette (roll to Sgt Shark) Haven [MAXED] 1 post (roll to Sgt Shark) GM 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 7 = 17 x 2 = 34 posts Peak 2 post (rollover) + 8 GM = 10 posts = 2 PP Murderman 10 GM = 2 PP The Sailor Torpedo Lass II 4 + 5 + 1 + 2 = 12 posts = 2 PP Levity 2 posts = 1 PP Thevshi Multi-Girl 3+7+4+1+10 GM = 25 posts = 3PP + 1 PP (Ref point) = 4PP Paradigm [MAXED] 2 posts Slipstream 5+6+6+3+1+2+1+1 = 25 posts = 3PP Synapse [MAXED] 2 posts Timeout 2+4+2 + 17 (GM/rollover) = 25 posts = 3PP Velocity [MAXED] 7 posts GM 3+2+1+1+1+1 = 9 x 2 = 18 posts Thunder King Sever 2 posts = 1 PP Crimson Tiger 2 posts = 1 PP Tiffany Korta Madame Raven 1 post = 1 PP Centuria 1 post = 1 PP Dr. Rosa Thorne 1 post = 1 PP Emerald Spider 2 posts = 1 PP Merge Trois 1 post = 1 PP + 1 PP (ref point) = 2 PP Mz Grue 1 + 2 = 3 posts + 7 rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP Revenant [MAXED] 2 post The Traveller [MAXED] 1 post Zhenshchina-voin 4 posts
  2. Getting close to the end of 2024! I hope it's been a good year for folks, all world events notwithstanding - and here's to hoping for the brighter parts of 2025. Special congratulations to the not one but two players who maxed out a character this month; well done! As usual, if you didn't get your posts in on time you can throw them into Late Thread Counting and let us know. If you have any concerns or questions about this month's counts, please reach out to us and we'll take a look. ---------- April Arcana: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (admin) = 1pp Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp AvengerAssembled Patriot II: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Dr Archeville Artificer: 0 posts + 2 (rollover) = 2 posts = 1pp + 1 (ref) = 2pp Doktor Archeville: 2 posts = 1pp EternalPhoenix Serendipity: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Fox Gaian Knight: 1 post = 1pp Nocture: 1 post (rollover) = 1pp + 1pp (ref) = 2PP Heritage Crystal-Gazer: 2 posts = 1pp Gossamer II: 4 posts + 2 (rollover) = 6 posts = 1pp Grimalkin: 2 posts = 1pp Jack Arctus: 7 posts = 1pp Kaede Kimura Shadowborne: 7 posts = 1pp Shooting Star: 6 posts + 4 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp The Dreamer: 7 posts = 1pp Blue Bolt: 6 posts + 4 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp Harlequin: 8 posts + 2 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp GM: 5 posts * 2 = 10 KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp Lone_Star Ghule: 3 posts + 4 (GM) = 7 posts = 1pp Prime Mover: 5 posts = 1pp GM: 2 posts * 2 = 4 Nerdzul Nightscale: 2 posts = 1pp Animist: 1 post = 1pp Poncho Golden Star: 31 posts + 69 (GM) = 100 posts = 5pp + 1 (ref) = 6pp Dwayne Devon Davidson: 3 posts + 21 (GM) = 23 posts = 3pp King Cole III: 16 posts + 34 (GM) = 50 posts = 4pp GM: 62 posts * 2 = 124 RocketLord Archer II: 5 posts + 5 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp + 1 (ref) = 3pp, and is now TITANIUM! Bounce: 11 posts + 14 (rollover) = 25 posts = 3pp + 1 (ex) = 4pp Dust Devil II: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp Rex Atom: 3 posts + 7 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp + 1 (ex) = 3pp Space Ranger III: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp Spaceman: 7 posts + 18 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp + 2 (vignette) + 1 (ex) = 6pp Ghost: 11 posts = 2pp Stormcrow: 3 posts = 1pp GM: 16 posts * 2 = 32 Spacefurry Paper: 4 posts = 1pp Blackstaff & Lark: 3 posts = 1pp Chimera: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp Predator: 3 posts = 1pp Seraphim: 6 posts + 7 (GM) = 13 posts = 2pp GM: 4 posts * 2 = 8 Supercape Spore: 5 posts + 5 (rollover) = 10 posts = 2pp Gamma Buzz: 24 posts + 1 (rollover) = 25 posts = 3pp Bloody Mess: 1 post = 1pp Pitch: 1 post = 1pp Lament: 25 posts = 3pp + 2 (vingnette) = 5pp, and is now TITANIUM! Haven: 5 posts = 1pp Rev: 1 post = 1pp + 2 (vignette) = 3pp Peak: 0 posts + 1 (rollover) + 9 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp Sgt Shark: 0 posts + 10 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp Murderman: 0 posts + 1 (rollover) + 9 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp + 2 (vignette rollover) = 4pp GM: 19 posts * 2 = 28 The Sailor Torpedo Lass: 15 posts = 2pp Thevshi Timeout: 4 posts + 4 (rollover) = 8 posts = 1pp Slipstream: 15 posts + 10 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp Multi-Girl: 4 posts + 6 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp + 1 (ref) = 3pp Velocity: 4 posts = 1pp GM: 8 posts * 2 = 16 Tiffany Korta Madame Raven: 3 posts = 1pp Centuria: 3 posts = 1pp Dr Rosa Thorne: 2 posts = 1pp Emerald Spider: 4 posts = 1pp Merge Trois: 1 post = 1pp + 1 (ref) = 2pp Mz Grue: 3 posts = 1pp Starshine: 2 posts = 1pp The Immutable Betsy Brooks: 2 posts = 1pp Valkyrja: 1 post = 1pp
  3. FlyingFresh Gookgak: 1 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 9 x 2 = 18 posts = 2PP Heritage Crystal-Gazer: 3 posts = 1PP Gossamer II: 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 (Rollover Post) = 8 posts = 1PP Grimalkin: 1 post [MAX] Kaede Kimura Shadowborne: 1 = 1 post = 1PP Shooting Star: 1 + 2 = 3 posts = 1PP The Dreamer: 1 + 1 + 7 + 2 (GM Posts) = 11 posts = 2PP Blue Bolt: 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 20 (GM Posts) = 26 posts = 3PP Harlequin: 3 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 2 = 10 posts = 2PP GM: 2 + 2 + 14 + 4 = 22 posts Lone_Star Ghule: 4 + 1 + 1 = 6 posts = 1PP Prime Mover: 5 + 1 = 6 posts = 1PP Is now Bronze! Nerdzul Animist: 1 + 1 = 2 posts = 1PP Nightscale: 2 + 1 + 1 = 4 posts = 1PP Poncho Golden Star: 3 + 1 + 1 + 10 + 1 + 2 + 32 (GM Posts) = 50 posts = 4PP + 1PP (Guide Posts) = 5PP Dwayne Devon Davidson: 25 (GM Posts) = 25 posts = 3PP King Cole III: 3 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 37 (GM Posts) = 50 posts = 4PP Star Knight & Star Squire: 10 (GM Posts) = 2PP NPCs: 2 posts GM Posts: 2 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 5 + 18 + 7 + 4 + 2 + 6 = 52 x 2 = 104 posts RocketLord Archer II: 2 + 8 (GM posts) = 10 posts = 2PP + 1 PP (Guide Point) = 3PP Bounce: 3 = 3 posts = 1PP Spaceman: 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 (Rollover posts) = 10 posts = 2PP Ghost: 1 + 1 = 2 posts [MAX] Stormcrow: 1 + 1 = 2 posts [MAX] GM: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 x 2 posts = 8 posts Spacefurry Paper: 1 post = 1PP Blackstaff & Lark: 2 + 1 = 3 posts = 1PP Predator: 2 + 2 = 4 posts = 1PP Seraphim: 4 + 6 (GM posts) = 10 posts = 2PP GM: 1 + 2 = 3 x 2 = 6 posts Supercape Spore: 2 + 3 + 5 + 1 = 11 posts = 2PP + 1PP = 3PP Echohead: 1 + 9 = 10 post = 2PP [Is now Maxed] Lament: 17 + 8 (GM Post) = 25 posts = 3PP Gamma Buzz: 3 + 2 + 3 (Rollover Posts) + 2 (GM Posts) = 10 posts = 2PP Pitch: 3 posts [MAX] Haven: 1 post [MAX] Diamondlight: 1 post [MAX] Peak: 1 (Rollover Post) + 4 (Rollover Post) = 5 post = 1PP Sgt Shark: 1 (Rollover Post) + 9 (GM Posts) = 10 post = 2PP GM: 1 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 6 = 16 x 2 posts = 32 posts The Sailor Torpedo Lass II: 2 + 2 +2 = 6 posts = 1PP Thevshi Timeout: 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 6 posts = 1PP Slipstream: 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 11 posts = 2PP Multi-Girl: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 posts = 1PP + 1PP (Ref Point) = 2PP GM: 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 x 2 = 8 posts Tiffany Korta Centuria: 3 + 1 + 1 = 5 posts = 1PP Dr Rosa Thorne: 3 posts = 1PP Emerald Spider: 6 posts = 1PP Mz Grue: 1 + 2 = 3 posts = 1PP The Immutable Betsy Brooks: 2 posts = 1PP Merge Trois: 0 posts = 0PP + 1PP (Ref Point) = 1PP
  4. Ari Rainshadow: 1PP (Guide) Dr Archeville Artificer: 1 post = 1PP + 1PP (Mod) = 2PP Dracostern Cerebral and Cerebellum: 4 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 16 (GM) posts = 46 posts = 3PP GM Posts: 2 + 6 posts = 8 x 2 posts = 16 posts EternalPhoenix Serendipity & Stormcloud: 9 + 4 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 =31 posts = 3PP Terrifica: 2 posts = 1PP + 1PP (Ref) = 2PP Terrifica is now max level! Flying Fresh Gookgak: 5 + 1 + 5 posts = 11 x 2 posts = 22 posts = 2PP Fox Nocturne: 1PP (Ref) Kaede Kimura Blue Bolt: 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 (GM) posts = 11 posts = 2PP Harlequin: 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 (GM) posts = 10 posts = 2PP Shadowborne: 1 + 2 posts = 3 posts = 1PP Shooting Star: 6 (GM) posts = 1PP The Dreamer: 1 + 1 + 2 + 6 (GM) posts = 10 posts = 2PP GM Post: 1 + 5 + 4 posts = 10 x 2 posts = 20 posts Knight Disciple Patrioteen: 1 PP (Guide) Lone_Star Prime Mover: 7 + 5 posts = 12 posts = 2PP Ghule: 2 posts = 1PP Nerdzul Animist: 3 + 1 posts = 4 posts = 1PP Nightscale: 1 + 1 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 2 = 14 posts = 2PP Is now Platinum! Poncho Devon 51: 2 + 6 (NPC) + 17 = 25 posts = 3PP Golden Star: 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 65 (GM) posts = 100 posts = 5PP + 1PP (Guide) = 6PP King Cole III: 5 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 16 + 4 + 66 (GM) posts = 100 posts = 5PP Star Knight & Star Squire: 2 (GM) posts = 2 posts = 1PP NPC posts: 3 + 3 posts = 6 posts GM Posts: 3 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 18 + 26 + 12 + 4 + 4 posts = 75 x 2 posts = 150 posts Is now Gold! RocketLord Archer II: 4 + 2 (GM) +4 (Rollover) posts = 10 posts = 2PP + 1PP (Guide) = 3PP Bounce: 1 + 6 + 3 (GM) posts = 10 posts = 2PP Rex Adam: 1 + 9 (GM) posts = 10 posts = 2PP Spaceman: 4 + 1 + 3 + 2 (GM) posts = 10 posts = 2PP Ghost: 3 posts [Max] Stormcrow: 1 post [Max] GM Posts: 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 posts = 8 x2 posts = 16 posts Spacefurry Blackstaff: 1 post = 1PP Paper: 3 posts = 1PP Predator: 4 + 3 posts = 7 posts = 1PP Seraphim: 3 + 3 + 4 (GM) posts = 10 posts = 2PP GM Posts: 2 x 2 posts = 4 posts Supercape Echohead: 3 + 7 (GM) posts = 10 posts = 2PP Gamma Buzz: 4 + 4 + 17 (GM) = 25 posts = 3PP Lament: 25 (GM) posts = 3PP Peak: 10 (GM) posts = 2PP Sgt Shark: 21 (Rollover) + 4 (GM) posts = 25 posts = 3PP Spore: 5 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 12 (Rollover) + 10 (GM) posts = 37 posts = 3PP + 1PP = 4PP Bloody Mess: 1 post [Max] Captain Cosmos: 12 posts [Max] Diamondlight: 2 posts [Max] Haven: 3 posts [Max] Pitch: 7 posts [Max] Snakebite: 18 posts [Max] Super Strength Roster: 1PP GM Posts: 4 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 16 = 38 x 2 posts = 76 posts The Sailor Torpedo Lass II: 2 + 3 + 4 + 11 posts =20 posts = 2PP Thevshi Multigirl: 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 (GM) = 10 posts = 2PP + 1PP (Ref) = 3PP Slipstream: 6 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 10 (GM) posts = 25 posts = 3PP Timeout: 5 + 1 + 3 + 1 (GM) posts = 10 posts = 2PP GM Posts: 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 11 x 2 posts = 22 posts Tiffany Korta Madame Raven: 1 post = 1PP Centuria: 3 + 4 + 4= 11 posts = 2PP Emerald Spider: 26 posts = 3PP + 1PP (Ref) = 4PP Mz Grue: 4 + 3 + 3 = 10 posts = 2PP Starshine: 2 posts = 1PP The Immutable Betsy Brooks: 4 posts = 1PP
  5. As ever, if you have questions or concerns with your posts for this month, please don't hesitate to reach out. Grats to Poncho, who is now SILVER! AvengerAssmbled Angelic 1 PP (Ref point) Dr. Archeville Artificer 1 PP (ref point) Dracostern Cerebral 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 posts + 12 GM = 16 posts = 2 PP GM 2 + 4 = 6 posts x 2 = 12 EternalPheonix Terrifica 1 PP (ref point) Fox Gaian Knight [MAXED] 1 post Eclipse [MAXED] 2 posts Nocturne 1 rollover post = 1 PP + 1 PP (Ref point) = 2 PP Grim 1 rollover post = 1 PP Masque 1 rollover post = 1 PP Jack Arctus 3 + 3 = 6 posts = 1 PP Kaede Kimura Shadowborne 1 post = 1 PP Shooting Star 1 post = 1 PP Dreamer 1 post = 1 PP Blue Bolt 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 posts + 9 GM = 9 posts = 1 PP + 2 PP (HellQ) = 3 PP Harlequin 3 posts = 1 PP GM 2 + 1 = 3 posts x 2 = 6 Knight Disciple Patrioteen 1 PP (guide point) Lone Star Ghule 1 post = 1 PP Moonsimply La Puma Negra 4 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 10 posts = 2 PP Nerzul Nightscale 1 + 1 = 2 posts = 1 PP Poncho [SILVER] Golden Star 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 1 = 20 posts + 30 GM = 50 posts = 4 PP + 2 PP (vignette) + 1 PP (guide point) = 7 PP Dwayne Devon Davidson 7 + 1 + 2 = 10 posts = 2 PP + 2 PP (vignette) = 4 PP King Cole III 4 posts + 6 GM = 10 posts = 2 PP + 2 PP (vignette) = 4 PP Star Knight and Star Squire 1 GM = 1 post = 1 PP + 2 PP (vignette) = 3 PP GM 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 11 = 20 posts x 2 = 40 posts Rocketlord Archer 1 post + 8 GM + 1 Titanium = 10 posts = 2 PP + 1PP (Guide Point) = 3 PP Bounce 1 post = 1 PP Rex Atom 1 Titanium rollover = 1 PP Space Ranger 1 Titanium rollover = 1 PP Spaceman 1 + 1 = 2 posts = 1 PP Ghost [MAXED] 1 + 1 = 2 posts Stormcrow [MAXED] 1 post GM 1 + 1 + 1 +1 = 4 posts x 2 = 8 posts Spacefurry Paper 1 + 1 = 2 posts = 1PP Blackstaff 1 + 1 = 2 posts = 1 PP Predator 1 + 3 + 1 = 5 posts = 1 PP Supercape Rev Vignette = 2 PP Sgt Shark 10 rollover posts = 2 PP + 2 PP (Vignette) = 4 PP Gamma Buzz 1 + 1 = 2 posts + 8 rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP + 2 PP (Vignette) = 4 PP Snakebite [MAXED] 11 posts (roll to Spore) Spore 11 rollover posts = 2 PP + 2 PP (rollover vignette) = 4 PP Haven 1 post = 1 PP [Now TITANIUM] Bloody Mess [MAXED] 1 post Echohead 4 posts = 1 PP GM 3 + 6 + 1 = 10 posts x 2 = 20 posts The Sailor Torpedo Lass II 1 + 1 = 2 posts = 1 PP Thevshi Timeout 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 5 posts + 5 GM + 2 rollover = 12 posts = 2 PP Multi-Girl 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5 posts + 3 NPC + 2 GM = 10 posts = 2 PP + 4 PP (rollover vignette) + 1 PP (Ref point) = 7 PP Paradigm [MAXED] 1 + 1 = 2 posts = 1 PP + 2 PP (vignette) = 3 PP Synapse [MAXED] 0 posts = 0 PP + 2 PP (vignette) = 2 PP Velocity [MAXED] 0 posts = 0 PP + 2 PP (vignette) = 2 PP Slipstream 1 post + 9 GM = 10 posts = 2 PP + 2 PP (rollover vignette) = 4 PP NPC 3 posts GM 3 + 1 + 4 = 8 posts x 2 = 16 posts Tiffany Korta Starshine 1 post = 1 PP The Traveller [MAXED] 1 post Merge Trois 1 rollover post = 1 PP + 1 PP (ref point) = 2 PP
  6. April Arcana: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE AvengerAssembled Patriot (II): 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE Dr Archeville Artificer: 1 post = +1pp, +1 [Mod] = +2pp DONE by Thevshi Dracostern Cerebral & Cerebellum: 24 posts = +2pp DONE EternalPhoenix Terrifica: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE Fox Grim: 1 post = +1pp Masque: 1 post = +1pp Nocturne: 1 post = +1pp, +1 [Mod] = +2pp DONE Gizmo Chitin: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE Heritage 0 posts, 0 points??? Jack Arctus: 32 posts = +3pp DONE KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE Lone_Star Ghule: 5 posts = +1pp, +1 [Reputation] = +2pp DONE Nerdzul Nightscale: 4 posts = +1pp DONE Poncho Devon: 25 posts = +3pp Golden Star: 50 posts = +4pp, +1 [Mod] +2 [Vignette] = +7pp King Cole III: 25 posts = +3pp Star Knight & Star Squire: 1 post = +1pp DONE RocketLord Archer II: 2 posts = +1pp Bounce: 10 posts = +2pp Ghost: 10 posts = +2pp, +2 [Vignette] = +4pp Rex Atom: 1 post = +1pp Spaceman: 10 posts = +2pp, +1 [Mod] = +3pp Space Ranger III: 1 post = +1pp DONE Spacefurry Blackstaff: 2 posts = +1pp Chimera: 4 posts = +1pp Paper: 4 posts = +1pp Predator: 11 posts = +2pp DONE Supercape Captain Cosmos: 1 post = +1pp and is now a TITANIUM character with 250pp! Echohead: 10 posts = +2pp Gamma Buzz: 10 posts = +2pp Haven: 25 posts = +3pp, +6 [Vignette & 2 rollover Vignettes] = +9pp Peak: 10 posts = +2pp Spore: 25 posts = +3pp, +2 [Vignette] = +5pp DONE TheAbsurdist Asad: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE The Sailor Torpedo Lass (II): 6 posts = +1pp DONE Thevshi Multi-Girl: 25 posts = +3pp, +1 [Mod] = +4pp Timeout: 25 posts = +3pp DONE Tiffany Korta Madame Raven: 2 posts = +1pp Merge Trois: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Mz. Grue: 1 post = +1pp DONE Trollthumper Cavalier: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE
  7. As ever, if you have questions or concerns with your posts for this month, please don't hesitate to reach out. Dr Archeville Artificer 1 post = 1 PP + 1 PP (ref point) = 2 PP Dracostern Cerebal and Cerebellum 7 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 4 = 16 posts + 2 rollover = 18 posts = 2 PP GM 1 x 2 = 2 posts Fox Nocturne 1 PP (ref point) Kaede Kimura Shadowborne 1 post = 1 PP Shooting Star 3 + 2 = 5 posts + 5 rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP The Dreamer 1 post = 1 PP Blue Bolt 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 5 posts + 5 rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP Harlequin 1 rollover = 1 post = 1 PP GM 2 + 5 = 7 x 2 = 14 posts Nerdzul Nightscale 2 posts = 1 PP Poncho Golden Star 8 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 2 = 26 posts + 24 rollover = 50 posts = 4 PP + 1 PP (guide point) = 5 PP Dwayne Devon Davidson 11 posts = 2 PP GM 5 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 3 = 14 x 2 = 28 posts RocketLord Archer II 1 post (rollover) = 1 PP Ghost 1 post = 1 PP + 1 PP (guide point) = 2 PP Rex Atom 1 post (rollover) = 1 PP Spaceman 1 post = 1 PP Space Ranger II 1 post (rollover) = 1 PP GM 1 + 1 = 2 x 2 = 4 posts Stormcrow [MAXED] 1 post Spacefurry Blackstaff 2 + 4 = 6 posts + 4 rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP Chimera Paper 1 + 2 = 3 posts = 1 PP Predator 2 + 9 + 7 = 18 posts = 2 PP GM 2 posts x 2 = 4 posts Supercape Echohead 5 posts + 5 (rollover) = 10 posts = 2 PP Diamondlight [MAXED] 1 + 1 = 2 posts Gamma Buzz 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 posts + 3 (rollover) = 10 posts = 2 PP Snakebite 25 post (rollover) = 3 PP + 2 PP vignette + 2 (rollover from BloodyMess) = 7 PP [Now TITANIUM!] Rev [MAXED] 1 post Starshot [MAXED] 1 post BloodyMess [MAXED] 4 posts; 2 PP vignette (rollover to Snakebite) Captain Cosmos 10 posts (rollover) = 2 PP + 2 PP vignette = 4 PP Haven 10 posts (rollover) = 2 PP + 2 PP vignette + 2 PP (rollover from Synth) = 6 PP Synth [MAXED] 2 PP vignette GM 9 + 9 +1 + 10 = 29 x 2 = 58 posts Peak 1 post (rollover) = 1 PP Thevshi Multi-Girl 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 posts + 3 (rollover) + 4 (GM) = 10 posts = 2 PP + 1 (ref point) = 3 PP Timeout 3 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 9 posts + 1 (rollover) = 10 posts = 2 PP Tsunami [MAXED] 1 post = 1pp Velocity [MAXED] 1 post = 1pp Paradigm [MAXED] 2 posts = 1pp Sri Kath'lana 0 posts + 14 (GM) = 14 posts = 2pp GM 3 + 2 + 4 = 9 x 2 = 18 posts
  8. As ever, if you have questions or concerns with your posts for this month, please don't hesitate to reach out. Special congratulations to RocketLord and Supercape this month, as they both have characters who are now titanium at 250pp! -------- Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp Avenger Assembled Angelic: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Dr Archeville Artificer: 3 posts + 2 (GM) = 5 posts = 1pp + 1 (ref) = 2pp Horrorshow: 0 posts + 2 (rollover) = 2 posts = 1pp, and Horrorshow is now TITANIUM at 250pp! Doktor Archeville: 2 posts = 1pp GM: 1 post * 2 = 2 DracosternCerebral and Cerebellum: 28 posts * 2 (new player!) = 56 = 4pp Ecalsneerg Galvanic: 1 post = 1pp + 2 (vignette rollover) = 3pp Geckoman: 0 posts = 0pp + 2 (vignette) = 2pp EternalPhoenix Terrifica: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Fox Gaian Knight: [MAXED] = 1 post = 1 PP Nocturne: 1 post (rollover) = 1 PP + 1 PP (ref point) = 2 PP Heritage Crystal-Gazer: 0 posts + 1 (rollover) = 1 post = 1pp Shift: 2 posts = 1pp The Eel: 0 posts + 1 (rollover) = 1 post = 1pp Grimalkin: 2 posts = 1pp KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp Lone_Star Ghule: 5 posts = 1pp Nerdzul Nightscale: 2 posts = 1pp Poncho Golden Star: 27 posts + 23 (GM) = 50 posts = 4pp + 2 (vignette) + 1 (guide) = 7pp Dwayne Devon Davidson: 2 posts + 9 (GM) = 11 posts = 2pp + 2 (vignette) = 4pp GM: 16 posts * 2 = 32 RocketLord Archer II: 3 posts + 7 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp Ghost: 2 posts + 8 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp Rex Atom: 2 posts = 1pp Spaceman: 8 posts + 2 (rollover) = 10 posts = 2pp Space Ranger III: 0 posts + 1 (titanium) = 1 post = 1pp Stormcrow: 8 posts + 17 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp + 1 (guide) = 4pp, and Stormcrow is now TITANIUM at 250pp! Forever Boy: 3 posts = 1pp GM: 16 posts * 2 = 32 Spacefurry Paper: 5 posts = 1pp Blackstaff: 2 posts = 1pp Chimera: 2 posts = 1pp Predator: 7 posts = 1pp Supercape Haven: 4 posts + 6 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp Gamma Buzz: 6 posts + 4 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp Diamondlight: 3 posts = 1pp Echohead: 4 posts + 6 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp + 2 (vignette) = 4pp Rev: 3 posts = 1pp Red Rat: 0 posts = 0pp + 2 (vignette) = 2pp Captain Cosmos: 0 posts + 10 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp + 2 (vignette) = 4pp Snakebite: 0 posts + 6 (rollover) + 4 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp + 2 (vignette rollover) = 4pp Peak: 0 posts + 18 (GM) = 18 posts = 2pp GM: 24 posts * 2 = 48 TheAbsurdist Asad: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Thevshi Multi-Girl: 20 posts + 4 (rollover) + 1 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp + 1 (ref) = 4pp Timeout: 10 posts + 15 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp Sri Kath'lana: 1 post + 18 (GM) = 19 posts = 2pp Tsunami: 2 posts = 1pp Paradigm: 2 posts = 1pp GM: 17 posts * 2 = 34 Tiffany Korta Madame Raven: 5 posts = 1pp Mz Grue: 1 post = 1pp Starshine: 3 posts = 1pp The Traveller: 1 post = 1pp Merge Trois: 0 posts + 1 (rollover) = 1pp + 1 (ref) = 2pp trollthumper Cavalier: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp
  9. With our apologies for the delays, the March 2024 post counts can be found below. As ever, if you have questions or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out. Of special note are the two - two! - players who have moved up a veteran award tier. Congratulations to Kaede and Poncho; we look forward to seeing what you do with your shiny new toys. ------- Dr Archeville Artificer: 7 posts + 2 (GM) + 1 (rollover) = 10 posts = 2pp Horrorshow: 0 posts + 4 (rollover) = 4 posts = 1pp + 1 (ref) = 2pp Doktor Archeville: 5 posts = 1pp GM: 1 post * 2 = 2 Dracostern Cerebral and Cerebellum: 42 posts * 2 (new player!) = 84 posts = 4pp Exaccus Moon Moth: 3 posts = 1pp Fox Nocturne: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Heritage Crystal-Gazer: 0 posts + 1 (rollover) = 1 post = 1pp Shift: 1 post = 1pp The Eel: 0 posts + 1 (rollover) = 1 post = 1pp Grimalkin: 2 posts = 1pp Huckleberry Rot: 13 posts + 6 (GM) = 16 posts = 2pp GM: 3 posts * 2 = 6 Kaede Kimura (who is now a Silver-tier veteran!) Shadowborne: 3 posts = 1pp Shooting Star: 6 posts = 1pp The Dreamer: 6 posts = 1pp Blue Bolt: 20 posts = 2pp Lone_Star Ghule: 5 posts = 1pp MoonSimply La Puma Negra: 23 posts = 2pp Nerdzul Nightscale: 1 post = 1pp Poncho (who is now a Bronze-tier veteran!) Golden Star: 59 posts + 41 (GM) = 100 posts = 5pp + 1 (guide) = 6pp Devon 51: 5 posts + 9 (GM) = 14 posts = 2pp GM: 25 posts * 2 = 50 RocketLord Archer II: 6 posts + 1 (rollover) + 3 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp Ghost: 6 posts + 4 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp Rex Atom: 1 post = 1pp Spaceman: 22 posts + 3 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp Space Ranger III: 2 posts + 8 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp Stormcrow: 19 posts + 32 (GM) = 51 posts = 4pp + 2 (vignette) + 1 (guide) = 7pp Forever Boy: 1 post = 1pp GM: 25 posts * 2 = 50 Spacefurry Paper: 6 posts = 1pp Blackstaff: 6 posts = 1pp Chimera: 1 post = 1pp Predator: 15 posts + 2 (GM) = 17 posts = 2pp GM: 1 post * 2 = 2 Supercape Gamma Buzz: 14 posts + 11 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp Starshot: 6 posts = 1pp Rev: 0 posts = 0pp + 2 (vignette) = 2pp Haven: 5 posts + 20 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp +2 (vignette) = 5pp Snakebite: 0 posts + 10 (rollover) + 15 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp + 2 (vignette) + 4 (vignette rollover) = 9pp Diamondlight: 4 posts = 1pp + 2 (vignette) = 3pp Echohead: 0 posts + 25 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp Captain Cosmos: 0 posts + 25 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp Peak: 0 posts + 14 (GM) = 14 posts = 2pp GM: 55 posts * 2 = 110 The Sailor Torpedo Lass 2: 12 posts = 2pp Thevshi Multi-Girl: 32 posts + 18 (GM) = 50 posts = 4pp + 1 (ref) = 5pp Timeout: 25 posts + 20 (rollover) + 5 (GM) = 50 posts = 4pp Sri Kath'lana: 1 post + 53 (GM) = 54 posts = 4pp Velocity: 4 posts = 1pp Tsunami: 13 posts = 2pp Paradigm: 3 posts = 1pp GM: 38 posts * 2 = 76 Thunder King Sever: 10 posts = 2pp + 2 (vignette) + 2 (HellQ) = 6pp Tattered Man: 2 posts = 1pp Tiffany Korta Madame Raven: 22 posts + 3 (rollover) = 25 posts = 3pp Mz Grue: 4 posts = 1pp Starshine: 6 posts = 1pp The Traveller: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp trollthumper Cavalier: 2 posts = 1pp + 1 (ref) = 2pp Nick Cimitiere: 4 posts = 1pp
  10. Post Counts for January! Sorry for the delay! Please let me know if anything looks wrong or you have questions. Don't forget the Late Counting Thread if you are not listed below. Grats to MoonSimply for earning BRONZE!!! April Arcana 1 PP (Guide Point) Ari Rainshadow 1 PP (Guide Point) AvengerAssembled Neko/Owain 15 posts = 2 PP Patriot II 6 posts + 4 GM rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP Angelic 1 post = 1 PP + 1 PP (Ref Point) = 2 PP Sea Devil 1 post = 1 PP GM 2 posts x 2 = 4 posts Dr Archeville Artificer 3 posts + 7 rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP Horrorshow 4 posts + 6 rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP + 1 PP (ref point) = 3 PP Doktor Archeville [MAXED] 13 posts Ecalsneerg Geckoman [MAXED] 4 posts Galvanic 4 posts = 1 PP Equinoix 1 rollover = 1 PP Arrowhawk II 1 rollover = 1 PP Electra Fleur de Joie [MAXED] 3 posts Chelone 3 rollover posts = 1 PP + 1 PP (Guide Point) = 2 PP Exaccus Moon-Moth 2 posts = 1 PP Fox Gaian Knight [MAXED] 3 posts Eclipse [MAXED] 2 posts Nocturne 1 rollover = 1 PP + 1 PP (Ref point) = 2 PP Masque 1 rollover = 1 PP Grim 1 rollover = 1 PP Gizmo Jack of all Blades [MAXED] 8 posts Reagent [MAXED] 2 posts Rock 1 post = 1 PP GM/NPC 3 posts x 2 = 6 posts Chitin 16 posts = 2 PP + 1 PP (Ref point) = 3 PP Heritage Crystal-Gazer 5 posts = 1 PP Shift 7 posts + 3 rollover = 2 PP The Eel 8 posts + 2 rollover = 2 PP Grimalkin [MAXED] 8 posts Huckleberry Rot 27 posts x 2 new player boost = 54 posts + 12 GM = 66 posts = 4 PP GM 6 x 2 = 12 posts Kaede Kimura Shadowborne 5 posts = 1 PP Shooting Star 6 posts + 4 GM rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP The Dreamer 1 post = 1 PP Blue Bolt 6 posts + 6 GM rollover = 12 posts = 2 PP GM 5 x 2 = 10 posts Knight Disciple Patrioteen 1 PP (Guide point) Lone Star Ghule 8 posts = 1 PP MoonSimply [NOW BRONZE!] La Puma Negra 23 posts = 2 PP Nerdzul Nightscale 21 posts = 2 PP Poncho Golden Star 51 posts x2 (new player bonus) = 102 posts = 5 PP + 2PP (vignette) + 1 Guide point = 8 PP GM 26 posts x 2 = 52 posts Nemesis 52 GM rollover = 4 PP RocketLord Archer 1 GM rollover = 1 PP Ghost 10 posts = 2 PP Spaceman 25 posts = 3 PP Space Ranger III 3 posts = 1 PP Stormcrow 23 posts + 27 GM rollover = 50 posts = 4 PP + 1 PP (guide point) + 2PP (guidebook page) = 7 PP GM 15 posts x 2 = 30 posts Spacefurry Paper 14 posts = 2 PP Blackstaff 14 posts = 2 PP Chimera 8 posts + 4 GM rollover = 12 posts = 2 PP Predator 13 posts = 2 PP GM 2 posts x 2 = 4 posts SuperCape Starshot [MAXED] 9 posts + 2PP vignette (all rollover to Haven) Captain Cosmos 2 posts + 25 GM rollover = 27 posts = 3 PP Diamondlight [MAXED] 2 posts + 2PP vignette (all rollover to Haven) Snakebite 10 GM rollover = 2 PP + 2 PP vignette = 4 PP Haven 9 rollover (Starshot) + 2 rollover (Diamondlight) + 14 GM rollover = 25 posts = 3 PP +4PP (vignette rollovers) = 7 PP Echohead 10 GM rollover = 2 PP + 2PP vignette Gamma Buzz 26 posts = 3 PP Peak 10 GM rollover = 2 pP GM 35 posts x 2 = 70 GM posts TheAbsurdist Jotunn 3 posts = 1 PP The Sailor Torpedo Lass II 22 posts = 2 PP Thunder King Crimson Tiger 5 posts = 1 PP Voltage 1 post = 1 PP Tattered Man 18 posts = 2 PP Sever 1 post = 1 PP GM = 1 post x 2 = 2 posts Specimen 1 GM rollover = 1 PP Solar Sentinel 1 GM rollover = 1 PP Tiffany Kort Starshine 7 posts + 3 rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP Traveller [MAXED] 4 posts Zhenshchina-voin 1 rollover = 1 post = 1 PP + 1 PP (ref point) = 2 PP Trollthumper Cavalier 2 posts = 1 PP Temperance 1 post = 1 PP
  11. Post Counts for December! Please let me know if anything looks wrong or you have questions. Don't forget the Late Counting Thread if you are not listed below. April Arcana 1 post = 1 PP + 1 PP (Ref Point) = 2 PP Ari Rainshadow 1 PP (Guide Point) AvengerAssembled Angelic 7 posts + 3 rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP Neko 3 + 11 + 1 + 5 + 7 + 5 = 32 posts = 3 PP Patriot II 4 + 1 = 5 posts + 5 rollover = 10 posts = 2 PP + 1 PP (Ref Point) = 3 PP Sea Devil 2 posts GM 6 posts x 2 = 12 posts BitCook Magic 8 Ball 3 + 21 + 6 + 6 = 36 posts x 2 new player boost = 72 posts = 4 PP Brown Dynamite Glamazon 3 posts = 1 PP Dr Archeville Artificer 2 posts = 1 PP Dead Head 3 posts (MAXED) Doktor Archeville 1 posts (MAXED) Horrorshow 3 + 2 +6 rollover = 11 posts = 2 PP + 1 PP (Ref point) = 3 PP Protectron 2 posts (MAXED) Ecalsneerg Geckoman 5 posts (MAXED) Equinox 1 rollover post = 1 PP Galvanic 1 rollover post = 1 PP Arrowhawk II 1 rollover post = 1 PP Electra Fleur de Joie 3 (MAXED) Singularity 3 rollover posts = 1 PP + 1 PP (guide point) 2 PP Fox Gaian Knight 5 posts (MAXED) Gremlin 1 rollover post = 1 PP Grim 1 rollover post = 1 PP Masque 1 rollover post = 1 PP Nocturne 1 rollover post = 1 PP + 1 PP (Ref Point) = 2 PP Gizmo Chittin 10 rollover posts = 2 PP + 1 PP (Ref Point) = 3 PP Ghost Girl 3 posts (MAXED) Jack of All Blades 1 post (MAXED) Reagent/Alkahest 6 posts (MAXED) Heritage Crystal Gazer 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 posts Grimalkin 3 (MAXED) Shift 1 post Huckleberry Rot 9 + 9 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 7 + 7 = 46 posts x 2 new player boost = 86 posts + 46 GM = 132 posts = 5 PP GM 3 + 5 + 10 + 4 = 23 posts x 2 GM = 46 posts Kaede Kimura Shadowborne 5 + 2 = 7 posts + 3 GM = 10 posts = 2 PP Shooting Star 4 + 2 = 6 posts = 1 PP The Dreamer 3 posts = 1 PP GM 1 + 2 = 3 GM x 2 = 6 posts Lone Star Ghule 2 posts = 1 PP MoonSimply La Puma Negra 7 + 4 + 5 + 1 = 17 posts = 2 PP Nerdzul Nightscale 4 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 = 24 posts Poncho Golden Star 14 + 8 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 1 = 42 posts x2 new player boost = 84 posts + 36 GM = 120 posts = 5 PP + 1 PP (guide point) = 6 PP GM 15 + 3 = 18 x 2 GM = 36 posts RocketLord Archer II 2 GM posts = 1 PP Ghost 3 + 7 GM = 10 posts = 2 PP Spaceman 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 6 = 27 posts = 3 PP Space Ranger 2 GM posts = 1 PP Stormcrow 5 + 4 + 3 = 12 posts + 13 GM = 25 posts = 3 PP + 1 PP (Guide Point) = 4 PP GM 1 + 11 = 12 posts x 2 = 24 posts Spacefurry Blackstaff 7 + 4 = 11 posts = 2 PP Chimera 3 posts = 1 PP Paper 4 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 4 = 21 posts = 2 PP Predator 6 + 2 = 8 posts + 2 GM posts = 10 posts = 2 PP GM 2 posts x 2 = 4 posts SuperCape Diamondlight 2 posts (MAXED) Gamma Buzz 1 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 5 = 20 posts + 5 GM = 25 posts = 3 PP Captain Cosmos 15 + 10 GM = 25 posts = 3 PP Echohead 10 GM posts = 2 PP Haven 2 rollover + 23 GM = 25 posts = 3 PP + 4 PP (rollover vignettes) = 7 PP Peak 10 GM posts = 2 PP Red Rat Vignette (rollover to Haven) Rev Vignette (rollover to Haven) Snakebite 10 GM posts = 2 PP GM 9 + 3 + 5 + 17 = 34 x 2 = 68 posts TheAbsurdist Jotunn 2 posts = 1 PP + 1 PP (Ref Point) = 2 PP Thevshi Timeout 17 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 2 + 4= 43 posts + 7 (GM) = 50 posts = 4pp Multi-Girl 11 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 7 + 7 = 49 posts + 1 (GM) = 50 posts = 4pp + 1 (ref) = 5pp Veronica Danger 1 + 1= 2 posts = 1pp Synapse 7 posts = 1pp Velocity 14 posts = 1pp Sri Kath'lana 0 posts + 23 (rollover) + 12 (GM) = 35 posts = 3pp GM 10 posts x 2 = 20 posts The Sailor [Is now SILVER!!] Torpedo Lass II 10 + 8 + 3 + 6 = 27 posts = 3 PP Thunder King Crimson Tiger 5 posts = 1 PP Voltage 1 post = 1 PP Tiffany Korta Immutable Betsy Brook 5 posts = 1 PP Starshine 4 + 1 + 5 = 10 posts = 2 PP Triakosia 1 post [MAXED] Trollthumper Temperance 1 post = 1 PP + 1 PP (Ref Point) = 2 PP
  12. As foretold in the tales of Christmas Past, it's post-counting time! As a special holiday bonus, all characters that were active in this round of counting got a free +1pp; don't spend it all in one place! (Or do. I'm not your dad.) I'll make sure that gets applied even to threads posted to Late Thread Counting, so if you didn't have a chance to get your threads posted before now don't feel like you have to miss out. ----- April Arcana: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (admin) = 1pp Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp Avenger Assembled Angelic: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Dr Archeville Horrorshow: 2 posts = 1pp + 1 (ref) + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 3pp Fox Nocturne: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Gizmo Chitin: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Huckleberry Rot: 11 posts * 2 (new player!) = 22 posts + 22 (GM) = 44 posts = 3pp + 8 (extra-curriculars) + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 12pp GM: 11 posts * 2 = 22 KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp MoonSimply La Puma Negra: 8 posts = 1pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 2pp Nerdzul Nightscale: 8 posts = 1pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 2pp Poncho Golden Star: 17 posts * 2 (new player!) = 34 posts = 3pp + 6 (extra-curriculars) + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 10pp RocketLord Spaceman: 4 posts = 1pp + 1 (holiday!) = 2pp Stormcrow: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp + 1 (guide) = 2pp Archer II: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp Ghost: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp Space Ranger III: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp GM: 2 posts * 2 = 4 The Sailor Torpedo Lass II: 4 posts = 1pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 2pp Spacefurry Paper: 2 posts = 1pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 2pp Blackstaff: 0 posts + 6 (GM) = 6 posts = 1pp Chimera: 1 post = 1pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 2pp Predator: 1 post = 1pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 2pp GM: 3 posts * 2 = 6 Supercape Diamondlight: 4 posts + 1pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 2pp Echohead: 2 posts + 1 (GM) = 3 posts = 1pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 2pp Rev: 1 post = 1pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 2pp Gamma Buzz: 3 posts + 8 (GM) = 11 posts = 2pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 3pp Haven: 0 posts + 5 (rollover) + 5 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp Peak: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp Captain Cosmos: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp Snakebite: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp GM: 7 posts * 2 = 14 Thevshi Multi-Girl: 21 posts + 4 (GM rollover) = 25 posts = 3pp + 1 (ref) + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 5pp Veronica Danger: 2 posts = 1pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 2pp Timeout: 6 posts + 2 (GM) + 2 (rollover) = 10 posts = 2pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 3pp GM: 3 posts * 2 = 6 Tiffany Korta Starshine: 4 posts = 1pp + 1 (holiday bonus!) = 2pp Zhenschina-voin: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp
  13. If you have concerns with your October post counts you can reach out to the Ref team directly; if you didn't get your threads for October up in time you can post them in Late Thread Counting. April Arcana: 1 Ref PP = 1PP Ari Rainshadow: 1 Guide PP = 1PP AvengerAssembled Fast-Forward: 2 GM [4] + 1 Ref PP = 2PP Neko: 3 posts = 1PP Patriot II: 4 posts = 1PP Sea Devil: 1 post = 1PP Dr Archeville Horrorshow: 1 Ref PP = 1PP EternalPhoenix Terrifica: 1 Ref PP = 1PP Fox Nocturne: 1 Ref PP = 1PP Gizmo Chitin: 1 rollover + 1 Ref PP = 2PP Jack of all Blades [Maxed]: 1 post Heritage Crystal-Gazer: 1 post = 1PP KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 1 Guide PP = 1pp MoonSimply La Puma Negra: 10 posts = 2PP Nerdzul Nightscale: 11 posts = 2 PP RocketLord Spaceman: 1 post = 1PP Spacefurry Blackstaff: 2 GM [4] = 1PP Chimera: 6 posts = 1PP Paper: 4 posts = 1PP Predator: 5 posts = 1PP Supercape Captain Cosmos: 1 GM [2] = 1PP Diamondlight [Maxed]: 2 posts Echohead: 4 posts + 2 rollover + 2 GM [4] = 10 posts = 2PP Gamma Buzz: 1 GM [2] = 1PP Haven: 5 GM [10] = 2PP Peak: 1 GM [2] = 1PP Snakebite: 1 GM [2] = 1PP TheAbsurdist Jotünn: 1 Ref PP = 1PP Thevshi Multi-Girl: 1 post = 1PP Sri Kath'lana: 1 rollover = 1PP Timeout: 1 post + 1 Ref PP = 2PP Veronica Danger [Maxed]: 1 post Tiffany Korta Zhenchina-voin: 1 Ref PP = 1PP trollthumper Cavalier: 1 Ref PP = 1PP
  14. And then, suddenly and without warning, it was fall! How does this keep happening? Science may never know for sure. As always, if you have concerns with your September post counts you can reach out to the ref team directly, and if you didn't get your threads for September up in time you can post them in Late Thread Counting. -------- Ari Rainshadow: 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp AvengerAssembled Fast-Forward: 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Dr Archeville Artificer: 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Horrorshow: 1 post = 1pp + 2 (vignette) = 3pp EternalPhoenix Terrifica: 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Fox Nocturne: 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp Nerdzul Nightscale: 11 posts = 2pp Spacefurry Paper: 4 posts = 1pp Blackstaff: 1 post = 1pp Chimera: 7 posts + 4 (GM) = 11 posts = 2pp Predator: 5 posts = 1pp GM: 2 posts *2 = 4 Supercape Diamondlight: 5 posts = 1pp + 2 (vignette) = 3pp Gamma Buzz: 5 posts + 7 (GM) = 12 posts = 2pp + 2 (vignette) = 4pp Peak: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1pp + 2 (vignette) = 3pp Bloody Mess: 0 posts = 0pp + 2 (vignette) = 2pp Echohead: 6 posts + 4 (GM) = 10 posts = 2pp + 2 (vignette) = 4pp Flintlock: 0 posts = 0pp + 2 (vignette) = 2pp Lord Steam: 0 posts = 0pp + 2 (vignette) = 2pp Rev: 4 posts = 1pp Haven: 0 posts + 9 (rollover) + 16 (GM) = 25 posts = 3pp + 2 (rollover) = 5pp Snakebite: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp Captain Cosmos: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp + 6 (rollover) = 7pp GM: 15 posts *2 = 30 TheAbsurdist Jotünn: 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Thevshi Timeout: 5 posts = 1pp + 1 (ref) = 2pp Multi-Girl: 10 posts = 2pp Sri Kath'lana: 0 posts + 2 (rollover) = 2 posts = 1pp Veronica Danger: 2 posts = 1pp Tiffany Korta Starshine: 1 post = 1pp Zhenchina-voin: 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp
  15. I have decided on my own initiative to let everyone keep the points accidentally awarded them by the initial botched count. If you don't like that, take it up with management. =D April: Ardent = 1PP Doctor Archeville Artificer = 1pp Horrorshow 1 post = 1pp EternalPhoenix: Terrifica =1PP Fox: Eclipse = 1PP Gizmo: Chitin = 1PP KnightDisciple: Patrioteen = 1PP Nerdzul Nightscale: 17=2PP Spacefurry Paper - 5=1PP Blackstaff - 2 (+10GM = 12)=2PP Chimera - 4=1PP Predator - 6=1PP Supercape Rev (Titanium), 2PP+6 posts to Haven Vignette (1.3K Words) -> Roll to Haven ACAV 6 Posts -> Roll to Haven Peak: 1 post, 1PP Diamondlight, = 7+8=15=2PP [Titanium] Let the bodies hit the ground 7 Posts Captain Cosmos, 1+24 =25 posts = 3PP+2PP=5PP Vignette (1.2K words) Graveyard of the pacific 1 Post Starshot (Titanium), 2PP to Haven Vignette (1.3K Words) -> Roll to Haven, 2PP Haven, 6+19=25=3PP+2PP+2PP+2PP+1PP+1PP+2PP+2PP=15PP Vignette (1.2K words) HellQ Origin Vignette (1.3K words) Reputation Table 20Q - The Interview Sgt Shark, +1 post = 2PP Vignette (Joint with Avenger) Snakebite, +1 post+2PP=3PP VIgnette (1.2K words) Echohead, 6 posts =1PP Teching the tech 6 Posts Gamma Buzz 4 posts =1PP Half Life 4 Posts GM Golden Dead 6 Posts Beyond the Pale 7 Posts Double the Treble 7 Posts Golden Gloves 7 Posts Total GM Posts = 27. Times 2 = 54 posts Tiff = Zhenschina-voin = 1PP TheAbsurdist: Jotunn = 1PP Thevshi Timeout 5+1Mod =2PP Multi-Girl = 1PP Veronica Danger (Titanium) 1 Trollthumper: Cavalier = 1PP
  16. New month, new counts! As ever, if you think that something's gone awry please let me know - and don't forget that Late Thread Counting exists if something came up and you couldn't get your threads posted in time. ----------------------- April Arcana: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp AvengerAssembled Patriot (II): 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Dr Archeville Artificer: 0 posts = +0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp EternalPhoenix Terrifica: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Exaccus Mirror Knight: 2 posts = +1pp Fox Eclipse: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Gizmo Chitin: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Nerdzul Nightscale: 17 posts = +2pp Spacefurry Blackstaff: 1 post = +1pp Chimera: 20 posts = +2pp Paper: 1 post = +1pp Predator: 4 posts = +1pp Spacfurry is now a SILVER Player! Supercape Captain Cosmos: 3 posts+22 = 25 posts = +3pp Diamondlight: 0 posts+25 = 25 posts = +3pp Echohead: 5 posts+20 = 25 posts = +3pp Gamma Buzz: 11 posts+5+9 = 25 posts = +3pp Snakebite: 0 posts+25 = 25 posts = +3pp Rev [Titanium]: 5 posts, rolled over to Gamma Buzz GM: 55 posts = +110 posts to add to PCs; 22 to Captain Cosmos, 25 to Diamondlight, 20 to Echohead, 9 to Gamma Buzz, 25 to Snakebite, 9 to The Void TheAbsurdist Jotunn: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Thevshi Multi-Girl: 16 posts = +2pp Sri Kath'lana: 0+1 posts = 1 posts = +1pp Timeout: 11 posts = +2pp, +1 [Mod] = +3pp Veronica Danger [Titanium]: 1 posts, rolled over to Sri Kath'lana TiffanyKorta Zhenschina-voin: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Trolltumper Cavalier: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp
  17. New month, new counts! As ever, if you think that something's gone awry please let me know - and don't forget that Late Thread Counting exists if something came up and you couldn't get your threads posted in time. ----------------------- April Arcana: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp AvengerAssembled Neko: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Dr Archeville Artificer: 0 posts = +0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Eternal Phoenix Effigy: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Exaccus Mirror Knight: 2 posts = +1pp Fox Dragonfly [maxed]: 1 post, rollover to Eclipse Eclipse: 0 posts, +1 rollover from Dragonfly = 1 post = +1pp Nocturne: 1 post = +1pp, +1 [Mod] = +2pp Gizmo Chitin: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp MoonSimply La Puma Negra: 31 posts = +3pp Nerdzul Nightscale: 16 posts = +2pp Spacefurry Blackstaff: 2 posts = +1pp Chimera: 32 posts = +3pp Paper: 2 posts = +1pp Predator: 2 posts = +1pp Supercape Captain Cosmos: 2 posts, +13 rollover from Rev, +35 from GM = 50 posts = +4pp Diamondlight: 0 posts, +25 from GM = +25 posts = +3pp Echohead: 2 posts, +23 from GM = 25 posts = +3pp Rev [maxed]: 13 posts, rollover to Captain Cosmos Snakebite: 0 posts, +50 from GM = 50 posts = +4pp --- GM Posts: 78 posts = +156 "bonus" posts; 35 to Captain Cosmos, 25 to Diamondlight, 23 to Echohead, 50 to Snakebite, 23 to The Void TheAbsurdist Jotunn: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Thevshi MultiGirl: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp TiffanyKorta Zhenshchina-voin: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Trolltumper Temperance: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp
  18. New month, new counts! As ever, if you think that something's gone awry please let me know - and don't forget that Late Thread Counting exists if something came up and you couldn't get your threads posted in time. ----------------------- April Arcana: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp AvengerAssembled Patriot: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Dr Archeville Horrorshow: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp EternalPhoenix Terrifica: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Fox Dragonfly [maxed]: 1 post, rolls over to Nocturne Eclipse: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Nocturne: 0+1 = 1 post = +1pp Gizmo Chitin: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Nerdzul Nightscale: 3 posts = +1pp Spacefurry Paper: 8 posts = +1pp TheAbsurdist Jotunn: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Thevshi Sri Kath'lana: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Tiffany Korta Zhenshchina-voin: 0 posts = 0p, +1 [Mod] = +1pp trollthumper Cavalier: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp
  19. New month, new counts! As ever, if you think that something's gone awry please let me know - and don't forget that Late Thread Counting exists if something came up and you couldn't get your threads posted in time. --------------------- Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp AvengerAssembled Angelic: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Dr Archeville Horrorshow: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp EternalPhoenix Effigy: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Fox pending Gizmo Chitin: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Kaede Kimura Shooting Star: 2 posts = 1pp KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp Nerdzul Nightscale: 2 posts = 1pp Spacefurry Paper: 4 posts = 1pp Blackstaff: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp Chimera: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp GM: 1 post * 2 = 2 TheAbsurdist Jotunn: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Thevshi Multi-Girl: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Tiffany Korta Zhenschina-voin: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp trollthumper Cavalier: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp
  20. A little late, with our apologies - counts & edits were largely done during March, and then life got in the way as ever and we didn't realize they hadn't gotten posted until this weekend! That's on us, and we'll strive to do better in the coming months. ----------- Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp Dr Archeville Artificer: 1 post = 1pp Horrorshow: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp EternalPhoenix Terrifica: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Fox Nocturne: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Gizmo Jill O'Cure: 4 posts = 1pp Chitin: 1 post + 2 (GM) + 4 (rollover) = 7 posts = 1pp + 1 (ref) = 2pp GM: 1 post *2 = 2 KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp MikeFCPBP Sea Devil: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Nerdzul Nightscale: 2 posts + 2 (GM) = 4 posts = 1pp GM: 1 post *2 = 2 Spacefurry Paper: 7 posts = 1pp TheAbsudist Jotunn: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Tiffany Korta Zhenschina-voin: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp trollthumper Cavalier: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp
  21. Ari Rainshadow - 1 Guide Point = 1PP Dr Archeville Artificier - 0 posts + 1 Ref Point = 1PP Horrowshow - 1 post = 1PP EternalPhoenix Effigy - 1 Ref Point = 1PP Fox Eclipse - 1 post = 1PP Grim - 1 post = 1PP Nocturne - 1 post + 1 Ref Point = 2PP KnightDisciple Patrioteen - 1 Guide Point = 1PP MikeFCPBP Patriot - 1 Ref Point = 1PP MoonSimply La Puma - 6 posts = 1PP Nerdzul Nightscale - 6 posts = 1PP Spacefurry Chimera - 1 post = 1PP Paper - 8 + 1*2 GM = 10 posts = 2PP TheAbsurdist Jotunn - 1 Ref Point = 1PP Thevshi Multigirl - 3 posts + 1 Ref Point = 2PP Tiffany Korta Starshine - 1 post = 1PP Zhenshchina-voin - 1 Ref Point = 1PP trollthumper Cavalier - 1 Ref Point = 1PP
  22. Ari: Rainshadow: 1PP Avenger Assembled Angelic - 1PP Doctor Archeville: Artificer 1 post = 1pp Horrorshow 1 post = 1pp, +1 [Mod] = +2pp EternalPhoenix: Effigy: 1 PP Fox: Nocturne: 2PP Gizmo: Chitin: 1PP KnightDisciple: Thunderbird: 1PP Nerdzul: Nightscale: 1PP Nick: Ardent: 1PP RocketLord: Nocturne: 1PP Spacefurry: Paper - 9 (+1/GM = 10) = 2PP Blackstaff - 1PP Chimera - 1PP TheAbsurdist: Jotunn: 1PP Thevshi: Multi-Girl: 1PP Tiffany Korta: War Woman: 1PP trollthumper Cavalier: 1PP
  23. A very quite November indeed, but things were already a bit slow and the holidays always put the brakes on posting a bit. Lots of illness going around, to boot - stay healthy, people, as much as you can! ----- Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp AvengerAssembled Fast-Forward: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Dr Archeville Artificer: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Fox Nocturne: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Gizmo Chitin: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Nerdzul Nightscale: 2 posts = 1pp Nick Arcana: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (admin) = 1pp RocketLord Nevermore II: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp Spacefurry Paper: 2 posts = 1pp Blackstaff: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp Chimera: 0 posts + 1 (GM) = 1 post = 1pp GM: 1 post x2 = 2 posts TheAbsurdist Jotunn: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Thevshi Multigirl: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp trollthumper Temperance: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp
  24. A very quiet October - lots of people have lots going on, so it's not too surprising. If you don't see your name below (or if you're listed at 0 posts when you're sure you were active!) then you may not have posted your threads - Late Thread Counting may be a resource for you to leverage there. Without further ado: Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp AvengerAssembled Angelic: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Dr Archeville Horrorshow: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp EternalPhoenix Queenie: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Fox Nocturne: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Gizmo Chitin: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (guide) = 1pp MoonSimply La Puma Negra: 6 posts = 1pp Nerdzul Nightscale: 5 posts = 1pp Spacefurry Paper: 5 posts = 1pp TheAbsurdist Jotunn: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp Tiffany Korta Zhenschina-voin: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp trollthumper Cavalier: 0 posts = 0pp + 1 (ref) = 1pp
  25. A lean month, but with some notable progressions! Congrats to Eternal Phoenix for hitting PLATINUM, and Nerdzul for making GOLD! As always, questions may be done at your peril sent to me (or any other Ref) via Board PM, or on our Discord. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- angrydurf Mod Point to ??? Ari Guide point to ??? AvengerAssembled Admin Point to Neko Dr Archeville I cannot self-count Electra Admin Point to ??? Eternal Phoenix Mod Point to Queenie, and is now PLATINUM! Fox Mod Point to Nocturne Gizmo Mod Point to ??? KnightDisciple Guide point to ??? Nerdzul Nightscale: 2 posts = +1pp, and is now GOLD! Nick Admin Point to Arcana RocketLord Guide point to ??? secondling Legatus: 2 posts = +1pp Spacefurry Blackstaff: 0 + 1 posts = +1pp Chimera: 0 + 1 posts = +1pp Paper: 6 posts = +1pp GMing: 1 post = +2 posts; 1 to Blackstaff and 1 to Chimera TheAbsurdist Mod Point to Jotunn Thevshi Mod Point to ??? Tiffany Korta Mod Point to ??? trollthumper Mod Point to Temperance
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