Okay, I've hit a slight brick wall here. I'm working on a character at the moment and want to give him the Drain power. I just can't decide if I should focus on Ability stat or save.
Here is the Power build that I'm thinking of:
Drain (Any one Save[2pp/rank]) 6 (Various submission holds;Feat: Slow Fade 1;Flaw: Requires Grapple) [7pp]
Drain (Any one Ability[2pp.rank]) 6 (Various submission holds;Feat: Slow Fade 1;Flaw: Requires Grapple) [7pp]
I know Drain lowers the PP of the item by the difference on the save roll up to a max of the power's rank. With that in mind, how does the power affect saves? Would it lower the PPs used to buy up the save?
For example:
Hero A has added 6pp to his Reflex save. Reflex: +7 (+1 dex, +6).
Hero B has only a high dex due to Enhanced Dexterity. Reflex: +7 (+7 dex)
Each hero fail their Fortitude save against the Drain Power by 6. Would the drain effect both heroes the same way, reducing both to only a +1 bonus?