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  1. Name: Crystal-Gazer Power Level: 13 (built as PL 10; 202/223PP) Tradeoffs: None Unspent PP: 21PP In Brief: Psionic teen trying to escape her criminal family. Alternate Identity: Louise 'Lulu' Beaumont Identity: Secret Birthplace: Columbia, AL Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Charlene Beaumont (mother), Darryl Beaumont (father), Kyle Beaumont (older brother), Caleb Beaumont (older brother), Bobby Beaumont (older brother), Megan Howell-Harrow and Robert Harrow (foster parents), Lawrence Harrow (foster brother) Description: DOB: February 23, 2002 Gender: Female Height: 5' 6" Weight: 125 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Red Lulu is a pretty girl from Alabama with pale skin, long red hair and dark brown eyes. She wears a lot of denim, mostly cutoffs in her favorite colors (pink and black), and she favors denim purses trimmed with studs or sequins. In terms of shoes, she has a large collection of pink sneakers and gym shoes, and she often wears girly baseball caps. She doesn't wear a lot of makeup, mostly just enhancing her lips and eyes. Since moving in with the Harrows, her style has become a bit more sophisticated, especially at formal events. She hasn't figured out a costume yet, but is leaning towards a mixture of black, pink and rhinestones. History: The Beaumont family has a somewhat checkered past back in Columbia, Alabama, with a history full of moonshine stills, reckless driving, and the occasional assault or petty theft. But those exploits are largely associated with the men of the family; the Beaumont women are known for something entirely different. Some call it ‘the gift’ and others ‘the sight’, but the red-headed women of this family all seem to have an eeriness to them. Harriet Beaumont predicted the 1935 Labor Day Hurricane, and Imogene Beaumont before her saw the Blocton Mine cave-in of 1895 clear as day. The fact of the matter is, very few of the Beaumonts have demonstrated the ‘true gift’, but that hasn't kept them from running a lucrative fortune-telling business for over forty years out of a rundown house just outside of town. On the night Lulu was born, a bolt of lightning struck a tree in their backyard, splitting it right down the middle, though there hadn't been a storm. Her father Darryl, an assistant manager at the local Piggly Wiggly who’d recently been fired for stealing steaks, declared nothing good would ever come of the girl, and seemed determined to prove his point. Darryl hounded her incessantly throughout her childhood, while showering undeserved praise on his delinquent sons Kyle and Caleb, both of whom were notorious in the Columbia area for drunken fights and making their own explosives. Only the Beaumont’s youngest son Bobby ever showed her any kindness, and they had always been close. However, once she began to show signs of the true sight at age ten, everything changed; suddenly Lulu was 'daddy's little girl’ as Darryl finally saw a way to use her to make money. With Lulu's unseen help, the fortune-telling business became very profitable, but her daddy didn't stop there. He forced his young daughter to extract credit card and banking information from their clients’ minds, threatening her or Bobby with physical harm if she didn't comply. They even pulled her out of school when she turned thirteen, supposedly to ‘homeschool’ her, but really it was to have her around the house so she could do more 'sneakin’ and peekin'’, and her studies suffered. One day when she was a fifteen, it finally came to a head; Darryl wanted her to enter the thoughts of woman who'd just lost her husband, and was looking to talk to his ‘spirit’, a scam they'd pulled before. But the woman had three children to feed, and her daddy wanted to rob her blind. When Lulu refused to steal her thoughts, Darryl moved to strike her, but then he suddenly stopped; Lulu had just discovered her mind control ability. To her father's horror, she forced him to drive them both to the local police station to confess to his crimes. However she couldn't maintain control forever, and a confession under coercion is not legally admissible. The revelations were enough for DCFS to step in, and when word of her story reached the headmaster of Claremont Academy, an offer was made to place her with a foster family in Freedom and enroll her in the academy, where she could obtain a proper education and learn to use her powers for good. She chose the heroic name 'Crystal-Gazer’ after the derogatory term her dad used to describe the family fortune-telling business. Personality & Motivation: Lulu is friendly and outgoing, though prone to long, thoughtful gazes, which usually means she's using one of her powers. She loves to find out other people's stories, but is fairly reluctant to share her own, as she is deeply ashamed of her family. Though she learned a lot of tricks and scams from her brothers, she detests swindlers of any kind, and will only use these skills for harmless pranks or to punish wrongdoing. Lulu is very powerful psionic, the sort that only comes around once or twice a generation, and she feels awful about how her family used her powers for criminal gain. She is particularly interested in exposing con artists and loan sharks, and any who would harm mothers or children. Powers & Tactics: Lulu can read minds, project her senses miles away, send thoughts to others and create impressive psychic illusions, including the ability to make herself invisible, though this does not fool devices like cameras or other surveillance equipment. She can also control minds, though she finds this power a little unsettling. Lulu recently discovered an aptitude for telekinesis, which she's still learning to master. Up until recently, she mostly relied on her illusions to confuse or frighten bad guys, and her ESP is excellent for recon. If things get really desperate, she will take over a thug's body, and shift the balance of power that way. She's still figuring out the best ways to use her telekinesis, but is becoming more skilled with it every day. Complications: "Ah’m sorry, ah didn't mean to pry.” Sometimes it's hard for Lulu to resist the urge to poke around other people's heads, even though she knows it's wrong. “Ah can't let them find me!” Lulu lives in terror of her family tracking her down in Freedom and trying to take her back home. “There's too many voices in mah head!” As a small town psychic in a big city, sometimes Lulu can get overwhelmed by all the telepathic ‘noise’ in the area. “Oh, ah didn't mean nothin’ by it!” Sometimes Lulu likes to play pranks on her friends with her powers; it isn't always well-received. “Ah dunno; it just gets really hard sometimes.” Lulu's been through a lot and is a long way from home, and misses her brother Bobby. Sometimes this can lead to depression and loneliness. ABILITIES: 0 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 10 + 10 = 30PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 20 (+5) COMBAT: 8 + 10 = 18PP Initiative: +5 Attack: +4, +8 Throwing with Telekinesis Defense: +10 (+5 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +4, +20 w/ Telekinesis Knockback: -7, -5 flat-footed w/ Force Field; -3, -1 flat-footed w/out Force Field SAVES: 4 + 5 + 5 = 14PP Toughness: +10 (+2 Con, +4 Defensive Roll, +4 Force Field [Imp 4]), +6 flat-footed; +6 w/out FF, +2 flat-footed Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4) Reflex: +6, (+1 Dex, +5) Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5), Ultimate Save SKILLS: 92R=23PP Bluff 15 (+20) Concentration 15 (+20) Second Chance Diplomacy 15 (+20) Disable Device 3 (+5) Drive 4 (+5) Gather Information 5 (+10) Intimidate 5 (+10) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Streetwise) 3 (+5) Notice 10 (+15) Sense Motive 10 (+15) Survival 4 (+9) FEATS: 5PP Luck Second Chance (Concentration) Trance Taunt Ultimate Save (Will) Enhanced Feats Beginner's Luck Defensive Roll 2 Dodge Focus 5 Improved Initiative Uncanny Dodge (Mental) POWERS: 10 + 8 + 9 + 53 + 10 + 22 = 112PP (Descriptors: all psionic) Enhanced Feats 10 (Beginner's Luck, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 5, Improved Initiative, Uncanny Dodge) [10PP] (Telepathic) Flight 3 (50 mph / 500 feet per round; Feats: Subtle 2) [8PP] (Telekinetic) Force Field 4 (Extras: Impervious 4; PF: Subtle) [9PP] (Telekinetic) Psionics 23 (46PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 7) [53PP] Base Power: [46PP] ESP 7 (Sense Types: Auditory + Visual, Range: 200 miles, Extras: Action [Free], Duration [Sustained], Simultaneous, Feats: Rapid 3 [x1,000, 18 seconds / 3 rounds to Search a 5 mile diameter area, 6 minutes if Taking 20], Subtle [DC25 Notice]) {46/46} (Telepathic) Alternate Power: [37PP] Create Object 10 (10 25-ft. cubes, STR 50; Extras: Impervious 10; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Progression [Size] 2 [25-ft cubes], Selective, Subtle 2) {37/46} (Telekinetic) Alternate Power: [40PP] Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Range 2 [Perception]) {40/46} (Telepathic) Alternate Power: [46PP] Illusion 10 (Sense Types: All; Extras: Selective; Flaws: Phantasm; Feats: Progression [Size] 6 [500ft radius]) {46/46} (Telepathic) Alternate Power: [43PP] Mind Control 10 (Extras: Conscious, Duration [Sustained, Lasting], Instant Command [Mental], Sensory Link; Flaws: Action [Full], Feedback; Feats: Mental Link, Subtle 2) {43/46} (Telepathic) Alternate Power: [44PP] Move Object 10 (Lifting Strength: 50, Heavy Load: 12 tons; Extras: Damaging, Range [Perception]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Precise, Subtle) {44/46} (Telekinetic) Alternate Power: [44PP] Stun 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Mental, Range 2 [Perception]; Feats: Reversible, Sedation, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Pain or Sleep]) {44/46} (Telepathic) Alternate Power: [32PP] Transform 10 (Memory Alteration; Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Duration [Continuous, Lasting], Mental, Range [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial, Subtle) {32/46} (Telepathic) Super-Senses 14 (Danger Sense [Mental], Postcognition [Flaw: Uncontrolled], Precognition [Flaw: Uncontrolled], Psionic Awareness [Descriptor Frequency: Common, Sense Type: Mental {Default Extras: None}; Extras: Radius, Ranged], Uncanny Dodge [Mental]) [10PP] (Telepathic) Telepathy 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22PP] (Telepathic) Base Power: [20PP] Communication 10 (Mental, 200,000 miles; Extra: Linked [Comprehend]; Feats: Rapid 3 [x1000], Subtle) [14PP] + Comprehend 3 (Speak and Understand Any Language; Extra: Linked [Communication]) [6PP] (Telepathic) {20/20} Alternate Power: [11PP] Concealment 10 (All Senses, Flaw: Phantasm, Feat: Selective) (Telepathic) {11/20} Alternate Power: [12PP] Mind Reading 10 (Extras: Effortless, Mental; Flaw: Duration [Instant/Lasting]; Feat: Subtle 2) (Telepathic) {12/20} DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 16 Toughness Damage [Physical] Illusion Perception Check vs. Will Deceived Mental Blast Perception DC 20 Will Save Damage [Mental] Mental Transform Perception DC 20 Will Save Transformed Mind Control Perception DC 20 Will Save Controlled Mind Reading Perception DC 20 Will Save Read (Not an attack) Move Object Perception DC 25 Toughness Damage [Physical] Stun Perception DC 20 Will Save Dazed/Stunned or Asleep TOTALS: Abilities (30) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (23) + Feats (5) + Powers (112) - Drawbacks (0) = 202/223 Power Points
  2. Player Name: Arichamus Character Name: Mind-Set Power Level: 10 (150/152PP) Trade-Offs: -2 Defence / +2 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 2 Progress To Bronze Status: 2/30 In Brief: Gentler half of an artificial-human duo created by the Foundry to experiment with psionic powers, Created with the power to control the mind and senses. Alternate Identity: Nathan(iel) Colletta Identity: Secret Birthplace: Foundry lab Occupation: Superhero, nurse Affiliations: Providence Asylum, Freedom City University, The Foundry Family: Rachel Colletta (sister) Description: Age: 24 (Date of birth: June 1980) Apparent Age: Mid-twenties Gender: Male Ethnicity: Italian/Cyborg, Caucasian(as Mind-Set) Height: 6' 5"/6' 8"(as Mind-Set) Weight: 210 lbs Eyes: Brown/Blue(as Mind-Set) Hair: Black Description: Big and tall is the simplest way to describe Nathaniel, he's brawny and well-toned with broad shoulders and powerful arms and legs, his skin darkly tanned. The thick black hair on his proportionally-appropriate head is wavy, cut short and always impeccably combed above bushy eyebrows and earnest brown eyes. His features are classically handsome, though not more so than many, and usually set in a warm, encouraging smile. Off-duty he wears button-up shirts(preferably blue) and khaki pants with sturdy shoes, while on the job at the asylum he fills out the standard-issue crisp white uniform. As Mind-Set he conceals his identity behind both a simple green mask and the illusion of a paler and(even more) square-jawed champion of justice, dressed in a vibrant blue, rich orange and glistening black costume marked with a sunset on the chest. In that disguise his eyes blaze blue and his voice deepens in timbre. A medical scan of either twin will reveal a web of electronics and circuits digging into their brain. They are aware of it, but believe that it exists to boost their powers. In truth their memories and personalities are housed in the electronics, not in their grey matter. Power Descriptions: Nathan is telepathic, and his powers have governance over the mind and what it perceives. Mind-Set's powers, besides his ability to form very persuasive sensory simulacrums(Illusion), are remarkably difficult to detect given their wide-ranging effect. When standing at just the right angle, it's possible to make out the passage of some invisible force when he's trying to overthrow another's reason(Mental Blast, Emotion Control) or a flicker of electric blue light in the depths of his eyes and someone whose will he's trying to override(Mind-Control). When hiding himself and others from the senses(Concealment), their bodies appear to disappear in a circular wave from the torso outward. To those with the right detection abilities, Mind-Set's powers give off a flare of cold blue light around himself and his target or targets, or a harsh electronic crackle. History: Talos, the ingenious Man of Bronze and molder of the Foundry, has been hard at work making artificial beings like himself for decades. For obvious reasons, most of them were metal minds in metal bodies, as he struggled to create someone really like himself, a true peer. However, he's always been interested in replicating the bizarre powers displayed by organic superhumans, exemplified by his wayward 'son' Argo, the Ultimate Android, and like his business partner Overshadow has a vested interest in that elusive yet tempting source of power: psionics. That such a thing as a psychic robot had never been seen before was taken by Talos as an implicit challenge by the universe. Working from the understanding that since organic brains are similar to electronic ones on a base level(interpreting and reacting to exterior stimuli by electric impulses) and that psychics must be somehow exploiting that, Talos studied and experimented for years on those unfortunate enough to both have such abilities and fall into his bronze clutches. To his disgust, he found that the best results were got from organic 'carriers', their brain-wave patterns somehow amplifying the powers he managed to replicate. Making lemonade from lemons being one of his few positive sides, Talos honed and refined his process until he had two prime subjects, both indistinguishable from normal humans save for the small pieces of circuitry and electronics in their brains: where he gave them their powers, their personalities, and their first spark of life. One could wreak havoc on everything outside the mind, the other on everything within it. Given that and his agents Keres and(nominally)Blackfire, it's likely they would have been intended as sleeper agents, but Talos' plans were thrown into disarray when his alliance with the Curator led to the destruction of the secret lab the twins(given the names Nathan and Rachel Colletta) were being tested and grown in, and the pair were evacuated with all speed as the facility exploded and crumbled around them. They escaped death or capture(or rescue), but not without damage, including damage to the mental programming that would have compelled them to search out some other Foundry base. They had enough training to get by in the world, however, and after making their grueling way to civilization, set about the work of their new lives. Talos had already set up a plausible family history for the pair to draw from, and the rest fell out as could be expected, including the "discovery" of their powers and slow migration to Freedom City, super-city of opportunity. Nathan soon developed a fascination with the workings of the human mind, its relationship with the brain and the mysteries therein, seizing an opportunity to study it as a nurse at the Providence Asylum(which after taking on 'superhuman' patients has also significantly increased its wages and health insurance policy) alongside his courses at FCU. These days Mind-Set spends them like many working university students; he splits his time rigorously between work, ease and school life, keeps up a wide ring of friends on and off campus, and heads off on superheroic excursions with sister Maelstrom when the need arises. It's a good life, busy, and with more doors opening up before the Colletta twins all the time. Whatever new plans Talos might have for his oddest pawns, if indeed they aren't already unconsciously playing one out, remains to be seen. Personality & Motivation: A towering and sturdy rock to his sister's raging sea, Nathan(iel, as he insists on adding to it) has grown up into the role of peacekeeper and mediator. He embraces that due to both a history of calming down situations his sister got involved in(the ones she didn't end), and a fascination with how and why people think and do what they do. His powers give him a window on that, but he prefers a more academic method(and fears coming to rely on his powers to get what he wants), and hopes in his heart of hearts to find a way to 'cure' the problems afflicting those suffering mental illnesses and imbalances. Preferably without superpowers. Nathan's work with the mentally ill is something he values deeply, as the young man views many of the world's villains as very like his patients, people in need of care, understanding and treatment over punishment. This hasn't diminished his power to recognize real, conscious evil, but it has made him more sympathetic to the plight of those in real need of help. In person he's laid-back and confident, preferring to be the supporter of a group over being a leader, years of playing second-fiddle making it a natural and comfortable fit for him. Powers & Tactics: A diehard support specialist, Mind-Set tends to keep on the sidelines and coordinate with his sister over their telepathic link(between their chips), providing illusory screens and manipulating the emotions of their enemies to keep the bad guys in disarray. If at all possible, he remains undetectable for as long as possible and keeps nearby allies also hidden, unleashing his savage assault on others' psyches only as a last resort. His power to dominate people's minds is something he uses very sparingly, mostly if he's fighting someone on his own and they prove immune to his appeals to reason or if he's in a group fighting someone vastly stronger than them. Complications: Actually Artificial Nathan's mind and personality is housed in a computer distributed throughout his brain. This leaves him open to powers that normally only affect computers, like Datalink or an EMP attack. "And now for that mask!": Mind-Set doesn't wear much of a disguise, and if his illusion is penetrated there isn't much to protect his identity. Brainwashed and Crazy: Talos doesn't believe anymore in tools that can't be controlled. Not to mention the danger if somebody else figured out how to 'access' either twin. False History The Collettas' history is elaborate, but ultimately fake. Enough digging will reveal this. "I'm real, damn it!": Nathan puts an irrational emphasis on his being a 'real' person, and will go to considerable lengths to prove it to himself or others. Overdrawn at the Brainpower Bank: The mental discipline needed to use his psychic abilities can mean havoc if it's broken or strained, such as if he fails a crucial Concentration check or overtaxes himself using Extra Effort. Responsibility: His sister's well-being, his patients at Providence, his studies, his friends, his need to conceal his true name from criminals. Secret: Identity. Secret: He's a psionic organic robot made by a genocidal metal robot. [if that comes out, it leads to a Prejudice Complication.] Secret Past: 'Nathan' isn't human, not strictly; he and Rachel were both created by the Foundry, even if they don't remember it. That was a lie?: Nathan genuinely wants to trust and bring out the best in people, which despite his powers makes him just that much more vulnerable to deception than his more cynical sister. Whoops! Zhat vas not medicine!: As a nurse at Providence Asylum, Nathan is often unknowingly vulnerable to the likes of the Maestro or Fear-Master, something that could make already complicated situations a lot more so. Abilities: 6 + 8 + 10 + 6 + 8 + 4 = 42PP Strength: 16 (+3) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 16 + 8 = 24PP Initiative: +8 Attack: +10 Melee, +8 Ranged, +10 Mental Blast Grapple: +13 Defense: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -0 Saving Throws: 5 + 6 + 8 = 19PP Toughness: +10*/12 (+5 Con, +5 Force Field, +0*/2 Defensive Roll; +0/5 Impervious) *Flat-Footed Fortitude: +10 (+5 Con, +5) Reflex: +10(+4 Dex, +6) Will: +12 (+4 Wis, +8) Skills: 56R = 14PP Concentration 8 (+12) Bluff 8 (+10) Diplomacy 10 (+12) Drive 1 (+5) Knowledge(Behavioral Sciences) +5 (+8) Knowledge(Current Events) 2 (+5) Knowledge(Streetwise) 3 (+6) Languages 2(English(Native), Italian, Spanish) Sense Motive 6 (+10) Stealth 11 (+15) Feats: 8PP Attack Focus(Melee) 2 Defensive Roll 1 Dodge Focus 4 Improved Initiative Powers: 11 + 30 + 2 = 43PP Force Field 5(Extras: Impervious 5; Feats: Subtle)[11PP] Psychic, Technology Mind Play Array 12.5(25PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5)[30PP] Psychic, Technology Base Power: Mental Blast 10(Flaws: Range(Ranged), Distracting; Power Feats: Accurate, Homing 1(1Extra Attempt), Reversible, Sedation, Subtle)[24/25PP] AP: Concealment 10(All Senses(Auditory, Olfactory, Mental, Visual); Extras: Affects Others; Flaws: Passive; Feats: Close Range , Selective)[22/25PP] AP: Emotion Control 10(Feats: Mind Blank, Subtle)[22/25PP] AP: Illusion 6(All Senses; Feats: Progression 1(Area; 10-ft radius))[25PP] AP: Mind Control 10(Extras: Conscious; Flaws: Sense-Dependent(They must meet his eyes); Feats: Mental Link, Subtle)[22/25PP] AP: Mind Reading 10(Extras: Area(250ft radius), Linked(Quickness), Selective; Flaws: Distracting; Feats: Progression 2 (Area: 25ft. per rank=250ft. radius), Subtle)[23/25PP] + Quickness 4(x25 normal speed;Flaws: Mental tasks only)[2PP] = 25PP Super-Senses 1 (Communication Link [Rachel Colletta], Feat: Subtle) (Sibling Link) (Telepathy) [2PP] [table]DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Melee DC18 Toughness(Staged) Damage(Physical) Emotion Control Perception DC20 Will Emotion Change Illusion Perception DC16 Will Illusion Maintained Mental Blast Ranged DC25 Will (Staged) Damage(Mental) Mind Control Perception DC20 Will Mind Controlled Mind Reading Touch(Area, 250ft.) DC20 Reflex/Will Mind Read[/table] Totals: Abilities (42) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (14) + Feats (8) + Powers (43) - Drawbacks (0) =150/152 Power Points
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