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Found 9 results

  1. Pacer Power Level: 11 (195/200 PP) Trade-Offs: None (Offensive); +4 Defense, -4 Toughness (Defense) Unspent PP: 5 In Brief: Literally Speed Incarnate. A cosmic energy being has become the soul of a mortal human. Residence: Claremont Academy dorms Base of Operations: Earth, basically. Catchphrase: “A moment is all I need.” And variations thereof. Alternate Identities: Mona Simms Identity: Secret Birthplace: Glen Burnie, Maryland Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy in general Family: Silver Streak (Holly Wood, grandmother & retired Golden Age hero), Hannah Simms (mother, deceased), Miss Invincible (Francine Simms, aunt, hero, secret agent, & twin of Frank), Frank Simms (uncle & twin of Francine); Stalwart (Mickey Simms, twin brother) Age: 16 Apparent Age: 16 Gender: Female Ethnicity: White Hispanic Height: 4’ 10” (5’ 1” in costume) Weight: 90 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Description: Mona is…well, tiny. Really, really tiny. Occasionally mistaken for a grade schooler tiny. She covers for it as best she can with baggy clothing, but now and again there’s just nothing she can do about it. Anyone who actually takes a good look at her will see she is a teenage girl. Just, you know, in miniature. She doesn’t do makeup or jewelry. Hell, she doesn’t even carry a purse. Definitely rocking that tomboyish aesthetic. Her costume is a bulky, dark blue bodysuit with a full cowl (though her hair sticks out in the back. That’s about it. No special markings or anything. History: Mona Simms has been fast ever since the day she was born. Fortunately, it took until she could walk reliably before she discovered the sound barrier wasn’t one to her. She’s been running ever since. She’s been quite literally everywhere on earth that’s above water. There probably isn’t a person alive who doesn’t have a story about the little girl who did something, then disappeared in an instant. If global urban legends were a thing, she’d be one. Not that she was ever late for dinner, mind you. Aunt Francine would’ve kicked her butt up between her shoulder blades. Of course, if one travels long enough, you start to see things you can’t let happen. Not and keep sleeping at night. The quickest way around all the annoying obstacles about doing the hero thing without actually being one is just putting on the mask already. Pacer was born. It started in the Golden Age, with the hero Silver Streak. Her speed (rivaling that of even Johnny Rocket) was the name of the game, but that wasn’t her only power. She was strong, tough, and hella smart, too. She had no idea how powerful she really was, and never found out. Until long after she retired, and her three children not only inherited her powers, but took them to heights she never imagined. Francine got the toughness, and is so close to being literally invincible as to make no real difference. Frank got the intellect, and he’s frightening with how much he understands about everything sometimes. And Hannah, her baby, got the speed and the muscle. None of the three went into heroics, not really. Francine’s dabbled, but she’s spent far more time as a freelance secret agent than anything else. They…lived not ordinary lives, exactly, but lives out of the spotlight. Then Hannah got pregnant. Frank’s never shown any signs of being interested reproducing, and Francine’s powers prohibit it. Even her eggs are hella tough. Unfortunately, that very same toughness was the reason Holly Wood survived birthing her children in the first place. A toughness Hannah did not share. Frank and Francine adopted the newborn twins in their sister’s memory. The thing that none of the four know (barring maybe Frank, he’s hella smart and might’ve checked) is that their powers have nothing to do with genetics, magic, or technology. Their souls aren’t human souls. They’re cosmic energy beings, each with a section of nigh-infinite power all its own. Speed, Strength, Stamina, and Mind. Holly Wood was possessed by all four, and passed on each one to one of her children. Hannah did the same. It’d have taken nullifying manacles to get young Mona to stay at Nicholson. So Francine bided her time. When she (well, Frank noticed first) that the two were starting the superhero thing, she called in a few favors to get her niece and nephew admitted to Claremont. Personality & Motivation: Pacer is someone who could dance in the virtual eternity between seconds. She is speed incarnate. The fastest thing on the planet. And since she’s always been this fast, she knows it. Impulsive, impatient, and apparently suffering from the worst case of ADHD of all time. Her emotions appear ephemeral and fleeting. Often capricious and unpredictable, but never actively malicious. She’s someone who’s never had to slow down unless she wanted to. But even the most carefree of children gets older. Sees things. Things their conscience won’t allow to stand. Somebody has to do something. The faster the better, amirite? Power Descriptions: As before, Pacer is someone who could dance in the virtual eternity between seconds. She is speed incarnate. The fastest thing on the planet. A blur, borderline impossible to hit. A swarm of tiny fists and flying pebbles, all supersonic and strong enough to crack steel. Everything she does comes from raw speed. She’s not strong, tough, or particularly skilled, but the speed makes up for a lot of failings. Also, weirdly, her powers don’t entirely do business with physics. She does not gain mass as she gets faster, and she lacks the hyperfast metabolism of other speedsters. She’s shown the fleeting ability to lend her speed to others, making regular Bystanders into PL10 Speedsters…somehow. Note: That’s not an I don’t know, that’s a she don’t know. Cosmic energy can be lent, apparently. Above Speed 10, for those who can actually see her, energy is crackling off her as if she was an electric controller. One last thing. For anyone who can perceive cosmic energy, she is a beacon in a dark universe. As impossible to miss as the sun would be if it was at the moon’s distance from earth. Powers & Tactics: Pacer’s tactics aren’t complicated. Hit the enemy until he stops getting up. She’s got a couple of tricks up her sleeve, though. She’s great at overruns, and can do that speedster trick of vibrating so fast she turns intangible. Lastly, she can do the twin thing with her brother, borrowing some of his strength at no cost to him. After all, he’s got plenty to go around. Complications: Too Fast, Too Furious: Pacer is fast, and this has made her reckless. She’ll do just about anything on a dare, because she thinks she’s fast enough to escape the negative consequences. It doesn’t even have to be a dare. She could just get bored with the plan and improvise. A GM may award a hero point for Pacer’s impulsive recklessness getting the better of her. Tokyo Drift: Pacer lives in a world the vast, vast majority of people wouldn’t understand. Her mind processes information faster than most neurons fire once. Staying still long enough for sound to enter her ears can be torturous at times. So…it’s entirely possible she was having an epic, 13 hour long episode TV series of a daydream, and missed the entire conversation. Or she ran to Japan for some ramen because the speaker was taking too long, and is just now getting back. Things like that. A GM may award a hero point when this becomes a problem. Turbo Charged:Pacer’s powers come from the nigh-infinite power of the cosmic energy being that is her soul. And all that energy has to go somewhere, if she’s not actively using it. If her powers are nullified, she’s kept immobile for a significant portion of time, or she’s just plain knocked out, the speed can…leak…and cause all sorts of zany hijinks. Hijinks that I’ll leave to a GM’s imagination, as he or she awards the hero point. La Bandolera: Pacer can borrow some of her brother’s immense strength, as they’re twins. However, this doesn’t work if one of them has their powers nullified, one’s knocked out, or they’re just way too far from each other for it to work. Sometimes it just doesn’t work for no apparent reason. A GM may award a hero point for this occurrence. Fast Future: Future Pacer is incredibly powerful, enough to make present Pacer seem weak and kittenish. She zips through time itself, doing the hero thing with no regard for the laws of time. Too fast for time itself to catch, let alone any of its servants and defenders. Naturally, the various guardians of the timestream don’t like her very much and wish she would just stop, already. This can…complicate present Pacer’s life. A GM may award a hero point for Future Pacer’s actions having a negative effect on Present Pacer. Also, plot hook! Abilities: 0 + 10 + 6 + 4 + 0 + 2 = 22PP Strength 10 (+0) (20 [+5], Lifting STR 40 w/ Borrowing From Mickey) Dexterity 20 (+5) Constitution 16 (+3) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 12 (+1) Combat: 10 + 14 = 24PP Initiative: +25 (+5 Dex, +20 Improved Initiative) Attack: +5 Base (+11 Speed Attacks) Grapple: +5 (+15 w/ Borrowing From Mickey) Defense: +15 (+7 Base, +8 Dodge Focus, +4 Flat Footed) Knockback: -2 Saving Throws: 2 + 10 + 8 = 20PP Toughness: +7 (+3 Con, +4 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +5 (+3 Con, +2) Reflex: +15 (+5 Dex, +10) Will: +8 (+0 Wis, +8) Skills: 36R = 9PP Acrobatics 5 (+10) Knowledge (Current Events) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 3 (+5) Notice 10 (+10) Search 5 (+7) Sense Motive 10 (+10) Feats: 56PP Accurate Attack Acrobatic Bluff Defensive Attack Defensive Roll 2 Dodge Focus 8 Evasion 2 Fast Overrun Improved Initiative 5 Improved Overrun Luck 3 Move by Action Power Attack Seize Initiative Sidekick 33 (Stalwart) Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 30 + 6 + 1 + 22 + 5 = 64PP All Speed Array 12.5 (25PP; Power Feats: Alternate Power 5) [30PP] Base Power: (Setting The Pace) Concealment 6 (All Visual Senses, All Auditory Senses; Power Feat: Close Range; Extra: Linked [+0]; Flaw: Limited to While Moving) + Enhanced Quickness 9 (to 20, Extra: Linked [+0]) + Enhanced Speed 9 (to 20, Extra: Linked [+0]) {7 + 9 + 9 = 25/25} Alternate Power: Damage 11 (Extra: Autofire; Power Feats: Accurate 3) {25/25} (One Million Punches) Alternate Power: Damage 11 (Extra: Area [Targeted, Burst]; Power Feats: Accurate 3) {25/25} (Crowd Control) Alternate Power: Damage 11 (Extra: Ranged; Power Feats: Accurate 3) {25/25} (Throwin’ Stuff) Alternate Power: (Borrowing From Mickey) Enhanced Strength 10 (to 20, Extra: Linked [+0]) + Leaping 5 (Extra: Linked +0) + Super Strength 5 (Lifting STR 45, Extra: Linked +0) {10 + 5 + 10 = 25/25} Alternate Power: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Power Feats: Subtle 2) {22/25} (Vibrating At The Speed Of Awesome) Enhanced Feats 6 (Improved Initiative 5, Seize Initiative) [6PP] Luck Control 1 (Force Reroll; Flaw: Limited 2 [Attacks against Pacer]) [1PP] Quickness 11 (Extra: Linked [+0]) + Speed 11 (Extra: Linked [+0]) [11 + 11 = 22PP] (Speed Incarnate) Super Movement 5 (Sure Footed 2, Wall Crawling 2, Water Walking; Flaw: Limited to While Moving) [5PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Unarmed w/ BfM Touch DC 20 Toughness Damage One Million Punches Touch DC 26 Toughness (Autofire) Damage Crowd Control Area [Targeted, Burst] DC 26 Toughness Damage Throwin' Stuff Ranged DC 26 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (9) + Feats (56) + Powers (64) - Drawbacks (0) = 195/200 Power Points
  2. Player Name: Eternal Phoenix Character Name: Pacer Power Level: 12 (200/201 PP) Trade-Offs: +2 Attack, -2 Damage (Borrowing From Mickey; Offensive); +5 Defense, -5 Toughness (Defense) Unspent PP: 1 In Brief: Literally Speed Incarnate. A cosmic energy being has become the soul of a mortal human. Residence: Several tiny islands scattered around the world Base of Operations: Global, with a focus on Freedom City Alternate Identities: Mona Simms Identity: Secret Birthplace: Glen Burnie, Maryland Occupation: Adventurer, Social Media Influencer Affiliations: Claremont alumnus association Family: Silver Streak (Holly Wood, grandmother & retired Golden Age hero), Hannah Simms (mother, deceased), Miss Invincible (Francine Simms, aunt, hero, secret agent, & twin of Frank), Frank Simms (uncle & twin of Francine); Stalwart (Mickey Simms, twin brother) Age: 21 Apparent Age: early 20s Gender: Female Ethnicity: White Hispanic Height: 4’ 10” Weight: 90 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Description: Mona is…well, tiny. Really, really tiny. Occasionally mistaken for a grade schooler tiny. She covers for it as best she can with baggy clothing, but now and again there’s just nothing she can do about it. Anyone who actually takes a good look at her will see she is a teenage girl. Just, you know, in miniature. She doesn’t do makeup or jewelry. Hell, she doesn’t even carry a purse. Definitely rocking that tomboyish aesthetic. Her costume is a dark blue bodysuit with a full cowl (though her hair sticks out in the back). That’s about it. No special markings or anything. History: Mona Simms has been fast ever since the day she was born. Fortunately, it took until she could walk reliably before she discovered the sound barrier wasn’t one to her. She’s been running ever since. She’s been quite literally everywhere on earth that’s above water. There probably isn’t a person alive who doesn’t have a story about the little girl who did something, then disappeared in an instant. If global urban legends were a thing, she’d be one. Not that she was ever late for dinner, mind you. Aunt Francine would’ve kicked her butt up between her shoulder blades. Of course, if one travels long enough, you start to see things you can’t let happen. Not and keep sleeping at night. The quickest way around all the annoying obstacles about doing the hero thing without actually being one is just putting on the mask already. Pacer was born. It started in the Golden Age, with the hero Silver Streak. Her speed (rivaling that of even Johnny Rocket) was the name of the game, but that wasn’t her only power. She was strong, tough, and extra smart, too. She had no idea how powerful she really was, and never found out. Until long after she retired, and her three children not only inherited her powers, but took them to heights she never imagined. Francine got the toughness, and is so close to being literally invincible as to make no real difference. Frank got the intellect, and he’s frightening with how much he understands about everything sometimes. And Hannah, her baby, got the speed and the muscle. None of the three went into heroics, not really. Francine’s dabbled, but she’s spent far more time as a freelance secret agent than anything else. They…lived not ordinary lives, exactly, but lives out of the spotlight. Then Hannah got pregnant. Frank’s never shown any signs of being interested reproducing, and Francine’s powers prohibit it. Even her eggs are invincible. Unfortunately, that very same toughness was the reason Holly Wood survived birthing her children in the first place. A toughness Hannah did not share. Frank and Francine adopted the newborn twins in their sister’s memory. The thing that none of the four know (barring maybe Frank, he’s extremely smart and might’ve checked) is that their powers have nothing to do with genetics, magic, or technology. Their souls aren’t human souls. They’re cosmic energy beings, each with a section of nigh-infinite power all its own. Speed, Strength, Stamina, and Mind. Holly Wood was possessed by all four, and passed on each one to one of her children. Hannah did the same. It’d have taken nullifying manacles to get young Mona to stay at Nicholson. So Francine bided her time. When she (well, Frank noticed first) that the two were starting the superhero thing, she called in a few favors to get her niece and nephew admitted to Claremont. It would be inaccurate to say Mona thrived there, but she got a high school education. Close enough. It’s been a few years since graduation, but Mona is still Mona. Just more mature. Most of the time. Nobody’s quite sure what her job entails, but she’s always got enough money to eat and a place to sleep somewhere on the planet. The main problem is that she doesn’t seem to have an identity aside from wearing the mask. A social life that doesn’t exist, and a job that doesn’t require her to interact with people outside of the internet. Personality & Motivation: Pacer has matured from that frenetic teenager. Well. Some. She still can be impulsive. Her emotional state can still shift with shocking rapidity, but retains a default state of cheerful confidence. But that childish capriciousness is gone. The Terminus Invasion some years back while she was still in school altered the way she thought about things. Now more than ever, there are things that someone who has the power to do something about them cannot allow happening. And the list of people on the planet with more power than Pacer is a hell of a lot shorter than the list of people with less. The main problem with her is that she’s found herself profoundly socially isolated. She just…doesn’t know how to relate to normal people. She saves and protects them because it’s good and right, but...she doesn’t have any connections to anyone who isn’t family and thus can borrow some speed to talk to her. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. She was supposed to have lots of friends. But they’re all so slow. Sigh. It ain’t easy being different. She’s lonely in a way she doesn’t know how to articulate. Power Descriptions: Pacer’s powers don’t normally have any visual indicators. She’s just very, very fast. However, above Speed 12, for those who can actually see her, golden energy crackles around her body as the cosmic energy inside pops outside with higher level use. This also applies if she ever uses Extra Effort. One last thing. For anyone who can perceive cosmic energy, she is a beacon in a dark universe. As impossible to miss as the sun would be if it was at the moon’s distance from earth. Powers & Tactics: Pacer is the Avatar of Speed. She has a cosmic energy being of nigh-infinite power for a soul. So she’s phenomenally fast without any effort at all on her part. She can dodge attacks and strike foes with absurd ease should she so choose. Also, weirdly, her powers don’t entirely do business with physics. She does not gain mass as she gets faster, and she lacks the hyperfast metabolism of other speedsters. She can’t even do the air control tricks other speedsters do. In fact, unless she’s specifically being tested for cosmic energy any scanners will only detect a normal if tiny human being. No powers. No special physiology. Nothing. Pacer’s tactics aren’t complicated. She’s either doing damage or using a special trick of speed. One Million Punches. Is literally her punching the target a million times or more inside a few seconds. She’s not very strong, but all the blows add up. She actually shows a sign of her future power here, as a temporal echo continues striking at the target the following round. Crowd Control is a similar amount of punches, just spread out among an area or group of opponents. Throwing Stuff is literally just throwing debris at hypersonic speeds. It is surprisingly effective. Setting The Pace is her basic special trick; unleashing just how fast she really is. Max Reverb is moving so fast while relatively immobile that she is vibrating out of phase with reality and functionally no longer a solid object. Borrowing From Mickey is not really a speed trick per se, as she’s tapping into her brother’s immense strength. She hits harder on her own, but her carrying capacity is massively increased. Complications: Too Fast, Too Furious: Pacer is very, very fast. This makes escaping danger rather trivial, most of the time. So she’s never been seriously injured or defeated in combat. This has made her more reckless and overconfident then she should be. A GM may award a hero point for making Pacer simply try to do too much. Tokyo Drift: Pacer has been incredibly fast for her entire life. Paradoxically, this has made her very slow on the uptake s ometimes. When a person’s mind moves at anywhere from ten thousand to several million times faster than most anyone else’s, they tend to have attention span issues at the very least. She has a hell of a time understanding people with normal speed brains as while it’s merely a few seconds for them, subjective hours, days, weeks, or even months have passed for her and she’s forgotten what they were even talking about. The rhythm of normal speed conversation, understandably, can and does elude her. Especially under stress. A GM may award a hero point when she misses out on information in this way, or screws a social situation in a way that really matters. Turbo Charged: Pacer has more energy contained within her tiny body than any star could put out. And if, for whatever reasons she can’t use it right now (knocked out, powers nulled, being stealthy for too long, etc), it’s gonna come out anyway. And break stuff she needs right now. Or give bystanders speed powers they can’t control. Or light up the sky in a display that alerts every enemy for miles around. It’s gonna be strange, unexpected, and very unhelpful to the current situation. A GM may award Hero Points as they see fit for the barrage of shenanigans. La Bandolera: Pacer can borrow some of her brother’s immense strength, as they’re twins. However, this doesn’t always work and the reasons are mysterious as the cosmic energy beings they come from. A GM may award a hero point for this occurrence. Fast Future: Future Pacer is incredibly powerful, enough to make present Pacer seem weak and kittenish. She zips through time itself, doing the hero thing with no regard for the laws of time. Too fast for time itself to catch, let alone any of its servants and defenders. Naturally, the various guardians of the timestream don’t like her very much and wish she would just stop, already. This can…complicate present Pacer’s life. A GM may award a hero point for Future Pacer’s actions having a negative effect on Present Pacer. Also, plot hook! Abilities: 2+10+10+4+0+4=30 Strength 12 (+0) (30 [+10] w/ Lifting STR 60 Borrowing From Mickey) Dexterity 20 (+5) Constitution 20 (+5) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 14 (+2) Combat: 16+14=30 Initiative: +29 (+5 Dex, +24 Improved Initiative) Attack: +8 Base (+12 Speed Attacks) Grapple: +9 (+24 w/ Borrowing From Mickey) Defense: +17 (+7 Base, +4 Dodge Focus, +6 Enhanced Dodge Focus, +4 Flat Footed) Knockback: -2/-3 w/ Defensive Roll Saving Throws: 3+6+8=17 Toughness: +7 (+5 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +8 (+5 Con, +3) Reflex: +17 (+5 Dex, +6, +6 Enhanced Reflex) Will: +8 (+0 Wis, +8) Skills: 48 SP= 12PP Acrobatics 10 (+15) Bluff 3 (+5) Diplomacy 3 (+5) Gather Information 3 (+5) Knowledge (current events) 3 (+5) Knowledge (pop culture) 3 (+5) Notice 10 (+10) Search 3 (+5) Sense Motive 10 (+10) Feats: 18PP Accurate Attack Acrobatic Bluff Beginner’s Luck Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff Defensive Attack Defensive Roll Dodge Focus 4 Evasion Luck 4 Move by Action Power Attack Uncanny Dodge (auditory) Enhanced Feats Dodge Focus +6 (to 10) Evasion +1 (to Evasion 2) Luck +2 (to 6) Improved Initiative 6 Seize Initiative Powers: 43+50=93 All powers have the Cosmic source descriptor Speed Techniques (Array 19 [38 PP], Power Feats: Alternate Power 5) [43 PP] Base Power: Concealment 10 (All Senses; Power Feat: Close Range; Flaw: Limited to While Moving); Enhanced Quickness 8 (to 20 [5,000,000x speed]); Enhanced Speed 8 (to 20 [25 mil MPH, 220 mil ft/rnd, ~42k mi/rnd]) (Setting The Pace) [27/38PP] Alternate Power: Blast 12 (Power Feats: Accurate 2, Improved Crit 1, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing]; Extra: Autofire [10 ranks only]) (Throwin’ Stuff) [38/38PP] Alternate Power: Strike 12 (Power Feats: Accurate 2, Improved Crit 2; Extras: Autofire [10 ranks only], Secondary Effect) (One Million Punches, Bludgeoning effect descriptor) [38/38PP] Alternate Power: Strike 12 (Power Feats: Accurate 2; Extra: Targeted Shapeable Area, Selective Attack) (Crowd Control, Bludgeoning effect descriptor) [38/38PP] Alternate Power: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Power Feats: Precise, Selective, Subtle 2) (Vibrating At The Speed Of Awesome) [24/38PP] Alternate Power: Enhanced STR 18 (to 30); Leaping 3 (x10, 200 ft. running jump, 100 ft standing jump, 50 ft high jump); Super Strength 6 (Lifting STR 60) (Borrowing From Mickey) [36/38PP] Container 10 (Speed Incarnate; 50 PP Container) [50PP] Enhanced Feats 16 (Enhanced Dodge Focus 6 (to 10), Enhanced Evasion (to Evasion 2), Enhanced Luck 2 (to 6), Improved Initiative 6, Seize Initiative) [16PP] Enhanced Reflex 6 [6PP] Luck Control 1 (Force Reroll; Flaw: Limited 2 [attacks against Pacer]) (Microsecond Dodge) [1PP] Quickness 12 (10,000x speed) (Cosmic Quickness) [12PP] Speed 12 (50,000 mph, 440,000 ft/rnd,~ 86 mi/rnd) (Cosmic Speed) [12PP] Super Movement 3 (Wall Crawling 2, Water Walking; Flaw: Limited to while moving) [3PP] Name Attack Bonus Range Save & DC Effect Unarmed +8 Melee 16 Toughness Damage Unarmed (Borrowing From Mickey) +14 Melee 25 Toughness Damage One Million Punches +12 Melee 27 Toughness (Autofire, Secondary Effect, Improved Crit 2) Damage Crowd Control +12 Melee 27 Toughness (Targeted Area) Damage Throwin’ Stuff +12 Ranged 27 Toughness (Autofire, Improved Crit 1) Damage Abilities 30 + Combat 30 + Saving Throws 17 + Skills 12 + Feats 18 + Powers 93– Drawbacks 0= 200/201
  3. RocketLord

    Run fast!

    Teased it a while back, but ideas finally got together. A group of cosmic beings are looking for the fastest being in the universe. They have searched worlds to find those worthy, and as they expected, Earth is rife with potential speedsters that just might be the fastest being in existence! How will they determine this? With a race, of course! If you got a speedster (someone that runs, not someone that cheats by flying) and do you think you might just be the fastest being there is? Or maybe you just want to prove yourself? Or try to capture your fading glory one last time? Let's see how you measure up, it's time to race! I'm not gonna set a strict number right now, but we'll see how many signs up or not for this.
  4. Thoughtspeed Power Level: 10 (Shifted) [12] 194/198 PP Trade-Offs: +3 Attack / -3 Damage, +3 Defense / -3 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 4 In Brief: Son of a time controller and a psychic, Thoughtspeed uses his strength of will to harness kinetic energy to move faster and fight harder, all for the cause of good (and impressing the ladies)! Alternate Identity: William Cline Identity: Secret(ish) Birthplace: USA Occupation: Student, Superhero Affiliations: Claremont Family: Richard Cline "Fast-Forward" (Father); Paige Cline "Hologram" (Mother); Anne Cline "Clock Queen" (Paternal Grandmother); Holly Cline (Younger Sister); Bryant Cline (Paternal Grandfather, de-aged) Description: Age: 19 (DoB: October 1997) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasion/Jewish mix Height: 5'10" Weight: 170 lbs Eyes: Dark Brown (Normal), Dark Green (Powers Active) Hair: Black William's built lean; between his super-metabolism and his natural inclinations to work on endurance and flexibility, he doesn't cut a large figure. That said, he's clearly in excellent condition and well-toned, showing a natural, organic athleticism. His dark hair is kept fairly short, but just long enough it can get a bit tousled in the wind when he runs (just as planned!). His skin has a healthy tan, born from a lot of outdoor runs. His eyes often dance with barely restrained mischief, when they aren't glowing green with the use of his powers. William tends to dress fashionably but comfortably, in clothes that one could comfortably run in. Thoughtspeed's outfit is made up of morphic molecules engineered to resist high-speed frictions, though not enough to help in an actual fight. Still, it comes out as a decently thick suit of flexible, breathable material that is nonetheless decently more substantial than, say, spandex. The primary color of the suit is a slightly glossy black. Starting at the shoulders (front and back) and running down the right and left sides of his suit are lines of dark green (about 2 inches wide) that trace their way down his legs (the lines thin to about 1 inch past his waist) all the way to his ankles, where it makes a circle around the ankle, thus joining the front and rear lines. Another set of similar lines go down the middle of the outside arm section, ending in circles at his wrists; his elbows and knees have slightly thicker circles, while a large loop circles his waist like a belt. When he's using his powers more actively (OOC: Faster than Speed 2 or Quickness 1, using any of the Super-Movement powers, or using his Kinetic Blades Array), bleed-off psycho-kinetic energy goes into the costume, causing the lines to glow a somewhat brighter green. His feet are clad in hybrid shoes, with a tread somewhere between "hiking boots" and "track shoes", giving him flexibility, traction, and comfort. Finally, a thin "metallic" helmet unfolds over his head when the costume is active (though he can will it to retract independently); this helmet encapsulates his head, including a one-way visor that obscures his face but lets him see clearly. The helmet has several subtle air vents to allow comfortable breathing and preventing heat buildup, and has thin lines curving around the sides to connect to the lines on his suit's shoulders (the helmet's lines also glow when his powers ramp up). A simple domino mask is underneath the helmet, as a nod to his secret identity without being too complicated. Power Descriptions: While Fast-Forward's powers allow him to harness chronal energy to warp space-time (mainly time), and his mother can project powerful illusions, Thoughtspeed's powers are more internally focused. His body is able to generate and harness notably more kinetic energy than usual, all controlled by his formidable will (or sheer teenage stubbornness, according to his mother). Thus, he can charge his body with kinetic energy to move many times the speed of sound, even across water or up buildings. However, his precision control is much lower, meaning he cannot accomplish fine tasks with the same level of speed (though he can still accomplish things faster than humanly possible). This same usage of kinetic energy means that, within a certain distance, he has an innate spatial sense that allows him to navigate in complete darkness, using his mind to interpret the "bounce-back" his whole body is picking up. That this makes him difficult to catch unawares is an added benefit. Finally, he can mold the kinetic energy he generates into semi-tangible constructs, which he shapes into various hand-held melee weapons. He can alter the properties of the blades somewhat, though he cannot do everything at once with them, forcing him to decide on his mode of attack. If he takes a moment to concentrate, he can find the best way to move about an area and attack many people at once within it with his kinetic energy blades, which can prove useful for laying low a group of henchmen. William's inheritance from his mother is still developing; while he can set up a team-wide telepathic link, the range is poor enough he runs the risk of casually zipping out of range in the blink of an eye, leaving everyone suddenly isolated again. Thoughtspeed is also able to use his mental and kinetic powers to warp and blur the light around his body, as well as generating some basic, low-level holographs, that he becomes invisible to the naked or assisted eye. Of course, he still needs to rely on his own caution and skill to move undetected to the ear or other, more exotic senses. The same field can be turned outward, generating a massive burst of blinding green light; he has finally mastered only blinding those he chooses to with this burst of power, though it takes him several seconds to build up to it nonetheless. History: William didn't come into the world until his parents had left behind villainy for several years. They were older and at least somewhat wiser. And those early years had been great; just him, Mom, and Dad, nothing but good times. Several early years were spent living in an RV, and how cool is that? Totally cool. He saw a lot of pretty neat in those traveling years. They came back to Freedom City for a bit, he learned he was getting a new baby sister, and his Mom got really weird for a while. She was a LOT snappier than usual with him, and he just couldn't figure out what he'd done wrong. But then Holly was born, and they were moving again! California was kind of nicer than Freedom City. It wasn't really any shinier, but it was warm a lot more, which meant William got to wear shorts a lot! He liked shorts. And things were pretty awesome for years! His mom and dad ended up TV stars, he got to be on television (even if he had to wear a mask, but hey, he got to help build it!), and his Grandma Anne was fun to visit, even if she tended to talk about "back in my day". A lot. Even more than his dad! He started getting superpowers, and that was totally awesome! His dad helped him figure most of it out, with his mom giving him pointers. Eventually he figured out he could make swords. With his mind! That's when Grandma Anne start giving him lessons when he visited! Though she didn't do much to encourage his creativity, always trying to make him stick to one long blade and one short. He only just managed to avoid "having" to make them look like clock hands; that would have been so last century, and thus lame. And then Holly mind-controlled an entire school, and in less than a week California was left behind and Will found himself in Freedom City again. But now he had to go to a fancy-dancy little private school for heroes. It's not that being a hero was bad, but now he felt obligated to end up being one, instead of having the option to, he didn't know, maybe run his own TV show or something! And to make matters worse, he'd left all his friends and lots of cute girls behind in California, and now his sister was getting all of the attention instead of only some of it, and both the women in the house were totally psychic and it sucked! Psychic women were the worst when you were a teenage boy. But hey, the classes were kind of neat, gym was mostly a breeze, and the girls here were kind of pretty. Even if some of them could turn you into a pretzel with one hand. Will ended up going to UCLA for several months, competing in some track runs out in California, working through college-credit courses (super-speed studying has its perks), and striking up a relationship with a college freshman girl who just happened to be a cheerleader for UCLA. It was fun and a bit wild. Then he finished his college credit classes and decided to come back to Freedom City and Claremont Academy to finish off his senior year of high school. The fact that he and his girlfriend were taking a break that was in no way related to her actually being a ninja that was attacked by a rival, evil clan of ninjas when they were on a date certainly had very little to do with that decision. Practically nothing, in fact. Having graduated Claremont, Will has continued to take college courses, though he has yet to pick a major (which frustrates his parents, naturally). He hasn't really found a new romantic interest, instead actually focusing on school, family, or heroics. Or just running for fun, which he still likes. Personality & Motivation: Will has always been an...energetic...young man. While his mother's worked hard to instill a sense of discipline into him, he's inherited a full dose of the mischief of his parents, albeit in a somewhat more law-abiding way. His parents both made sure he wasn't one for petty crime, not that he felt he needed it. He has an intellectual admiration for some of the more "refined" and "principled" super-villains (mostly of yester-year like his parents), but his real role models (besides his father and mother) are still heroes. Just the ones with senses of humor and/or some sort of super-speed. William is by nature impatient, but while he can sometimes be an excitable handful in class, his mother has instilled enough of a work-ethic in him that he's willing to work on his studies; he just often has trouble sitting through classes, despite being able to somewhat "ramp down" his speed (body and mind) to something closer to normal for humans. While he doesn't automatically distrust and disrespect his teachers (and other authority figures), Will will sometimes push boundaries as much as he can, though it's more due to being used to his mother's firm rules for what he can and can't get away with. When meeting people (especially peers) for the first time, Will is friendly and outgoing, enthusiastically so. Despite this, he actually has few close friends, as he finds himself only comfortable with people he trusts; trust is one of those things he gives sparingly. When he does make a friend, he's fiercely loyal and even protective of them. He's been known to (at least try to) play pranks on those who upset or hurt his friends. William is a bit of a flirt, though he's well-mannered enough to not continue if the girl is already taken, or if she just asks him to stop. He generally doesn't "tease" his friends, as he's conscious of how some might not take to it as naturally and humorously as others. He tries to present himself as something of a "rakish ladies man" (a trait he insists he inherited from his father). His family is important to him, but he admits he's often "so frustrated" by them; his father can be too goofy even forWill's sense of humor, his mother is often "too strict", and his sister is precocious enough to inspire frustration at nearly every turn. Anyone else who is negative about them finds themselves in a heap of trouble, though. Thoughtspeed is always eager to taunt opponents, or at least appear to not take them seriously when at all possible. While to some allies he seems unfocused and undisciplined, he's actually always focused on helping out his team; he simply can't keep his somewhat rambunctious nature from leaking through. Powers & Tactics: If fighting alone, Thoughtspeed will typically keep his visual stealth up as long as feasible while closing in on an enemy, then perform several quick strikes. After that, his preferred method is to use the full measure of his speed to keep out of an enemy's range while running by at high speed and hitting them; few enemies can reliably hit someone who's a mile or more away. However, if he's working in a group, Thoughtspeed's tactics shift rather noticeably. If he's the only telepath around, he will work to stay within about 100ft of everyone in the group, so that no one drops off the link he has with them. This means he has to rely on tactics and a bit of stealth to keep from being shot at in the first place, or just rely on his incredible reflexes to not get hit. He only uses his Visual Overload if he feels there's no other choice, as it risks disabling teammates as well. He usually opens a fight with his Twin Blades, only using the Duelist Blade if he finds a particularly tough opponent. He will sub in forming the Halberd if there's a group, or he's fighting a particularly tough and wily opponent. Complications: Secret Identity: William Cline intends to keep his hero life separate from his "normal" life, outside of the unusual "blending" that happens at Claremont. Thus, a GM may award Thoughtspeed a Hero Point when maintaining his dual identity is put at undue risk by the current situation. Shady Family Background: While his father's mother is (mostly) peacefully retired, and his parents are reformed, William's family background is extremely checkered. Anyone researching his family very much may make unwanted connections, and some parts of his extended family might object to his heroic efforts. A GM may feel free to award him a Hero Point if he faces hardships due to his family connections to villains past and present. Mind Over Matter: Typically Thoughtspeed's powers are a unified whole that gives him internally-focused kinetic energy control. However, a precisely-targeted power nullification that was also powerful enough might cause his psionic powers to shut down, but not his kinetic powers. This would leave him bereft of much of his ability, as well as rendering him a potential danger to others, thanks to out-of-control kinetic energy buildup he'd have to either drain off by large amounts of movement, or see erupt out in random damage. A GM might award a Hero Point if some Nullification were to take out his Psionic descriptors, but leave him enough power beyond his Speed and Quickness to cause some sort of Aura damage, or something similar, to cause risk to civilians and fellow heroes. Big Eater: Thoughtspeed needs a lot of fuel to keep his super-metabolism going, to the point of typically carrying a couple of high-energy bars with him on a patrol or the like, just to keep the edge off of his hunger. A GM might award a Hero Point if, due to limited food supplies, Thoughtspeed's hunger reaches the point where his powers are reduced in effectiveness. Born to Be Wild: William Cline is his father's son. He is also a teenager. This means he's got a pretty solid rebellious streak, and just enough disregard for authority to get him into trouble. A good bit of trouble, even. Big Shadows: Fast-Forward and Hologram were larger-than-life villains and are larger-than-life heroes/television stars. Combined with their somewhat eccentric personalities, this means there's a lot of pressure (more imagined than real) on William to live up to that larger-than-life life. Combined with the rather esoteric upbringing he had, and the rather sudden move to Freedom City, it's left the eldest child of the family feeling more than a bit disaffected and frustrated with his parents, who are simultaneously "pretty cool" and "totally lame", as only a teenager can think of his parents. Little Shadow: Holly is a precocious super-psychic little sister. She totally harshs his vibe sometimes. Or gets in trouble and he has to help bail her out. ABILIITES: 4 + 14 + 14 + 2 + 4 + 4 = 42PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 24 (+7) Constitution: 24 (+7) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 14 (+2) COMBAT: 10 + 10 = 20PP Initiative: +15 Attack: +13 Kinetic Blades, +7 Melee, +5 Ranged Grapple: +9 Defense: +13 (+5 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -2 SAVING THROWS: 0 + 2 + 6 = 8PP Toughness: +7 (+7 Con) Fortitude: +7 (+7 Con) Reflex: +9 (+7 Dex, +2) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) SKILLS: 76R = 19PP Acrobatics 10 (+17) Disable Device 8 (+9) Escape Artist 8 (+15) Knowledge: Pop Culture 2 (+3) Language 2 (English [Native], German, Hebrew) Notice 10 (+12) Search 8 (+9) Sense Motive 10 (+12) Sleight of Hand 8 (+15) Stealth 10 (+17) FEATS: 23PP Accurate Attack Acrobatic Bluff All-Out Attack Attack Focus: Melee 2 Attack Specialization: Kinetic Blades 3 Challenge (Fast Task) 1 (Acrobatic Feint) Defensive Attack Dodge Focus 8 Improved Initiative 2 Move-By Action Power Attack Takedown Attack 1 (2 with Kinetic Blades 'Polearm') POWERS: 6 (1+5) + 31 (14+14+3) + 29 (17+12) + 16 = 82PP Psycho-Kinetic Awareness 1.2 (6PP Container [Passive, Permanent]) [6pp] (Mutant, Kinetic Energy, Psionic) Enhanced Feat 1 (Uncanny Dodge: Mental) [1PP] Super-Senses 6 (Accurate, Acute, Radius, Ranged, Mental Sense) [5pp] Kinetic Speed 6.2 (31PP Container [Passive, Permanent]) [31PP] (Mutant, Kinetic Energy) Quickness 14 (x50,000) [14PP] Speed 14 (250,000 MPH/2,500,000ft per Move Action) [14PP] Super-Movement 3 (Water-Walking, Wall-Crawling 2, Flaw: Only While Moving) [3PP] Mental Powers 5.8 (29PP Container) [29PP] (Mutant, Psionic) Communication 5 (Mental, 5 miles, Extras: Affects Others, Area; Power Feats: Selective, Subtle) [17PP] ("Telepathic Linkup") Psionic Light 5.5 (11PP Array Feats: Alternate Power 1) [12PP] -Base Power: Dazzle 10 (Visual, Extras: Area [General, Burst, 50ft radius], Flaws: Action [Full], Range [Touch]) [10PP] ("Visual Overload") -Alternate Power: Concealment 4 (All Visual) [8pp] ("Personal Holographic Shroud") Kinetic Blades 7 (14PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 2) [16PP] (Mutant, Kinetic Energy) -Base Power: Strike 5 (Extras: Autofire (Applies to Strength Bonus), Power Feats: Mighty [+2 Damage], Variable Descriptor 1 [Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning]) [14PP] ("Twin Blades") -Alternate Power: Strike 5 (Extras: Penetrating 6, Power Feats: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Mighty [+2 Damage]) [14PP] ("Duelist Blade"; Piercing) -Alternate Power: Strike 5 (Power Feats: Extended Reach 2 [15ft reach], Mighty [+2 Damage], Variable Descriptor 1 [Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning]) [9PP] + Enhanced Feats 3 (Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Takedown Attack 1) [3PP] ("Polearm") Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC17 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Strike Touch DC22 Toughness (+ Autofire, Staged) Damage (Physical) Dazzle Area DC20 Reflex 1/2 Effect DC20 Reflex Blinded DC20 Fortitude Recover TOTALS Abilities (42) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (8) + Skills (19) + Feats (23) + Powers (82) - Drawbacks (0) = 194/198 Power Points
  5. Are you looking for a speedster? Do you need another hero in a thread? Well look no further than the Hyperactive Hero and Windy City Warrior: Hyperactive! He's mainly in Freedom City, but if someone wanted to do a thread in Texas, that would be another place he spends a meaningful amount of time. So, if you need a speedster, feel free to PM me!
  6. Hyperactive Power Level: 10/12 (169/183PP) Unspent Power Points: 14 Trade-Offs: -5 Toughness / +5 Defense In Brief: A Speedster who has moved to Freedom City to make his own life and name for himself. He gains his powers from being able to manipulate and absorb kinetic energy. Catchphrase: “I’ll give you a headstart” Alternate Identity: Tyson Masters (Secret) Birthplace: Chicago, IL Residence: Apartment in Freedom City Occupation: Hero / college student Affiliations: Family, Waco Warriors Family: Parents: The Sunset Speedster (aka Jennifer Masters, Mother) and Mr. October (Fredrick Masters, father), Kas Masters, Younger Sister (Claremont student). Wife? Emily Masters Description: Age: 20 (DoB: Year [1997, January 20]) Apparent Age: 20 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Mix: Black and Hawaiian Height: 5’10” Weight: 145 lbs Eyes: Brown/Green glow while using powers Hair: Short and black. Tyson typically wears a long black duster coat and a short brimmed fedora hat over a t-shirt, jeans and Cowboy boots. He has dark brown skin and brown eyes. He is rail thin and lean. His costume is an all black suit with a green stripe down his front and back. The letter H is in Silver on the stripe on the front. His helmet is all silver with a green face shield that can either cover his whole face, or just the top. The helmet has a black stripe that extends from the forehead down the back. It all locks into one seamless piece. History: Tyson always knew he would be a hero. The Chicago heroes Mr. October and the Sunset Speedster are his parents after all. His Grandfathers had been heroes too, in fact it was expected that Tyson would take up the mantle of his Grandfather: the Summer Son. He grew up training, with the knowledge that one day he would be the next one in a long line of heroes. Tyson longed for the day that he would wear the costume of the Summer Son. He had watched and studied all the video and data. He had trained for hours and hours with his mother. He was ready to step in and take up the mantle that his grandfather had left behind. That is until he realized he couldn't live up to that. The original Summer Son lobbed fire balls, shielded himself with flame, and could fly. The new Summer Son couldn't, and the papers slammed him for it. No matter how hard he tried, Tyson couldn't quite measure up. Of course he couldn't quite escape the limelight of his parents either. The papers noted that even if Tyson was faster than his mother, he certainly was more spacey. They named him the Hyperactive Hero. His time as a Chicago hero saw him facing down old enemies of the family. Tyson began to chafe at the reputation he gained as being a sidekick to his parents. He also grew secretly aggravated that the only villains who would challenge him were those who had issues with the original Sumer Son. Things began to change when Tyson first fought the Gingerbread Man. A mobster with superhuman speed, who forced Tyson to choose between saving innocents and stopping the villain. Choosing the innocents, Tyson was both aggravated by his failure and satisfied that someone had decided to take him on directly. Unfortunately this was Tyson’s only relief from the relentless hammering of a media who felt that he was an insufficient replacement. Yearning for a fresh start Tyson decided to transfer universities and move to Freedom City. He hung up the mantle of Sumner Son and made a new identity. He filed his paperwork and became a new hero: Hyperactive. Personality & Motivation: Tyson moves from one topic to the next with speed. His brain moving too quickly even for him to track sometimes. As such his intelligence often goes unnoticed. Hyperactive grew up training to be a hero, and protects people since it is right. In addition, he doesn't have an option to not from time to time run. He might as well do some good at the same time. He also wants a little bit of fame and recognition as a good and capable hero. Powers & Tactics: Speed. His ability to move faster than most people can follow keeps him alive. While not that tough, he prefers hit and runs. He also can use his ability to manipulate kinetic energy to steal it from people and objects. With a touch he can use his powers to steal or convert a person's kinetic energy, freezing them in place. Power Descriptions: As Hyperactive speeds up he tends to leave a green glow around him as he manipulates kinetic energy. This, of course, only applies to those who can see him moving near his top speeds. Complications: Showboat: Hyperactive won't ever take down the bad guys without first making it a show for his audience. If there's no audience, then he's far more likely to go in stealthily. Out of the Shadows: While he does save people because it's the right thing to do, he prefers and craves recognition. If a bad guy makes the case that it'll make him look more impressive he might give them a head start running away. Legacy: He's still Summer Son II to some people, sometimes that's fans of his grandfather, sometimes that's the people he put away, and sometimes it's the legacy villains of those villains. Relationships: He loves his family and will back them up if he's needed. Then there's Emily. Emily claims that she was his wife on another Earth. Her Earth was destroyed by Omega, and she is one of the few survivors making her story frustratingly difficult to fact check. She was never born on this world, because her parents never met. The only parent she does have on this world happens to be her father, his Archnemesis Gingerbread Man. While he may not entirely trust her story, he is attempting a relationship with her. Can't Stop Moving: Hyperactive is constantly absorbing kinetic energy and using it to power himself. If he can't use his powers he is still locking down energy. This begins to manifest as black smoke being coughed up, this is followed by nausea, then exhaustion, then blacking out. If he reaches an upper energy limit he can explode with the force of a nuclear weapon. Nullifying him doesn't dissipate the energy absorbed, but it will stop him from taking in more. Exposure to extreme cold can sap his energy (reflected in his weaknesses.) and can bring him to safe levels. Duty Calls: as head of the Warriors reserve he's expected to put Waco on his priorities. Even if that means letting a bad guy get away. I'm Not Me: Hyperactive is one of the few truly good and heroic versions of himself across the multiverse. (There are plenty of good versions and even plenty of heroic ones, but few are both.) He is often deeply shaken by the idea he could be like those other versions. Also any number of his doppelgängers could come to Prime hiding from Authorities. A case of mistaken identity is always possible. Shadow Zone: the Shadow Zone as Hyperactive has dubbed it, is a place beyond the speed of light, a place (but not the only one) where a speedster can wind up after moving faster than light. Anything that is in the Shadow zone gets stuck there, as the object's speed is maintained by the background vibrations and energy of the Shadow Zone. The Zone is a place where time and distance are in flux, usually this means that someone can enter the Shadow Zone and exit in drastically different locations. Perhaps someone can enter and leave in drastically different times or places. Besides super speed, exposure to Dark Energy can in some cases send one to the Shadow Zone. Archetech has means of getting people to and from the zone. The Zone also borders on the Terminus and by extension the rest of the multiverse. Whenever Hyperactive moves through the multiverse he has to pass into the Shadow Zone even if just for a moment. The Attometer: Hyperactive built a hideout in the Shadow Zone, potentially someone could get stuck in the zone and discover it. Weakness: Power Loss when exposed to vibrations of 14.247 gigahertz. Abilities: 4 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 24 PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 16 + 30 = 46 PP Initiative: +12 Attack: +8 Base Defense: +15 (+8 Base, +7 Dodge Bonus), +8 Flat-Footed Grapple: +10 Knockback: -1/-2 Saving Throws: 3 + 10 + 4 =17 PP Toughness: +5 (+2 Con, +1 protection, +2[Defensive Roll]) Fortitude: +5 (+2 Con, +3) Reflex: +14 (+4 Dex, +10 [Speed]) Will: +5 (+1 Wis, +4) Skills: 56R = 14PP Acrobatics 4 (+8, skill mastery) Diplomacy 13 (+14, skill mastery) Disable Device 10 (+12) Gather Information 8 (+9, skill mastery) Intimidate 7 (+8, skill mastery) Notice 7 (+8) Search 7 (+9) Feats: 16PP Acrobatic Bluff Connected Defensive Roll Eidetic memory Equipment 3 Evasion II Fast overrun Improved initiative II Instant up Move-by Action Skill mastery (diplomacy, gather information, intimidate, acrobatics) Well Connected Equipment: 3PP = 15EP The Attometer [15 EP] Size: Large [2 EP] Toughness: +20 [3 EP] Features: [10 PP] Communications, Computer, Gym, Infirmary, Isolated, Laboratory, Living Space, Power: Dimensional Travel [occupants only, any dimension], Power System, Security System (DC 20) Powers: 1 + 10 + 10 + 3 + 31 = 55 Protection 1 (Shock Absorption) [1PP] (Kinetic) Quickness 10 (X2,500) [10PP] (Kinetic)PF Speed 10 (10,000 MPH) [10PP] (Kinetic) Super Movement 3 (Wall-Crawling 2; Flaws: Only While Moving, Water Walking; Flaws; Only While Moving) [3PP] (Kinetic) Kinetic Control Array 12 (24 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 7, Drawbacks: Power Loss [14.247 gigahertz vibrations]) [31 PP] (Kinetic) Base Power: Damage 10 (Feats: Accurate 1) {11/26} Alternate Power: Damage 10 (Speeding Around Beating Down, Extras; area: Shapeable, Selective, Flaws; Action: full round, PFs; progression, accurate) {22/24} Alternate Power: Illusion 4 (Displacement Images; Auditory and Visual; Extras: Action 2 [Free], Duration [Sustained], Flaw: Only While Moving) + Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses; Flaws: Limited [Only While Moving]) {20 + 4 = 24/24} Alternate Power: Insubstantial 4 (Phasing; Extras: Affect Others) {24/24} Alternate Power: Move Object 12 (Air Control; Extras: Range [Perception], Flaws: Limited [Air]) {24/24} Alternate Power: Move Object 12 (Kinetic Drain; Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Limited [Stopping Moving Objects]) {24/24} Alternate Power: Paralyze 7 (Kinetic Drain, Extras: Affects Objects, Alternate Save [Fortitude, +0], Feats: Accurate) {22/24} Alternate Power: Speed 11 and Quickness 7 and Super Movement 3 (Dimensional Movement [Via Shadow Zone], Extras: Affect Others, Flaws: Limited [Moving at Lightspeed]) {24/24} Drawbacks: (-2) + (-1) = -3PP Vulnerability (Cold; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Moderate) [-3PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 17 Toughness Damage Damage Touch DC 25 Toughness Damage Paralyze Touch DC 17 Fortitude Slowed Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (46) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (14) + Feats (16) + Powers (55) - Drawbacks (3) = 169/183 Power Points
  7. Player Name: Daemonfey Character Name: Aeneid Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Trade-Offs: -5 Maximum Strength Attack / +5 Maximum Strength Damage,, -3 Blocking Defense / +3 Blocking Toughness, +3 Dodging Defense / -3 Dodging Toughness Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: Time-displaced Roman speedster Residence: Undetermined Base of Operations: Undetermined Catchphrase: “Hic manebimus optime!" (Here we make our most excellent stand!” Alternate Identity: Undetermined Identity: Res Public Birthplace: Rome Occupation :Freewoman Pugilist Affiliations: Undetermined Family: Dead parents, Batman Description: Age: 2261 (DoB: 246 BC) Apparent Age: 28 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Ancient West Asian Height: 6'4'' Weight: 160 lb Eyes: Green Hair: Light-brown Gaunt, slender and pale, she is not exactly attractive, but possesses and exotic presence, at least for Italian standards at the time. She is marked with the legacy of a violent life, cuts and scars being clear companions. Despise her apparently frail built, she is a bag of bones and stretched and worn muscles, with the arms and legs that only an expert pugilist can acquire. She often wears a ragged scarlet cloak and hood that turn her into a red streak. She wears a huge cestus on her left hand, the worn and old ropes and leather betraying her skill with brawl. Power Descriptions: She can drawn the power of the gods and take their power. Or she could, descending into the Underworld and performing a Myth, taking the place, duties and identity of the mythborn. The myths of ancient Trojans always resonated with her, and so she carries with herself the leadership, speed and strength of a Homeric hero. History: She barely remembers anything about her past life. Some points remain clear: - Was born a slave, of a family captured for their ties to mythic powers; raised to be a part of an ancient Roman super her team, she ran away the first chance she had, fully abusing her super speed; - Having a change of mind after seeing the rest of the world, she decided that for all its faults, the Republic was the only spark of freedom and democracy in the grim world of kings and tyrants; - She found everyone dead, with her the last super hero in Rome; - Hated due to her strange-looking aspect, gender, social status and merciful nature, she still founded various new teams to fight both alien invasions, unruly god(lings) and Carthaginian demon-worshipers; - A young Hannibal was her student and it did not end well; - She died protecting Rome from a friend turned traitor who was using the name of the Secret Goddess of Rome to weaken the city and rob all of its protectors from their mythic powers. She ran as fast as she could as he was performing the rites on the other side of Europe, feeling her strength wane but pushing. Her bony fist was the only thing that reached the destiny, killing the traitor, ending the ritual and saving Rome for one milennia; - She is back and whole, somehow. Personality & Motivation: She is an Epicuriean in everything she does: she always follows the path of least resistance, and strives to prevent suffering, taking no action that would cause greater woes and trying to work with the status quo and “lesser evils.” Despise a submissive, quiet and distant ponderous stance, she is actually quite cheerful and tries to find joy and fun in everything. Every day she strives to bring joy, prevent suffering, dispel fear and refute nonsense about Fate or Destiny. The Gods do not care for the particulars of human lives, and they are distant and aloof. Always a defender of liberty and democracy, she will always stand against any would-be tyrant. Currently, she has no grand designs: she is lost and wants to know both why she has been returned, how to communicate with this mad world and how to become part of it. Powers & Tactics: Not the smartest super hero, Aeneid has a problem dealing with anything that she can't solve by punching harder/running faster. Or so she says; she is a natural squad-level leader, and knows when to defer to her teammates and how to use them for full potential. Complications: Identity: Has no legal identity on this era Divine Mantle: Aeneid powers are tied to the mythic founders of Rome, and powers and attacks targeting divine or celestial beings affect her just as they would a god. Not easy being an Epicuriean: The aversion to causing and feeling suffering and seeking to provide only pleasure make her hesitate and find Diplomatic solutions and/or hesitate in case there is no doubt that much suffering will be caused by her inaction. No Roman will suffer a King: She will not play nicely with royalty or despots. Ever. Everyone was Kung Fu Fighting: She is a pugilist and sees any other similar brawler as a natural rival. v1 Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (12) + Feats (14) + Powers (67) - Drawbacks (-2) = (150/150) Power Points Trade-Offs: -5 Maximum Strength Attack / +5 Maximum Strength Damage,, -3 Blocking Defense / +3 Blocking Toughness, +3 Dodging Defense / -3 Dodging Toughness Abilities: 6 + 4 + 10 + 2 + 6 + 4 = 30PP Strength: 16/40 (+3/+15) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 14/30 (+3/+10 Combat: 10 + 6 = 16PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +5 Melee, +5 Ranged, +10 Leppi Ictus Grapple: +8 / +22 Defense: +7 Blocking / +10 Charging / +13 Dodging (+3/+4/+13 Base, +4/+6/+0 Dodge Focus), +2 Blocking Flat-Footed / +2 Charging Flat-Footed/+7 Dodging Flat-Footed Knockback: -2/-6 Saving Throws: 2 + 7 + 4 = 13PP Toughness: +5 / +13 Blocking / +10 Charging / +7 Dodging (+5 Con, +4/+1/+0 [Protection], +4/+4/+2 [Defensive Roll], +10/+0/+0 Impervious Reflective) Fortitude: +7 (+5 Con, +2) Reflex: +10 (+3 Dex, +7) Will: +6 (+2 Wis, +4) Skills: 28R = 12PP Acrobatics 5 (+10)Skill Mastery Concentration 10 (+13) Diplomacy 5 (+7)Skill Mastery Intimidate 5/13 (+7/+23)Skill Mastery Notice 5 (+7) Sense Motive 5 (+7)Skill Mastery Stealth 5 (+10) Knowledge (Tactics) 8 (+8) Feats: 14PP Acrobatic Bluff All-Out Attack Defensive Roll Distract (Intimidate) Fearless Grappling Finesse Improved Grab Improved Pin Leadership Luck 2 Power Attack Quick Change Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive) The Daughter of Aeneas 14 (28PP Array; Feats: Alternate Powers 5) [33PP] Base Power: Enhanced Strength 24 + Super-Strength 1 (Effective Strength 45; Feats: Bracing, Countering Punch) {24 + 4 = 28PP} (Maximum Strength) Alternate Power: Damage 7 (Extras: Autofire 10, Linked[Trip], Feats: Accurate, Attack Focus[Melee] 3, Mighty) +Trip 10 (Extras:Linked[Damage], Flaws: Range[Touch], Feats: Improved Trip) {22 + 6 = 28PP} (Lepii Ictus) Alternate Power: Damage 10 (250ft; Extras: Area[Burst], Linked[Stun], Penetrating, Flaws: Action[Full-Round], Feats: Progression[Area]) + Stun 10 (Extras: Area[Burst], Linked[Damage], Flaws: Action[Full-Round], Daze, Distracting) + Range[Touch], Feats: Improved Trip) {12 + 5 + 11 = 28PP} (Unius Femina Legio) Alternate Power: Enhanced Fearsome Presence 10 (1'000ft radius; Feats: Progression[Area] 4) + Enhanced Skill 2 (Intimidate 8) + Enhanced Charisma 16(Flaws: Limited[Intimidate]) {14 + 2 + 8 = 24PP} (Dei iudicium ) Alternate Power: Speed 20 + Super Movement 2: (Water-running, Wall-Crawling, {20+4PP} (Mercurius Alba) Alternate Power: Enhanced Strenght 4 + Super-Strength 12 (Effective Strength 80) {4 + 24 = 28PP} (Jupiter Indiges) The Walls of Troy 15 (30PP Array; Feats: Alternate Powers 3) [33PP] Base Power: Enhanced Defence 10 + Enhanced Feats 10 (Defensive Attack, Elusive Target 2, Evasion 2, Fast Overrun, Move-By Attack, Uncanny Dodge 3[Sight, Hearing, Smell]) {20 + 10 = 30PP} (Dodging) Alternate Power: Protection 1 (Extras: Impervious 10, Flaws: Limited[non-Perception]) + Enhanced Defense 1 + Enhanced Feats 8 (Blind Fight, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 6, Elusive Target, Evasion, Move-By Attack, Uncanny Dodge [Sight]) + Flying 5 (Up to Flight 6, 500mph/5'000ft per Move Action) {6 + 2 + 12 + 10 = 30PP} (Charging) Alternate Power: Protection 4 (Extras: Impervious 10, Reflective 2[All Attacks], Flaws: Limited[non-Perception]) + Enhanced Feats 6 (Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 4, Interpose){24 + 6 = 30PP} (Blocking) Alternate Power: Invisibility 8 (Flaws: Limited [only when moving]) + Quickness 20 {8 + 20 = 28PP} (The taking of Helen) Speed 1[1PP] Drawbacks: (-2) + (-2) = -2PP Disability (Illiterate ; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Minor) [-1PP] Wealth ( Impovirished; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Minor) [-1PP]
  8. Players Name: AvengerAssembled Characters Name: Fast-Forward Power Level: 12/14 (229/232PP) Trade-Offs: +5 Defense/-5 Toughness and None Attack/Damage as a Speedster, +5 Defense/-5 Toughness and -4 Attack/+4 Damage as Mystic Unspent PP: 3 In Brief: Iron Age villain turned Modern Age hero, speedster punk turned family man and veteran hero Alternate Identities: Tempus Fugitive Identity: Richard Anthony Cline Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey, USA Occupation: TV Star Affiliations: Shenanigans Family: Paige Psion-Cline, William Cline, Holly Cline Age: 50 (born 1963) Apparent Age: 30s Gender: Male Ethnicity: White American Height: 6 feet Weight: 160 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Description: Richard Cline is a tall, slim man with a runner's build. His hair is slicked up in that peculiarly 80s style and he wears leather jackets and jeans when he can, just like his hero Bruce Springsteen. His costume is a black and white bodysuit in traditional style - he doesn't wear a mask, and never has. He does wear a jacket over his spandex bodysuit, particularly when he needs to carry things. These days he carries a small, leather-bound Victorian book in his pocket. Powers and Abilities: Fast-Forward's speed powers are based in temporal manipulation rather than in super-speed as such - he accelerates his local frame of reference and appears to run fast, punch as fast and hard as an assault rifle, and a great many other super-speed tricks. He leaves behind a faint glowing red trail as he runs, a phenomenon caused by hyper-accelerated air molecules crashing back into their neighbors. His powers have begun to fade slightly as he ages, but he remains one of the fastest beings alive. His magical abilities come from carrying around the Tome of Theurgy, a sort of pocket guide to the magic of the stars that lets him call on the magic of the Behenian fixed stars to aid him in battle. Not being a subtle man, he uses his powers for spectacular evocations - hurling glowing fireballs, summoning tremendous storms, and otherwise making sure that he is the life of the party that he has always believed himself to be. Personality and Motivation: Richard's kind of a jerk, something of an occupational hazard for your typical speedster. But he's also a veteran who's been around the block many times, and that's significantly tempered the arrogant jerk who was pretty hard to be around back in the 1980s. He wants to make Freedom City safe for his family, and help make sure the kids tehse days don't make the mistakes he made when he was a kid. He loves his wife and kids more than anything in the world, though he has a considerably more complicated relationship with his still-living parents. He's still inclined to question authority in a Green Arrow sort of way, and doesn't always get along great with cops and other government officials, though he is always perfectly correct when there are cameras around. He's very handsome, though also very married. History: Some legacies in Freedom City aren't forged in the light of day. Richard Cline was born in August of 1964 to Anne Cline, aka Calendar Girl, speedster and smash-and-grab thief and briefly the sidekick of Doc Holiday. Abandoned by her partner when she got pregnant, Anne did the only thing she could, she raised her son at her side as first her ward, then her partner in crime. Richard developed his speed powers early, a legacy of all the times his mother had used her powers while he was in utero, and eagerly trained as his mother's sidekick. His childhood was great in some ways: the Crime League of the 1960s and 1970s were like a weird little family for him. He met gods and monsters, scientists and mystics, and sometimes crashed at their place for a few weeks until his mom could escape. She was Clock Queen, beautiful and glamorous, and he loved her with the devotion of a son for a doting parent. But his childhood was poor in some ways as well; he spent less than a year inside a classroom from age six to age eighteen, and only learned to read and write well from being able to practice at super-speed when he was very bored. Even when he put on a shiny four-colored costume to match his mother's, Richard didn't really know anything about the world except how to rob it. Eventually time ran out for Clock Queen and her sidekick Tempus Fugitive. As the world darkened into the grim days of the 1980s, their brand of crime no longer fit. A few months before his 18th birthday, Richard joined his mother for one last big score in Freedom City, a jewel heist that would give him a nest egg to start on his own career as an independent villain - and maybe work something out with Paige Psion, the daughter of Parker Psion and somebody he was more than sweet on. But it all went wrong: the cops showed up with temporal nullifiers and stopped them both dead in their tracks, dragging mother and son both off to jail. As the police closed in, Anne Cline saw her son's life in peril from a rogue Freedom City cop (there were a lot of those in those days) and shattered the man's legs, escalating this arrest to one that might have seen both mother and son go away for many years. Abandoned by the Crime League (which was already coming to an end itself), the Clines were left without allies. Anne stepped up for perhaps the first time in her life, spinning a grim story to the cops about how she’d abused and brainwashed Richard, that he’d only obeyed her out of fear of her wrath. Richard was sentenced as a juvenile despite the multiple felonies he was charged with and was released on his 21st birthday in 1985; Anne herself got a twenty year sentence. When Richard got out, the Moore era was just beginning, and the young man was disgusted by what he saw. Criminals had turned into psychopaths, cops had become bullies and tyrants, and the heroes had been chased away or turned killer. It was time to turn to _crime_: Fast-Forward, the laughing speedster-rogue, debuted by publicly pantsing the mayor, making sure the police would hunt him for his blood for the rest of the Moore administration. Maybe that life had been forgotten in a Freedom City had turned its back on its superheroes; had turned its back on the joy and laughter of the previous generation. Well, that was all right: he'd bring that world back. He'd _make_ the stupid sheep of Freedom City understand what they'd lost and he'd get damn rich in the process. And he'd do it without bending his head to any of the other supercriminals on the loose in his city in the process. Richard assembled a new costume together out of the raddest fashion gear he could: tight black spandex, aviator glasses, and bought enough mousse to give himself the big hair of the guys he'd seen on TV when he was locked up. Richard had always been a walking temporal anomaly, but in the 1980s he really was a man out of time: a costumed criminal who didn't kill, who avoided violence when he could, who focused on wacky theme crime with matching henchmen, who preferred to thumb his nose at vigilantes and the law rather than punch them in the face. He was equally likely to fight RIOT as FORCE Ops, and indeed he and Archer had something of a grudging understanding given their mutual history and how much the world had changed around both men. When cops opened fire on him, he'd laugh and rip the guns out of their hands or just slap them silly; when RIOT hurled fireballs at him he'd leave them paused and naked on the street. A dozen times, he nearly died, but he was just too fast for the world around him. (It helped that the super-speedsters of the past who'd once bedeviled him had all retired or died at this point, making him basically invulnerable to the local cops and supers alike if he had room to run) And luckily, he wasn't alone. Paige had finally broken out from under her father's tyrannical thumb, and the two of them hooked up again not long after his release. Paige Psion was a good influence on him; she got him to try bigger stuff than just petty, hilarious snatch-and-grabs like robbing an entire CODE fundraiser of their valuables, she also got him off cocaine and the other drugs he'd started taking, making clear that if he did want their relationship to resume, he needed to make her his focus, not his cocaine habit. Taking the name Hologram in honor of her illusion powers, Richard and Paige became a daring criminal duo like people in Freedom City hadn’t seen in years, gleefully bilking the rich and stupid while making sure they spent enough to stay popular in the community. It was a good life, one which Richard, deep down, sometimes still misses. The end of the Moore Act promised good things for the future for the young couple; who knew what fun they could have now that the heroes were back? All that came to an end when the Terminus Invasion happened. Fast-Forward and Hologram stood together against the world-conquering threat of Omega, battling Omegadrones and Annihilists alike, watching as friends and enemies and thousands of others died before Omega was finally defeated. Was it the horrors of T-Day that prompted Fast-Forward’s moral switch? The impact on him of the death of the Centurion? Or was it simply the realization that his old life just wasn’t working anymore in the new Freedom City now that the people had learned to appreciate their heroes again? Either way, he and Hologram decided it was time to get out of town: taking advantage of a Freedom Leage offer that gave a full pardon to all supers who’d helped out in the invasion as long as they stopped committing crimes, Richard and Paige skipped town and headed out of Freedom City. With a full pardon in hand from the US government, they lived in Freedom City and helped out for a few years, finding steady work and (after a few years, and a lot of trying) becoming parents of William Cline. Richard hated it, and almost went back on the coke he'd quit some years earlier, but he was determined to build a steady life for himself and his family. But it's tough to keep a secret from a psychic, especially your wife, and Paige was ready to travel too. When William was eight, they packed up and started moving, traveling in an RV and exploring the country, living the life of hard-traveling adventurers. They did a little of this and a little of that, and worked as part-time heroes, but weren't very happy: they got a big surprise when it turned out that Richard's regenerative and temporal abilities meant that his vasectomy hadn't taken and Paige became pregnant again - Holly Cline was born in Freedom City just in time for his creepy father-in-law to start sniffing around again. Richard despised Parker and frankly wouldn't have minded ratting the old man out, or maybe making sure he stopped being a threat to the family, but thought it was better to get out of Freedom fast. So they went back on the road, this time until they reached the Pacific, where the Psion family had never had much reach. Their window into a renewed celebrity came just a few years ago, when they were called in as consultants for a show the Discovery Channel was airing about the history of super-crime. The pair were funny and charismatic, and had stories to tell most people had never heard, and after several guest appearances they were spun off as the cohosts of Supercrime! Supercrime! (don't forget the !) is a wide-ranging show that takes a broad look at the history of supercrime in the United States, and Richard is very happy there, working alongside his wife and (sometimes) his son! But recently things have been changing, and not necessarily to Richard's advantage. Richard's daughter's psychic powers erupted recently, leaving the eight year old girl with mighty psychic powers and the family with a problem. Moving out to Freedom City (and commuting home with Richard's powers) helped with that, giving her access to the Nicholson School and eventually Claremont. (It also meant getting a heroic education for William, who by now was getting a little old to be taught by his parents) But one problem that couldn't be solved were Richard's powers: the super-speed that had powered him for most of his life had begun to fade by the time he reached his late forties, a slow decline that the super-doctors on the West Coast probably would last for the rest of his life. His speed dropped from close to light speed to hypersonic within the space of a few months, and the thought of being forever stuck in second gear made him feel unhappy. Faced with the choice of letting his powers fade gracefully or trying to infuse himself with more chronitons (a risky, dangerous task), Richard took a third option. He dug an old book out of his collection, one he'd picked up in a moment of panic in 1993 to help save the world, and for the first time opened it up and began to read... History of the Tome: The Tome of Theurgy is a handwritten volume by Violet Pennyworth, Master Mage of Earth before her tragic death in 1893. The book describes Pennyworth's experiments with directly tapping the magical essence of the Behenian stars, using Hermetic ritual and incantation to summon the mystic energies of those fifteen stars to Earth for great power. Pennyworth ultimately abandoned her work, leaving the book itself only halfway finished at her death - though her interest in starry magic did ultimately lead her to her last and fatal confrontation with cultists of the Unspeakable One. The book itself is a small, pocket-sized edition of what was once a diary, bound in pristine black leather. The pages inside are covered in handwritten notes and observations that would take a scholar hours to read and digest. The Tome disappeared from Violet's library not long after her death and has only occasionally been seen since - starry magic is a particularly laborious process given the need to perform all the relevant astronomical calculations moment-to-moment, and the incomplete nature of the book means that secrets may lie inside for the unwary. The Tome was last seen by the general super-public in the late 1970s, when the supervillain Clock Queen and her sidekick Tempus Fugitive robbed the estate sale of the Usher family, appropriating many valuable texts from that twisted criminal line. Mechanically, the tome is difficult to use in combat - its densely packed script is challenging to read, the calculations it requires must be done with incredible precision, and the Earth moves so rapidly that after the initial few castings of the summoning spells contained within, the book must be set aside so the spells inside can be recast over a period of hours. To use the book reliably in combat, a mystic would need both fantastic speed and a mastery over time itself. A silver chain keeps it fastened to Richard's jacket when he takes it out, something he can snap on instantly thanks to his superspeed. Complications: Under Pressure: Richard has a family to protect, for good or ill - including a mother and father who are among the most notorious thieves of the Silver Age, and one of its nuttiest costumed villains, respectively. (Clock Queen and Doc Holiday have not spoken since the breakup of the Silver Age Crime League). Pour Some Sugar On Me: Richard is happily married as only a man with a beautiful wife who just happens to be a psychic can be. However, he’s always had a soft heart for the ladies and may be vulnerable to some persuasion by them in a crisis. The Magic Number: While the Tome of Theurgy carries the gestalt knowledge of centuries of astral magic, Richard does not actually know anything about magic. Back in Black: Like many who lived in Freedom City in the Iron Age, Richard hates ninjas. Stupid Katanarchists. Walk This Way: A celebrity Discovery Channel host, Richard's face is known, and he has to behave himself in public most of the time Karma Chameleon: Richard is a convicted felon. Though his record is putatively clean today (thanks to many of his offenses being committed while he was a juvenile and others wiped away by either the statute of limitations or his pardon after the Terminus Invasion), he’s acutely aware that well-connected enemies could potentially cause a lot of problems for him. White Lines (Don't Do It): Former cokehead Fast-Forward is now a Narcanon member, and may find that responsibility taking him to some very interesting places indeed. Don't You Forget About Me: Freedom City has largely forgotten the 80s and early 90s, with the heroes and villains of those days dismissed as murderers or psychotic killers respectively - this is something Richard is determined to make sure they never forget. Walk Like An Egyptian: Fast-Forward once spent a week in Set’s lair. It was actually fine, Set kept his word to Clock Queen and was a good, if stern, provider: but in the aftermath, Richard has never really liked snakes. He thinks they’re spying on him. And maybe they are. Like a Virgin: Richard can be kind of a jerk sometimes. He’s working on that, though, and is much more pleasant to be around than he was in the 1980s. Take On Me: Though he’s aware he’s slower than most of the younger speedsters out there, Richard isn’t above competition with potential rivals like Downtime, Johnny Rocket, or even PC speedsters. I Can’t Go For That: Like many middle-aged people, Richard is most comfortable in the pop culture of his youth. Though he plays it up for laughs, he honestly doesn’t understand the charm of most modern-day music, style, and entertainment, and sometimes technology from after 1995 or so leaves him baffled. He’s a quick study, but it takes a lot to get him to make that studying in the first place. Hungry Like The Wolf: Fast-Forward has never quite gotten over the Iron Age. Not that he’s eager to go back to the days of lethal heroes and monstrous villains, much less a corrupt system and sheep-like townspeople, but he’s never lost the feeling that there’s another Moore Act out there just waiting to be passed. This has left him with a distrust for authority figures and government types that can occasionally seem a little odd in the modern era. You Shook Me All Night Long: Richard really hates corrupt cops and prison guards, and makes them particular targets of his hero work: nothing is more satisfying than putting away one of the cops (or their spiritual descendants) who used to harass him when he was a kid or in juvie. I Can't Change Time: Given the nature of Richard's powers, GMs should feel free to have interesting things happen when he uses extra effort with his Speedster array - surprise time travel, the arrival of dinosaurs, etc. As it goes! With Or Without You: Fast-Forward is on a first-name basis with many of the old lags from the Silver and Bronze Age Crime Leagues, some of whom helped raise him from birth. While he won’t go easy on them if they’re actually doing something bad, he takes something of a live and let live approach (in the finest tradition of the live-action Batman series) to those old-timers. No Way Out: Between one thing and another, most people don't leave the Crime League. Fast-Forward is one of the few people who has and lived to tell the tale. So far, anyway. Enola Gay: The Tome of Theurgy is a blunt instrument at the best of times, and Fast-Forward's not a terribly subtle guy. Sometimes he has to lay off the magic so he doesn't set the town on fire. Abilities: 2 + 6 + 6 + 0 + 4 + 6 = 24PP STR 12 (+1) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 (+3) INT 10 (+0 WIS 14 (+2) CHA 16 (+3) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP ATK: +6 (+8 Theurgy/+10 Speedster Array) DEF: +17/+15/+11 (+6 Base, +5 Dodge Focus, +4 Enhanced Dodge, +2 Shield; +3 flat-footed) Init: +3/+27 with Speedster Powers Grapple: +7 Knockback: -3/-2/-1 Saves: 5 + 16 + 8 = 29PP TOU +7/+5/+3 (+3 Con, +2 Defensive Roll, +2 Protection) FORT +8 (+3 Con, +5) REF +19 (+3 Dex, +16) WILL +10 (+2 Wis, +8) Skills: 124R = 31PP Acrobatics 9 (+12) Bluff 11 (+14) Skill Mastery Climb 8 (+9) Disable Device 15 (+15) Skill Mastery Escape Artist 9 (+12) Gather Information 8 (+11) Knowledge (History) 15 (+15) Knowledge [Popular Culture] 2 (+2) Languages 1 (Hebrew; English base) Notice 8 (+10) Search 8 (+8) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 10 (+13) Stealth 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Feats: 11PP Challenge (Fast Taunt) Dodge Focus 5 Evasion Move-By Action Skill Mastery (Bluff, Disable Device, Sense Motive, Stealth) Taunt Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Enhanced Feats Defensive Roll Dodge Focus 4 Evasion [to 2] Fast Overrun Improved Initiative 6 Improved Overrun Instant Up Powers: 32 + 15 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 42 + 3 + 1 = 110PP Device 8 (40PP, Tome of Theurgy, Flaw: Hard to Lose) [32PP] Enhanced Skills 20 (Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 10 (+10), Knowledge [Theology and Philosophy] 10 (+10)) [5DP] Force Field 2 (mystic shields) [2DP] Shield 2 (mystic shields) [2DP] Super-Senses 7 (Detect Magic 3 [mental], Enhancements: Acute, Analytical, Radius, Ranged) [7DP] Theurgy Array 24 (48 PP, PFs: Accurate, Alternate Powers 5, Flaw: Action [Full], Drawback: Action 6 [20 minutes to change allocation]) [24DP] BE: Paralyze 12 (cursed light of Algol; Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude, +0], Area [General, Cone], Secondary Effect) {48/48} AP: Dazzle 12 (visual) (blinding light of Asteroth; Extras: Area [General, Burst], Secondary Effect) {48/48} AP: Damage 16 (stormy light of Arcturus; Extra: Area [Targeted, Shapeable], PFs: Indirect 2, Stunning Attack, Variable Descriptor 1 [any weather]) {36/48} AP: Blast 16 (burning light of Sirius; Extra: Area [Targeted, Cylinder]) {48/48} AP: Snare 12 (nourishing light of Spica; Extras: Area [General, Burst], Regenerating) {48/48} AP: Teleport 12 (1200 ft/20 million miles) (hasty light of the Pleiades; Extras: Affects Others, Area [burst]) {48/48} Enhanced Feats 15 (Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 4, Evasion [to 2], Fast Overrun, Improved Initiative 6, Improved Overrun, Instant Up) [15PP] Feature 1 (temporal inertia) [1PP] Healing 1 (temporal acceleration, Extra: Affects Others, PF: Persistent) [7PP] Immunity 1 (aging) [1PP] Immunity 10 (psionic effects; Flaw: Limited [Half-Effect]; PF: Selective) [6PP] Quickness 1 (x2) [1PP] Speed 1 (10 MPH/100 feet per move action) [1PP] Speedster Array 19 (38PP, PFs: Alternate Power 4) [42PP] BE: Enhanced Speed 9 [to Speed 10 (10,000 MPH/100,000 feet per move action)] (Extra: Affects Others 10) + Enhanced Quickness 9 [To Quickness 10 (x5000)] (Extra: Affects Others 10) {19+19=38/38} AP: Damage 10 (goon-sweeper, Extras: Area [Targeted, Shapeable], Penetrating [6], Selective, PFs: Accurate 2) {38/38} AP: Damage 10 (velocity punch, Extras: Autofire, Penetrating [6], Secondary Effect, PFs: Accurate 2) {38/38} AP: Feature 30 (Buys off Action Flaw and Drawback on Magic) + Enhanced Speed 4 (to Speed 5 (250 MPH/2500 feet per move action])+ Enhanced Quickness 4 (to Quickness 5 (x50)] {30+4+4=38} {38/38} AP: Paralyze 10 (time-stop, Extras: Alternate Save [Reflex, +0], Autofire, PFs: Accurate 2, Improved Crit 2) {34/38} Super-Movement 3 (Wall-Crawling 2, Water-Walking, Flaw: Limited [Only While Running]) [3PP] Super-Senses 1 (Communications Link [mental] (Hologram)) [1PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 16 Tou Damage [Physical] Goonsweeper Area [Shapeable] DC 20 Ref [DC 25/20 Tou] Damage [Physical] Velocity Punch Touch DC 25 Tou Damage [Physical] Time-Stop Touch DC 20 Ref Slowed/Paralyzed Cursed Light Area [Cone] DC 22 Ref [DC 22/16 Fort] Slowed/Paralyzed Blinding Light Ranged [Burst] DC 22 Ref/DC 22 Ref [DC 22 Fort] Blinded Stormy Light Area [Shapeable] DC 31 Tou Damage [Physical/Energy] Burning Light Ranged [Cylinder] DC 31 Tou Damage [Energy] Nourishing Light Ranged [Burst] DC 22 Ref/DC 22 Ref Entangled/Bound Totals: Abilities 24 + Combat 24 + Saves 29 + Skills 31 + Feats 11 + Powers 110 = 229/232PP
  9. Velocity Power Level: 15 (243/250PP) [329] Trade-Offs: -2 Toughness/+2 Defense; -4 Damage/+4 Attack with Rapid Fire and Rapid Attack Unspent Power Points: 7 Old character sheet is >here. In Brief: Archetypical speedster. Alternate Identity: Megan Howell Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Socialite Affiliations: Freedom League Reservist Family: Donald Howell (father); Erin Howell (mother); Samantha Howell (sister); Jason Howell (brother); Lawrence Harrow (son); Robert Harrow (fiance) Age: 22 (July, 1991) Gender: Female Height: 5' 5" Weight: 110 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde (in costume wears a brunette wig) Megan has always been an attractive girl, one of those lucky ones who seemed to completely skip the awkward teenage stage. Now she has matured into a very stunning young woman, with a lean and tone body that still has plenty of curves. While she has long had a taste for the more expensive end of fashion, since attending Yale, she began wearing more moderately priced clothes around campus and has continued to do so in more general casual situations since returning to Freedom City. As Velocity, her costume is a yellow, form-fitting bodysuit with thin black and white checkered strips running down the arms and legs. She also wears yellow gloves and boots, and a small utility belt in which she carries a few things, such as steel ball bearings which she throws at supersonic speeds. In addition, she covers most of her head in a yellow mask, leaving only the lower part of her face exposed. To further conceal her identity, a brunette wig extends out of the back of the mask. Hi-tech, mirrored goggles cover her eyes and part of the upper half of her face. Power Descriptions: Megan has the ability to move at many times the speed of sound, her speed allowing her to run across water, up the sides of buildings, and even vibrate fast enough to pass through walls. Her speed goes beyond just movement, with Megan able to perform tasks that might take a normal person an hour in a few seconds. History: Megan is the youngest child of Donald and Erin Howell, both parents coming from old money families (Donald's is from Boston while Erin's is from Freedom City). Her father is currently the chair of the corporate law practice group of Hartford, Grayson & Cole, Freedom City's largest law firm. Her mother is a well known philanthropist, involved in a number of charitable foundations around the city. Megan grew up in North Bay, where her parents have a very large home. Her childhood years were filled with numerous gymnastics and dance classes, which lead her to cheerleading when she attended the exclusive private high school, North Bay Academy. Early in her Sophomore year, Megan was on a field trip to Astro Labs when a supervillain tried to steal some invention or another. During the chaos of the battle with a superhero that arrived to stop the theft, Megan was exposed to some chemicals which granted her superspeed. It was not long before Megan was using her new found powers to help people and fight crime under the identity of Velocity. While her activities were initially restricted to North Freedom and parts of downtown, in her Senior year of high school Velocity found herself involved in more and more encounters with supervillains. At the same time she began teaming up with more of the other superheroes in Freedom City, even having chances to work with some of the members of the Freedom League. After stumbling across a plot by the Tyranny Syndicate to replace various key and influential people in Freedom City with their duplicates from the Syndicate's dimension, Velocity teamed up with Raven to put a halt to the Syndicate’s plan, and in the process took down Johnny Speed, the Syndicate's version of Johnny Rocket. Velocity was extended an invitation to join the Freedom League and accepted the invitation, even as she finished high school and began attending college at Yale University. While easily able to quickly travel from New Haven to Freedom City when needed, the stress that being called away to missions, often in other parts of the world, placed on any attempt to have even a semblance of a "normal" college experience began to wear on Megan. She had herself placed on reserve status with the League, and briefly associated with a group of Freedom City based heroes, the Interceptors, but that proved short lived, as she soon choose to try to focus more on college. However, Megan soon found she could not so easily set aside her identity as Velocity. Attempting to live life at a more normal pace (save for studying) soon had Megan feeling as if she was going to go insane from boredom. Once again she began making outings as Velocity, generally basing her activities around New York City to keep any attention off New Haven. As most of these outings were random good deeds and non-superpowered crime stopping, it was easier to develop the balance in her life that had existed at the start of her career. Last year Megan had the opportunity to spend a year abroad, studying at the University of Cambridge. While in England, Megan reconnected with Robert Harrow, a young member of the British nobility with whom she had had a brief fling in Ibiza during her pre-college European vacation with a pair of high school friends. By Megan's standards, their renewed relationship was a long one, but it came to its inevitable end when Megan was unable to explain a several day absence when Velocity had been called up by the Freedom League to help with a mission. After finishing her year at Cambridge, Megan has returned to the United States, and is now in her last year at Yale. She managed to arrange that the bulk of her credits for her last semester at Yale would be covered by a internship with Summit Transnational Group’s corporate headquarters in Freedom City. She has a couple of seminars, which she mainly attends via teleconference, and really only has need to be up in New Haven once or twice a week. Personality & Motivation: Megan has always been something of an overachiever, exactly what one would expect given her highly successful parents, not to mention two accomplished older siblings. While certainly one to have fun when she can, Megan has a strong work ethic along with a desire to help others. Outgoing and confident, she has little trouble in most social settings. As Velocity Megan has a chance to cut loose and be more carefree and impulsive. Begin a superhero gave her the opportunity to stop bad guys, crack jokes while doing so, and help people along the way. While time and experience has tempered this with a bit more seriousness, she still presents an overly energetic and free spirited persona. Powers & Tactics: Speed is Megan's primary tactic, allowing her to almost always react before anyone else, make an attack, and be gone and out of sight before most would even realize she has even moved. Her powers provide her an array of offensive abilities, from being able to throw punches at supersonic speeds to being able to generate a localized sonic boom that can be rather destructive. While speed and agility are Megan's primary defense, she is much tougher than she looks, a side effect of her body having adapted to being able to move at such high speeds. Complications: Secret Identity: Megan has long sought to keep her identity as Velocity secret to protect those she cares about. Fear the Future: Megan has recently learned that in some timelines, she and Robert Harrow have a son named Collapse who is capable of shredding the time/space continuum. As Velocity, she has also run into agents from an organization in the future working to stop Collapse in as many timelines as possible. Relationship: Despite learning about Collapse, Megan and Robert Harrow have renewed their relationship. Abilities: 0 + 10 + 8 + 6 + 2 + 10 = 36PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 30 (+10) [20 (+5)] (Enhanced Stat) Constitution: 28 (+9) [18 (+4)] (Enhanced Stat) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 14 + 20 = 34PP Initiative: +50 Attack: +7, +15 w/Strike, +19 w/Rapid Fire, Rapid Attack Grapple: +6 Defense: +17 (+10 base, +7 Dodge Focus)(+5 flat-footed) Knockback: -6, -4 flat-footed Saving Throws: 4 + 6 + 9 = 19PP Toughness: +13 (+9 Con, +4 Defensive Roll); +9 flat-footed Fortitude: +13 (+9 Con, +4) Reflex: +16 (+10 Dex, +6), Evasion 2 Will: +10 (+1 Wis, +9) Skills: 104R = 26PP Acrobatics 14 (+24) Bluff 6 (+11, +15 w/ Attractive) Concentration 9 (+10) Diplomacy 8 (+13, +17 w/ Attractive) Drive 2 (+12) Gather Information 8 (+13) Kn: Business 10 (+13) Kn: Civics 4 (+7) Kn: Current Events 2 (+5) Kn: History 2 (+5) Kn: Physical Sciences 2 (+5) Kn: Pop Culture 5 (+8) Notice 9 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+8) Perform: Dance 15 (+20) Pilot 1 (+11) Feats: 22 PP Attractive Benefit 3 (Wealth 2/Rich; Freedom League Member) Connected Defensive Attack Defensive Roll 2 Dodge Focus 3 Elusive Target Equipment 6 (free from Gold Award) Evasion 2 Improved Initiative Luck 3 Move By Action Power Attack Uncanny Dodge (sight) Well Informed Equipment 6PP = 29EP Freedom Leagues Communicator Communications 5 (Radio, 5 miles; Extra: Area; Flaw: Limited [Other FL Communicators]) [5EP] Communications Link 1 (Freedom League HQ) [1EP] North Bay Estate Headquarters: Size: Huge; Toughness 10; Features: Communications; Computer; Dock; Fire Prevention System; Garage; Grounds; Gym; Laboratory; Library; Living Space; Pool; Power System; Security System 2 (DC 25); Stables; Staffed; Workshop [21EP] Alternate HQ: Compound in Fiji [1EP] Alternate HQ: Country Estate in England (Robert's family home) [1EP] Note: Grounds increases size to Colossal for purposes of gardens, estates, etc (used in 3E); Stables function as a garage for horses and the like. Powers: 4+10+10+13+11+11+3+1+43 = 106 PP Device 1 (Visor; 5PP Container; Flaws: Hard-to-lose) [4PP] Super-Sense 5 (Extended for normal vision, Infravision, Ultravision, Radius for all vision) {5/5} Enhanced Constitution 10 [10PP] Enhanced Dexterity 10 [10PP] Enhanced Feats 13 (Dodge Focus 4, Improved Initiative 9 (10 total) [+40]) [13PP] Quickness 11 (X5,000) [11PP] Speed 11 (25,000 MPH) [11PP] Super Movement 3 Wall Running 2 [Flaw: Only while moving]; Water Running [Flaw: only while moving]) [3PP] Super Strength 1 (Flaw:Limited only to carrying capacity up to heavy load; Hvy Load: 200 lbs) [1PP] Super Speed Array 19 (38PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [43PP] BP: Strike 15 (Feats: Accurate 4 (+8 hit), Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Takedown Attack, Stunning Attack) {23/38} AP: Sonic Boom (Blast) 15 (Extra: 75-ft. Area Burst; Flaw: Range/Touch; Feats: Progression 2 (x5 Area (150-ft or 375-ft radius area)) {32/38} AP: Maximum Velocity: Quickness 6 (17 total: x500,000) and Speed 6 (17 total: 2,500,000 MPH) and Super Movement 5 (Permeate 3; Sure-Footed 2) and Concealment 4 (all Visual Senses; Flaw: only while moving) {26/38} AP: Insubstantial 4 (Affected by Vibration effects)and Concealment 4 (all Visual Senses; Flaw: only while moving) {24/38} AP: Rapid Fire: Blast 10 (Extra: Autofire; Feats: Accurate 6 (+12 hit); Improved Critical 2 [18-20]) {38/38} AP: Rapid Attack: Damage 10 (Extra: 250-ft. Targeted Area Burst; Selective; Feat: Accurate 6 (+12 hit); Progression 2 (x5 Area)) {38/38} Drawbacks: 0 DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch 15/Toughness Bludgeoning Damage Strike Touch 30/Toughness Damage (crit 18-20) Rapid Fire Ranged 25/Toughness Damage (up to DC 29 w/autofire, crit 18-20) Sonic Boom Touch 30/Toughness Sonic Rapid Attack Touch 25/Toughness Bludgeoning Damage Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (34) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (26) + Feats (22) + Powers (106) = 243/250 Power Points
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