Nightshade Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 Jessica Witchblood Power Level: 10 (150/165PP) Unspent Power Points: 15 Trade-Offs: None. In Brief: Witchblood family line continues Catchphrase: "What a lovely predicament." Theme: "Devil Woman" by Cliff Richard Alternate Identity: None. Birthplace: Woodland, New Jersey Residence: Freedom City, New Jersey Base of Operations: None. Occupation: Dancer Affiliations: None. Family: Kara Witchblood (the Witchbloods carry their name to the grave with pride), mother. Jason Kelly, father. Description Age: 21 (born February 1997) Apparent Age: 18 (this is when she stopped aging) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Demon Height: 1.78m Weight: 64kg Eyes: Green Hair: Red Jessica is a tall, averaged sized woman with nice curves and ample features. Her skin is an attractive shade of rose red. Her lips are full, she colors them black else they blend in with her skin. Her hair is long and wavy. While not the exact shade of her skin, it's close enough. Her green eyes stand out in the sea of red, their sharp contrast draws attention. She wears jeans and tanks and sandals. History The Witchblood lineage stretches all the way back to the old old world, pre writing/post cavemen. Both the women and men cavorted with the demons to assure their lineage would be the the strongest. Eventually, their corrupt ways caught up with them and they were enslaved human servitors of the demons. Skip a few millennia and a great hero named Witch, somehow severed the link between the demons and the lineage. In gratitude the Witchbloods took the hero's name. Skip a few more millenia, the family still bears the mark of the demon. Though they still practice strong magic, it was tempered by Witch's guidance. No more sacrificing or blood spilled. They invoke carnal (wrath, lust, pride, et cetera) spirits to give them power. Jessica was, well, not normal. Her red skin made sure of that. That said, she wasn't spurmed. She made friends with all except the most hardened of opinionated people. She loved to create and show off. Perhaps a little too much, but her eagerness to be seen and heard segued into learning the family style of magic easily. Growing up with magic was fun, she liked to open with it when she met someone. "Oh hi, I'm Jessica, did you know that magic exists? Watch this!" The tricks weren't scary or harmful, but they were very expressive. Nonetheless, the ones that it didn't scare off, had each other's attention. During high school, she was somewhat popular and kind of a celebrity for that matter. But afterward, everyone went their separate ways. Then she started thinking about college. There was no way she could pay for it. without being in debt for the rest of her life, she found out quickly. Demons may be one thing, but debt collectors were the absolute worst. So she's taking the road most traveled for people with powers, she's doing hero work. Not that she doesn't want to do it! Helping others is always the right thing to do. But in the back of her mind, she always sees her fate - given to a Witchblood as they are born, they instinctively know it will happen, just not when - of dying, pinned down on a black altar. Personality & Motivation Jessica is adamantly always some kind of cheerful. Not springy or bouncy, but always talkative and in a good mood. The only time that she's quiet is when she's plotting or actually scared. You can most likely tell the difference in the two. Het heroism doesn't have a motivation. She just enjoys doing it. It could be attributed to thrillseeking. But she likes to think doing good is it's own reward. Powers & Tactics Jessica wields ancient demon magic in her blood. Though it's been changed over the millennia, it still has roots in corruption. Even the hero who taught them the less corrupt way only lessened their power. She has to move or say something to cast a spell, invoking one of the carnal spirits. Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, or Wrath. The spirit tailors the spell to their liking, giving the recipient something to remember them by. Though if the spell is resisted, Jessica might take a little bit of the spirit's comeuppance. Her demonic physiology also gives her a near limitless lifespan (until she dies), and the ability to suffer fire and human frailties. She'll always start with a long range spell, keeping her distance. She's not a toe to toe fighter, if pressed, she'll chat up the villain to talk them down or just to throw them off their guard to get to a safe distance to keep away. Complications Contemptible Spirits: If Jessica fails to affect someone with a Sin descriptor, the carnal spirit she invoked will backlash somehow. Dark Fate: Jessica will die pinned to a dark altar. She knows not when, just that it will. Demonic Mark: Jessica's skin is red, the curse given to her lineage millenniums ago. She stands out in a crowd, and tends to get trouble from people who don't like demons. Holy Ground: Her powers take a hit there. Not that she'd ever knowingly go to such a place, due to her fate. Re: Your Soul: Powers with the sin descriptor do not affect beings without souls. Those with inhuman souls may lessen the effect. Show Off: Jessica loves to make herself known. The Sin In My Veins: Jessica's corrupted blood can be used for rituals. She shares for a price and a reason. Though there are sorts who would take it forcefully. Abilities 4 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 8 = 32PP Strength 14 (+2) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 16 (+3) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 18 (+4) Combat 8 + 8 = 16PP Attack +4 Base, +10 Magic Defense +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Initiative +3 Grapple +6 Knockback -5 Saving Throws 2 + 5 + 6 = 13PP Toughness +10 (+3 Con, +7 Protection) Fortitude +5 (+3 Con, +2) Reflex +8 (+3 Dex, +5) Will +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills 40R = 10PP Acrobatics 7 (+10) Bluff 7 (+11, +19 Attractive) Craft (artistic) 3 (+5) Diplomacy 7 (+11, +19 Attractive) Knowledge (arcane lore) 8 (+10) Perform (dance) 1 (+5) Sleight of Hand 7 (+10) Feats 23PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Specialization (Magic) 3 Attractive 2 Distract (Bluff) Dodge Focus 6 Fascinate (Perform) Inspire 4 Leadership Precise Shot Ritualist Taunt Uncanny Dodge (mental) Powers 15 + 3 + 38 = 56PP Note: all powers carry the Magic descriptor. Demon Biology 3 (Container) [15PP] (Demonic Heritage) Immunity 4 (aging, cold environments, disease, hot environments, poison) {5PP} Immunity 5 (fire damage; Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) {3PP} Protection 7 {7PP} Flight 1 (Power Feats: Subtle) [3PP] ("Levitation"; magic) Magic 16 (32PP Array; Power Feats: Alternate Power 6) [38PP] Base Power: Blast 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will]; Power Feats: Sedation, Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits]) {32/32} ("Fill With Sin"; sin, magic) Alternate Power: Damage 10 (Extras: Area [Cone], Penetrating; Power Feats: Knockback 2) {32/32} ("Fire and Flames"; fire, magic) Alternate Power: Drain Wisdom 10 (Extras: Linked [Healing]; Power Feats: Slow Fade, Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits]), Healing 10 (Extras: Action [Standard], Total; Flaws: Limited [Self Only], Limited 2 [If Drain Succeeds, Up To Amount Drained]) {22/32} ("Feed On Sin"; sin, magic) Alternate Power: Emotion Control 10 (Power Feats: Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits], Mind Blank) {22/32} ("Sin Puppet"; sin, magic) Alternate Power: Healing 7 (Extras: Action [Standard], Restoration, Total; Flaws: Limited [Others Only]); Power Feats: Regrowth, Stabilize, Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits]) {31/32} ("Belay Sin's Wages"; magic) Alternate Power: Nullify Magic 10 (Extras: Duration [Concentration]; Power Feats: Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits]) {31/32} ("Dispel Magic"; magic) Alternate Power: Paralyze 10 (Extras: Range [Ranged]; Power Feats: Feature [must speak last sin based on spirit invoked], Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits]) {32/32} ("Past Sins Remembered"; sin, magic) Drawbacks (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Dispel Magic 50ft Range DC 20 Will Nullify Feed On Sin Touch DC 20 Will Drain Fill With Sin 50ft Range DC 25 Will Damage Fire And Flames 100ft Cone Area DC 20 Reflex, DC 20/25 Toughness Damage Past Sins Remembered 50ft Range DC 20 Will Paralyze Sin Puppet Perception DC 20 Will Emotion Control Totals: Abilities 32 + Combat 16 + Saving Throws 13 + Skills 10 + Feats 23 + Powers 56 - Drawbacks 0 = 150/165 Power Points
Avenger Assembled Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 My quickest suggestion is turn Attack Focus (range) 6 into Attack Specialization (Magic) 3 That will give you 3 points you can sink into Inspire (out of 4), so you can really get your HP's worth.
TheAbsurdist Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 Okay, there is a math error on Immunity. Immunity to Fire Damage is 5PP, your five additional immunities would place you at 10PP for that power over. If you'd like to shave points, you can set your Immunity as Flawed: Limited to Half-Effect. This will net your 4PP. Additionally, what are 'carnal spirits' as the descriptor?
Nightshade Posted January 31, 2018 Author Posted January 31, 2018 I've explained the carnal spirits in Powers and Tactics. They're Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath. I didn't cut all the immunities in half, just the fire damage one. With the 1 point i gained from that I bought Leadership.
TheAbsurdist Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 Okay, the concern I have with that is that Descriptors serve generally a twofold function. First the are the Source for powers, or they are How the power works. I.e. Damage being Magic as a Source, and Fire as the How the effect plays out. The problem, I feel, is HOW do the Seven Deadly Sins play out here. If tied solely to that construct (note that we adopt a 'Everything is True Cosmology'), then would non-Abrahamic people be immune to her abilities? And would she have the full swath of say, Emotion Control? As I fail to see how that Descriptor can inspire Hope.
Nightshade Posted January 31, 2018 Author Posted January 31, 2018 Well, less spelled out is that it works on people with souls. People without souls aren't affected. Those with inhuman souls might negate it too, or have a lesser effect. This is a complication. The spirits are spirits. They affect people. Some might not think them a sin, but they still affect them that way. Say I blasted a demon with Fill With Sin. They'd enjoy it (maybe?), but the blast would still happen. Basically different people take it different ways. Metaphysical debates aside. As for Emotion Control, basically each spirit can manipulate emotion in their own way. Wrathful Hope could be seeing the fight through, while Slothful Hate could be the things you can't do, Lustful Despair could be thinking about desires unfulfilled. And so on and so forth. I'm not saying all of them fit, but the spirits can be creative!
TheAbsurdist Posted January 31, 2018 Posted January 31, 2018 Okay, I just wanted a bit more elaboration on the point as to how it behaves, as given the openness of the MM system we may not grok the function of the thing. Especially with Magic having generally unique rules for each character that uses it. The counterpoint to understand is that the Four Cardinal Virtues, and the Three Heavenly Graces serve as counterpoints. Hope is one of them, and hence my concern here, specifically, but that can be glossed over in terms of function superseding form. That said, Dark Fate (while a viable flaw in White Wolf games) is not really a complication, as that is something that should come up frequently, if ever, and would likely not generate recurring HP for her. Plus the Sin in my Veins overlaps in this way. But,APPROVED
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