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25th Anniversary - The Terminus Invasion (July 10-13)

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Sorry to hear that Sailor, take care of yourself.  But, if you do find yourself feeling up to it, after all, let us know.




If we need another in Dakana, Dalir can spend some quality time with dear old illegitimate dad ASAD.


If that remains the case, I dare say it'd work out fine if we took up one of the others that currently lacks a GM.


sounds good! Let me know what interests you. 

OK, done some shuffling - just chime in if you'd like a thread at this point. We will be starting sometime this weekend 


Looking for someone to go alongside Singularity and Sea Devil. 


I would be willing to send someone with Singularity and Sea Devil; perhaps Cobalt Templar? 


I'd be interested in Gabriel being in on the Evac thread early on.


If there's room I'd like to get Judex in the Bedlam thread, but if that one's at capacity, no worries.


I'd maybe be interested in Raven getting in on the action somewhere too. A chance to really test the Unkindness?

And really, I'm up for getting in whereever I can. 


I will pre-warn that next weekend I'll likely be unable to post for a few days due to being out of town (Thurs-Mon, roughly), but after that I'm back to regular days/schedule for a good while. 


I want in on this, wherever I can get in. Prism and Solar Sentinel are in Freedom City and can be just about anywhere. Specimen is just submitted but should be up and running and will be at Claremont.  Tattered Man is hanging out in Bedlam and can be involved.


I know I'm a little late in on this from the initial rush, but I was a little preoccupied when it kicked in.


Sure, sounds good to me, AA. Some of the other new folks could be good for that to help backup Prism. Maybe one of the new Freedom League folks to be the general leader. Like Gabriel? @KnightDisciple?


Okay. Was chatting with @Ari on Discord, and I think I have our thread. Escort Mission in the Southside. Big convoy of civilians and the heroes are trying to get them out of town. Small problem, though. They've been infiltrated by a Duplicating Annhilist who keeps feeding their location to Omegadrones and his teammates (a Speedster and a variant Powerhouse, probably reminiscent of Thor or Horus, ask Ari). The Speedster is nabbing people one at a time at high speed, making them seemingly disappear. And at the end of the road lurks Not!Thor, who'll be smashing up vehicles so the civvies have nothing to escape in. And just to make things more horrifying, these three are from a version of the Freedom Legion that sold out their earth for their own survival. So even if these guys are caught, the heroes may be hesitant to strike blows against the future's heroes.


Build specific questions can be directed to Ari, I'm just the plot guy today. :D Anyway, thoughts?

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