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Bedlam Heck Night


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Single Pale hero seeks 1-2 companions for bashing some heads and tracking down some baddies.  Not necessarily in that order.


I'm going to be running a Bedlam thread for Grumbfloof and have room for 1-2 more nocturnal types.  PL 8-9 preferably and we want to keep it going at a reasonable pace so able to post roughly once a day, if you lag too much we'll move forward whilst navel contemplation continues in the corner.


Will be a little beat-em up and a little investigation into deeper troubles (Then probably ALOT of beatem up)  Lemme know if interested.


*reads about Judex*


Oh hey, it's like someone took the complications and drawbacks from my guy, and expanded them to fill their own character sheet! XD

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