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Maximus Grey - White Drag0n - PL10 villain

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Players Name: White Drag0n

Power Level: 10 (152 points)

Unspent PP: 0

Characters Name: Maximus Grey

Alternate Identity: Mr. Grey

Height: 6’

Weight: 150lbs

Hair: Salt and pepper

Eyes: grey

Description: Stands erect, at attention, not a greying hair out of place. He is adorned in flat grey medieval armour. At his side is a sword crackling with black energy, and around his neck, a medallion of arcane power. But all this is trumped by the cold stair of his unblinking, piercing, grey eyes set into dark sockets.

History: Grey used to be a champion for good, fighting in his home dimension in the name of his holy gods. But after decades of fighting, he only saw the bloodshed continue. Good and evil constantly fought each other battling for supremacy, and all that was done was bring sadness and despair upon his land. He left his comrades and sought refuge where the ground touched the sky, climbing many miles to speak with the gods. All this time he thought about the problems of battle. There was no good in those that fought for good, and evil only wished for destruction, how could one bring balance to the never ending pain. Finnaly upon reaching the top of the mountain he obtained enlightenment. Good and Evil cannot exist together, so to finally bring peace to the suffering, both must be destroyed. Peace while both existed would be to fragile, and evil only fights among themselves. Only in complete destruction would the pain end. He called upon the dark gods to grant him the power to destroy those who opposed him and they answered with the Sword of Volk, a weapon that exists only to destroy.

Then began Grey’s campaign to destroy the world. Using guile and diplomacy Grey convinced nations to join his crusade with promises of power and riches. Entire nations fell to his madness. But as the war waged on Grey grew more distraught. Even if he succeeded in his plan the gods would just recreate the world and the suffering would continue. Even the gods themselves must be held accountable. He searched in the very cracks of the earth and found the artifacts of Mercia. The first was the amulet of Bale, which would hide his thoughts, even from the gods. And second was the pearls of Darkness. Created by the greatest wizard the land had ever known the pears held the power to capture the powers of the gods. He adorned his enchanted armor and finally laid siege to the gods mountain himself.

In one final act of desperation the gods champions, Grey’s old order, resorted to one final measure. They opened a portal to the interdimensional prison containing the Wizard of Rune, the Dark magician who created the artifacts that Grey used to conquer the gods. Just as Grey was to claim victory on the mountain of the gods, the Magician appeared. He Destroyed the pearls, drained Grey of his power, and banished him into the mists of time.

Grey didn’t know how long he drifted, between nothingness and reality, but when he finally came too he found himself in a strange land, full of strange people. Technology had advanced beyond his understanding, but worse people suffered in the streets around him, and good oppressed the weak. He would have to rebuild his army, learn what this land held, and restart his conquest.

*sigh* “My work is never doneâ€Â

Grey is not a maniacal villain. In fact the scary thing about him is his cold, steel, logical plans. He attracts all kinds. The young and confused, the insane only wishing to cause more harm, and others with their own agendas. He has one rule, none may be killed until they are given the chance join his crusade. There is only one thing he is fanatical about, he does not abide traitors.

Stats: 24pp

Str: 12 (+1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 16 (+3)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 22 (+6), 30 (+10) w/ Amulet

Combat: 22 pp

Attack: +3, +8 melee

Grapple: +9

Defense: +8 (+4 flat-footed)

Knockback: -5, -0 without armor

Initiative: +4

Saves: 16pp

Toughness: +10 (+0 Con, +10 other)

Fortitude: +7 (+0 Con, +7)

Reflex: +7 (+0 Dex, +7)

Will: +4, +15 [impervious 11] w/ Mind Shield (+2 Wis, +2)

Skills: 32r = 8pp

Bluff 5 (+15)

Diplomacy 5 (+15)

Intimidate 5 (+15)

Knowledge (Philosophy and theology) 1 (+5)

Notice 3 (+5)

Sense Motive 13 (+15)

Feats: 33pp

Accurate Attack

Attack Focus (melee) 5

Defensive Attack

Eidetic Memory

Equipment 4


Improved Block

Improved Disarm

Master Plan

Minions 7 (25 15pt Minons [5] & 1 30pt minion [2]; all fanatical)

Power Attack

Fearsome Presence 2


Abandoned warehouse (Size: Medium; Toughness: 10; Features: Communications, Computer, Concealed, Garage, Gym, Living Space, Power System, Security System; 10ep)

Semi (Size: Gargantuan; Strength: 45; Defense: 6; Toughness: 11; Speed 4 (100 mph); Features: Navigation Systems, Smokescreen; 10ep)

Powers: 50pp

Device 2 (Armor of the Undying; 10 points; Hard to lose; PF: Indestructible) [9]

Device 4 (“Mortis†the Sword of Volk; 20 points; easy to lose; PF: Indestructible, Restricted [wielder must intend to

kill again]) [14]

Device 4 (Cruentus Draconis Talein- Amulet of the Red Dragon; 20 points; Hard to lose; PF: Indestructible) [17]

Device 3 (Shield of Krisis; 15 points; easy to lose, PF: indestructible) [10]


Amulet of the Red Dragon (Hard to Lose, 20 points)

Enhanced Charisma 8

Immunity 1 (need to sleep)

Mind Shield 11

Armor of the Undying (Hard to Lose, 10 points)

Protection 10

Mortis, the Sword of Volk (Easy to Lose, 20 points)

Strike 9 (Extra: Linked Drain Constitution 10 [PF: Slow Fade 1]; PF: Mighty; Drawback: full power)

Shield of Krisis (Easy to Lose, 15 points)

Deflection 5 (all)

Drawbacks: -1PP

Disability (becomes immediately fatigued if amulet is removed; uncommon, minor)

DC Block:

Unarmed -- 16/Toughness -- Damage

Sword -- 25/Toughness -- Damage, and see Con Drain/Deathblade.

Con Drain/Deathblade -- 20/Fortitude -- Drain Constitution, Linked to Strike/Sword.

Costs: Abilities (24) + Combat (22) + Saves (16) + Skills (8) + Feats (33) + Powers (50) - Drawbacks (-1) = Total Cost 152


Initiates of the Grey Order

15pt minions, PL 4

The initiates act as the eyes, ears, and mouths of grey. They are made up of a collection of people, from ex gang members looking for profit and thrill, to truly psychotic individuals who Grey controls with the promise of feeding their habits. Initiates ware Grey robes and have characteristic goggles that are tinted red, often those goggles are the only noticeable things under the shadow of the robes.

Stats: -2pp

Str: 10 (+0)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 8 (-1)

Wis: 8 (-1)

Cha: 12 (+1)

Combat: 0pp

Attack: +0, +2 w/ machine pistol

Grapple: +2

Defense: +2 (+0 flat-footed)

Knockback: -1

Initiative: +0

Saves: 0pp

Toughness: +2 (+0 Con, +2 other)

Fortitude: +0 (+0 Con,+0)

Reflex: +0 (+0 Dex, +0)

Will: +0 (-1 Wis)

Skills: 12r = 4PP

Bluff 4 (+5)

Diplomacy 4 (+5)

Gather information 4 (+5)

Intimidate 4 (+5)

Feats: 12pp

Attack Specialization (machine pistol)

Dodge focus 2

Improved Aim



Equipment 7


Machine pistol (Blast 3; Ex: Autofire)

Undercover shirt (Protection 2, subtle)

Flash goggles


Parabolic microphone



Lock release gun

Night vision goggles

Flash-bang (dazzle burst 4)

Hanz Gruber (Herr Doctor)

PL 5, 30pp

Hanz was one of the first people that Grey met when he arrived on this plane. Herr was a brilliant man, being trained in all the sciences from a very young age. However Gruber became known to perform unnecessary experiments with human subjects and was expelled from the scientific community. Enraged Hanz swore revenge and began his decent into madness. Soon Hanz was dipping into dark applications of science and when the police finally stepped in he had become quite mad. Using a diabolical Rube Goldberg like device, he evaded capture and fled to Freedom city. Upon arriving he partook in a pier bar where in he met Grey. That night Hanz was nursing a beer in the near deserted tavern, when suddenly the door is thrown open. In walks a man soaked to the bone and wearing a suit of medieval armor. Lightning flashes behind the figure as he fixed his steely glare at the frightened patrons, until he settled his stare at Hanz. Hanz was transfixed from that moment and soon learned what grey had to teach him. Hanz is useful to Grey because of his knowledge of modern science, a field Grey knows little of. In return Grey provides Hanz with a means to continue his research. Hanz wears a white lab coat, has wild white hair, and the red goggles that are common among Grey’s men. While grey is stoic and without emotion, Hanz is given to wild periods of emotion driven insanity, providing a ying to Grey’s yang.

Additional note: Hanz has studied the works of Dr. Archeville, and if you want they could have met before, even been working on a similar project.

Stats: 0pp

Str: 8 (-1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 8 (-1)

Int: 18 (+4)

Wis: 8 (-1)

Cha: 8 (-1)

Combat: 0pp

Attack: +0, +4 w/ grenades

Grapple: +2

Defence: +4 (+0 flat-footed)

Knockback: -2

Initiative: +0

Saves: 0pp

Toughness: +2 (-1 Con, +3 other)

Fortitude: +0 (-1 Con)

Reflex: +0 (-1 Dex)

Will: +0 (-1 Wis)

Skills: 56r = 14PP

Computers 6 (+10)

Craft (chemical) 6 (+10)

Craft (electronic) 6 (+10)

Craft (mechanical) 6 (+10)

Disable device 6 (+10)

Knowlage (physical sciences) 6 (+10)

Knowlage (Life sciences) 6 (+10)

Knowlage (technology) 6 (+10)

Medicine 6 (+10)

Drive 2 (+2)

Feats: 16pp

Weapon focus (grenades)2


Improvised tools

Dodge 4

Equipment 8


Undercover vest (protection 3, subtle)

Flash goggles

Multi tool


GPS receiver


Fragmentation granades (Blast explosion 5)

Flash-bang (Dazzle Burst 4)


Nasty guy ;)

Skills: 0r = 22pp

Diplomacy 5 (+20)

Intimidate 5 (+10)

Knowledge (Philosophy and Theology) 1 (+5)

Notice 3 (+5)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Skills are 4 ranks per 1pp. You've got 22 ranks, so that's only 5.5 points.

Feats: 18pp

Accurate attack

Defensive attack

Eidetic memory

Improved block

Improved disarm

Improved initiative

Master Plan

Minion x5 (2pt variant)

Power attack

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to calculate minions

Okay, well, first you need to figure out what sort of minions he has. Are they just crazy/nihilistic people, with stats comparable to the Bystander? Or are they more like trained soldiers? Once you figure out what you have (in terms of how much pp one minion costs), you'll need Minion in rank equal to (minion total points / 15). Then, you need to figure out how many minions you want to have; for each 'doubling' of minions, you need one additional rank of Minion.

So, with Minions 5, you could have:

* 25 minions built on up to 15pp each (Minion 1 for 15pp, +4 more ranks for 25 Minions), or

* 10 minions built on up to 30pp each (Minion 2 for 30pp, +3 more ranks for 10 Minions), or 3

* 5 minions built on up to 45pp each (Minion 3 for 45pp, +2 more ranks for 5 Minions), or

* 2 minions built on up to 60pp each (Minion 4 for 60pp, +1 more rank for 2 Minions), or

* 1 minions built on up to 75pp.

Keep in mind the House Rule we have regarding minions: no minion may have a PL greater than one-half your own PL (5 in this character's case).


Device 4 (Sword; easy to loose; PF: indestructible, restricted (sword chooses it’s wielder)) [13]

Strike 8 (PF: mighty)

Death touch 10 (PF: slowfade)

His sword is supposed to have both effects simultainiusly, don't know if that works.

Well, first off, you need to tell how the sword chooses its wielder: Restricted 1 always goes for some concrete way (sex, an ability score, absence/presence of some power, etc.) to determine who can use it; it can't be just "whoever the sword chooses." Given the background, I would suggest "anyone who has committed murder".

As for making both effects go at once, it's a simple matter of linking the effect:

Strike 8 (Extra: Linked Drain Constitution 10 [PF: Slow Fade 1]; PF: Mighty)

You strike a target, they must make a Toughness save against the Strike and then immediately after make a Fortitude save against the Constitution Drain.

Device 4 (Amulet; Hard to lose; PF: indestructible) [16]

Immunity 10 (mental effects)

Enhanced trait 10 (diplomacy)

Again, 1pp = 4 ranks in skills, so Enhanced Diplomacy 10 (+10 ranks in Diplomacy) only costs 2.5pp.

Also keep in mind that the most ranks you can have in a skill is (PL+5), or 15 in your case.

Drawbacks: -4PP

Insomnia (common, moderate) -3

Insomnia: Grey never sleeps and as a result he can grow tired and fatigued unexpectedly, I leave this in the hands of the DMs

This seems more like a personality trait (Complication) that a real Drawback, in part because there are no official rules on sleep requirements (though Kenson seemed to like my suggestion).

'Course, with the points being saved from skills, you might could add Immunity (need for sleep) to his Armor or Amulet ;)

Noticeable (uncommon, minor)-1

Noticable: he wears armor, speaks with an old english feel, and refuses to dress down, making him standout in a croud.

This is definitely more of a Complication: he chooses to do all these things; he is physically capable of not doing these. (As for the Armor/Protection, Devices are already Noticeable by default.)


Players Name: White Drag0n

Power Level: 10

Characters Name: Maximus Grey

Alternate Identity: Mr. Grey

Height: 6’

Weight: 150lbs

Hair: Salt and pepper

Eyes: grey

Description: Stands erect, at attention, not a greying hair out of place. He is adorned in flat grey medieval armour. At his side is a sword crackling with black energy, and around his neck, a medallion of arcane power. But all this is trumped by the cold stair of his unblinking, piercing, grey eyes set into dark sockets.

History: Grey used to be a champion for good, fighting in his home dimension in the name of his holy gods. But after decades of fighting, he only saw the bloodshed continue. Good and evil constantly fought each other battling for supremacy, and all that was done was bring sadness and despair upon his land. He left his commrads and sought refuge where the ground touched the sky, climbing many miles to speak with the gods. All this time he thought about the problems of battle. There was no good in those that fought for good, and evil only wished for destruction, how could one bring balance to the never ending pain. Finnaly upon reaching the top of the mountain he obtained enlightenment. Good and Evil cannot exist together, so to finnaly bring peace to the suffering, both must be destroyed. Peace while both existed would be to fragile, and evil only fights among themselves. Only in complete destruction would the pain end. He called upon the dark gods to grant him fith the power to destroy those who opposed him and they answered with the Sword of Volk, a weapon that exists only to destroy.

Then began Grey’s campaign to destroy the world. Using guile and diplomacy Grey convinced nations to join his crusade with promises of power and riches. Entire nations fell to his madness. But as the war waged on Grey grew more distraught. Even if he succeeded in his plan the gods would just recreate the world and the suffering would continue. Even the gods themselves must be held accountable. He searched in the very cracks of the earth and found the artefacts of Mercia. The first was the amulet of Bale, which would hide his thoughts, even from the gods. And second was the pearls of Darkness. Created by the greatest wizard the land had ever known the pears held the power to capture the powers of the gods. He adorned his enchanted armor and finnaly laid siege to the gods mountain himself.

In one final act of desperation the gods chapians, Grey’s old order, resorted to one final measure. They opened a portal to the interdimentional prison containing the Wisard of Rune, the Dark magitian who created the artifacts that grey used to conquer the gods. Just as Grey was to claim victory on the mountain of the gods, the Magician apeared. He Destroyed the pearls, drained Grey of his power, and banished him into the mists of time.

Grey didn’t know how long he drifted, between nothingness and reality, but when he finnaly came too he found himself in a strange land, full of strange people. Technology had advanced beyond his understanding, but worse people suffered in the streets around him, and good oppressed the weak. He would have to rebuild his army, learn what this land held, and restart his conquest.

*sigh* “My work is never doneâ€Â

Grey is not a maniacal villain. In fact the scary thing about him is his cold, steel, logical plans. He attracts all kinds. The young and confused, the insane only wishing to cause more harm, and others with their own agendas. He has one rule, none may be killed until they are given the chance join his crusade. There is only one thing he is fanatical about, he does not abide trators.

Complication: Grey suffers from insomnia, perhaps due to the guilt he feels about doing this. He only wants to stop the pain of life. Because he chooses to end it all fith evil still pains him

Grey refuses to change clothes in a more public setting and can always be seen in his armor

Stats: 28pp

Str: 12 (+1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 14 (+2)

Int: 18 (+4)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 20(30 with device) (+10(+20))

Combat: 32pp

Attack: +8

Grapple: +11

Defense: +8 (+4 flat-footed)

Knockback: -0

Initiative: +1

Saves: 16pp

Toughness: +12 (+2 Con, +10 other)

Fortitude: +9 (+2 Con, +7)

Reflex: +9 (+1 Dex, +8)

Will: +3 (+2 Wis, +1)

Skills: 0r = 11pp

Intimidate 4 (+24)

Notice 8 (+10)

Sense Motive 8 (+28)

Knowlage (Philosophy and Theology) 4 (+9)

Diplomacy 12 (+32)

Ride 8 (+8)

Feats: 18pp

Minion x5 (2pt variant)


Edilic memory

Accutate attack

Defensive attack

Improved block

Improved disarm

Improved initiative

Power attack

Powers: 45pp

Device 2 (Hard to lose, PF: indestructible) [9]

Protection 10

Device 6 (easy to lose; PF: indestructible, restricted (wielder must intend to kill again)) [20]

Strike 10 (Extra: Linked Drain Constitution 10 [PF]; PF: Mighty)

Device 4 (Hard to lose; PF: indestructible) [16]

Immunity 11 (mental effects, need to sleep)

Enhanced trait 10 (charisma)

Drawbacks: 0PP

DC Block:


(Name of Attack) (Save DC/Type) (Type of Damage:Bruise/Injury, or other)

Strike 10 --- 22/Toughness --- injure

Deathtouch 10 --- 20/fortitude --- Con drain

Costs: Abilities (28) + Combat (32) + Saves (16) + Skills (11) + Feats (18) + Powers (45) - Drawbacks (0) = Total Cost 150

I'm still workin on the minions, also I thought that if he ever lost the amulet (Device 4) he would immediately become fatigued from lack of sleep, how would I show that?


Stats: 28pp

Str: 12 (+1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 14 (+2)

Int: 18 (+4)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 20(30 with device) (+10(+20))

The Cha modifier is off. It should be "Cha: 20 (+5), 30 (+10) w/ Amulet"

Skills: 0r = 11pp

Diplomacy 12 (+32)

Intimidate 4 (+24)

Knowledge (Philosophy and Theology) 4 (+9)

Notice 8 (+10)

Ride 8 (+8)

Sense Motive 8 (+28)

The header should read "Skills: 44r = 11pp"

And as I pointed out above, he modifier for his Charisma is off. The skills should be "Diplomacy 12 (+22)" and "Intimidate 4 (+14)". Also, SEnse Motive is based on Wisdom, not Charisma; it would be "Sense Motive 8 (+10)".

Powers: 45pp

Device 4 (Hard to lose; PF: indestructible) [16]

Immunity 11 (mental effects, need to sleep)

Enhanced trait 10 (charisma)

[A]lso I thought that if he ever lost the amulet (Device 4) he would immediately become fatigued from lack of sleep, how would I show that?

First off, there's only 21 points worth of effects in the Amulet -- too much for Device 4 (which only grants 20 points).

Also, Device 4 (PF: Indestructible) would cost 17pp, not 16.

As for becoming fatigued if the amulet's removed... it'd be a Drawback, probably Uncommon frequency (how often do you foresee him losing his amulet?), but I've no idea on the intensity. I'll ask around.


Complication: Grey suffers from insomnia, perhaps due to the guilt he feels about killing people. Grey still belives he is doing the right thing, saving people from further pain, by ending all pain.

Grey refuses to change clothes in a more public setting and can always be seen in his armor

Grey, due to his guilt or perhaps his old moral code, refuses to kill any one before offering the choice to join his army. “Join me, or dieâ€Â

Stats: 26pp

Str: 12 (+1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 12 (+1)

Int: 18 (+4)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 20 (+5), 30 (+10) w/ Amulet

Combat: 28 pp

Attack: +7

Grapple: +11

Defense: +7 (+4 flat-footed)

Knockback: -0

Initiative: +1

Saves: 15pp

Toughness: +11 (+1 Con, +10 other)

Fortitude: +9 (+2 Con, +7)

Reflex: +9 (+1 Dex, +8)

Will: +2 (+2 Wis)

Skills: 44r = 11pp

Intimidate 5 (+15)

Notice 8 (+10)

Sense Motive 10 (+20)

Knowledge (Philosophy and Theology) 1 (+5)

Diplomacy 15 (+25)

Ride 5 (+5)

Feats: 18pp

Minion x5 (2pt variant)


Edilic memory

Accutate attack

Defensive attack

Improved block

Improved disarm

Improved initiative

Power attack

Powers: 53pp

Device 2 (Hard to lose, PF: indestructible) [9]

Protection 10

Device 6 (easy to lose; PF: indestructible, restricted (wielder must intend to kill again)) [20]

Strike 9 (Extra: Linked Drain Constitution 10 [PF]; PF: Mighty)

Device 4 (Hard to lose; PF: indestructible) [17]

Immunity 10 (mental effects)

Enhanced trait 10 (charisma)

Immunity 1 (need to sleep; Fl: limited)

Devise 2 (easy to lose, PF: indestructible) [7]

Deflection 10

Drawbacks: -1PP

Fatigue if amulet is removed (uncommon)

DC Block:


(Name of Attack) (Save DC/Type) (Type of Damage:Bruise/Injury, or other)

Strike 10 --- 21/Toughness --- injure

Deathtouch 10 --- 20/fortitude --- Con drain

Costs: Abilities (26) + Combat (28) + Saves (15) + Skills (11) + Feats (18) + Powers (53) - Drawbacks (-1) = Total Cost 150

do minions all have to be the same or can they have diferent characteristics?


Device 4 (Hard to lose; PF: indestructible) [17]

Immunity 10 (mental effects)

Enhanced trait 10 (charisma)

Immunity 1 (need to sleep; Fl: limited)

The Immunity's going to cost 1/2 a pp... which puts you at 20.5pp.

Devise 2 (easy to lose, PF: indestructible) [7]

Deflection 10

What's this? A shield?

Please be sure to put the name of what your device in with the stat. So something like Device 2 (armor, hard to lose, 10 points) or Device 6 (sword, easy to lose, 30 points).

do minions all have to be the same or can they have diferent characteristics?

Yes. Which is to say, all the Minions in one 'group' are the same, but you can have more than one group.

So, for example, you could have Minions 10 (1 90pp Minion [6], and 10 15pp Minions [4]). All the 15pp Minions would be the same, as far as stats go, but the 90pp one could be completely different.

Or, you could have Minions 10 (10 30pp Minions [5] and 10 30pp Minions [5]). The first group of 10 Minions would all have the same set of stats (say, all pirates), and the other set of 10 would all have their own same set of stats (say, all ninja), but the two groups can be completely different from one another.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry again for the wait.

Stats: 24pp

Str: 12 (+1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 16 (+3)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 22 (+5), 30 (+10) w/ Amulet

Combat: 24 pp

Attack: +6

Grapple: +7

Defense: +6 (+3 flat-footed)

Knockback: -0

Initiative: +1

Saves: 14pp

Toughness: +10 (+0 Con, +10 other)

Fortitude: +7 (+0 Con, +7)

Reflex: +7 (+0 Dex, +7)

Will: +2 (+2 Wis)

Skills: 40r = 10pp

Diplomacy 15 (+25)

Intimidate 5 (+15)

Knowledge (Philosophy and Theology) 2 (+5)

Notice 8 (+10)

Sense Motive 10 (+20)

Feats: 26pp

Accurate attack

Defensive attack

Eidetic memory

Equipment 4

Improved block

Improved disarm

Improved initiative

Master Plan

Minion x7 (25 15pt Minons [5] 1 30pt minion [2]) (2pt variant)

Power attack


Abandoned warehouse (as in Core Rules)

Semi (navigation systems, smoke screen)

Powers: 53pp

Device 2 (Armor of the Undying;Hard to lose;PF: indestructible) [9]

* Protection 10

Device 6 (“Mortis†the Sword of Volk; easy to lose; PF: indestructible, restricted (wielder must intend to

kill again))[20]

* Strike 9 (Extra: Linked Drain Constitution 10 [PF]; PF: Mighty)

Device 4 (cruentus draconis talein- Amulet of the Red Dragon; Hard to lose; PF: indestructible) [17]

* Immunity 10 (mental effects)

* Enhanced trait 8 (charisma)

* Immunity 1 (need to sleep)

Device 2 (Shield of Krisis; easy to lose, PF: indestructible) [7]

* Deflection 10

Drawbacks: -1PP

Fatigue if amulet is removed (uncommon)

DC Block:


(Name of Attack) (Save DC/Type) (Type of Damage:Bruise/Injury, or other)

Strike 10 --- 21/Toughness --- injure

Deathtouch 10 --- 20/fortitude --- Con drain

Costs: Abilities (24) + Combat (24) + Saves (14) + Skills (10) + Feats (26) + Powers (53) - Drawbacks (-1) = Total Cost 150


Initiates of the grey order

15pt minions

The initiates act as the eyes, ears, and mouths of grey. They are made up of a collection of people, from ex gang members looking for profit and thrill, to truly psychotic individuals who grey controls with the promise of feeding their habits. Initiates ware grey robes and have characteristic goggles that are tinted red, often those goggles are the only noticeable things under the shadow of the robes.

Stats: 0pp

Str: 10 (+0)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 10 (+0)

Wis: 8 (-1)

Cha: 12 (+1)

Combat: 4pp

Attack: +1 (+3 w/ machine pistol)

Grapple: +2

Defense: +1 (+1 flat-footed)

Knockback: -0

Initiative: +4

Saves: 1pp

Toughness: +2 (+0 Con, +2 other)

Fortitude: +0 (+0 Con,+0)

Reflex: +0 (+0 Dex, +0)

Will: +0 (-1 Wis, +1)

Skills: 12r = 4PP

Bluff 4 (+5)

Diplomacy 4 (+5)

Gather information 4 (+5)

Intimidate 4 (+5)

Feats: 6pp

Weapon focus (machine pistol)

Improved initiative



Equipment 2


Machine pistol (blast 3;Ex:Autofire)

Undercover shirt (protection 2, subtle)

Flash goggles




Lock release gun

Night vision goggles

Hanz Gruber (Herr Doctor)

Hanz was one of the first people that Grey met when he arrived on this plane. Herr was a brilliant man, being trained in all the sciences from a very young age. However Gruber became known to perform unnesisary experaments with human subjects and was expelled from the scientific community. Enraged Hanz swore revenge and began his decent into madness. Soon Hanz was dipping into dark applications of science and when the police finaly steped in he had become quite mad. Useing a diabolical Rube Goldberg like device, he evaded capture and fled to Freedom city. Upon arriving he partook in a pier bar where in he met Grey. That night hanz was nursing a beer in the near deserted tavern, when suddenly the door is thrown open. In walks a man soaked to the bone and wearing a suit of mideval armor. Lightning flashes behind the figure as he fixed his steely glare at the frightened patrons, until he setteled his stare at Hanz. Hanz was transfixed from that moment and soon learned what grey had to teach him. Hanz is useful to grey because of his knowledge of modern science, a field Grey knows little of. In return Grey provides Hanz with a means to continue his research. Hanz wears a white lab coat, has wild white hair, and the red goggles that are common among Grey’s men. While grey is stoic and without emotion, Hanz is given to wild periods of emotion driven insanity, providing a ying to grey’s yang.

Stats: 4pp

Str: 8 (-1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 18 (+4)

Wis: 10 (-1)

Cha: 8 (-1)

Combat: 0pp

Attack: +0

Grapple: +2

Defense: +0 (+0 flat-footed)

Knockback: -0

Initiative: +0

Saves: 2pp

Toughness: +3 (+0 Con, +3 other)

Fortitude: +0 (-1 Con)

Reflex: +0 (-1 Dex, +1)

Will: +0 (-1 Wis, +1)

Skills: 64r = 16PP

Computers 6 (+10)

Craft (chemical) 6 (+10)

Craft (electronic) 6 (+10)

Craft (mechanical) 6 (+10)

Disable device 6 (+10)

Knowlage (physical sciences) 6 (+10)

Knowlage (Life sciences) 6 (+10)

Knowlage (technology) 6 (+10)

Medicine 6 (+10)

Drive 10 (+10)

Feats: 8pp


Improvised tools

Well informed

Equipment 5


Undercover vest (protection 3, subtle)

Flash goggles


Fragmentation granades (Blast explosion 5)

Smoke grenades (obscure (visual))


I went in and added put your two minions into quote blocks, to give them their own 'page'.

His Knockback is -5, -0 without Armor.

From his background, it sounds to me like he'd have a lot more Intimidate than Diplomacy, or that they'd be fairly close. Why does he have so much more Diplomacy than Intimidate?

Device 6 (“Mortis” the Sword of Volk; easy to lose; PF: indestructible, restricted (wielder must intend to

kill again))[20]

* Strike 9 (Extra: Linked Drain Constitution 10 [PF]; PF: Mighty)

That's only 21 points in the Device, so it could be Device 5 (and with 4 more points worth of goodies), which would free up 4 points for use elsewhere (perhaps some Attack Focus [melee]?).

Device 4 (cruentus draconis talein- Amulet of the Red Dragon; Hard to lose; PF: indestructible) [17]

* Immunity 10 (mental effects)

* Enhanced trait 8 (charisma)

* Immunity 1 (need to sleep)

That's only 19 points, you've got 1 more to go. You could add another rank in Enhanced Charisma (it won't affect skill modifiers, but it would give him a bit more 'oomph' in case of a tie in a Charisma vs. Charisma contest)

Also, a suggestion: change the Immunity to Mental Effects to Mind Shield 10 (or 11). It'd give him a total Will save of +12 (Impervious 10) (or +13 [impervious 11]) against mental effects, which is almost as good.

Device 2 (Shield of Krisis; easy to lose, PF: indestructible) [7]

* Deflection 10

This is the "all slow and fast projectiles" level of Deflect? Arrows, thrown weapons, bullets, but not lasers or lightning bolts?

DC Block:


(Name of Attack) (Save DC/Type) (Type of Damage:Bruise/Injury, or other)

Strike 10 --- 21/Toughness --- injure

Deathtouch 10 --- 20/fortitude --- Con drain

The numbers are a bit off, it would be

Unarmed -- 16/Toughness -- Damage

Sword -- 25/Toughness -- Damage, and see Con Drain/Deathblade.

Con Drain/Deathblade -- 20/Fortitude -- Drain Constitution, Linked to Strike/Sword.

Now, as to the Minions

* The Initiates of the Grey Order don't sound like the type to have Diplomacy.

* They have 18 points worth of Equipment, requiring Equipment 4.

* "Weapon focus (machine pistol)" should be "Attack Focus (Ranged)" or "Attack Specialization (machine pistol)"

* They're PL 3 (from +3 attack & +3 damage). That should be noted somewhere.

* Herr Doktor Gruber, however, is a mere PL 2 (from Toughness 3 + Defense 0).


I went in and added put your two minions into quote blocks, to give them their own 'page'.


From his background, it sounds to me like he'd have a lot more Intimidate than Diplomacy, or that they'd be fairly close. Why does he have so much more Diplomacy than Intimidate?

I agree he might have more intimidate, but I always saw him as being able to convince anybody of anything. remember this guy convinced nations that had years of peacefull contact to go to war, convinced a god to instill in him power, and convince otherwise normal people to pick up arms and fight for him. He is a very imposing figure, but he also inspires confidence and a scence of family within his minions. People are scarred of him, but they also respect and look up to him as well. (Which in a way makes him even more evil) I would like to sight The Shredder from the TMNT, he is big and scary, but the (non robot) foot view him as a father. But if you think he can have the same effect with intimidate then I'll change him... how would you do that with intimidate :?:

That's only 21 points in the Device, so it could be Device 5 (and with 4 more points worth of goodies), which would free up 4 points for use elsewhere (perhaps some Attack Focus [melee]?).

well ... cool. so... i'll fix that

Also, a suggestion: change the Immunity to Mental Effects to Mind Shield 10 (or 11). It'd give him a total Will save of +12 (Impervious 10) (or +13 [impervious 11]) against mental effects, which is almost as good.

hmmm, I thought about that, but the amulate is supposed to provide protection even against the gods themselves. I mean in grey's origonal conception the amulate prevented Chronos, the god of time, from prodicting the outcome of grey's actions. It does more than just make it hard for someone to read his thoughts and enter his mind, it makes it imposible (unless of course you were to remove the amulate... I see a cinamatic moment in the making). How would I show that idea?

The Initiates of the Grey Order don't sound like the type to have Diplomacy.

Well as initiates (because thats all grey has right now are initiates) they also have the task of recruiting new, members and dealing with gangs and such.

I'll fix the other stuff in my next post.


I agree he might have more intimidate, but I always saw him as being able to convince anybody of anything. remember this guy convinced nations that had years of peacefull contact to go to war, convinced a god to instill in him power, and convince otherwise normal people to pick up arms and fight for him. He is a very imposing figure, but he also inspires confidence and a scence of family within his minions. People are scarred of him, but they also respect and look up to him as well. (Which in a way makes him even more evil) I would like to sight The Shredder from the TMNT, he is big and scary, but the (non robot) foot view him as a father. But if you think he can have the same effect with intimidate then I'll change him... how would you do that with intimidate :?:

"Convincing people of anything" would be equal parts Bluff and Diplomacy, I'd think. And Intimidate can get folks to be "friendly," like Diplomacy, for as long as you intimidate them.

And, of course, perhaps that god knew what would happen, knew Grey'd eventually get banished to FC Earth. Maybe Grey's banishment is all part of some grander plan. ;)

hmmm, I thought about that, but the amulate is supposed to provide protection even against the gods themselves. I mean in grey's origonal conception the amulate prevented Chronos, the god of time, from prodicting the outcome of grey's actions. It does more than just make it hard for someone to read his thoughts and enter his mind, it makes it imposible (unless of course you were to remove the amulate... I see a cinamatic moment in the making). How would I show that idea?

I wouldn't -- "can lie to the gods, and can even prevent the god of time from knowing what he's going to do" isn't something I'd allow any remotely playable character to have. That's a Plot Device item.

And after some of the things in his background, if it did work as you originally wished, when the amulet came off he'd immediately cease to exist on FC Earth as he would be pulled very far away very quickly. Which'd mean he should never take it off, which'd mean it wouldn't be a Device (since Devices do need to be removed on occasion).


Where grey is from "gods" refer to incedibly powerful beings, problably like PL 20 characters in MnM, not omnipotent beings like a christian God. And thier influance is actually limited to the World that grey is from. In fact grey is going to be calling supers "gods" or "avatars" when I'm finnaly done tinkering.

Let me provide back ground on the amulate. The amulate was created by a mortal, the same man that eventualy banished Grey. He was an incredibly powerful mage and wanted to put in his bid for imortality, but to do so he knew that the "gods," at least some of them, would stand against him. So he created an incredibly powerful magical device to shield his mind from the gods and cloud his future. But the gods were not fooled, they deduced by his actions and his great power, the extent of his trechery and chose chapions to fight against him. At the moment the all-powerful mage achieved his goal the champion's found him, but now he was unable to be destroyed. But the champions were unswayed, at the expense of thier lives they banished the mage into another dimension, leaving behind the objects he had made. When grey unearthed these objects he used them for his own ends, he grew in power untill he rivaled the gods, and the only choice to defeat him was to unleash the mage. He came, and knowing the secrets of the objects destroyed one and banished grey.

Theres the story. As far as gameplay is conserned, I plan to use guile and cunning with this character, and I just don't want even a powerful telepath to come along and ruin the whole thing, at least without removing the necklace. If you think Mind shield 10 is enough, ok, i'll go with that, you know the world better than me.


Actually, FC's Deities -- well, technically, the forms mortals interact with -- tend to be PL 11 (Siren) or 12 (Baron Samedi) to 15 (Hades). Omega (think Darkseid or Thanos) is at PL 19. Then there're things like Mr. Infamy (Marvel's Mephisto) and Quirk (DC's Mr. Mxyzptlk), who're PL X.

Mind Shield 11 (which he can get in his amulet) will be more than enough for anyone he would routinely face -- it makes him totally immune to any mental effect at rank 10 or less, so things like Telepathy 10 or Mind or Emotion Control 10. Since most all Mental effects are Perception-ranged, and Perception-ranged effects are limited in rank by PL (i.e., can't benefit from attack/damage trade-offs), he'd be effectively immune to any Metal effect from anyone of PL 10 or less.

There are a handful of Canon FC Characters who have mental powers at a rank beyond 10, but they're either the aforementioned gods, or two of the (literally) most powerful sorcerers in the entire FC Dimension/Universe (and all well above PL 10, so facing them would be "big cinematic moments"). But this just means that they would have a chance to affect him with their powers, not that they automatically can. Even for them, since Mind Shield adds its ranks to your Will save, Grey'd have a +13 on the save (Mind Shield 11 + Wis modifier of +2), so there's a fairly even chance you'd beat the save (and hero/villain points allow a re-roll in case of a poor roll).

From your latest description, it sounds to me like it always was Mind Shield, and never Immunity, since "the gods were not fooled" and "they deduced his actions."

But even if it was Immunity, a change to Mind Shield is easy enough to justify in-game: the "cracks in the protection" can be chalked up to damage incurred (either by accident or purposefully) during the battle or the banishment; the wizard who made the amulet and banished him may not have been able to destroy/strip him of his gear, but he could have been able to weaken it. Or due to slight but important differences in the way magic works in the FC Dimension and the way it works in Grey's home dimension.

You should be aware that there are some things neither Mind Shield nor Immunity to Mental Effects protects against, which may or may not be important depending on the character concept. Neither protect against straight-up Illusions -- that's a Will save, but Illusions are only Mental effect if they have the Phantasms flaw (and in any case you have to suspect there's even an Illusion before you get to attempt the save). Neither would protect against things like Intimidation (though his high Sense Motive does help him here*), interaction skills or feats based on them (like Fascinate, though again a high Sense Motive helps here), or the Fearsome Presence feat.

* Caught something else: his Sense Motive modifier is off. Sense Motive goes off Wisdom, not Charisma, so with 10 ranks he's got a +12.


Mind Shield 11 (which he can get in his amulet) will be more than enough for anyone he would routinely face -- it makes him totally immune to any mental effect at rank 10 or less, so things like Telepathy 10 or Mind or Emotion Control 10. Since most all Mental effects are Perception-ranged, and Perception-ranged effects are limited in rank by PL (i.e., can't benefit from attack/damage trade-offs), he'd be effectively immune to any Metal effect from anyone of PL 10 or less.

In that case I can go with mind shield. I just felt that when Grey gets made, the jig is up, if you know what I mean.

You should be aware that there are some things neither Mind Shield nor Immunity to Mental Effects protects against, which may or may not be important depending on the character concept. Neither protect against straight-up Illusions -- that's a Will save, but Illusions are only Mental effect if they have the Phantasms flaw (and in any case you have to suspect there's even an Illusion before you get to attempt the save). Neither would protect against things like Intimidation (though his high Sense Motive does help him here*), interaction skills or feats based on them (like Fascinate, though again a high Sense Motive helps here), or the Fearsome Presence feat.

hmmm, I would say that in my character concept Grey can be intimidated, even feared, but that he would aways react to it with a cool head. meaning that he would either devert his whole attention to the percieved problem, or in a worst case scenario, withdraw, given the situation. I think I saw a stoic feat some where... Is there any other way to represent this.

Grey used to have gear to deal with illusions, but it has been lost to him. He'll just have to rely on his natural critical nature to get past such problems and maby the fact that he has delt with illusion's before.

Caught something else: his Sense Motive modifier is off. Sense Motive goes off Wisdom, not Charisma, so with 10 ranks he's got a +12.

Thanx, me fix


hmmm, I would say that in my character concept Grey can be intimidated, even feared, but that he would aways react to it with a cool head. meaning that he would either devert his whole attention to the percieved problem, or in a worst case scenario, withdraw, given the situation. I think I saw a stoic feat some where... Is there any other way to represent this?

Aside from the Fearless feat, not really. I'm not familiar with any sort of "Stoic" feat. Though the Intimidation skill is resisted by either your Intimidate or Sense Motive skill, or a Will save, so having one of those be fairly high would help.


Stats: 24pp

Str: 12 (+1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 16 (+3)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 22 (+6), 30 (+10) w/ Amulet

Combat: 22 pp

Attack: +3 (+8 in close combat)

Grapple: +2

Defense: +8 (+4 flat-footed)

Knockback: -5, -0 without Armour.

Initiative: +1

Saves: 17pp

Toughness: +10 (+0 Con, +10 other)

Fortitude: +7 (+0 Con, +7)

Reflex: +5 (+0 Dex, +5)

Will: +7 (+2 Wis, +7)

Skills: 36r = 9pp

Intimidate 5 (+15)

Bluff 5 (+15)

Notice 7 (+9)

Sense Motive 13 (+15)

Knowledge (Philosophy and theology)1 (+5)

Diplomacy 5 (+15)

Feats: 32pp

Minion x7 (25 15pt Minons [5] 1 30pt minion [2]) (2pt variant)


Edilic memory

Attack focus (melee) 5


Accutate attack

Defensive attack

Improved block

Improved disarm

Improved initiative

Power attack

Equipment 4


Abandoned warehouse (as in Core Rules)

Semi (navigation systems, subtle)

Powers: 47pp

Device 2 (Armor of the Undying; Hard to lose; PF: indestructible) [9]

Protection 10

Device 4 (“Mortis†the Sword of Volk; easy to lose; PF: indestructible, restricted (wielder must intend to

kill again))[14]

Strike 9 (Ex: Linked Drain Constitution 10 [PF]; PF: Mighty; db: full power)

Device 4 (cruentus draconis talein- Amulet of the Red Dragon; Hard to lose; PF: indestructible) [17]

Mind shield 11

Enhanced charisma (8)

Immunity 1 (need to sleep)

Devise 3 (Shield of Krisis; easy to lose, PF: indestructible) [7]

Deflection (3pt variant) 5

Drawbacks: -1PP

Fatigue if amulet is removed (uncommon, minor)

DC Block:


(Name of Attack) (Save DC/Type) (Type of Damage:Bruise/Injury, or other)

Unarmed -- 16/Toughness -- Damage

Sword -- 25/Toughness -- Damage, and see Con Drain/Deathblade.

Con Drain/Deathblade -- 20/Fortitude -- Drain Constitution, Linked to Strike/Sword.

Costs: Abilities (24) + Combat (22) + Saves (17) + Skills (9) + Feats (32) + Powers (47) - Drawbacks (-1) = Total Cost 150


Initiates of the grey order

15pt minions

The initiates act as the eyes, ears, and mouths of grey. They are made up of a collection of people, from ex gang members looking for profit and thrill, to truly psychotic individuals who grey controls with the promise of feeding their habits. Initiates ware grey robes and have characteristic goggles that are tinted red, often those goggles are the only noticeable things under the shadow of the robes.

Stats: -2pp

Str: 10 (+0)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 8 (-1)

Wis: 8 (-1)

Cha: 12 (+1)

Combat: 0pp

Attack: +2 (+2 w/ machine pistol)

Grapple: +2

Defense: +2 (+0 flat-footed)

Knockback: -1

Initiative: +0

Saves: 0pp

Toughness: +2 (+0 Con, +2 other)

Fortitude: +0 (+0 Con,+0)

Reflex: +0 (+0 Dex, +0)

Will: +0 (-1 Wis)

Skills: 12r = 4PP

Bluff 4 (+5)

Diplomacy 4 (+5)

Gather information 4 (+5)

Intimidate 4 (+5)

Feats: 12pp

Attack specialisation (machine pistol)

Dodge focus 2

Improved Aim



Equipment 7


Machine pistol (blast 3;Ex:Autofire)

Undercover shirt (protection 2, subtle)

Flash goggles


Parabolic microphone



Lock release gun

Night vision goggles

Flash-bang (dazzle burst 4)

Hanz Gruber (Herr Doctor)

Hanz was one of the first people that Grey met when he arrived on this plane. Herr was a brilliant man, being trained in all the sciences from a very young age. However Gruber became known to perform unnesisary experaments with human subjects and was expelled from the scientific community. Enraged Hanz swore revenge and began his decent into madness. Soon Hanz was dipping into dark applications of science and when the police finaly steped in he had become quite mad. Useing a diabolical Rube Goldberg like device, he evaded capture and fled to Freedom city. Upon arriving he partook in a pier bar where in he met Grey. That night hanz was nursing a beer in the near deserted tavern, when suddenly the door is thrown open. In walks a man soaked to the bone and wearing a suit of mideval armor. Lightning flashes behind the figure as he fixed his steely glare at the frightened patrons, until he setteled his stare at Hanz. Hanz was transfixed from that moment and soon learned what grey had to teach him. Hanz is useful to grey because of his knowledge of modern science, a field Grey knows little of. In return Grey provides Hanz with a means to continue his research. Hanz wears a white lab coat, has wild white hair, and the red goggles that are common among Grey’s men. While grey is stoic and without emotion, Hanz is given to wild periods of emotion driven insanity, providing a ying to grey’s yang.

Additional note: Hanz has studdied the works of Dr. Archville, and if you want they could have met before, even been working on a simular project.

Stats: 0pp

Str: 8 (-1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 8 (-1)

Int: 18 (+4)

Wis: 8 (-1)

Cha: 8 (-1)

Combat: 0pp

Attack: +4 (with grenades)

Grapple: +2

Defence: +4 (+0 flat-footed)

Knockback: -2

Initiative: +0

Saves: 0pp

Toughness: +3 (+0 Con, +3 other)

Fortitude: +0 (-1 Con)

Reflex: +0 (-1 Dex)

Will: +0 (-1 Wis)

Skills: 56r = 14PP

Computers 6 (+10)

Craft (chemical) 6 (+10)

Craft (electronic) 6 (+10)

Craft (mechanical) 6 (+10)

Disable device 6 (+10)

Knowlage (physical sciences) 6 (+10)

Knowlage (Life sciences) 6 (+10)

Knowlage (technology) 6 (+10)

Medicine 6 (+10)

Drive 2 (+2)

Feats: 16pp

Weapon focus (grenades)2


Improvised tools

Dodge 4

Equipment 8


Undercover vest (protection 3, subtle)

Flash goggles

Multi tool


GPS receiver


Fragmentation granades (Blast explosion 5)

Flash-bang (Dazzle Burst 4)


I copied the most recent version over to the first post and corrected the grapple and initiative modifiers, but there's still some things that need to be fixed. It says that he has 47 pp in powers, but I count 50. An easy-to-lose Device 3 with one power feat costs 10 pp, not 7.


I copied the most recent version over to the first post and corrected the grapple and initiative modifiers, but there's still some things that need to be fixed. It says that he has 47 pp in powers, but I count 50. An easy-to-lose Device 3 with one power feat costs 10 pp, not 7.


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