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A Windy Day at Jordan International Airport [OOC]

Dr Archeville

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Pretty much, yeah. Helps to have one central place where OOC talk can happen, as well as a place for a Ref to say something without having to interrupt the flow of the IC thread.


Which I can understand very easily. I was pondering making one before, and the only reason I hadn't was the thread only had me and Angelica and we could communicate over PM or AIM. But, as we need a ref, eventually, there's a need for one without a doubt.


Double posts are ew, but yeh.


IF anyone whom is a referee would like to show up with person from the school to pick Warren up or a bus or something for Warren to get on and the other two to follow with out him realizing it at first, that'd be great!


Double posts are ew, but yeh.


IF anyone whom is a referee would like to show up with person from the school to pick Warren up or a bus or something for Warren to get on and the other two to follow with out him realizing it at first, that'd be great!

Uusually we post in the Ref request thread, not simply in the OOc of the thread. I'll get on this right way since I caught your other post.


Okay, first a point about posts. When you make a post that invovles another character whether NPC or PC, please do not expect that they will simply allow you to do everything you say you will. Having Warren think he can simply walk onto the bus without Floyd stopping him is just wrong. If there is any chance of another character blocking the action, please leave your post open ended. "I attempt to walk onto the bus." rather than "I walk onto the bus, walk off the bus and grab the next person's hand."

Another point is try not to do an interaction skill like bluff and then before getting the results, try the same skill again. At least wait to see if there was a success or failure. Remember, that not everyone moves at the same time to post quick responses.

Remembering these fine points will ensure you have fun during your time here. :D

Now, onto game points. Once everyone gives their names we can move on. The longer we wait for that to happen the longer it will take for this to finish up. :lol:


I figured there might be a problem with that, but I figured it was implied that I was leaving it open ended. D: That's one of the big reasons why we have an edit feature, and the way my character was trying to act (Fast talk) it fit well, especially with the fact he's name was -definitely- on the list.


Hey, since Geckoman just got approved and is going to be in this Claremont supergroup, would any of you mind if he slipped in here rather than bother a DM with yet another thread doing basically the same thing?


Hey, since Geckoman just got approved and is going to be in this Claremont supergroup, would any of you mind if he slipped in here rather than bother a DM with yet another thread doing basically the same thing?

Well then get him on the gorund and give his name so I can finish this up. I know a lot of people are dying ot get started on their other threads.


Okay. Everyone's on the bus going to the school. I'll put up a thread tonight in Bayview and link it here. Right now, I don'T have the time but it shouldn'T be much. My invovlement will be fairly minot in that thread as it will basically serve as a way for the group to be enrolled. See you over there later tonight!

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