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Hey all I'm Akmenos thought I'd start my posting here by introducing myself. I'm 20 used to be a uni student. I am a big sci-fi & fantasy fan and love reading a lot. I live in New Zealand (yes there are a lot of sheep, be wary around them they're feisty) where hardly anyone plays RPGs. I started playing RPGs with D&D 3.5, then played a superhero RPG that I've forgotten the name of, when D&D 4e came out I played a couple games of it but it didn't hook me. I don't read any single comic book series due to too little money so have to make do with what my local library has at the time, basically my comic-fu is weak and disjointed.

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Howdy. I'm SoWouldA, your average not-quite-20 college dropout. I work at a local fast food joint, and am striving to either A) get the heck out of dodge or B) find a slightly better place of work. I got my start roleplaying casting magic missiles at the darkness (Ok, actually it was casting cure light wounds. A lot.) and moved on to nWOD. I discovered Green Ronin thanks largely to their Handbook's series, and picked up M&M for kicks. Learned to love it real quick.

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Howdy. I'm SoWouldA, your average not-quite-20 college dropout. I work at a local fast food joint, and am striving to either A) get the heck out of dodge or B) find a slightly better place of work. I got my start roleplaying casting magic missiles at the darkness (Ok, actually it was casting cure light wounds. A lot.) and moved on to nWOD. I discovered Green Ronin thanks largely to their Handbook's series, and picked up M&M for kicks. Learned to love it real quick.

Yes, welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy your time with us.

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Hello All,

My name is Pat and I am a 30 year old inhabitant of a damp corner of England, living with my extremely understanding fiance and her collection of giraffe patterned stuff.

I have been role-playing and reading comics for 21 years.

I have played and written games for more systems than is perhaps healthy, most recently being stuck in a bit of a 3.5 rut. Mutants is Masterminds is, in my opinion the system which has the best balance between rules and collaborative story telling I have ever seen but my current D&D group don't fancy a supers game - hence I decided to dip my toe in the waters of the interweb to get my fix.

I like comics with a sense of wonder and strong characterizations. I don't care for the Iron Age of comics, believing as I do that Liefield and his Ilk are agents of the Illuminati seeking to erode the moral fibre of the world through the moral mutilation of our heroes (wow! that sounds preachy). I adore the 'X' trilogy (Earth X, Universe X and Paradise X) for it's interweaving of Marvel history and James Robinsons' Starman series for it's rounded characters and brilliant writing. Currently I have been enjoying Annihilation and revisiting Jeph Loebs Batman stories.

I had a longer post written out but the board ate it.

I'm new to PbP so an advice on how the style differs or tips on presentation would be gratefully received.

Working on a couple of villains whose schemes will surely bring the world to its knees. Freedom City Beware!



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I noticed there was a bit of an imbalance in the Heroes favour and we can't be having that now can we :shame: . That and I have a number of villain concepts brewing that I think will lend themselves quite well to this style of game. I hope.

With a couple of days off work coming up I hope to have the first posted within the next day or so - although I may need to visit the character building forum for a few suggestions, I'm really happy with the concept and background but the mechanics of his powers are proving more problematic.

MBCE - I had considered running a Warriors and Warlocks game but my face to face group is quite large (last campaign averaged 7 players per session sometimes going to 9) and it's more the case that they are an older group (average age 35-40 with a few either side of that) who don't have the time/inclination to learn a new system - no matter how good it is. It's more of a social group really, they are big on fighting but the role-playing encounters tend to be dealt with by 2-3 players whilst the others sit and chat waiting for the 'roll initiative' call.

I'm really looking forward to getting involved round here - everyone seems very pleasant :D

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Getting people to pay attention in IRL games has always been a problem with me too. There is always 'that guy' that likes to chat over top of the DM/ST and ends up fuddling things up. Or the guy that is never really paying attention, he just wants to read the source books the whole time. I remember one game I played with a fellow years ago. His turns in combat went something like this.

DM: Hey, its your turn!

Player: *looks up from book* I take a five foot step back and shoot him with my crossbow. *rolls some dice* *goes back to reading book*

Wash, rinse, and repeat about every five minutes or so. It gets old pretty fast for me :/

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, all. I'm ex3lev3n and I just joined up. I've played RPGs for about 17 years or so and am really enjoying the PbP medium. Mmmm, I guess that's it?

:flash: Hasta la pasta, baby!

WElcome to the Boards! Hope you enjoy your time here.

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