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Spacefurry's Scribbles

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  • 4 months later...

Power Level: 10 (150PP)
Unspent Power Points:
Trade-Offs: -5 Attack / +5 Damage, -5 Defense / +5 Toughness


In Brief: Advanced construct / flesh golem




Alternate Identity: varies (currently: Matthew Thate) (Secret)
Birthplace:   varies (currently: Freedom City, NJ)

Residence: na
Base of Operations: na
Occupation:  na
Affiliations: Creepshow
Family:  na


Age:   varies (currently: 35, DoB: 1995)
Apparent Age: varies (currently: distorted 30s)
Gender: varies (currently: male)
Ethnicity: varies (currently: Caucasian)
Height: varies (currently: 6.5 feet-ish)
Weight: varies (currently: 350-ish)
Eyes: varies (currently: brown)
Hair: varies (currently: brown)



Brute is a golem of flesh created by the flesh manipulating figure referring to himself as Creepshow. The current Brute was crafted from a man named Matthew Thate.

Matthew was an auto mechanic who was hospitalize after automotive accident. He was pronounced dead after 4 hours of surgery, by the surgeon Dr Ethan Saddler. Later that night his body vanished from the hospital and records were changed to show the corpse had been properly processed. In reality, the body had been taken by Creepshow to be used as part of one of the villain’s experiments. Matthew was used as the base for what would become Creepshow’s muscle/bodyguard only referred to as ‘Brute’.


Personality & Motivation:
Whatever is left of Matthew’s personality and memories, if any, are suppressed by Creepshow’s tinkering. Brute’s only purpose now is merely to serve his master/creator. To which, he uses the considerable strength and power bestowed to him by his master/creator to carry out any orders given.


Powers & Tactics:
A living tank of a being, Brute lives up to its name. Brute utilizes the full extent of its strength to power through obstacles in its way. With little regard for tactics, it relies heavily on its abilities to take damage and shrug off blows until it can crush its opponent with its attacks. Although, its master/creator is able to access its senses and communicate over distance with it, directing it if seen fit. And if necessary, Creepshow can seize control of Brute and control it himself not unlike a puppet.


Power Descriptions:
Brute is a flesh golem, a ‘Frankenstien’ed bio-weapon, crafted to be strong and durable. Its body is distorted with occasional mismatched pieces.  Its muscles are oversized and are obviously unsettling to look at. It's chest and arms are larger and longer than any human's should be. As such it always possesses inhuman strength and toughness, with a reach that some tend to misjudge. It can at times, at the need of its master/creator, be augmented with additional abilities. Theses abilities can sometimes cause the body to look even stranger and can sometimes come at the cost of reduced strength as an unfortunate side effect.


Name: Description

Abilities: 30 + 0 + 30 – 4 – 4 + 0 = 52PP
Strength: 40 (+15)
Dexterity: 10 (+0)
Constitution: 40 (+15)
Intelligence: 6  (-2)
Wisdom: 6 (-2)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

Combat: 5 (2PP / Base Attack) + 5 (2PP / Base Defense) = 20PP
Initiative: +0
Attack: +5 Melee, +5 Ranged (+5 Base)
Defense: +5 (+5 Base), +3 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +25
Knockback: -18

Saving Throws: 0 (1PP / Fortitude) + 5 (1PP / Reflex) + 7 (1PP / Will) = 12PP
Toughness: +15 (+15 Con [10 Impervious])
Fortitude: +15 (+15 Con)
Reflex: +5 (+0 Dex, +5)
Will: +5 (-2 Wis, +7)

Skills: 48R = 12PP (1PP = 4 Skill ranks)
Intimidate 15 (+15)

Notice 12 (+10)

Search 12 (+10)

Sense Motive 9 (+7)

Feats: 7PP
All-out Attack


Improved Grapple

Improved Pin

Power Attack

Stunning Attack

Takedown attack


Powers: 6 + 12 + 10 + 11 = 39PP

(Descriptors: all biological)

Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude], Area [Olfactory Perception]; Flaws: Limited [Fear], Range 2 [Touch]; Feats: Subtle) [6PP] (Chemical, Scent, Fear, Mental)

Immovable 6 (Extra muscles; Extra: Unstoppable) [12PP]

Impervious Toughness (Thick skinned; Extra: Impervious 10) [10PP]

Super-Strength 5 (Extra Muscles; Feat: Groundstrike) [11PP]

Drawbacks: -0 = -0PP


DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 38 Toughness                Damage

Groundstrike        Touch      DC 18 Reflex                   Damage


Totals: Abilities (52) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (12) + Feats (7) + Powers (39) - Drawbacks (0) =  Power Points 142





Edited by Spacefurry
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  • 10 months later...

Paper / Leon



A lone figure sat on the roof of a house. In the distance, the grounds of a very private school were visible. The figure set a pair of binoculars down and drew her legs up to hug them, resting her chin thoughtfully on her knees. The setting sun accented her short red hair and made her green eyes shimmer.

“He missed our weekly meet up.” Elizabeth said without looking at the new arrival as he walked across the roof to join her.

“I know.” A young man with shoulder length blonde hair replied as he stood beside her. “We both knew this would start happening eventually.”

“But this soon?”

“Leon was always more outgoing then us. Never takes him long to find friends, or trouble.” Richard’s smile was faint, but it reached his blue eyes as he looked out at the distant school.

“I know.” The young girl sighed.

The young man smiled down at her and sat down beside her. “Seems like only yesterday we were planning the Harrington job.”

“We spent three weeks planning that one.” She snickered.

“You had him convinced everything was still going as planned, even as it was falling apart.” He chuckled.

She sighed again. “That’s only because he wanted to believe me.”

He looked over at her and bit his lip. “You know he…?” He let a question hang unasked.

“Of course.” She answered, looking a bit melancholy.

A moment of silence hung o the air.

“Did you know he thought you and me a thing behind his back?”

She looked at him in surprise. “Wha-“

“Yup.” He chuckled again. “I told him he was crazy.”

She shook her head. “Come on, you two have always been my little brothers. That’d just be weird.”

“Ya.” He agreed, his eyes lingered on her for a moment as she laughed. He looked back out towards the school and a silence hung in the air. “I miss him too.” He said after a few moments.

She made a noncommittal noise, but he knew her well enough to understand it. The three of them had become a family in those few short years.

“Should we..?” She asked as she picked up the binoculars, but not looking through them.

This time he shook his head. “We both agreed this is the best place for him. He’s always looked up to heroes more then either of us.”

She smirked. “He’s always been nicer then us too.” Elizabeth gave a deep sigh and stood up to stretch. She looked down at her adopted brother. “I guess we should get going.”

Richard nodded solemnly and stood to join her, picking up the binoculars as he did so. Using them he looked out at the campus of Claremont Academy. He could make out the buildings and quickly zeroed in on the dorm. They knew which widow was Leon’s room, the light behind the curtain muted and faint. Lowering the binoculars he paused a moment  then set them down again.

If their brother came, he’d see them and know they still had his back. Even if he was a hero and they were still criminals. Family was family, and you didn’t turn your back on family.

A lone pair of binoculars sat alone on an empty roof as the night settled over the city.

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  • 1 month later...

Power Level: 10 (150/150PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0 

Trade-Offs: None





In Brief: Dimensional castaway that found a battlesuit before landing in Freedom City

Catchphrase: ***

Theme: ***







Alternate Identity: Jean Downer (Public/Secret)
Birthplace: Nexus City, Alternate Earth

Residence: ***
Base of Operations: *** 
Occupation: ***
Affiliations: *** 

Family: ***





Age: 27 (DoB: 13/08/1993)
Apparent Age: 20’s

Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 1.67m (5’6”)
Weight: 50.5k (111.5lbs.)
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde





Description: ***








Personality & Motivation:



Power Descriptions:




Stranger in a not-so-strange land: The Earth Jean came from had enough similarities for her to make sense of things, but enough differences to make many social interactions potentially awkward.


From minor differences like the names of companies and products might be different. To moderate differences like the race/species of a person being different then she knew back home. To major differences like the details of historical events being different. 



Power Level: 10

Tradeoffs: None

Power Points: 150/150
Unspent Power Points: 0


ABILITIES 0 + 4 + 2 + 14 + 6 + 4 = 30PP
Strength: 10/18 (+0/+4)
Dexterity: 14/18 (+2/+4)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 24 (+7)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

COMBAT 12 + 12 = 24PP
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Attack: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Accurate)
Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +6/+10 (+6 Melee Attack, +0/+4 Strength)
Knockback Resistance: 0/-2

SAVING THROWS 9 + 8 + 7 = 24PP
Toughness: +10 (+1 Con, +9 Protection, Impervious 7)
Fortitude: +10 (+1 Con, +9)
Reflex: +10 (+2 Dex, +8)
Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7)




Computers [Int] 3 (+10)

Craft, Electronic [Int] 3 (+10)

Craft, Mechanical [Int] 3 (+10)

Disable Device [Int] 3 (+10)

Knowledge, Technology [Int] 3 (+10)

Notice [Wis] 5 (+8)




Dodge Focus 4

Luck 3





Battlesuit 15 ([31+40+4] DP Device; Hard to Lose) [60PP] (Descriptors: Technology, Trans-dimensional)    

Combat Array (30PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [31DP] 

Base Power: [30PP]

Blast 10 (Range: 100’ increments, 1000’ max; Feat: Accurate 2, Precise; Extra: Penetrating 7) [30PP] 

Alternate Power: [20PP]

Damage 10 (Hidden Blades; Feat: Accurate 2, Precise; Extra: Penetrating 7) [20PP] (slashing, piercing)





Physical Container [40DP] 


Enhanced Dexterity 4 (Enhanced Dexterity 4, Extra: Linked) [4PP] 

Enhanced Strength 10 (Enhanced Strength 10, Extra: Linked) [10PP] 

Immunity 9 (Life-support) [9PP]

Protection 9 (Extra: Impervious 7) [16PP] 

Enhanced Feat (Quick Change) [1PP]



Sensor Suite (4PP Container; Feats: Alternate Power 0) [4PP]

Sensor Array (3PP Array, Extra: Alternate Power 1) [4PP]


Base Power: Super-Sense 3 (Radar) [3PP] 

Alternate Power: Super-Sense 2 (Darkvision) [2PP] 




ATTACK                 RANGE       SAVE                     EFFECT

Unarmed                Touch       DC0 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)


Abilities (30) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (24) + Skills (5) + Feats (7) + Powers (60) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points



Edited by Spacefurry
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A few notes, in no particular order


You've got the power level stuff here listed twice, both at the top of the sheet and on top of the crunch section. Should just be on top.

Power Level: 10

Tradeoffs: None

Power Points: 150/150
Unspent Power Points: 0


I'm guessing that the Combat Array, Physical Container and Sensor Suite are part of the Battlesuit. I'd indent it all one more, in case you pick up more powers.


Personally, I'd array the Enhanced Strength as part of the combat array, saves you a bunch of PP. 


You use both PP and DP inside the battlesuit. While you don't have to label it as DP (and just using PP is fine), you should be consistent with using one or the other labels, to avoid confusion.


You need to put a rank on the combat and sensor arrays (PP in array /2, you're allowed half ranks) and the Physical and Sensor Containers (PP in array /5, you're allowed fractional ranks like 1.2, 1.4, etc.)


You need to put a rank on the Enhanced Feat for Quick Change.


With Int that high I'd suggest grabbing either Jack-of-All-Trades or Eidetic Memory.


What are the Enhanced Dex and Strength linked to?


You probably won't need Penetrating 7 on some rank 10 effects, so you can free up some PP on those attacks and grab some power feats.

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There is really no reason for the Physical Container, as it is already inside a container, the Device. Just put everything that is in the Physical Container as a power within the Device container. 


Edit: Also, there is no reason or need to link the Enhanced Dex and Enhanced Str.

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  • 2 months later...

Power Level: 8 (120/120PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0

Trade-Offs: None




In Brief: College student with techno-organic symbiote

Catchphrase: ***

Theme: ***



Alternate Identity: Jennifer Gale (Secret)
Birthplace: Organics: Augusta, Georgia / Cybernetics: unknown alien origin

Residence: FCU Dorms, North End, Freedom City
Base of Operations: FCU 
Occupation: College Student, Forensic Sciences
Affiliations: none 

Family: Mother and Father



Age: 23 (DoB: April 1, 1998)
Apparent Age: 20s

Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 115lb
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black




Lean and athletic, Jennifer enjoys running and does so almost daily. A little on the short side, she has a runner’s build of lean muscle. She wears her hair kept short and hardly bothers with make-up, beyond lip gloss and occasionally nail polish if pushed to go out with friends.

Being a college student, her wardrobe usually consists of thrift store shirts and jeans, but she has a favored coat she received from her mother as a birthday gift. She wears glasses of thin metal frames, but the lens are only for show.




Jennifer comes from a completely mundane family. As far as she knows, no one in her family has done anything noteworthy. Until starting college she still lived with her parents; her mother Susan Gale, is an accountant for a small firm, and her father, is a construction foreman for a small, local company. Jennifer was a prominent member of her high school track and field team, earning a handful of trophies and awards.

The year prior to the last Terminus Invasion, Jennifer had just graduated from high school and was enjoying the brief freedom before starting college. She had driven up to High Point State Park for a weekend alone. In the early morning she was enjoying a jog along one of its many trails, oblivious to the two falling stars streaking above that changed courses sharply. By the time she heard the sounds of the incoming alien fighters over her earbuds it was too late. The force of first impact knocked her from her feet and a fraction of a second later the second impact flung her into a tree.

The pain was almost unbearable as she tried to drag herself up using the tree as support. Something on one of the ships exploded and showered her with shrapnel, leaving dozens of cuts and a ringing in her ears. Jennifer collapsed to her knees and her vision swam. As her hearing began to clear, she heard shouting and sounds of struggle. Feeling around she was thankful she found her glasses, though one of the lenses was missing.

What she saw was two creatures of inhuman nature locked in physical combat. One of the creatures spotted her and shoved the other aside to rush towards her. It yelled something Jennifer couldn’t understand and the second took the opportunity to fire some kind of weapon at the first. The shot tore through the rushing alien, splattering Jennifer in a silvery-gray ooze. Wounded, alien fell before reaching her and the shooter closed on it, pointing the weapon at the fallen combatant.

The alien on the ground rolled on to its back, seemed to snarl something at the shooter. The shooter replied shortly before noticing the wounded alien was touched something on its arm. The second alien turned away quickly, as if to run, when the explosion erupted. The wave of force and heat drove Jennifer off her feet and tumbling again.

When she finally regained consciousness on the forest floor, she was in dazed and in pain. Pulling herself to her feet she leaned against a tree and looked out over the crater left behind by the explosion. Small bit of metal caught the light here and there, but all Jennifer wanted was to get away from the site. Somehow, she managed to stagger her way back to her car. She couldn’t imagine how she actually made her way back to the hotel she was staying at, but when she finally woke up enough to take in her surroundings, she was in the small hotel bed. Her clothes were torn and bloodied as she stripped them off and entered the shower. Washing off the dried blood and dirt she was shocked not to find and marks on her skin.

With only the remnants of her clothes Jennifer began to think she had simply tripped and hit her head while running. That the entire ordeal had simply been a delusion brought on by head trauma and counted herself lucky she seemed to be okay now. It wasn’t until she had returned home, and her mother had asked where her glasses were that Jennifer realized she hadn’t needed them since the hotel room. She made an excuse and went to her room to wonder what had happen.

In the following year Jennifer started college classes and nothing else out of the ordinary happened…, until the Termius arrived.

The heroes of the city defeated invaders, and all seemed well…, until…

Something during the Terminus Invasion triggered the dormant techno-organic organism sleeping inside, and it awakened. In the time since then Jennifer has discovered the symbiote and learned the she could control it. Sure, it scared the ever-loving hell out of her, but after an acceptable amount of freaking out she finally came to terms with it and accepted that this was the new status quo.

What Jennifer didn’t realize, was that when she was first infected with the active organism, she was seriously injured and the symbiote healed her. The symbiote was small then though, and it took all of its energy to heal her causing it to go dormant until reawakened. And to this day, Jennifer doesn’t know who the aliens where or what they were doing. Was the one that rushed her trying to harm her? Or was it trying to protect her from the other alien? She’ll never know.



Personality & Motivation:

Jennifer is a smart, energetic college student and she loves being active. She has s friendly and outgoing personality and can usually make friends easy enough. She attends Freedom City University to study Forensic Pathology, with the desire to join the city’s police department.

 Jennifer wants to help people and has decided that maybe she can use her newfound abilities to do that, like that heroes that protected her and the other citizens not just during the invasion, but every day.



Power Descriptions:

The techno-organic symbiote has a silvery-gray metallic appearance and seems to grow out of Jennifer’s flesh, returning when not needed. When active, it can react with incredible speed, growing protective tendrils around her and increasing her physical abilities to inhuman levels.

(Not unlike unlike the Witchblade or the Darkness)




Remove foil before microwaving: (Power Loss)

Strong electromagnetic fields can interfere with the symbiote, and in turn cause Jennifer to be unable to use it until she can escape the effect.



Keep a leash on it:

The symbiote is a semi-sentient organism, it has been known to act on its own survival instincts. The GM can award a Hero Point if these involuntary actions causes a severe breach of etiquette or otherwise makes others uncomfortable, which could result in a penalty to (or automatically failing) certain interaction skill checks.



Have you seen my phone?:

The symbiote’s instincts for survival can extend to feeling the need to fortify itself. This can result in it ‘eating’ electronics and metals it comes in contact with for extended times to add to its material resources. Acting on its instincts it makes no differentiation as to the source of these materials: friend, foe, or other. The GM can award a Hero Point if this results in a severe complication for Jennifer or a companion due to missing items of importance or mechanical failure.  




ABILITIES 0 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 20PP

Strength: 10/24 (+7)
Dexterity: 12/16 (+3)
Constitution: 14/16 (+3)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP

Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Attack: +4 base, +8 melee (+4 Base, +4 Attack Focus [melee])
Defense: +8 (+4 Base, Dodge Focus 4), +2 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +8/+16 (+8 Melee Attack, +7 Strength, +1 Super-Strength)
Knockback Resistance: -4/-7 (Impervious 7)

SAVING THROWS 5 + 5 + 6 = 16PP

Toughness: +8 (+3 Con, +5 Protection)
Fortitude: +8 (+3 Con, +5PP)
Reflex: +8 (+3 Dex, +5PP)
Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6PP)





Acrobatics 7 (+10)

Computers 7 (+10)

Investigate 7 (+10)

Knowledge, Life Sciences 7 (+10)

Knowledge, Physical Sciences 6 (+9)

Knowledge, Technology 7 (+10)

Medicine 8 (+10)

Notice 8 (+10)

Search 7 (+10)





Attack Focus [melee] 4

Dodge Focus 4

Improved Grapple

Luck 2



POWERS 17 + 5 + 19 = 41PP



Combat Array 8 (16PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [17PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic)


    BP:  [14+2=16/16PP]

Enhanced Strength 14 [14PP]

Super-Strength 1 (+5 Str for carry capacity and +1 Str for sustained activity) [2PP]

    AP: Stun 8 [16PP] (Electricity)



Movement Array 2 (4PP Array; Feat: Alternate Power 1) [5PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic)


    BP:  [3+1=4/4PP]

Speed 3 (500 ft/rd, 50mph ground speed) [3PP]

Quickness 1 (x2, Extra: Linked [to Speed]) [1PP]

    AP: Flight 2 (250 ft/rd, 25mph flight speed, Drawback: Power Loss 1 [Wings]) [3PP]



Physical Container 3.8 [19PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic)


    Enhanced Constitution 2 [2PP]

    Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP]

    Protection 5 [5PP]

    Regeneration 8 (Recovery Bonus +2, Bruised 2 [standard action], Injured 2 [5 minutes], Ability 1 [5 hours], Disabled 1 [5 hours]) [8PP]



ATTACK                 RANGE       SAVE                     EFFECT

Unarmed                Touch       DC22 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)

Stun                Touch       DC18 Fort                Daze/Stun/Unconscious


Edited by Spacefurry
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  • 1 month later...

Predator - WIP

Power Level: 12 built 10 (180/180PP)

Unspent Power Points:

Trade-Offs: None



In Brief: Dimensional castaway in a battlesuit landing in Freedom City

Catchphrase: ***

Theme: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk



Alternate Identity: Jean Downer (Public)

Birthplace: Nexus City, Alternate Earth 

Residence: ***

Base of Operations: *** 

Occupation: ***

Affiliations: *** 

Family: ***




Age: 27 (DoB: 13/08/1993)

Apparent Age: 20’s

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Anthropomorphic fox

Height: 1.626m (5’4”)

Weight: 50.5k (111.5lbs.)

Eyes: Dark Blue

Hair: Dirty Blonde



Description: Jean is a humanoid fox girl, short and athletically built. Dirty blonde hair reaches her shoulders and her eyes are a deep rich blue. Her features are fox like and a pair of red and black furred fox ears poke up through her hair. Short fur covers her body and her legs are slightly digigrade. A fox tail protrudes from the base of her spine.


The Predator armor is an advanced battlesuit Jean designed and built, integrating numerous local and alien technologies. She has redesigned and upgraded it numerous times since it’s conception. It’s current design has a feline/canine inspired hints in its minimalist simplicity. It has a sleek, polished gun metal appearance with no added coloring except the yellow glow from the helmet’s ‘eyes’.




Jean was born on a parallel Earth, similar to Freedom’s but with several major differences. The first being that there was no Freedom City, on her world it was name Nexus City due to the number of strange occurrences that seemed to happen there. Aliens, inter dimensional travelers, magical vortexes, old and new gods appearing, and the like.

The city also attracted is own variety of heroes and villains that clashed. It was during one of those clashes that Jean lost both her parents at a young age.

Jean was recognized as a prodigy at an early age and graduated from high school years ahead of her peers. She attended collage, receiving multiple degrees before moving to the private sector. Under the employment of a patron with known questionable connects Jean secretly designed and built the Predator armor to combat the destructive forces that she felt plagued the city.

For several years she fought to protect her city until one day a crazy scientist constructed a portal that threatened to run out of control and could threaten her entire universe. Along side several other heroes she tried to stop it, only to find herself dragged it to the portal along with its creator.

Jean found herself adrift in the multiverse, the residual energy from the portal causing her to shift through wolds at random. Where ever she appeared she would help to protect the innocent as she attempted to find a way back to her own world. Sometimes it would be days, sometimes weeks between shifts. This made it difficult to devise away home.

Eventually, her dimensional shifting landed her in Freedom City, but the residual energy seems to be nearly gone, leaving her apparently stranded there for the time being.



Personality & Motivation:

Jean is intelligent and stubborn, but will listen to counter arguments and give them proper consideration if they deserve it. She has a strong desire to protect since losing her parents to ‘super powered’ violence.

She is quick to act, but does so in an intelligent way, always analyzing the situation and think ahead. Her mind is her most useful tool and she utilizes it. Though, in her travels, she has been forced to more drastic measures and sometimes goes further then she would normally feel comfortable acting in order to protect others.

She is slow to trust others, but once she considers someone a friend she is fiercely loyal. She has been known to place others before herself to what some may consider dangerous degrees. 

Jean has no hang ups on her inhuman appearance since the world she was born into had a high population of humanoid animals. She does though have some body issues give her small stature and build, feeling she can’t measure up to ‘normal’ beauty standards. But this doesn’t normally hinder her since she tends to be more analytical but nature. It usually only came up on the rare occasion she began to feel attracted to another and thought they wouldn’t see her the same way. This would usually lead to her shift to an even more analytical attitude that could possibly push others away.



Power Descriptions:

Jean herself is a intellectual prodigy, but has no powers herself, relying on the suit for any combat needs.

The armor is designed and constructed using a multitude of technologies integrated together be Jean’s careful designs. It’s internal, self recharging power source is one of the alien technologies that allows it to preform the incredible feats it does without running out of energy.

Jean programmed an AI assistant into the armors systems to help maintain the armor and streamline its systems. She named the AI Cynthia.

Using the residual dimensional energies Jean has been able to shift the armor alone into a trans dimensional state she can call it from. This allows her to summon the armor to her in an emergency.



Stranger in a not-so-strange land: The Earth Jean came from had enough similarities for her to make sense of things, but enough differences to make many social interactions potentially awkward.

From minor differences like the names of companies and products might be different. To moderate differences like the race/species of a person being different then she knew back home. To major differences like the details of historical events being different. 

A hero point could be awarded if this would cause a problem either socially or investigatively.


Inhuman appearance: Jean is not human and makes no effort to conceal the fact. This may make people uncomfortable or possibly hostile towards her, causing problems with many people not use to dealing with nonhumans.

A hero point could be awarded if this would cause a problem either socially or investigatively. 



ABILITIES 0 + 4 + 2 + 14 + 6 + 4 = 30PP

Strength: 10/18 (+0/+4)

Dexterity: 14/18 (+2/+4)

Constitution: 12/16 (+1/+3)

Intelligence: 24 (+7)

Wisdom: 16 (+3)

Charisma: 14 (+2)



COMBAT 12 + 12 = 24PP

Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)

Attack: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Accurate)

Defense: +8/+10 (+6 Base, +2/+4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +6/+10 (+6 Melee Attack, +0/+4 Strength)

Knockback Resistance: -1/-8(Impervious 7)



SAVING THROWS 5 + 6 + 7 = 18PP

Toughness: +1/+10 (+1/+3 Con, +7 Protection, Impervious 7)

Fortitude: +6/+8 (+1/+3 Con, +5)

Reflex: +8/+10 (+2/+4 Dex, +6)

Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7)




Computers [Int] 3 (+10)

Concentration [Wis] 4 (+7)

Craft, Electronic [Int] 3 (+10)

Craft, Mechanical [Int] 3 (+10)

Disable Device [Int] 3 (+10)

Knowledge, Technology [Int] 3 (+10)

Notice [Wis] 5 (+8)




Dodge Focus 2 (4 in suit)


Luck 3



POWERS 96PP [120/120DP]

Battlesuit  19.2 ([32+8+48+9+23] DP Device; Hard to Lose) (Descriptors: Technology, Trans-dimensional)    


Combat Array 6 (30DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [32DP] 

     Base: Blast 10 (Range: 100’ increments, 1000’ max; Feat: Accurate 2, Precise, Penetrating 7) [30PP] 

     AE: Damage 10 (Hidden Blades; Feat: Accurate 2, Precise; Extra: Penetrating 7) [22PP] (slashing, piercing)

     AE: Enhanced Strength 10 (Enhanced Strength 10, Extra: Linked) [10PP] 

+Super-Strength 2 (Feat: Bracing) [5DP]


Comprehend 4 (Codes 1, Languages 3 [Speak 1 language at a time, understand all, read all]) [8DP]


Physical Container 9.6 [48DP] 

     Enhanced Constitution 4 [4PP]

     Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] 

     Enhanced Feat (Quick Change) [1PP]

     Enhanced Feat (Dodge Focus 2) [2PP]

     Immunity 10 (immune to all sense-dependent effects, Drawback: excludes Magical effects) [9pp]

     Immunity 9 (life support) [9pp]

     Immunity 5 (immune to all damage from Cold, Flaw: Limited [Half effects]) [2.5PP]

     Immunity 5 (immune to all damage from Heat, Flaw: Limited[Half effects]) [2.5PP]

     Protection 7 (Extra: Impervious 7) [14PP] 


Movement Array 1.8 [9pp]

Base: Speed 4 (100’) [4pp]

+Super-Movement (Sure Footed 1) [2pp]

     AE: Leaping 3 (x10, move action) [3pp]

     AE: Swimming 4 (25’) [4pp]

     AE: Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall, Wall-Crawling 1) [6pp]


Sensor & comms Array 4 (20DP Array, Alternate powers 3) [23DP]

Base: Communication 10 (Radio, 200,000 miles; Feats: Selective, Subtle; Extras: Area [1 mile radius]) [20pp]

     AE: Super-Senses 13 (Visual: Infravision, Ultravision, Analytical 2, Counters Concealment, Counters Obscure [darkness], Extended 1, Radius 2, Tracking, Microscopic 1) [13pp]

     AE: Super-Senses 7 (Auditory: Accurate, Analytical 2, Extended 1, Tracking, Ultra-Hearing, Radius 1) [7pp]

     AE: Super-Senses 9 (Radio: Accurate, Analytical 2, Penetrates Concealment, Extended 1, Tracking) [9pp]



ATTACK                 RANGE       SAVE                     EFFECT 

Unarmed                Touch       DC0 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)

 Blast                 Ranged       DC25 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)

Blades                Touch       DC25 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)



Abilities (30) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (6) + Feats (6) + Powers (96) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points

Edited by Spacefurry
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  • 1 year later...

Lark - WIP

Power Level: 10 (150/150PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: None



In Brief: Part-time college student/part-time secretary/part-time werewolf

Catchphrase: ***

Theme: Bad Moon on the Rise



Alternate Identity: Lark Williams (Secret)
Birthplace: Emerald City

Residence: ECU Dorms, Emerald City
Base of Operations: Blackstaff Investigations
Occupation: College Student, Business Major
Affiliations: Blackstaff
Family: Mother and Father



Age: 25 (DoB: September 17th, 1998)
Apparent Age: mid 20s
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5’ 10” / 7’ 3”
Weight: 138lb / 242lb
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dirty-Blonde / Light Brown



Lark looks average enough in her size and build, but take a closer look as you can notice the defined muscles under the softness of college life. She shares a lot of her looks with her mother including her dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.


As a werewolf, Lark is capable of assuming a giant sized wolf or the stereotypical hybrid form. Her fur is a light brown but her inhuman eyes keep their hazel coloring . Razor sharp claws and fangs complete the look.



While in her freshman year as Business major at Emerald City University, Lark was attacked by a werewolf one night. She was the only survivor of the group she had been with. Weeks in the hospital and questions from police and media left her feeling scared and tired, but it wasn’t until the next full moon approached and the nightmares began that she truly felt the terror.

She had transformed into a savage beast like the one that had attacked her for two nights straight before stumbling across Blackstaff’s office. He had already been investigating the attacks that were occurring every full moon, when Lark explained she had survived the previous attack he quickly agreed to help her. Using her connection to her attacker the two tracked down the werewolf responsible for the ‘Full Moon Murders’ as the media had dubbed them.

With the werewolf responsible for turning her dead, Lark’s nightmares stopped. But in truth she was still deeply afraid of her condition. Blackstaff attempted to remove the curse, but was unable to. Instead he promised to help her control the transformations and the easy now inside her clawing to escape.

So, she began working at his office as his secretary/office assistant. Though she has recently pressed Blackstaff to be more involved with cases.


Personality & Motivation:

Lark is cheerful and upbeat. She had planned on a simple life running a business of her own. And while her condition complicates things, she still wants to make something of herself.

Courageous and strong willed, she has practiced with her werewolf nature to better control it. She isn’t afraid to put herself in danger to help someone else, though she still sometimes overestimates her abilities.


Power Descriptions:

Lark is a werewolf, complete with all its weaknesses. Silver and wolf’s bane being two biggest. Her curse is magical in nature.



Silver Bullet:

The touch of silver can burn causing her to be weary of it.



Wolf’s bane can cause a range of reactions depending on how it is handled or processed.


Mark of the beast:

Other creatures can sometimes sense when a predator is near. This can cause complications ranging from unintentional intimidation to unwanted irrational fear of her depending on the creature and situation.


Call of the Wild:

Strong magical or mental forces could cause her to change uncontrolled, perhaps even enraging her and driving her to attack indiscriminately.



ABILITIES  6+ 4 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 30PP
Strength: 16/26  (+3/+8)
Dexterity: 14/18 (+2/+4)
Constitution:  14/24 (+2/+7)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

COMBAT  8 + 8 = 16PP
Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Imp Init)
Attack: +10 melee (+4 Base, +6 Attack Focus [melee])
Defense: +10 (+4 Base, + 6 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +7/+9 (+4 Melee Attack, +8 Strength, /+2 Super-Str)
Knockback Resistance: -1/-3

SAVING THROWS  3 + 5 + 7 = 15PP
Toughness: +2/+10(+2/+7 Con, +3 Protection, Impervious 6)
Fortitude: +5/+10 (+2/+7 Con, +3PP)
Reflex: +7/+9 (+2/+4 Dex, +5PP)
Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7PP)


SKILLS  56R = 14PP

Acrobatics 6 (+10)

Computers 7 (+10)

Concentration 3 (+6)

Drive 2 (+6)

Investigate 7 (+10)

Knowledge, Arcane Lore 2 (+5)

Knowledge, Economics 7 (+10)

Knowledge, Pop-culture 2 (+5)

Knowledge, Technology 2 (+5)

Medicine 2 (+5)

Notice 7 (+10)

Search 7 (+10)



Attack Focus [melee] 6

Dodge Focus 6

Evasion 1

Improved Grapple

Improved Initiative



POWERS   18 + 14 + 30 = 62PP 


Combat Array 8 (16PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [18PP]

    BP: Damage 10 [16PP] (Extra: Penetrating 6)

    AP: Enhanced Strength 10 [10PP]

    AP: Emotion control 10 (Frightful Roar; Extra: Area [General, Burst: 50’ radius] Flaw: Limited [Fear], Sense-dependant [Hearing]; Drawback: Noticeable) [9PP]


 Alternate Form Array 3 (15PP Array; Feat: Alternate Power 1, Flaw: Action 2 [Standard action]) [14PP]

    BP: Alternate Form 3 (Hybrid form, Disability: mute [common, moderate, -3PP) [11/15PP]

    Protection 3 (Impervious 6) [9PP]

    Speed 1 [1PP]

    Super-Strength 2 (+10 Str for carry capacity and +2 Str for sustained activity) [4PP]

    AP: Alternate Form 3 (Wolf form; Disability: no hands [common, moderate, -3PP], Disability: mute [common, moderate, -3PP) [8/15PP]

    Protection 3 (Impervious 6) [9PP]

    Speed 2 [2PP]

    Super-Sense 3 (Hearing: Extended, Scent: Extended, Tracking: Scent) [3PP]    


Physical Container 6 [30PP]

    Enhanced Constitution 10 [10PP]

    Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP]

    Regeneration 11 (Recovery Bonus +2, Bruised 2 [standard action], Injured 2 [5 minutes], Ability 1 [5 hours], Disabled 1 [5 hours], Feats: Diehard, Persistent, Regrowth) [11PP]

    Speed 1 [1PP]

    Super-senses 4 (Scent, Ultra-Hearing, Danger Sense 2: Hearing, Scent) [4PP]



Vulnerable: Silver (Uncommon, Major [x2 damage]) [-3PP]

Weakness: Contact with Silver (Major, -1 drain all ability scores every round) [-4PP]


ATTACK             RANGE   SAVE                 EFFECT

Damage           Touch       DC25 Toughness Damage (Physical)





Abilities (30) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (14) + Feats (15) + Powers (62) - Drawbacks (7) = 145/150 Power Points


Edited by Spacefurry
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  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Seraphim - WIP
Power Level: 10, Built 8 (150PP)
Unspent Power Points: 35

Trade-Offs: None


In Brief: Light-wielding Claremont student with some healing




Alternate Identity: Sarah Francine Thatcher (Secret)
Birthplace:  Freedom City, NJ

Residence: Claremont Academy 

Base of Operations: Claremont Academy

Occupation:  Student
Family: Mother, Father, Brother x2, Sister x2


Age: 16 (DoB: May 2nd 2008)
Apparent Age: 16
Gender:  Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height:  5’ 4”
Eyes:  Hazel
Hair:  Dirty Blonde



Sarah is not much of an athlete having spent more studying. Her blonde hair falls to the middle of her back and she usually keeps it secured with a hair pin. Her wardrobe consists on mostly blouses and pants, with the occasional skirt. But, she tends to only wear a little bit of jewelry.



Sarah’s family only recently moved to Freedom City for the start of the new school year. Her mother and father both having accepted new jobs at local schools. Her mother as an elementary teacher and her father as an highschool assistant principle.

Sarah and her parents accepted an invitation for Sarah to attend Claremont. Although her parents don’t know about her recently acquired powers or Claremont’s true nature, they only know the school’s precieved reputation as a well known private school.

In truth, Sarah had had a strange encounter several months prior. She had been helping with a school ran park cleanup event when a man stumbled through her class. Sarah had met the man’s eyes and a spark seemed to leap from his eyes to hers, unseen by anyone else. The man stumbled off and her fellow students eventually wrote him off.

Several minutes later, while picking up some trash the man reappeared, surprising her. Sarah was scared, but the man attempted to calm her. Something about him radianted reassurance and she stopped to listen as he spoke. He asked a simple harmless sounding question: “Do you see the light?”

At frist, she didn’t understand, but before she could answer she say it. An aura of light surrounded the man and she could feel it’s warmth.

Sarah nodded and the man seemed to sigh in relief. He relief turned to regret though and he apologized. Before Sarah could question him she felt it as the light brightened. The light fell over her and it’s warmth filled her.

When the light cleared the man had vanished.


Personality & Motivation:
Sarah is a bright and cheerful sort, always willing to help those in need. Studious and determined, she hopes to eventually enter the medical field in some manner.


Powers & Tactics:
Seraphim’s powers are light-based. Blasts of light work as ranged attacks and walls of light as protection. Manifesting an aura of light she can allow herself to fly. She believes though, that her greatest power is her ability to heal wounds. Tactically speaking though, she simple has no real experience.


Power Descriptions:

Her powers all manifest as white light. Beams of light for her blasts and walls of light constructed of hexagon shaped plates. An obvious white aura surrounds her as she uses her powers, it’s brightness reflecting the amount of energy she is using.


Name: Description

Abilities: 2 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 16PP
Strength: 12 (+)
Dexterity: 10 (+0)
Constitution: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP
Initiative: +4 (+4/Imp Init)
Attack: +4 / +8 [Blast] (+4/Base) [+4/Accurate]

Defense: +8 (+4/Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +4 (+3/Base +1/Str)
Knockback: -0

Saving Throws: 8 + 8 + 5 = 21PP
Toughness: +8 (+0 Con, +8/Protection)
Fortitude: +8 (+0 Con, +8)
Reflex: +8 (+0 Dex, +8)
Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5)

Skills: 64/64R = 16PP

Computers +10 (+3/Int +7)

Diplomacy +5 (+2/Cha +3)

Gather Information +5 (+2/Cha +3)

Investigate +10 (+3/Int +7)

Knowledge, Current Events +10 (+3/Int +7)

Knowledge, Pop Culture +10 (+3/Int +7)

Medicine +12 (+3/Wis +9)

Notice +10 (+3/Wis +7)

Search +10 (+3/Int +7)

Sense Motive +10 (+3/Wis +7)

Feats: 8PP

Dodge Focus 4

Improved Initiative

Luck 2

Skill Mastery (Medicine, Notice, Search, Sense Motive)


Powers: 37 + 8 + 16 = 61 PP

(All powers have the Light descriptor)


Light Control Array 16.5 (33PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [37PP]

BP: Healing 8 (Healing Light; Healing 8; Range: Touch; Extra: Energizing; Feat: Persistent, Regrowth, Stabilize) [33/33PP]

AP: Healing 8 (Restoring Light; Healing 8; Range: Touch; Extra: Restoration; Feat: Persistent, Regrowth, Stabilize) [33/33PP]

AP: Blast 8 (Light Beam; Damage 8; Range: 8 [100’ increments, 800’ max]; Extras: Ranged, Penetrating 4; Feats:Accurate 2 (+4 Attack), Affects Insubstantial 1, Precise) [24/33PP] (additional descriptor: heat)

AP: Dazzle 8 (Flash Bang; Dazzle 8 (Visual), Range 800’ max; Extra: Area [burst], Feat: Affects Insubstantial 1) [17/33PP]

AP: Environmental Control 8 (Dayshine; Environmental Control 8 [Light 2]; Range: 8 [100’ increments, 800’ max]) [16/33PP]


Protection 8 (Light Barrier; Protection 😎 [8PP]


Flight 8 (Speed: 2500’ per round, 2500 mph) [16PP]

Drawbacks: 0PP

DC Block

ATTACK          RANGE     SAVE                       EFFECT
Unarmed         Touch    DC 15 Toughness            Damage
Light Beam Ranged DC 23 Toughness Damage
Flash Bang     Ranged DC 18 Reflex/Fortitude       Dazzle

Healing Touch DC 18 Fortitude (harmless) Healing


Totals: Abilities (16) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (21) + Skills (16) + Feats (8) + Powers (61) - Drawbacks (0) = 138/150 Power Points

Edited by Spacefurry
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  • 3 months later...


Power Level: 10 (150/150PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: None



In Brief: Part-time college student/part-time secretary/part-time werewolf

Catchphrase: ***

Theme: Bad Moon on the Rise



Alternate Identity: Lark Williams (Secret)
Birthplace: Emerald City

Residence: ECU Dorms, Emerald City
Base of Operations: Blackstaff Investigations
Occupation: College Student, Business Major
Affiliations: Blackstaff
Family: Mother and Father



Age: 25 (DoB: September 17th, 1998)
Apparent Age: mid 20s
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5’ 10” / 7’ 3”
Weight: 138lb / 242lb
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dirty-Blonde / Light Brown



Lark looks average enough in her size and build, but take a closer look as you can notice the defined muscles under the softness of college life. She shares a lot of her looks with her mother including her dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.


As a werewolf, Lark is capable of assuming a giant sized wolf or the stereotypical hybrid form. Her fur is a light brown but her inhuman eyes keep their hazel coloring . Razor sharp claws and fangs complete the look.



While in her freshman year as Business major at Emerald City University, Lark was attacked by a werewolf one night. She was the only survivor of the group she had been with. Weeks in the hospital and questions from police and media left her feeling scared and tired, but it wasn’t until the next full moon approached and the nightmares began that she truly felt the terror.

She had transformed into a savage beast like the one that had attacked her for two nights straight before stumbling across Blackstaff’s office. He had already been investigating the attacks that were occurring every full moon, when Lark explained she had survived the previous attack he quickly agreed to help her. Using her connection to her attacker the two tracked down the werewolf responsible for the ‘Full Moon Murders’ as the media had dubbed them.

With the werewolf responsible for turning her dead, Lark’s nightmares stopped. But in truth she was still deeply afraid of her condition. Blackstaff attempted to remove the curse, but was unable to. Instead he promised to help her control the transformations and the easy now inside her clawing to escape.

So, she began working at his office as his secretary/office assistant. Though she has recently pressed Blackstaff to be more involved with cases.


Personality & Motivation:

Lark is cheerful and upbeat. She had planned on a simple life running a business of her own. And while her condition complicates things, she still wants to make something of herself.

Courageous and strong willed, she has practiced with her werewolf nature to better control it. She isn’t afraid to put herself in danger to help someone else, though she still sometimes overestimates her abilities.


Power Descriptions:

Lark is a werewolf, complete with all its weaknesses. Silver and wolf’s bane being two biggest. Her curse is magical in nature.



Silver Bullet:

The touch of silver can burn causing her to be weary of it.



Wolf’s bane can cause a range of reactions depending on how it is handled or processed.


Mark of the beast:

Other creatures can sometimes sense when a predator is near. This can cause complications ranging from unintentional intimidation to unwanted irrational fear of her depending on the creature and situation.


Call of the Wild:

Strong magical or mental forces could cause her to change uncontrolled, perhaps even enraging her and driving her to attack indiscriminately.


ABILITIES  6+ 4 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 30PP
Strength: 16/32 (+3/+11) [Wolf: 38 carry cap, Hybrid: 43 carry cap & 33 sustain activity]
Dexterity: 14/18 (+2/+4)
Constitution:  14/24 (+2/+7) [Wolf & Hybrid: 27 (+8)]
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

COMBAT  8 + 8 = 16PP
Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Imp Init)
Attack: +10 melee (+4 Base, +6 Attack Focus [melee])
Defense: +10 (+4 Base, + 6 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +7/+15/+17 (+4 Melee Attack, +3/+11 Strength, /+2 Super-Str)
Knockback Resistance: -6/-7/-8

SAVING THROWS  2 + 5 + 5 = 12PP
Toughness: +4/+9/+10(+2/+7/+8 Con, +2 Protection, Impervious 6)
Fortitude: +4/+9/+10 (+2/+7/+8 Con, +2PP)
Reflex: +7/+9 (+2/+4 Dex, +5PP)
Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5PP)

SKILLS  72R = 18PP

Acrobatics 6 (+8/+10)

Computers 7 (+10)

Concentration 3 (+6)

Drive 2 (+4/+6)

Investigate 7 (+10)

Knowledge, Arcane Lore 2 (+5)

Knowledge, Economics 7 (+10)

Knowledge, Pop-culture 5 (+8)

Knowledge, Small Business 7 (+10)

Knowledge, Technology 2 (+5)

Medicine 2 (+5)

Notice 7 (+10)

Search 7 (+10)

Stealth 6 (+8/+10)



Attack Focus [melee] 6


Dodge Focus 6

Evasion 1


Fearsome Presence

Improved Initiative


Powers: (18 + 11 + 35) [64PP]


Combat Array 8 (16PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [18PP]

    BP: Damage 10 (Extra: Penetrating 6) [16/16PP]

    AP: Enhanced Strength 16 [16/16PP]

    AP: Emotion control 10 (Frightful Roar; Extra: Area [General, Burst: 50’ radius] Flaws: Limited [Fear], Sense-dependant [Hearing]; Drawback: Noticeable) [9/16PP]


Morph Array 5.5 (10PP Array; Feat: Alternate Power 1) [11PP]

    BP: Hybrid Form (Container 7, Disability: can’t speak [common, moderate, -3PP], Feat: Innate) [10/10PP]

        Morph 1 (Single Form: Wolf-Human Hybrid; Drawback: Action 2 [Standard action]; Feat: Linked [Growth] ) [1PP]

        Growth 3 (+6 Str [carry cap], +3 Con; Drawback: Action 2 [Standard action], Full Power; Feat: Linked [Morph]) [7PP]

        Speed 1 (25 MPH total) [1PP]

        Super Sense 1 (Hearing: Extended) [1PP]

        Super-Strength 1 (+5 Str for carry capacity and +1 Str for sustained activity) [2PP]

    AP: Wolf Form (Container 8, Drawback: Disability: no hands [common, moderate, -3PP], Disability: can’t speak [common, moderate, -3PP], Feat: Innate) [8/10PP]

        Morph 1 (Single Form: Dire Wolf; Drawback: Action 2 [Standard action]; Feat: Linked [Growth]) [1PP]

        Growth 3 (+6 Str [carry cap], +3 Con; Drawback: Action 2 [Standard action], Full Power; Feat: Linked [Morph]) [7PP]

        Speed 2 (50 MPH total) [2PP]

        Super-Sense 3 (Hearing: Extended, Scent: Extended, Tracking: Scent) [3PP]


Physical Container  [35PP]

    Comprehend 2 (Animals, Speak to & Understand; Flaw: Limited [Canines only]) [2PP]

    Enhanced Constitution 7 [7PP]

    Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP]

    Protection 2 (Impervious 6) [8PP]

    Regeneration 9 (Bruised 2 [standard action], Injured 2 [5 minutes], Ability 1 [5 hours], Disabled 1 [5 hours], Feats: Diehard, Persistent, Regrowth) [11PP]

    Speed 1 (10 MPH) [1PP]

    Super-senses 4 (Scent, Ultra-Hearing, Danger Sense 2: Hearing, Scent) [4PP]


Drawbacks -7PP

Vulnerable: Silver (Uncommon, Major [x2 damage]) [-3PP]

Weakness: Contact with Silver (Major, -1 drain all ability scores every round) [-4PP]


ATTACK             RANGE   SAVE                 EFFECT

Damage           Touch       DC25 Toughness Damage (Physical)



Abilities (30) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (18) + Feats (17) + Powers (64) - Drawbacks (7) = 150/150 Power Points

Edited by Spacefurry
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