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Chitin (PL 8 [14]) - Gizmo


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Power Level: 8 [14] (200/246PP)
Unspent Power Points: 46PP

  • Bush Cricket: +3 Attack / -3 Damage; +3 Defense, -3 Toughness
  • Orchid Mantis: -2 Attack / +2 Damage; +3 Defense, -3 Toughness
  • Yellowjacket: None Offensively; +3 Defense, -3 Toughness
  • Kabuto Beetle: -2 Attack / +2 Damage; -2 Defense, +2 Toughness


In Brief: Ingenious innovator with insect-inspired inventions!

Catchphrase: “Chitin online!”

Theme: Anything Goes by Maki Ohguro


Alternate Identity: Ryder Fujioka (Secret)
Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey

Residence: Claremont Academy dormitory
Base of Operations: Smoothie Shack
Occupation:  Student, juice bar server/delivery person
Affiliations: Claremont Academy
Family: Shotaro “Shawn” Fujioka (father), Jenny Fujioka (older sister)


Age: 16 (DoB: April 3, 2004)
Gender:  Male
Ethnicity: Japanese-American
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Strawberry blonde (dyed from black)


Ryder’s lean build is emphasized by his rapid, emphatic body language. His angular jawline is softened by the broad smile that typically dominates his face along with expressive brown eye, all framed by tousled hair that hangs past his ears and has been dyed a strawberry blond.


He prefers to dress in loose clothing in neon colours, often splattered with oil or paint depending on the project that currently has his attention. He is rarely seen without a long, red scarf which belonged to his mother and a chunky belt with a novelty buckle made up to look like a colour printer’s ink cartridge.


The base form of the Chitin armour is a black jumpsuit with white and silver armoured pieces including reinforced boots, chest plating and a full face helmet with large oval eye pieces reminiscent of an insect. The armour assumed each of its specialized forms by incorporating the associated Robug drone into the helmet’s faceplate and adding additional armour in a specific colour: cyan for the bush cricket mode, magenta for the orchid mantis mode, yellow for the yellowjacket mode and gunmetal grey for the kabuto beetle mode. Aesthetically, each form is patterned off of its namesake.


A third-generation Japanese-American, Ryder was a precocious but easily distracted child, raised by a single father alongside an older sister. As he grew teachers complained about his doodling and apparent non-sequitur outburst when called upon while his test scores remained exemplary and the cheerful oddball proved equally popular with and ridiculed by his classmates. Advanced classes were in some ways a better fit but Ryder found he still had trouble focusing on anything outside his current particular interest or working with his more decorous peers.


Outside of school he took joy in two things above all: building with his own hands and going fast. By the time he was thirteen his garish but effective modifications to his hand-me-down bicycle had given his family’s combination juice bar and ice cream parlour, the Smoothie Shack, a reputation for quick delivery and given his father some unwanted experience with first aid. The palm-sized insect-themed robots he built from spare parts over the summer his leg was in a cast only gave him new avenues to both help out and create unintended chaos.


With his imagination captured by the fantastical vehicles that race through Freedom City’s streets and the high tech power suits that soared through her skyline, Ryder used his Robugs to chase after his heroes and see them in action for himself. He arrived on the scene too late to watch Dragonfly handily subdue a villain and rescue a number of bystanders but did stumble upon one of her drones which had been damaged in the course of directing the evacuation of a collapsing building.


Curiosity outweighing discretion, Ryder took the drone’s remains home and studied it, reverse engineering some of the limited version of Dragonfly’s hallmark spatial manipulation technology with which it was equipped. Mind exploding with new possibilities the now hyper focused teenager set to work designing and building his own power suit: the Chitin armour. His first test run garnered mixed results and the attention of the drone’s owner...



Personality & Motivation:
Ryder exudes cheerful idealism nearly to the point of naivety. He believes deeply in the basic decency of people and that everyone deserves the opportunity to work toward their best, most genuine selves. As such he is willing to go above-and-beyond to help complete strangers with little provocation, which can lead him to unintentionally cross personal boundaries.


Similarly his curiosity is both Ryder’s greatest asset and greatest liability. He draws connections and makes rapid intuitive leaps when presented with new information, sometimes outpacing his common sense. Still, he would much rather beg forgiveness than miss out on an opportunity to learn something new.



Powers & Tactics:
While he delights in friendly competition and putting his inventions to the test Ryder loathes true conflict. If words have failed and people are in danger, however he is a tenacious fighter who will oppose more powerful opponents without hesitation and continue so long as he can get to his feet.


Outside of the Chitin armour Ryder is reasonably coordinated but untrained in any specific hand-to-hand discipline, relying heavily on the speed and strength granted by his inventions. If a particular tactic is proving ineffective he will swap to a different armour mode and press on.



Power Descriptions:

Activating the CMYK Driver belted around his waist allows Ryder to access the sub-space dimensional pocket where the Chitin power armour is stored. From the outside this spatial warping looks like ribbons of multicoloured light extending from the belt briefly before the armour’s base form is super imposed over his body.


Pressing a Robug to the front of the armour’s helmet prompts it to rearrange itself and incorporate into the faceplate before specialized armour components are retrieved from sub-space and installed.


The cyan bush cricket themed mode adds mechanized improvements to speed and leg strength, allowing for prodigious leaps. The magenta orchid mantis mode unfolds blades from the armour’s forearms which use the same spatial technology to slip through defences and a camouflage package for blending into surroundings. The yellow yellowjacket mode features additional targeting hardware and hexagon shaped recesses across the arms and chest plate which can launch a flurry of wasp-shaped ballistics. Finally, the gunmetal grey kabuto beetle form puts all resources toward additional durability and musculature enhancement with blunt implements curving over the fists to better utilize that crushing potential.


Presented by HAX: The Chitin armour system is based heavily on technologies for which Mara Hallomen AKA Dragonfly holds the patents, which the armour’s insect theming does nothing to obfuscate.


Rising Dreamer: Ryder’s optimism can cause him to ignore potential consequences to his actions or give the benefit of the doubt when that might be unwise.


Snack Amigo: Ryder works part-time to support his family’s restaurant, the Smoothie Shack, placing demands on his time outside of school.

Abilities: 2 + 4 + 6 + 12 + 2 + 6 = 32PP
Strength: 12/20
CMY/30K (+1/+5/+10)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 22 (+6)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 16 (+3)


Combat: 8 + 6 = 14PP
Initiative: +10

Attack: +4 Base, +6 MeleeMK, +11 MeleeC, +8 RangedY

Defense: +11CMY/+6K (+3 Base, +3 Enhanced Defence, +5 Dodge FocusCMY), +3 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +7/+11MY/+16C/+20K
Knockback: -2CMY/-8K



Saving Throws: 2 + 4 + 7 = 13PP
Toughness: +5
CMY/+10K (+3 Con, +2 Protection, +5 ProtectionK)

Fortitude: +5 (+3 Con, +2)
Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4)
Will: +8 (+1 Wis, +7)



Skills: 112R = 28PP

Acrobatics 8 (+10)

Computers 9 (+15)

Craft [Artistic] 4 (+10)

Craft [Electronic] 9 (+15)

Craft [Mechanical] 9 (+15/+19 Robugs)

Diplomacy 12 (+15)

Disable Device 4 (+10/+18 Robugs)

Drive 8 (+10)

Handle Animal 2 (+5)

Knowledge [Life Sciences] 4 (+10)

Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 4 (+10)

Knowledge [Technology] 10 (+16)

Languages 1 (English [Native], Japanese)

Notice 9 (+10)

Perform [Oratory] 7 (+10)

Sense Motive 12 (+13)



Feats: 24PP

Acrobatic Bluff

All-Out Attack

Attack Focus (Melee) 2

Beginner’s Luck

Challenge (Combat Diplomacy)

Challenge (Fast Acrobatic Bluff)

Eidetic Memory

Equipment 1

Evasion 2

Improved Initiative 2

Improvised Tools



Luck 2

Move-By Action

Power Attack

Second Chance (Emotion Control)


Takedown Attack 2


Equipment: 1PP = 5EP 
Electric Scooter (Vehicle)

Size: Medium [0EP]; Strength: 10 [0EP]; Defence: 10 [0EP]; Toughness: +6 [1EP]

Features: Alarm [1EP]

Powers: Speed 3 (50MPH) [3EP]



Powers: 63 + 29 = 92PP


Device 15 (CMYK Driver Belt; 75PP Container; Flaws: Hard-to-Lose; Feats: Restricted 2 [Authorized Users], Subtle) [63PP] (technology, powersuit, spatial)

When activated the driver uses spatial exchange technology to summon the Chitin power-suit armour. Each mode is accessed via the corresponding Robug.


Communication 4 (Radio, 1 mile; Flaws: One-Way; Feats: Subtle) [3PP]

Enhanced Defense 3 [6PP]

Enhanced Strength 8 (to 20 [+5]) [8PP]

Immunity 2 (Suffocation) [2PP]

Protection 2 [2PP]

Super-Senses 7 (Radio [Accurate (+2), Danger Sense] [4PP], Visual [Infravision, Tracking, Ultravision] [3PP]) [7PP]


Chitin Armour Modal Array 22 (44PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3; Drawback: Action [Move Action to Switch]) [46PP]

Base: Bush Cricket Instar - “Hop to it!” 

  • Concealment 6 (All Visual, All Radio; Flaws: Displacement) [6PP]
  • Damage 0 (Extras: Autofire [5], Feats: Mighty) [6PP]  (CMYKick)
  • Enhanced Feats 10 (Attack Focus [Melee] 5, Dodge Focus 5) [10PP]
  • Leaping 5 (x50, 750’ Running Long Jump, 187’ High Jump) [5PP]
  • Quickness 3 (x25; 1 Minute to Standard Action[3PP]
  • Speed 4 (1000’ Move Action, 100MPH) [4PP]
  • Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling, Water Walking; Flaws: Limited [While Moving]) [2PP]
  • Super-Senses 8 (Auditory [Accurate (2), Extended 1, Ultra-Hearing], Visual [Analytical 2, Counters Obscure (Darkness)]) [8PP]

AP: Orchid Mantis Instar - “Say your prayers!”

  • Concealment 4 (All Visual; Flaws: Blending) [4PP]
  • Concealment 10 (All Sense Types; Flaws: Limited to Machines) [10PP]
  • Damage 5 (Extras: Linked [+0], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical, Mighty) [9PP] + Drain Toughness 10 (Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [+0]; Flaws: Limited [Objects Only]) [10PP] (CMYKutters; dimensional, electromagnetic)
  • Enhanced Feats 5 (Dodge Focus 5) [5PP]
  • Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) [4PP]
  • Super-Senses 2 (Visual [Counters Concealment]) [2PP]

AP: Yellowjacket Instar - “Kick the nest!”

  • Damage 8 (Extras: Area [Targeted, 80’ Cone], Selective; Feats: Homing 2) [26PP] (CMYKuarrels)
  • Enhanced Feats 5 (Attack Focus [Ranged] 4, Dodge Focus 5) [9PP]
  • Obscure 3 (Visual, 25' radius; Extras: Independent) [9PP] (CMYKover)

AP: Kabuto Beetle Instar - “Can’t beat this!”

  • Enhanced Feats 4 (Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Throw, Improved Trip) [4PP]
  • Enhanced Strength 10 (to 30 [+10] Total) [10PP]
  • Immovable 3 (Extras: Unstoppable) [6PP]
  • Immunity 20 (Electrical Effects, Fire Effects; Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) 10PP
  • Protection 5 (to 7 Total) [5PP]
  • Super-Strength 4 (Effective Str 50, 12.8 ton Heavy Load, Feats: Countering Punch) [9PP] (CMYKudgels; gravity)



Device 8 (Robugs; 40PP Container; Flaws: Easy-to-Lose; Feats: Multiple Devices 3, Restricted 2 [Authorized Users]) [29PP] (technology, robotics)

The Robugs are a quartet of semi-autonomous, palm-sized drones resembling a bush cricket, orchid mantis, yellowjacket and kabuto beetle respectively.


Base: 6 + 4 + 3 + 16 + 10 + 1 = 40PP

  • Communication 5 (Auditory, 5 mile range; Feats: Subtle) [6PP]
  • Comprehend 2 (Speak to and Understand Animals) [4PP]
  • Enhanced Skills 3 (Craft [Mechanical] 4, Disable Device 8) [3PP]
  • ESP 5 (Auditory, Visual, 5 mile range; Extras: Simultaneous; Flaws: Limited [Reachable by Robugs]; Feats: Rapid 1 [10x search speed]) [16PP]
  • Move Object 3 (Strength 15; Extras: Range [Perception]; Feats: Precise) [10PP]
  • Alternate Power 1 [1PP]


AP: Instar Swarm - "Four colour dream! Now WAKE UP!"

  • Duplication 12 (180PP; Extras: Horde; Feats: Mental Link, Progression 2 [5 Duplicates]; Drawbacks: Limited [One of Each Instar Form]) [38PP]



Drawbacks: -3PP


Normal Identity (Major, Uncommon; Standard Action to activate CMYK Driver, Unable to access Chitin armour without belt) [-3PP]



DC Block

ATTACK             RANGE   SAVE              EFFECT

Unarmed            Touch   DC 16 Toughness   Damage

Unarmed (C)        Touch   DC 20 Toughness   Damage

Unarmed (K)        Touch   DC 25 Toughness   Damage

CMYKutters (M)     Touch   DC 20 Reflex      Drain Toughness [Objects Only]

                   Touch   DC 25 Toughness   Damage

CMYKuarrels (Y)    Area    DC 22 Toughness   Damage [General Area]




Abilities (32) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (28) + Feats (24) + Powers (92) - Drawbacks (-3) = 200/246 Power Points


Edited by Thevshi
+1pp for December 2024

Point costs are all correct.  But I think there might be a couple areas where your expenditures are not doing what you're intending.


Orchid Mantis Instar:

The drain provokes a fort save, so constructs/objects are immune unless you buy affects objects on the drain.  For super sharp mantis blades you could go with penetrating for the same cost.

Yellowjacket Instar:

The damage effect actually registers as a melee attack (touch range aoe) not ranged so it's currently a +4 attack +8 damage effect or an overall PL 6 with the ranged focus not being used for any of his attacks.

you might try something like

Damage 6(CMYKuarrels; Extras: Range(ranged), Area(targeted, shapeable); Feats: Accurate 3) [21PP] if you can squeeze the extra power point into the array.  

Alternately you could make it a single target ranged effect and leave the ranged focus.


Keep it as is and make the ranged focus melee focus so you hit caps on that attack.


Lastly because of array in array rules any time you power stunt on the powers in the array you'll technically have to stunt the whole instar/array slot and with the drawback that'll take a move action to stunt.


Added Affects Objects and Limited [Objects Only] to the Drain Toughness on the CMYKutters, since that's more appropriate to the character anyway. The CMYKuarrels are now a General Area affect; the Attack Focus [Ranged] remains as a building block for later additions.


As for the power stunting, that's a feature, not a bug! Or rather an insect, not a problem. Any power stunting with the armour would represent Ryder having to rework his invention on the fly! He may get a power reserve secondary array later if it ends up being too much of a paint in play.

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