RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Posted September 15, 2020 Useful links Names Empty sheet 3e to 2e conversion Character Index Archer II - Kismet II Bounce Dust Devil II Forever Boy - Forever Boy 250PP Ghost Rex Atom - Regular SIze - Small - Big Stormcrow - Nevermore 250PP Space Ranger III Spaceman v2 - Spaceman 250PP In progress MarsTech Hero Titan Billy Sol and Captain Sunshine - Billy Sol - Captain Sunshine Masked hero -> Regular teen the gets powers by putting on a mask, becoming a New God inspired psychedic reality warper, potentially becoming someone else. Potential names: Vivid Inactive Freedom Eagle ∞ Holger Danske - Ratatoskr Justice - HERO Mode Little Mermaid II Rebellion Rocket Spaceman - original version Ideas Guidebook pages for - New Young Freedom storyline - Little Mermaid II guidebook Young Guardians Old Build Thread Characters ARCHER II BOUNCE! Dust Devil II Forever Boy GHOST JUSTICE Rex Atom The STORMCROW Space Ranger III Spaceman
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 (edited) Character Power Level: X Effective Power Level: X Power Points: X/XPPUnspent Power Points: 0Trade-Offs: X In Brief: X Catchphrase: X Theme: X Alternate Identity: XBirthplace: X Residence: X Base of Operations: XOccupation: X Affiliations: X Family: X DESCRIPTION Age: X Apparant age: XGender: XEthnicity: X Height: X’X’’Weight: X lbs.Eyes: XHair: X Physical description HISTORY X PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION X POWERS & TACTICS X POWER DESCRIPTIONS X COMPLICATIONS Complication: X. ABILITIES X + X + X + X + X + X = XPP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 10 (+0) COMBAT X + X = XPP Initiative: +X (+X Dex,) Attack: +X Base, +X Melee, +X Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +X (+X Base, +X Dodge Focus), +X Flat-Footed Grapple: +X (+X Base Attack, +X Other) Knockback: -X (TOU/2) SAVING THROWS X + X + X = XPP Toughness: +X (+X Con, +X Other) Fortitude: +X (+X Con, +X) Reflex: +X (+X Dex, +X) Will: +X (+X Wis, +X) SKILLS XR = X/4PP Skill X (+X) FEATS XPP X POWERS X + X + X = X Power X (Extras: X; Flaws: X; Feats: X; Drawbacks: X) [XPP] (Descriptors: Name, X) Array X (Xx2PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power X) [XPP] (Descriptors: ) BP: Power X (Extras: X; Flaws: X; Feats: X; Drawbacks: X) {X/X} (Descriptors: Name, X) AP: Power X (Extras: X; Flaws: X; Feats: X; Drawbacks: X) {X/X} (Descriptors: Name, X) DRAWBACKS -0PP Effect (Description) [-0PP] DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage Totals: Abilities (0) + Combat (0) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points Edited December 16, 2020 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 3e to 2e conversion, taken from old Atomic Think Tank thread --- Hello all.I have purchased the new DC Adventures in both PDF and Book format, but I have decided not to change over to the new edition. However, I have decided it would be nice to have unofficial official 2e conversions of the characters contained in the DCA. I have posted a question in the General Forum about this, but I will reiterate it here. Is this Kosher? Please let me know if this is in any way unacceptable and I will cease and desist.I am going to wait a little while before I post anything just to be sure it is OK. Rules for Converting 3e/DCA characters to 2e Mutants and MastermindsThe Characters in this thread were converted from the D.C. Adventures system (DCA)to the Second Edition Mutants and Mastermind system (2e) using a method I developed for the process.However, this has involved adopting some features from DCA. These are entirely optional and you do not need to adopt them to use these conversions.Therefore this thread will, first, deal with the concepts that I used for my conversion method and, second, list and explain the additional rules I adopted from DCA.Table of Contents:Conversion:Abilities.Saves.Combat.Skills.Powers.Feats.2.5 ed. Rules:Affliction.Athletics.Dazzle.Extraordinary Effort.Fatigue.Fearsome Presence.Mind Control.New Conditions.Precise Strike.Speed Feint. Abilities:This is pretty understandable to anyone who has played both systems. The bonus is changed to the corresponding D20 score that would produce that value.For Example: An ability score of 0 is now 10 (+0) and a 20 is now 50 (+20).Of course most Abilities are direct ports. Some abilities are more complicated.Agility and Dexterity are one of the problems, since agility is overall physical coordination and Dexterity is manual dexterity. I use the average of the two (rounded up) as the "new" dexterity ability. My justification is that of the original characters in the DCAHHB only one has greater than a +2 difference between the two and half have the same ability.For example Cheetah has a 7 Agility and a 4 Dexterity, so her 2e Dexterity is 22 (+6).3e >>>>>> 2eStrength >>> StrengthStamina >>> ConstitutionDexterity >>> SEE ABOVE & COMBAT BELOWAgility >>> SEE ABOVEFighting >>> SEE COMBAT BELOWIntellect >>> IntelligenceAwareness >>> WisdomPresence >>> CharismaSaves:Will and Fortitude Saves are the same. Toughness is the same as well. Reflex equals the Dodge save.Combat:Defense is the average of the dodge and parry traits. In some cases where needed, just use some judgment as to what portion should be from Dodge Focus and what should be from purchased Defense Bonus.Attack is the tricky part. Begin by looking at Fighting and Dexterity. The lower of these two is what the character should have in “straight” Attack Bonus. Next, look to the Advantages section of the character entry for Close Attack and Ranged Attack. If the character has these, it may be appropriate for them to have an equal number of ranks in Attack Focus (melee) and Attack Focus (ranged) respectively. Then look to the skills section for Close Combat and Ranged Combat. These should be replaced by Attack Specialization of the same type. However this does not always work out perfectly. Sometimes, for accuracy you must abandon buying any “straight” Attack Bonus at all to make the numbers work.For example: In DCA Superman’s attacks are: Heat Vision +10, Unarmed +11, Any (other) Melee Attack +8, Any (other) Ranged Attack + 2. The conversion I did matches this.However, in order to get the +11 Unarmed, I had to give him, +0 Attack Bonus, +7 Attack Focus (melee), and Attack Specialization (unarmed) 2.Because the number 11 is odd and attack specialization gives bonuses in 2’s I had to use all Attack Focus and abandon “straight” Attack Bonus to get to 11. Otherwise one of the other numbers would have been inaccurate. Skills:To deal with either the close combat skill or the ranged combat skill see the combat section above. Any expertise skill becomes either knowledge or profession, or perhaps both. (See below for skills substitution.) The thing to remember is that you are going to have twice as many skill points to allocate to skills, so your 2e build may end up spending less points than the DCA version.Acrobatics >> SameAthletics >> Athletics*Close Combat >> NoneDeception >> Bluff, Disguise**Expertise >> Knowledge or Profession, or Probably Both.Insight >> Sense MotiveIntimidation >> SameInvestigation >> Investigation, Search, Gather InformationPerception >> NoticePersuasion >> DiplomacyRanged Combat >> NoneSleight of Hand >> Sleight of Hand, Escape ArtistStealth >> SameTechnology >> Knowledge: Technology, Craft: Electronics, Craft Mechanical, Disable Device, or ComputersTreatment >> MedicineVehicles >> Drive or Pilot, or BothNote: It may be appropriate to give some characters Concentration as well as there is no corollary in 3e/DCA. a good number to use is the Will save. However, do not apply it to the chart below, merely give a bonus equal to the save.*I have adopted the Athletics skill in my aforementioned 2.5ed version game. If you wish you can give the character ranks in all three skills: Climb, Ride and Swim.** Give Disguise if appropriate, but keep in mind most of these people dress up as someone else for kicks.How many Ranks?When deciding how many ranks one should assign, keep in mind that there is a large difference in the number of skill points given per power point in both games. There is also a pretty decent disparity between the allowable maximum skill bonuses in both games. With this in mind I created a system for conversion that I think represents the capability of the DCA characters in the 2e system well.For every PL there is a Max Bonus. These bonuses and therefore the difference between them changes based on PL:PL >>> 2.5 ed. >>> DCA >>> Percentage Difference1 >>>>> 11 >>>>> 12 >>>>> .912 >>>>> 12 >>>>> 14 >>>>> .853 >>>>> 13 >>>>> 16 >>>>> .814 >>>>> 14 >>>>> 18 >>>>> .775 >>>>> 15 >>>>> 20 >>>>> .756 >>>>> 16 >>>>> 22 >>>>> .727 >>>>> 17 >>>>> 24 >>>>> .718 >>>>> 18 >>>>> 26 >>>>> .699 >>>>> 19 >>>>> 28 >>>>> .6810 >>>>> 20 >>>>> 30 >>>>> .6611 >>>>> 21 >>>>> 32 >>>>> .6612 >>>>> 22 >>>>> 34 >>>>> .6513 >>>>> 23 >>>>> 36 >>>>> .6414 >>>>> 24 >>>>> 38 >>>>> .6315 >>>>> 25 >>>>> 40 >>>>> .6316 >>>>> 26 >>>>> 42 >>>>> .6217 >>>>> 27 >>>>> 44 >>>>> .6118 >>>>> 28 >>>>> 46 >>>>> .6119 >>>>> 29 >>>>> 48 >>>>> .6020 >>>>> 30 >>>>> 50 >>>>> .60The average difference of these is .69. So what I originally proposed that one multiply the bonus by 1.69, bu that seemed a bit much. Instead, use 1.5 as the multiple. This has two advantages. It less often results in max skills and the math is easier so it can be done on the fly. Here is the chart:3rd ed. >>> 2.5 ed.1 >>>>>>> 12 >>>>>>> 33 >>>>>>> 44 >>>>>>> 65 >>>>>>> 76 >>>>>>> 97 >>>>>>> 108 >>>>>>> 129 >>>>>>> 1310 >>>>>>> 1511 >>>>>>> 1612 >>>>>>> 1813 >>>>>>> 1914 >>>>>>> 2115 >>>>>>> 2216 >>>>>>> 2417 >>>>>>> 2518 >>>>>>> 2719 >>>>>>> 2820 >>>>>>> 3021 >>>>>>> 3122 >>>>>>> 3323 >>>>>>> 3424 >>>>>>> 3625 >>>>>>> 37Not all increases will be possible, as the maximum ranks in 2e are a combination of independent skills and attribute caps, while DCA has one cap.Example: Aquaman has an Athletics of 4 (14) in DCA. I look to the chart and 14 becomes a 21. Aquaman is going to have a +10 strength modifier in 2e as well, so he needs 11 ranks in 2e. This is well under a PL 12 character’s max ranks of 17. As for the cost, the ranks cost 3 power points, with 1 rank left over. DCA Aquaman’s lowly 4 ranks cost two points. In the end, He spends 27 points on them, whereas his DCA version spends 25. However, I must note that the entire build is “cheaper.” (DCA: 216 vs. 2e: 197) PowersNOTE: The Powers section is incomplete. I am sure there are other powers that do not directly port over. As I come across them, I will amend this section.Strangely Powers are not as difficult to convert as one might think. Most powers have wholesale analogs in 2e, while the same is not true of DCA to 2e conversions.Two major differences are Speed and Flight. On this chart, I simply looked at the mph of the power and made the equivalent the closest number (whether more or less).3rd ed. >>> 2.5 ed.1 >>>>> 12 >>>>> 13 >>>>> 24 >>>>> 25 >>>>> 36 >>>>> 47 >>>>> 58 >>>>> 69 >>>>> 710 >>>>> 811 >>>>> 912 >>>>> 1013 >>>>> 1014 >>>>> 1115 >>>>> 1216 >>>>> 1317 >>>>> 1418 >>>>> 1519 >>>>> 1620 >>>>> 1721 >>>>> 1822 >>>>> 1823 >>>>> 1924 >>>>> 2025 >>>>> 21For Quickness it is more difficult. Let’s use an example: Flash has Quickness 20. When one looks at the Measurements Table, one sees that the equivalent length of time is two months. An ordinary person takes 6 seconds to perform a full round action. In 2 months they go through about 864,000 full round actions.6 seconds x 10 rounds = 1 minute (60 seconds)60 seconds x 60 minutes = 3600 seconds,3600 x 24 hours = 86,400 seconds86,400 x 60 days = 5,184,000 seconds5,184,000 % 6 = 864,000That means that the Flash can perform the equivalent of 864,000 full rounds actions in one round. So he is 864,000 times faster than a normal person.This is closest to rank 18 Quickness in 2e (About 1,000,000 times faster than normal)Here is the chart:3rd ed. >>> 2.5 ed.1 >>>>> 12 >>>>> 23 >>>>> 34 >>>>> 45 >>>>> 56 >>>>> 67 >>>>> 68 >>>>> 89 >>>>> 810 >>>>> 911 >>>>> 1012 >>>>> 1113 >>>>> 1214 >>>>> 1215 >>>>> 1316 >>>>> 1417 >>>>> 1518 >>>>> 1619 >>>>> 1720 >>>>> 18I also adopt Affliction for my rules. Most of my adoptions are easily ignored, but this one I HIGHLY recommend. It is a great mechanic. My version is slightly less balanced, but it is more balanced than the powers it replaces and allows more flexibility. Besides flexibility was my favorite feature of affliction. I also have a version for 2e Hero Lab if anyone is interested. FeatsMost Advantages are the same as their 2e feat equivalent. Sometimes, the feat has a different function while having the same or similar name. Do not worry about this. The reason the character has been given the feat should be the concept behind the feat/advantage, no the mechanics. Here is a chart for converting the feats:Accurate Attack >>>>> SameAgile Feint >>>>> Acrobatic Bluff or Speed Feint*All-Out Attack >>>>> SameAnimal Empathy >>>>> SameArtificer >>>>> RitualistAssessment >>>>> SameAttractive >>>>> SameBeginner’s Luck >>>>> SameBenefit >>>>> SameChokehold >>>>> SameClose Attack >>>>> Attack Focus (melee)Connected >>>>> SameContacts >>>>> SameDaze >>>>> Distract (Intimidate) or (Bluff)Defensive Attack >>>>> SameDefensive Roll >>>>> SameDiehard >>>>> SameEidetic Memory >>>>> SameEquipment >>>>> SameEvasion >>>>> SameExtraordinary Effort >>>>> Extraordinary Effort*Fascinate >>>>> SameFast Grab >>>>> Improved GrabFavored Environment >>>>> SameFavored Foe >>>>> Favored OpponentFearless >>>>> SameGrabbing Finesse >>>>> Grappling FinesseGreat Endurance >>>>> EnduranceHide in Plain Sight >>>>> SameImproved Grab >>>>> Improved GrappleImproved Initiative >>>>> SameImproved Hold >>>>> Improved PinImproved Smash >>>>> Improved SunderImproved Trip >>>>> SameImprovised Tools >>>>> SameImprovised Weapon >>>>> SameInspire >>>>> SameInstant Up >>>>> SameInterpose >>>>> SameInventor >>>>> SameJack of All Trades >>>>> SameLanguages >>>>> SameLeadership >>>>> SameLuck >>>>> SameMinion >>>>> SameMove-By Action >>>>> SamePower Attack >>>>> SamePrecise Attack >>>>> Precise Attack*Prone Fighting >>>>> SameQuick Draw >>>>> SameRanged Attack >>>>> Attack Focus (range)Redirect >>>>> SameRitualist >>>>> SameSecond Chance >>>>> SameSeize Initiative >>>>> SameSet-Up >>>>> SameSidekick >>>>> SameSkill Mastery >>>>> SameStartle >>>>> SameTakedown >>>>> Takedown AttackTaunt >>>>> SameTeamwork >>>>> SameThrowing Mastery >>>>> SameTracking >>>>> SameTrance >>>>> SameUltimate Effort >>>>> SameUncanny Dodge >>>>> SameWeapon Bind >>>>> SameWeapon Break >>>>> SameWell-Informed >>>>> Same*New 2.5 ed. Feat AFFLICTIONType: Alteration, AttackAction: StandardRange: TouchDuration: InstantSaving Throw: Fort or Will (staged)Cost: 1 point per rankNote: This power supersedes/removes the powers Dazzle, Fatigue, Mind Control, Nauseate, Paralyze, and Stun, and the feat Fearsome Presence.You can impose some debilitating condition or conditions on a target by making a melee attack. You set the conditions that your Affliction causes at each stagewhen you acquire it and they may not be changed.See the possible conditions below for each stage under the Affliction Resistance Check table. The target resists with Fortitude or Will save (chosen when you take the effect):AFFLICTION RESISTANCE CHECKFORTITUDE OR WILL VS. DC [AFFLICTION RANK + 10]Success: No effect.Failure: The target is dazed, fascinated, fatigued, impaired*, hampered*, shaken, sickened (choose one).Potential descriptors include coughing or sneezing, creeping mental influence, drowsiness, euphoria, fear, itchiness, lethargy, nausea, pain, or tipsiness.Failure of five or more: The target is compelled*, disabled*, exhausted, frightened, flat-footed, nauseated, prone, slowed, stunned (choose one).Potential descriptors include agonizing pain, confusion, ecstasy, momentary emotional or mental influence, paralysis, seizure, terror, or vomiting.Failure of ten or more: The target is controlled*, helpless, panicked, paralyzed, transformed*, unaware*, unconscious, (choose one).*New ConditionThe target of an Affliction makes a resistance check at the end of each turn to remove first and second stage conditions. Third stage conditions require a minute of recovery time or outside aid, such as the Medicine skill or Healing effect (DC 10 + rank).The exact nature and descriptors of the Affliction are up to you, chosen when you acquire the effect, with the GM’s approval; some examples are provided in this section, but feel free to make up your own.EXTRAS:Alternate Save: Some Afflictions may be initially resisted by Reflex, representing the need for quick reaction time to avoid the effect. In this case, the later resistance checks to remove the Affliction’s conditions are typically still based on Fortitude or Will. For example, a target might make a Reflex to avoid a blinding light or spray of liquid, but a Fortitude check to eliminate the effect if the initial Reflex fails. +0 cost per rankDuration: Once you have hit with an Affliction with duration concentration, so long as you continue to take a standard action each turn to maintain the effect, the target must make a new resistance check against it on your turn, with no attack check required. +1 cost per rankCumulative: Normally, an Affliction does not have a cumulative effect on the same target, so getting two results of one stage, one after the other, has no more or less effect than that stage's result; you have to get a higher stage with a later attack, which replaces the initial result. A Cumulative Affliction adds any further stages to the existing stages on the target. For example, your Affliction might have the three stages of dazed, stunned, and unconscious. A hit with a first stage of failure imposes a dazed condition. An additional attack that results in another dazed condition instead imposes the Affliction’s second stage condition, in this case, stunned. +1 cost per rankExtra Condition: Your Affliction imposes an additional condition per stage. So with one application of this extra, your Affliction imposes two conditions—such as dazed and hampered, or impaired and shaken—rather than just one. With two applications, it imposes three conditions, and so forth. Since mutually incompatible conditions are largely wasted, Afflictions with this extra often have the Limited Stage flaw as well. +1 cost per rankProgressive: This modifier causes an Affliction to increase incrementally without any effort from you. If the target fails a resistance check to end the Affliction, it not only persists, but increases in effect by one stage! So a target affected by the first stage of a Progressive Affliction who fails to resist, progresses to the second stage of the effect at the start of his next round. A successful resistance check still ends the Affliction, as usual. +2 cost per rankFLAWS:Instant Recovery: Similar to the Reversible extra (see page 132), the target of an Affliction effect with this modifier recovers automatically, no check required, at the end of the round in which the duration ends. So, for example, an instant duration Affliction only lasts one round, while a sustained duration Affliction lasts until no longer sustained. –1 cost per rankLimited Stage: Your Affliction is limited to no more than two stages of effect. With two applications of this modifier, it is limited to no more than one stage of effect. –1 cost per rank ATHLETICS (STRENGTH) This skill includes the Climb, Ride and Swim skills. It can also aid on jump checks in the same way Acrobatics can. DAZZLE [Affliction (Limited [single sense, -2], Range, Cumulative)]Type: Alteration, Attack, SensoryAction: StandardRange: RangedDuration: Instant (lasting)Saving Throw: Fortitude or WillCost: 2 points per rankYou can overwhelm one of the target’s senses, chosen when you take this effect. The target makes a Fortitude or Will save against your effect DC (choose one when you acquire the effect).One stage of failure (fail) leaves the sense impaired (–2 penalty). Two stages (failure by five to nine) leave it disabled (–4 penalty) while three stages (failure by ten or more) leave the sense unaware, plus the target automatically fails Perception checks involving the sense, and everything effectively has total concealment from that sense.The target makes another save at the end of each turn to recover. Success removes the condition imposed by the Dazzle effect. Failure means it persists. Multiple Dazzle effects against the same sense are cumulative. If a target is already visually disabled, for example, another Visual Dazzle with one stage of failure leaves the target blind, as if subjected to a Dazzle with two stages of the effect.Your Dazzle effect can work on more than one sense at once; apply the Extra Condition modifier for each additional sense affected. EXTRAORDINARY EFFORT (GENERAL)When using extra effort, you can gain two of the listed benefits, even stacking two of the same type of benefit. However, you also double the cost of the effort; you’re exhausted starting the turn after your extraordinary effort. If you are already fatigued, you are incapacitated. If you are already exhausted, you cannot use extraordinary effort. Spending a hero point at the start of your next turn reduces the cost of your extraordinary effort to merely fatigued, the same as a regular extra effort. FATIGUE [Affliction (Cumulative)]Type: Attack, AlterationAction: StandardRange: TouchDuration: InstantSaving Throw: Fortitude or WillCost: 2 points per rankYou can inflict fatigue on a target. Make a melee attack roll. The target makes a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Fatigue rank). A failed save means the target is fatigued: –2 to Str and Dex, –1 to attack and defense, and cannot move all out. If the save fails by 5 or more, the target is exhausted: –6 to Str and Dex, –3 to attack and defense, and unable to move faster than normal pace. If the save fails by 10 or more, the target is unconscious. Targets immune to fatigue are unaffected. FEARSOME PRESENCE [Affliction (Range [perception], Limited [range = 5 x PL], Limited [interaction required])]Type: AlterationAction: StandardRange: Perception (limited)Duration: Instant (lasting)Saving Throw: WillCost: 1 points per rankYou can inspire fear in others. Take a standard action to strike a suitably fearsome pose or utter an intimidating threat; anyone within (Power Level × 5) feet able to interact with you must make a Will save (DC 10 + rank) or become shaken. If the save fails by 5 or more, the subject flees from you. If the save fails by 10 or more, the subject panics, dropping any held items and fleeing from you as quickly as possible. MIND CONTROL [Affliction (Range +2)]Type: Alteration, Sensory (mental)Action: Standard (active)Range: PerceptionDuration: Instant (lasting)Saving Throw: Will (staged)Cost: 3 points per rankYou can control another character’s mind, and therefore actions. One stage of failure (failure by one to four) leaves the subject fascinated (takes no actions other than to pay attention to you and suffers a –4 penalty on checks made as reactions, such as Notice checks). Two stages (failure by five to nine) leave the subject compelled (limited to a single standard action each turn, chosen by you), while three stages (failure by ten or more) leave the target controlled (all actions controlled by you, losses free will). PRECISE STRIKE (COMBAT, RANKED)When you make melee attacks you ignore attack check penalties for cover or concealment (choose one), although total cover still prevents you from making attacks. Each additional rank in this advantage lets you choose an additional option, so with Precise Strike 2, your melee attacks ignore penalties for both cover and concealment.SPEED FEINT (COMBAT, SKILL)You can use your Speed instead of your Bluff skill to feint and trick in combat. NEW CONDITIONSThis section describes new adverse conditions that can affect characters. It is meant to amend pages 170-171 of the Core Rulebook. If multiple conditions apply to a character, apply all of their effects. If effects conflict, apply the most severe. If one condition supersedes another apply the superseding condition.• Compelled: A compelled character is directed by an outside force, but struggling against it; the character is limited to a single standard action each turn, chosen by another, controlling, character. As usual, this standard action can be traded for a move or even free action. Controlled supersedes compelled.• Controlled: A controlled character has no free will; the character’s actions each turn are dictated by another, controlling, character.• Disabled: A disabled character is at a –4 circumstance penalty on checks. If the penalty applies to specific checks, they are added to the name of the condition, such as Attack Disabled, Will Disabled, Notice Disabled, and so forth. Debilitated, if it applies to the same trait(s), supersedes disabled.• Impaired: An impaired character is at a –2 circumstance penalty on checks. If the impairment applies to specific checks, they are added to the name of the condition, such as Attack Impaired, Notice Impaired, and so forth. If it applies to the same trait(s), disabled supersedes impaired.• Hampered: A hampered character moves at half normal speed. This condition’s effect is similar to moving through heavy obstruction or over a bad surface.• Transformed: Transformed characters have some or all of their traits altered by an outside agency. This may range from a change in the character’s appearance to a complete change in trait ranks, even the removal of some traits and the addition of others! The primary limit on the transformed condition is the character’s power point total cannot increase, although it can effectively decrease for the duration of the transformation, such as when a powerful super hero is turned into an otherwise powerless mouse or frog (obviously based on considerably fewer power points).• Unaware: The character is completely unaware of his surroundings, unable to make interaction or Notice checks or perform any action based on them. If the condition applies to a specific sense or senses, they are added to the name of the condition, such as visually unaware, tactilely unaware (or numb), and so forth. Subjects have full concealment from all of a character’s unaware senses.
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 (edited) Archer II Power Level: 12 (built as PL 10; 248/250PP) Unspent Power Points: 0PP Trade-Offs: (Ranged Attacks) +4 Attack / -4 Damage, +4 Defense / -4 Toughness In Brief: Rebellious hero trained by the original Archer, out to prove himself and his mentor as heroes to the world. Theme: Rogue - DizzyEight ft. Johnald & KBN Chrollo Alternate Identity: Connor King (Secret) Birthplace: Southside, Freedom City Residence: Southside, Freedom City Base of Operations: Southside, Freedom City Occupation: Adventurer, Crime Fighter Affiliations: Ethan Keller (Archer I), Evangeline (Kismet II) Family: Rachel King (Mother, deceased), Fabian King (Father, deceased) Description: Age: DoB: 2001, [May 4th] Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'10 Weight: 180 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Connor is a man with an athletic builde, owing to his regular and intense training schedule. He has short brown hair, shaved in a buzzcut, and blue eyes. He will usually dress in jeans and t-shirts or tank tops, with little preference in color. As Archer II, Connor wears a form fitting dark red and white uniform, loosely based on the original Archer's. On his upper body, he wears a white top with a red triangle pointing down from his neck and ending just below his solar plexus. A red cowl is connected to the red part of the top, leaving his nose and mouth free, while his eyes are hidden behind white lenses. He wears red pants, with a red belt with multiple pouches and a white V shaped belt buckle. He wears white boots with red shoelaces, toes and soles. Connor wears a white jacket with a hood over his upper body. The jacket has a red V on each should, and a red V across the chest when it is zipped. He wears red gloves that reach about halfway up his forearm, ending in a flare. He wears a dark red quiver with arrows on his back and uses a metallic bow. History: Connor King were born and raised in Southside, Freedom City, to Rachel and Fabian King. They were young parents, high school drop outs that tried to make their way on the street, often with little success. All their dreams of leaving Southside behind for a better life were continually thwarted: Not by others. Though they did their best to shield young Connor, and were, by all accounts, as good parents as they could be, it could not last. What started as addiction to prescription pain killers due to an accident spiraled into harder drugs, until, finally, the pair were killed for their stash. Connor, only 6 years old at the time, were sent into the foster care system. What followed was years spent going in and out of orphanages, moving from home to home, never staying long. Connor's own issues caused him to lash out, losing him many seemingly stable homes in the process. Finally, at age 11, he ran away, escaping back to Southside in Freedom City. He wanted revenge. Everyone he knew had failed him, so he would make it on his own. Falling in with a gang, more for survival and everything else, Connor had turned 12 by the time he was sent to steal a car. It was some security consultant that had been hired to protect a place they were trying to hit, and Connor was the distraction. Easy to do, easy to handle. Of course, Ethan Keller was no ordinary security consultant. Until he hang up his costume and bow after the Terminus Invasion of 1992, he had been known as Archer. For Ethan, history repeated itself, as he met Connor the very same way Bowman III had first met Ethan. As Connor struggled to escape, Ethan saw a kindred spirit, and a fire that had long been doused awakened in him. To Connor's initial protests, Ethan took him as a protege. All protests eventually stopped, as Ethan revealed his past and his goals for Connor. For the next six years, Connor King trained under Ethan Keller. Provided and cared for, the angry teenager slowly grew into a confident, if still angry, young man. It was hard work, but Connor grew quickly, as Ethan tutored him in not just the skills, but also the knowledge and ethics needed to become a true hero, learned from his own hard life. Based more on his own research and interpretation than anything Ethan taught him, Connor began to see the Archer as the underdog, as the hero that had stayed even when everyone had left, and yet had been left with a tarnished reputation. Aiming part of his anger at the heroes he felt had abandoned his mentor, Connor resolved to become the best, to prove that the Archer's methods worked, even as Ethan worked to reign back some of the more extreme ideas. In June 2019, the Archer appeared once again, prowling the streets of Freedom City, where he quickly got into trouble with heroes and villains alike, including establishing a rivalry with the hero Facsimile, which would eventually turn into grudging respect, and getting involved with a number of heroes such as Shooting Star. He quickly established a reputation as a skilled hero, though one with a chip on his shoulder. A few years after Connor had entered the scene, a young woman named Evangeline showed up on Ethan's doorstep and announced that she was Kismet's daughter, who had survived growing up in the Terminus alongside her mother. Eventually, Kismet died sending her daughter to Earth-Prime, where she had been told to seek out Ethan. After taking the time to confirm things, Ethan decided that it would be good for Connor to team up with Evangeline to put her chaotic powers to good use. They do, of course, not get along as well as Ethan had hoped. Personality & Motivation: Connor is a serious, stand offish young man. He is greatly distrustful of most authority, or those that he perceive to be authorities in some way. Supremely confident in his own abilities and methods, Connor will almost always believe that he knows best in any given situation, and even if he doesn't, he will try to act as if he does. His desire not to kill is fueled by the same feeling of superiority: Killing someone would be easier than the lengths he go to simply disabling them. If he's that good, then why would he need to kill? Connor has some anger issues, perhaps owing to the deaths of his parents and his time in the foster system, though he is far from a hothead, and will rarely fly off the handle. Connor displays a particular hate for drug and weapon dealers, which he has confirmed is due to the way his parents died. While simply taking revenge for his parents' murder was his initial reason for taking up the Archer mantle, Connor's mission has since evolved to protecting those in need and proving to the world that the Archer, both the original and himself, is a hero worth respect. Connor absolutely loves cats, owning three American Bobtails: Arthur, Alexander and Ajax. Powers & Tactics: When in a fight, Connor prefers to start off with an ambush, if at all possible, taking the necessary time to set up and stay hidden, before taking down as many targets at once before being discovered, usually focusing on disabling smaller, weaker targets first, before focusing on the more serious threats. Once discovered, he will fight openly, doing his best to stay at a distance from his foes, maintaining his advantage at a range. Power Descriptions: Everything Connor can do is the results of years of training and use of specialized equipment. He posses no super powers or anything of the like, though he is a master marksman with any weapon, even if he specializes in using a bow and assorted trick arrows, created either by Ethan Keller, the original Archer, or himself. He is constantly updating and upgrading his arsenal, giving him a varied number of responses to any given situation. Working together with his mentor, Connor has developed a style of movement in combat that makes it difficult to make out his exact position, based around near constant movement and attempting to predict enemy positions and actions. While not always succesful, Connor's training helps him evade many attacks, though it does little against those targeting him with senses other than sight. Complications: Secret Identity: So far, only the original Archer knows that Connor has taken up the mantle. Secret identities are, of course, known to be a source of trouble. Out Of Arrows: You can only bring so many arrows at once. Connor might run out of a particular type of arrow, making the related power unusable until he can restock, or maybe a lucky shot hits his quiver, forcing him to abandon it. Perhaps a strong enough knockback can cause the arrows to scatter even from the secured quiver, forcing Connor to pick them up again if he want to continue fighting Legacy of the Iron Age: The first Archer was a hero during the Iron Age, and in some ways, he became a symbol of what it represents. Some might remember him as a hero, others as someone barely better than the villains he fought. In any case, the legacy and memory of the first Archer can easily affect people's opinion of the new one. And who knows? Maybe the original Archer still has enemies out there. Rage Against the Machine: Connor has a problem with authority, whether it be policemen, teachers or established super heroes, like the Freedom League. Though he will work with established heroes if needed, Connor is likely to create a tense situation, be it ignoring orders due to a perceived slight or just by complaining about any problems he might have with the particular hero. Rule Number One: Despite the original Archer's brutal methods, the first rule he taught Connor was simple: Always save the civilians. If any civilians are in danger, Connor will always focus on saving them first, whether by getting them out of danger or disabling those targeting them. Outlaw Hero: Connor has taken his mentor's words to heart, and even if the police and other law enforcement agencies are not as corrupt as they were during the Iron Age. While Connor will not go out of his way to antagonize law enforcement, he also won't let them get in his way. Abilities: 6 + 10 + 12 + 2 + 6 + 4 = 40PP Strength: 16 (+3) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 22 (+6) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 20 + 18 = 38PP Initiative: +13 (+5 Dex, +8 Improved Initiative) Attack: +10 Base, +10 Melee (+10 Base), +14 Ranged (+10 Base, +4 Attack Focus [Ranged]) Defense: +14 (+9 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Grapple: +13 (+10 Attack, +3 Strength) Knockback: -3 (Toughness/2) Saving Throws: 4 + 5 + 9 = 18PP Toughness: +6 (+6 Con) Fortitude: +10 (+6 Con, +4) Reflex: +10 (+5 Dex, +5) Will: +12 (+3 Wis, +9) Skills: 160 R = 40PP Acrobatics 10 (+15) Bluff 8 (+10) Concentration 7 (+10) Craft [Mechanical] 9 (+10) Drive 10 (+15) Gather Information 8 (+10) Intimidate 13 (+15) Investigate 9 (+10) Knowledge [Streetwise] 14 (+15) Knowledge [Tactics] 9 (+10) Medicine 7 (+10) Notice 12 (+15) Pilot 5 (+10) Search 14 (+15) Sense Motive 12 (+15) Stealth 10 (+15) Survival 3 (+6) Feats: 83PP Accurate Attack Acrobatic Bluff Attack Focus 4 [Ranged] Challenge 3 [Fast Acrobatic Bluff, Fast Taunt, Notice-Lip Reading] Benefit 1 [Mentor - Archer I - Can provide knowledge and tactics suggestions, potential knowledge, per GM's discretion] Defensive Attack Dodge Focus 5 Eagle Eyes [Visual Notice checks have range increment of 100 feet, instead of 10 feet. Equal to 1 rank of Super-Senses [Extended Vision]] Equipment 3 Evasion 2 Improved Aim Improved Critical 2 [Bow] Improved Initiative 2 Improved Ranged Disarm Luck 3 Move-By Action Power Attack Precise Shot 2 Quick Draw 2 Ranged Pin Sidekick 41 Takedown Attack Taunt Ultimate Effort [Ultimate Aim] Uncanny Dodge [Visual] Equipment: 3PP = 15EP Commlink [1EP] Flash Goggles [1EP] Mini-Tracer [1EP] Night Vision Goggles [1EP] Signal Flare [1EP] Sky-Bike (Vehicle; Flying Bike) [10EP] Spoiler Size: Medium [0EP] Strength: 20 [2EP] Defense: 10 [0EP] Toughness: 5 [0EP] Features: [0EP] - None Powers: [6EP] - Flight 4 (100 mph / 1000 ft/rnd) [8EP] Powers: 4 + 21 + 4 = 29 PP Concealment 4 (Options: All Visual Senses; Flaws: Limited [Miss Chance Only]) [4PP] (Descriptors: Combat Training, Training) Device 7 (35DP Container; Flaws: Easy-To-Lose) [21PP] (Descriptors: Bow and Arrows, Technology) Arrows 7 (14DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 12) [26DP] (Descriptors: All Arrow and Technology unless otherwise noted, with additional descriptors) BP: Blast 3 (Feats: Improved Range 2, Mighty 3, Split Attack, Variable Descriptor 1 [Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage type]) {14/14DP} (Descriptors: Standard Arrow, Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing Damage Type) AP: Blast 6 (Extras: Targeted Area [Cone]; Feats: Improved Range 2; Flaws: Range [Touch]) {14/14DP} (Descriptors: Hail of Arrows, Piercing Damage Type, Multiple Arrows) AP: Blast 6 (Feats: Improved Range 2; Extras: Area [General Burst]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]) {14/14DP} (Descriptors: Thermite Arrow, Ballistic Damage Type, Explosive, Thermite) AP: Damage 7 (Feats: Extended Reach (5 ft.), Improved Critical 2, Improved Pin, Improved Trip, Mighty, Stunning Attack) {14/14DP} (Descriptors: Bowsmack, Bow, Bludgeoning Damage Type, No Arrow descriptor) AP: Dazzle 6 (Visual Dazzle; Feats: Improved Range 2) {14/14DP} (Descriptors: Flashbang Arrow, Light) AP: Drain 6 (Drain Any One Save; Feats: Improved Range 2; Extras: Range [Ranged]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]) {14/14DP} (Descriptors: Hypodermic Arrow, Pharmaceuticals, Needle) AP: Nauseate 6 (Feats: Improved Range 2; Extras: Range [Ranged]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]) {14/14DP} (Descriptors: Vertigo Arrow, Sonic, Vertigo) AP: Obscure 5 (Options: Visual; Extras: Independent (+0); Feats: Improved Range 2, Slow Fade) (250 ft. range, 100-foot radius, Fades 1PP/minute) {13/14DP} (Descriptors: Smoke Arrow, Smoke) AP: Paralyze 6 (Feats: Improved Range 2; Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Range [Ranged]; Flaws: Sense-Dependent [Visual]) {14/14DP} (Descriptors: Strobe Light Arrow, Light, Hypnotic Pattern) AP: Snare 6 (Feats: Improved Range 2) {14/14DP} (Descriptors: Riot Foam Arrow, Rapidly hardening foam) AP: Stun 6 (Feats: Improved Range 2; Extras: Range [Ranged]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]) {14/14DP} (Descriptors: Stun Arrow, Electricity, Taser) AP: Super-Movement 2 (Options: Slow Fall, Swinging) [4DP] + Speed 2 (Flaws: Limited [Only Swinging]) [1DP] + Leaping 2 (Flaws: Limited [Only when started with a swing]) [1DP] {6/14DP} (Descriptors: Grappling Line Arrow, Grappling Hook, Swing Line) AP: Trip 6 (Feats: Improved Range, Improved Trip; Extras: Knockback) {14/14DP} (Descriptors: Bolas Arrow, Bolas) Arrow Add-Ons 3 (6DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [9DP] (Stacks with Arrows array, for powers with Arrow descriptor) (Descriptors: All Technology with additional descriptors) BP: Autofire Arrows 6 Adds (Extras: Autofire 1) to Arrows array {6/6DP} (Descriptors: Rapid Fire Arrows, Multiple Arrows) AP: Triggered Arrows 6 Adds (Feats: Triggered 2, Ricochet 2, Subtle 2) to Arrows array {6/6DP} (Descriptors: Setup Add-Ons, Timer, Proximity sensor, Remote trigger) AP: Penetrating Arrows 6 Adds (Extras: Penetrating) to Arrows array {6/6DP} (Descriptors: Shredder Arrowhead) AP: Area Arrows 6 Adds (Extras: Area [General Burst]) to Arrows array {6/6DP} (Descriptors: Increased Payload) Healing 4 (Extras: Action [Standard], Total; Flaws: Distracting, Personal, Temporary) [4PP] (Descriptors: Walk it Off, Training, Will Power) Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block Note that all arrows can have one of the extras Autofire, Penetrating, Area [General Burst] or the power feats Triggered 2, Ricochet 2 and Subtle 2 added, as long as it doesn't conflict with the power Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus/Other Unarmed Touch DC18 TOU (staged) Damage +10 Standard Arrow 300 ft. DC21 TOU (staged) Damage +14, Crit 18-20 Vertigo Arrow 300 ft. DC16 FORT (staged) Fail: Sickened >5: Nauseated >10: Helpless +14, Crit 18-20 Hail of Arrows 60-300 ft. cone DC21 TOU (staged) Damage +14, Crit 18-20 Bowsmack 5 ft. DC25 TOU (staged) Damage +10, Crit 18-20 Riot Foam Arrow 300 ft. DC16 REF (staged) Fail: Entangled >5: Bound/Helpless +14, Crit 18-20 Flashbang Arrow 300 ft. DC16 REF to avoid / DC16 FORT to remove Blinded +14, Crit 18-20 Stun Arrow 300 ft. DC16 FORT (staged) Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned >10: Unconscious +14, Crit 18-20 Bolas Arrow 150 ft. DC16 worse of STR or DEX Tripped, Knockback +14, Crit 18-20 Strobe Light Arrow 300 ft. DC16 WILL (staged) Fail: Slowed >5: Paralyzed +14, Crit 18-20 Thermite Arrow 300 ft., 30 ft. radius area DC16 REF Reduce damage effect to DC18 Area DC21 TOU (staged) Damage Hypodermic Arrow 300 ft. DC16 FORT (staged) Drain one save (TOU/REF/FORT/WILL) +14, Crit 18-20 Totals: Abilities (40) + Combat (38) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (40) + Feats (83) + Powers (29) - Drawbacks (0) = 248/250 Power Points Edited November 18, 2024 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 (edited) FOREVER BOY Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 10 Power Points: 239/250PPUnspent Power Points: 11PPTrade-Offs: +5 Defense / -5 Toughness, (The Forever Weapon) -2 Attack / +2 DC In Brief: Super powered trickster from Neverworld, a world of adventure and action. Catchphrase: "Just trust me!" Theme: Storytime - Nightwish / Fly - Blind Guardian Alternate Identity: Pan (Secret), Pan Barrie (Secret, Earth identity)Birthplace: Neverworld. Residence: Claremont Academy, Freedom City.Base of Operations: Claremont Academy, Freedom City.Occupation: Student at Claremont Academy. Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Blue Squad. Family: None known. DESCRIPTION Age: Unknown. Claims to be 16. (DoB: Unknown, legally listed as 2002 on Earth) Apparant age: 16Gender: MaleEthnicity: Alien, from Neverworld. Appears Caucasian. Height: 5’10’’Weight: 170 lbs.Eyes: Green.Hair: Dark red. Pan is an attractive young man with messy dark red hair and green eyes. He has an athletic build, which he doesn’t mind showing with mostly form fitting clothing. Pan prefers green, white and red clothing, rarely wearing any dark colors. He almost always seem to be smiling. In uniform, Pan wears a pair of green dark green pants, with green boots in the same dark green nuance. The boots have white piping that separate them from the pants, as well as a white stripe above the ankle and white soles. On his upper body, Pan wears a red t-shirt with a logo at a white heart interconnected with an infinity symbol on his chest. He wears an emerald green jacket over the t-shirt. The jacket is left open, with what appears as a thick white elongated square shape, revealing the interconnected heart and infinity symbol on the t-shirt. The jacket has white piping details in three strips on his shoulders and around his elbows, with thick white cuffs at his wrists. Pan wears an emerald green domino mask in the same color as his mask. HISTORY In Neverworld, adventure and action rule. Swashbuckling heroes chase heinous villains across the seas in flying airships, pixies guide adventures in search of treasures haunted by ghosts in the machine. The Lost Heroes chase the being known only as the Crocodile across the endless ocean, hoping that it will one day fulfil its destiny and defeat The Hooked Man for good. Pan was born into this world. Raised by pixies, he never knew his parents. Always believing they abandoned him, Pan quickly came to resent most adults. Aided by the pixies, he performed daring heists into the bustling cities of Neverworld to gather food or just play pranks, and Pan became something of a myth: A never aging trickster that would disappear into the night. Eventually, the Lost Heroes happened upon the city that Pan had decided to visit. Hearing the rumors of the mysterious Forever Boy, they set a trap, and managed to capture him. Feeling pity for the boy, they took him in, and through time and effort, Pan came to trust them, joining them in the quest for the Crocodile. Pan spent long travelling with the Lost Heroes, until they met the Hooked Man. A man of monstrous power, the Hooked Man defeated the Lost Heroes one by one, until he finally stood before Pan. With the strike of his blade, the Forever Boy severed the Hooked Man’s hand, which hurled into the waters below. As the Hooked Man prepared to kill Pan in retaliation, the Crocodile rose from the depths. Pan blacked out, and the next thing he knew, he woke up in Freedom City. With no way home, Pan wasted little time in exploring this strange new world. While living on the street and surviving through petty theft, he was eventually discovered while stopping a robbery with several future classmates from the Claremont Academy. Offered the choice of joining the Claremont Academy, Pan accepted, given the identity Pan Barrie. If he could not find a way home to Neverworld, he could at least try to find a new adventure. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Pan is a trickster, preferring to solve problems through trickery rather than brute force. He enjoys playing tricks on others, whether they are practical jokes or something more. Pan is utterly fearless, aside from one thing: The fear that he will never return home. He hides this fear behind bravado and a smile, while trying to find anyone to become his friend, rather than remain alone in this strange, new world. Despite his fears, Pan is determined to enjoy Freedom City as his newest adventure, and to aid his new home however he can, at least until he can find a way back to Neverworld. POWERS & TACTICS Pan’s powers are either an innate part of his alien nature, or a use of Pixie Dust taught to him by the pixies of Neverworld. True to his nature as a trickster, Pan prefers to disable his opponents through his various tricks, rendering them unable to fight back against him and his allies, sowing chaos and confusion on his way, making them disbelieve if what they see are even true. Pan will often act to support his allies in one way or another, from encouraging them in combat to setting up opportunities for them to strike. POWER DESCRIPTIONS Pan's powers come from one of two sources: His alien genetics as a resident of Neverworld, or his usage of magical Pixie Dust, gifted to him by the Pixies of Neverworld. Compared to humans of Earth Prime, Neverworlders posses enhanced hearing, which Pan has honed into a sort of danger sense, his senses being sharp enough to warn him of any incoming danger he can hear. All Neverworlders posses inate magic, an universal understanding that lets them understand and talk any language, whether written or spoken. Pan has further trained this ability, allowing him to read a target's surface thoughts, a sort of weak mind reading, or to filter the ability to only allow some to understand him. Even for a Neverworlder, Pan's mind is sharp, and he is able to perform mental tasks far faster than normal persons of Earth Prime. Whether through fate or chance, Pan posses incredible luck, even if this luck tends to have strange consequences for both himself and those around him. Any powers with the Pixie Dust descriptor, save for those explicitly told otherwise, tend to have a golden glow and leave behind golden glitter that disappear after a few seconds. Pixie Dust is a form of magical technology used by the Pixies of Neverworld. Anyone is able to be empowered by Pixie Dust, if it is given as a gift by the Pixies, though it might cause different effects. The only standard effect for everyone seem to be the ability to fly, though few to the same level as Pan. For Pan, the Pixie Dust has also resulted in his lack of aging, seemingly being stuck at the age of 16 forever. He is freedom and joy, and he can never be held down against his will. By manipulating the Pixie Dust that infuses his body, Pan is able to summon his uniform from nowhere, and to perform a great number of magical feats. The Pixie Dust has enhanced Pan's natural charisma to super human levels, and through training and experience, Pan has learned to form the Pixie Dust into life-like illusions and strange mists that block the sight of his enemies. He can shape the Pixie Dust into what he has dubbed Forever Weapons, creating any weapon he knows, even if he seems to prefer swords. By his very presence, he can entangle those around him in powerful emotions, or simply let his shadow roam free to grasp and bind a target. COMPLICATIONS Never is an awfully long time: While usually fearless, Pan has just one fear: That he will never be able to return to Neverworld. If Pan is affected by a Fear effect targeting his fear of never returning to Neverworld, his Fearless feat will not apply. Alternatively, if faced with a situation where he might be able to return home, it might cause him to hesitate or otherwise make the current situation worse. Oh, the cleverness of me: Pan is a trickster, and he has trouble not taunting and otherwise aggravating his enemies. This can lead to escalation of conflict if Pan manages to aggravate the enemy enough, or Pan being attacked where he was previously ignored, making the situation worse for him. To live will be an awfully big adventure: To Pan, a life without adventure would be worse than death. He searches for adventure in any form, always having trouble sitting still, be it during classes, stakeouts or strategy meetings. This can apply in many ways, such as picking up a strange idol, pressing the tempting button with "Do not press" or flying after something the glowing light in the sky, having trouble staying focused during planning on learning, which can cause problems later on, if Pan forgets crucial information or just didn't pay attention in the first place. I'll hold you in my heart, until I can hold you in my arms: Pan is quick to find friends, and quick to trust them. He is willing to do just about anything for his friends, even if he shouldn't. Hurt his friends, and his revenge will be swift, even if it shouldn't be. If Pan's friends are hurt or in situations where they will be seriously hurt or worse if Pan or someone else doesn't help them, Pan will be spurred into action, even if the situation places Pan himself in great danger. All you need is faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust: Pan has to actually believe in himself and his abilities for his powers to work effectively. If his faith in himself is shaken, for instance by being met with an overwhelming foe or otherwise being worn down, any of his powers with the Pixie Dust descriptor might fail when he try to use them. All children, except one, grow up: Pan has a soft spot for children, and they tend to like him in turn. While he might not outright believe everything a child will say or do, knowing all too well how mischievous a child can be, he will always believe in children, prioritizing their protection and well being. It may have been quixotic, but it was magnificent: Pan's uncanny luck tends to have strange consequences. If probability is pushed far enough in one direction, it might just decide to push back, causing improbable things to happen, like the password to a computer suddenly changing, or a piano suddenly falling from the sky. ABILITIES 4 + 16 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 10 = 42PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 26 (+8) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 20 (+5) / 40 (+15)Forever Charisma COMBAT 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +12 (+8 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +6 Base, +6 Melee, +6 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +15 (+6 Base, +9 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8 (+6 Base Attack, +2 Strength) Knockback: -1 / -3 (with Defensive Roll) SAVING THROWS 7 + 6 + 9 = 22PP Toughness: +5 (+3 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +10 (+3 Con, +7) Reflex: +14 (+8 Dex, +6) Will: +10 (+1 Wis, +9) SKILLS 68R = 17PP Bluff 15 (+20) / (+30)Forever Charisma Languages 1 (Native: Neverspeak; Learned: English) Notice 14 (+15)Skill Mastery Sense Motive 14 (+15)Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 12 (+20)Skill Mastery Stealth 12 (+20)Skill Mastery FEATS 37PP Beginner's Luck Challenge [Fast Feint] Challenge [Fast Taunt] Defensive Roll 1 Distract [Bluff] Dodge Focus 9 Evasion 2 Fearless Improved Initiative 1 Inspire 5 Jack-of-All-Trades Leadership Luck 3 Move-by Action Setup Skill Mastery (Notice, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth) Taunt Teamwork 3 Uncanny Dodge 2 [Auditory, Visual] Enhanced Feats Luck 3 -> Luck 5Forever Lucky Quick Change Takedown Attack 2The Forever Weapon POWERS 8 + 1 + 10 + 1 + 5 + 11 + 2 + 31 + 27 + 3 = 99 Comprehend 3 (Understand, speak and read all languages; Feats: Alternate Power 1, Selective) [8PP] (Descriptors: Universal Understanding, Alien, Magic) AP: Mind Reading 10 (Flaws: Feedback, Limited to Surface Thoughts; Feats: Subtle 2) {6/7PP} (Descriptors: Tell Me What You Think, Alien, Magic, Training) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] (Descriptors: Forever Uniform, Magic, Pixie Dust) Flight 5 (Flight speed: 250 MPH / 2500 ft./rnd) [10PP] (Descriptors: Fairy Flight, Flight, Magic, Pixie Dust) Immunity 1 (Aging) [1PP] (Descriptors: The Forever Boy, Immortality, Magic, Pixie Dust) Immunity 5 (Entrapment Effects [Snare, Grappling, Bonds]) [5PP] (Descriptors: Forever Free, Freedom, Magic, Pixie Dust) Luck Control 3 (Force Rerolls, Spend Hero Points for Others. Bestow Hero Points to Others; Feats: Luck 2) [11PP] (Descriptors: Forever Lucky, Luck) Quickness 4 (Flaws: One type [Mental]) (Able to perform mental tasks at x25 normal speed) [2PP] (Descriptors: Cleverness of Me, Alien, Quick Thinking) Tricks Array 14 (28PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [31PP] (Descriptors: Tricks, Magic, Pixie Dust. Additional descriptors on individual powers) BP: {27 + 1 = 28/28PP} (Descriptors: The Forever Weapon, Light, Precise Strikes, Slashing/Bludgeoning/Piercing Damage Type, Training, Weapons) Damage 10 (Extras: Penetrating 5; Feats: Accurate, Extended Reach 2 [10 ft.], Improved Critical 2, Incurable, Mighty, Paralyzing Attack, Precise, Takedown Attack 2, Variable Descriptor 1 [Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing]) [27PP] Feature 1 (Light Source) [1PP] AP: Emotion Control 10 (Feats: Mind Blank, Reversible, Subtle 2) {24/28PP} (Descriptors: Powerful Emotions, Emotion) AP: Illusion 6 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 2) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 25 ft. radius) (Stacks with Endless Forms) {26/28PP} (Descriptors: Forms Most Beautiful, Illusion) Stacked Power: Illusion 10 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 6) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 500 ft. radius) (Descriptors: Endless Forms Most Beautiful, Illusion) AP: Snare 10 (Feats: Accurate 2, Indirect 3, Subtle) {26/28PP} (Descriptors: Binding Shadow, Pan's Shadow, Grasping Shadows) Trickster Array 12 (24PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [27PP] (Descriptors: Trickster, Magic, Pixie Dust. Additional descriptors on individual powers) BP: Enhanced Charisma 20 {20/24PP} (Descriptors: Forever Charisma, Superhuman charisma) AP: Flight 12 (stacks with Fairy Flight) {24/24PP} (Descriptors: Forever Flight, Flight) Stacked Power: Flight 17 (2,500,000 MPH / 25,000,000 ft./rnd) AP: Illusion 4 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 4) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 100 ft. radius) (Stacks with Forms Most Beautiful) {20/24PP} (Descriptors: Endless Forms, Illusion) Stacked Power: Illusion 10 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 6) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 500 ft. radius) (Descriptors: Endless Forms Most Beautiful, Illusion) AP: Obscure 6 (Affects Visual Senses; Extras: Independent [+0], Selective Attack, Total Fade) (Duration: Independent [20 rounds], Radius: 250 ft.) {24/24PP} (Descriptors: Hide & Seek, Illusion, Mists) Super-Senses 3 (Danger Sense [Sense Types: Auditory], Audiotory [Sense Type: Normal Hearing; Default Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged; Extras: Accurate]) [3PP] (Descriptors: Never Senses, Alien, Enhanced Senses, Training) DRAWBACKS -2PP Vulnerable (Emotion effects; Minor Intensity: +1 to saving throw DC) [-2PP] DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC17 Tou (staged) Damage +6 The Forever Weapon Touch (Up to 10 ft.) DC27 Tou (staged) Damage +8, Crit 18-20, Incurable, Precise The Forever Weapon - Paralyzing Attack Touch (Up to 10 ft.) DC22 Fort (Staged) Fail: Slowed 1 round >5: Paralyzed 1 round +8, Crit 18-20, Incurable, Precise Powerful Emotions Perception DC20 Will (staged) Fail: Emotion Changed >10: Target takes no hostile action Mind Blank, Reversible, Subtle 2 Binding Shadow 100 ft. DC20 Ref (staged) Fail: Entangled >5/2nd Fail: Bound & Helpless +10, Indirect 3, Subtle Endless Forms Perception DC14 Will (staged) Tricked if disbelieving illusion N/A, 100 ft. radius Forms Most Beautiful Perception DC16 Will (staged) Tricked if disbelieving illusion N/A, 25 ft. radius Endless Forms Most Beautiful Perception DC20 Will (staged) Tricked if disbelieving illusion N/A, 500 ft. radius Totals: Abilities (42) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (22) + Skills (17) + Feats (37) + Powers (99) - Drawbacks (2) = 239/250 Power Points Edited September 15, 2020 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 (edited) Missing: merge powers & tactics with power descriptions and update FOREVER BOY Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 247/250PPUnspent Power Points: 3Trade-Offs: +5 Defense / -5 Toughness, (The Forever Weapon) -2 Attack / +2 DC In Brief: Super powered trickster from Foreverworld, a world of adventure and action. Catchphrase: "Just trust me!" Theme: Storytime - Nightwish / Fly - Blind Guardian Alternate Identity: Pan (Secret), Pan Barrie (Secret, Earth identity)Birthplace: Neverworld, now known as Foreverworld Residence: Freedom CityBase of Operations: Freedom CityOccupation: Adventurer Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: None known DESCRIPTION Age: Unknown. Claims to be 16. (DoB: Unknown, legally listed as 2002 on Earth) Apparant age: 16Gender: MaleEthnicity: Alien. Appears Caucasian Height: 5’10’’Weight: 170 lbs.Eyes: GreenHair: Dark red Pan is an attractive young man with messy, semi-long dark red hair and green eyes. He has an athletic build, which he doesn’t mind showing with mostly form fitting clothing. Pan prefers green and red clothing, rarely wearing any dark colors. He almost always seem to be smiling. In uniform, Pan wears a pair of green, emerald green, dark almost golden yellow and red suit that leaves his shoulders and arms free. The pants are in a darker green, with the shoes seems to be connected directly to the pants, with red soles. Red piping in a wide V-shape separates the pants from the upper parts of the costume, with the lowest part of the V-shape being at the point where one would wear a belt. The red V-shape is mirrored under Pan's chest, stretching under his arms. Between the two red V-shapes, Pan's mid section is emerald green, with his sides in dark yellow, separated from the emerald green with red lines. The chest of the costume is primarily emerald green, with red piping at the edge of his shoulders, and a dark yellow Y-shape with red piping stretching from the middle of the upper red V under his chest and up to his shoulders. The outer parts of Pan's neck is likewise dark yellow with red piping. Pan wears an emerald green domino mask as part of the uniform. Pan has taken to wearing a dark red coat with golden details, often wearing it both with and without his uniform. HISTORY In Neverworld, adventure and action rule. Swashbuckling heroes chase heinous villains across the seas in flying airships, pixies guide adventures in search of treasures haunted by ghosts in the machine. The Lost Heroes chase the being known only as the Crocodile across the endless ocean, hoping that it will one day fulfil its destiny and defeat The Hooked Man for good. Pan was born into this world. Raised by pixies, he never knew his parents. Always believing they abandoned him, Pan quickly came to resent most adults. Aided by the pixies, he performed daring heists into the bustling cities of Neverworld to gather food or just play pranks, and Pan became something of a myth: A never aging trickster that would disappear into the night. Eventually, the Lost Heroes happened upon the city that Pan had decided to visit. Hearing the rumors of the mysterious Forever Boy, they set a trap, and managed to capture him. Feeling pity for the boy, they took him in, and through time and effort, Pan came to trust them, joining them in the quest for the Crocodile. Pan spent long travelling with the Lost Heroes, until they met the Hooked Man. A man of monstrous power, the Hooked Man defeated the Lost Heroes one by one, until he finally stood before Pan. With the strike of his blade, the Forever Boy severed the Hooked Man’s hand, which hurled into the waters below. As the Hooked Man prepared to kill Pan in retaliation, the Crocodile rose from the depths. Pan blacked out, and the next thing he knew, he woke up in Freedom City. With no way home, Pan wasted little time in exploring this strange new world. While living on the street and surviving through petty theft, he was eventually discovered while stopping a robbery with several future classmates from the Claremont Academy. Offered the choice of joining the Claremont Academy, Pan accepted, given the identity Pan Barrie. If he could not find a way home to Neverworld, he could at least try to find a new adventure. Pan was busy during his three years at Claremont Academy, being one of the few students to remain part of Blue Squad for the duration of his time. He formed a close friendship with his roommate Micah Roebuck, otherwise known as Thunderbird, and eventually Eira Katastroff Natt och Dag, otherwise known as Angelic. He formed friendships with several other students, including Selena Kwan, Adam Lanchester, Veronica Danger, Louise Beaumont, Corinne Conrad, Leon Moore, Jaycee Cahill and, to some degree, Jaycee's bodyguard Ashley Tran, as well as many others. While at Claremont, Pan bluffed the demon Baal, helped defend the school from Krampus, went on a summer vacation with Veronica Danger and several others, fought Sky Pirates and the Great Whale from Neverworld, journeyed in time to fight against Die Übermensch during World War Two, found the ghost of Eira's original human self and much more, before eventually returning to Neverworld with Eira and Micah at his side. The trio found Neverworld overrun by the Hooked Man's Sky Pirates with the Crocodile in their thrall. Through trials and tribulations, Eira attempted to raise an army of automatons with the help of a version of Victor Frankenstein, while Pan and Micah sought the aid of Pixies. The last Pixies sacrificed themselves to give Pan and Micah a wish each. Together, they returned to Eira. As Neverworld burned around them, the trio managed to free the Crocodile and defeat the Hooked Man. Pan remembered that this was but the latest cycle for Neverworld, one that would be washed away and replaced by yet another permutation of the same story. But Pan had been changed by his time away from Neverworld. Aided by the power of Micah's wish, Pan made something else, something better: Neverworld became Foreverworld! Refusing to restart his own story, Pan forced himself and his friends back to Earth-Prime, pulling himself free from the tale that had bound him before. The Forever Boy is now fully free. He has escaped the story that would bind him, he has graduated from Claremont, he is much more than he was before, and he has his friends and a great wide world of adventure waiting for him. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Pan has, despite his protests to the contrary, grown and changed since he reached Freedom City. He is still a trickster with a love for adventure, and he is still utterly fearless, though his perspective have shifted: His one fear is now that those that he care about will be seriously hurt. High flying, loud, proud and prone to leaping before looking, Pan will eagerly jump into any situation that he believes requires his particular brand of heroics. He insists that you can trust him, and, if you are his friend, you can. Others? Not so much. He will freely lie, bluff or cheat if that's what it takes to save the day, or to play a good joke on someone. He has formed several close relationships, particularly with Micah Roebuck and Eira Katastroff natt och Dag. He would give his life for any of his friends, if it came to it. No matter what applies to everyone else, his friends can always trust him to have their backs and come rushing in when they need him. POWERS & TACTICS While Pan has been categorized as an alien and magic, the truth is far stranger: He is a story come to life, a story that is being told and retold, over and over again. And now that he has broken free from the constraints of his story, he has begun to break down the limits of just what he can do. Pan posses enhanced hearing and an uncanny luck. His thoughts are like quicksilver, and he can understand and be understood in any language, even reading the thoughts of others, if he feels so inclined. As one would expect of his story, he will never age beyond 16, can fly and cannot be held. He is supernaturally charismatic, though he can also channel this ability in different, unpredictable ways, such as creating life-like illusions and mists, or letting himself fly even faster. Since breaking free from the story that bound him, Pan has learned how to manipulate his own story, and the story of those around him. This essentially makes Pan a reality warper, though bound by certain self-imposed limitations. He can detach his shadow to entangle foes, change the emotions and memories of others, create illusions and constructs, including an ever expanding array of weapons, out of thin air. His words can be so harsh that they can cut, and, if he gets close enough, he can turn back the pages of a story, reverting wounds. Many of these newfound abilities take a great deal of focus, but Pan enjoys them anyway. Pan is a master of social situations, being able to make any lie sound true. He can manipulate his surroundings and change the story as it happens, which he uses to sow chaos and confusion among enemies in combat. While far from adverse to facing opponents head on, the Forever Boy is a firm believer in teamwork, often working closely with his friends and allies in combat, using his own considerable abilities to aid his friends. COMPLICATIONS Oh, the cleverness of me: Pan is a trickster, and he has trouble not taunting and otherwise aggravating his enemies. This can lead to escalation of conflict if Pan manages to aggravate the enemy enough, or Pan being attacked where he was previously ignored, making the situation worse for him. To live will be an awfully big adventure: To Pan, a life without adventure would be worse than death. He searches for adventure in any form, always having trouble sitting still, be it during classes, stakeouts or strategy meetings. This can apply in many ways, such as picking up a strange idol, pressing the tempting button with "Do not press" or flying after something the glowing light in the sky, having trouble staying focused during planning on learning, which can cause problems later on, if Pan forgets crucial information or just didn't pay attention in the first place. I'll hold you in my heart, until I can hold you in my arms: Pan is quick to find friends, and quick to trust them. He is willing to do just about anything for his friends, even if he shouldn't. Hurt his friends, and his revenge will be swift, even if it shouldn't be. If Pan's friends are hurt or in situations where they will be seriously hurt or worse if Pan or someone else doesn't help them, Pan will be spurred into action, even if the situation places Pan himself in great danger. All you need is faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust: Pan has to actually believe in himself and his abilities for his powers to work effectively. If his faith in himself is shaken, for instance by being met with an overwhelming foe or otherwise being worn down, any of his powers with the Pixie Dust descriptor might fail when he try to use them. All children, except one, grow up: Pan has a soft spot for children, and they tend to like him in turn. While he might not outright believe everything a child will say or do, knowing all too well how mischievous a child can be, he will always believe in children, prioritizing their protection and well being. It may have been quixotic, but it was magnificent: Pan's uncanny luck tends to have strange consequences. If probability is pushed far enough in one direction, it might just decide to push back, causing improbable things to happen, like the password to a computer suddenly changing, or a piano suddenly falling from the sky. ABILITIES 0 + 16 + 6 + 4 + 8 + 10 = 44PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 26 (+8) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 20 (+5) / 44 (+17)Forever Charisma COMBAT 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +12 (+8 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +6 Base, +6 Melee, +6 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +17 (+6 Base, +11 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +10 (+8 Base Attack, +2 Strength) Knockback: -1 / -3 (with Defensive Roll) SAVING THROWS 7 + 6 + 6 = 19PP Toughness: +7 (+3 Con, +4 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +10 (+3 Con, +7) Reflex: +14 (+8 Dex, +6) Will: +10 (+4 Wis, +6) SKILLS 76R = 19PP Bluff 17 (+22) / (+34)Forever Charisma Languages 1 (Native: Neverspeak; Learned: English) Notice 16 (+20)Skill Mastery Perform [Oratory] 2 (+7) / (+19)Forever Charisma Sense Motive 16 (+20)Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 12 (+20)Skill Mastery Stealth 12 (+20)Skill Mastery FEATS 41PP Beginner's Luck Challenge [Fast Feint] Challenge [Fast Taunt] Defensive Roll 2 Distract [Bluff] Dodge Focus 11 Evasion 2 Fearless Improved Initiative 1 Inspire 5 Jack-of-All-Trades Leadership Luck 4 Move-by Action Setup Skill Mastery (Notice, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth) Taunt Teamwork 3 Uncanny Dodge 2 [Auditory, Visual] Enhanced Feats Luck 4 -> Luck 6 Quick Change Takedown Attack 2Draw Weapon POWERS 8 + 1 + 10 + 1 + 5 + 8 + 2 + 38 + 27 + 3 = 103 Comprehend Rank 3 (Understand, speak and read all languages; Feats: Alternate Power 1, Selective) [8PP] (Descriptors: Universal Understanding, Alien, Magic) AP: Mind Reading 12 (Flaws: Feedback, Limited to Surface Thoughts; Feats: Subtle 2) {6/7PP} (Descriptors: Tell Me What You Think, Alien, Magic, Training) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] (Descriptors: Forever Uniform, Magic, Pixie Dust) Flight 5 (Flight speed: 250 MPH / 2500 ft./rnd) [10PP] (Descriptors: Fairy Flight, Flight, Magic, Pixie Dust) Immunity 1 (Aging) [1PP] (Descriptors: The Forever Boy, Immortality, Magic, Pixie Dust, Story) Immunity 5 (Entrapment Effects [Snare, Grappling, Bonds]) [5PP] (Descriptors: Forever Free, Freedom, Magic, Pixie Dust, Story) Luck Control 2 (Force Rerolls, Bestow Hero Points to Others; Feats: Luck 2) [8PP] (Descriptors: Forever Lucky, Luck, Story) Quickness 4 (Flaws: One type [Mental]) (Able to perform mental tasks at x25 normal speed) [2PP] (Descriptors: Cleverness of Me, Alien, Quick Thinking) Tricks Array 15.5 (31PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 7) [38PP] (Descriptors: Tricks, Magic, Pixie Dust, Story. Additional descriptors on individual powers) BP: Damage 14 (Extras: Penetrating 5; Feats: Accurate 2, Extended Reach 2 [10 ft.], Improved Critical 2, Incurable, Precise, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack 2, Variable Descriptor 1 [Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing]) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Draw Weapon, Precise Strikes, Slashing/Bludgeoning/Piercing Damage Type, Training, Weapons) AP: Create Object 12 (Extras: Movable; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Precise, Progression [Object Size] 4, Selective, Subtle 2) (12x100 ft. Cubes) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: As Real As I Say) AP: Damage 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Penetrating 4, Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full Round], Sense-Dependent [Auditory]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Incurable, Precise; Drawbacks: Power Loss 1 [Must be able to speak]) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Harsh Words) AP: Emotion Control 12 (Feats: Mind Blank, Reversible, Subtle 2) {28/31PP} (Descriptors: Powerful Emotions, Emotion) AP: Healing 10 (Extras: Total; Feats: Regrowth) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Rewrite) AP: Illusion 7 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 3) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 50 ft. radius) (Stacks with Endless Forms) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Forms Most Beautiful, Illusion) Stacked Power: Illusion 12 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 7) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 1250 ft. radius) (Descriptors: Endless Forms Most Beautiful, Illusion) AP: Snare 12 (Feats: Accurate 3, Indirect 3, Subtle) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Binding Shadow, Pan's Shadow, Grasping Shadows) AP: Transform 12 (Change Memories; Extras: Alternate Save [Will] (+0), Duration 1 [Continuous], Range 1 [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full Round], Sense-Dependent [Auditory]; Drawbacks: Power Loss 1 [Must be able to speak]) {23/31PP} (Descriptors: Don't You Remember?) Trickster Array 12 (24PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [27PP] (Descriptors: Trickster, Magic, Pixie Dust, Story. Additional descriptors on individual powers) BP: Enhanced Charisma 24 {24/24PP} (Descriptors: Forever Charisma, Superhuman charisma) AP: Flight 12 (stacks with Fairy Flight) {24/24PP} (Descriptors: Forever Flight, Flight) Stacked Power: Flight 17 (2,500,000 MPH / 25,000,000 ft./rnd) AP: Illusion 5 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 4) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 100 ft. radius) (Stacks with Forms Most Beautiful) {24/24PP} (Descriptors: Endless Forms, Illusion) Stacked Power: Illusion 12 (Affects All Senses; Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Action [Full Round]; Feats: Progression [Area] 7) (Duration: Sustained, Area: 1250 ft. radius) (Descriptors: Endless Forms Most Beautiful, Illusion) AP: Obscure 6 (Affects Visual Senses; Extras: Independent [+0], Selective Attack, Total Fade) (Duration: Independent [20 rounds], Radius: 250 ft.) {24/24PP} (Descriptors: Hide & Seek, Illusion, Mists) Super-Senses 3 (Danger Sense [Sense Types: Auditory], Audiotory [Sense Type: Normal Hearing; Default Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged; Extras: Accurate]) [3PP] (Descriptors: Never Senses, Alien, Enhanced Senses, Genetic, Training) DRAWBACKS -3PP Vulnerable (Emotion effects; Medium Intensity: +50% to saving throw DC) [-3PP] DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC17 Tou (staged) Damage +6 Draw Weapon Touch (Up to 10 ft.) DC29 Tou (staged) Damage +10, Crit 18-20, Incurable, Precise, Takedown Attack 2 Draw Weapon - Stunning Attack Touch (Up to 10 ft.) DC24 Fort (Staged) Fail: Dazed for 1 round >5: Stunnedfor 1 round>10: Unconscious +10, Crit 18-20, Incurable, Precise, Takedown Attack 2 Powerful Emotions Perception DC22 Will (staged) Fail: Emotion Changed >10: Target takes no hostile action Mind Blank, Reversible, Subtle 2 Binding Shadow 100 ft. DC22 Ref (staged) Fail: Entangled >5/2nd Fail: Bound & Helpless +12, Indirect 3, Subtle Endless Forms Perception DC15 Will (staged) Tricked if disbelieving illusion N/A, 100 ft. radius Forms Most Beautiful Perception DC17 Will (staged) Tricked if disbelieving illusion N/A, 25 ft. radius Endless Forms Most Beautiful Perception DC22 Will (staged) Tricked if disbelieving illusion N/A, 500 ft. radius Totals: Abilities (44) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (19) + Feats (41) + Powers (103) - Drawbacks (3) = 247/250 Power Points Edited September 22, 2021 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 Holger Danske Power Level: 12 Effective Power Level: 10 Power Points: 180/180PPUnspent Power Points: 0Trade-Offs: No offensive, Defensive Trade-offs vary between TOU+5/DEF-5, None and TOU-5/DEF+5, see Defensive Stance Array power In Brief: Mythic Danish hero reawakens in the modern day to protect the Denmark and the rest of the world. Theme: Hero's Return - Hammerfall / The Champion - Hammerfall Alternate Identity: Holger, Son of Gudfred (Public), Ogier the Dane, Ogier le Danois, Ogier de Danemarche (Public)Birthplace: Kronborg, Denmark Residence: Kronborg, DenmarkOccupation: Adventurer, Hero, Knight of Charlemagne Affiliations: Denmark Family: Gudfred (Father, King of Denmark from at least 804 to 810, died 810), Horik I (Brother, Joint King of Denmark 813 to 827, King of Denmark 827 to 854, died 854), 4 Brothers (Died 814, 819, 819, 827) DESCRIPTION Age: Born late 8th century Apparant age: Late twentiesGender: MaleEthnicity: Scandinavian Height: 6’8’’Weight: 220 lbs.Eyes: BlueHair: Blonde Holger is a tall man, with clearly defined Scandinavian features. He has cold blue eyes and loose blonde hair and beard. While he might appear intimidating and imposing at first, his chivalric and friendly nature tends to shine through. Holger tends to in a mixture of modern and ancient clothing. He will usually wear modern pants, shirts and boots, prefering them in darker colors, wearing his armor and armaments on top of them. His armor appears to be made from steel, with gold detailing in the segments, covering his upper body while leaving his arms bare. A light grey cape connects to the armor. He wears bracers in the same color scheme on his arms, and a red belt with golden clasps around his waist, a dark red sword sheathe with gold detailing and trim hanging from the belt. He wields a metallic, almost silver colored, shield, known as Bouclier de Danemarche, or Shield of Denmark, either on his arm or secured to his back. Curtana, the Sword of Mercy, is a short sword with silver hilt and golden crossguard. He wears a golden snake armlet around his upper right arm, wrapping around his arm several times. HISTORY In the dungeons beneath Castle Kronborg in Helsingør in Denmark sits a solitary figure, the statue of Holger Danske. A mighty warrior and hero, he was the son of King Gudfred, the Danish king from around 804 to 810. In an act of peace, Holger was given to the great king Charlemagne of France to ensure the peace between the two rulers. When Gudfred broke the peace treaties, Charlemagne decides to spare Holger, leading to Holger becoming one of Charlemagne's knights for a time, and a contemporary of Roland. During the years of battles and wars, Holger had many great adventures, growing into a heroic figure and defender of the weak, before he led the French to victory against the Saracen, slaying the giant Brehus in the battles. With his battles at an end, Holger Danske marched home to Denmark, to Castle Kronborg, where he sat down, his beard growing long. He eventually became a statue, that bears the inscription: Når Danmark stander i våde, så vågner Holger Danske Since then, Holger Danske has rested. In secret, he has awakened to fight the good fight and protect Denmark from threats, most recently in the early 1940'es during the Nazi occupation. With every victory, he has once again marched to Castle Kronborg and returned to his solitary vigil, his legend growing in the telling. And now, with the ever growing threats of super humans and the coming of greater mythological beings, Denmark is in greater peril than ever before. In this time of need, Denmark's future might be in the hands of its past. Because when Denmark is in peril, then Holger Danske will awaken! PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Holger is a contradiction. A man out of time, he has nonetheless followed the turn of the world through the ages, and is well at home in the modern day. An honorable knight, and yet a fierce viking warrior. He is a man of excess, and yet disciplined. Holger is a passionate man, who loves the thrill of battle and adventure. He is a jovial and boastful sort, who nonetheless believes in his strong sense of honor, who will stand up and protect the weak when called. While deeply enjoying the modern day and all its amenities, he finds himself at odds with the differing morals. In his day, you would slay your foe, rather than let them rot, but he tries to follow the rules of the time. He loves a challenge, rarely backing down from an argument or a fight, whether it is a true battle or just for fun. He is deeply loyal to his friends, even Ratatoskr, despite repeteadly claiming how much the divine rodent annoys him. POWERS & TACTICS Holger is an experienced warrior, having fought ever greater threats through the ages, his skills and power growing as his legend has grown. He is primarily a melee combatant, using prefering to use his sword Curtana for offense and his shield Bouclier de Danemarche for defense, using his speed and moving rapidly around the battle field to where he can do the most good. He tends to work closely together with his partner Ratatoskr, using any opportunities that the Asgardian Squirrel might create for him. POWER DESCRIPTIONS Holger is essentially powered by his own legend, a magic that has let him sleep through the ages as a statue and rise when Denmark has been in need. Holger seems to have stopped aging at some point in his late 20'es, and is completely immune to all disease. He is able to run and leap far faster and longer than any normal man, as befitting of a legendary hero that has fought beasts and invading armies. Holger is physically powerful, being far stronger, agile and tough than the average man. Holger wields two artifacts: The short sword Curtana and the shield Bouclier de Danemarche. Bouclier de Danemarche is essential to Holger's defense. It can withstand or deflect great blows, allowing Holger to evade or block incoming damage, while absorbing enough force to help him stay steady when struck. It is large enough that he can use it to protect others or himself. While the shield has some magic, it has been named by Holger himself, and seems to be a minor artifact, at least compared to Curtana. Curtana was crafted by Wayland the Smith and bears the inscription "My name is Curtana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durandal". It is also known as the Sword of Mercy, and was for a time wielded by Tristan of the Round Table. Curtana is an incredibly potent blade, virtually unbreakable and able to cut through virtually anything, if enough force is applied. Using a combination of the sword's magic and his own skills, Holger is able to use it for far more than just hacking away at his opponents. He is able to swing the blade at blinding speed and precision, even cutting insubstantial targets. He can cut an enemy to destroy their toughness and defenses, sweep their leg to make them fall, the cuts making it difficult to rise or even making them fall again, or simply bash them with the blunt side of the blade to momentarily stun them. The sword's most powerful magic is its ability to instill hope and healing in those that surround Holger. As he raises the Sword of Mercy to the sky, the blade shines brightly as it restores both the spirit and body of those around Holger. COMPLICATIONS Heeding the Call: If Denmark is in great peril, Holger will feel a pull to return to his home, to protect his homeland from all danger. If this happens in the middle of a battle, Holger might end up distracted, which can make him miss a crucial strike or take the wrong action. If this happens, the GM can award Holger a Hero Point. Unforgiving Blade: Holger is not quite used to these softer times, where you try to employ non-lethal force unless absolutely necessary. While he does his best to conform to the modern standards, he is quicker to suggest or try to kill particularly dangerous foes that cannot otherwise be contained than others, which can lead to conflicts with other heroes and law enforcement. If such a conflict arises, the GM can award Holger a Hero Point. Stronger Than All: Holger has sworn to protect those weaker than him. Threatening the weak or innocent will provoke Holger into taking action or rush to the aid, even if it allows the villain to escape. If a villain threatens someone weaker than Holger to complicate a situation, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Hearts on Fire: Holger is a passionate man. He will rarely back down from an argument or fight once it has begun, even if it could make the situation better. The GM can award Holger a Hero Point if his headstrong refusal to back down complicates a situation. Steel Meets Steel: Holger will usually engage the biggest, most powerful foe in combat, taking attention away from others and on to himself, even if it would be smarter to take out weaker foes one by one first. The GM can award Holger a Hero Point if his attempts to engage the most powerful foe on the battlefield complicates a situation. Annoying Rodent: Ratatoskr's antics can some times be annoying, distracting or outright dangerous. He might be a divine creature, but he is still a squirrel. He might block the view, antagonize enemies, annoy friends, reach for the shiny thing or push the big red button, just to see what it does. The GM can award Holger a Hero Point if Ratatoskr's antics complications a situation. ABILITIES 10 + 10 + 10 + 4 + 8 + 4 = 46PP Strength: 20 (+5) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 14 (+2) COMBAT 8 + 10 = 18PP Initiative: +5 (+5 Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +10 Melee, +4 Ranged Defense: +5 Base, +10 (w. Defensive Stance Array set to Balance), +5 (w. Defensive Stance Array set to Block), +15 (w. Defensive Stance Array set to Deflect), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +15 (+4 Base Attack, +6 Attack Focus [Melee], +5 Strength) Knockback: -7 (w. Defensive Stance Array set to Balance) / -9 (w. Defensive Stance Array set to Block) / -4 (w. Defensive Stance Array set to Deflect) / -2 (w/o Bouclier de Danemarche) SAVING THROWS 3 + 3 + 4 = 10PP Toughness: +5 (+5 Con), +10 (w. Defensive Stance Array set to Balance), +15 (w. Defensive Stance Array set to Block), +5 (w. Defensive Stance Array set to Deflect) Fortitude: +8 (+5 Con, +3) Reflex: +8 (+5 Dex, +3) Will: +8 (+4 Wis, +4) SKILLS 60R = 15PP Diplomacy 8 (+10) Intimidate 8 (+10) Knowledge [History] 8 (+10) Knowledge [Theology/Philosophy] 3 (+5) Languages 4 [Native: Danish; Learned: English, French, German, Old English] Medicine 6 (+10) Notice 6 (+10) Search 5 (+3) Sense Motive 6 (+10) Survival 6 (+10) FEATS 48PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Attack Focus [Melee] 6 Benefit 1 [Wealth] Fearless Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 3 Power Attack Sidekick 30 [Ratatoskr] Takedown Attack 2 Ultimate Effort [Ultimate Save: Toughness] Enhanced Feats Interpose POWERS 4 + 25 + 12 + 2 = 43 Agile Warrior Array 1.5 (3PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [4PP] (Descriptors: Magic, Training) BP: Speed 3 (50 MPH, 500 ft./rnd.) {3/3} AP: Leaping 3 (Distance x10; Running jump distance: 150 ft.) {3/3} Device 6 (30DP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Indestructible) [25PP] (Descriptors: Curtana, the Sword of Mercy, Sword, Magic) Sword Strike Array 13 (26DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [30DP] (Descriptors: Training) BP: Damage 5 (Extras: Autofire 1 [10 ranks], Penetrating 5; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 2, Incurable, Mighty) {26/26} (Descriptors: Slash, Slashing Damage Type) AP: Drain Toughness 10 (Extras: Affects Objects; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 2, Incurable, Slow Fade [1pt/min]) {26/26} (Descriptors: Wound, Slashing Damage Type) AP: {4 + 22 = 26/26} (Descriptors: Sword of Mercy) Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Area [General Visual Perception], Linked [Healing], Selective; Flaws: Duration 2 [Instant], Limited [Hope], Range 2 [Touch]) [4PP]Healing 4 (Extras: Action [Standard], Area [General Visual Perception], Linked [Emotion Control], Selective, Total; Flaws: Limited [Others]; Feats: Persistent, Stabilize) [22PP] AP: Stun 10 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 2) {24/26} (Descriptors: Bash, Bludgeoning Damage Type) AP: Trip 10 (Extras: Knockback, Secondary Effect; Flaws: Range [Touch]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 2, Improved Trip) {25/26} (Descriptors: Sweep, Slashing Damage Type) Device 3 (15DP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [12PP] (Descriptors: Bouclier de Danemarche, Shield, Magic) Defensive Stance Array 5 (10DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [12DP] (Descriptors: Training) BP: {5 + 5 = 10/10} (Descriptors: Balance) Enhanced Feat 5 (Dodge Focus 5; Total Defense +10) {5DP} Protection 5 (Total Toughness +10) {5DP} AP: Protection 10 (Total Toughness +15) {10/10} (Descriptors: Block) AP: Enhanced Feat 10 (Dodge Focus 10; Total Defense +15) {10/10} (Descriptors: Deflect) Enhanced Feat 1 (Interpose) [1DP] (Descriptors: Protect Others) Immovable 2 (+8 vs. Push, Rush, Trip, Throw; +2 vs. Knockback) [2DP] (Descriptors: Stand Fast) Immunity 2 (Aging, Disease) [2PP] (Descriptors: Eternal Vigil, Magic) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus, Extras, Feats Unarmed Touch DC20 TOU (staged) Damage +10 Slash Touch DC25 TOU (staged) Damage +10, Autofire 1, Affects Insubstantial 2, Crit [18-20], Incurable, Penetrating 5 Wound Touch DC20 FORT (staged) Drain Toughness +10, Affects Insubstantial 2, Crit [18-20], Incurable, Slow Fade [1pt/min] Bash Touch DC20 FORT (staged) Fail: Dazed 1 rnd.>5: Stunned 1 rnd.>10: Unconscious +10, Affects Insubstantial 2, Crit [18-20] Sweep Touch Trip Resist (Worse) vs. Rank 10 Power Check Tripped, Knocback, Secondary Effect +10, Affects Insubstantial 2, Crit [18-20], Improved Trip Totals: Abilities (46) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (15) + Feats (48) + Powers (43) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 Ratatoskr Power Level: 10 Effective Power Level: 10 Power Points: 150/150PPUnspent Power Points: 0Trade-Offs: TOU-4/DEF+4 In Brief: Yggdrasil's messenger squirrel, sent to aid Holger Danske in his quest. Catchphrase: "Here I am!" Birthplace: Yggdrasil Residence: Yggdrasil Base of Operations: YggdrasilOccupation: Messenger Affiliations: Asgard, Holger Danske Family: Numerous siblings. DESCRIPTION Age: As old as YggdrasilGender: MaleEthnicity: Squirrel Height: 0’7’’Weight: 0.6 lbs.Eyes: BrownHair: Red Ratatoskr is a red squirrel with a bushy tail. HISTORY Ratatoskr is a squirrel that runs up and down the world tree Yggdrasil, delivering messages between the serpent Nidhogg that eats the roots of the world tree, and the eagle perced at the top of the tree. They are not quite friendly with each other, and some times the divine messenger squirrel takes on other assignments, like helping out the Aesir, where Odin's ravens are busy or would be too obvious. Few myths mention Ratatoskr. Fewer still have him as an important figure. He is, at best, a minor figure in the Nordic myths, if not a mere footnote. In recent years, the gods have realized that this makes him a perfect spy on the Earth. He is divine, intelligent and able to communicate, and yet, he is such a minor figure, not even really a god, so he is either not bound or simply unnoticed by the pact. Through the years, he has guided a number of heroes on Odin's orders, most recently being sent to guide and help the reawakened Holger Danske. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Ratatoskr might be divine and intelligent, but he is still a squirrel. He is hyper-active, infinitely curious and some times very annoying. He will talk and chatter on and on, but then go silent at the drop of a hat and simply disappear.He is loyal to his charges and his mission, standing up for and helping his charges as well as he can. If he has been given a mission, he will carry it out to the best of his ability. Ratatoskr is brave, but not fearless, and he is well aware that there are thing that a squirrel just can't do, but on the other hand, there are many things that he can do that others just can't. POWERS & TACTICS Ratatoskr might be a divine squirrel, but he is still a squirrel, and his abilities in combat are rather limited. Rather than directly fighting enemies, he will attempt to distract and slow them down, making combat easier for his allies, rather than attempt to attack them directly. POWER DESCRIPTIONS All of Ratatoskr's powers are either due to him being a divine messenger, or a squirrel. He is diminutive sized, fitting easily on Holger Danske's shoulder, and he is able to rapidly climb up trees and other structures, and his hearing is incredible accurate. His physiology is enhanced by his divine origins, allowing him to move far faster and leap farther than he should be able to. He can move fast enough to appear instantly in another location, even being able to bypass obstacles along the way. He can even transfer this ability to others, as long as he touches them. As a divine messenger, Ratatoskr is able to understand any language, even other animals, allowing him to communicate with most living beings. His name means Drill-Tooth, which applies to his teeth as well. Given enough time, he is able to chew through just about anything, an ability he some times finds use for in combat. He tends to scream and yell at people to distract and slow them down, while he can move with enough speed to trip and knock back foes in a collision. For his part, Ratatoskr survives the collision due to his own divine protection: He is protected by the blessings of the gods, and a certain degree of hurt will simply not reach him. COMPLICATIONS See Holger Danske's Annoying Squirrel complication. ABILITIES 0 + 10 + 12 + 0 + 4 + 6 = 32PP Strength: 1 (-5) / 10 (+0) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 22 (+6) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +4 Base, +8 Melee (+4 Base, +4 Diminutive Size), +8 Ranged (+4 Base, +4 Diminutive Size), see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +14 (+5 Base, +4 Diminutive Size, +5 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Grapple: -13 (+4 Base Attack, -5 Strength, -12 Diminutive Size) Knockback: -6 (Impervious Toughness 6) SAVING THROWS 0 + 5 + 4 = 9PP Toughness: +6 (+6 Con)Impervious Toughness 6 Fortitude: +6 (+6 Con, +0) Reflex: +10 (+5 Dex, +5) Will: +6 (+2 Wis, +4) SKILLS 40R = 10PP Bluff 12 (+15)Skill Mastery Diplomacy 7 (+10)Skill Mastery Gather Information 7 (+10)Skill Mastery Intimidation 0 (-3)Diminutive Size Notice 8 (+10) Sense Motive 3 (+5) Stealth 3 (+20)Diminutive Size, Skill Mastery FEATS 16PP Dodge Focus 5 Evasion 2 Hide In Plain Sight Improved Initiative 1 Setup Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Stealth) Teamwork 3 Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Well-Informed POWERS 14 + 12 + 11 + 6 + 15 + 6 + 3 = 67 All have the Divine descriptor, unless otherwise noted Annoying Squirrel Array 6 (12PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [14PP] BP: Drain Toughness 10 (Extras: Affects Objects; Flaws: Limited [Objects Only]; Feats: Accurate, Precise) {12/12} (Descriptors: Drill-Tooth, Teeth, Biting, Piercing Damage Type) AP: Paralyze 10 (Extras: Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Saving Throw [Reflex], Sense-Dependent [Auditory], Slow) {10/12} (Descriptors: Screaming Squirrel, Sonic) AP: Trip 10 (Extras: Knockback; Flaws: Range [Touch]; Feats: Accurate, Improved Throw) {12/12} (Descriptors: Squirrel Collision) Comprehend 6 (Speak to and Understand Animals, Speak, Understand and Read All Languages at Once) [12PP] (Descriptors: Messenger Squirrel) Divine Messenger Array 5 (10PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [11PP] BP: {4 + 2 + 4 = 10/10} (Descriptors: Fast and Nimble, Enhanced Physiology) Leaping 4 (Leap distance x25; Running leap X ft.) [4PP] Quickness 2 (Routine Tasks at x10 Speed) [2PP] Speed 4 (100 MPH / 1000 ft./rnd) [4PP] AP: Teleport 3 (Extras: Affects Others; Feats: Change Direction) (100 ft. / 1000 ft.) {10/10} (Descriptors: Instant Messenger, Speed) Impervious Toughness 6 [6PP] (Descriptors: Divine Protection) Shrinking 12 (Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Permanent; Feats: Innate, Normal Movement, Normal Toughness) (Size modifiers: Size [Diminutive], ATK/DEF +4, Strength -12, Grapple -12, Stealth +12, Intimidation -6) [15PP] (Descriptors: Fun Size, Physiology, No Divine) Super-Movement 3 (Trackless, Wall-Crawling 2) [6PP] (Descriptors: Squirrel Climb, Physiology) Super-Senses 3 (Danger Sense [Sense Types: Auditory], Audiotory [Sense Type: Normal Hearing; Default Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged; Extras: Accurate]) [3PP] (Descriptors: Squirrel Senses, Physiology) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC10 TOU (staged) Damage Drill-Tooth Touch DC20 FORT (staged) TOU Drain +10, Objects Only, Precise Screaming Squirrel Perception DC20 Reflex Avoid Slowed effect Sense-Dependent [Auditory] DC20 Will Slowed Squirrel Collision Touch Opposed Trip Trip + Knockback Improved Throw Totals: Abilities (32) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (9) + Skills (10) + Feats (16) + Powers (67) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 (edited) Justice Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 10 Power Points: 231/231PPUnspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: Defensive Trade-offs vary between TOU+5/DEF-5, None and TOU-5/DEF+5, see ScaleDriver Weight System In Brief: Genius tokusatsu fangirl making her dreams come true. Catchphrase: [Scales set! Are you ready?] "Henshin!" [Time for justice!] Theme: Hell No! - Mel Senese Alternate Identity: Robin Lynne Langley (Secret)Birthplace: Emerald City Residence: Riverside, Freedom City Base of Operations: The Secret Headquarters, Riverside, Freedom CityOccupation: Comic, Gaming & Hobby Store Owner, AdventurerAffiliations: NoneFamily: Anna Maria Langley (mother), Lucas John Langley (father), Lucas John Langley Jr. (2 years older brother), Mark Milton Langley (20 years younger brother), Dottie Patricia Langley (paternal grandmother) DESCRIPTION Age: (DoB: 1997 [April 1st])Gender: FemaleEthnicity: CaucasianHeight: 5'5''Weight: 125 lbs.Eyes: GreenHair: Dark brown Robin is slender, her body honed by years of gymnastics. Her dark brown hair is, quite frankly, a mess that stands out in all directions. She has green eyes and wears glasses with red frames. She will usually dress casually, preferring t-shirts with prints or logos of cartoon characters, dragons and so on. Lately, she has taken to wearing jackets, pants and shoes over the undersuit for her armor. As Justice, Robin wears the ScaleDriver, a grey belt with a darker grey core, forming a sort of A shape with a triangle pointing down from the center of the A and reaching the same parts as the sides of the A in front of Justice. The center of the belt holders a red scale, slightly protruding from the rest of the belt. Activating the ScaleDriver causes the undersuit to appear, unfolding from the belt: A black suit with while soles, three white stripes on both sides of Robin's abdomen, a white line running from each shoulder and down her chest, and thinner white lines around her neck and the inside of her arms near the elbows. While the back of Robin's hands and her palms are covered, her fingers are left free. By scanning an ImagiCard on each of the weights on the scale and setting the weight, Robin can summon the Justice Armor X from Z-Space: Armored red boots with blue knees and shins, with thick white trim, blue armored shoulders and outer upper arms, with the lower arms beind completed covered, with additional white armor over the knuckles and the back of the hand. The center of Robin's chest, stretching from her shoulders and down to the ScaleDriver belt, is covered in red armor. The blue armor on the shoulders extends up in a collar around the side of her neck. She wars a red helmet that completely hides her features, with white guard in front of the mouth, white armor on the side of the hand and a white crest or crown with grey center at the front. Her eyes are hidden behind a black visor with blue trim. She wears a long white scarf around her neck. HISTORY Robin Lynne Langley has lived in Emerald City her entire life, always wondering why she lived in the one city that didn't seem to have any super heroes at all. Still, she loved heroes of all kinds, and if she couldn't find them by staring up at the sky, she would find them in comics and on the screen. When he older brother Lucas Jr. introduced her to the world of Japanese Tokusatsu, she was sold, even going as far as starting gymnastics due to her inspiration. Growing up, she kept her dream of really seeing heroes alive, Robin eventually decided that one day, she would be a hero. Eventually enrolling at Emerald City University, she sought out any class, course or knowledge that could help her in her goal, ending up with a rather varied curriculum, only broadening her knowledge of science in particular. She was only emboldened by the appearance of the Emerald Spider. Finally, using a combination of her own funds and components made available at the university, Robin created the first version of her Justice Driver and Justice Buster, setting out into Emerald City to become a hero. Since her debut, Robin has faced gangs of thieves, monsters, super natural threats and much more. She has been gifted her grandmother's amulet, that she once used as the super hero Miss Step, allowing her to access Z-Space, where she has established headquarters in an abandoned structure, though not going unnoticed by other inhabitants. She has worked through multiple iterations of her armor, finally settling on a modular design. Faced with the knowledge that MarsTech had stolen her designs to create the Ultio Suits and that Max Mars himself had discovered her identity, Robin put out the call to the heroes of Emerald City. Gathering together, the group has started to work against Max Mars and MarsTech, Justice has been thrust into a leadership role that she never expected to find herself in. Robin did not defeat the secret group by Max Mars and MarsTech. Despite her attempts, the whole thing fell apart, and she was eventually captured and disappeared from Emerald City. Six months later, Robin reappared in Freedom City, the owner of the new Riverside comic, gaming and hobby shop the Secret Headquarters. She seems to have forgotten that she was ever a super hero. Faced with villains rampaging through Riverside, Robin found the mysterious ScaleDriver hidden in a stockroom in the Secret Headquarters. Donning the belt, she became Justice for the first time once again. As Robin begins to rediscover herself, she will have to figure out just what happened to her, why it happened... and maybe why Max Mars and his Ultio Program has made their way to Freedom City. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Robin is a dreamer. Anything is possible if you have the will and make your own means. Intellectually gifted and curious, she will pursue anything that strikes her fancy. A great fan of super heroes, she has been disappointed at the lack of any prominent heroes in Emerald City, which is part of her reason for deciding to become a hero herself. The other part is her great love of Japanese Tokusatsu shows, which has inspired the technology she uses. She is idealistic, usually willing to give almost anyone the benefit of doubt, but can be surprisingly ruthless in combat. Since arriving in Freedom City, Robin seems to suffer from partial amnesia, having forgotten that she was ever a super hero. She is slowly rediscovering herself, leading to sudden shifts in personality: One moment, she might act as a rookie hero that has no idea what she's doing, before acting as a veteran hero the next. POWERS & TACTICS Robin will usually try and talk her opponent into surrendering at first. Otherwise, she will engage using her arsenal and any other gadgets she has managed to bring along. She will usually switch rapidly between weapons, using whatever the situation calls for, while creating portals to Z-Space to exchange other bits and pieces of her armor while in action. Robin posses no innate powers. All her abilities come from gymnastic skills or technology she created herself. While she had studied magic under Salvo, she has found herself utterly unable to actually use magic herself, instead relying on merging technology and magic as what she has dubbed WonderTech. After several different battle suit iterations and design philosophies, including her prototype suit and using a number of different armors for different situations, Robin's newest armor channels powers directly from Z-Space. As with previous versions, the undersuit unfolds from Robin's belt, dubbed the ScaleDriver, while other armor pieces are summoned from Z-Space and attaches directly to Robin. Robin's grandmother's amulet powers the ScaleDriver and allows Robin to access Z-Space and teleport short distances in real space, while also giving her access to her storage. She uses a number of different gadgets she has created or cobbles together on the fly as needed. The Justice Armor X enhances Robin's physical capabilities and assists her in combat, including a built-in A.I. that assists in combat. Robin can switch between different weapons and armor by scanning magically programmed NFC cards that she has dubbed HeroCards to the two scales on her belt, with each HeroCard being able to activate either the Alpha or Beta slot. By manipulating the weights on the scale, she can increase or decrease her armor, allowing her to switch between three modes: Balance: a balanced mode, Lightweight: Quick, but with little armor and Heavyweight: Slow, but heavily armored. Robin commonly uses the following HeroCards to set her armor's Alpha Slot, giving her access to different attacks: Lady Liberty: Melee focused, with enhanced strikes. Justice: Gives Robin access to the Justice Kick, damaging everything in her path. Patriot: Gives Robin access to the Patriot Blaster, a weapon with variable magical attacks. Emerald Spider: Gives Robin access to Quantum Webbing, used to entangle her targets. Captain Thunder: Gives Robin access the stunning Thunder Strike. and the following HeroCards to set her armor's Beta Slot, giving her different defensive and utility abilities: Centurion: Enhanced strength and environmental defenses. Synapse: Psionic efenses and mental senses. Raven: Stealth focused abilities. Freedom Eagle: Flight and gives Robin access to the Eagle Blaster, which she can use to channel any of her attacks at a range, making some of her attacks instant hits. Velocity: Increased speed. While these are the HeroCards commonly used by Robin, she has access to others through stunts. Furthermore, Robin can access the more powerful World's Finest Mode armor by using the Centurion HeroCard in the Alpha slot and the Raven HeroCard in the Beta slot at the same time. COMPLICATIONS Fangirl: Robin is a big fan of super heroes. Even as experienced as she has become, meeting a famous hero can give her pause, or at worst go into complete fangirl mode. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if fangirling over another hero causes her to skip a turn or otherwise become distracted. Friend In Need: If given a situation where she can stop a villain or save someone, Robin will always try to save another person first, even if it might not be the smartest action. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if a situation arises where she has to choose between saving someone or defeating a villain, and Justice's choice to save someone lets the villain get away or get an advantage over her. HeroCards: Robin uses special cards with NFC reader and magic code to activate her different weapons and abilities. While she can quickly use different cards, situations can arise where change weapons just isn't feasible, such as being in a situation where she can't use her arms or being caught in an intense fight. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if they decide that the situation makes it difficult or outright impossible for Justice to activate a new HeroCard, which in turn means that Justice can't change the active powers in her ScaleDriver Alpha Slot and ScaleDriver Beta Slot arrays. Mars Attacks: While Justice has become an enemy of the entire Chamber of Emerald City, she has, in particular, become one of Max Mars' targets. While he has kept her around for now, he is not above sending enemies to mess with her just because he can. Ultio Suit Users tend to attack Justice on sight, for instance. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point by, at any point, deciding to involve Max Mars' machinations in the plot, such as sending a group of Ultio Suit Users to make life difficult for Justice and her allies. Motor Mouth: Robin likes to talk. A lot. She can just keep going if she wants to, and doesn't always know when to not explain something. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if her constant talking causes issues, such as making a social situation worse or getting her in trouble by overxplaining thing. No Secret Identity: Somehow, Robin was lucky enough that only Max Mars learned her secret identity back in Emerald City. Her debut in Freedom City was much too public for that, and her identity is now out in the open. On the other hand, she does usually wear an armor while working as a hero, so she won't be as easy to recognize as someone running around without a mask. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if her lack of secret identity causes issues, such as people recognizing her. Power Up Let Down: Justice's World's Finest Mode. armor, accessed through the Morph power Centurion/Raven: World's Finest requires large amounts of power to run. The GM can effectively veto any use of the World's Finest Mode Armor if they don't want Justice to use it in a thread. Invoking this complication does not award Justice a Hero Point, but allows the GM an excuse to keep Justice from increasing in PL during a thread. ABILITIES 4 + 4 + 8 + 14 + 6 + 6 = 42PP Strength: 14 (+2) / [Justice Armor X] 18 (+4)Dexterity: 14 (+2) / [Justice Armor X] 16 (+3)Constitution: 18 (+4)Intelligence: 24 (+7)Wisdom: 16 (+3)Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +7 (+7 Int [Speed of Thought]) / [Justice Armor X] +11 (+7 Int [Speed of Thought], +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +4 Base / [Justice Armor X] +4 Base, +10 for Individual Attacks, +10 MeleeLady Liberty HeroCard(+4 Base, +6 Attack Focus [Melee]) Defense: +4 Base, +2 Flat-Footed / [Justice Armor X] +10 (+4 Base Defense, +1 Enhanced Defense, +5 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Balance), +5 (+4 Base Defense, +1 Enhanced Defense, +0 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Heavyweight), +15 (+4 Base Defense, +1 Enhanced Defense, +10 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Lightweight), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +6 (+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength) / [Justice Armor X] +8 (+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength, +2 Enh. Strength), +14Lady Liberty HeroCard(+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength, +2 Enh. Strength, +6 Attack Focus [Melee]), +20Lady Liberty/Centurion HeroCard(+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength, +2 Enh. Strength, +6 Attack Focus [Melee], +6 Super-Strength), +22Lady Liberty/Centurion HeroCard/Balance(+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength, +2 Enh. Strength, +6 Attack Focus [Melee], +8 Super-Strength) Knockback: -2 (TOU 4) / [Justice Armor X] -2 (TOU 5 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Lightweight), -5 (TOU 10 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Balance), -12 (TOU 15, Imp. TOU 10, ScaleDriver Weight System set to Heavyweight) SAVING THROWS 6 + 5 + 8 = 19PP Toughness: +4 (+4 Con) / [Justice Armor X] +10 (+4 Con, +1 Protection, +5 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Balance), +15/Imp. Tou 10 (+4 Con, +1 Protection, +10 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Heavyweight), +5 (+4 Con, +1 Protection, +0 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Lightweight) Fortitude: +10 (+4 Con, +6) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) / [Justice Armor X] +8 (+2 Dex, +1 Enh. Dex, +5), +10 (+2 Dex, +1 Enh. Dex, +5, +2 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Balance), +12 (+2 Dex, +1 Enh. Dex, +5, +4 ScaleDriver Weight System set to Lightweight) Will: +11 (+3 Wis, +8) SKILLS 124R = 31PP Acrobatics 12 (+14) / [Justice Armor X] (+15) Computers 8 (+15) Concentration 7 (+10) Craft [Electronics] 8 (+15) Craft [Mechanical] 8 (+15) Diplomacy 12 (+15) Disable Device 8 (+15) Drive 7 (+9) / [Justice Armor X] (+10) Gather Information 7 (+10) Investigate 3 (+10) Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 3 (+10) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 8 (+15) Knowledge [Popular Culture] 5 (+12) Knowledge [Technology] 8 (+15) Medicine 3 (+10) Notice 7 (+10) Search 3 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+10) FEATS 11PP Acrobatic Bluff Artificer Challenge [Fast Acrobatic Bluff] Equipment 7 [Veteran Reward] Improvised Tools Inventor Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 3 Speed of Thought Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Enhanced Feats Accurate Attack Attack Focus [Melee] 6Lady Liberty HeroCard Evasion 2 Improved Initiative Power Attack Quick Change Takedown Attack 2Justice Strikes Uncanny Dodge [Mental]Synapse HeroCard Uncanny Dodge [Visual] Equipment: 7PP = 35EP The Law Rider (Vehicle; Motorcycle) [15EP] Spoiler Size: Medium [0EP]Strength: 15 [1EP]Defense: 10 [0EP]Toughness: 8 [3EP]Features: [5EP] - Alarm - Caltrops - Oil Slick - Navigation System - Remote Control Powers: [6EP] - Speed 5 (250 mph / 2500 ft/rnd) [5EP] - Super-Movement 2 (Options: Wall-Crawling 2, Flaws: Limited [only while moving]) [1EP] The AnneX (Headquarters; Abandoned Outpost in Z-Space) [20EP] Spoiler Size: Large [1EP]Defense: 10 [0EP]Toughness: 5 [0EP]Features: [14EP] Communications Computer Defense System Fire Prevention System Garage Gym Infirmary Isolated [In Z-Space] Laboratory Library Living Space Power System Security System Workshop Powers: [5EP] - Teleport 8 (Flaws: Limited [Return to Previous Location on Earth-Prime], Long-Range; Feats: Dimensional) (2000 mile range from Riverside in Freedom City) [5EP] (Descriptors: Earth Teleport, Technology) NOTE: Characters approved by Justice can add the following 1PP power to be able to reach the AnneX without needing Justice to bring them: Super Movement 1 (Dimensional Movement [To Justice's Z-Space HQ]; Flaws: Hard-to-lose) [1PP] (Descriptors: Z-Space HQ Teleport Beacon, Technology) POWERS 14 + 90 + 8 = 112PP Device 3 (15DP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Restricted 2 [Only Robin can use]) [14PP] (Descriptors: Grandmother's Amulet, Magic) Dimensional Pocket 2 (PF: Progression 3 (1,000 lbs) [5DP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Magic, Z-Space) Feature 2 (Adaptible Power Source - Can be used to power anything that requires power to function) [2DP] (Descriptors: Magic) Z-Space Array 3.5 (7DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [8DP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Magic, Z-Space) BP: Teleport 4 (Flaws: Short-Range; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Turnabout) (400 ft. distance) {7/7} (Descriptors: Combat Teleport) AP: Super-Movement 1 (Dimensional Movement [To and From Z-Space]; Extras: Portal (+2), Feats: Alternate Power 1, Progression [Portal Size] 3) (Up to 50ft x 50ft portal) {7/7} (Descriptors: Z-Space Portal) Device 22 (110DP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Restricted 2 [Only Robin can use]) [90PP] (Descriptors: Justice Armor X, Invention, Magic, Technology) Datalink 2 (Radio; 100 feet; Feats: Machine Control) [3DP] (Descriptors: Remote Hacking) Enhanced Dexterity 2 [2DP] (Descriptors: A.I. Assisted Coordination) Enhanced Feat 5 (Accurate Attack, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative, Power Attack) [5DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1DP] (Descriptors: Instant Armor) Enhanced Strength 4 [4DP] (Descriptors: Enhanced Musculature) Enhanced Trait 2 (Defense Bonus+1) [2DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines) Features 2 (Built-in Subtle Computer) [2DP] (Descriptors: Computer, A.I. System) Morph 1 (One Form [World's Finest Mode]; Feats: Metamorph 1) [2DP] (Descriptors: Centurion/Raven: World's Finest, Super Mode) Protection 1 [1DP] (Descriptors: Armor) ScaleDriver Alpha Slot 14.5 (29DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [33DP] (Descriptors: Weapons, Z-Space) BP: {24 + 6 = 29/29DP} (Descriptors: Lady Liberty HeroCard) Damage 6 (Extras: Penetrating 5; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3, Knockback 5, Mighty, Takedown Attack 2) [24DP] (Descriptors: Justice Strikes, Kicks, Punches, Enhanced Musculature, Bludgeoning Damage Type) Enhanced Feat 6 (Attack Focus [Melee] 6) [6DP] AP: {13 + 16 = 29/29DP} (Descriptors: Justice HeroCard, Justice Kick, Enhanced Musculature, Finishing Move, Bludgeoning Damage Type) Damage 6 (Extras: Area [General Trail], Linked [Drain Toughness] (+0); Feats: Mighty) (60 ft. trail area) [13DP] Drain Toughness 10 (Extras: Area [General Trail], Linked [Damage] (+0); Drawback: Progression [Area Size] 4) (60 ft. trail area) [16DP] AP: Blast 10 (Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 1, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Magic]) {29/29DP} (Descriptors: Patriot HeroCard, Patriot Blaster, Variable Ammunition, Z-Space Portals) AP: Snare 10 (Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3, Tether) {29/29DP} (Descriptors: Emerald Spider HeroCard, Quantum Webbing) AP: Stun 10 (Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3, Sedation) {29/29DP} (Descriptors: Captain Thunder HeroCard, Thunder Strike, Electricity) ScaleDriver Beta Slot 10.5 (21DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [25DP] (Descriptors: Armor, Z-Space) BP: {16 + 5 = 21/21DP} (Descriptors: Centurion HeroCard) Super-Strength 6 (Feats: Groundstrike, Shockwave, Super-Breath, Thunderclap) (+30 STR Carry, Heavy Load: 9.6 tons) [16DP] (Descriptors: Centurion's Strength) Immunity 9 (Life Support; Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [5DP] (Descriptors: Centurion's Protection) AP: {10 + 11 = 21/21DP} (Descriptors: Synapse HeroCard) Immunity 10 (Psionic Effects) [10DP] (Descriptors: Psi-Shield) Super-Senses 11 (Danger Sense [Sense Types: Mental], Mental [Sense Type: Mental; Default Extras: None; Extras: Accurate, Acute, Counters Concealment, Counters Illusion, Radius, Ranged]) [21PP] (Descriptors: Danger Sense) AP: {3 + 10 + 6 + 2 = 21/21DP} (Descriptors: Raven HeroCard, Stealth) Concealed Attack 3 Adds (Feats: Insidious, Subtle 2) to Weight Alpha Array [3DP] (Descriptors: Hidden Attacks) Concealment 10 (All Senses; Flaws: Blending) [10DP] (Descriptors: Superior Stealth) Obscure 6 (Visual Obscure; Flaws: Range [Touch]) [6DP] (Descriptors: Instant Darkness, Darkness) Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) [2DP] AP: {11 + 10 = 21/21DP} (Descriptors: Freedom Eagle HeroCard, Flight, Range) Eagle Eyes 10 Adds (Extras: Range; Feats: Progression [Range] 1) to Weight Alpha Array [11DP] (Descriptors: Eagle Eyes, Blaster, Channel Attacks, Z-Space) Flight 5 (250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd.) [10DP] (Descriptors: Wings of Freedom, Flight, Gravity) AP: {10 + 4 + 3 + 4 = 21/21DP} (Descriptors: Velocity HeroCard, Super Speed) Full Velocity 10 Adds (Extras: Autofire) to Weight Alpha Array [10DP] (Descriptors: Full Velocity, Quick hits) Speed 4 (100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd.) [4DP] Stacks with Speed in Weight System Array Balance: Total Speed 6 (500 mph, 5000 ft./rnd.) Lightweight: Total Speed 8 (2500 mph, 25,000 ft./rnd.) Super-Movement 4 (Sure-Footed 2, Wall-Crawling 2; Flaws: Limited [While Moving]) [3DP] Quickness 4 (Tasks at x25 Speed) [4DP] ScaleDriver Weight System 10 (20DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22DP] BP: {5 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 4 = 20/20} (Descriptors: Balance) Enhanced Feat 5 (Dodge Focus 5; Total Defense +10) [5DP] Enhanced Trait 2 (Reflex Save +2) [2DP] Leaping 2 (Leap distance x5: Running 70 ft.) [2DP] Protection 5 (Total Toughness +10) [5DP] Speed 2 (25 MPH, 250 ft./rnd) [2DP] Super-Strength 2 (+10 Effective Strength, heavy load: 700 lbs./1200 lbs.) [4DP] (Descriptors: Enhanced Musculature) AP: {10 + 10 = 20/20} (Descriptors: Heavyweight) Impervious Toughness 10 [10DP] Protection 10 (Total Toughness +15) [10DP] AP: {10 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 20/20} (Descriptors: Lightweight) Enhanced Feat 10 (Dodge Focus 10; Total Defense +15) [10DP] Enhanced Trait 4 (Reflex Save +4) [4DP] Leaping 2 (Leap distance x5: Running 70 ft.) [2DP] Speed 4 (100 MPH, 1000 ft./rnd) [4DP] Super-Senses 8 (Counters Visual Concealment, Counters Visual Obscure, Uncanny Dodge [Visual]) [8DP] (Descriptors: H.U.D., Computer Analysis, Combat Subroutines) Gadgets 1 (5PP Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers At Once; Extras: Duration [Continuous]) [8PP] (Descriptors: Summon Gadgets, Invention, Technology, Z-Space) Sample powers Spoiler Grappling Gun: Speed 1 (Extras: Linked) + Super Movement 2 (Options: Slow Fall, Swinging; Extras: Linked) {5/5PP}Electro-Static Pads: Super Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) {4/5PP}Gas Mask w. Air Supply: Immunity 2 (Gas Descriptor) [2PP] + Immunity 2 (Suffocation Effects; Flaws: Limited [1 hour air supply]) [1PP] {3/5PP}Full Spectrum Goggles: Super Senses 5 (Infravision, Ultravision, Analytical Full Vision, Microscopic Vision 1 [dust-sized]) {5/5PP}First Aid Kit: Enhanced Trait 1 (Medicine +4) {1/5PP}Gadgeteer's Tools: Enhanced Trait 2 (Craft [Electronics] +4, Craft [Mechanical] +4) {2/5PP}Hacker's Toolkit: Enhanced Trait 1 (Computers +4) {1/5PP} DRAWBACKS 0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack Bonus Unarmed Touch DC17 TOU (staged) Damage +4 Unarmed – Lady Liberty HeroCard Touch DC19 TOU (staged) Damage +10 Justice Strike Touch 100 ft.Freedom Eagle DC25 TOU (staged) Damage +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3, Knockback 5, Penetrating 5, Takedown Attack 2, AutofireVelocity, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven Justice Kick 60 ft. Trail Area 100 ft.Freedom Eagle DC20 Fort (staged) TOU Drain General Trail Area, linked to Damage Effect, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven DC25 TOU (staged) Damage General Trail Area, linked to TOU Drain Effect, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven Patriot Blaster 100 ft. PerceptionFreedom Eagle DC25 TOU (staged) Damage +10, Crit 19-20, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological] , AutofireVelocity, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven Quantum Webbing 100 ft. PerceptionFreedom Eagle DC20 REF (staged) Fail: Entangled >5/2nd Fail: Bound & Helpless +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3, Tether, AutofireVelocity, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven Thunder Strike Touch 100 ft.Freedom Eagle DC20 FORT (staged) Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned >10: Unconscious +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3, Sedation, AutofireVelocity, Insidious, Subtle 2Raven Totals: Abilities (42) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (31) + Feats (11) + Powers (112) - Drawbacks (0) = 231/231 Power Points Edited September 24, 2021 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 (edited) Justice - World's Finest Mode Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 231/231PPUnspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: Defensive Trade-offs vary between TOU+5/DEF-5, None and TOU-5/DEF+5, see Brave and Bold In Brief: Genius tokusatsu fangirl making her dreams come true, powered up with a super mode. Catchphrase: [Centurion! Raven! Brave and Bold! Are you ready!?] "Henshin!" [Unlimited Imagination, Endless Possibility: World's Finest!] Theme: Light Up the Sky - Thousand Foot Krutch DESCRIPTION The World's Finest Mode Armor has a light blue undersuit, not unlike the black undersuit that Robin wears with his Justice Armor X. It has armored golde nboots with faint golden knees and shins, with thick white trim and golden shoulder pads and armor in the front, stretching down to her ScaleDriver Belt. The scale on the belt has changed to gold instead of red. Faint gold armor covers the outside of Justice's arms, while her hands are covered by golden gauntlets with 3 rights of dark blue segments. Her chest displays a vaguely bird-shaped dark blue form, with a white head directly under her neck. Her neck and main helmet is cast in pale gold, with dark blue, abstract wings at the side of her helmet, connected to a dark blue crest. Her mouth is hidden behind a white mouth guard, her eyes behind a dark visor with golden trim. An asymmetrical white cape is directly connected to the armor, with the right side being shorter than the left. The right side reaches to just below Robin's hips, while the left side reaches her ankles. POWERS & TACTICS Robin can activate her armor's World's Finest Mode by scanning the Centurion and Raven HeroCards in the Alpha and Beta slots, respectively. While other HeroCards activations merely changes aspects of Robin's Justice Armor X by adding or removing weapons and armor pieces, the World's Finest Mode is an entirely different armor, geared primarily towards fighting, with little utility compared to Robin's standard armor. The World's Finest Mode armor utilizes energy drawn directly from Z-Space in addition to the power drawn from Robin's amulet. The armor channels the Z-Space energy stored in the suit into Justice's gauntlets and boots for a number of powerful effects. At the most basic effect, Justice can combine the power with the speed of the suit to perform rapid fire Hero Srikes, or with teleportation to quickly strike every target in the area around her with a Tactical Teleport Strike. By focusing on her target's defenses and armor, Justice can throw a multitude of Armor Breaker Blows that let her slowly wear down her foes' defenses, opening them up for further attacks. By overwhelming her foe with a barrage of Lightning Speed Stun Strikes, Robin can temporarily stun them, even teleporting her blows to different locations around her target for surprise attacks. Finally, she can channel the Z-Space energy into a Rainbow Spiral Shockwave: Releasing spiralling waves of rainbow Z-Space energy around her, Robin weaves them around those that she wishes to keep safe, while knocking anyone caught in the shockwaves off their feet and away from her. The armor enhances the teleportation offered by Robin's grandmother's amulet and allows her to fly and act at super speed. She can manipulate defensive output between powerful force fields and enhanced reaction speed that allows her to avoid most attacks. Like the Justice Armor X, the armor enhances many of Robin's own physical attributes, multiple combat routines and an built in A.I. that aids Robin in combat. While the World's Finest Mode armor is overall more powerful than the Justice Armor X, it posses one major drawback, as it requires massive amounts of power to operate. As such, Justice can only use the armor for a limited amount of time. Robin still has access to her gadgets and abilities granted by her grandmother's amulet while using World's Finest Mode. COMPLICATIONS Fangirl: Robin is a big fan of super heroes. Even as experienced as she has become, meeting a famous hero can give her pause, or at worst go into complete fangirl mode. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if fangirling over another hero causes her to skip a turn or otherwise become distracted. Friend In Need: If given a situation where she can stop a villain or save someone, Robin will always try to save another person first, even if it might not be the smartest action. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if a situation arises where she has to choose between saving someone or defeating a villain, and Justice's choice to save someone lets the villain get away or get an advantage over her. HeroCards: Robin uses special cards with NFC reader and magic code to activate her different weapons and abilities. While she can quickly use different cards, situations can arise where change weapons just isn't feasible, such as being in a situation where she can't use her arms or being caught in an intense fight. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if they decide that the situation makes it difficult or outright impossible for Justice to activate a new HeroCard, which in turn means that Justice can't change the active powers in her ScaleDriver Alpha Slot and ScaleDriver Beta Slot arrays. Mars Attacks: While Justice has become an enemy of the entire Chamber of Emerald City, she has, in particular, become one of Max Mars' targets. While he has kept her around for now, he is not above sending enemies to mess with her just because he can. Ultio Suit Users tend to attack Justice on sight, for instance. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point by, at any point, deciding to involve Max Mars' machinations in the plot, such as sending a group of Ultio Suit Users to make life difficult for Justice and her allies. Motor Mouth: Robin likes to talk. A lot. She can just keep going if she wants to, and doesn't always know when to not explain something. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if her constant talking causes issues, such as making a social situation worse or getting her in trouble by overxplaining thing. No Secret Identity: Somehow, Robin was lucky enough that only Max Mars learned her secret identity back in Emerald City. Her debut in Freedom City was much too public for that, and her identity is now out in the open. On the other hand, she does usually wear an armor while working as a hero, so she won't be as easy to recognize as someone running around without a mask. The GM can award Justice a Hero Point if her lack of secret identity causes issues, such as people recognizing her. Power At Price: Justice's World's Finest Mode armor requires large amounts of power to run and can often only be used for a short time before Robin is forced to return to her normal armor. The GM can force Justice to revert to her normal Justice Armor X, awarding her a Hero Point in return. ABILITIES 4 + 4 + 8 + 14 + 6 + 6 = 42PP Strength: 14 (+2)Dexterity: 14 (+2) / [World's Finest Armor] 16 (+3)Constitution: 18 (+4)Intelligence: 24 (+7)Wisdom: 16 (+3)Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +7 (+7 Int [Speed of Thought]) / [World's Finest Armor] +11 (+7 Int [Speed of Thought], +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +4 Base, [World's Finest Armor] +6 Base, See individual Attack Bonuses for attacks in DC Block Defense: +4 Base, +2 Flat-footed, [World's Finest Armor] +12 (+4 Base, +3 Enhanced Defense, +5 from Brave and Bold set to Brave and Bold), +7 (+4 Base, +3 Enhanced Defense, +0 from Brave and Bold set to Brave),+17 (+4 Base, +3 Enhanced Defense, +10 fromBrave and Bold set to Bold), +4 Flat-Footed Grapple: +6 (+4 Base Attack, +2 Strength), [World's Finest Armor] +8 (+4 Base Attack, +2 Enh. Base Attack, +2 Strength) Knockback: -2 (TOU 4/2), [World's Finest Armor] -4 to -9 (TOU 7-17, based on Brave and Bold) SAVING THROWS 6 + 5 + 8 = 19PP Toughness: +4 (+4 Con), [World's Finest Armor] +12 (+4 Base, +3 Enhanced Defense, +5 fromBrave and Bold set to Brave and Bold), +7 (+4 Base, +3 Enhanced Defense, +0 from Brave and Bold set to Bold),+17 (+4 Base, +3 Enhanced Defense, +10 from Brave and Bold set to Brave), +4 Flat-Footed Fortitude: +10 (+4 Con, +6) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) / [World's Finest Armor] +14 (+2 Dex, +1 Enh. Dex, +5, +6 Enh. Reflex Save) Will: +11 (+3 Wis, +8) SKILLS 124R = 31PP Acrobatics 12 (+14) / [World's Finest Armor] (+15) Computers 8 (+15) Concentration 7 (+10) Craft [Electronics] 8 (+15) Craft [Mechanical] 8 (+15) Diplomacy 12 (+15) Disable Device 8 (+15) Drive 7 (+9) / [World's Finest Armor] (+10) Gather Information 7 (+10) Investigate 3 (+10) Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 3 (+10) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 8 (+15) Knowledge [Popular Culture] 5 (+12) Knowledge [Technology] 8 (+15) Medicine 3 (+10) Notice 7 (+10) Search 3 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+10) FEATS 11PP Acrobatic Bluff Artificer Challenge [Fast Acrobatic Bluff] Equipment 7 [Veteran Reward] Improvised Tools Inventor Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 3 Speed of Thought Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Enhanced Feats Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Defensive Attack Improved Initiative Power Attack Quick Change Uncanny Dodge [Visual] Equipment: 7PP = 35EP The Law Rider (Vehicle; Motorcycle) [15EP] Spoiler Size: Medium [0EP]Strength: 15 [1EP]Defense: 10 [0EP]Toughness: 8 [3EP]Features: [5EP] - Alarm - Caltrops - Oil Slick - Navigation System - Remote Control Powers: [6EP] - Speed 5 (250 mph / 2500 ft/rnd) [5EP] - Super-Movement 2 (Options: Wall-Crawling 2, Flaws: Limited [only while moving]) [1EP] The AnneX (Headquarters; Abandoned Outpost in Z-Space) [20EP] Spoiler Size: Large [1EP]Defense: 10 [0EP]Toughness: 5 [0EP]Features: [14EP] Communications Computer Defense System Fire Prevention System Garage Gym Infirmary Isolated [In Z-Space] Laboratory Library Living Space Power System Security System Workshop Powers: [5EP] - Teleport 8 (Flaws: Limited [Return to Previous Location on Earth-Prime], Long-Range; Feats: Dimensional) (2000 mile range from Riverside in Freedom City) [5EP] (Descriptors: Earth Teleport, Technology) NOTE: Characters approved by Justice can add the following 1PP power to be able to reach the AnneX without needing Justice to bring them: Super Movement 1 (Dimensional Movement [To Justice's Z-Space HQ]; Flaws: Hard-to-lose) [1PP] (Descriptors: Z-Space HQ Teleport Beacon, Technology) POWERS 14 + 90 + 8 = 112PP Device 3 (15DP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Restricted 2 [Only Robin can use]) [14PP] (Descriptors: Grandmother's Amulet, Magic) Dimensional Pocket 2 (PF: Progression 3 (1,000 lbs) [5DP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Magic, Z-Space) Feature 2 (Adaptible Power Source - Can be used to power anything that requires power to function) [2DP] (Descriptors: Magic) Z-Space Array 3.5 (7DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [8DP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Magic, Z-Space) BP: Teleport 4 (Flaws: Short-Range; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Turnabout) (400 ft. distance) {7/7} (Descriptors: Combat Teleport) AP: Super-Movement 1 (Dimensional Movement [To and From Z-Space]; Extras: Portal (+2), Feats: Alternate Power 1, Progression [Portal Size] 3) (Up to 50ft x 50ft portal) {7/7} (Descriptors: Z-Space Portal) Device 22 (110DP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Restricted 2 [Only Robin can use]) [90PP] (Descriptors: Justice Armor X - World's Finest Mode, Invention, Magic, Technology) Brave and Bold 5 (10DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [13DP] (Descriptors: Magic, Z-Space Energy) BP: {5 + 5 = 10/10} (Descriptors: Brave and Bold, Balanced Speed and Shields) Enhanced Feat 5 (Dodge Focus 5; Total Defense +10) {5DP} Protection 5 (Extras: Force Field (+0); Total Toughness +10) {5DP} AP: Protection 10 (Extras: Force Field (+0); Total Toughness +15) {10/10} (Descriptors: Brave, Full power to Shields) AP: Enhanced Feat 10 (Dodge Focus 10; Total Defense +15) {10/10} (Descriptors: Bold, Full power to Speed) Enhanced Dexterity 2 (Dexterity +2) [2DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines, A.I. Assisted Coordination) Enhanced Feat 8 (Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Defensive Attack, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative 1, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge [Visual]) [8DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1DP] (Descriptors: Collapsible Armor) Enhanced Trait 4 (Attack Bonus+2) [4DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines) Enhanced Trait 6 (Defense Bonus+3) [6DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines) Enhanced Trait 6 (Reflex Save +6) [6DP] (Descriptors: Combat Subroutines) Features 2 (Built-in Subtle Computer) [2DP] (Descriptors: Computer, A.I. System) Imaginary Movement 8.5 (17DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [18DP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Magic, Z-Space) BP: Flight 8 (Feats: Subtle) (2500 mph, 25,000 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Journey Into Imagination) AP: {4 + 13 = 17/17} (Descriptors: Journey Into Mystery, Enhanced Teleport) Accurate Teleport 4 Adds (Extras: Accurate) to Grandmother's Amulet -> Z-Space Array -> Teleport 4 [4DP] Teleport 6 (Extras: Accurate; Flaws: Short-Range; Feats: Subtle) (600 ft. distance) (Stacks with Grandmother's Amulet -> Z-Space Array -> Teleport 4) [13DP] Stacked Power: Teleport 10 (Extras: Accurate; Flaws: Short-Range; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Subtle, Turnabout) (1000 ft. distance) Immunity 2 (Critical Hits) [2DP] (Descriptors: Perfect Defense) Morph 1 (One Form [Justice X Armor]; Feats: Metamorph 1) [2DP] (Descriptors: Justice X Armor) Protection 3 (Extras: Force Field (+0)) [3DP] (Descriptors: Force Field, Magic, Z-Space Energy) Quickness 4 (Tasks at x25 speed) [4DP] (Descriptors: Speed of Imagination) World's Finest 16.5 (33DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [38DP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Magic, Z-Space Energy) BP: Damage 10 (Extras: Autofire [1] 12, Penetrating 3; Feats: Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 2, Mighty) {33/33DP} (Descriptors: Hero Strikes, Bludgeoning Damage Type, Super Speed) AP: Create Object 10 (Extras: Impervious, Movable; Flaws: Range [Touch]; Feats: Extended Reach 2 [10 ft.], Progression [Base Size] 1) {33/33DP} (Up to 10x10 ft. cube objects) (Descriptors: Endless Possibilities) AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Area [Targeted Burst] 12, Selective 12; Flaws: Action [Full Round] 12; Feats: Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect 3, Mighty, Progression [Area] 4) (Area: 50-100 ft. radius) {32/33DP} (Descriptors: Tactical Teleport Strike, Bludgeoning Damage Type, Teleportation, Z-Space) AP: Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Affects Objects; Feats: Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 2, Slow Fade 1 [1 pt./10 rnds,]) {32/33DP} (Descriptors: Armor Breaker Blow, Bludgeoning Damage Type, Powerful Strikes) AP: Stun 12 (Feats: Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach 1 [5 ft.], Indirect 3) {33/33DP} (Descriptors: Lightning Speed Stun Strikes, Bludgeoning Damage Type, Rapid Strikes, Super Speed, Teleportation, Z-Space) AP: Trip 12 (Extras: Area [Targeted Burst], Knockback, Selective; Flaws: Action [Full Round], Range [Touch]; Feats: Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Trip, Knockback 1, Progression [Area] 2) (Area: 60-300 ft. radius) {33/33DP} (Descriptors: Rainbow Spiral Shockwave, Impact Damage Type, Controlled Shockwave) Gadgets 1 (5PP Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers At Once; Extras: Duration [Continuous]) [8PP] (Descriptors: Summon Gadgets, Invention, Technology, Z-Space) Sample powers Spoiler Grappling Gun: Speed 1 (Extras: Linked) + Super Movement 2 (Options: Slow Fall, Swinging; Extras: Linked) {5/5PP}Electro-Static Pads: Super Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) {4/5PP}Gas Mask w. Air Supply: Immunity 2 (Gas Descriptor) [2PP] + Immunity 2 (Suffocation Effects; Flaws: Limited [1 hour air supply]) [1PP] {3/5PP}Full Spectrum Goggles: Super Senses 5 (Infravision, Ultravision, Analytical Full Vision, Microscopic Vision 1 [dust-sized]) {5/5PP}First Aid Kit: Enhanced Trait 1 (Medicine +4) {1/5PP}Gadgeteer's Tools: Enhanced Trait 2 (Craft [Electronics] +4, Craft [Mechanical] +4) {2/5PP}Hacker's Toolkit: Enhanced Trait 1 (Computers +4) {1/5PP} DRAWBACKS 0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack Bonus Unarmed Touch DC17 TOU (staged) Damage +4 Unarmed – World's Finest Touch DC17 TOU (staged) Damage +6 Hero Strikes Touch 120 ft. DC27 TOU (staged) Damage +12, Autofire 1, Crit 18-20, Penetrating 3, Affects Insubstantial 2 Tactical Teleport Strikes Touch Targeted Burst Area 50-100 ft. radius DC27 TOU (staged) Damage +12, Targeted Burst Area, Selective, Indirect 3, Affects Insubstantial 2 Armor Breaker Blow Touch DC22 FORT (staged) Toughness Drain +12, Affects Objects, Crit 18-20, Slow Fade 1 [1pt./10rnds.], Affects Insubstantial 2 Lightning Speed Stun Strikes Touch, 10 ft. DC22 FORT (staged) Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned >10: Unconscious +12, Indirect 3, Affects Insubstantial 2 Rainbow Spiral Shockwave Touch Targeted Burst Area 60-300 ft. radius Worse of Str/Dex vs. Power Check Trip + Knockback +12, Selective Attack, Affects Insubstantial 2, Knockback+1 Totals: Abilities (42) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (31) + Feats (11) + Powers (112) - Drawbacks (0) = 231/231 Power Points Edited September 24, 2021 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 (edited) Spending: Skills: +11 Feats: +5 Powers: +7 To spend: 23 Update Please add this line under the Power Level line: Effective Power Level: 12 Skills Buying 44 ranks of skills for 11PP. Diplomacy +5 to rank 10, for a total +15 Intimidate +10 to rank 10, for a total +15 Knowledge [History] +3 to rank 3, for a total +5 Notice +5 to rank 10, for a total +15 Perform [Singing] +5 to rank 10, for a total +15 Sense Motive +5 to rank 10, for a total +15 Survival +5 to rank 5, for a total +10 Swimming +6 to rank 10, for a total +10/+26 Feats Remove the Defensive Roll feat. I'll get those 2 ranks of Toughness back in the Powers update below. Increase the Luck rank to 4. Increase Evasion to rank 2. Add Move-By Action, Skill Mastery [Diplomacy, Perform [Singing], Sense Motive, Swimming] and Takedown Attack 2. That should be 4PP spent on Feats. Powers Fairytaler Array Change Area [Line] extra on the Blast power in the Fairytaler array to Area [General Line] Change the Move Object power in the Fairytaler Array by removing the Limited [Water Only] flaw and reducing the rank to 16. Spoiler Move Object 16 (Extras: Range [Perception]) {48/48} (Descriptors: Bring the Sea, Water, Water Control) Please add this to the Grapple Block: +32 (+32 Bring the Sea) Replace the Siren's Song slot in the Fairytaler array with this Stun power: Spoiler AP: Stun 12 (Extras: Area [General Cone], Knockback) {48/48} (Descriptors: Siren Scream, Song, Sonic) Rename Siren's Call to Siren's Song, and increase the Drain Effect to rank 12. Other powers Please change the Swimming power to this array. I spend 3PP to increase the rank: Spoiler Tail & Legs Array 4.5 (9PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [10PP] (Descriptors: Mermaid, Physical Enhancement) BP: Swimming 8 (Environmental Adaption [Aquatic]) (Swim speed: 500 mph, 5000 ft./rnd.) {9/9} (Descriptors: Mermaid's Tail, Mermaid, Physical Change) AP: {5 + 4 = 9/9} (Descriptors: Powerful Legs) Leaping 5 (x50 Leaping distance, run 500 ft. / 1300 ft.) [5PP] Speed 4 (Run speed: 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd.) [4PP] Increase the rank of Enhanced Constitution to 16, spending 4PP. This should update the Toughness and Fortitude saves to Spoiler Toughness: +4 (+4 Con) / +12 (+4 Con, +8 Enh Con) Fortitude: +4 (+4 Con, +0) / +12 (+4 Con, +8 Enh Con, +0) That should be 7PP spent on powers. Here's an updated power block, with everything from above and a slight formatting update, please update the power block to use this: Spoiler POWERS 2 + 16 + 4 + 1 + 53 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 10 = 92 All powers have the Fairy Tale and Magic origin descriptors, unless otherwise noted. Comprehend 2 (Speak with and Understand Animals; Flaws: Limited [Marine Life Only]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Talk to Fish, Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Constitution 16 [16PP] (Descriptors: Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] (Descriptors: Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] (Descriptors: Magical Uniform, Summon Uniform) Fairytaler Array 24 (48PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [53PP] (Descriptors: Mermaid) BP: {32 + 16 = 48/48} (Descriptors: Mighty Mermaid, Physical Enhancement, Underwater Adjustment) Enhanced Strength 32 [32PP] Super-Strength 7 (Feats: Groundstrike, Shockwave) (+35 Strength to checks; Carrying capacity: Heavy load 532.5 tons) [16PP] AP: Blast 12 (Extras: Area [General Line], Penetrating 6; Feats: Knockback 6) {48/48} (Descriptors: High Pressure Water Burst, Water, Impact Damage Type) AP: Create Object 11 (Extras: Duration [Continuous], Movable; Feats: Progression 2, Selective, Tether) (Up to 11x25 feet cubes) {48/48} (Descriptors: Shape of Water, Water, Water Expansion, Water Shaping) AP: Move Object 16 (Extras: Range [Perception]) {48/48} (Descriptors: Bring the Sea, Water, Water Control) AP: {24 + 24 = 48/48} (Descriptors: Siren's Song, Mind Control, Psionic, Song) Drain Will 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will] (+0), Area [Auditory Perception], Linked to Mind Control (+0)) [24PP] Mind Control 12 (Extras: Area [Auditory Perception], Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Range 2 [Touch]) [24PP] AP: Stun 12 (Extras: Area [General Cone], Knockback) {48/48} (Descriptors: Siren Scream, Song) Immunity 3 (Breathe underwater, High pressure, Environmental cold) [3PP] (Descriptors: Underwater Adaption, Physical Enhancement) Super-Senses 2 (Tremorsense [Sense Type: Tactile; Extras: Ranged; Flaws: Limited [Only under water]) [1PP] (Descriptors: Tremorsense, Physical Enhancement) Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision [Sense Type: Visual; Extras: Counters Obscure [Darkness Descriptor]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Darkvision, Physical Enhancement) Tail & Legs Array 4.5 (9PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [10PP] (Descriptors: Mermaid, Physical Enhancement) BP: Swimming 8 (Environmental Adaption [Aquatic]) (Swim speed: 500 mph, 5000 ft./rnd.) {9/9} (Descriptors: Mermaid's Tail, Mermaid, Physical Change) AP: {5 + 4 = 9/9} (Descriptors: Powerful Legs) Leaping 5 (x50 Leaping distance, run 500 ft. / 1300 ft.) [5PP] Speed 4 (Run speed: 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd.) [4PP] And the new DC block should look like this: Spoiler Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +8 Unarmed - Mighty Mermaid Touch DC31 Tou (staged) Damage +8 High Pressure Water Burst 120 ft., Line Area DC22 Ref Reduce Damage effect to DC21 if passed Area DC27 Tou (staged) Damage Penetrating 6, Knockback+6 Siren's Song Area, Auditory Perception DC22 Ref Ignore Drain Will and Mind Control effects if passed DC22 Will (staged) Drain Will Linked to Mind Control Effect DC22 Will Mind Control Linked to Drain Will effect Siren Scream 120 ft., Cone Area DC22 Ref Reduce Stun effect to DC16 if passed DC22 Fort Fail: Dazed 1 rnd. >5: Stunned 1 rnd. >10: Unconscious Knockback That should be all 23PP spent. Full updated sheet in the spoiler below. Little Mermaid II Power Level: 13 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 203/203PPUnspent Power Points: 0PPTrade-Offs: (Unarmed) ATK-4/DC+4, No defensive In Brief: The second Danish hero to bear the mantle of the Little Mermaid, empowered by H. C. Andersen's hidden true fairy tale. Catchphrase: "Let's make a splash!" Theme: Under The Sea - Jonathan Young Alternate Identity: Mette Madsen (Secret)Birthplace: Copenhagen, Denmark Residence: Copenhagen, DenmarkOccupation: Adventurer, Swimming Coach Affiliations: Vanguard Family: Lasse Madsen (Father, Born 1971, Gardener), Tanja Madsen (Mother, Born 1970. School Principal) DESCRIPTION Age: DOB (2000, December 24th)Gender: FemaleEthnicity: Scandinavian Height: 5’6’’Weight: 150 lbs.Eyes: GreenHair: Dark brown Mette is a woman of obvious Scandinavian descent. She has dark brown hair, usually cut into a pixie cut, and dark green eyes. She is toned and in shape from countless hours spent swimming, both with and without the use of her powers. She is good-looking, but not supernaturally so, though she has plenty of charm to make up for that. Mette's style tend to be a clash of frilly dresses in light colors and leather or denim jackets, often with heavy boots. When Mette transforms into her costume, her hair grows to reach her waist, flowing freely. The parts of her costume that covers her upper body are mainly in green scales, with a red pointed mark just below her neck, and red bands aroudn her wrists. She wears a green mask in the same scale material on her head, leaving her mouth and nose free. The costume's pants are white, with a red line seperating the the green upper body and white lower body. The soles of her feet are red, with three thick red lines on the outside of her lower legs. When Mette enters water, her legs fuse into a white mermaid's tail HISTORY Mette was born on Christmas Eve, 2000. The last Christmas of a millenium, a day full of magic and wonder, of promises of the future. Mette had a normal childhood. Growing up she had friends, she had trouble, she did alright in school, she loved fairy tales and stories. She was a tough girl, standing up to bullies, but all in all, she didn't exactly have much trouble in her life. It was a normal, happy life. Mette's greatest hero was the Little Mermaid, who had been protecting Denmark. The heroine had first been seen on Christmas Eve in the year 2000. A coincidence, perhaps, but it only made Mette love the hero even more. As Luck would have it, Mette met the Little Mermaid by pure chance, during the summer 2012. While out shopping with her mother, Mette was caught in a battle between the Little Mermaid and the villain Metalhead. Mette was saved by the Little Mermaid and then, despite her parents' protest, she seemed to often find herself in the company of the Little Mermaid. Wearing a domino mask of her own making, she became the Little Mermaid's unofficial sidekick and helper, doing all she could to help her hero, even as she struggled to keep up with her obviously supernatural abilities. For five years, Mette had two lives. On one hand, she was just Mette. Growing up, growing older, learning and maturing, going to school, doing homework, spending time with her friends. On the other, she was the Little Mermaid's sidekick, helping her hero however she could, learning all she could from her hero, while doing her best to stay out of fights. After all, she was just a normal girl, right? Things changed on Christmas Eve, 2017. 5 years after they had first met, the Little Mermaid told Mette that she planned to retire. She had been a hero for almost 20 years, and time was taking its toll on her. Mette was distraught, how could her hero do this? Denmark had so few heroes already, what would they do without the Little Mermaid? The hero just smiled as she led Mette to the Little Mermaid statue at Langelinie. There, she revealed the secret of her powers. The power of the fairy tale hidden in the statue, the true legacy of the writer H. C. Andersen. And now, it was Mette's turn to take on the powers. Since then, Mette has acted as the second Little Mermaid, quickly growing to become one of Denmark's most prominent, and beloved, heroes. More powerful and effective than her mentor ever was, Mette has spent most of her time within Denmark's borders, fighting both local and foreign villains, but perhaps the time has come to branch out and try to become something more. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION At first glance, Mette seems headstrong and boisterous. As the successor to her childhood hero, and with a few years of experience herself, one would think that she would be secure in her abilities, and for as long as she stayed in Denmark, one would assume right. Now that she has entered the international scene, Mette seems to have a constant need to prove herself as more than just a small fish, even if she's from a small country with little super human activity. She will go for the biggest target, she will take on any comers, and won't back down from a challenge. She's tough, she's strong. Mette actively tries to hide many of the softer parts of her personality when she spends time with other heroes. She likes what one would consider girly things, like singing and pretty dresses, but generally tries to downplay these qualities, as she thinks it will lead other heroes to take her less seriously. As a hero she has to be strong, tough and always be ready to protect everyone else, so she is sure there's no room for any interests like fairy talesm going shopping or gushing about the latest romance movie she watched. POWERS & TACTICS Mette likes to get in close, hitting as hard and as often as she can. She's quick to use her water manipulation abilities to both protect and attacks, overwhelming foes with water or creating areas of water to hinder villains. If you're surrounded by an ocean, then you're already caught. Mette is not overly fond of her Siren's Song, both because she finds it kind of creepy to actually mind control others, and because she thinks its kind of weird to start singing in the middle of a fight, but if its what's needed, then she will do it. As part of her efforts to prove herself, Mette tends to go for the biggest and baddest enemy first. If someone's the boss or seems to be the strongest enemy, she will go for them. POWER DESCRIPTIONS The Danish writer H. C. Andersen didn't just write fiction, he created what was essentially blueprints for creating super humans, what he had dubbed as Fairytalers. Mette is empowered by the magic of the fairy tale of the Little Mermaid. The particular blueprint that both Mette and her predecessor used was found in the Little Mermaid statue at Langelinie in Copenhagen. Mette posses all the abilities one would expect a mermaid to posses: She can breathe and survive under water, even in crushing pressure, and she is able to swim far faster than any human, by transforming the lower half of her body into a mermaid's tail. On land, her legs retain the strength of her tail, allowing her to leap great distances. She can see in the dark and is able to feel even the slightest tremor through the water around her. She is able to talk under water and communicate with all manner of marine life. Whether the marine life has anything useful to say is another matter entirely. Mette is able to conjure a costume at will, appearing as if by magic. Physically, Mette has been enhanced, being faster, tougher and stronger than she would otherwise be. She posses incredible strength, much more than one would guess given her size. While she cannot outright create water from nothing, she is able to expand a single drop or even the humidity in the air into great amounts of water, which she can manipulate and shape as she wants, such as by creating a high pressure burst of water or by creating waves to crash down on her opponents. Finally, Mette posses a siren's song. By singing, she can erode the mental defenses of others, in turn allowing her to control their actions through a psionic effect. COMPLICATIONS Babysitter: Mette has spent a lot of time as a babysitter, taking care of children. She loves them, and they tend to love her. If anyone want to get her attention, distract her or get her to do something, targeting or threatening children is a good way to do it. If someone targets children to make a situation worse, the GM can award Mette a Hero Point. Fairytaler: Mette's power comes quite litterally from fairy tales. It is a rather vague description, and she honestly doesn't know much about why they work, just that they do. She has a strange connection to other things that could be considered fairy tales. Some "natural" fairy tales, such as various creatures from folk tales, might consider her an artificial fairy tale, something made by man, a perversion of their purpose. Some might attack Mette on sight, others might not want to work with her, some might instinctively fear her, and others might not do anything at all. If this innate reaction to Mette complicates a situation, the GM might award her a Hero Point. H2O Required: In order to create water, Mette needs to have access to a certain degree of humidity, or even just a single drop of water, being able to expand it into great amounts. If she ends up in a desert or similarly arid place where not even the humidity offers any water, she will be unable to create water using her Create Object power, and the GM can award her a Hero Point. I'm Not Ariel: Sure, Mette doesn't mind Disney's Little Mermaid movie at all, she kinda likes it, but it gets a bit tiresome to have people ask why her tail is white and her hair isn't red. She's a great singer, but that doesn't mean she have to start singing all the time, and her life doesn't revolve around any princes. If Mette loses her temper due to such a situation and complicates everything, the Gm can award her a Hero Point. Small Fish in Big Pond: Mette is used to mainly dealing with issues in Denmark, and while they have their share of trouble, the super human population is fairly low. Despite being a succesful hero at home, Mette feels it doesn't matter much in the grander scheme of things, and as such, she is constantly trying to prove herself. For instance, she could try to attack the leader of a group of enemies, or someone that seems to be the strongest, even if that is tactically the wrong choice. The GM can award Mette a Hero Point if her actions to prove herself ends up complicating a situation. ABILITIES 0 + 6 + 8 + 4 + 10 + 10 = 38PP Strength: 10 (+0) / 42 (+16) Dexterity: 16 (+3) / 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) / 30 (+10) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 20 (+5) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) / +5 (+3 Dex, +2 Enh Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +8 Melee (+4 Base, +4 Attack Focus), +4 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8 (+4 Base Attack, +4 Attack Focus [Melee]) / +31 (+4 Base Attack, +4 Attack Focus [Melee], +16 Enh Str, +7 Super-Strength) / +32 (+32 Bring the Sea) Knockback: -2 (TOU/2) / -3 w. Defensive Roll / - 5 w. Enh Con / - 6 w. Enh Con and Defensive Roll SAVING THROWS 0 + 7 + 7 = 14PP Toughness: +4 (+4 Con) / +12 (+4 Con, +8 Enh Con) Fortitude: +4 (+4 Con, +0) / +12 (+4 Con, +8 Enh Con, +0) Reflex: +10 (+3 Dex, +7) / +12 (+3 Dex, +2 Enh Dex +7) Will: +12 (+5 Wis, +7) SKILLS 76R = 19PP Diplomacy 10 (+15) Gather Information 5 (+10) Intimidate 10 (+15) Languages 3 (Native: Danish; Learned: Atlantean, English, French) Notice 10 (+15) Perform [Singing] 10 (+15) Sense Motive 10 (+15) Survival 5 (+10) Swim 10(+10) / (+26 w. Enh Str) FEATS 24PP Attack Focus [Melee] 4 Benefit 1 [Famous in Scandinavia, known in Europe] Dodge Focus 8 Evasion 2 Move-By Action Luck 4 Skill Mastery [Diplomacy, Perform [Singing], Sense Motive, Swimming] Takedown Attack 2 Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Enhanced Feats Environmental Adaption [Aquatic] Quick Change POWERS 2 + 16 + 4 + 1 + 53 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 10 = 92 All powers have the Fairy Tale and Magic origin descriptors, unless otherwise noted. Comprehend 2 (Speak with and Understand Animals; Flaws: Limited [Marine Life Only]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Talk to Fish, Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Constitution 16 [16PP] (Descriptors: Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] (Descriptors: Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] (Descriptors: Magical Uniform, Summon Uniform) Fairytaler Array 24 (48PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [53PP] (Descriptors: Mermaid) BP: {32 + 16 = 48/48} (Descriptors: Mighty Mermaid, Physical Enhancement, Underwater Adjustment) Enhanced Strength 32 [32PP] Super-Strength 7 (Feats: Groundstrike, Shockwave) (+35 Strength to checks; Carrying capacity: Heavy load 532.5 tons) [16PP] AP: Blast 12 (Extras: Area [General Line], Penetrating 6; Feats: Knockback 6) {48/48} (Descriptors: High Pressure Water Burst, Water, Impact Damage Type) AP: Create Object 11 (Extras: Duration [Continuous], Movable; Feats: Progression 2, Selective, Tether) (Up to 11x25 feet cubes) {48/48} (Descriptors: Shape of Water, Water, Water Expansion, Water Shaping) AP: Move Object 16 (Extras: Range [Perception]) {48/48} (Descriptors: Bring the Sea, Water, Water Control) AP: {24 + 24 = 48/48} (Descriptors: Siren's Song, Mind Control, Psionic, Song) Drain Will 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will] (+0), Area [Auditory Perception], Linked to Mind Control (+0)) [24PP] Mind Control 12 (Extras: Area [Auditory Perception], Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Range 2 [Touch]) [24PP] AP: Stun 12 (Extras: Area [General Cone], Knockback) {48/48} (Descriptors: Siren Scream, Song) Immunity 3 (Breathe underwater, High pressure, Environmental cold) [3PP] (Descriptors: Underwater Adaption, Physical Enhancement) Super-Senses 2 (Tremorsense [Sense Type: Tactile; Extras: Ranged; Flaws: Limited [Only under water]) [1PP] (Descriptors: Tremorsense, Physical Enhancement) Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision [Sense Type: Visual; Extras: Counters Obscure [Darkness Descriptor]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Darkvision, Physical Enhancement) Tail & Legs Array 4.5 (9PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [10PP] (Descriptors: Mermaid, Physical Enhancement) BP: Swimming 8 (Environmental Adaption [Aquatic]) (Swim speed: 500 mph, 5000 ft./rnd.) {9/9} (Descriptors: Mermaid's Tail, Mermaid, Physical Change) AP: {5 + 4 = 9/9} (Descriptors: Powerful Legs) Leaping 5 (x50 Leaping distance, run 500 ft. / 1300 ft.) [5PP] Speed 4 (Run speed: 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd.) [4PP] DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +8 Unarmed - Mighty Mermaid Touch DC31 Tou (staged) Damage +8 High Pressure Water Burst 120 ft., Line Area DC22 Ref Reduce Damage effect to DC21 if passed Area DC27 Tou (staged) Damage Penetrating 6, Knockback+6 Siren's Song Area, Auditory Perception DC22 Ref Ignore Drain Will and Mind Control effects if passed DC22 Will (staged) Drain Will Linked to Mind Control Effect DC22 Will Mind Control Linked to Drain Will effect Siren Scream 120 ft., Cone Area DC22 Ref Reduce Stun effect to DC16 if passed DC22 Fort Fail: Dazed 1 rnd. >5: Stunned 1 rnd. >10: Unconscious Knockback Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (19) + Feats (24) + Powers (92) - Drawbacks (0) = 203/203 Power Points Edited November 20, 2020 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 (edited) UPDATE IDEAS Redo the Ultility belt array? The STORMCROW Power Level: 12 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 228/235PP Unspent Power Points: 0PP Trade-Offs: -3 TOU/ +3 DEF, +2 ATK/-2 DC In Brief: The Nightwing to the Raven's Batman. Theme: Shine - Matt Beilis / Spotlight - Saliva Alternate Identity: Charles 'Charlie' Arthur Pratten (Secret) Birthplace: Freedom City, United States of America Residence: Guardians HQ, Bayview, Freedom City Base of Operations: Guardians HQ, Bayview, Freedom City; The Rookery Occupation: Adventurer, Crime Fighter Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Raven III, Raven Family, Young Guardians Family: Martin Pratten (Father, Born 1980, Accountant), Lily Pratten (Mother, Born 1979, Lawyer), Thomas Pratten (Paternal Grandfather, Born 1940, Retired Software Developer) DESCRIPTION Age: DoB: 2004 [January 19th] Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’10’’ Weight: 150 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Dark red Charlie is an athletic young man, standing at 5'10'''. He has short red hair and blue eyes. He prefers to dress in darker colors, most often wearing black dress pants and dress shirts. He often wears loose ties in lighter colors, contrasting the dark colors he usually wear. Since his time at Claremont, Charlie has also to taken to dressing more casually with jeans, t-shirts and sneakers of varying colors and designs. As the Stormcrow, Charlie's costume is as finely engineered as his mentor's, with a multitude of hidden features that one would not suspect from first glance. While the costume has multiple layers underneath, the outer layer appears a seamless dark grey full-body suit. Over the suit, he wears a black cowl connected directly to a black cape. The edges of the cape is very light, somewhat shiny blue, and connects to a logo with a bird with outstretched wings on Charlie's chest. The inside of the cape is a slightly lighter grey than the full-body suit. The cowl is outfitted with light blue one way lenses in a vaguely bird beak shape, which covers and hides his eyes. The lens acts as a heads-up display for Charlie. The dark grey full-body suit is broken up with a pair of shiny light blue bracers with shiny black edges that end in triangles at each end, and boots in similar design and color scheme, which ends in triangles pointing to his knees. He wears a silvery and light blue utility belt with another light blue bird logo on a black background as the buckle. HISTORY Charles Arthur Pratten had a normal childhood. Loving parents, friends, school life. Sure, Charlie was a bright kid. Maybe a bit too interested in the super hero known as the Raven, but aside from that, his childhood really was what one would consider normal. He went on vacations. He spent time playing games with his friends. He went to the movies. Something of a prodigy, Charlie was a popular kid at school. He was athletic and a gymnast, he got good grades, his grandfather instilled a keen interest in computers. His room tended to be filled by posters of the Raven and her predecessor. He had databases full of observations and notes on the Ravens. When Nevermore debuted, Charlie was overjoyed. If the Raven had a sidekick, then maybe he could become the Raven's sidekick too? It was a possibility, at least! He would have to find out how to contact her, how to reach the Raven and present himself, but until then, he continued his training, honing his acrobatics and athletism, continuing to compile all the information that he could. Any notes, anything he could find. Charlie kept the project a secret. After all, how could anyone understand the drive that he felt? He could become the Raven's partner, too. He just knew it. Still, life happened. Charlie's interest slowly waned as other things, like friends, sports and girls became more important to him. Shortly after the third Raven's debut, Charlie saw him in action. The way he moved, the way he acted. It all came rushing back, all that he had dreamed of just a few years before. Everything he saw, all the articles, everything, Charlie just knew that the new Raven was Nevermore. There was no question. And if he had become the Raven, then that meant no one was Nevermore. It took a long time. Compiling all of Charlie's old data, discovering new information, comparing it all. Socially, he began to distance himself from his friends again. He was obsessed. It took hard work, it took time, it took luck, but bit by bit, Charlie began to see a pattern, he began to see the truth. Finally, he was sure. The Raven was Aleksander Garen Nakani, a college student from Georgia, who lived with his adoptive parents at the Summers Estate. The 15 years old Charlie went to the estate by himself. He managed to get inside and confronted Aleksander with the truth. To Aleksander, history repeated itself. Much like how he had figured out the previous Raven's identity, Charlie now stood before him. Unlike Aleksander's plans when he had confronted Duncan Summers, Charlie was not looking to replace Aleksander as the Raven. Charlie had plans of succession, sure, but he wanted to succeed Aleksander as the Raven's partner, not as the Raven. Aleksander did not quite agree with the plan, but he agreed that making it this far meant Charlie had at least some skill. For a time, Charlie helped out at the Summers Estate and the Rookery, eventually graduating into becoming the Raven's main in the chair. Not that it helped for long. With or without Aleksander's blessing, Charlie got into trouble. With a makeshift costume and whatever equipment he could "borrow" from the Rookery, Charlie went out to fight crime on his own, to mixed result. Aleksander finally relented and agreed to take him in as his sidekick, but it would be his his terms. If nothing else, it meant that he could make sure Charlie didn't do anything stupid. Charlie spent 9 months training with Aleksander before he was first allowed out on patrol, during the Spring of 2020. Now 16, the new Nevermore followed much of the same pattern as Aleksander had. A few patrols per month to get used to actual crime fighting, primarily watching the Raven's back, slowly being allowed to do more and more, eventually culminating in being allowed to patrol on his own. And, as Aleksander insisted, Charlie would follow his path in another way, starting at Claremont in the fall of 2020 as Charles Gordon Pym, an orphan from the streets of Freedom City, recently taken in by the Summers Estate. Alek and Charlie worked extensively on creating a false electronic trail, creating a cover to keep Nevermore II's actual identity secret. While at Claremont, Charlie quickly struck up friendships with several other students, and when Sebastian Shields, otherwise known as Casanova, assembled a team of students with less than heroic intentions as New Young Freedom, Charlie started organizing his friends into their own team in response. Charlie led a shifting roster of Young Guardians to thwart not just Casanova's New Young Freedom, but through a few other adventures as well. Casanova would, in particular, grow to hate Charlie for his effort. At the same time, he worked with the Raven to combat the rising crime brought on by the Doomforge, with the House of Usher having returned and set up shop in it's shadow, spreading their influence throughout Freedom City. Charlie would eventually leave Claremont near the end of his second year, disappearing rather suddenly from the school when he and the Raven focused their efforts on fighting the House of Usher, eventually dismantling their operations in Freedom City and driving them away from the city. Not content to let the Usher family escape justice, the Raven and Nevermore gave chase, hunting them across the world. The duo had a number of adventures along the way. Charlie grew from these experiences, and began to realize that he wanted to be more than just the Raven's sidekick. He had plans and ideas for what he wanted to do on his own. Alek agreed that it was time for Charlie to go out on his own. Returning to Freedom City, Charlie began to prepare. He wanted to do it right, so he took his time, and, with funding from the Summers family, he designed a new headquarters that he could use with his friends, as well as a new identity. And soon, the Stormcrow would soar, and, with some luck, he would be joined by the Young Guardians once again. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Charlie is intelligent and a natural detective, and he knows it. He is good at what he does, with plenty of experience both alone and working together with others, particularly the Raven, though he has not grown out of his cockiness yet. He's a joker, which can at times belittle his intelligence and skills, not that he minds. If someone underestimates him, then all the better. During his time in Claremont and abroad, Charlie has grown into an accomplished detective, hero and leader. His ego and bravado remain as strong as ever, but they are now rooted in genuine experience and knowledge of his own capabilities and skills. Charlie remains as driven as ever, and still tends to fixate on finding solutions to any mystery or problem that catches his interest, almost to the point of obsession. POWERS & TACTICS The majority of Charlie's tactics relies on analysis, distraction and misdirectio. Observe an enemy, figure out how to best stop them, and then execute his plan. His personal fighting style emphasizes the use of his various gadgets, both for scouting and disabling his enemies. Generally speaking, he prefers to stay outside close combat, but will pull out his collapsible staff if forced into a close quarters situation. Stay out of trouble, stick to the shadows and put his brains to good use. Charlie tends to take on a leadership, or at least planning, role when working with others, whether they like it or not. He has studied and worked towards this, and he generally dislikes being ordered around by people that he doesn't think what it takes to lead. He will, for instance, not have any issues with the Raven giving him commands, or other more experienced heroes, while someone that had just joined Claremont would be a stretch. His tactics tends to involve teamwork, and he will try to weaken enemies or set them up for attacks from his more powerful teammates if possible. POWER DESCRIPTIONS Charlie posses no powers of any kind, instead relying on the training he has received from the Raven III and at Claremont Academy, as well as suit and gadgets he has developed together with Raven III. Charlie's Stormcrow costume is an ultra modern piece of crime fighting technology. Nano-weaved from a number of high resistance materials, it effectively protects him from any type sharp objects, while the armor plating handles most general types of damage a foe could wish to inflict. The thermal underlayer helps support him in heat or cold, while the night vision lenses lets him see in the dark. A heads up display aids Charlie with information such as the time and GPS, while his built in headset allows him to communicate at a distance of 5 miles. For traversal, the suit boast a grappling gun built into the gauntlets and grapple claws, as well as an electro-reactive glider cape, which lets Charlie soar across the sky. Charlie's utility belt contain a large number of tools, useful for both combat and infiltration. While he tends to keep his distance from most foes, the belt contains a collapsible staff for use in melee combat, which also contain a charged shock charge. He uses a modified version of the Raven's ravenrangs, smaller and lighter, which he call's Crow's Claws. He utilizes a great number of different types of tools to snare or trip his opponent, as well as multiple types of gadgets to blind his foes, whether it is with flashbangs, darkness, gunk in the eyes, light shows, concentrated zones of darkness or something else, all to allow him to effectively immobilize and distract his foes. The playback device, one of his favorite tools, let's him play any recorded sounded through remote control, be it movement or voices, letting him draw attention away from himself. Charlie has even figured out how to use the playback devices offensively, by throwing them at a target and playing extremely loud noises. These noisemakers are even powerful enough to deafen a target. The last piece of Charlie's standard equipment are small remote controlled drones, which transmits images of their recordings directly to Charlie's HUD, aiding him in infiltration and information gathering. The drones are shaped like small dark crows, small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. COMPLICATIONS A Legacy of Ravens: Charlie is secure in himself, he knows what he can and cannot do, and that he is only just getting started. As the Stormcrow, he is the newest part of the Raven legacy, and while he had good times as Nevermore II, it was high time that he stepped into his own role. Still, he is not without issues, and a mix of this legacy and working with his hero means that Charlie can seem arrogant and flippant to some, and not without reason. While he is a team player, he naturally falls into the leadership roll and can have issues stepping out of it. If Charlie's seeming arrogance or inability to let others take the lead makes a situation worse, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Gadgets: While an enemy would need to somehow get rid of Charlie's utility belt to get rid of all his gadgets, he could be deprived of individual gadgets, either by having them taken away or by simply running out of them. If the GM determines that Charlie somehow loses access to a gadget, they can award him a Hero Point, in turn making one of the powers in his Utility Belt array unusable. Secret Identity: One of the Raven's conditions for training Charlie was that he keep his identity secret, even from his family. Whenever Charlie ends up in a situation where his secret identity causes issues, such as not being able to act outside of costume without revealing himself, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Tell-Tale Heart: Charlie tends to grow obsessed. Mysteries, enemies, anything that give him trouble, anything that is a challenge that can't be solved. This can lead to him becoming narrowminded, focusing on the subject of his obsession over other important things at hand. Whether it be by Charlie focusing on a particular enemy to the detriment of any tactics in combat to taking unnecessary risks by trying to solve a particular mystery, the GM can award Charlie a Hero Point when his obsession makes a situation worse. Ushers, Masques and Conqueror Worms: The legacy of 3 generations of Ravens have led to a great number of enemies that might target one of the newer members of the extended Raven family, just for the sake of taking revenge. Aside from legacy villains, Charlie has made a few enemies of his own, including several former Claremont students with less than heroic intentions, such as Sebastian Shields, otherwise known as Casanova, and he has personally interfered with the House of Usher who has thrived in the shadow of the Doomforge, aiding the Raven in driving them from Freedom City and chasing them across the world. Traveling across the world with the Raven only earned Charlie more enemies as they continued their heroics abroad. If any of Charlie's enemies interfere in a situation to attack Stormcrow and make the situation worse, the GM can award Charlie a Hero Point. ABILITIES 8 + 10 + 8 + 14 + 6 + 10 = 56PP Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 24 (+7) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 20 (+5) COMBAT 12 + 10 = 22PP Initiative: +15 (+15 Knowledge [Tactics]) Attack: +6 Base, +6 Melee, +14 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +15 (+5 Base, +10 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +10 (+6 Base Attack, +4 Strength) Knockback: -2 / -4 (w. Costume) SAVING THROWS 5 + 9 + 7 = 21PP Toughness: +9 (+4 Con, +5 Protection) Fortitude: +9 (+4 Con, +5) Reflex: +14 (+5 Dex, +9)Evasion 2 Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) SKILLS 148R = 37PP Acrobatics 15 (+20)Acrobatic Bluff, Skill Mastery Bluff 10 (+15) Computers 13 (+20)Online Research, Skill Mastery Diplomacy 2 (+7) Drive 5 (+10) Escape Artist 5 (+10) Gather Information 7 (+12)Well-Informed, Skill Mastery Investigate 13 (+20)Skill Mastery Knowledge [Tactics] 8 (+15) Language 4 (American Sign Language, Chinese [Mandarin], English [native], Japanese, Russian) Notice 17 (+20)Skill Mastery Pilot 5 (+10) Search 8 (+15)Skill Mastery Sense Motive 16 (+19)Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 5 (+10) Stealth 15 (+20)Hide in Plain Sight, Skill Mastery FEATS 49PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Focus [Ranged] 8 Beginner's Luck Benefit 1 (Raven Family) Benefit 1 [Use Knowledge [Tactics] For Initiative Rolls] Challenge (Fast Acrobatic Bluff) Dodge Focus 10 Evasion 2 Hide In Plain Sight Inspire 5 Jack of All Trades Leadership Luck 4 Master Plan 2 [Use Knowledge [Tactics] for rolls] Online Research Set Up Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobatics, Computers, Gather Information, Investigate, Notice, Search, Sense Motive, Stealth) Teamwork 3 Track Well-Informed Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Enhanced Feats Luck 4 -> Luck 6 Second Chance 2 [Toughness Save vs. Ballistics and Conventional Blades] Takedown Attack 2 Veteran Awards Equipment 16 (80 EP) Communicator [7EP] Communication Array 3 (6DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [7EP] BP: Communication 5 (Radio; 5 miles; Feats: Subtle) [6EP] AP: Datalink 3 (Radio; 1000 feet; Feats: Rapid 2 (x100), Subtle) [6EP] Guardians HQ (Headquarters; Mansion in Bayview) [21EP] Spoiler Size: Large [1EP] Defense: 10 [0EP] Toughness: 20 [3EP] Features: [17EP] Combat Simulator Communications Computer Concealed Fire Prevention System Garage Gym Hangar Holding Cells Infirmary Laboratory Library Living Space Pool Power System Security System Workshop The Stormchaser (Vehicle; Motorcycle) [20EP] Spoiler Size: Medium [0EP] Strength: 25 (Medium Load: 533 lbs.) [3EP] Defense: 10 [0EP] Toughness: +10 [5EP] Features: [7EP] Alarm 2 (DC 25) Caltrops Computer Navigation System Remote Control Smokescreen Powers: [5EP] Speed 4 (100mph / 1,000ft per Move Action, Feats: Subtle) [5EP] Guardians Jet (Vehicle; Jet) [32EP] Spoiler Size: Gargantuan [3EP] (-4 ATK/DEF, Str 40, Tou 11) Strength: 45 (Medium Load: 40 tons) [1EP] Defense: 6 [0EP] Toughness: +11 [0EP] Features: [5EP] Alarm 2 (DC 25) Computer Hidden Compartments Navigation System Powers: [23EP] Communication 8 (Radio; 2000 miles; Feats: Subtle) [9EP] Flight 7 (1000mph / 10,000ft per Move Action) [14EP] POWERS 20 + 20 + 9 = 49 Device 5 (25DP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [20PP] (Descriptors: Stormcrow Costume, Costume, Technology) City Movement Array 4 (8DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [9DP] BP: {2 + 4 + 2 = 8/8DP} (Descriptors: Gauntlet Mounted Grappling Gun) Super-Movement 1 (Swinging; Extras: Linked to Speed (+0)) [2DP] Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) [4DP] (Descriptors: Grapple Claws) Speed 2 (Extras: Linked to Super-Movement (+0)) (25 mph, 250 ft. per round) [2DP] AP: Flight 3 (Flaws: Gliding; Feats: Subtle) (50 mph, 500 ft. per round) {4/8DP} (Descriptors: Electro-reactive Glider Cape) Concealment 2 (All auditory senses; Flaws: Blending) [2DP] (Descriptors: Noise Dampening Materials) Enhanced Feats 2 (Second Chance 2 [Toughness Save vs. Ballistics and Conventional Blades) [2DP] (Descriptors: Nano-weaved Material) Immunity 1 (Environmental Cold and Heat; Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [1DP] (Descriptors: Protective Thermal Under-Layer) Protection 5 [5DP] (Descriptors: Armor Plating) Super-Senses 3 (Infravision; Vision Counters Obscure (Darkness) [Darkvision]) [3DP] (Descriptors: Night Vision Lenses) Super Senses 3 (Direction Sense; Distance Sense; Time Sense) [3DP] (Descriptors: Head-Up Display) Device 5 (25DP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [20PP] (Descriptors: Utility Belt, Belt, Technology) Gadgets Array 8.5 (17DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 8 ) [25DP] (Descriptors: Gadgets) BP: Damage 6 (Extras: Ranged; Feats: Improved Range, Mighty 4) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Crow's Claws, Piercing Damage Type, Thrown Weapon) AP: Damage 6 (Feats: Accurate 4, Extended Reach 1 [5 ft.], Improved Critical 2, Mighty, Subtle, Takedown Attack 2) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Collapsible Staff, Bludgeoning Damage Type) AP: Dazzle 10 (Visual Dazzle; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Subtle, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: See No Evil, Flash, Darkness, Optic Disruption, Etc.) AP: ESP 5 (Auditory and Visual ESP; Extras: Duration [Sustained]; Flaws: Medium [Small Flying Drone]; Feats: Subtle 2) (Range: 1 mile) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Crow Drone, Remote Control, Spy Device) AP: Illusion 12 (Auditory; Extras: Independent (+0); Feats: Progression [Area] 3, Triggered 2) (600 ft. area) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Noisemaker, Playback Device, Sound, Remote Activated) AP: Obscure 6 (Visual Obscure; Extras: Independent (+0); Feats: Progression [Area] 1, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) (Range: 60 ft., Area: 250-500 ft. radius) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Visual Distortion, Grenade, Smoke, Darkness, Flashbang, Illusionary Confusion, etc.) AP: Snare 10 (Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Improved Critical 1, Reversible, Tether, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Crow's Traps, Nets, Cuffs, Rapidly Expanding Foam, Shock Field, etc.) AP: Stun 10 (Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Accurate 4, Extended Reach 1 [5 ft.], Improved Critical 2) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Stun Staff, Electricity) AP: Trip 10 (Feats: Improved Critical 1, Improved Trip, Subtle 1, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Crow's Prey, Various Tripwires, Bolas, Lines, etc.) Luck Control 2 (Force Rerolls, Spend HP For Others; Feats: Innate, Luck 2) [9PP] (Descriptors: Master Tactician, Training) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK NAME ACTION RANGE SAVE EFFECT ATTACK BONUS Unarmed Standard Touch DC19 Tou (staged) Damage +6 Crow’s Claws Standard 150 feet DC25 Tou (staged) Damage +14 Collapsible Staff Standard Touch: 5 ft. DC25 Tou (staged) Damage +14, Crit 18-20, Subtle, Takedown Attack 2 Crow’s Prey Standard 225 ft. DC20 Trip Resist (Worse bonus) Tripped +14, Crit 19-20, Improved Trip, Subtle 1, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological] Crow’s Traps Full 100 ft. DC20 Ref (staged) Fail: Entangled >5: Bound and Helpless +14, Crit 19-20, Reversible, Tether, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological] Noisemaker Standard Perception, 600 ft. area DC22 Will Fail: Believe audio illusion Independent, Triggered 2 See No Evil Standard 90 ft. DC20 Ref DC20 Fort to recover Blinded +14, Crit 18-20, Subtle, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological] Stun Staff Full Touch: 5 ft. DC20 Fort (staged Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned >10: Unconscious +14, Crit 18-20 Totals: Abilities (56) + Combat (22) + Saving Throws (21) + Skills (31) + Feats (49) + Powers (49) - Drawbacks (0) = 228/228 Power Points Edited March 5, 2024 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 REBELLION Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 10 Power Points: 214/226PPUnspent Power Points: 12PPTrade-Offs: (Melee) -1 Attack / +1 DC, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness In Brief: Former villain-in-training uses the power of the Terror to seek the truth. Catchphrase: Boo! Theme: What's Up Danger - Blackway & Black Caviar / Untravelled Road -Thousand Foot Krutch Alternate Identity: Elliot Elijah Elder (Secret), Bronze Hornet (Secret, Super Villain Identity)Birthplace: Emerald City Residence: Elder Mansion, Northern Shore, Emerald City / Elysian Academy Dorms Base of Operations: Emerald CityOccupation: Student Affiliations: Elysian Academy Family: Emma Emmelie Elder (Mother, Emerald City politician currently on City Council, nee Kessler), Everett Eaton Elder (Father, officially idle rich, unofficially known as "The Royal" super villain saboteur and spy), Elaine Emma Elder (Older sister, College Student), Elaine Kessler (Aunt on mother's side, deceased) DESCRIPTION Age: DoB: 2002 January 1stGender: Male.Ethnicity: CaucasianHeight: 6'1''Weight: 180 lbs.Eyes: HazelHair: Blonde Elliot is a young man with an athletic build, leaning on the slightly muscular side. While by no means bad looking, he is not particularly remarkable, looking very much like the All-American boy stereotype. He has short blonde hair and hazel eyes, usually keeping himself clean shaved. He carries himself with a certain pride and arrogance. He will usually wear clothing in lighter colors, or the Elysian Academy colors. As Bronze Hornet, Elliot wears a predominantly dark grey uniform. Simple pants, heavy black boots. A heavy dark grey jacket with a large bronze hornet icon on the back, and black gloves. His face is hidden by a black full face mask, with a smaller hornet logo, similar to the one on his back, on his face, with its wings over his eyes. As Rebellion, Elliot appears pitch black, with large white eyes. He does not appear to have a nose or mouth, though it is there. While he will wear whatever clothes is at hand at the time, his "official" look consist of a pair of dark blue pants and a blue jacket with nothing underneath, showing only pitch black, and a blue cap on the top of his head to complete the look. He is somewhat shifty, keeping to dark places or out of sight if possible. HISTORY Elliot Elijah Elder lived a charmed life. His mother was Emma Elder, a local Emerald City politician of some renown, and her career had left her family with a mansion, servants and more than enough money to get whatever they wanted. His father, Everett Elder, came from a rich family, and he spent much of his time either supporting his wife's campaigns, golfing or travelling, often leaving Elliot at home with his older sister Elaine and his aunt Elaine. Elliot grew particularly close to both, while never knowing much of his parents. Elliot was smart, and he knew it, which led him to develop an arrogant streak, which only his sister and uncle Jacob seemed to disapprove of. He had few friends, and never seemed to really push himself in any way. After all, why should he? He was smart, and he was rich. To Emma Elder, Elliot was almost the perfect son, except for one sore point: He was miserable at sports or other physical departments, and Emma needed to have the perfect All-American son to further perfect her image. Over the objection of his father, Elliot was sent to the prestigious Elysian Academy, where he could make something of himself. That was the official reason, at least. In truth, Emma was disappointed in her son, for reasons he had never been told. Everett Elder did not really come from a rich family. He did not just support his wife's campaigns or go golfing. No, he was working for Brande Management. A super human with the ability to change his appearance, he was one of many agents performing industrial espionage and sabotage for Brande Management, all to increase their stock. Everett wanted out, but he was in too deep, and so, he continued. And Elaine had inherited his powers, perhaps to an even greater degree. Elliot, however, had not. He was a disappointment. Emma needed some way to use him, and Elysian Academy would be how. At the Elysian Academy, Elliot was pushed for the first time that he could remember. With a particular focus on his physical prowess, as per his mother's requests, and Elliot's arrogance grew once again. He was now both a physical and mental threat to those around him, a fact that he reveled in. He didn't care that Elysian Academy was grooming him to be a super villain. He would take what he learned and use it for his own, once he left the Academy. Fine, they wanted to underestimate him. Elliot would deal with them all when the time came. He was given the code name the Bronze Hornet, which he did not particularly like, but he did not care. He could make a proper name for himself at a later point. Unknown to Elliot, his mother had made a fatal mistake. Emma had been in the pocket of the Chamber for a long time. They boosted her political career, she looked in the wrong way or campaigned for what they wanted. Now she made the mistake of actually having law enforcement investigate a business that was closely related to the Chamber. Not something big, not something famous. A money laundering front, a car wash, of all places. Still, she had to be punished. Soon after, during a break at Elysian Academy, Elliot's aunt Elaine went missing. At the same time, the mysterious villain known as the Terror reappeared to stalk the city, killing many along the way. When Elliot was alone at home, with only servants for company in their mansion, the Terror appeared, smashing through the window. As the Terror stood before Elliot, he learned what fear was. And as it collapsed, the fear spirit left the shriveled corpse of his aunt Elaine behind. That could have been the end of it. A terrified youth, a dead aunt. The start of a rebellion by a politician put back in place, and everything could continue as it had. The fear spirit that was the Terror had other plans. Elliot does not know why it did, but it did. From he learned next, it had always returned to the Chamber when its job was done, and its host was left as nothing. Maybe it was its own act of rebellion. Maybe it wanted to punish its creators. Maybe it just wanted Elliot to feel fear. Maybe the last of Elaine's soul influenced it. Or maybe it simply wanted to create another vessel to spread fear throughout Emerald City. Whatever the cause, the fear spirit possessed Elliot for the briefest of moments. And in those briefest of moments, Elliot knew fear and he knew truth. Through the distorted point of view of the artificial fear spirit, Elliot caught glimpses and visions of its creation. Of the things it had seen. Of the things it had done. A weapon, created by a secret conspiracy that ruled the city from behind the shadows. Used to eliminate their enemies. Used to create chaos and fear. He caught glimpses of their plans. About the enormity of everything. Distorted by the fear spirit, distorted by his own fear, distorted by the lingering remnants of Elaine's soul. They were everywhere. They were everything. Elysian Academy was worse than he thought. His mother was in their pocket. And no one knew. It lasted only moments, then the fear spirit was gone, leaving Elliot a changed man. The fear and the truth had changed him. His arrogance gone, he rebuilt his sense of self through sheer willpower. Something had to change, the city had to change. The conspiracy had to be exposed. And Elliot would do it. In the weeks that followed, Elliot did his best to keep up his facade at Elysian Academy, acting as arrogant as ever. Even as he began to become stronger, faster and tougher, displaying strength unlike ever before, he was demoted to Omega Squad, the so-called "Jobber Squad." Probably another punishment for his mother. Elliot didn't care. Being in Omega Squad meant he didn't really have to try hard to keep up his facade anymore. They were meant as distractions, dumb muscle, nothing more. The perfect guise for something much more. He spent all the free time he could researching and planning, until finally venturing out into the night to gather rumors. As he put on a mask to hide his identity, something even stranger happened. While Elliot's physical abilities had grown since his possession, that was only part of his mutation. He found that when he wore a mask, he could morph his appearance, he could blend in with his surroundings, and, perhaps even stranger still, he seemed to posses his own version of the Terror's ability to instill great fear in its targets. His mission was clear. He would use his powers to uncover the truth. By day, he is Elliot Elijah Elder, an once almost-remarkable student at Elysian Academy, now relegated to being used as cannon fodder. By night, he is Rebellion, a fearsome hero that prowls the streets of Emerald City for the truth. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Elliot can at first appear arrogant, but humbled by his demotion to Omega Squad, and this is the personality that he tries to project to the outside world. He is smarter, faster, stronger and better than others, so why shouldn't he be? What better way to hide his goals from the world around him than behind a facade that can easily push others away? In truth, Elliot is greatly changed from his previous ways. He has become more withdrawn, though it is noticed by few. He rarely opens up to others around him, having become almost entirely focused on his goal of discovering the truth about the conspiracy behind Emerald City, and how to dismantle it. He keeps notes in secret places, he finds connections even where there aren't any. As Rebellion, Elliot lets his obsession run wild. He takes notes of anything he finds relevant in a small notebook, he tends to stick to the shadows. He can be terrifying or creepy, depending on the subject at hand. He is entirely fearless, which can lead him to taking great risks with little thought for the consequences to himself. Yet, for all of his obsession with his quest for the truth, he is also slowly discovering a more heroic side to himself. It feels good to be good, and to protect others for the sake of it, not just to spite the conspiracy behind Emerald City. POWERS & TACTICS Rebellion is a master of infiltration. He will usually morph into unassuming shapes, such as janitors or cleaning crew, anything that will usually not get noticed, to make his way into a building, changing his appearance as necessary, blending in with his surroundings or moving along walls and ceilings. When pressuring a target for information, he will make full use of his ability to cause fear in others. In combat, Rebellion fights using a pair of batons. He is proficient in using them both up close and at a range, being able to throw them with enough skill to make them quickly return to himself, ready for another strike. He uses his strength and agility, rarely standing still, disappearing and reappearing to strike again. He will freely use his ability to cause fear in others to terrify and disable his opponents. Being rather pragmatic, Rebellion will use just about anything around him to his advantage. With great strength, the ability to perform incredible leaps and cling to wall, Rebellion is highly mobile, able to quickly travel across the length of Emerald City. In his identity as the Bronze Hornet, Elliot eschews the use of most of his powers, only utilizing his enhanced strength, agility and stamina. He does not cling to walls, he does not scare heroes and civilians, change his appearance or use batons to fight, instead preferring simple hand-to-hand combat. POWER DESCRIPTIONS Elliot's powers are a strange mixture of mutation caused by being possessed by the Terror fear spirit, and latent inherited powers being triggered by said possession. Due to psychological issues related to being possessed by the Terror, Elliot is unable to access certain powers without wearing a mask, essentially only those that enhance his physical and mental abilities. He has become stronger, faster and tougher than he ever was before. He is smarter, and when he wants to, possesses a strange, almost unnatural charisma. When he wears a mask, Elliot has access to further powers. He is now able to cling to walls and perform amazing leaps, while being able to slow his falls. While they appear to be physical enhancements, these abilities are psionic in nature, being a very limited degree of personal tactile telekinesis. Unknown to any but himself, Elliot has inherited his father's ability to change his features, creating instant disguises or blending in with his surroundings, making him almost invisible. His most common use of this power is to create his Rebellion disguise, or for infiltration. This inherited power has mixed with the Terror's power, becoming far greater than his father's own ability. Unlike his father, Elliot can change his voice, throw his voice and has learned how to morph his muscles, in essence making him far stronger than he would normally be. Perhaps the most horrifying part of Elliot's powers is his ability to create fear in those around him. This psionic ability appears to be a variation of the Terror's "Aura of Terror" ability, though if Elliot's wishes to create paralyzing fear, he requires great focus. He can also create an intense fear that allows him to issue commands to his targets, effectively mind controlling them for a brief moment. In the time since his transformation, Elliot's senses have started to expand. With both he and the Terror being tied to Emerald City, he has begun to notice patterns and clues in the city itself. Seemingly unconnected sights and events can lead him to strange, new discoveries during his investigations, as he follows the grid of the city to the find the monsters that lurk beneath. COMPLICATIONS FEARLESS/FOOL: As Rebellion, Elliot feels no fear. While this is a great advantage, it is also a disadvantage, as he has been known to take actions that were extremely dangerous, if not outright suicidal. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point whenever he is in a situation where his fearlessness leads him into trouble. HE_KNOWS/TOO_MUCH: Rebellion's knowledge of Emerald City is still growing, as he works to uncover secrets and conspiracies, but there are those that do not take kindly to his meddling. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point if the current situation is made worse by Rebellion being hunted by those working for the secrets that he has uncovered in Emerald City. HERO/VILLAIN: Rebellion is new to the whole hero thing. While he tries to shed the mindset instilled by Elysian Academy, he still has some problems with doing the right thing. What should he choose, to save one life or many? To abandon his mission and lose a lead to save a life from a random mugging? He is also rather pragmatic and ruthless. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point when he is in a situation where he is tested in following his quest for the truth or performing a heroic action.KID/TERROR: Elliot subconsciously represses his powers, unless he is wearing a mask. Once he puts on a mask, he can easily summon the full extent of his powers, but without, he cannot actively access any of his powers marked with the Mask descriptor. A GM can award Rebellion a Hero Point whenever he is in a situation where he cannot use his powers for this reason. REBELLION/HORNET: Elliot's training at Elysian Academy has instilled in him the values of a villain, and given him an identity as the Bronze Hornet. While he struggles to overcome the morals and mindset taught at the academy, he might also come into conflicts where he finds himself on the sides of both heroes and villains. While Elliot's true allegiance is on the side of the angels, he is reluctant to abandon his identity at Elysian Academy, and the safety it provides as he continues his quest. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point when he is in a situation where his conflicting identities or values taught at Elysian Academy cause him trouble. TERROR/HERO: There is just something off about Rebellion. While he is ultimately heroic, he has some serious issues in positive interactions with others. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point whenever he is in a situation where his mannerisms, appearance and abilities negatively affects other's reaction to him. TRUTH/SEEKER: Rebellion wants to find the truth about Emerald City. It is his great mission in life. Just what is the Terror? Why does the city have so few super villains? Is there some secret chamber that runs the city behind the scenes? And so much more. He has few qualms about discovering the truth and what he must do to get there. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point when he is in a situation where his decision to seek out the truth makes the current situation worse in some way, or he hesitates due having trouble between doing what is right, or continue his mission to seek out the truth. WHITE/SHEEP: The matriarch of the Elder family is an ambitious politician in the pockets of the Chamber. The patriarch is a super villain saboteur and spy. The daughter has inherited her father's abilities, and though the process is slow, she is being groomed to follow in his footsteps. The son is trying to be a hero. Elliot might once have shared this mindset, but his meeting with the Terror left him greatly changed. Now he seeks to dismantle the same conspiracy that his family benefits from, and while he pretends that nothing has changed, it is getting harder to hide his changed outlook from his family. Being the unfavorite to at least his mother may also cause him some serious issues. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point when he is in a situation where he runs into trouble with his family, either from trying to keep his facade as still truly being one of them, due to conflicts where his actions could cause them trouble in some way, or if his mother's favoritism towards Elliot's older sister causes him problems. CITY/GRID: Rebellion's expanded awareness of grids and patterns seems to be tied to Emerald City, and to a lesser degree to other metropolitan areas. If Rebellion attempts to use his See the Patterns power outside a metropolitan area, the GM might deny the request, as Rebellion's expanded awareness is simply unable to connect the dots, giving Rebellion a Hero Point instead. If the use of the power has been denied once in an area, repeated uses in the same or a similar area cannot be used to gain additional Hero Points. ABILITIES 2 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 2 = 20PP Strength: 32 (+11) / 12 (+1)Dexterity: 20 (+5) / 12 (+1)Constitution: 22 (+6) / 12 (+1)Intelligence: 24 (+7) / 16 (+3)Wisdom: 16 (+3)Charisma: 20 (+5) / 12 (+1) COMBAT 8 + 12 = 20PP Initiative: +5 (+5 Enh. Dex) / +1 (+1 Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +9 Melee (+4 Base, +5 Attack Focus), +4 Ranged Defense: +12 (+6 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +10 (+4 Base Attack, +5 Attack Focus, +1 Str) /+20 (+4 Base Attack, +5 Attack Focus, +11 Enh. Str) Knockback: -4 SAVING THROWS 4 + 5 + 7 = 16PP Toughness: +8 (+6 Enh. Con, +2 Defensive Roll) / +3 (+1 Con, +2 Defensive Roll)Fortitude: +10 (+6 Enh. Con, +4) / +5 (+1 Con, +4)Reflex: +10 (+5 Enh. Dex, +5) / +6 (+1 Dex, +5)Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) SKILLS 116R = 29PP Bluff 5 (+10) Computers 3 (+10) Disable Device 3 (+10) Disguise 0 (+5, +10Royal Morph, +40Terror Morph)Skill Mastery Escape Artist 10 (+15) Gather Information 15 (+20)Skill Mastery, Well Informed Intimidate 15 (+20)Distract, Fascinate, Skill Mastery, Startle Investigate 8 (+15) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 2 (+9) Knowledge (Streetwise) 8 (+15) Notice 12 (+15) Search 8 (+15) Sense Motive 12 (+15) Stealth 15 (+20)Skill Mastery FEATS 25PP Attack Focus [Melee] 5 Benefit [Wealth] 1 Challenge - Fast Startle Contacts Defensive Roll 1 Distract [Intimidation] Dodge Focus 6 Hide In Plain Sight Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 3 Skill Mastery (Disguise, Gather Information, Intimidate, Stealth) Startle Takedown Attack Well-Informed POWERS 8 + 10 + 8 + 8 + 33 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 21 = 104 For Mask descriptor explanation, see the complication TERROR/HERO. Enhanced Charisma 8 [8PP] (Descriptors: Uncanny Charisma, Physical Mutation) Enhanced Constitution 10 [10PP] (Descriptors: Uncanny Physique, Physical Mutation) Enhanced Dexterity 8 [8PP] (Descriptors: Uncanny Dexterity, Physical Mutation) Enhanced Intelligence 8 [8PP] (Descriptors: Uncanny Mind, Physical Mutation) Fear Array 15.5 (31PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [33PP] (Descriptors: Emotion, Fear, Mask, Mutation, Psionic) BP: Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Area [Burst], Mental (+0), Selective, Flaws: Limited [Fear Only], Feats: Reversible) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Aura of Terror) AP: Mind Control 10 (Extras: Conscious, Effortless; Flaws: Duration [Instant]; Feats: Subtle) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Commanding Terror) AP: Paralyze 10 (Extras: Mental (+0), Range 2 [Perception], Flaws: Action [Full Action], Feats: Reversible) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Paralyzing Terror) Feature 1 (Directed Inspiration) [1PP] (Descriptors: See The Pattern, Mask, Hyper-Awareness) See the Complication CITY/GRID Immunity 1 (Fear Effects) [1PP] (Descriptors: No Fear, Mask, Mutation) Leaping 4 (x25 Leaping distance; Run 275 ft./525 ft.) [4PP] (Descriptors: Mask, Mutation Psionic) Morph 1 (+5 Disguise, Broad Group: Humanoid) [2PP] (Descriptors: Royal Morph, Inherited, Mutation) Super-Movement 4 (Slow Fall, Trackless, Wall-Crawling 2) [8PP] (Descriptors: Mask, Mutation, Psionic) Terror Array 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [21P] (Descriptors: Inherited, Mutation) BP: Enhanced Strength 20 {20/20PP} (Descriptors: Uncanny Power, Muscle Morph) AP: {4 + 2 + 14= 20/20PP} (Descriptors: Terror Morph, Mask) Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses; Flaws: Blending) [4PP] (Descriptors: Camouflage) Feature 2 (Vocal Mimicry, Throw Voice) [2PP] Morph 6 (+30 Disguise, Broad Group: Humanoid; Feats: Covers Scent, Precise) (Stacks with Royal Morph) [14PP] Stacked Power: Morph 7 (+35 Disguise, Broad Group: Humanoid; Feats: Covers Scent, Precise) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC16 Tou (Staged) Damage +9 Unarmed - Uncanny Power Touch DC26 Tou (Staged) Damage +9 Aura of Terror Perception DC20 Will (Staged) Fail: Shaken >5: Frightened Panicking Reversible Paralyzing Terror Perception DC20 Will (Staged) Fail: Slowed >5: Paralyzed Reversible Commanding Terror Perception DC20 Will Mind Control Conscious, Effortless, Subtle Abilities (20) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (16) + Skills (29) + Feats (25) + Powers (104) - Drawbacks (0) = 214/226 Power Points
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 (edited) SpacemanPower Level: 13 Effective Power Level: 10 Powers Points: 185/196PPUnspent Power Points: 11PPTrade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Retired hero returns to action when his powers return. Now he has to balance his life, family and need to use his powers for good. Theme: Shooting Star - Kirby Krackle Alternate Identity: Parker Powers (Secret)Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: Bayview, Freedom CityBase of Operations: Freedom CityOccupation: Teacher at the Nicholson SchoolAffiliations: Nicholson School, Powers Holdings Inc.Family: Penelope Powers (nee Thomas) (Born 1980, wife, Writer), Paris Powers (Born 2006, son), Pia Powers (Born 2011, daughter), Peter Powers (Born 1949, father, Retired), Penny Powers (Born 1948, mother, Retired), Tracy Powers (Born 1975, sister, CEO of Powers Holdings) Description:Age: 41 (DoB: 1979 [May 27]Gender: MaleEthnicity: CaucasianHeight: 6'1''Weight: 265 lbs.Eyes: Light blueHair: Blonde Parker has semi-long blonde hair with a full beard, and light blue eyes that seem almost inhuman in color. He has an athletic build, having done his best to keep in shape even during his retirement. He tends to stand up straight, and will usually have a friendly smile on his lips. While in normal clothes, Parker tends to wear dress shirts and ties, ranging from solid colors to more abstract shapes and colors and to cartoon characters. He will usually wear dark pants or jeans, often in contrast to his shirt and tie. He has a habit of using his hands much when talking, gesturing to get his point across. As Spaceman, Parker wears a primarily white costume, with a black triangle shape at the top of his chest, starting from his solar plexus. He wears a black cape directly attached to the black area of his costume, near his shoulders. In the center of the black area on his chest, he displays his logo, a stylized golden "S" with light grey, almost silver, borders in a diamond shape. He wears a golden belt and golden armbands. He wears no mask. When he uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. History: Peter and Penny Powers: What had started as a business partnership had evolved into romance and eventually marriage. Philanthropists, adventurers, explorers, they travelled across the world, spending their wealth and time to try and make the world a better place. Penny came from old money from the Freedom City Powers family, but she was all too happy to take Peter up on his offer to actually start using that money for good. Not even the birth of their daughter Tracy seemed to slow them down. During late August 1978, when their daughter Tracy was 3, the Powers family visited one of the many laboratories that Penny had set up, one that was researching alternative sources of power. One particular research group led by one Doctor Joseph Siegel was working on a device that would siphon energy from a theoretical buffer zone that laid between universes. While Doctor Siegel explained the machine and its potential uses to the Powers couple, young Tracy grew restless and bored, and started toying with the machine, unnoticed by all. One fateful click of a button, and Penny was bombarded with a cascade of rainbow energy from the machine. She screamed in shock, but the shock soon turned to confusion, as it seemed to be nothing more than colors. While Doctor Siegel scrambled to shut off the machine and was quick to apologize and subject Penny to a number of tests, all but one came up as negative: Penny was unharmed by the burst of energy, but she was pregnant with the Powers couple's second child. The experiment into the theoretical buffer zone continued, before eventually being shelved a few years later. On May 27nd the following year, Parker Powers was born into a loving family. A doting older sister, parents that loved both siblings and did their best to teach them wrong from right, to threat everyone with respect and offer what help they could. In short, the Powers children were taught to believe in truth and justice, and to always apply those lessons to the best of their abilities. They attended the very best private schools in Freedom City, both Parker and Tracy loving the Freedom Friends cartoon, even years after the Freedom Leagoe disbanded. Parker in particular idolized the Centurion, while his sister was always more fond of the Daedelus. The siblings were inseperable, spending virtually all their time together. After going public with their criticism of Mayor Moore, The Powers couple saw their wealth dwindling during the Moore administration, leading to the eventual shutdown or many of their humanitarian efforts during Freedom City's Iron Age, though they still did what they could to make the world a better place. In 1989, on his tenth birthday, Parker first displayed super human abilities, as he found himself floating above the ground. Tracy was of course the first to discover it, even when Parker tried to keep it hidden. It wasn't a good time to have powers in Freedom City, after all. Still, after some experimentation where they discovered that flight was simply the first of Parker's abilities, the siblings came clean to their parents, revealing Parker's ability to seemingly manipulate space itself. While worried for their child's safety, Penny and Peter showed nothing but love for their children as they did their best to help Parker understand his strange new abilities and what he could do. Still, despite his parents' help, it was Parker's sister that helped him understand how he could use his abilities on not just the world around him, but himself as well, allowing him to emulate several abilities of his heroes. Parker spent the following years struggling with his powers and keeping them to himself. He couldn't risk discovery by the Moore Administration, but with everything he had been taught and how he had been raised by his parents, it felt wrong to not use his powers to help others. In 1993, he got his wish. The Terminus Invasion struck Freedom City, and as the largest alliance of heroes united to repel the invaders, Parker couldn't just look on anymore. Donning a pair of jeans, a t-shirt with a stylized S, a pair of goggles and a leather jacket, Spaceboy made his debut fighting the minions of the Terminus. Stumbling into the battles and saving anyone that he could, Spaceboy joined the fight against Omega and saw as his hero, the Centurion, sacrificed himself to save the world. In the years after the Terminus Invasion, Spaceboy became a regular sight in Freedom City, flying across the sky, fighting villains and saving the day. Despite the extent of his abilities, he would only rarely use them to their full extent, instead prefering to give the appearance that he only possessed flight, super strength, invulnerability, intangibility and not much else. As he fought for truth, justice and protect the people, Parker found his powers slowly increasing, and as he grew more comfortable in the role of a hero, he gradually changed his look. By 1996, the now 17 years old Parker started calling himself Spaceman, and by 1998, he started wearing the costume that he would be known for. Through trials, battles, partnerships and more, Parker gradually grew into a better man and hero, often being the sponsor to give villains and criminals the chance to redeem themselves before, during and after serving their sentence. While his parents stood by him the entire time, offering help, advice and shoulders to cry on, none was closer to Parker than his sister Tracy, who he credited with keeping him grounded as Spaceman soared to ever greater heights. He met Penelope Thomas in 1997, and the two immediately hit it off. An aspiring writer, Penelope sought to write the story of the heroes of Freedom City, her first goal being the story of Spaceman. While he was amused, Parker did not wish to deceive Penelope, and soon after they started dating, he revealed his identity to her. What kind of hero would he be if he lied to his significant other, after all? The two remained a steady couple, with Parker eventually proposing in 2000. In the years that had followed since his debut on the super hero scene, it seemed that Parker met and fought a veritable who's who of super heroes and villains, including encounters with the Atom Family, the Delinquents, Flashforward and Hologram, Doctor Metropolis and many, many more, but since her first debut in 1999, his most recurring and personal foe was the mysterious villain known as Doctor Deviation. Seemingly Doctor Deviation's only target, and a quite personal one at that. While strangely never targeting any of Parker's friends or loved ones, Doctor Deviation seemed all too willing to target any other civilian or public gathering that could draw Spaceman's attention. While Spaceman would triump again and again during their battles, Doctor Deviation always worked through proxies or managed to escape, and her motives never seemed clear, beyond hurting and stopping Spaceman. Even when Parker confronted Doctor Deviation alongside allies, she seemed intent on targeting him. As the years passed, Doctor Deviation's methods grew more brutal, as did their battles. Spaceman remained a respected member of the hero community in the years that followed. In 2003, Parker and Penelope married, and by 2006, Penelope was pregnant with the couple's first child. Then, Doctor Deviation struck. More unhinged than ever, Deviation lured Spaceman to Greenland, where they fought what would turn out to be their final battle. At the end of an extended, gruelling duel where Doctor Deviant held the life of a small village in her grip, Spaceman finally prevailed, seemingly defeating his archenemy for good, as Doctor Deviation disappeared below the arctic waters. Sustaining massive injuries that left him wheelchair bound for months and walking with a cane for a year after, Parker found that his powers had disappeared, and the Spaceman disappeared from the public eye, his fate left uncertain to the world at large. With his young son Paris to take care of and be an example to, Parker decided that he still had to do something, even if he couldn't be a super hero anymore. Despite his access to the Powers fortune meaning that he didn't actually have to work for a living, Parker started to study to become a teacher. By 2011, Penelope gave birth to their daughter Pia, and both Parker and Penelope agreed to keep their father's past as a hero secret, at least until the children were old enough to properly understand. By 2012, Parker earned a position as a science teacher at the Nicholson School in Freedom City, happily teaching the super powered children of the world. Since then, Parker had lived a quiet life with his family, letting his sister Tracy run the revived Powers Holdings Inc., carrying out the family's vision, while he was content to teach and spend time with his family. Still, despite being content with his life, Parker would at least admit to himself that he missed being a hero, and he still felt a twinge of regret when he heard of situations where he could have helped. Parker woke in the morning to find small black bubbles generating from his body as he once again affected space around him. It seemed that it was once again time for Parker to put on the cape, but if Spaceman returned, could Doctor Deviation be far behind? Personality & Motivation: Parker is a loving father, a devoted husband and a respected teacher. He is caring and slow to anger, secure in himself and his life. Despite feeling the pull of heroics, and still ending up putting himself in harms way to protect his loved ones and students a few times, he had accepted that his days as a super hero was over, and he was happy with his life. Compassionate and always prefering to talk through problems rather than fight, Parker is the calm presence that keeps his family together. With the return of his powers, Parker has once again taken on the mantle of Spaceman, unable to deny the responsibility that his powers give him, though he feels out of place in the world of modern heroes, which has moved on since he hung up his cape. He recognizes few of the current generation, but despite his prior heroics, he has found himself content to let the younger heroes act on their own, rather than try to force them to conform to the way he thinks heroes used to be. Despite the return of his powers, Parker has found himself feeling less secure in his abilities than he used to. Was it his injuries that caused his powers to disappear, or something else? They might have returned, but he is weaker than he used to be, and as his familarity with his powers have resurfaced, he has found himself acting as if they were at their old levels on numerous occassions. Having yet to tell his children of his secret identity, Parker struggles with whether he should tell them, hating that he is, so far, keeping secrets from them. While acting as Spaceman, Parker acts much like he used to: He is a champion, a defender, standing up for everyone in danger. He focuses on keeping people safe and tries to avoid violence whenever possible. If he finds himself believing that a villain can be redeemed, he will try to help them to the best of his ability, whether behind the scenes or with their knowledge, depending on their individual needs. Powers & Tactics: Parker tends to present himself as a typical paragon. Strong, faster, tough and can fly. While the more advanced uses of his powers are not exactly a secret, its not something he will boast about using. Spaceman's first priority is keeping people safe and out of harms way, and he prefers to solve conflicts through words. If the situation allows him to talk down a foe instead of fighting them, he will attempt to do so. Power Descriptions: Parker's powers come from a peculiar connection to Z-Space, the realm between universes in the multiverse. On top of a general physical enhancement, giving him greater reflexes and making him physically tougher, the connection allows him to manipulate space, the distance between two objects. He has a total spatial awareness and a constant sense of the exact distance between everything around him. He is also granted a peculiar ability to seem unassuming and have a forgettable apperance when he is out of his costume, an unconscious effect of his connection to Z-Space, a sort of dimensional ripple effect that makes him harder to recognize By manipulating the distance between himself and other things, Parker can fly, or, by moving himself instantly, achieve a teleportation effect. Turning his powers on himself, he can make himself harder to hurt and move or stronger by increasing his molecular density and space, or become incorporal by decreasing his molecular space. Turning his powers outward, Parker can decrease the distance between himself and his targets, allowing him to hit someone far away, even from different angles, or alternatively to hit everyone in an area at once, applying the full force of his strength at once. He can change the physical distance between two objects, effectively moving them through space, slam space itself into a target, create a sense of vertigo by manipulating the distance that a target's senses inform them about, or even effectively locking a target in place by increasing the distance between them and everything around them. As Parker uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. Since his powers returned after being unable to access them for more than 10 years, Parker has found them greatly weakened than before. Complications:Broken Pedestal: While the majority of Freedom City in general is happy to have Spaceman back, some people might feel differently, perhaps feeling that he abandoned the city, especially since he has done little to explain where he has been. The GM can award Spaceman with a Hero Point if a situation is made more difficult by encountering someone that has taken offense to his disappearence. Chronic Hero Syndrome: Even before and after losing his powers, Parker has always had some serious issues with not helping those in need. Walking ladies over the street, getting beat up fending off muggers, you name it. This makes it very difficult for him to ignore someone in need, a fact that can, and has been, used against him numerous times, and makes it nigh-impossible for him to not start using his powers as a hero once again. Dented Iron: Parker isn't as powerful as he used to be and still feels the effects of his last battle before he lost his powers. The GM can award him with a Hero Point if he tries to do something he just can't anymore, or if his old injuries act up causing him to lose concentration. Alternatively, not wanting to let others down, he might end up in situations that he could once have handled, but are now much more difficult. Deviant Doctor: During his years as an active hero, Spaceman was the almost sole target of the villain Doctor Deviation, who seemed to personally target him at every opportunity, doing everything she could to draw him out, even doing small and petty acts just to annoy him. While Spaceman would eventually emerge victorious in most of their battles, Doctor Deviation was never captured, and he never learned her true identity. After their final fight, which greatly injured Spaceman and, at least temporarily, cost him his powers, Doctor Deviation disappeared. Now that Spaceman is back, Doctor Deviation is bound to return as well. While Doctor Deviation will never do anything to target Spaceman's family and friends, she is prone to aiding other villains when fighting Spaceman, either by sending minions, directly interfering or simply finding ways to make the situation more difficult, earning Parker a Hero Point from the GM in the process. Enemies: As the Spaceman, Parker fought a number of enemies before losing his powers and retiring. When he retired, some of these enemies remained active, while others disappeared. Now that he is back, they might return, looking to settle old scores, or new villains might take a shot at the once prominent hero. Father, Husband, Son, Brother, Teacher, Hero: Parker has a lot of responsibilities to his parents and to his students. Now that his powers have returned, he has even more. While his family might be understanding, that doesn't mean Parker won't feel responsible if he lets them down. The GM can award Parker with a Hero Point if he ends up in a situation where having to choose between his responsibilites somehow hinders Parker, including putting them in harms way, having to finish up something before picking up his children, dealing with curious students or even just having to answer a call from his mother who wants to chat while he is fighting Gargaton the Unspeakable. Redemption Sponsor: Even if he is by no means naive, Parker would much rather redeem any villains or criminals into using their abilities for the good of society and others, rather than just beat them up. Of course, they have to be judged as the law dictates, but before, during and after serving their sentence, he is more than willing to help them. This also means that, if it is possible in the situation, Spaceman will often try to diffuse a situation without violence, and at least offer a villain a chance to surrender and turn their skills to good before a fight. A GM can award Spaceman a Hero Point if this stalls him during a battle or gives the villain a chance. Secret Identity: Parker's wife, parents and sister knows of his secret identity. Even his children haven't been told, though now that his powers have returned, it is getting harder and harder to keep the secret. Z-Spaceman: While he is aware that his powers are tied to somewhere or something else, Parker doesn't know how deep this connection runs, or just how the connection works, but it gives Parker a certain feel and background radiation that interdimensional travellers tend to be able to sense, attracting him a lot of the wrong kind of attention. The GM can award Parker a Hero Point if someone being able to sense or detect him due to being interdimensional travellers or having the right equipment causes trouble. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 20PPStrength: 10 (+0) / 30 (+10) w. Spatial Strength or Reach EverythingDexterity: 12 (+1) / 16 (+3)Constitution: 12 (+1) / 40 (+15) w. Enhanced ConstitutionIntelligence: 16 (+3)Wisdom: 16 (+3)Charisma: 14 (+2)Combat: 20 + 4 = 24PPInitiative: +3 (+3 Dex)Attack: +10 BaseDefense: +5 (+2 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed Grapple: See table belowKnockback: -8 (TOU 15/2) / -23 (TOU 5/2, -10 Imp. TOU, -10 Spatial Constant) Grapple Table Total Score Base Attack (BA) Increase Molecular Space (IMS) Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength (IR) Change Physical Distance (CPD) Values +10 +10 +17 +28 BA +10 +10 CPD +28 +28 IMS +20 +10 +10 IR +27 +10 +17 IR+IMS +37 +10 +10 +17 Saving Throws: 0 + 3 + 7 = 10PPToughness: +15 (+1 Con, +14 Enhanced Con)Fortitude: +15 (+1 Con, +14 Enhanced Con)Reflex: +6 (+3 Dex, +3)Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7)Skills: 44R = 11PP Diplomacy 13 (+15) Gather Information 3 (+5) Knowledge [Behavioral Sciences] 2 (+5) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 7 (+10) Language 3 (Native: English; French, German, Spanish) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 7 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Feats: 11PP Benefit 1 (Fame) Benefit 1 (Wealth) Dodge Focus 3 Improved Grab Improved Grapple Interpose Luck 3 Powers: 35 + 22 + 35 + 11 + 6 = 109PP Enhanced Physiology 7 (35PP Container) [35PP] (Descriptors: Physical Mutation, Z-Space) Enhanced Constitution 28 [28PP] Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] Feature 1 (Forgettable appearance out of costume) [1PP] Flight 1 (Flight Speed: 10 mph, 100 ft./rnd) (Stacks with Spatial Flight from Space Movement Array) [2PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Space/Spatial, Personal Spatial Placement Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 5 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) Personal Space Control Array 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space, Personal Density Manipulation) BP: {10 + 10 = 20/20} Impervious Toughness 10 [10PP] (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Density) Immovable 10 [10PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Constant) AP: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal) {20/20} (Descriptors: Decrease Molecular Space) AP: Super-Strength 10 (+50 Strength to checks; Carrying capacity: Heavy load 819.2 tons w. Spatial Strength) {20/20} (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Space) Space Control Array 16 (32PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [35PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: {12 + 20 = 32/32} (Descriptors: Personal Space Manipulation) Elongation 7 (Feats: Indirect 3, Subtle 2) (Reach: 500 ft., range incr 70 ft.) [12PP] (Descriptors: Infinite Reach, Distance and Position Manipulation) Enhanced Strength 20 [20PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Strength) AP: Move Object 14 (Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Distracting; Feats: Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2) {32/32} (Descriptors: Change Physical Distance, Distance and Position Manipulation) AP: Nauseate 10 (Extras: Range [Ranged]; Feats: Subtle 2) {32/32} (Descriptors: Vertigo, Sensory Distance Manipulation) AP: Paralyze 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Reflex] (+0), Ranged; Feats: Subtle 2) {32/32} (Descriptors: Unending Prison, Distance Manipulation) Space Movement Array 5 (10PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [11PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: Flight 4 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd) {10/10} (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 5 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) AP: Teleport 4 (Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity) (Range: 400 ft. as move action, 1 mile as full action) {10/10} (Descriptors: Change Personal Position, Instant Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) Super-Senses 6 (Distance Sense, Spatial Awareness [Sense Type: Mental, Extras: Accurate, Acute, Radius, Ranged]) [6PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Senses, Enhanced Senses, Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PPDC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +10 Unarmed – Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength Touch at 500 ft. Range incr: 70 ft. DC25 Tou (staged) Damage +10, Elongation 7, Indirect 3, Subtle 2 Change Physical Distance - Thrown Objects 140 ft. DC25 Tou (staged) Damage Perception Range, Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2 Vertigo 100 ft. DC20 Fort (staged) Fail: Sickened 2nd Fail or Fail >5: Nauseated 3rd Fail or Fail >10: Helpless +10, Subtle 2 Unending Prison 100 ft. DC20 Ref (staged) Fail: Slowed 2nd Fail or Fail >5: Paralyzed +10, Subtle 2 Totals: Abilities (20) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (11) + Feats (11) + Powers (109) - Drawbacks (0) = 185/196 Power Points Edited November 17, 2020 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 (edited) Update a bit: Lean into the Technology, Mechanical skills outside powers Get to PL12 Skills - Add more Ranks to Tech Skills - Add ranks to Computers Feats - Add -- Skill Mastery for Tech skills? Powers - Add Extended to Vision for Goggles a few times. - Add Gadgets VP? Ghost Power Level: 12 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 235/235PP Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +5 DEF / -5 TOU In Brief: Long time hero still in action after a life of hardship. Catchphrase: "Just your friendly neighborhood Ghost." Theme: 100 Bad Days - AJR Alternate Identity: Casper Baltazar Church Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: The Fens Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Constantly changing Affiliations: Freedom League Family: Jessie Taylor Wilson (Born 1988, real estate agent, ex-wife), Carrie Belinda Church (Born 2014, daughter living with mother), Cole Church (1950-1995, father), Carrie Elizabeth Church (1948-2017, mother) DESCRIPTION Age: Born Febuary 13th, 1988 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6’0’’ Weight: 155 lbs. Eyes: Light blue Hair: Brown Casper is a brown haired man in the mid 30'es. His eyes are light blue, almost, but not quite unnaturally so. His hair is usually cut short, and he sports a full beard. He usually dress in cheap or well worn clothes. Casper often seems to be tired. The friendly neighborhood Ghost wears a light grey and white costume with thick black accents. The costume is mainly light grey, with white boots and gloves, separated from the rest of the costume with thick black lines. The middle of his chest and lower body is white, separated from the light grey with the same thick black lines, which also show the difference between pants and shirt. Thick black lines stretch from just under his chest, under his arms and connecting on his back. He wears a white mask that covers his entire face, leaving just his eyes visible. Casper wears a pair of x-ray goggles with light blue glass that seems to glow over his eyes. While they seem to be built into the costume, each lens can be moved and placed separately. His logo is a stylized light blue ghost that almost seems to be glow, placed directly in the middle of his chest. Offensive use of Ghost's powers tend to create a chaotic light blue energy effect . HISTORY Casper Church probably shouldn't have attended that science expo at ASTRO Labs back in High School. Looking back, that was the thing that pretty clearly changed his life forever. The malfunctioning extradimensional looking glass device that bombarded him with some strange radiation was a dead give away. The researchers at ASTRO Labs checked him out, everything seemed fine. Harmless particles, they said. Nothing to worry about. Have a nice little promise of an internship down the line, everything will be fine, nothing to worry about. A few weeks later Casper fell through a floor and then walked through a wall. Everything was not fine. In fact, they were better than fine. He had super powers. With help from Doctor Benjamin Palmer, the ASTRO Labs researcher that had first checked him out, he figured out his powers and limits, developing a close relationship with Doctor Palmer in the process. As any other enterprising Freedom City youth suddenly granted powers, Casper had a choice to make. He tried to use his powers to become rich and famous. The Ghost made a few headlines appearing on television and online, made some money. It was some good weeks. Then, he saw something he shouldn't have at the set. The man that had hired him had ties to a super villain group, one that was planning a large scale heist. Casper didn't care, it didn't have anything to do with him. Then the gang hit ASTRO Labs. Casper's mentor was killed in the attack. Casper reasoned it was all his fault, and the Ghost went on the warpath. He confronted the producer and fought the gang. Victorious, the Ghost set out to become a hero. That was the prologue. Since 2003, the Friendly Neighborhood Ghost has remained a Freedom City fixture, fighting the good fight and saving lives. Never one of the most well known heroes of Freedom City, his status has fluctated wildly from beloved hero to hated menace and back again over the years. With an evergrowing rogues gallery of his own, the Ghost has saved Freedom City on multiple occasions, though his efforts have rarely been acknowledged by the city at large. Not that it bothers him. Action is his reward, after all. Having experienced a great deal of super heroic and extra normal conflicts have left him a bit wiser about the ways of the world, and perhaps a bit weary, but nonetheless still a dedicated hero. Ghost seemed to be doing well. Casper on the other hand? Not so much. Turns out that having a super heroic double life is hard work. Professionally, he never amounted to much. He just couldn't hold a steady job, always rushing off to play the hero. He had married his high school sweetheart in 2010. In 2014, their daughter Carrie was born. Casper had told Jessie his secret identity long before they were married, but even then, his double life eventually created cracks in the relationship. In 2017, the marriage broke, with Jessie gaining custody of Carrie. Even though the former couple tried to remain on friendly terms, Casper had lost an important pillar in his life. Casper's father had died when he was young. In 2019, illness claimed his mother. A chance encounter with Fleur de Joie of the Freedom League led to Casper to realize that he had been in a rut at best, spiralling at worst. He needed to do better, to become better, at least according to himself. To become someone that his daughter would be proud of. At Fleur de Joie's suggestion, he reached out to Comrade Frost, then leader of the Freedom League Auxillary, which he joined. The Freedom League Auxillary saw little action during this time, and would eventually become inactive, though Ghost would make the move to the Freedom League proper. Staying busier than ever, Casper initially formed few bonds with other members of the Freedom League, often hindered from participating in meetings due to action elsewhere. During this time, he met and befriended another experienced crimefighter, Grimalkin. The duo were clearly attracted to each other, though Casper would, as usual, continue to second guess himself and what they felt. After all, Grimalkin could just be friendly. A long, hard life of fighting is piling on, but still, Casper remains a hero as the Friendly Neighborhood Ghost. At least things have started to look up, at least until the other shoe drops. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Casper is tired. He has been fighting crime in Freedom City and beyond since 2003, and it has cost him much. The once optimistic and happy-go-lucky Ghost has become jaded. He will still crack jokes and snark with the best of them, but with far less enthusiasm than he used to. Still, despite his seeming reluctance, Casper is a hero. He might act like he doesn't believe he can make a difference, but that doesn't matter: He will still try. No matter what else happens in his life, Casper will always be a hero, and he will never give up. Even if he will complain a lot along the way. Casper's sense of responsibility will always win in the end. If he can do something to save the day, he will. This has cost him missed dates, job interviews, meetings with his mother and so much more. He might be brilliant, but what does that matter if he can never keep to an appointment? As Casper's personal life has fallen apart, he has retreated more and more into the Ghost persona, spending at least as much time in his mask as outside it. He is still reeling from his divorce, and the fact that he can't spend nearly as much time with his daughter as he would like to. After all, he has responsibilites, and it wouldn't be fair to try to explain those to a preteen. Casper desperately wants to be seen as a good father and a cool dad by his daughter Carrie, with little succes. She likes her father, sure, but she sees him more as a bumbling dad than being cool in any way. He has finally decided to give up on Jessie, and is content to be on friendly terms with her. Despite his love for Carrie, Casper is really not too fond of teenagers or young heroes in general. He feels that he has been where they are now, and, well, look where that got him? Sure, they might end up doing better than him, but really, why even bother? There's plenty of people out there and yeah, he knows that he's a bit of a hypocrite there. He's already gone through it all, no reason they gotta go through heartbreak too, right? POWERS & TACTICS Casper prefers a stealthy approach, approaching his targets and attacking through walls, floors, ceilings or anywhere else where they can't see him until it is too late. He is not above living up to his codename and taking actions to scare his enemies. He will often quickly change his position, rarely staying in one place at once, while moving his surroundings to his own benefit. Despite his preferance for stealth, Casper seems to have trouble stopping talking if he is discovered, throwing jokes and taunts as often as attacks. POWER DESCRIPTIONS The strange radiation from the extradimensional looking glass irrevocably altered Casper's body, granting him the ability to become intangible by dimensionally dispersing his body. Through time and training, he has learned to use this power in a great number of ways, from simply passing through matter to completely dispersing his body to reconstitute close by, effectively teleporting. He posses fine enough control to only make part of his body intangible or tangible, and he can use this ability to fly. His body also seem to have been generally enhanced, making him much sturdier and agile than he would otherwise be. Casper's intangibility can have a number of interesting effects on the world around him. By touching a living person, he can perform what he calls a Chilling Touch, effectively stunning on knocking out his foe. Alternatively, he can disrupt a target's nervous system, causing severe, lingering damage with a single touch. Casper calls this ability the Shock Touch. Casper can turn another person or item temporarily intangible by touching them, effectively allowing him to push them into the floor, walls, cars or whatever else is around, allowing him to trap them with his Phantom Touch. Casper can augment the effect of his intangibility into affecting a greater area by becoming fully tangible. When he imbues his effect with Phantom Force in this way, he might be tangible, but his abilities affects the entire area around him. When he affects the world around him he creates a chaotic, light blue energy effect. Casper augments his powers with a pair of goggles that gives him X-Ray vision, only stopped by lead. Originally built as a jointly by Casper and Dr. Palmer, Casper has since refined and improved the device, adding GPS capabilities. COMPLICATIONS Can't Get No Respect: Despite his long career, having saved the day, the city and much more countless times, Casper is hardly considered an A-list hero, with a number of his victories not even being public knowledge. He's popular in some circles, hated in others, or even outright dismissed. Casper has some ambivalent feelings towards this, and might react harshly if dismissed, despite his experience. If Casper lashing out at someone for dismissing him makes the situation worse, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Friendly Neighborhood Ghost: So far, being Ghost have pretty much ruined Casper's personal life, but he can't help himself. He has these powers, and he has to use them for good. The GM can award Casper a HP if his sense of responsibility somehow makes his social situation worse, be it missing appointments, losing yet another job or getting someone mad at him. Ghostbusters: Casper has made a great number of enemies over the years, having fought just about any bad guy. When Ghost encounters an enemy, there's at least a 50/50 chance that he has fought them or thwarted a scheme before, which means they might know some of his tricks, and might want to defeat or even kill Ghost in retaliation. If Ghost has encountered an enemy before and their knowledge of him or attitude towards him makes the situation worse, the GM can award Casper a Hero Point. Hands-On Approach: Casper's power to temporarily phase the solid objects and make others slip into them relies on his targets being relatively close to a surface. If Casper's target is flying or the GM otherwise deems them to be too far away from a surface, they can negate any succesful Snare via Phantom Touch, giving Casper a Hero Point instead. Loser Dad: Casper wants nothing more in life than for his daughter to think that he's cool. The GM can award Casper a Hero Point if Carrie is somehow placed in danger and used to weaken Casper, Casper finds some way to try and make her seem him as cool, but being cool means worsening the situation, or he is otherwise hindered by the love for his daughter. Scary Ghost: Casper's enemies have at times managed to convince the public that he is, in fact, a super villain. While he has always managed to clear his name, some people are still suspicious of Ghost's motives. If this somehow complicates or worsens a situation, the GM can award Casper a Hero Point. ABILITIES 0 + 2 + 2 + 10 + 6 + 6 = 26PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 12 (+1) / 24 (+7) Constitution: 12 / 20 (+5) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT 8 + 12 = 20PP Initiative: +7 (+7 Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +12 Melee, +4 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +17 (+6 Base, +11 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +12 (+4 Base Attack, +8 Attack Focus [Melee]) Knockback: -5 / -3 without Defensive Roll SAVING THROWS 5 + 7 + 7 = 19PP Toughness: +7 (+5 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +10 (+5 Con, +5) Reflex: +14 (+7 Dex, +7) Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) SKILLS 124R = 31PP Bluff 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Computers 1 (+6) Craft [Electronic] 5 (+10) Craft [Mechanical] 2 (+7) Disable Device 10 (+15) Gather Information 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Knowledge [Current Events] 5 (+10) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 10 (+15) Knowledge [Streetwise] 10 (+15) Knowledge [Technology] 10 (+15) Notice 12 (+15) Search 10 (+15) Sense Motive 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Stealth 13 (+20) Skill Mastery FEATS 38PP Attack Focus [Melee] 8 Benefit 1 [Freedom League Member] Challenge (Fast Feint) Contacts Defensive Roll Dodge Focus 11 Evasion 2 Hide in Plain Sight Inventor Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 4 Move-By Action Power Attack Skill Mastery (Bluff, Gather Information, Sense Motive, Stealth) Taunt Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Well-Informed POWERS 4 + 8 + 12 + 7 + 30 + 40 = 101PP Device 1 (5DP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [4PP] (Descriptors: X-Ray Goggles, Invention, Technology) Super-Senses 4 (Vision Penetrates Concealment; Drawbacks: Power Loss [Lead]) [3DP] (Descriptors: X-Ray Vision) Super Senses 2 (Direction Sense; Distance Sense) [2DP] (Descriptors: GPS) Enhanced Constitution 8 [8PP] (Descriptors: Ghostly Constitution, Physical Mutation) Enhanced Dexterity 12 [12PP] (Descriptors: Ghostly Dexterity, Physical Mutation) Flight 3 (Feats: Subtle 1) (500 ft./turn, 50 mph) [7PP] (Descriptors: Phantom Flight, Dimensional, Physical Mutation) Friendly Neighborhood Ghost Array 14 (28PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [30PP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Physical Mutation) BP: {4 + 23 = 27/28PP} (Descriptors: Intangible Ghost) Immunity 2 (No need to breathe, Vacuum; Flaws: No Permanent Flaw (+1)) [4PP] Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Affected by Cold; Feats: Selective, Subtle 2) [23PP] AP: Teleport 11 (Extras: Accurate; Flaws: Short-Range; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Progession [Mass] 3, Turnabout) (Teleport w. 1000 lbs. of mass. Distance 1100 ft.) {28/28} (Descriptors: Poltergeist 'Port) AP: Selective Area Power 12 Adds (Extras: Area [General Shapeable], Selective; Feats: Progression [Area] 4) (12-300 5 ft. cubes) to Ghost With The Most Array {28/28} (Descriptors: Phantom Force) Ghost With The Most Array 18.5 (37PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [40PP] (Descriptors: Dimensional, Physical Mutation) BP: Stun 12 (Extras: Affects Corporeal; Feats: Reversible) {37/37} (Descriptors: Chilling Touch) AP: Damage 12 (Extras: Affects Corporeal, Secondary Effect; Feats: Reversible) {37/37} (Descriptors: Shock Touch) AP: {3 + 23 + 6 = 32/37} (Descriptors: Turning Others Ghost) Affects Others Flight 3 Adds (Extras: Affects Others, Linked [Insubstantial 4]) to Flight [3PP] Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Affected by Cold; Extras: Affects Corporeal, Affects Others, Linked [Immunity 5] (+0); Flaws: Action 2 [Standard]; Feats: Selective, Subtle 2) [23PP] Immunity 2 (No need to breathe, Vacuum; Extras: Affects Others, Linked [Insubstantial 4] (+0); Flaws: No Permanent Flaw (+1)) [6PP] AP: Snare 12 (Extras: Affects Corporeal, Secondary Effect; Flaws: Range [Touch]; Feats: Reversible) {37/37} (Descriptors: Phantom Touch) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 TOU (staged) Damage +12 Chilling Touch Touch DC22 FORT (staged) Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned >10: Unconscious +12 Shock Touch Touch DC27 TOU (staged) Damage +12 Phantom Touch Touch DC22 REF (staged) Fail: Entangled >5/2nd Fail: Bound & Helpless +12 Chilling Touch - Phantom Force Area, 12-300 5 ft. cubes DC22 REF Area effect: Pass to reduce Stun Effect to DC15 Area DC22/16 FORT (staged) Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned >10: Unconscious Shock Touch - Phantom Force Area, 12-300 5 ft. cubes DC22 REF Area effect: Pass to reduce Damage Effect to DC20 Area DC27/21 TOU (staged) Damage Phantom Touch - Phantom Force Area, 12-300 5 ft. cubes DC22 REF Area effect: Pass to reduce Snare Effect to DC15 Area DC22/16 REF (staged) Fail: Entangled >5/2nd Fail: Bound & Helpless Totals: Abilities (26) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (31) + Feats (38) + Powers (101) - Drawbacks (0) = 235/235 Power Points Edited January 31, 2024 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted September 15, 2020 Author Posted September 15, 2020 (edited) Luck/Chaos powers without using Luck Control (or without just using Luck Control) Higher DC than Attack, bad stuff happens to the people she fights. Melee combatant. Potential personaliy: - Combative, often fighting with Archer II, having trouble adjusting to Earth-Prime being relatively peaceful. - Happy go lucky, Jubilee type? Kismet II Power Level: 10 Effective Power Level: 10 Power Points: 0/205PP Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: X In Brief: The daughter of Kismet, sent to Earth-Prime after surviving for years in the Terminus. Catchphrase: X Theme: X Alternate Identity: Evangeline 'Eva' (Secret), Evangeline 'Eva' Keller (Secret) Birthplace: The Terminus Residence: Southside, Freedom City Base of Operations: Southside, Freedom City Occupation: Adventurer, Crime Fighter Affiliations: Ethan Keller (Archer I), Connor King (Archer II) Family: Kismet I (mother, name unknown, deceased), Unknown father DESCRIPTION Age: DoB: Believed to be in the Spring 2002 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian? Height: 5’7’’ Weight: 140 lbs. Eyes: Purple Hair: Black Physical description HISTORY X PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION X POWERS & TACTICS X POWER DESCRIPTIONS X COMPLICATIONS Complication: X. ABILITIES X + X + X + X + X + X = XPP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 10 (+0) COMBAT X + X = XPP Initiative: +X (+X Dex,) Attack: +X Base, +X Melee, +X Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +X (+X Base, +X Dodge Focus), +X Flat-Footed Grapple: +X (+X Base Attack, +X Other) Knockback: -X (TOU/2) SAVING THROWS X + X + X = XPP Toughness: +X (+X Con, +X Other) Fortitude: +X (+X Con, +X) Reflex: +X (+X Dex, +X) Will: +X (+X Wis, +X) SKILLS XR = X/4PP Skill X (+X) FEATS XPP X POWERS X + X + X = X Power X (Extras: X; Flaws: X; Feats: X; Drawbacks: X) [XPP] (Descriptors: Name, X) Array X (Xx2PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power X) [XPP] (Descriptors: ) BP: Power X (Extras: X; Flaws: X; Feats: X; Drawbacks: X) {X/X} (Descriptors: Name, X) AP: Power X (Extras: X; Flaws: X; Feats: X; Drawbacks: X) {X/X} (Descriptors: Name, X) DRAWBACKS -0PP Effect (Description) [-0PP] DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage Totals: Abilities (0) + Combat (0) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points Edited November 18, 2024 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted September 27, 2020 Author Posted September 27, 2020 (edited) Remake and rebuild from the bottom up. Has he been active since becoming the Dust Devil, growing into a Ghost Rider/Deadman-esque figure, or is it someone new? Maybe just ignore old stuff that never really mattered? Lean more heavily into the Cowboy aesthetic and Supernatural. A Sand based Ghost Rider. 180PP slot. PL12 Add a Midnight Mission inspired location in Lantern Hill as base of operations, get with vet rewards Original sheet: DUST DEVIL II Power Level: 12 (180/180PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: The successor of the Dust Devil legacy, expanding his protectorate beyond just Magic Mesa. Theme: Alternate Identity: Cassidy Collins Birthplace: Southside, Freedom City Residence: Broken Crow Refuge on Halifax Street 16, Lantern Hill, Freedom City Base of Operations: Lantern Hill Occupation: Guardian of Magic Mesa Affiliations: Magic Mesa Family: John Collins (father, born 1962), Pearl Collins (née Hart, mother, borm 1961), William 'Billy' Collins (born 2003), Benjamin Collins (paternal uncle, born 1965) DESCRIPTION Age: Born on June 5th 1987 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'0'' Weight: 203 lbs., variable Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Cassidy Collins is a Caucasian man that looks perhaps a few years older than his age. He has wild, but short black hair and a short black beard. While he can look normal with effort, his skin will often appear to crack, like the ground in a desert. His eyes are blue and glow. He prefers to wear flanel or dress shirts with jeans and a old tan duster jacket, which he will often supplement with various scarves or cowboy hats. He tends to wear nicer clothing at the Broken Crow Refuge when taking in those that need his help, such as supplementing the dress shirts with vests or gloves, or wearing sunglasses to hide his unnatural looking eyes. He very much styles himself as a modern day desperado or cowboy. Cassidy's body and clothing will turn to sand at will, often taking on various half-dissolved sand forms as he moves about. HISTORY Cassidy Collins had never been a golden child, but he had never been a bad kid either. He grew up poor, but he made do, working various jobs to make ends meet, including helping his uncle Benjamin out with some of his less legal activities. One such job involved driving out into the Painted Desert in Arizona in 2019. Unfortunately, Cassidy discovered that his uncle was smuggling stolen weaponry from the 2018 Terminus Invasion. Benjamin killed Cassidy to maintain the secret. Cassidy died in the desert, afraid, alone and abandoned. Only, it wasn't the end. Hours later, Cassidy opened his eyes. He was alive, only he wasn't. His heart no longer beat, and he was alone. The Magic Mesa had reached out to Cassidy, chosing him as it's newest guardian, it's new Dust Devil. Cassidy returned to Freedom City. He tried to use his powers to be a hero. Tried to make his family proud, but that was never meant to be his path. The Dust Devil was meant for something else. As his powers began to evolve and grow, he found himself drawn away, towards the Magic Mesa and beyond. Becoming less man and more a force of nature as time progressed and he fought threats where the Magic Mesa led him, Cassidy would eventually come to accept that he had become something quite inhuman, the will of a dead man in the form of a sandstorm. He fully embraced the mantle of the Dust Devil, the supernatural guardian of the Magic Mesa. Eventually, the path set out for Cassidy by the Magic Mesa would lead him back to Freedom City. As always, the city would become the center of major ramifications for the world, and the Mesa wanted its guardian to stand ready. Cassidy established the Broken Crow Refuge on Halifax Street 16 in Lantern Hill, and quickly set about establish the Refuge as the place to come for anyone in need. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Cassidy Collins is a serious individual, with a dry sense of humor. His main motivation in life is to fulfil his charge, by protecting those that seek his aid at the Broken Crow Refuge, or those that he is guided to help by the Magic Mesa. He does not go out of his way to get into trouble of his own accord, but he has, despite his own complaints to the opposite, a strong sense of right and wrong, and he is liable to find trouble by putting himself in danger to keeps others safe. He is blunt and to the point, rarely putting on a show, instead prefering the most direct route to disable a threat. Cassidy has resigned himself to his role as an undead guardian, doing the bidding of the Magic Mesa with little question. He doesn't realize that the Mesa affords him as much freedom as he would like, and that his choices matter much more than he knows. Perhaps he will one day learn that the Magic Mesa would afford him to have a life. POWERS & TACTICS All of Cassidy's powers come from the magic of the Magic Mesa. Appointed as the Mesa' newest Dust Devil, Cassidy has become a being of living sand. Like the previous Dust Devil, Cassidy cannot be killed and he requires no rest or sustenance, and while he has yet to see the signs, he has stopped aging. He is incredibly resilient to damage, being able to shrug off most attacks by instantly rebuilding his sand body, which also means he is unaffected by most kinds of poison and diseases. If Cassidy sustains enough damage to actually hurt his body, he can rebuild himself. Cassidy can manipulate and expand the sand that makes up his body, using it to reshape his body, creating weapons made out of sand or even summon a steed made out of sand that he can ride. He can create sand and dust storms powerful enough to flay the skin off his enemies, either damaging them or flaying their or damage to weaken them. He can spread out the sand in his body, spreading it to make him more difficult to hurt, or reform in another position. He can even use sand as a medium to travel across the globe. COMPLICATIONS Betrayed: Cassidy was betrayed and killed by his own uncle. He understandably has some trouble fully trusting others. The GM can award Dust Devil a Hero Point if his lack of trust in others complicates a situation. Broken Crow Refuge: Cassidy has dedicated himself to the Broken Crow Refuge, and he is bound to at least listen to the pleas of those that come to it to seek his aid, most likely putting him in trouble as he seek to help them. Dead Like Me: Cassidy died. Then he came back. The experience was traumatic, and while he believes that he has dealt with his feelings on the matter, he hasn't. His undead state as a sand creature might also mean negative reactions from the world around him, if they learn what he is. The GM can award Dust Devil a Hero Point if his status as an undead being made of sand causes issues, such as in social or medical situations. Dust Devil Legacy: The Dust Devil is an almost mythic figure. The protector of Magic Mesa, he is a ruthless guardian. Those that know of the first Dust Devil can be predisposed towards Cassidy, for good or bad. The GM can award Dust Devil a Hero Point if the Dust Devil Legacy makes them negatively predisposed towards him. Guardian of Magic Mesa: Cassidy's powers come with a price. While not as strictly bound as the first Dust Devil, he must protect the Magic Mesa if needed, forcefully being drawn to its protection. This can both mean direct threats at the Magic Mesa, as well as more indirect threats, such as those whose actions could simply threaten the gateways between worlds. This can lead to Cassidy becoming involved in situations and battles he would rather have avoided, or being forced to abruptly leave his current location. The GM can award Dust Devil a Hero Point if the Magic Mesa forces him to return to protect it at an inopportune time, or nudges him to get involved in a conflict he would rather not. Whatever Happened to the Dust Devil: The old Dust Devil is gone, and Cassidy has taken his place as guardian of Magic Mesa. He doesn't know whether the first Dust Devil moved on, died or was otherwise rendered unable to fulfill his duties. ABILITIES: 0 + 6 - 10 + 4 + 8 + 6 = 14PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: - (N/A) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT: 8 + 6 = 14PP Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +4 Base, See individual Powers in DC Block Defense: +7 (+3 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed Grapple: +4 (+4 Attack) Knockback: -8 (Toughness /2) SAVING THROWS: 0 + 5 + 6 = 11PP Toughness: +17 (+17 Protection) Fortitude: - Reflex: +8 (+3 Dex, +5) Will: +10 (+4 Wis, +6) SKILLS: 68R = 17PP Diplomacy 7 (+10) Intimidate 7 (+10) Investigate 4 (+6) Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 13 (+15) Notice 6 (+10) Ride 7 (+10) Sense Motive 6 (+10) Stealth 12 (+15) Survival 6 (+10) FEATS: 15PP Benefit [Wealth] 1 Connected Dodge Focus 4 Hide in Plain Sight Improved Initiative Interpose Luck 4 Move-by Action Ritualist Veteran Awards Equipment 4 (20EP) Broken Crow Refuge (Headquarters; An unassuming brick front building on Halifax Street in Lantern Hill) [20EP] Spoiler Size: Small [0EP] - Huge Inside [Dual Size] Defense: 10 [0EP] Toughness: 30 [5EP] Features: [15EP] Concealed Dual Size [3EP] Defense System Gym Holding Cells Infirmary Library Living Space Personnel Power System Sealed Self-Repairing Workshop POWERS: 14 + 31 + 30 + 17 + 2 + 15 = 109 All have the Magic and Sand descriptor unless otherwise noted. Devil Array 6 (12PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [14PP] BP: Create Object 3 (Extras: Movable; Feats: Progression [Base Size] 3) (3x50 ft. cubes) {12/12} (Descriptors: Shape Sand) AP: Emotion Control 12 (Flaws: Limited [Fear]) {12/12} (Descriptors: Fear the Devil) AP: Environmental Control 4 (Distraction DC 15, Visibility -4; Flaws: Range [Touch]) (50 ft. radius) {12/12} (Descriptors: Sand Storm) Dust Array 13.5 (27PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [31PP] BP: Blast 12 (Feats: Accurate 3) {27/27} (Descriptors: Sand Revolver) AP: Damage 12 (Extras: Area [General Burst]; Feats: Progression [Area Size] 3) (60-600 ft. radius) {27/27} (Descriptors: Dust Storm) AP: Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Ranged; Feats: Accurate 3) {27/27} (Descriptors: Dust Devil's Touch) AP: Healing 12 (Extras: Affects Objects (+0), Total; Flaws: Personal; Feats: Persistent, Regrowth) {27/27} (Descriptors: Putting Myself Together) AP: Snare 12 (Feats: Accurate 3) {27/27} (Descriptors: Sand Trap) Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30PP] (Descriptors: Undead Guardian) Protection 17 [17PP] Regeneration 2 (Resurrection 1/day) [2PP] (Descriptors: Rise From The Grave) Sandstorm Array 6 (12PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [15PP] BP: Insubstantial 2 (Gaseous Form; Feats: Selective) {11/12} (Descriptors: Sand Form) AP: {6 + 6 = 12/12PP} (Descriptors: Steed, Summon, Animal) Speed 6 (500 mph, 5000 ft/rnd; Extras: Linked [Super-Movement] (+0)) [6PP] Super-Movement 3 (Air-Walking 2, Trackless; Extras: Linked [Speed 6] (+0)) [6PP] AP: Teleport 12 (Extras: Accurate; Flaws: Long-Range, Medium [Sand]) (Range: 20 million miles) {12/12} (Descriptors: Travel Through Sand, Dimensional, Temporal) AP: Teleport 4 (Extras: Accurate; Flaws: Short-Range; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Turnabout) (Range: 400 ft.) {11/12} (Descriptors: Dissolve and Reappear, Dimensional, Temporal) DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus/Other Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +12 Sand Revolver 120 ft. DC27 Tou (staged) Damage +12 Fear the Devil Perception DC22 Will (staged) Fail: Shaken >5: Frightened Panicking Dust Storm Burst Area 60-600 ft. radius DC22 Ref Reduce Damage effect to DC21 Tou Area DC27 Tou (staged) Damage Dust Devil's Touch 120 ft. DC22 Fort Toughness Drain +12 Sand Trap 120 ft. DC22 Ref (staged) Fail: Entangled >5: Bound and Helpless +12 Totals: Abilities (14) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (17) + Feats (15) + Powers (109) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Edited November 13, 2024 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted October 2, 2020 Author Posted October 2, 2020 (edited) The Young Guardians will save you! Concept A team of young heroes in the style of the Wolfman/Perez era New Teen Titans, out to make their mark on the world. History The genesis for the Young Guardians team started with the formation of the New Young Freedom team, which was formed by Sebastian Shields (Casanova) at Claremont Academy in 2020, which included Bluebird, Stinger, Chump and Toxin. Raven III's sidekick Nevermore II, had joined the Academy during that year, and, upon realizing that something was off about New Young Freedom, he started organizing a number of students to oppose them, initially gathering Shift, Nightscale, Arrow IV and Howl around him. They quickly learned that New Young Freedom engineered the crimes that they solved through Casanova's mind control abilities and were, at least initially, able to stop them, defeating them in a fight. An attempt by Casanova to force Nightscale's girlfriend Shadowborne to join New Young Freedom let him to join her boyfriend's team instead, and, as the years continued and the two groups continued to clash, the team's lineup continued to change, eventually settling on Nevermore II, Nightscale, Shadowborne, Paper and Multi-Girl, who settled on the team name the Young Guardians. When Sportsmaster I, Princess Poison and Sportsmaster II attacked Nightscale in retaliation for having hurt Stinger, it was revealed that Stinger was really Ms. Scorpion, who had infiltrated Claremont on behalf of the Shadow Academy. The Young Guardians managed to defeat the super villain family, and Ms. Scorpion ran away from Claremont Academy. While most members of New Young Freedom would graduate soon after, the members of the Young Guardians stayed at the school, except for Nevermore II, who disappeared just before the end of the school year in 2022. While the remaining Young Guardians continued to get into trouble, the team lost it's momentum with the disappearance of its leader. In late November 2023, Nevermore II, now calling himself Stormcrow, returned and gathered the team together for one final fight against New Young Freedom. As it turned out, Casanova had been manipulated by both Ms. Scorpion and more sinister forces. Though the Young Guardians, joined by the zombie hero Ghule and a returning Shift, fought against New Young Freedom, Casanova and Ms. Scorpion managed to summon the Conqueror Worm... [this section will be expanded following the end of the thread The Young Guardians Returns!] Following the defeat of the Conqueror Worm, Stormcrow invited the team to their new headquarters in early January 2024, which he had spent sometime constructing with Shift after he returned to Freedom City, following an extended international adventure with Raven III. Their mission would be simple: To be there for each other and everyone that would need them. To be heroes. And, if everything happens as he wants, then one day, they would be the heroes that would cast the shadows that others would stand in. Base of Operations The Young Guardians are based out of the informally named Guardians HQ, a fancy modern mansion that was rapidly built over the course of about six months. The mansion overlooks Freedom City, giving a scenic view of the city, and while it is some distance away from most neighbors, it is still very much part of the city. Each of the members of the Young Guardians has their own room, with plenty to spare for future members. The mansion has it own power system, library, training facilities, infirmary, a garage and much more, including a hangar that houses the Guardian Jet, which launches through the secret water fall overlooking the outdoor pool. All of the mansion's features as well as the Guardian Jet can be found on Stormcrow's character sheet. Membership Ghule - Viktorya “Vik” Steinman Multi-Girl - Bernadette O’Connell Nightscale - Luke Landers Paper - Leon Moore Shadowborne - Muirne Sceadusangere Shift - Pol Rothstein-Frasier Stormcrow - Charles 'Charlie' Arthur Pratten Various Trivia The team was originally conceived as a new iteration of Young Freedom. When it was decided that it would be best for PCs to not be members of a new iteration of Young Freedom, a new iteration of Young Freedom was instead made their initial adversaries. Before the team formally formed in late 2023/early 2024, it's early iterations while the majority of the students attended Claremont went through a number of potential members at times, including, but not limited to, Arrow IV, Howl and Outrider. Three team members have red hair, two of those with origins outside of the United States. Various iterations of the team has, if you squint, had many similarities to various Teen Titans members, whether in origins or power sets, including a Robin expy, a robot, exiled warrior, a shapeshifter and dark, shadow related powers. The team is funded by the Summers Estate and various investments that Charlie has made, both of his own and their suggestions. The line about who owns what is kind of blurred, but Charlie has been promised autonomy. Both Stormcrow (then as Nevermore II) and Shadowborne have spent a short time in a future where the Young Guardians had become a massive succesful super hero team. These short visits to the future was the first appearance of the Stormcrow identity. Edited January 28, 2024 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted October 14, 2020 Author Posted October 14, 2020 (edited) The Super Scientific Rocket! Scientifically minded speedster legacy to Johnny Rocket. Johnny Rocket's bio in Freedom City is vague on whether his parents had any siblings. Just mentions that Johnny Rocket I raised his children, then mentioning his son Jake didn't get his powers, but grandson had. Nothing preventing me from putting in that Jake had a sister or brother who then had either had children late or their child had a kid early that Johnny II and his husband ended up raising due to reasons (maybe they started using Zoom to keep up with Johnny?) Needs some way to trigger latent family powers from Johnny Rocket I. Scientific genius, joins Atom Academy. Johnny Rocket II timeline Debut at 17 Mid 20'es by 2008 - 26 Late 30'es/early 40'es by 2021 - 39 Married 2016 Born: 1981 Jill is the older sibling to Johnny, born 1978 Grandfather Jake born 1954 (Johnny Rocket I last appeared in 1955), making him 24 when Jackie was born and 27 when Johnny was born. Get later: Device 3 (15DP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [12PP] (Descriptors: High-Speed Goggles, Technology, no Genetic Mutation or Super Speed descriptor) Communication 9 (Radio Communication; 20,000 miles range; Feats: Rapid 2 (x100), Subtle) [12DP] (Descriptors: Communication Link) Super Senses 3 (Direction Sense; Distance Sense; Time Sense) [3DP] (Descriptors: Head-Up Display) Add at least 3PP to Super Scientific Rocket array: - Burst Area: Add indirect 3 - Trail Area: Progression [Area] Maybe a VP to show him quickly building gadgets in the middle of a fight? ROCKET Power Level: 10 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 180/180PPUnspent Power Points: 0Trade-Offs: DEF+5/TOU-5, No Offensive trade-off In Brief: The nephew of Johnny Rocket II races unto the scene as the Super Scientific Rocket! Catchphrase: "Let's rocket!" Theme: Yellow Line - REDLINE OST Alternate Identity: Jason "Jay" Jacob WadeBirthplace: Freedom City Residence: Atom Academy, Freedom City Base of Operations: Atom Academy, Freedom CityOccupation: Adventurer, Student/Member at Atom Academy Affiliations: Atom Academy, Johnny Rocket II Family: Jillian "Jill" Wade (Mother, unemployed nurse, born 1978), David Ross (aka Speed Freak, father, unemployed nurse, born 1977. Currently serving time in prison), John "Johnny" Wade II (aka Johnny Rocket II, uncle, professional super hero, born 1982), Chris Penny (John's husband, paramedic, born 1981), Jacob "Jake" Wade (Grandfather, born 1954), John "Johnny" Wade I (aka Johnny Rocket I, maternal great-grandfather, deceased) DESCRIPTION Age: DoB: 1998, August 6thGender: MaleEthnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’9’’Weight: 160 lbs.Eyes: BlondeHair: Blue Jay stands at 5'9'' and weighs 160 lbs, with a slim runner's physique. He has long since given up on trying to tame his blonde hair, which will invariably be a mess after he has moved at super speed. Jay prefers shorts and t-shirts, clothes tight enough that they won't restrict him when he's running. He almost always wears running shoes. At Atom Academy, he wears the stand blue, black and white uniform, with blue pants and white boots and gloves with black trim, a white belt with an Atom logo, and blue shirt with black left arm and side, with the tri-colored Atom logo in a white circle on the left side of his chest, divided equally between the blue and black parts of the uniform. On Jay's uniform, the logo have been altered slightly, adding a black rocket between the red, yellow and blue rings of the Atom logo. He wears a pair of pale blue googles that feed him information and acts as a communicator. HISTORY Jason Jake Wade was part of a heroic legacy even before he was born. While father David Ross was, as he would often say himself, a nobody, his mother Jill was the granddaughter of the original Johnny Rocket and the sister of the second Johnny Rocket. While never exhibiting any powers herself, Jill would often tell Jay stories of his heroic relatives, of their exploits and victories. Jay practically grew to worship his great-grandfather and uncle, and he would always look forward to their visits. Uncle Johnny was soon his favorite person in the world. Jay was a bright kid. Maybe a bit too bright. He was several grades ahead in school at the least, studying advanced topics even as a child. David, always having had difficulty connecting with his son, started spending less and less time at home. He would be gone for days, further straining his relationship not just with Jay, but with his girlfriend Jill. Eventually, Jill disappeared along with David. Jay was taken in by uncle Johnny and his boyfriend Chris while they searched for his missing parents. Months later, as Johnny fought one of his recurring foes, a speedster that called himself the Speed Freak. Always able to escape, Speed Freak had brought a super fast woman to help him as he and Johnny had clashed several times over the past few months. Finally, Johnny won and unmasked Speed Freak and his accomplice... and found David and Jill! As they soon learned, David had grown to resent at first Johnny and the rest of the Wade family, and later his own son. He had used Zoom to become fast enough to fight Johnny for years. Finally reaching his break points months earlier, he had kidnapped Jill and drugged her into a state where she would help him in his fights against Johnny. In his delusions, he believed that he was saving Jill from her brother and their evil child. David was sent to prison, while Jill, damaged in both body and mind from the ordeal, were given all the help that Johnny's considerable resources could provide. With David behinds bars and Jill unable to take care of Jay, uncle Johnny was appointed as his official guardian. Jay was happy with Johnny and Chris, who made sure he could visit his mother as often as possible. Any visit to his father ended in failure, until they, at last, agreed to stop. Johnny and Chris' nurtured Jay to learn all that he could, helping him grow into a bright young man well on his way to a promising academic career. He had his pick of colleges, but decided to take his time to decide. Near the end of 2019, David escaped, rampaging across the world to find Jill. Johnny sought to stop him, and they finally clashed outside Johnny's home in Freedom City. Seeing his father and uncle fighting triggered something in Jay. Suddenly, he moved as fast as Johnny, if not even faster! The powers inherited from the first Johnny Rocket might have skipped Jay's mother, but soon he was moving at rocket speed! Together, they defeated David, sending him back behind bars. Jay spent most of 2020 learning how to control his speed from Johnny. He took name Rocket, continuing the family tradition. Near the end of year he received an invitation to attend the soon-to-open Atom Academy. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Despite the whole situation with his parents, Jay is a generally happy, if slightly awkward, young man. He is highly intelligent, even considered gifted. He is naturally curious, though also cautious. Despite the stereotype for speedsters, he is not a "run in without a plan" type, and instead likes to take his time. Of course, for Jay that still means moving in much quicker than almost anyone else. Since joining Atom Academy he has found a love of exploration. He will often spend his private time exploring across the world or learning new subjects. Jay is not content to simply use his powers as they are, instead being determined to explore the full extent of what he can do and how. Jay has developed a habit of pushing bad thoughts away rather than deal with them, if at all possible, and as such he has a lot unresolved feelings about his father and the things he did as Speed Freak, including what he put Jay's mother through. Despite it all, he has some good memories of his father, leaving him rather conflicted. He makes sure to visit his mother whenever possible. POWERS & TACTICS All of Jay's powers revolves around speed and how he uses it. He rarely stands still, using everything he can to try to end a conflict. Jay tends to be creative in the use of his powers, finding new uses or utilizing his surroundings and technology to aid him, such as by using high tech tools to entrap his targets at incredible speeds, or simply moving debris on top of them to trap them, or using his speed to generate wind, fire or static electricity. Jay is curious, and likes to learn more about enemies he fights: Why they do what they do, how they do it, and how he can help them. He will rarely go all out and attack just to end a fight quickly, unless civilians somehow end up in danger. POWER DESCRIPTIONS Jay has inherited his great-grandfather's super speed, seemingly passed down as a genetic ability in the Wade family, as shown by Jay's uncle Johnny's powers. Though his great-grandfather gained his powers when he was splashed with experimental rocket fuel, Jay believes there might be more to it, though he has found little evidence of his theory. Jay is, to put it simply, able to move at super speed. His his body, his thoughts, his reflexes, everything happens faster, while not affecting his aging. While he needs to eat and drink more than a normal man, it is nowhere near the levels that would be expected for his abilities. By moving fast enough, Jay can run on walls or water, vibrate through walls or move so fast that he can't be seen. He is able to quickly use his momentum and relative speeds to hit with incredible force, build up static electricity to throw lightning, create fire or powerful gusts of wind. COMPLICATIONS Jay Rocket: Jay doesn't have a secret identity. With his uncle's identity being public, it wouldn't exactly be difficult for the press to figure him out, so he simply didn't bother. If Jay's lack of a secret identity complicates a situation, such as him turned away due to being a known hero, being more easily recognized or having friends and loved ones targeted by villains, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Not Johnny Rocket: Jay is well aware that he will probably always be in his great-grandfather and uncle's shadow. While he loves his uncle dearly, this also means that a lot of people expect him to be just like his uncle and great-grandfather when they started out as heroes, an impulsive hothead often in over his head. While Jay doesn't resent his predecessors for this, he might react harshly if others bring this up. If Jay's reaction to being compared to his predecessors complicates a situation, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Rocket's Rogues: While Jay has had little time to make enemies of his own, enemies of his uncle Johnny, or even particularly long-lived foes of his great-grandfather, might try to attack him for his predecessor's action. His own father, who goes by Speed Freak, might even seek him out to make him pay for his perceived slights. Since Jay joined the Atom Academy, he has only added more potential enemies, potentially becoming the target of the Atom Family's enemies. The GM can award Jay a Hero Point if his presence in a thread might bring unwanted complication if a potential foe seeks him out, further complicating a situation. Speed Freak: Jay has some very conflicted feelings about his father, who eventually turned to villainy and forced his mother into the same, requiring her to stay in a care center even almost a decade later. The GM can award Jay a Hero Point if any powers or scenes uses Jay's feelings of his father's, potentially making Jay automatically fail against the effect. Too Fast: Despite his apparent mastery of his speed, Jay is still learning how to use his powers, and he likes to experiment with them. Not everything he does is going to work. The GM can award Jay a Hero Point if they make one of his creative uses of the Variable Descriptor from the Rocket Speed Array backfire or just not work, or if his speed simple proves to be too much in a given situation. Why's and How's: Rocket is not just interested in fighting bad guys. He wants to know why and how. Why do the bad guy attack people? Can they talk him out of it and get him to stop? How does the super science gun works? Can they take it apart and use it for good? The GM can give Jay a reason to not just attack, but study an enemy, giving him pause for long enough to cause potential complications, giving him a Hero Point in return. ABILITIES 0 + 10 + 10 + 14 + 6 + 4 = 44PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 24 (+7) / 30 (+10) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 14 (+2) COMBAT 8 + 10 = 18PP Initiative: +18 (+10 IntSpeed of Thought, +8 Improved Initiative) Attack: +4 Base, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +15 (+5 Base, +10 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +4 (+4 Base Attack, +X Other) / +9 (+4 Base Attack, +5 Super-Strength [While moving]) Knockback: -2 (TOU/2) SAVING THROWS 3 + 0 + 5 = 8PP Toughness: +5 (+5 Con) Fortitude: +8 (+5 Con, +3) Reflex: +12 (+5 Dex, +0, +7 Enh. Reflex Save) Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5) SKILLS 56R = 14PP Computers 5 (+15) Craft [Electronic] 5 (+15) Craft [Mechanical] 5 (+15) Diplomacy 8 (+10) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 10 (+20) Knowledge [Technology] 5 (+15) Medicine 4 (+7) Notice 7 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+10) FEATS 6PP Benefit 1 [Atom Academy] Inventor Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 3 Enhanced Feats Dodge Focus 10 Eidetic Memory Evasion 2 Improved Initiative 2 Move-By Action Speed of Thought Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] POWERS 6 + 18 + 7 + 7 + 28 + 7 + 3 + 14 = 90 All powers have the Genetic Mutation and Super Speed descriptors, unless otherwise noted Enhanced Intelligence 6 [6PP] (Descriptors: Light Speed Mind) Enhanced Feats 18 (Dodge Focus 10, Eidetic Memory, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative 2, Move-By Action, Speed of Thought, Uncanny Dodge [Auditory]) [18PP] (Descriptors: Rocket Fuel Heart) Enhanced Reflex Save 7 [12PP] Quickness 7 [7PP] Rocket Speed Array 12.5 (25PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [28PP] BP: {10 + 10 + 5 = 25/25} (Descriptors: Full Speed) Quickness 10 [10PP] Speed 10 [10PP] Super-Strength 4 (Flaws: Limited [While Moving] [5PP] AP: Damage 10 (Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 2, Takedown Attack 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Super Speed]1) {19/25} (Descriptors: High Speed Hits, Potential: Bludgeoning Damage Type, Fire, Electricity, Wind and more) AP: Snare 10 (Flaws: Range [Touch]; Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 2, Obscure Senses 5 [Any Sense], Reversible, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Super Speed]1) {23/25} (Descriptors: High Speed Trap, Potential: Debris, Technology, Wind and more) AP: Stun 10 (Feats: Accurate 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Super Speed]1) {25/25} (Descriptors: High Speed Stun, Potential: Bludgeoning Damage Type, Electricity, Pressure Points and more) Speed 7 [7PP] Super-Movement 3 (Wall-Crawling 2, Water-Walking; Flaws: Limited [While Moving]) [3PP] (Descriptors: Just That Fast) Super Scientific Rocket Array 5 (10PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [14PP] BP: {3 + 1 + 5 = 9 /10} (Descriptors: Too Fast To See) Concealment 4 (Visual Senses; Feats: Close Range; Flaws: Limited [While Moving]) [3PP] Moving Feint Speed Adds (Feats: Moving Feint) to Speed [1PP] Super-Movement 5 (Permeate 3, Sure-Footed 2; Flaws: Limited [While Moving]) [5PP] AP: Autofire Rocket Speed 10 Adds (Extras: Autofire) to Rocket Speed Array2 {10/10} (Descriptors: Rapid Hits) AP: Burst Area Rocket Speed 10 Adds (Extras: Area [Targeted Burst], Selective; Flaws: Action [Full Action]) to Rocket Speed Array2 {10/10} (Descriptors: Hit Everyone) AP: Ranged Rocket Speed 10 Adds (Extras: Range [Ranged]) to Rocket Speed Array2 {10/10} (Descriptors: Throw Things) AP: Trail Area Rocket Speed 10 Adds (Extras: Area [Targeted Trail]) to Rocket Speed Array2 {10/10} (Descriptors: Outta the way!) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK All powers from the Rocket Speed array can have one of the following combinations of extras and flaws added from the Super Scientific Rocket Array, marked with SSR on the DC block. Only one option marked with SSR can be active at once: "Extras: Autofire", "Extras: Area [Targeted Burst], Selective; Flaws: Action [Full Action]", "Extras: Range [Ranged]", "Extras: Area [Targeted Trail]" Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +4 High Speed Hits Touch 50 ft. radiusSSR 100 ft.SSR 100 ft. trailSSR DC25 Tou (staged) Damage +10, Crit 18-20, Takedown Attack 2 AutofireSSR High Speed Trap Touch 50 ft. radiusSSR 100 ft.SSR 100 ft. trailSSR DC20 Ref (staged) Fail: Entangled >5/2nd Fail: Bound & Helpless +10, Crit 18-20, Obscure Senses [Any] AutofireSSR High Speed Stun Touch 50 ft. radiusSSR 100 ft.SSR 100 ft. trailSSR DC20 Fort (staged) Fail: Dazed>5: Stunned>10: Unconscious +10 AutofireSSR Totals: Abilities (44) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (8) + Skills (14) + Feats (6) + Powers (90) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points 1: Note on Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Super Speed]: Spoiler High Speed Hit's Variable Descriptor allows Rocket to perform various attacks by using his speed, including, but not limited to: - Bludgeoning Damage Type: High Speed Punches or kicks, colliding with targets, throwing debris. - Electricity: Static build up for electric attacks. - Fire: Moving fast enough to create fire. - Wind: Moving arms or legs in quick sweeping motions to create wind. High Speed Trap's Variable Descriptor allows Rocket to trap his targets in different ways using his speed, including, but not limited to: - Debris: Using debris around the area to create a makeshift prison for the target. - Technology: Using technology to quickly trap his target with various high speed gadgets, including high tech handcuffs, rapidly expanding foam or other technology he creates on the fly. - Wind: Trapping a target by creating a small tornado or the like that keeps them from moving. High Speed Stun's Variable Descriptor allows Rocket to stun his targets in different ways using his speed, including, but not limited to: - Electricity: Creating static build up to create an electric charge powerful enough to stun a target. - Overwhelming Force: Hitting a target fast and hard enough to stun them for a moment. - Pressure Points: Hitting a target's pressure points. 2: Note on using Rocket Speed Array and Super Scientific Rocket Array together: Spoiler By using an attack effect from the Rocket Speed Array with an extra from the Super Scientific Rocket Array, Rocket can create numerous effects, including, but not limited to: - Autofire: Multiple high speed hits from the attack effect. - Burst Area: Moving at high speed, hitting every chosen target inside the burst area almost at once, either with individual hits or creating an elemental effect inside the area by running around it. - Ranged: Throwing debris at a target at high speed to achieve effects, igniting fire or creating lightning by static electricity and moving fast enough to throw it at a target, moving arms fast enough to create wind turbines. - Trail: Hitting every target within the trail, leaving a trail of fire or electricity behind as he moves. Edited January 28, 2021 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted November 3, 2020 Author Posted November 3, 2020 (edited) Stormcrow Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 250/250PP Unspent Power Points: 0PP Trade-Offs: -3 TOU/ +3 DEF In Brief: The NIghtwing to Raven's Batman. Theme: Shine - Matt Beilis Alternate Identity: Charles 'Charlie' Arthur Pratten (Secret), Charles 'Charlie' Gordon Pym (Alternate Identity used at Claremont) Birthplace: Freedom City, United States of America Residence: Claremont Academy Base of Operations: Claremont Academy, Bayview, Freedom City; The Rookery Occupation: Student, Sidekick Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Raven III, Raven Family Family: Martin Pratten (Father, Born 1980, Accountant), Lily Pratten (Mother, Born 1979, Lawyer), Thomas Pratten (Paternal Grandfather, Born 1940, Retired Software Developer) DESCRIPTION Age: DoB: 2004 [January 19th] Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’10’’ Weight: 150 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Dark red Charlie is an athletic young man, standing at 5'10'''. He has short red hair and blue eyes. He prefers to dress in darker colors, most often wearing black dress pants and dress shirts. He often wears loose ties in lighter colors, contrasting the dark colors he usually wear. In his Charles Gordon Pym persona, Charlie tends to dress more casually, with jeans, t-shirts and sneakers of varying colors and designs. As Nevermore II, Charlie's costume is as finely engineered as his mentor's, with a multitude of hidden features that one would not suspect from first glance. While the costume has multiple layers underneath, the outer layer appears a seamless black full-body suit, with only a few colors breaking the black. He wears heavy silver gauntlets over his arms for protection, and a silver utility belt with a stylized N on his belt buckle. Two lines in a shiny teal runs from under his arm to under his chest, then down to his belt. The soles of his boots, which are seamlessly connected to the rest of the body suit, is in the same shiny teal. He wears a logo of a raven with spread out wings in the same shiny teal on his chest, as a logo. Charlie wears a full, smooth cowl that only leaves his mouth free. His eyes are covered by what is normally white lenses, which shift to faint green when he activates the built-in night vision. A black cape with dark blue inner side connects directly to the shoulders of the costume. HISTORY Charles Arthur Pratten had a normal childhood. Loving parents, friends, school life. Sure, Charlie was a bright kid. Maybe a bit too interested in the super hero known as the Raven, but aside from that, his childhood really was what one would consider normal. He went on vacations. He spent time playing games with his friends. He went to the movies. Something of a prodigy, Charlie was a popular kid at school. He was athletic and a gymnast, he got good grades, his grandfather instilled a keen interest in computers. His room tended to be filled by posters of the Raven and her predecessor. He had databases full of observations and notes on the Ravens. When Nevermore debuted, Charlie was overjoyed. If the Raven had a sidekick, then maybe he could become the Raven's sidekick too? It was a possibility, at least! He would have to find out how to contact her, how to reach the Raven and present himself, but until then, he continued his training, honing his acrobatics and athletism, continuing to compile all the information that he could. Any notes, anything he could find. Charlie kept the project a secret. After all, how could anyone understand the drive that he felt? He could become the Raven's partner, too. He just knew it. Still, life happened. Charlie's interest slowly waned as other things, like friends, sports and girls became more important to him. Shortly after the third Raven's debut, Charlie saw him in action. The way he moved, the way he acted. It all came rushing back, all that he had dreamed of just a few years before. Everything he saw, all the articles, everything, Charlie just knew that the new Raven was Nevermore. There was no question. And if he had become the Raven, then that meant no one was Nevermore. It took a long time. Compiling all of Charlie's old data, discovering new information, comparing it all. Socially, he began to distance himself from his friends again. He was obsessed. It took hard work, it took time, it took luck, but bit by bit, Charlie began to see a pattern, he began to see the truth. Finally, he was sure. The Raven was Aleksander Garen Nakani, a college student from Georgia, who lived with his adoptive parents at the Summers Estate. The 15 years old Charlie went to the estate by himself. He managed to get inside and confronted Aleksander with the truth. To Aleksander, history repeated itself. Much like how he had figured out the previous Raven's identity, Charlie now stood before him. Unlike Aleksander's plans when he had confronted Duncan Summers, Charlie was not looking to replace Aleksander as the Raven. Charlie had plans of succession, sure, but he wanted to succeed Aleksander as the Raven's partner, not as the Raven. Aleksander did not quite agree with the plan, but he agreed that making it this far meant Charlie had at least some skill. For a time, Charlie helped out at the Summers Estate and the Rookery, eventually graduating into becoming the Raven's main in the chair. Not that it helped for long. With or without Aleksander's blessing, Charlie got into trouble. With a makeshift costume and whatever equipment he could "borrow" from the Rookery, Charlie went out to fight crime on his own, to mixed result. Aleksander finally relented and agreed to take him in as his sidekick, but it would be his his terms. If nothing else, it meant that he could make sure Charlie didn't do anything stupid. Charlie spent 9 months training with Aleksander before he was first allowed out on patrol, during the Spring of 2020. Now 16, the new Nevermore followed much of the same pattern as Aleksander had. A few patrols per month to get used to actual crime fighting, primarily watching the Raven's back, slowly being allowed to do more and more, eventually culminating in being allowed to patrol on his own. And, as Aleksander insisted, Charlie would follow his path in another way, starting at Claremont in the fall of 2020 as Charles Gordon Pym, an orphan from the streets of Freedom City, recently taken in by the Summers Estate. Alek and Charlie worked extensively on creating a false electronic trail, creating a cover to keep Nevermore II's actual identity secret. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Charlie is intelligent and a natural detective, and he knows it. He is good at what he does, he's received plenty of training before coming to Claremont, and while he doesn't think that makes him better than his peers, he can still be cocky. He's a joker, which can at times belittle his intelligence and skills, not that he minds. If someone underestimates him, then all the better. While Charlie has the makings of becoming a great hero and a leader one day, he still has much to learn, a fact that he is painfully aware of. Much of his ego and bravado serves to hide this insecurity. If he finds a mystery or problem that he cannot solve, Charlie tends to fixate on it, growing almost obsessive. POWERS & TACTICS The majority of Charlie's tactics relies on distractions and misdirection. Observe an enemy, figure out how to best stop them, and then execute his plan. His fighting style emphasizes the use of his various gadgets, both for scouting and disabling his enemies. Aside from that, Charlie's tactics tend to differ whether he's working together with Raven III, or not. Generally speaking, he prefers to stay outside close combat, but will pull out his collapsible staff if forced into a close quarters situation. When he works with Raven III, Nevermore acts as decoy, drawing the attention away from his mentor and, in turn, letting Raven III attack. If he can stay safe like that, then his mentor can work at his most effective. He lets Raven III take the lead, while he follows. In other cases, Nevermore tends to take up more of a leadership role. He tries to make plans and becomes more likely to go for targets on his own, even when working with groups of other heroes. When he isn't working with Nevermore, he tends to be more cocky, putting up a brave front. POWER DESCRIPTIONS Charlie posses no powers of any kind, instead relying on the training he has received from the Raven III and at Claremont Academy, as well as suit and gadgets he has developed together with Raven III. Charlie's Nevermore II costume is an ultra modern piece of crime fighting technology. Nano-weaved from a number of high resistance materials, it effectively protects him from any type sharp objects, while the armor plating handles most general types of damage a foe could wish to inflict. The thermal underlayer helps support him in heat or cold, while the night vision lenses lets him see in the dark. A heads up display aids Charlie with information such as the time and GPS, while his built in headset allows him to communicate at a distance of 5 miles. For traversal, the suit boast a grappling gun built into the gauntlets and grapple claws, as well as an electro-reactive glider cape, which lets Charlie soar across the sky. Charlie's utility belt contain a large number of tools, useful for both combat and infiltration. While he tends to keep his distance from most foes, the belt contains a collapsible staff for use in melee combat. While Charlie is not nearly as skilled in the use of the staff as he is with his other equipment, it can hit harder than his ravenrangs, weapons that have been used by three generations of Ravens. In addition to the standard ravenrangs, Charlie also has access to a number of stun ravenrangs, which emit an electrical shock upon contact with their target. Due to a combination of higher costs and having used the stun ravenrangs for pranks, Charlie is only allowed to bring five at a time. Further offensive tools in Charlie's utility belt includes tripwires and snare lines, which can be used to entangle his foes, or be set up as traps. The high quality of the tools make them difficult to break, allowing Charlie to effectively immobilize a foe, in theory at least. To distract his foes, Charlie utilizes darkness bombs, small grenades that create localized areas of extreme darkness. The playback device, one of his favorite tools, let's him play any recorded sounded through remote control, be it movement or voices, letting him draw attention away from himself. Charlie has even figured out how to use the playback devices offensively, by throwing them at a target and playing extremely loud noises. These noisemakers are even powerful enough to deafen a target. The last piece of Charlie's standard equipment are small remote controlled drones, which transmits images of their recordings directly to Charlie's HUD, aiding him in infiltration and information gathering. The drones are shaped like small dark ravens, small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. COMPLICATIONS A Legacy of Ravens: Sure, Charlie can be a bit arrogant. He is smart, he is hardworking, he's the Raven's sidekick and protege, so he feels he has worked had to get where he is. Still, the arrogance is mostly a facade, hiding his insecurity. He's trying to fill the shoes of his hero, being a sidekick to the Raven, the former Nevermore. Here he is at Claremont, hanging out with people that can fly and shoot fire from their eyes, and all he got is a suit, a belt full of gadgets and training. So, he overcompensates, tries to take the lead, acting more arrogant and immature than he otherwise would. If Charlie's overcompensation or insecurities makes a situation worse, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Gadgets: While an enemy would need to somehow get rid of Charlie's utility belt to get rid of all his gadgets, he could be deprieved of individual gadgets, either by having them taken away or by simply running out of them. If the GM determines that Charlie somehow loses access to a gadget, they can award him a Hero Point, in turn making one of the powers in his Utility Belt array unusable. Quoth the Raven: Charlie has been given some ground rules for when he can put on his full costume and go into action, which can lead to some conflict. Unlike the other teenage heroes at Claremont, he can't just go into full costume out of nowhere, since he is supposed to be operating in secret. So far, Charlie is allowed to act as Nevermore during training sessions at Claremont and while out on patrol with the Raven, or when otherwise given permission. Of course, it is always a question of whether Charlie will respect those rules or not, which is further complicated by the presence of Claremont Headmistress Callie Summers. If following the rules set out by the Raven complicates things for Charlie or he gets caught breaking the rules by any member of the extended Raven family that might tell the current Raven about it, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Rules to be added and refined Secret Identity: One of the Raven's conditions for training Charlie was that he keep his identity secret, even from his family. He even has to keep his actual identity a secret from his fellow students at Claremont, being known to them as Charles Gordon Pym. Whenever Charlie ends up in a situation where his secret identity causes issues, such as not being able to act outside of costume without revealing himself, the GM can award him a Hero Point. Sidekick: Nevermore is a sidekick to the Raven, and while he is growing into more of an individual hero at Claremont, others might not take a sidekick as seriously as a full fledged hero, be it heroes, villains, law enforcement or someone else. Is a situation is made worse by people's lack of respect due to Nevermore's status as a sidekick, the GM can award Charlie a Hero Point. Tell-Tale Heart: Charlie tends to grow obsessed. Mysteries, enemies, anything that give him trouble, anything that is a challenge that can't be solved. This can lead to him becoming narrowminded, focusing on the subject of his obsession over other important things at hand. Whether it be by Charlie focusing on a particular enemy to the detriment of any tactics in combat to taking unnecessary risks by trying to solve a particular mystery, the GM can award Charlie a Hero Point when his obsession makes a situation worse. Ushers, Masques and Conqueror Worms: Even if Charlie has yet to find any individual enemies, the legacy of 3 generations of Ravens have led to a great number of enemies that might target one of the newest members of the extended Raven family, just for the sake of taking revenge. If they interfere in a situation to attack Nevermore and make the situation worse, the GM can award Charlie a Hero Point. ABILITIES 8 + 10 + 8 + 14 + 6 + 10 = 56PP Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 24 (+7) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 20 (+5) COMBAT 12 + 10 = 22PP Initiative: +5 (+5 Dex) Attack: +6 Base, +6 Melee, +14 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +15 (+5 Base, +10 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +10 (+6 Base Attack, +4 Strength) Knockback: -2 / -5 (w. Costume) SAVING THROWS 6 + 9 + 7 = 22PP Toughness: +9 (+4 Con, +5 Protection) Fortitude: +10 (+4 Con, +6) Reflex: +14 (+5 Dex, +9)Evasion 2 Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) SKILLS 188R = 47PP Acrobatics 15 (+20)Acrobatic Bluff, Skill Mastery Bluff 10 (+15) Computers 13 (+20)Online Research, Skill Mastery, Well-Informed Diplomacy 10 (+15) Disable Device 8 (+15) Drive 5 (+10) Escape Artist 10 (+15) Gather Information 10 (+15)Skill Mastery, Well-Informed Investigate 13 (+20)Skill Mastery Knowledge [Tactics] 8 (+15) Language 5 (Native: English; Learned: American Sign Language, Chinese [Mandarin], Japanese, Russian, Spanish) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 17(+20)Skill Mastery Pilot 5 (+10) Search 8 (+15)Skill Mastery Sense Motive 17 (+20)Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 10 (+15) Stealth 15 (+20)Hide in Plain Sight, Skill Mastery Survival 7 (+10) FEATS 50PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Focus [Ranged] 8 Beginner's Luck Benefit 1 [Raven Family] Benefit 1 [Wealth] Get rid of this, make it a thing about being backed by the Summers family instead? Challenge [Fast Acrobatic Bluff] Dodge Focus 10 Eidetic Memory Evasion 2 Hide In Plain Sight Inspire 5 Leadership Luck 4 Master Plan 2 [Use Knowledge [Tactics] for rolls] Online Research Set Up Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobatics, Computers, Gather Information, Investigate, Notice, Search, Sense Motive, Stealth) Teamwork 3 Track Well-Informed Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Enhanced Feats Luck 4 -> Luck 6 Second Chance 2 [Toughness Save vs. Ballistics and Conventional Blades] Takedown Attack 2 Veteran Awards Equipment 4 (20 EP) The Feather (Vehicle; Motorcycle) [20EP] Spoiler Size: Medium [0EP] Strength: 25 (Medium Load: 533 lbs.) [3EP] Defense: 10 [0EP] Toughness: +10 [5EP] Features: [7EP] Alarm 2 (DC 25) Caltrops Computer Navigation System Remote Control Smokescreen Powers: [5EP] Speed 4 (100mph / 1,000ft per Move Action, Feats: Subtle) [5EP] POWERS 24 + 20 + 9 = 53 Device 6 (30DP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [24PP] (Descriptors: Nevermore II Costume, Costume, Technology) City Movement Array 4 (8DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [9DP] BP: {2 + 4 + 2 = 8/8DP} (Descriptors: Gauntlet Mounted Grappling Gun) Super-Movement 1 (Swinging; Extras: Linked to Speed (+0)) [2DP] Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) [4DP] (Descriptors: Grapple Claws) Speed 2 (Extras: Linked to Super-Movement (+0)) (25 mph, 250 ft. per round) [2DP] AP: Flight 3 (Flaws: Gliding; Feats: Subtle) (50 mph, 500 ft. per round) {4/8DP} (Descriptors: Electro-reactive Glider Cape) Communication Array 3 (6DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [7DP] (Descriptors: Built-In Communication) BP: Communication 5 (Radio; 5 miles; Feats: Subtle) [6DP] AP: Datalink 3 (Radio; 1000 feet; Feats: Rapid 2 (x100), Subtle) [6DP] Enhanced Feats 2 (Second Chance 2 [Toughness Save vs. Ballistics and Conventional Blades]) [2DP] (Descriptors: Nano-weaved Material) Immunity 2 (Environmental Cold and Heat; Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [1DP] (Descriptors: Protective Thermal Under-Layer) Protection 5 [5DP] (Descriptors: Armor Plating) Super-Senses 3 (Infravision; Vision Counters Obscure (Darkness) [Darkvision]) [3DP] (Descriptors: Night Vision Lenses) Super Senses 3 (Direction Sense; Distance Sense; Time Sense) [3DP] (Descriptors: Head-Up Display) Device 5 (25DP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [20PP] (Descriptors: Utility Belt, Belt, Technology) Gadgets Array 8.5 (17DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 8 ) [25DP] (Descriptors: Gadgets) BP: Damage 6 (Extras: Ranged; Feats: Improved Range, Mighty 4) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Ravenrang, Piercing Damage Type, Thrown Weapon) AP: Damage 6 (Feats: Accurate 4, Extended Reach 1 [5 ft.], Improved Critical 2, Mighty, Subtle, Takedown Attack 2) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Collapsible Staff, Bludgeoning Damage Type) AP: Dazzle 10 (Visual Dazzle; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Subtle, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: See No Evil, Flash, Darkness, Optic Disruption, Etc.) AP: ESP 5 (Auditory and Visual ESP; Extras: Duration [Sustained]; Flaws: Medium [Small Flying Drone]; Feats: Subtle 2) (Range: 1 mile) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Remote Viewing Drone, Remote Control, Spy Device) AP: Illusion 12 (Auditory; Extras: Independent (+0); Feats: Progression [Area] 3, Triggered 2) (10 ft. area) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Noisemaker, Playback Device, Sound, Remote Activated) Update area AP: Obscure 6 (Visual Obscure; Extras: Independent (+0); Feats: Progression [Area] 1, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) (Range: 60 ft., Area: 100-200 ft. radius) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Cover Grenade, Grenade, Darkness/Flashbang/Other) Update area and range AP: Snare 10 (Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Improved Critical 1, Reversible, Tether, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: High Tech Snares, Nets, Cuffs, Rapidly Expanding Foam, Shock Field, etc.) AP: Stun 10 (Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Accurate 4, Extended Reach 1 [5 ft.], Improved Critical 2) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Stun Staff, Electricity) AP: Trip 10 (Feats: Improved Critical 1, Improved Trip, Subtle 1, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {17/17DP} (Descriptors: Tripwire, Various Tripwires, Bolas, Lines, etc.) Luck Control 2 (Spend HP for others, Force Rerolls; Feats: Innate, Luck 2) [9PP] (Descriptors: Master Tactician, Training) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK UPDATE BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC19 Tou (staged) Damage +6 Ravenrang 100 feet DC23 Tou (staged) Damage +8 Collapsible Staff Touch: 5 ft. DC23 Tou (staged) Damage +8, Crit 18-20, Takedown Attack 2 Collapsible Staff - Stunning Attack Touch: 5 ft. DC20 Fort (staged) Fail: Dazed 1 rnd. >5: Stunned 1 rnd. >10: Unconscious +6, Crit 18-20 Noisemaker 80 ft., 50 ft. area DC18 Will Fail: Belive audio illusion Independent Snare Line 200 ft. DC18 Ref (staged) Fail: Entangled >5: Bound and Helpless +8, Subtle Stun Ravenrang 200 ft. DC18 Fort (staged) Fail: Dazed 1 rnd. >5: Stunned 1 rnd. >10: Unconscious +8, Crit 18-20, Subtle Tripwire 200 ft. DC18 Trip Resist (Worse bonus) Tripped +8, Subtle Totals: Abilities (56) + Combat (22) + Saving Throws (22) + Skills (47) + Feats (50) + Powers (53) - Drawbacks (0) = 250/250 Power Points Edited July 31, 2023 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted November 17, 2020 Author Posted November 17, 2020 (edited) Rebuild for PL15, 250PP' Spaceman Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 15 Powers Points: 245/250PP Unspent Power Points: 5PP Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Young paragon with space manipulation powers, heavily Superman inspired. Theme: Million -- Divide Music Alternate Identity: Parker Powers (Secret) Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: Bayview, Freedom City Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Student at Claremont Acadeny Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Powers Holdings Inc. Family: Peter Powers (Born 1975, father), Penny Powers (Born 1972, mother, CEO of Powers Holdings Inc.), Tracy Powers (Born 2003, sister, CEO of Powers Holdings) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: 2007 [May 27] Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'1'' Weight: 200 lbs. Eyes: Light blue Hair: Blonde Parker has short blonde hair, and light blue eyes that seem almost inhuman in color. He has an athletic build, somewhat powerful build. He tends to stand up straight, and will usually have a friendly smile on his lips. While in normal clothes, Parker tends to wear dress shirts and ties, ranging from solid colors to more abstract shapes and colors and to cartoon characters. He will usually wear dark pants or jeans, often in contrast to his shirt and tie. He has a habit of using his hands much when talking, gesturing to get his point across. As Spaceman, Parker wears a primarily white costume, with a black triangle shape at the top of his chest, starting from his solar plexus. He wears a black cape directly attached to the black area of his costume, near his shoulders. In the center of the black area on his chest, he displays his logo, a stylized golden "S". He wears a golden belt and golden armbands. He wears no mask. When he uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. History: Peter and Penny Powers: What had started as a business partnership had evolved into romance and eventually marriage. Philanthropists, adventurers, explorers, they travelled across the world, spending their wealth and time to try and make the world a better place. Penny came from old money from the Freedom City Powers family, but she was all too happy to take Peter up on his offer to actually start using that money for good. Not even the birth of their daughter Tracy seemed to slow them down. During late August 2006, when their daughter Tracy was 3, the Powers family visited one of the many laboratories that Penny had set up, one that was researching alternative sources of power. One particular research group led by one Doctor Joseph Siegel was working on a device that would siphon energy from a theoretical buffer zone that laid between universes. While Doctor Siegel explained the machine and its potential uses to the Powers couple, young Tracy grew restless and bored, and started toying with the machine, unnoticed by all. One fateful click of a button, and Penny was bombarded with a cascade of rainbow energy from the machine. She screamed in shock, but the shock soon turned to confusion, as it seemed to be nothing more than colors. While Doctor Siegel scrambled to shut off the machine and was quick to apologize and subject Penny to a number of tests, all but one came up as negative: Penny was unharmed by the burst of energy, but she was pregnant with the Powers couple's second child. The experiment into the theoretical buffer zone continued, before eventually being shelved a few years later. On May 27nd the following year, Parker Powers was born into a loving family. A doting older sister, parents that loved both siblings and did their best to teach them wrong from right, to threat everyone with respect and offer what help they could. In short, the Powers children were taught to believe in truth and justice, and to always apply those lessons to the best of their abilities. They attended the very best private schools in Freedom City, both Parker and Tracy loving the old Freedom Friends cartoon. Parker in particular idolized the Centurion, while his sister was always more fond of the Daedelus. The siblings were inseperable, spending virtually all their time together. In 2007, on his tenth birthday, Parker first displayed super human abilities, as he found himself floating above the ground. Tracy was of course the first to discover it, even when Parker tried to keep it hidden. Still, after some experimentation where they discovered that flight was simply the first of Parker's abilities, the siblings came clean to their parents, revealing Parker's ability to seemingly manipulate space itself. While worried for their child's safety, Penny and Peter showed nothing but love for their children as they did their best to help Parker understand his strange new abilities and what he could do. Still, despite his parents' help, it was Parker's sister that helped him understand how he could use his abilities on not just the world around him, but himself as well, allowing him to emulate several abilities of his heroes. Parker spent the following years struggling with his powers and keeping them to himself. He couldn't risk discovery by the Moore Administration, but with everything he had been taught and how he had been raised by his parents, it felt wrong to not use his powers to help others. Eventually, in an effort to master both his powers and learn to become a true hero. Personality & Motivation: Parker is a confident young man, who is nonetheless struggling with the complexity of his power and what he might end up doing if he is unable to control them. While acting in his secret identity, he hides some of his confidence and changes his posture, hunching over somewhat and doing his best to appear different from his Spaceman identity. He has a strong sense of justice and has trouble accepting being unable to help others, even if he has to keep his identity secret. While acting as Spaceman, Parker tries to act much like he saw Centurion do in the old Freedom Friends cartoon: He is a champion, a defender, standing up for everyone in danger. He focuses on keeping people safe and tries to avoid violence whenever possible. If he finds himself believing that a villain can be redeemed, he will try to help them to the best of his ability, whether behind the scenes or with their knowledge, depending on their individual needs. Powers & Tactics: Parker tends to present himself as a typical paragon. Strong, fast, tough and can fly. While the more advanced uses of his powers are not exactly a secret, its not something he will boast about using. Spaceman's first priority is keeping people safe and out of harms way, and he prefers to solve conflicts through words. If the situation allows him to talk down a foe instead of fighting them, he will attempt to do so. Power Descriptions: Parker's powers come from a peculiar connection to Z-Space, the realm between universes in the multiverse. On top of a general physical enhancement, giving him greater reflexes and making him physically tougher, the connection allows him to manipulate space, the distance between two objects. He has a total spatial awareness and a constant sense of the exact distance between everything around him. He is also granted a peculiar ability to seem unassuming and have a forgettable apperance when he is out of his costume, an unconscious effect of his connection to Z-Space, a sort of dimensional ripple effect that makes him harder to recognize By manipulating the distance between himself and other things, Parker can fly, or, by moving himself instantly, achieve a teleportation effect. Turning his powers on himself, he can make himself harder to hurt and move or stronger by increasing his molecular density and space, or become incorporal by decreasing his molecular space. Turning his powers outward, Parker can decrease the distance between himself and his targets, allowing him to hit someone far away, even from different angles, or alternatively to hit everyone in an area at once, applying the full force of his strength at once. He can change the physical distance between two objects, effectively moving them through space, slam space itself into a target, create a sense of vertigo by manipulating the distance that a target's senses inform them about, or even effectively locking a target in place by increasing the distance between them and everything around them. As Parker uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. Complications: Chronic Hero Syndrome: Parker has always had some serious issues with not helping those in need. Walking ladies over the street, getting beat up fending off muggers, you name it. This makes it very difficult for him to ignore someone in need, a fact that can, and has been, used against him numerous times. Deviant Doctor: Spaceman has earned the attention of a villain known that he knows only as Doctor Deviation, though he so far knows little about her, aside from that fact that she is a villain and primarily acts through various minions. While Doctor Deviation will never do anything to target Spaceman's family and friends, she is prone to aiding other villains when fighting Spaceman, either by sending minions, directly interfering or simply finding ways to make the situation more difficult, earning Parker a Hero Point from the GM in the process. Son, Brother, Hero: Parker has a lot of responsibilities to his family. While his family might be understanding, that doesn't mean Parker won't feel responsible if he lets them down. The GM can award Parker with a Hero Point if he ends up in a situation where having to choose between his responsibilites somehow hinders Parker, including putting them in harms way, or even just having to answer a call from his mother who wants to chat while he is fighting Gargaton the Unspeakable. Redemption Sponsor: Even if he is by no means naive, Parker would much rather redeem any villains or criminals into using their abilities for the good of society and others, rather than just beat them up. Of course, they have to be judged as the law dictates, but before, during and after serving their sentence, he is more than willing to help them. This also means that, if it is possible in the situation, Spaceman will often try to diffuse a situation without violence, and at least offer a villain a chance to surrender and turn their skills to good before a fight. A GM can award Spaceman a Hero Point if this stalls him during a battle or gives the villain a chance. Secret Identity: Parker's parents and sister knows of his secret identity, though as the son of the owners of Parker Holdings Inc., getting found out might put his somewhat well known family in trouble. Z-Spaceman: While he is aware that his powers are tied to somewhere or something else, Parker doesn't know how deep this connection runs, or just how the connection works, but it gives Parker a certain feel and background radiation that interdimensional travellers tend to be able to sense, attracting him a lot of the wrong kind of attention. The GM can award Parker a Hero Point if someone being able to sense or detect him due to being interdimensional travellers or having the right equipment causes trouble. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 8 = 24PP Strength: 10 (+0) / 40 (+15) w. Spatial Strength Dexterity: 12 (+1) / 16 (+3) Constitution: 12 (+1) / 50 (+20) w. Enhanced Constitution Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 10 + 8 = 18PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Attack: +5 Base, +15 Melee (+5 Base, +10 Attack Focus [Melee]) Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +21 Flat-Footed Grapple: See table below Knockback: -10 (TOU 20/2) / -22 (TOU 5/2, -15 Imp. TOU, -5 Spatial Constant) Grapple Table Total Score Base Attack (BA) + Attack Focus Increase Molecular Space (IMS) Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength (IR) Change Physical Distance (CPD) Values +15 +10 +25 +40 BA +15 +15 CPD +40 +40 IMS +25 +15 +10 IR +40 +15 +25 IR+IMS +50 +15 +10 +25 Saving Throws: 0 + 7 + 12 = 19PP Toughness: +20 (+1 Con, +19 Enhanced Con) Fortitude: +20 (+1 Con, +19 Enhanced Con) Reflex: +10 (+3 Dex, +7) Will: +15 (+3 Wis, +12) Skills: 56R = 14PP Bluff 6 (+10) Diplomacy 11 (+15) Gather Information 6 (+10) Knowledge [Behavioral Sciences] 2 (+5) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 7 (+10) Language 3 (Native: English; French, German, Spanish) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 7 (+10) Search 3 (+6) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Survival 2 (+5) Feats: 30PP Accurate Attack Attack Focus [Melee] 10 Benefit 2 (Wealth) Chokehold Dodge Focus 3 Improved Grab Improved Grapple Interpose Luck 5 Power Attack Ultimate Save [Toughness] Powers: 46 + 22 + 50 + 17 + 6 = 141PP Enhanced Physiology 9.2 (46PP Container) [46PP] (Descriptors: Physical Mutation, Z-Space) Enhanced Constitution 38 [38PP] Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] Feature 1 (Forgettable appearance out of costume) [1PP] Flight 1 (Flight Speed: 10 mph, 100 ft./rnd) (Stacks with Spatial Flight from Space Movement Array) [2PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Space/Spatial, Personal Spatial Placement Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 7 (Feats: Move-By Action, Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 1,000 mph, 10,000 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) Personal Space Control Array 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space, Personal Density Manipulation) BP: {8 + 10 = 18/20} Impervious Toughness 15 [15PP] (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Density) Immovable 5 [5PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Constant) AP: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal) {20/20} (Descriptors: Decrease Molecular Space) AP: Super-Strength 10 (+50 Strength to Carrying capacity: Heavy load 51.2 tons (base), 417 tons (Spatial Strength)) {20/20} (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Space) Stacked Power: Super-Strength 12 (+60 Strength to Carrying capacity: Heavy load 204.8 tons (base), 13.1k tons (Spatial Strength)) Space Control Array 23.5 (47PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [50PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: {13 + 30 + 4 = 47/47} (Descriptors: Personal Space Manipulation) Elongation 8 (Feats: Indirect 3, Subtle 2) (Reach: 1000 ft., range incr 80 ft.) [13PP] (Descriptors: Infinite Reach, Distance and Position Manipulation) Enhanced Strength 30 [30PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Strength) Super-Strength 2 (+10 Strength to Carrying capacity: Heavy load 12.8 tons) [4PP] Stacked Power: Super-Strength 12 (+60 Strength to Carrying capacity: Heavy load 204.8 tons (base), 13.1k tons (Spatial Strength)) AP: Move Object 20 (Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Distracting; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2) {46/47} (Descriptors: Change Physical Distance, Distance and Position Manipulation) AP: Nauseate 8 (Extras: Range [Ranged]; Feats: Subtle 2) {26/32} (Descriptors: Vertigo, Sensory Distance Manipulation) MAKE ANOTHER POWER INSTEAD - Brings a Blast from a Hostile Environment like the Sun, Intense Cold, Poisonous Atmosphere, Lightning there with a portal: Variable Description 2 [Hazardous Conditions], better explanation in power description AP: Paralyze 15 (Extras: Alternate Save [Reflex] (+0), Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Distracting; Feats: Subtle 2) {47/47} (Descriptors: Unending Prison, Distance Manipulation) Space Movement Array 7.5 (15PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [17PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: Flight 6 (Feats: Move-By Action, Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 500 mph, 5,000 ft./rnd) [14PP} (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 7 (Feats: Move-By, Action Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 1,000 mph, 10,000 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) AP: Teleport 5 (Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Progression [Mass] 3) (Range: 500 ft. as move action, 5 miles as full action, 1000 lbs. along) {15/15} (Descriptors: Change Personal Position, Instant Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) AP: Area Strength 15 Adds (Extras: Area [Targeted Burst] 15, Selective 15; Flaws: Action [Full Round]) to Strength (75 ft. radius) {15/15} (Descriptors: Reach Everything) Super-Senses 6 (Distance Sense, Spatial Awareness [Sense Type: Mental, Extras: Accurate, Acute, Radius, Ranged]) [6PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Senses, Enhanced Senses, Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) Maybe add extended 1, 2 or 3? Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +15 Unarmed – Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength Touch at 1000 ft. Range incr: 80 ft. DC30 Tou (staged) Damage +15, Elongation 8, Indirect 3, Subtle 2 Change Physical Distance - Thrown Objects 200ft. DC30 Tou (staged) Damage Perception Range, Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2 Vertigo 100 ft. DC18 Fort (staged) Fail: Sickened 2nd Fail or Fail >5: Nauseated 3rd Fail or Fail >10: Helpless +8, Subtle 2 Unending Prison 150 ft. DC25 Ref (staged) Fail: Slowed 2nd Fail or Fail >5: Paralyzed Perception Range, Subtle 2 Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (14) + Feats (30) + Powers (140) - Drawbacks (0) = 246/250 Power Points Edited February 11, 2024 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted December 16, 2020 Author Posted December 16, 2020 (edited) Freedom Eagle ∞ Power Level: 12 Effective Power Level: 8 Power Points: 180/180PPUnspent Power Points: 0Trade-Offs: Defense +2 / Toughness -2. No offensive trade-offs. In Brief: Future Freedom Eagle stranded in the present. Catchphrase: X Theme: Next In Line - Divide Music Alternate Identity: James Gabriel GuthrieBirthplace: Freedom City, Earth-∞ Residence: Claremont Academy Dorms Base of Operations: Freedom City, Earth-PrimeOccupation: Adventurer, Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Samuel Guthrie (Father), Taylor Guthrie (Mother) DESCRIPTION Age: 16 as of 2021 (DoB: Year XXXX [March 5th])Gender: MaleEthnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’10’’Weight: 155 lbs.Eyes: TealHair: Black James is a slim teenager with long black hair that is usually tied into a ponytail. He is rather average looking, neither a pretty boy or ugly, though his eyes have an almost unnatural teal color. James generally dresses in red, white and/or blue clothing. The Bird of Prey is fused to James' spine. It appears as a silvery-white colored metallic plate in the vague shape of a stylized eagle. While it is visible if James goes topless, it can easily be hidden under his clothes and do not affect metal detectors or the like. The Freedom Eagle armor appears from the Bird of Prey, almost instantly growing to cover James' body. True to his namesake, the armor is stylized as highly patriotic, cast in red, blue, white and gold. While the armor is morphic, changing appearance to match James' current needs and weapons, the base suit is an almost silvery white, with a thick blue line running from his chest and down his stomach and to his inner thighs. The blue line is bordered by smaller red lines. A small white and gold buckle in a shape of a stylized upside down A breaks the blue line at the waist. He wears heavy golden boots with a red center that stretch from his knees to his ankles. The armor is blue from the elbow to the fingers, with the fingers retaining the silvery white. The armor's shoulders and neck is the same blue with red trim as the line on the chest. James' head is covered by a dark blue cowl with a golden face plate that shows glowing teal eyes and a mouth, reacting and changing with his expressions. The armor's chest plate is an intricate design, with dark red trim running over James' shoulders with golden armor underneath. The lower plate is in a triangle shape, with a round shape on James' left chest. On his right, the armor is blue with a succession of silvery white stars spread over his shoulder to his back. On the back, the armor connects to the visible Bird of Prey. When James activates the wings, they stretch out from the Bird of Prey, a silver white frame with golden wings. Due to HISTORY The future. They call it Earth-∞. To James Gabriel Guthrie, it was home. Impossibly advanced by our standards, space travel is common place, humanity have stretched across the stars, becoming a dominant super power, an empire to rival the Lor and the other mighty empires of their day. Protected by the Freedom Legion and their various offshoots, the futuristic descendants of today's heroes keep the universe safe from danger! James is the latest in a long line of Freedom Eagle, the Freedom Eagle ∞. The Bird of Prey, once the armor worn by the original Freedom Eagle, was continuously upgraded by his successors, until it finally achieved sentience. Now, it exists in the form of a small bird shaped amulet, which bonds with its chosen host to empower them as Freedom Eagle. As a new member of the Freedom Legion Y, James has already served with distinction, battling such menaces as the ÜberBeings, the Superior Dynasty and the Alien-Gator Swarm. During his latest battle against a member of the Alien-Gator Swarm, James attempted to stop them from breaching the defenses of the Chrono-Dimensional Institute. Something went wrong during the battle, and James and the Alien-Gator were thrown through time and space, emerging in the sky above Freedom City in the year 2021, with several members of the Claremont Academy ending up involved in the battle. As a super powered youngster from a future, where else would James go but the Claremont Academy to learn about this world that might just be his past? PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Despite what one would expect from a future super hero that's fought several grand foes before being thrown into the past, James has severe confidence issues. He isn't sure he got what it takes to live up to the Freedom Eagle legacy, he is nervous and second guesses himself, and he is really not that great in a fight on his own. Still, he tries, and while he might not be the first to throw himself into a fight and might even seem like he is somewhat cowardly at times, he is at least a cowardly lion, ultimately willing to stand up for what's right. James seems rather unsure of the current time and how unfamiliar it is to his own world. The Bird of Prey is very unlike James. It is pragmatic and violent, relishing in battles and driving James to participate, whether he wants to or not. There's no kill like overkill to the Bird of Prey, and it will often deploy increasingly powerful weapons and threats against its foes. Despite the Bird of Prey often claiming it could easily find a new host, it is protective of James, doing its best to keep him from being hurt. Often by destroying its foes with overwhelming power. James' relationship with the Bird of Prey is difficult. On one hand, the alien artifact is incredibly possessive of James, refering to him as its host, and it has been known to take over James' body in the heat of battle, much to to his horror. On the other hand, James knows that the Bird of Prey protects him and he feels a strange kinship with the alien A.I. POWERS & TACTICS Flight and firepower are the name of the game. While not exclusively so, James tends to stay airborne and mobile during fights, making himself a moving target and either moving in for quick hit and run strikes or staying away from his targets. POWER DESCRIPTIONS All of James' powers as the Freedom Eagle comes from the mysterious alien artifact that refers to itself as the Bird of Prey. The Bird of Prey is a silvery-white metallic plate in the shape of a stylized eagle that is fused to James' spine at the top of his shoulders. The Bird of Prey is a sentient alien A.I. that is capable of communicating with James or even taking control of his body. The Bird of Prey is powered by seemingly limitless cosmic energy contained within its core. The Bird of Prey contain vast knowledge in several fields, which it some times decides to share with James. The Bird of Prey keeps James' thoughts secret from all prying eyes and minds. It is the only one that should have access to his thoughts. The Bird of Prey can cover its host in a red, white, blue and gold armor, able to change the actual design on the fly, morphing it into different weapons or shapes. It allows the host to fly through a mix of gravity manipulation, jet propulsion and giant golden wings. The wings are strong enough to be used to slash at foes, with cosmic energies surging through them to reduce a target's defenses, or be used to defend against attacks. The armor is loaded with a veritable arsenal of weapons. Enhanced musculature strenghens the hosts body, gravimetric manipulation allows the host to simulate telekinetic abilities or create a constraining sphere of localized gravity to keep a target trapped. Aside from that, the suit contains a wide variety of both potentially lethal and non-lethal weapons, such as electric shocks, blasts of cosmic energies, gravity blasts, missiles, grenades and much more. The suit is able to morph between different shapes and grow different features and technologies to adjust to the current situation. COMPLICATIONS Alien Weapon: While from the future, the Bird of Prey seem to have existed for a long time, and even in the present, James seem to be attracting everything from bad attitude from aliens to alien bounty hunters looking to score a high grade weapon for themselves. A GM can award Freedom Eagle a Hero Point if aliens or others recognize the Bird of Prey, making interactions more difficult due to their distrust of the weapon, or making situations turn hostile as they try to take it from James. Assuming Direct Control: The Bird of Prey can assume full control of James' body. While James can resist, it is generally a losing battle, and the much more violent Bird of Prety will eventually take control, with a tendency to escalate any conflict. A GM can award Freedom Eagle a Hero Point by having the Bird of Prey take over. This can either lead to James being dazed for a round as he struggles against the Bird of Prey's control, or for the Bird of Prey to somehow, often violently, escalating a situation. Don't Lose Your Nerve: James' is really not sure about being the newest Freedom Eagle of Earth-∞, not helped at all by being thrown into the past. He is nervous and prone to making mistakes. A GM can, if the situation calls for it, make James second guess himself, freeze up or otherwise hinder events by his reluctance to fight, in turn awarding him a Hero Point. Foes of Freedom: The first Freedom Eagle might have hung up his wings a long time ago, but his legacy still lives on. Any particularly long-lived or continued enemies of the first Freedom Eagle or the Liberty League might seek out the new Freedom Eagle as an ersatz enemy, to take revenge by proxy. Aside from that, James' arrival in 2021 brought along a future Alien-Gator that seem to have a personal vendetta against James. A GM can award Freedom Eagle a Hero Point by having enemies of the Freedom Eagle legacy or any of James' new enemies, like the future Alien-Gator, arrive to complicate a situation. Overkill: The Bird of Prey tends to be rather fond of overkill. Using weapons meant to kill while James would rather knock out or, at most, bruise. Some times it will switch out weapons from the ones that James wanted to use, forcing him force his shot in a different direction at the last minute, turning a hit into a miss. A GM can award Freedom Eagle a Hero Point by making the Bird of Prey switch to lethal weapons at the last minute, forcing Freedom Eagle to miss his attack or deal lethal damage. President Eagle: As of early 2021, the American president is Michael O'Connor, Jr., secretly the son of the original Freedom Eagle. It is only a matter of time until he learns about the new Freedom Eagle, and only time will tell how he reacts, if at all. As President O'Connor is unlikely to interfere directly with the Freedom Eagle during threads, this complication exists more as a potential plot seed. ABILITIES 0 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 2 = 22PP Strength: 10 (+0) / 26 (+8) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 12 (+1) COMBAT 16 + 8 = 24PP Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +8 Base, +8 Melee, +8 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8 (+8 Base Attack) / +21 (+8 Base Attack, +8 Strength, +5 Super-Strength) / +22 (+8 Base Attack, +14 Move Object) Knockback: -3 (TOU/2) SAVING THROWS 4 + 6 + 7 = 17PP Toughness: +6 (+2 Con, +4 Other) Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4) Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6) Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) SKILLS 48R = 12PP Bluff 9 (+10) Craft [Mechanical] 2 (+5) Disable Device 7 (+10) Knowledge [Technology] 2 (+5) / (+13)Enh. Skill Language 1 [Native: English; Learned: Spanish] Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 12 (+15) Search 7 (+10) Sense Motive 2 (+5) Survival 4 (+5) Enhanced Skills Computers 8 (+11) Knowledge [Cosmology] 8 (+11) Knowledge [Galactic Lore] 8 (+11) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 8 (+11) FEATS 14PP Accurate Attack Dodge Focus 6 Improved Initiative 1 Luck 2 Move-By Action Power Attack Precise Shot 2 POWERS 7 + 10 + 2 + 11 + 33 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 16 = 91 All powers have the Technology descriptor, unless otherwise noted. Communications Array 3 (6PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [7PP] (Descriptors: Communication Suite) BP: Communication 5 (Radio; 5 miles; Feats: Subtle) [6PP] AP: Datalink 5 (Radio; 5 miles; Feats: Subtle) [6PP] Enhanced Skill 10 (Computers +8, Knowledge [Cosmology] +8, Knowledge [Galactic Lore] +8, Knowledge [Physical Sciences] +8, Knowledge [Technology] +8) [10PP] (Descriptors: Knowledge Database) Features 2 (Built-in Subtle Computer) [2DP] (Descriptors: Suit A.I.) Flight 5 (Feats: Moving Feint) (250 MPH, 2500 ft./rnd.) [11PP] (Descriptors: Wings of Freedom, Gravity, Jetpack, Wings) Future Freedom Array 14 (28PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [33PP] BP: {16 + 12 = 28/28} (Descriptors: Enhanced Musculature) Enhanced Strength 16 [16PP] Super-Strength 5 (Feats: Groundstrike, Thunderclap) [12PP] AP: Blast 8 (Extras: Autofire; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {28/28} (Descriptors: Adjustable Rapid Fire Weapon Systems, Examle Descriptors: Cosmic Energy Blasts, Gravity Blasts, Heat Rays, Lasers, Missiles, Projectiles) AP: {20 + 8 = 28/28} (Descriptors: Wing Slash, Cosmic, Slashing Damage Type, Wings) Damage 8 (Extras: Linked [Drain Toughness 8], Penetrating 6; Feats: Extended Reach 2 [10 ft.], Improved Critical 2, Takedown Attack 2) [20PP] Drain Toughness 8 (Extras: Linked [Damage 8]) [8PP] AP: Move Object 14 {28/28} (Descriptors: Gravimetric Manipulation, Gravity) AP: Snare 8 (Extras: Regenerating; Feats: Improved Criticial 2, Reversible, Tether) {28/28} (Descriptors: Gravimetric Snare, Gravity) AP: Stun 8 (Extras: Range [Ranged]; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological]) {28/28} (Descriptors: Adjustable Non-Lethal Weapon Systems, Examle Descriptors: Electric Shocks, Gravity Blasts, Nerve Agent Darts) Immunity 5 (Mind Reading Effects) [5PP] (Descriptors: Mind Shield) Morph 1 (Armor Appearance [1PP/rank]) [1PP] (Descriptors: Morphic Armor) Protection 4 [4PP] (Descriptors: Freedom Armor) Super-Movement 1 (Slow Fall) [2PP] (Descriptors: Gravity Buffer) Variable Power 2 (10PP Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers At Once; Extras: Duration [Continuous]) [16PP] (Descriptors: Armor Reconfiguration) example powers should include super-senses, super-movement, comprehend Spoiler Comprehend 3 (Understand, speak, read all languages) {6/10} (Descriptors: Translator Configuration) Concealment 4 (All Visual) {8/10} (Descriptors: Stealth Configuration) Immunity 2 (Gas Descriptor) [2PP] + Immunity 2 (Suffocation Effects) [2PP] {4/10} (Descriptors: Sealed Suit) Immunity 9 (Life Support) {9/10} (Descriptors: Life Support System) Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) {4/10} (Descriptors: Gravity Adhesion) Super-Senses 1 (Infravision) {1/10} (Descriptors: Infravision) Super-Senses 2 (Radius Vision-Sense Type) {2/10} (Descriptors: 360 Vision) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +8 Unarmed - Enhanced Musculature Touch DC23 Tou (staged) Damage +8 Gravimetric Blast 80 ft. DC23 Tou (staged) Damage +8, Autofire Gravimetric Manipulation - Thrown Objects 120 ft. DC23 Tou (staged) Damage +8 Gravimetric Snare 80 ft. DC18 Reflex (staged) Fail: Entangled>5: Bound and Helpless +8, Regenerating Gravimetric Stun 80 ft. DC18 Fort (staged) Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned>10: Unconscious +8 Wing Slash Touch, 10 ft. DC18 Fort (staged) DC23 TOU (staged) Drain TOU Damage +8, Penetrating 2 on Damage Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (12) + Feats (14) + Powers (91) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points Edited April 14, 2021 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted January 25, 2021 Author Posted January 25, 2021 (edited) Spending 5PP to bring Spaceman up to PL9. Feats: Spending 1PP + 1PP + 1PP = 3PP Luck +1, to Luck 3 Dodge Focus +1, to Dodge Focus 2 Attack Focus [Melee] +1, to Attack Focus [Melee] 5 Powers: Spending 2PP Increase rank of Enhanced Physiology Container to 6.6, spending 2PP Spend those 2PP in the container to increase Enhanced Constitution by 2, to rank 26 In the Space Control Array: In the first slot, increase the rank of Enhanced Strength by 2 to rank 18, spending 2 of the unspent array PP in the slot Increase the rank of the Blast power by 2, to rank 10, spending 4 of the unspent array PP in the slot Increase the rank of the Paralyze power by 1, to rank 9, spending 3 of the unspent array PP in the slot In the Personal Space Control Array In the first slot, increase the rank of Impervious Toughness by 1, to rank 9, spending 1 of the unspent array PP in the slot In the Space Movement Array Increase the rank of Area Strength by 1, to 9, spending 1 unspent array PP in the slot The following stats on the sheet change due to those edits: Ability Scores Strength: 10 (+0) / 28 (+9) w. Spatial Strength Constitution: 12 (+1) / 38 (+14) w. Enhanced Constitution Combat Attack: +4 Base, +9 Melee (+4 Base, +5 Attack Focus [Melee]) Defense: +4 (+2 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed Knockback: -7 (TOU 14/2) / -21 (TOU 5/2, -9 Imp. TOU, -10 Spatial Constant) Grapple table: Grapple Table Total Score Base Attack + Attack Focus (BA) Increase Molecular Space (IMS) Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength (IR) Change Physical Distance (CPD) Values +9 +10 +16 +28 BA +9 +9 CPD +25 +28 IMS +19 +9 +10 IR +25 +9 +16 IR+IMS +35 +9 +10 +16 Saving Throws Toughness: +14 (+1 Con, +13 Enhanced Con) Fortitude: +14 (+1 Con, +13 Enhanced Con) And updates the DC block to Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +9 Unarmed – Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength Touch at 500 ft. Range incr: 70 ft. DC24 Tou (staged) Damage +9, Elongation 7, Indirect 3, Subtle 2 Change Physical Distance - Thrown Objects 140 ft. DC24 Tou (staged) Damage Perception Range, Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2 Bring Hazard 80 ft. DC25 TOU (staged) Damage +8, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Hazardous Environment] Unending Prison Perception DC19 Ref (staged) Fail: Slowed 2nd Fail or Fail >5: Paralyzed Perception Range, Subtle 2 Thank you! Spaceman Power Level: 12 Effective Power Level: 9 Powers Points: 189/199PP Unspent Power Points: 10PP Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Young paragon with space manipulation powers, heavily Superman inspired. Theme: Million - Divide Music Alternate Identity: Parker Powers (Secret) Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: Bayview, Freedom City Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Student at Claremont Acadeny Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Powers Holdings Inc. Family: Peter Powers (Born 1975, father), Penny Powers (Born 1972, mother, CEO of Powers Holdings Inc.), Tracy Powers (Born 2003, sister, CEO of Powers Holdings) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: 2007 [May 27] Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'1'' Weight: 200 lbs. Eyes: Light blue Hair: Blonde Parker has short blonde hair, and light blue eyes that seem almost inhuman in color. He has an athletic build, somewhat powerful build. He tends to stand up straight, and will usually have a friendly smile on his lips. While in normal clothes, Parker tends to wear dress shirts and ties, ranging from solid colors to more abstract shapes and colors and to cartoon characters. He will usually wear dark pants or jeans, often in contrast to his shirt and tie. He has a habit of using his hands much when talking, gesturing to get his point across. As Spaceman, Parker wears a primarily white costume, with a black triangle shape at the top of his chest, starting from his solar plexus. He wears a black cape directly attached to the black area of his costume, near his shoulders. In the center of the black area on his chest, he displays his logo, a stylized golden "S". He wears a golden belt and golden armbands. He wears no mask. When he uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. History: Peter and Penny Powers: What had started as a business partnership had evolved into romance and eventually marriage. Philanthropists, adventurers, explorers, they travelled across the world, spending their wealth and time to try and make the world a better place. Penny came from old money from the Freedom City Powers family, but she was all too happy to take Peter up on his offer to actually start using that money for good. Not even the birth of their daughter Tracy seemed to slow them down. During late August 2006, when their daughter Tracy was 3, the Powers family visited one of the many laboratories that Penny had set up, one that was researching alternative sources of power. One particular research group led by one Doctor Joseph Siegel was working on a device that would siphon energy from a theoretical buffer zone that laid between universes. While Doctor Siegel explained the machine and its potential uses to the Powers couple, young Tracy grew restless and bored, and started toying with the machine, unnoticed by all. One fateful click of a button, and Penny was bombarded with a cascade of rainbow energy from the machine. She screamed in shock, but the shock soon turned to confusion, as it seemed to be nothing more than colors. While Doctor Siegel scrambled to shut off the machine and was quick to apologize and subject Penny to a number of tests, all but one came up as negative: Penny was unharmed by the burst of energy, but she was pregnant with the Powers couple's second child. The experiment into the theoretical buffer zone continued, before eventually being shelved a few years later. On May 27nd the following year, Parker Powers was born into a loving family. A doting older sister, parents that loved both siblings and did their best to teach them wrong from right, to threat everyone with respect and offer what help they could. In short, the Powers children were taught to believe in truth and justice, and to always apply those lessons to the best of their abilities. They attended the very best private schools in Freedom City, both Parker and Tracy loving the old Freedom Friends cartoon. Parker in particular idolized the Centurion, while his sister was always more fond of the Daedelus. The siblings were inseperable, spending virtually all their time together. In 2007, on his tenth birthday, Parker first displayed super human abilities, as he found himself floating above the ground. Tracy was of course the first to discover it, even when Parker tried to keep it hidden. Still, after some experimentation where they discovered that flight was simply the first of Parker's abilities, the siblings came clean to their parents, revealing Parker's ability to seemingly manipulate space itself. While worried for their child's safety, Penny and Peter showed nothing but love for their children as they did their best to help Parker understand his strange new abilities and what he could do. Still, despite his parents' help, it was Parker's sister that helped him understand how he could use his abilities on not just the world around him, but himself as well, allowing him to emulate several abilities of his heroes. Parker spent the following years struggling with his powers and keeping them to himself. He couldn't risk discovery by the Moore Administration, but with everything he had been taught and how he had been raised by his parents, it felt wrong to not use his powers to help others. Eventually, in an effort to master both his powers and learn to become a true hero. Personality & Motivation: Parker is a confident young man, who is nonetheless struggling with the complexity of his power and what he might end up doing if he is unable to control them. While acting in his secret identity, he hides some of his confidence and changes his posture, hunching over somewhat and doing his best to appear different from his Spaceman identity. He has a strong sense of justice and has trouble accepting being unable to help others, even if he has to keep his identity secret. While acting as Spaceman, Parker tries to act much like he saw Centurion do in the old Freedom Friends cartoon: He is a champion, a defender, standing up for everyone in danger. He focuses on keeping people safe and tries to avoid violence whenever possible. If he finds himself believing that a villain can be redeemed, he will try to help them to the best of his ability, whether behind the scenes or with their knowledge, depending on their individual needs. Powers & Tactics: Parker tends to present himself as a typical paragon. Strong, fast, tough and can fly. While the more advanced uses of his powers are not exactly a secret, its not something he will boast about using. Spaceman's first priority is keeping people safe and out of harms way, and he prefers to solve conflicts through words. If the situation allows him to talk down a foe instead of fighting them, he will attempt to do so. Power Descriptions: Parker's powers come from a peculiar connection to Z-Space, the realm between universes in the multiverse. On top of a general physical enhancement, giving him greater reflexes and making him physically tougher, the connection allows him to manipulate space, the distance between two objects. He has a total spatial awareness and a constant sense of the exact distance between everything around him. He is also granted a peculiar ability to seem unassuming and have a forgettable apperance when he is out of his costume, an unconscious effect of his connection to Z-Space, a sort of dimensional ripple effect that makes him harder to recognize By manipulating the distance between himself and other things, Parker can fly, or, by moving himself instantly, achieve a teleportation effect. Turning his powers on himself, he can make himself harder to hurt and move or stronger by increasing his molecular density and space, or become incorporal by decreasing his molecular space. Turning his powers outward, Parker can decrease the distance between himself and his targets, allowing him to hit someone far away, even from different angles, or alternatively to hit everyone in an area at once, applying the full force of his strength at once. He can change the physical distance between two objects, effectively moving them through space, slam space itself into a target, create a sense of vertigo by manipulating the distance that a target's senses inform them about, or even effectively locking a target in place by increasing the distance between them and everything around them. As Parker uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. Complications: Chronic Hero Syndrome: Parker has always had some serious issues with not helping those in need. Walking ladies over the street, getting beat up fending off muggers, you name it. This makes it very difficult for him to ignore someone in need, a fact that can, and has been, used against him numerous times. Deviant Doctor: Spaceman has earned the attention of a villain known that he knows only as Doctor Deviation, though he so far knows little about her, aside from that fact that she is a villain and primarily acts through various minions. While Doctor Deviation will never do anything to target Spaceman's family and friends, she is prone to aiding other villains when fighting Spaceman, either by sending minions, directly interfering or simply finding ways to make the situation more difficult, earning Parker a Hero Point from the GM in the process. Son, Brother, Hero: Parker has a lot of responsibilities to his family. While his family might be understanding, that doesn't mean Parker won't feel responsible if he lets them down. The GM can award Parker with a Hero Point if he ends up in a situation where having to choose between his responsibilites somehow hinders Parker, including putting them in harms way, or even just having to answer a call from his mother who wants to chat while he is fighting Gargaton the Unspeakable. Redemption Sponsor: Even if he is by no means naive, Parker would much rather redeem any villains or criminals into using their abilities for the good of society and others, rather than just beat them up. Of course, they have to be judged as the law dictates, but before, during and after serving their sentence, he is more than willing to help them. This also means that, if it is possible in the situation, Spaceman will often try to diffuse a situation without violence, and at least offer a villain a chance to surrender and turn their skills to good before a fight. A GM can award Spaceman a Hero Point if this stalls him during a battle or gives the villain a chance. Secret Identity: Parker's parents and sister knows of his secret identity, though as the son of the owners of Parker Holdings Inc., getting found out might put his somewhat well known family in trouble. Z-Spaceman: While he is aware that his powers are tied to somewhere or something else, Parker doesn't know how deep this connection runs, or just how the connection works, but it gives Parker a certain feel and background radiation that interdimensional travellers tend to be able to sense, attracting him a lot of the wrong kind of attention. The GM can award Parker a Hero Point if someone being able to sense or detect him due to being interdimensional travellers or having the right equipment causes trouble. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 8 = 24PP Strength: 10 (+0) / 28 (+9) w. Spatial Strength Dexterity: 12 (+1) / 16 (+3) Constitution: 12 (+1) / 38 (+14) w. Enhanced Constitution Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 8 + 4 = 12PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +9 Melee (+4 Base, +5 Attack Focus [Melee]) Defense: +4 (+2 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed Grapple: See table below Knockback: -6 (TOU 13/2) / -19 (TOU 5/2, -8 Imp. TOU, -10 Spatial Constant) Grapple Table Total Score Base Attack + Attack Focus (BA) Increase Molecular Space (IMS) Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength (IR) Change Physical Distance (CPD) Values +9 +10 +16 +28 BA +9 +9 CPD +25 +28 IMS +19 +9 +10 IR +25 +9 +16 IR+IMS +35 +9 +10 +16 Saving Throws: 0 + 3 + 7 = 10PP Toughness: +14 (+1 Con, +13 Enhanced Con) Fortitude: +14 (+1 Con, +13 Enhanced Con) Reflex: +6 (+3 Dex, +3) Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) Skills: 56R = 14PP Bluff 6 (+10) Diplomacy 11 (+15) Gather Information 6 (+10) Knowledge [Behavioral Sciences] 2 (+5) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 7 (+10) Language 3 (Native: English; French, German, Spanish) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 7 (+10) Search 3 (+6) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Survival 2 (+5) Feats: 18PP Accurate Attack Attack Focus [Melee] 5 Benefit 2 (Wealth) Chokehold Dodge Focus 2 Improved Grab Improved Grapple Interpose Luck 2 Power Attack Ultimate Save [Toughness] Powers: 33 + 22 + 35 + 12 + 8 = 110PP Enhanced Physiology 6.2 (31PP Container) [31PP] (Descriptors: Physical Mutation, Z-Space) Enhanced Constitution 24 [24PP] Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] Feature 1 (Forgettable appearance out of costume) [1PP] Flight 1 (Flight Speed: 10 mph, 100 ft./rnd) (Stacks with Spatial Flight from Space Movement Array) [2PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Space/Spatial, Personal Spatial Placement Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 5 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) Personal Space Control Array 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space, Personal Density Manipulation) BP: {9 + 10 = 19/20} Impervious Toughness 9 [9PP] (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Density) Immovable 10 [10PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Constant) AP: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal) {20/20} (Descriptors: Decrease Molecular Space) AP: Super-Strength 10 (+50 Strength to checks; Carrying capacity: Heavy load 51.2 tons (base), 417 tons (Spatial Strength)) {20/20} (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Space) Space Control Array 16 (32PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [35PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: {12 + 18 = 30/32} (Descriptors: Personal Space Manipulation) Elongation 7 (Feats: Indirect 3, Subtle 2) (Reach: 500 ft., range incr 70 ft.) [12PP] (Descriptors: Infinite Reach, Distance and Position Manipulation) Enhanced Strength 18 [18PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Strength) AP: Move Object 14 (Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Distracting; Feats: Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2) {32/32} (Descriptors: Change Physical Distance, Distance and Position Manipulation) AP: Blast 10 (Feats: Accurate 2, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Hazardous Environment]) {27/32} (Descriptors: Bring Hazard, Change distance to hazardous environment or effect) AP: Paralyze 9 (Extras: Alternate Save [Reflex] (+0), Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Distracting; Feats: Subtle 2) {29/32} (Descriptors: Unending Prison, Distance Manipulation) Space Movement Array 5 (10PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [12PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: Flight 4 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd) {10/10} (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 5 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) AP: Teleport 4 (Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity) (Range: 400 ft. as move action, 1 mile as full action) {10/10} (Descriptors: Change Personal Position, Instant Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) AP: Area Strength 9 Adds (Extras: Area [Targeted Burst] 8, Selective 8; Flaws: Action [Full Round]) to Strength (40 ft. radius) {9/10} (Descriptors: Reach Everything) Super-Senses 8 (Distance Sense, Spatial Awareness [Sense Type: Mental, Extras: Accurate, Acute, Extended 2 [Range Increment x100], Radius, Ranged]) [8PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Senses, Enhanced Senses, Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +9 Unarmed – Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength Touch at 500 ft. Range incr: 70 ft. DC24 Tou (staged) Damage +9, Elongation 7, Indirect 3, Subtle 2 Change Physical Distance - Thrown Objects 140 ft. DC24 Tou (staged) Damage Perception Range, Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2 Bring Hazard 80 ft. DC25 TOU (staged) Damage +8, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Hazardous Environment] Unending Prison Perception DC19 Ref (staged) Fail: Slowed 2nd Fail or Fail >5: Paralyzed Perception Range, Subtle 2 Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (14) + Feats (19) + Powers (110) - Drawbacks (0) = 189/199 Power Points Edited June 27, 2024 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted January 28, 2021 Author Posted January 28, 2021 (edited) SPACE RANGER III Power Level: 12 Effective Power Level: 10 Power Points: 180/180PPUnspent Power Points: 0Trade-Offs: DEF+1/TOU-1 In Brief: The grandson of the original Space Ranger and Illyra, caught in a teleport loop between Earth and space! Theme: Cosmic Castaway - Electrasy / Commander Shepard - Miracle of Sound Alternate Identity: J'onn "John" ShepardBirthplace: Houston, Korus Residence: Houston, Korus Base of Operations: IntergalacticOccupation: Intergalactic Adventurer, Protector of Korus, Galactic Defender Affiliations: Space Ranger I, Space Ranger II, Korus Family: Allura 'Allie' Shepard (Mother, Space Ranger II, Missing in Action), Tavarann Hag-Shepard (Father, Councillor), Charles 'Chuck' Shepard (Maternal grandfather, Space ranger I, Retired), Illyra Vey-Shepard (Maternal grandmother), Arran Vey (Maternal great-grandfather) DESCRIPTION Age: (DoB: August 2001) Apparant age: Early 20'esGender: MaleEthnicity: 1/4 Terran, 3/4 Koruan Height: 6’Weight: 185 lbs.Eyes: BlueHair: Black J'onn looks like a Caucasian Terran male, with blue eyes and short black hair. Aside from his eyes being a slightly lighter style of blue and a different hair style, he is the spitting image of his grandfather, Chuck Shepard, when he was in his prime. J'onn will usually wear his Space Ranger uniform. The uniform is primarily blue from the front, though the back, and the side of his arms and thighs are white. The white parts of the suit covers J'onn's neck, with thick black lines running up the front and an upside down back triangle shape at the front with the center of J'onn's neck being black. A black line runs from the point of the triangle and to his white belt, where he wears a dark grey buckle with a small control panel that controls the suit. All white line on the suit is divided from the blue with thick black lines. A six pointed star intersects the upside down triangle on the right side of J'onn's chest. He wears slightly flared black boots and gloves. When activated, the suit creates a white helmet with a see-through orange-yellow glass-like faceplate over his face. J'onn's ray guns are cast in a dark grey metal, with black grips. Five red lines run along the back of each, along with one at the very end of the barrel. He uses a white jetpack that seems to attach directly to his suit, with two light blue square exhaust ports. J'onn will often add jackets or other accesories on top of the uniform, depending on personal preferences at the moment. HISTORY Charles 'Chuck' Shepard is hero. There's no doubt about that. A daring Earthborn astronaut found himself lost in outer space on the planet Korus during the late 1960'es. Once home to an advanced civilization, Korus had been all but destroyed in a war hundreds of years before. On Korus, Chuck became known as the Space Ranger, and with the aid with a group of Koruan survivors, including the warrior Illya, her father Arran Vey and the shapeshifting Groob, Chuck was eventually able to aid the Koruans in rebuilding their civilization. Though given the chance to return home, the Space Ranger decided to remain as Korus' hero and a cosmic champion. Chuck would eventually marry Illyra, who would give birth to their daughter Allura 'Allie' Shepard. During the 1990'es, Chuck decided to retire and passed the Space Ranger mantle to his daughter. Allie served both Korus and known space with distinction for years, eventually falling in love with the Koruan politician Tavarann Hag. Allie gave birth to her son J'onn in 2001, and she would marry Tavarann soon after. Following the birth of J'onn, Allie continued to serve as the Space Ranger while Tavarann would eventually rise to the rank of councillor in the Koruan parliament. J'onn grew up to be a cocky young man, always seeking the thrill of adventure that he was sure his mother and grandfather felt. Tragedy struck when Allie defended Korus from the Communion forces during the Incursion. While her ultimate fate remains unknown, the second Space Ranger disappeared during the cosmic crisis. As far as the people of Korus were concerned, they needed a Space Ranger. Urged by his father and trained by his grandparents, J'onn 'John' Shepard rose to the occassion. Unfortunately, his first trip through a Koruan Spatial Gate to visit the Earth went very wrong, and J'onn was bombarded with spatial energies. The energy infused his body, causing J'onn to randomly teleport between Earth and his previous location in space, often at the worst time possible. J'onn Shepard travels the stars and Earth to find a way to undo the accident, doing what good he can along the way, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose. The scion of a proud tradition, the third Space Ranger will have to learn what it takes to live up to his family's legacy. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION J'onn is an inexperienced rookie. He has received plenty of training, but he has little actual experience, which he generally hides by pretending he knows more about the current situation than he actually does. He is a thrillseeker, longing for adventure among the stars, journeys into the great unknown and everything he might meet there. If he happens to do some good along the way, that's a definite bonus, but that is not what defines him. Despite J'onn's usual cocky demeanor, he is gravely aware of the pressure of being the third Space Ranger. The people of Korus judges just about anything he does as their champion, and some times, this pressure will just be too much to bear. Does he do the thing he wants to do or the thing he should do? Only time will tell. POWERS & TACTICS Face first into the fray, J'onn is rarely a subtle fighter. He can use tactics, but he prefers the simple solutions: Blasting his enemies with his Ray Guns while flying around them on his jetpack, staying mobile and out of reach if at all possible. POWER DESCRIPTIONS While J'onn's hybrid Terran and Koruan physiology is slighty enhanced compared to a normal human, the majority of his abilities are honed skills or technology. Like his predecessors he wears a space suit that can be sealed to provide life support and comes equipped with a personal force field. The suit can quickly be hidden away in his belt, appearing or disappearing almost instantly. He also wears a jetpack, much like his grandfather did. He travels through space in the Star Lance, a custom built spaceship. The most impressive part of J'onn's arsenal are his Ray Guns, a pair of advanced pistols from the pre-war Korus. The weapons were found by the original Space Ranger and eventually passed on to J'onn. Through both voice activation or a small dial, the Ray Guns are able to shoot a number of rays with a wide variety of effects, from laser rays that burn the target to X-Rays, Proton Rays, Zero-Point Rays, Freeze Rays, Shock Rays and much more. Owing to J'onn's skills with the weapons, he is able to perform impossible shots, ricocheting rays around an area, almost making it seem like the blasts originate from somewhere other than the muzzle of the Ray Guns. J'onn has a Translator Implant embedded in his body that allows him to understand, read and speak any language. COMPLICATIONS Commander Shepard: J'onn has a lot to live up to. His mother and grandfather are fabled heroes of space, protectors of Korus and defenders of the universe. It's not always easy to be compared to his predecessors, either being expected to be able to do anything they could or simply being underestimated for being the newest Space Ranger. A GM can award J'onn a Hero Point if his legacy makes a situation more complicated, for instance by having other underestimate or overestimate what he knows and can do. Cosmic Castaway: J'onn was exposed to cosmic energies from a failing Koruan Spatial Gateway, which causes him to teleport between Earth and outer space at semi-random intervals. J'onn will randomly appear or disappear from a scene, often at the worst times, such as disappearing while he is helping allies or appearing in the middle of a firefight. A GM can award one of Space Ranger's allies a Hero Point if he is sent back to space or Earth at the wrong time, or his sudden appearance causes complications. Space Ranger: The Space Rangers before J'onn have fought their share of cosmic villains and worse during their careers, protecting Korus and the greater universe along the way. Old enemies of his predecessors may come calling or react negatively to see a new Space Ranger taking up the mantle. The GM can award J'onn a Hero Point if a situation is complicated by predecessors' old enemies, for instance if negations are made more difficult by old enemies reacting negatively to J'onn's presence or they arrive to join a battle against Space Ranger. Spatial Gates Are A Scary Place: Travel by Koruan Spatial Gates are instant, bringing you from one gate to the next. You walk through the entry gate, you appear at your destination gate. J'onn has learned that isn't always the case. There's something hiding in the space between the gates, something that has seen J'onn. It's gaze follows him even into real space. Rarely, J'onn will feel the gaze of the being hiding in the space between the spatial gates, momentarily distracting him. This can make him miss a crucial shot, stumble over words or just make a mistake. If this happens, the GM can award J'onn a Hero Point. Welcome To Earth: J'onn has spent around half his time on Earth and half his time in outer space since the accident with the Koruan Spatial Gateway. While he is at home on Korus and in space, he is very much a fish out of water on the Earth. All that he knows of the planet are the stories that his grandfather has told him, filtered through age and nostalgia. The GM can award J'onn a Hero Point if his lack of knowledge of the Earth causes complications. ABILITIES 4 + 6 + 8 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 34PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 16 (+6) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 14 (+2) COMBAT 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Attack: +6 Base, +6 Melee, +10 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +11 (+6 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8 (+6 Base Attack, +2 Strength) / +20 Proton Ray (+10 Ranged Attack, +10 Move Object) Knockback: -4 (TOU/2) SAVING THROWS 4 + 5 + 5 = 14PP Toughness: +9 (+4 Con, +5 Protection) Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4) Reflex: +8 (+3 Dex, +5) Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5) SKILLS 80R = 20PP Acrobatics 7 (+10) Bluff 8 (+10) Diplomacy 3 (+5) Disable Device 2 (+5) Drive 7 (+10) Intimidate 3 (+5) Knowledge [Cosmology] 2 (+5) Knowledge [Galactic Lore] 7 (+10) Knowledge [Technology] 7 (+10) Language 2 [Native: English; Learned: Koruan, Lor] Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 7 (+10) Pilot 7 (+10) Search 2 (+5) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Stealth 7 (+10) FEATS 37PP Ambidexterity Attack Focus [Ranged] 4 Dodge Focus 5 Equipment 15 Jack-of-All-Trades Move-By Action Precise Shot 2 Equipment: 15PP = 75EP The Star Lance (Vehicle; Spacefighter) [75EP] Spoiler Size: Colossal [4EP] Strength: 75 [5EP] Defence: 2 [0EP] Toughness: 13 [0EP] Features: [10EP] - Communications - Computer - Defense System - Fire Prevention System - Holding Cells - Infirmary - Living Space - Power System - Security System - Self-Repairing Powers [56EP] - Blast 10 [20EP] (Descriptors: Blaster Cannons, Technology) - Concealment 10 (All senses; Flaws: Blending, Passive) [10EP] (Descriptors: Stealth Field, Technology) - Flight 10 (10,000 MPH/rnd, 100,000 ft./rnd) [20EP] (Descriptors: Rocket Engine, Technology) - Super Movement: Space Flight 3 [Intergalactic] [6 EP] (Descriptors: Rocket Engine, Technology) POWERS 6 + 25 + 8 + 12 + 5 = 56 Comprehend 3 (Read All, Speak All [1 at a time], Understand All) [6PP] (Descriptors: Translator Implant, Technology) Device 8 (40DP Container; Flaws: Easy-to-lose; Feats: Multiple Weapons 1) [25PP] (Descriptors: Ray Guns, Technology) Ray Array 17.5 (35PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [40PP] (Descriptors: Cosmic) BP: Blast 10 (Extras: Autofire; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3) {35/35} (Descriptors: Laser Ray, Heat, Laser) AP: Drain Toughness 10 (Extras: Affects Objects, Range [Ranged]; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3) {35/35} (Descriptors: X-Ray, Radiation) AP: Move Object 10 (Extras: Damaging; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect 3) (Heavy load: 12.8 tons) {35/35} (Descriptors: Proton Ray, Dimensional, Electromagnetic Energy) AP: Paralyze 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Reflex] (+0), Range [Ranged]; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3) {35/35} (Descriptors: Zero-Point Ray, Quantum Energy) AP: Snare 10 (Extras: Regenerating; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3) {35/35} (Descriptors: Freeze Ray, Ice, Cold) AP: Stun 10 (Extras: Range [Ranged]; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3) {35/35} (Descriptors: Shock Ray, Electricity) Device 2 (10DP Container; Flaws: Hard-to-lose) [8PP] (Descriptors: Jetpack, Technology) Flight 5 (250 MPH, 2500 ft./rnd) [10DP] (Descriptors: Jetpack Flight) Device 3 (15DP Container; Flaws: Hard-to-lose) [12PP] (Descriptors: Space Suit, Technology) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1DP] (Descriptors: Smart Suit) Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9DP] (Descriptors: Life Support System) Protection 5 (Extras: Force Field (+0)) [5DP] (Descriptors: Force Field) Hybrid Physiology 0.8 (4PP Container; Feats: Innate) [5PP] (Descriptors: Hybrid Physiology, Alien, Human) Leaping 1 (Distance x2; Running jump 24 ft.) [1PP] Speed 3 (50 MPH, 500 ft./rnd) [3PP] DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC17 Tou (staged) Damage +6 Freeze Ray 100 ft. DC20 Ref (staged) Fail: Entangled>5: Bound and Helpless +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3 Laser Ray 100 ft. DC25 Tou (staged) Damage +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3, AUtofire Proton Ray 100 ft. DC25 Tou (staged) Damage, +Grapple +20 +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3 Shock Ray 100 ft. DC20 Fort (staged) Fail: Dazed >5: Stunned>10: Unconscious +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3 X-Ray 100 ft. DC20 Fort (staged) Toughness Drain +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3 Zero-Point Ray 100 ft. DC20 Ref (staged) Fail: Slowed 1 round>5: Paralyzed +10, Crit 18-20, Indirect 3 Totals: Abilities (0) + Combat (0) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points Edited June 14, 2021 by RocketLord
RocketLord Posted March 16, 2021 Author Posted March 16, 2021 (edited) PL7 powerhouse build. Strong, tough, with the power to punch anything Powers come from being a T-baby/or maybe 2nd/3rd gen t-baby Eventually go all the way to +5/-5 Str DC/ATK and TOU/DEF Get Accurate Attack, Power Attack, Defensive Attack? Get more Super-Strength Maybe Enh. Strength AP with Blast for punching air waves at people? Regen too much? High Fort, High Will, Low Ref Powers granted by narrative, allowing him to achieve heroic feats that shouldn't be possible with super strength/toughness alone? TITAN Power Level: 7 Effective Power Level: 7 Power Points: 105/105PPUnspent Power Points: 0Trade-Offs: Unarmed: ATK-2/DC+2; DEF-2/TOU+2 In Brief: X Catchphrase: "I'm gonna punch it." Theme: Get Up - All Good Things / I Have the Power - All Good Things Alternate Identity: XBirthplace: X Residence: X Base of Operations: XOccupation: X Affiliations: X Family: X DESCRIPTION Age: X Apparant age: XGender: XEthnicity: X Height: X’X’’Weight: X lbs.Eyes: XHair: X Physical description HISTORY X PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION X POWERS & TACTICS Doesn't know where his powers come from, doesn't care. Maybe he's a T-Baby? Spoiler Powers come from being the newest incarnation of a heroic archetype able to use incredible strength to perform impossible feats. Previously embodied by figures such as Gilgamesh and Hercules. COMPLICATIONS Complication: X. ABILITIES 8 + 2 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 4 = 22PP Strength: 28 (+9) / 18 (+4) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 28 (+9) / 18 (+4) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 14 (+2) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +5 Melee, +4 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +5 (+4 Base, +1 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +15 (+4 Base Attack, +1 Attack Focus, +9 Strength, +1 Super-Strength) Knockback: -8 (TOU/2, Impervious Toughness 7) SAVING THROWS 0 + 3 + 7 = 10PP Toughness: +9 (+4 Con, +5 Enh. Con) Fortitude: +9 (+4 Con, +5 Enh. Con, +0) Reflex: +5 (+2 Dex, +3) Will: +7 (+0 Wis, +7) SKILLS 40R =10PP Climb 1 (+10) Drive 2 (+4) Gather Information 8 (+10) Intimidate 8 (+10) Notice 10 (+10) Sense Motive 10 (+10 Swim 1 (+10) FEATS 8PP All-Out Attack Attack Focus [Melee] 1 Challenge [Fast Startle] Dodge Focus 1 Power Attack Startle Takedown Attack 2 POWERS 10 + 10 + 2 + 7 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 39 Enhanced Constitution 10 [10PP] (Descriptors: Prowess) Enhanced Strength 10 [10PP] (Descriptors: Prowess) Enhanced Traits 2 (Adds Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2 to Unarmed) [2PP] (Descriptors: Touch the Untouchable, Prowess) Impervious Toughness 7 [7PP] (Descriptors: Prowess) Movement Array 1 (2PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [3PP] (Descriptors: Prowess) BP: Speed 2 (25 MPH, 250 ft./rnd.) {2/2} (Descriptors: Run Fast) AP: Leaping 2 (x5; Running: 95 ft.) {2/2} (Descriptors: Leap Far) Super-Strength 1 (Feats: Countering Punch, Thunderclap) (+5 STR carry. Heavy Load: 2400 lbs) [4PP] (Descriptors: Prowess) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC19 Tou (staged) Damage +5, Affects Insubstantial 2 Unarmed - Enhanced Strength Touch DC24 Tou (staged) Damage +5, Affects Insubstantial 2 Thunderclap 45. ft. Area Radius DC19 Ref Halve Auditory Dazzle Affects Insubstantial 2 DC19 Ref Auditory Dazzle, DC19 Fort to recover Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (10) + Feats (8) + Powers (39) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105 Power Points Edited February 23, 2022 by RocketLord
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