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Freestyle! OOC


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Two quick questions. Is her back to the door? And would Jennifer possible recognize her from TV? Maybe not who she is exactly, but maybe just if she’s a villain or hero from the costume? Would it be a knowledge check of some kind?

...okay, some maybe four questions technically.


Initiative: 21


23 - Chimera - 2HP - Unharmed

21 - Freestyle - Unharmed


Alright, you're lunging for the power and pulling that out as your action.

Chimera goes for the usb drive as her action, pulling it out and leaping over you, heading out of the room.


And you're up!


Freestyle's suit is covered with an effect that gives her half Immunity to Entrapment effects (including grapples) which means your grapple bonus is halved to a +7, so... DC27 instead of DC35 for her opposed grapple: 23

Grappled and Pinned. 


Taking a standard action to use Escape Artist to escape: 29

Remember that your Grapple bonus is at half effect, so only +7!

Since you can't make that, she escapes and spends a movement action to run towards the other end of the room.


You're up.


23 - Chimera - 2HP - Unharmed

21 - Freestyle - Unharmed


Freestyle drops a bomb that explodes, filling the entire floor with a Visual Obscure effect.

Then moves and you hear a crash!


23 - Chimera - 2HP - Unharmed

21 - Freestyle - Unharmed


And you leap right into Freestyle's bomb, triggering it.


Give me a DC18 Reflex Save vs. Area, then a DC23/19 TOU save.


Freestyle spends her move action to get to the end of the roof.

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