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Zombie vs Zombie (OOC)

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Posted (edited)

OOC for https://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/13626-zombie-vs-zombie/


Feel free to work through and describe Chimera's examination of the body. Essentially he looks like a Yardie, street level thugs, man about 35, veteran of many scuffles, who has had a shotgun pointed at his chest and fired. Lots of bone, blood, and a few shotgun pellets inside. you can add in any other insights (that wont detract from the story) if you wish. Dr GWB will finish up anything you missed so no need for a roll; role play it how you wish :D



Feel free to make an untrained Knowledge (Arcane) and knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) roll if you examine his tattoo's! :D



Edited by Supercape
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I had the idea that if she can get the others to walk past her, she would make a ranged attack to try to Stun the zombie so it would fall back down into laying down on the table.


Thats a fantastic attack!


On an undead, which is immune to fortitude attack!


But! Pretty sparks. So thats a plus. 


[url=https://orokos.com/roll/980338]Zombie Attack[/url]: [u]1d20[/u] [b]10[/b] it misses you. 


This is not a major threat though - its a solitary PL 2 minion. So you can feel free to just  chop / hack / decapitate it no need to roll. The problem is your secret identity!


On 6/3/2023 at 6:16 AM, Supercape said:

Thats a fantastic attack!


On an undead, which is immune to fortitude attack!


… because of course that’s my luck. -_-

Regular Melee attack: 13

Toughness DC23 if it hits


OK investigation time!


Search skill for clues

Investigate skill to collect evidence


Knowledge skills may come depending on what you do / find / etc. 






Ok so you can find fragments of shotgun pellets and carefully collect them for laboratory work (+2 to all knowledge rolls etc) as well as the same with blood samples and blood splatters patterns (feel free to narrate photograph or collection of the evidence - an excellent job!)


You can also collect / photograph some footprints for evidence, as well as clothing fibres and hair from the scene. 


Two pairs of boots (classic Freedom City "Yardie" wear, such as was on the corpse), and two pairs of regular old shoes. the footprints also show signs of a hand to hand scuffle (From pattern of swerves and swishes). 


As well as the shotgun, you find some bullet casings on the floor and in the masonry; more than one fire arm was discharged here. 


And finally, a piece of chipped metal, belonging to an edged weapon.


Untrained DC 15 Streetwise check. 



You know that the Yardies are fond of machetes for intimidation (and chopping).


Feel free to narrate all of the above with a flourish! You are heading towards a grade A (marked as B-, because its Dr Gwib...)


Chimera - Unharmed - 3 HP





IC post - entirely up to you how you want to proceed...


If you get to picking the lock thats a DC 20 roll (I think it has to be trained though?)


If you get to squeezing through the vents thats a DC 15 Escape Artist. 


As you have time / no pressure, you can take 10. You take 20 too, but that will delay you into middle of the night! :D




Ok so prepepared whallop - I presume you are taking 10 to automatically hit


[url=https://orokos.com/roll/981258]Tough[/url]: [u]1d20+1[/u] [b]19[/b]


And he is out. Feel free to narrat the manner and flavour of the punch and the cumbling of one KO thug!


Feelin' Dat power of de bigmon fis!


They only just make it


[url=https://orokos.com/roll/981364]Intimidation[/url]: [u]1d20+4[/u] [b]15[/b]


Chimera - Unharmed - 2 HP


And they swing with Machetes> Clever positioning by Chimera means they can only get two to swing


[url=https://orokos.com/roll/981365]Machete Swings[/url]: [u]2#1d20+2[/u] [b]14[/b] [b]22[/b]


Ouch, one hits. Thats a DC 18 Tough Save




Toughness save vs DC18: 10

ick… That’s more then 5, and I don’t wanna be left dazed already, so reroll.

Technically, with her +8  she can’t fail the reroll. But I’ll roll if you want.

Had a 55% chance to succeed without a scratch, and an 80% chance to pass with just a bruise. And rolled a 2. 😛

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