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Torpedo Lass 2

The Sailor

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Posted (edited)

Torpedo Lass IIspacer.png
Power Level: 8 (121/126PP)
Unspent Power Points: 5
Trade-Offs: None


In Brief: Powerful nautical brawler, ready to take on the legacy of the first Torpedo Lass who saved her life, sacrificing themselves in the process.


Catchphrase: “Full Speed Ahead!”
Theme" "Magic Spear I"
Nicknames: “TL” “Mizzy” “Sailor”

Alternate Identity: Mizuki Iwasaki (Public)
Birthplace:  Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Residence: Claremont Academy
Base of Operations: Old Rowing Team shed, Claremont Academy Campus
Occupation:  Student, Adventurer, Mechanical Engineer
Affiliations: Claremont Academy
Family: Father: Cmdr Akira “Mud” Iwasaki, US Navy (Deceased), Mother: Dr. Akiko Wentworth-Iwasaki (Deceased), Uncle: Jake Iwasaki (Computer Programmer).


Age: 17 (DoB: April 30th, 2007)
Gender: Female (She/Her/Her’s)
Ethnicity: Asian (Japanese American)
Height:  5’7”
Weight:  145
Eyes:  Blue
Hair:  Dark Blue


Mizuki tends to keep her blue hair short, in a pixiecut style, and wears comfortable, loose fitting clothing. Due to her not being affected by the cold she tends to dress less than others in winter which causes her to stand out more. Her costume is a custom-designed drysuit that she patterned off of Torpedo Lass’ last costume, but in different muted shades of blue with white trim. She kept Torpedo Lass I’s sailor collared design, and added pouches on a belt, and redesigned a diving vest originally designed for tactical divers into a vest to carry useful equipment. All of which are built into the suit, now.

Torpedo Lass II had much going for her, entering a STEM related track that would eventually get her into industrial design, her goal was to design equipment for people who work on the ocean to keep them safe, and for rescuers to keep them safe and sound. But while on a cruise with her family a mad scientist attacked, trying to steal a valuable piece of jewelry. In the process her parents were killed, and Mizuki was next in line if it wasn’t for the First Torpedo Lass intercepting a beam from a death-ray intended for her.


Personality & Motivation
Mizuki tends to be quiet and analytical, but around peers she opens up. She tends to be interested in geeky pursuits (mostly gaming and putting together models of giant robots), and her room tends to also have pictures of her favorite SCUBA vacation where she earned her certification with her folks. She tends to be protective of her friends and family, which is magnified now with her powers.

As for her new life with super powers, she feels more and more she has to live up to the standards of her predecessor. While not much is availiable in public record in regards to the first Torpedo Lass, what little is there provides a thumbnail she could build on. She feels she needs to act when there is a crisis, and protect the people. Unlike the first Torpedo Lass she isn’t motivated by Patriotism, but for community and people across the world, as well as all in distress on the sea.


Powers & Tactics
Torpedo Lass II leverages her strength into the battle, while closing the distance to engage in melee combat as soon as possible. Although her punches somehow create a plasma sheath around her fist or foot that can hit with the same force as her punch or kick. She now no longer has to worry about any pressure as she is just as much at home anywhere from the depths of the ocean to the edge of space with zero worries. Torpedo Lass II has shown signs of taking the lead, or at least advising whoever has taken the lead, in what steps to take in a crisis.

Power Descriptions
Her powers tend to generate a bluish-green light phosphorescence making her abilities more visible at night or in low-light conditions.

The Next Generation: A need to match the legacy of her predecessor, the first Torpedo Lass, and to live up to her legacy.


Duty Calls: Torpedo Lass II feels she has to use her powers for the right reasons and for the greater good whenever possible.


Survivor’s Guilt: Knowing she got her powers from Torpedo Lass, and that the first TL was wiped from existence in the process has caused TLII to feel from time to time that it should have been her who got hit by the beam, not the first Torpedo Lass.


Enemy: The power armored mad scientist, wanted in Russia for treason and theft, Sea Wolf (Морской волк), was the one responsible for the death of her parents and the murder of the first Torpedo Lass, and she wants to tie up a loose end. Only a matter of time before the next Torpedo Lass gets to run it back against her.


The Eyes Have It: Due to her new mutation for her eyes, they glow in an ever increasing and color shifting color from a phosphorescent green to a bright blue to near white depending on how she stresses herself with her powers, and at any level it's obvious enough where anyone can see them in the dark.


Abilities: 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + -2 + -2 = 2 PP
Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 8 (-1)

Combat: 8 + 8 = 16 PP
Initiative: +5 (+4 Improved Initiative)
Attack: +4
Hull Breaking Strike: +8 (Accurate 2 (+4))
Phosphorescent Sphere: +8 (Accurate 2(+4))
Defense: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed
Grapple: +5/+8 [Hyperdense Muscles (Super Strength)]
Knockback: -4

Saving Throws: 8 + 5 + 7 = 20 PP
Toughness: +8 (+0 Con, +8 [Pressure Toughened Skin (Toughness +8)])
Fortitude: +8 (+0 Con, +8)
Reflex: +6 (+1 Dex, +5)
Will: +6 (-1 Wis, +7)


Skills: 72R = 18PP
Bluff 0 (-1)
Climb 1 (+2)
Computers 4 (+5)
Concentration 0 (-1)
smCraft (mechanical) 4 (+5)
Diplomacy 3 (+2)
Disguise 0 (-1)
Drive 4 (+5)
Escape Artist 0 (+1)
Gather Information 4 (+3)
Handle Animal 0 (-1)
Intimidate 0 (-1)
Investigate 4 (+5)
Knowledge (Physics) 5 (+6)
Knowledge (Technology) 5 (+6)
Language 2 (English [Native], Japanese, Russian)
smMedicine 8 (+7)
smNotice 6 (+5)
Pilot 4 (+5)
smSearch 4( +5)
Sense Motive 6 (+5)
Stealth 0 (+1)
Survival 4(+3)
Swim 4(+5)
(sm marks skills with Skill Mastery)


Feats: 14PP

Improved Initiative 1 (+4 Initiative)
Benefit: Wealth 1 (Wealthy)
Dodge Focus 4
Improved Grapple
Luck 1
Move-By Action
Precice Shot 2
Quick Change 1
Skill Mastery 1 (Medicine, Craft(Mechanical), Notice, Search)


Equipment  1pp = 5EP

Dive Suit 5EP

  • Binoculars
  • Life Preserver
  • Smartphone
  • First Aid Kit
  • Multi-Tool

Powers: 6+19+9+7+8+2=51PP
Super Strength 3 (“Hyper-dense Muscles”) 6PP (Mutation)


Array 8 ("Phosphorescent Manipulation", Default Power: Blast, Accurate 2(+4)) 19pp (Mutation, Plasma)

Strike 8 ("Hull Breaking Strike", Autofire 1) (DC 23)

Blast 8 ("Phosphorescent Sphere") (DC 23)


Array 4 ("Warp Bubble Travel", Default Power: Flight) 9pp (Mutation)

Flight 4 ("Warp Bubble Flight", 100mph, 2200ft/rnd)
Swimming 8 ("Supercavitating Warp Bubble", 500 mph, 4400 ft/round)


Immunity 7 ("Sealed Environment", Environmental Conditions (All), Suffocating (All)) 7pp (Mutation)


Protection 8 ("Pressure Toughened Skin") 8pp (Mutation)


Super-Senses 2 ("Abyssal Vision", Darkvision) 2pp (Mutation)


Drawbacks: 0


DC Block
ATTACK                RANGE       SAVE             EFFECT
Unarmed                  Touch        DC 19 Toughness    Bludgeoning
Hull Breaking Strike     Touch        DC 23 Toughness    Damage, Autofire, Plasma
Phosphorescent Sphere    Ranged       DC 23 Toughness    Damage, Plasma


Totals: Abilities (2) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (18) + Feats (14) + Powers (51) - Drawbacks (0) = 121/126


Edited by Thevshi
+2pp for December 2024

Thev actually said over a DM that "extended reach" might be on it might be better... but then again I might just carve that off And just set up an array with the punches primary, or switching to a blast (or vice-versa since Blast is the pricier power.)


Shouldn't be too hard to pull off. I didn't know "thrown" was for something that was retrieved... I was trying to simulate something I saw a character named Luke from Street Fighter 6 does with one of his moves where he throws a series of punches that let off energy pulses over a long distance (loses effectiveness at screen edge when he's at starting position.) But Blast could be that too...


I can tweak things tonight.



Here is the refitted sheet.

Torpedo Lass II


Power Level: 7 (105/105PP)

Unspent Power Points: 0

Trade-Offs: None


In Brief: Powerful nautical brawler, ready to take on the legacy of the first Torpedo Lass who saved her life, sacrificing themselves in the process.


Catchphrase: “Full Speed Ahead!”

Theme: “Siren’s Song” – Ace Combat 7 OST

Nicknames: “TL” “Mizzy” “Sailor”

Alternate Identity: Mizuki Iwasaki (Public)

Birthplace: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, United States of America

Residence: Claremont Academy

Base of Operations: Old Rowing Team shed, Claremont Academy Campus

Occupation: Student, Adventurer, Mechanical Engineer

Affiliations: Claremont Academy

Family: Father: Cmdr Akira “Mud” Iwasaki, US Navy (Deceased), Mother: Dr. Akiko Wentworth-Iwasaki (Deceased), Uncle: Jake Iwasaki (Computer Programmer).



Age: 16 (DoB: April 30th, 2007)

Gender: Female (She/Her/Her’s)

Ethnicity: Asian (Japanese American)

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 145

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Dark Blue



Mizuki tends to keep her blue hair short, in a pixiecut style, and wears comfortable, loose fitting clothing. Due to her not being affected by the cold she tends to dress less than others in winter which causes her to stand out more.

Her costume is a custom-designed drysuit that she patterned off of Torpedo Lass’ last costume, but in Navy Blue and a lighter sea blue. She kept Torpedo Lass I’s sailor collared design, and added pouches on a belt, and redesigned a diving vest originally designed for tactical divers into a vest to carry useful equipment.



Torpedo Lass II had much going for her, entering a STEM related track that would eventually get her into industrial design, her goal was to design equipment for people who work on the ocean to keep them safe, and for rescuers to keep them safe and sound. But while on a cruise with her family a mad scientist attacked, trying to steal a valuable piece of jewelry. In the process her parents were killed, and Mizuki was next in line if it wasn’t for the First Torpedo Lass intercepting a beam from a death-ray intended for her.


Personality & Motivation

Mizuki tends to be quiet and analytical, but around peers she opens up. She tends to be interested in geeky pursuits (mostly gaming and putting together models of giant robots), and her room tends to also have pictures of her favorite SCUBA vacation where she earned her certification with her folks. She tends to be protective of her friends and family, which is magnified now with her powers.

As for her new life with super powers, she feels more and more she has to live up to the standards of her predecessor. While not much is availiable in public record in regards to the first Torpedo Lass, what little is there provides a thumbnail she could build on. She feels she needs to act when there is a crisis, and protect the people. Unlike the first she isn’t motivated by Patriotism, but for community and people across the world, as well as all in distress on the sea.


Powers & Tactics

Torpedo Lass II leverages her strength into the battle, while closing the distance to engage in melee combat using her prodigious leaping power. Although her punches are so violent that it superheats water or air that can hit with the same force as her punches. She is fully “seaworthy” allowing her to head down to the deepest depths safely and not even feel cold or need to breathe. In fact she can hold her breath indefinitely.


Power Descriptions

Her powers tend to generate a bluish-green light phosphorescence making her abilities more visible at night or in low-light conditions. Her ranged strikes though take on a orangish flame.




The Next Generation: A need to match the legacy of her predecessor, the first Torpedo Lass, and to live up to her legacy.
Duty Calls: Torpedo Lass II feels she has to use her powers for the right reasons and for the

greater good whenever possible.

Survivor’s Guilt: Knowing she got her powers from Torpedo Lass, and that the first TL was wiped from existence in the process has caused TLII to feel from time to time that it should have been her who got hit by the beam, not the first Torpedo Lass.

The Wolf Hunts: The power armored mad scientist, wanted in Russia for treason and theft, Sea Wolf (Морской волк), was the one responsible for the death of her parents and the murder of the first Torpedo Lass, and she wants to tie up a loose end. Only a matter of time before the next Torpedo Lass gets to run it back against her.


Abilities: 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + -2 + -2 = 2 PP

Strength: 12 (+0)

Dexterity: 12 (+1)

Constitution: 10 (+0)

Intelligence: 12 (+1)

Wisdom: 8 (-1)

Charisma: 8 (-1)


Combat: 6 + 6 = 12 PP

Initiative: +1

Attack: +3 Rapid Fire Strikes: +7 (+4 Attack Specialization) 6PP

Defense: +7 (+3 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed 6PP

Grapple: +4/+7 [Hyperdense Muscles (Super Strength)]

Knockback: -3


Saving Throws: 7 + 4 + 7 = 18 PP

Toughness: +7 (+0 Con, +7 [Pressure Toughened Skin (Toughness 7)])

Fortitude: +7 (+0 Con, +7)

Reflex: +5 (+1 Dex, +4)

Will: +6 (-1 Wis, +7)


Skills: 64R = 16PP

Bluff 0 (-1)

Climb 1 (+1)

Computers 4 (+5)

Concentration 0 (-1)

*Craft (mechanical) 4 (+5)

Diplomacy 3 (+2)

Disguise 0 (-1)

Drive 4 (+5)

Escape Artist 0 (+1)

Gather Information 4 (+3)

Handle Animal 0 (-1)

Intimidate 0 (-1)

Investigate 4 (+5)

Knowledge (Physics) 4 (+5)

Knowledge (Technology) 4 (+5)

Language 2 (English [Native], Japanese, Russian)

*Medicine 6 (+5)

*Notice 6 (+5)

*Search 4( +5)

Sense Motive 6 (+5)

Stealth 0 (+1)

Survival 4(+3)

Swim 4(+5)

(* marks skills with Skill Mastery)


Feats: 17PP

Attack Specialization 2 (Hullbreaking Strikes)

Attack Specialization 2 (Phosphorescent Sphere)

Benefit: Wealth 1 (Wealthy)

Dodge Focus 4

Improved Grapple

Luck 1

Move-By Action

Precice Shot 2

Quick Change 1

Skill Mastery 1 (Medicine, Craft(Mechanical), Notice, Search)


Equipment: 1PP = 5EP

Dive Vest 5EP


Buoyancy Compensator


First Aid Kit



Powers: 6+19+11+8=40

Super Strength 3 (“Hyper-dense Muscles”) 6PP (Mutation)

Array 7 (“Phosphorescent Plasma Harnessing”, Alternate Power 1) 15pp (Mutation)

BP: Blast 7 (“Phosphorescent Sphere”) (Plasma, Mutation)

AP: Strike 7 (“Hullbreaking Strikes”, Autofire) (Mutation)

Linked (“Seaworthiness”) 11PP (Mutation)

Immunity 4 (“Depth Tolerance”, Cold, High Pressure, Suffocation(All))

Protection 7 (“Pressure Toughened Skin”)

Swimming 7 (“Dolphin Swimming”, Alternate Power) 8PP (Mutation)

AP: Leaping 7 (“Dolphin Leaping”)


Drawbacks: 0


DC Block

ATTACK                   RANGE               SAVE               EFFECT

Unarmed                  Touch DC 13         Toughness          Bludgeoning

Hullbreaking Strikes     Touch DC 17         Toughness          Bludgeoning, Damage, Autofire

Phosphorescent Sphere    Ranged DC 17        Toughness          Plasma


Totals: Abilities (2) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (16) + Feats (17) + Powers (40) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105


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