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Poncho's Roughdrafts

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Posted (edited)

Turning this thread into a more general thread for all my half-made character/npc ideas.




I am hoping to create a Claremont student for my first draft.


I want to pull on stuff like Hourman/Minuteman combined with something like the Sentry for powers. The idea that he's been exposed to a extremely potent version of the Malanka Root serum that Minuteman and Patriot used, turning him into a Paragon, via the Sentry idea where he's got a much more potent version of the serum in his veins that has given his molecules the 'power of thousand exploding suns'. Though not so grandiose and supreme as that. To hearken back to the Minuteman/Hourman idea, I want his highest level powers to be limited in how long he can do them. I'm not sure exactly how putting 'Tiring' or a time limit would effectively work on his "Overheating" Container, so maybe someone could help me with that, right now I've just got them as complications. Getting them in as PP drawbacks on the actual container might let me raise his Saves a bit, but I think he looks okay as it is. The idea is supposed to be he can only go at PL10 for limited time per day, and it's carefully monitored since he's still getting used to his powers.


I want him to be a sort of uptight and serious person who has dreams of doing a lot of good, to the point that his desires- while honest- can sometimes be off-putting. Like he's one of those kids whose had their entire life plotted out since they were like 8, and he's pursued it his whole life. Him getting super powers didn't knock him off the rails, they just changed the track he was on, and made his dreams bigger.


I'm actually done with the sheet, but I wanted to put it here for a couple of days if someone wanted to comment on it before I submit it, in-case I missed something obviously wrong.


Golden Star
Power Level:
9 (150/150PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: -2 Attack / +2 Damage, -2 Defense / +2 Toughness at PL 9. None at PL7


In Brief: Star Student turned Future Star Hero

Catchphrase: He wants one but he's still work-shopping it.



Alternate Identity: Michael Adon (Secret)
Freedom City

Residence: His Parent's House/Claremont High
Occupation:  Full-Time Student, Part-Time Superhero, Part-Time Everything Else
Affiliations: His Family, Claremont, Sampson's Sodas

Family: His Father, His Mother, his two brothers, and his best friend Sam


Age: 17 (DoB: 2006)
Gender:  Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height:  6'4
Weight:  220lbs
Eyes:  Brown, but tend towards Orange or Red when overheating
Brown, but tend towards Orange or Red when overheating


Michael has all the looks of a golden boy; he’s got the broad shoulders and strong arms of the highschool quarterback, the square jaw and well done hair of the class president, the outgoing and happy nature of the most popular kid in class. He’s always wearing something that’s fancy, rather than trendy; he’s the kid who shows up in suits to events, knows how to tie his own tie. He polishes his shoes and irons his own clothes. His Super Suit is a red, white, and gold affair with red boots and shoes, a white bodysuit, and a sun on his chest, with a long, golden cape.



Michael grew up as a kid in a middle-class household who idolized Superheroes like any other kid. But just as much as them, he idolized the politicians that helped them. You couldn’t be the Freedom League if the Government didn’t have people who supported them, after all. Michael never had any illusions about getting powers of his own; if it happened it’d be great, but he wasn’t waiting for it. Instead, he wanted to be a Human Hero. He wanted to be one of those politicians, helping make sure Heroes had what they needed; to be an advocate for them, and for those who were caught up in Supervillain plots. He was a super fan like no other, and had the drive to try and get there.


He put in the effort to be good at everything; he worked hard at sports, joined the Junior World Congress, tried to get to know everyone in his classes and be a mediator. That sort of effort can make other people look at you weird, and Michael wasn’t immune to that, but his genuine nature and positive demeanor kept him on the right path, alongside some choice words from his father. “People look at you weird because they don’t know where they want to go, but you’ve got it all planned out.”  People still look at him weird, but it’s not everyone and he doesn’t let the few who do get in the way of the rest of them.


One of Michael’s best friends had always been Samantha Sanders, his best friend since childhood. Sam is Michael’s opposite; if he’s High-Strung, she’s Strung-Out, a chronic underachiever, who never had a good direction. Despite this, Sam and Michael have always been good friends; they argued like any friends would, but they’d also always have each other's backs, and when Sam needed some spare cash, Michael was able to parlay his one part-time job into two.
The job was at Sampson’s Sodas, a local micro-soda company popular for weird, off-type soda formulas. They weren’t allowed to do any of the real mixing processes, but they helped bottle, fill up vats, and handled orders. It was a good job for a couple of kids, and the employee discount made them quite popular. But one night, a bunch of thugs from the Power-House broke into the company. It turned out that Sampson’s Sodas had a secondary purpose; attempting to further refine the legendary Malaka Root into even greater super powers. This was all on the up and up, a government contract instead of an attempt to corner the superhero market, but with the Power-House using the root for some of it’s enhancements, a little check on the competition had been considered a good idea. During their attempts to escape, Sam and Michael fell into a vat containing an unfinished prototype, one whose records had still been in the process of being written when the Power-House broke in. The scientist working on it was killed, and after the goons trashed the place and got out, Michael and Sam were rescued.


A few days later, recovering in the hospital, the two realized they had super powers. Still developing and burgeoning, they grew fairly powerful, but it was clear they were also still at risk; they had more power than they could safely handle, and no one could figure out the formula they had been dumped in. Because of this, they were quickly shifted to Claremont High, in an attempt to make sure they didn’t burn themselves out or seriously injure themselves while getting used to their still-growing powers.


Michael took the change with a little shell-shock but good-naturedly. He was going to finally get to be the superhero he always wanted to be. Heck, he could be a Superhero and a Politician. The idea of the first public Superhero Mayor, or maybe even Superhero President, dances in his mind. He was popular in his old school but now he’s coming into a new place where he is a brand new, untested individual, and that’s definitely going to cause some issues, but he’s excited for the challenge and excited to meet new people.


Personality & Motivation:
Michael is genuinely the sort of person who who wants to help people and looks on the bright side. His easy-going compassion comes from a gentle life; “It’s easy to be compassionate when you’ve never suffered.” is something that could be leveled at him; but part of why he’s never suffered is he never lets things get him down too much. He might be doing too many things at once, running around as fast as he can to be all he can be, but it’s not caused him to develop a short temper or burn out, yet. He has a vision and is carried forward by it


Powers & Tactics:
Michael starts almost any interaction with, obviously, an introduction. Since first impressions are important, he makes sure he has a firm handshake and tries to anticipate what the person he’s meeting might want; for kids his age or younger, he’s always got a discount card for Sampson’s stashed on him as a ‘nice to meet you’ gift. For older people, he’s smart enough not to try that unless he knows they have kids or younger relatives. Even when he’s heroing, he keeps to the same ideas; speak from the diaphragm, keep your head up straight, look people in the eye. When he has to fight, he goes for things he learned on the sports field first; tackles, shoulder checks, and some light boxing. He always gives people a chance to find a peaceful resolution first, and never swings unless someone's already swung


Power Descriptions:
Michael without Overheating doesn’t overtly express his powers; he looks to be a ‘generic’ superhero who just has a lot of biological strength, maybe a low level mutant or the like. When he has to Overheat is when he starts to show signs of being a little different. His eyes shift in color, and he almost seems to glow, like his cells are lighting up, leaving a trail behind him like a streak of sunlight. There’s a low level humming sound to his actions as he moves, almost like his entire body is vibrating. This also ties into his weakness to strong vibrations or those that find the right ‘resonance frequency’ for him.




Extra-Extracurricular: Michael is the kind of person who will try anything once and is always willing to volunteer for something new, so he can, at times, be pulled in many different directions by conflicting appointments. This also affects his classes and studies; his attempts to maintain a high GPA can conflict with his extracurricular activities, both normal and super heroic.

A Friend Indeed: Michael always wants to be helpful to others and be the ear to listen to their problems or their shoulder to cry on, so if someone asks him for a favor he almost always will do it, as long as it’s not overtly criminal. He generally doesn’t expect anything back for these favors.

1-800-Call-Sam: Sam is Michael’s best friend, and even when it may not be the best idea, he’d drop anything to help her. Sam’s issues with adjusting to a suddenly different life and brand new world make him even more intent to be there when she needs his help, and when she gets in trouble he’s almost always the first person she calls

Earnest Weirdo: His iron-clad goals and focus on plotting out his entire life can make Michael seem weird or strange to people, or even make him seem fake or slimy. These aren’t true, but it can create a difficult first impression.

Sampson’s Employee of the Month: Because he is one of only two people who were exposed to the Malanka Root formula that gave him his powers, Michael is still vital to Sampson’s Sodas research. They function as an unofficial sponsor of him, but in return he has duties to them, which still include his part-time job.

Burnt-Out: Michael’s ‘Overheating’ Powerset can only be maintained for an hour a day safely, and any more than that risks hurting him or deactivating his powers entirely for a day or even longer; while he may eventually overcome these weaknesses, for now he tries to keep a very strict limit on how long he Overheats.

Abilities: 6 + 0 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 24PP
Strength: 32/24/16 (+11/+7/+3)
Dexterity: 10 (+0)
Constitution: 32/24/16 (+11/+7/+3)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Combat: 14 + 14 = 28PP
Initiative: +0
Attack: +7 Melee, +7 Ranged
Defense: +7 (+7 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +7 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +21(up to +27)/+17 (up to +20)/+10
Knockback: -8/-3/-1

Saving Throws: 0 + 5 + 8 = 13PP
Toughness: +11/+7/+3 (+11/+7/+3 Con, Impervious 5/0/0)
Fortitude: +11/+7/+3 (+11/+7/+3 Con, +0)
Reflex: +5 (+0 Dex, +5)
Will: +9 (+1 Wis, +8)

Skills: 44R = 11PP

Diplomacy 7 (+10), Skill Mastery

Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+6)

Knowledge (Business) 3 (+5)

Knowledge (Current Events) 3 (+5)

Notice 7 (+8) Skill Mastery

Perform 4 (+7) Skill Mastery

Profession (Politician) 4 (+5)

Search: 7 (+9)

Sense Motive: 7 (+8) Skill Mastery

Feats: 6PP





Quick Change

Skill Mastery (Diplomacy, Notice, Perform, Sense Motive)

Powers: 8 + 8 + 11 + 44 = 71PP

All Powers are Biological, Biochemical, and Kinetic

Enhanced Strength 8 (to 24/+7) (The Strength of an Exploding Sun) [8PP]

Enhanced Constitution 8 (to 24/+7) (The Resilience of an Exploding Sun) [8PP]


Array 3(Golden Array; 6 points; Feats: Dynamic, Dynamic Alternate Power 2) [11PP]

  • Dynamic Base Power: Flight 1-3 (Star Powered Flight, 10-50 mph / 100-500 feet per Move action) {2-6 PP}
  • Dynamic Alternate Power: Quickness 1-3 (Explosive Thoughts, 2-10x)  + Speed 1-3 (Shining Speed, 10-50 mph / 100-500 feet per Move action) {2-6 PP}
  • Dynamic Alternate Power: Super-Strength 1-3 (Effective Strength 29-39) {2-6PP}


Container 9 (Solar Flare/Overheating Mode; 45 PP Flaws: Move Action to Activate) [44PP]

  • Enhanced Strength 8 (to 32/+11) [8PP]
  • Enhanced Constitution 8 (to 32/+11) [8PP]
  • Impervious Toughness 5 [5PP]
  • Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9PP]
  • Super Senses (Infravision, Radio, Ultra-Hearing, Ultravision) [4PP]
  • Array 3 (Empowered Golden Array; 6 points; Feats: Dynamic, Dynamic Alternate Power 2) [11PP]
    • Dynamic Base Power: Flight 1-3 (Star Powered Flight, 10-50 mph / 100-500 feet per Move action) {2-6 PP}
      • Total: Flight 1-6 (10-500 mph / 100-5,000 feet per Move action)
    • Dynamic Alternate Power: Quickness 1-3 (2-10x) + Speed 1-3 (10-50 mph / 100-500 feet per Move action) {2-6 PP}
      • Total: Quickness 1-6 (2-100x) + Speed 1-6 (10-500 mph / 100-5,000 feet per Move action)
    • Dynamic Alternate Power: Super-Strength 1-3 (Effective Strength 39-54) {2-6PP}
      • Total: Super-Strength 1-6 (Effective Strength 37-62)

Drawbacks: (-3) + (-0) = -0PP

Vulnerability (Vibration; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Moderate [x1.5]) [-3PP]

DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 26/22/18 Toughness          Damage



Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (11) + Feats (6) + Powers (71) - Drawbacks (3) = 150/150 Power Points

Edited by Poncho
Fixing Math due a misunderstanding of the rules regarding Claremont Characters and Containers
  • Poncho changed the title to Poncho's Roughdrafts

A future villain I'm working on. He's currently 20 points above the cap for a PL 13 Hero, so I might try to cut some stuff down a little and get him into the right PL. I also haven't done any of his derived stats because this'll be quite awhile before he's relevant.



Titanium Titan- PL 13 Villain


Power Level: 13

Power Points: 225/205
Unspent Power Points:All PP must be spent at character creation but unspent points may accrue during play.
Trade-Offs: 0/0 Attack/Damage, 0/0 Defense/Toughness


Abilities: 0 + 0 + 2 + 10 + 8 + 6 = 26PP
Strength: 10/26/36 (+0/8/+13)
Dexterity: 10 (+0)
Constitution: 12/16 (+1/+3)
Intelligence: 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 18 (+4)
Charisma: 16 (+3)


Combat: 8 (2PP / Base Attack) + 8 (2PP / Base Defense) = 16PP
Initiative: +0/ +8
Attack: +4 Melee, +4 Ranged, +13 with Battlesuit (4 + 10 - 1)
Defense: +4/+10/+13 (+4 Base, +6 Enhanced Defense, +4 Dodge Focus [Shield], -1), +2/7 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +0
Knockback: -0

Saving Throws: 4 (1PP / Fortitude) + 7 (1PP / Reflex) + 9 (1PP / Will) = 20PP
Toughness: +1/+13 (+1 Con, +2 Growth, +2 Density, +8 Protection, Impervious 2-13 depending on Array) [Example: Protection, Defensive Roll])
Fortitude: +13 (+1 Con, +4, +8)
Reflex: +7 (+0 Dex, +7)
Will: +13 (+4 Wis, +9)


Skills: 152R = 38PP

Bluff 12

Computers 8

Craft (Electronic) 8

Craft (Mechanical) 10

Craft (Structural) 10

Disable Device 8

Gather Information 12

Intimidate 8

Investigate 8

Knowledge (Business) 5

Knowledge (Civics) 6

Knowledge (Life Sciences) 8

Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 10

Knowledge (Streetwise) 8

Knowledge (Tactics) 5

Knowledge (Technology) 10

Notice 8

Sense Motive 8


Feats: 18PP

Accurate Attack

Distract (Intimidate)

Improved Grab

Improved Grapple

Inspire 3



Master Plan 2

Skill Mastery (Knowledge: Structural, Physical Sciences, Technology, Tactics)


Weapon Specialization (Battle Suit) 5


Powers: 3 + 104 = 107PP


Quickness: 6 (Flaw: Mental Only) [3pp]


Titanium Titan Suit


Device 26 (Hard to Lose, Restricted- Int 20+) [4pp/rank, 130pp] [104pp]


Growth 4 (innate, permanent) (+8 Strength, +4 Constitution, -1ATK/DEF mod, +4 Grapple Mod, -4 Strealth Mod, +2 Intimidation Mod. 10 foot Space, 10 foot reach, Super Strength 1) [14pp]


Density 4 (innate, permanent) (+8 Strength, +2 Toughness {Impervious}, Immovable 1, Super-Strength 1)[14pp]


Blast 13 (Variable Descriptor 2 (Any Technological), Alternate Power 3) [Full Weapons System Array] [31pp]

Enhanced Strength 10 [10pp] (Total Strength 36) linked with Super-Strength 9 Power Feats: Bracing, Countering Punch, Groundstrike, Shockwave [18pp] (total effective Super-Strength 11, total effective strength 91) [28/28pp]

Dazzle 13 (Visual) [26pp]

Blast AOE


Flight array; Flight/Impervious Toughness Dynamic Array [Ferrofluidic Impervium Micro Jets]

Flight 8 (Dynamic Alternate Power 1) [18pp]

Impervious Toughness 11 [11pp] + Regeneration 5 (Disabled 2, Recovery Rate +3)



Protection 8 [8pp] (total is 13)

Enhanced Defense 6 [12pp]

Shield 4 [4pp]

Enhanced Fort 8 [8pp]

Super Senses 4: Detect Weaknesses (Detect Weaknesses, Ranged, Acute, Analyze) Power Feat: Assessment. [5pp]

Super Senses 4: Radar (Accurate, Radius, Ranged Radio Sense) [4pp]

Immunity 9: Life Support (9pp)

Improved Initiative 2

Posted (edited)

A simple Incarnate God build based on Ghost Rider more than Thor.


She loses 3 effective PL and all her Impervious when the Scales aren’t on her, putting her down to PL7 and just generally making her more vulnerable, along with removing what I think her major power is; the various powerful Super-Senses that she has. She’s extremely reliant on the device for basically anything besides just punching hard. That will probably be less the case as the character gets more PP.


Her Penance Stare equivalent is a 13 Power Blast that targets Will instead of Toughness. It’s arrayed to a variety of stat boosts that actually help her hit her caps; my logic is that it’s channeling all her divine might into the attack, which leaves her vulnerable if the target manages to endure or evade it.


She’s currently lost her ‘Chariot’ (Motorcycle) and ‘Sword’ (Probably actually a sword?), part of having to depower to come to Earth. They might come back later when she gets more PP.


Complications are around being poor starving artist, being forced to transform when having no desire to, the fact the human individual isn't quite as black and white as the Goddess, etc.

The Normal identity is basically taken directly from the sample build but swapped around to be a musician instead of a scientist.


Reyna Rojo/Nemesis

Power Level: 10 (150/150PP)

Unspent Power Points: 0 

Trade-Offs: None on Melee, Judgement Delivered -3 Attack/+3 Damage


Abilities: 14 + 6 + 14 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 52PP

Strength: 24 (+7)

Dexterity: 16 (+3)

Constitution: 24 (+7)

Intelligence: 16 (+3)

Wisdom: 16 (+3)

Charisma: 16 (+3)


Combat: 14 + 14 = 28PP

Initiative: +3/+7 (Improved Initiative in Nemesis Array)

Attack: +7 Base (+8 Melee, +7 Ranged) +10 Aura of Justice

Defense: 10; +7 Base, +3 Dodge Focus (+3 Flat Footed)

Grapple: +13/+16 in Nemesis Array

Knockback: -4/-7 in Nemesis Array

Saving Throws: 0 + 2 + 5 = 7PP

Toughness: +7/+8/+10(+7 Con/+8 Con with Scales of Nemesis/ +2 Protection from Nemesis Array, 5 Impervious from Scales of Nemesis)
Fortitude: +8/10 (/+8 Con/ +0/ +2 from Nemesis Array)
Reflex: +5/10 (+3 Dex/ +2/ +5 from Nemesis Array)
Will: +8/+10 (+3 Wis/ +5/+2 from Nemesis Array)


Skills: 56R = 14PP
Diplomacy 3 (+6) 
Drive 4 (+7)
Intimidate 15 (+18) 
Knowledge (History) 5 (+8) 
Knowledge (Civics) 7 (+10) 
Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 5 (+8) 
Languages 1 (Greek)
Notice 5 (+8)
Ride 4 (+7)
Sense Motive 7 (+10)


Feats: 12PP
Accurate Attack
Attack Focus (Melee)
Beginner’s Luck
Challenge (Fast Startle)
Dodge Focus 1
Fascinate (Intimidate)
Fearsome Presence 1
Power Attack
Ultimate Save (Will)

Powers:  1 + 1 + 43 = 45 PP

All powers are Divine

Flight 1(10 MPH/ 100' per Move Action) (Wings of Nemesis; Flaw: Power Loss; Wings are Restrained or Damaged) [1PP]
Immunity 1(Aging) [1PP]
Device 13 (Scales of Nemesis (65pp Device), Flaw: Easy to Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 3 [Only the Just may lift, only Nemesis may use]) [43PP]

  • Comprehend Languages 3(The Language and Ears of Justice; Understand all spoken language, and anyone who hears her speak understands it) [6pp]
  • Super-Senses 10 (True Sight: Vision Counters Concealment, Counters Illusion, Counters Obscure(all), Detect Hidden) [10pp]
  • Super-Senses 6 (Detect [Evil; Range, Sense, Mental], Extended 2, Radius) [6pp]
  • Container 0.8 (SPEAK NO LIES TO JUSTICE; 4pp Container; Flaw: Limited [detecting lies])[2pp]
    • Enhanced Skill: Sense Motive 8 (to 15/+18) [2pp]
    • Enhanced Feat: Second Chance (Detecting Lies), Ultimate Effort (Sense Motive) [2pp]
  • Protection 2 [2pp]
  • Impervious Toughness 5 [5pp]
  • Dodge Focus 2 [2pp]
  • Enhanced Strength 2 (to 26/+8) [2pp]
  • Enhanced Constitution 2 (to 26/+8) [2pp]
  • Array 14 (I am Nemesis, Goddess of Retribution!; 28pp Array) [28pp]
    • Base Power; Blast 13 (Judgement Delivered; Extra: Targets Will, Flaw: Action [Full], Feats: Indirect 1, Alternate power) [28pp]
    • Alternate Power; [27/27pp]
      • Flight 4(Wings of Nemesis; 100 mph/ 1000 feet per move action Flaw: Power Loss; Wings are restrained or damaged) [4pp]
        • Total: Flight 5(Wings of Nemesis; 250 mph/ 2500 feet per move action Flaw: Power Loss; Wings are restrained or damaged)
      • Strike 2 (Aura of Justice; Feats: Mighty, Improved Critical 2, Accurate) [6pp]
      • Super-Strength 3 (Effective Strength 41 Feat: Thunderclap) [7pp]
      • Enhanced Reflex 5 (to +10) [5pp]
      • Enhanced Fort 2 (to +10) [2pp]
      • Enhanced Will 2 (to +10) [2pp]
      • Improved Initiative 1 (to +7) [1pp}


Drawbacks: -9PP
Normal Identity (Free Action; Call to the Heavens, -3)
Involuntary Transformation (When the guilty oppress the innocent; Very Common, Irresistible; -6pp)

DC Block

Unarmed               Touch   DC 22/23/25 Toughness   Damage [Physical]

Blast                 Ranged  DC 23 Will   Damage [Divine]


Totals: Abilities (52) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (7)+ Skills (14) + Feats (13) + Powers (45) - Drawbacks (9) = 150/150 Power Points


Reyna Rojo

Abilities: 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 8 = 24PP
Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 18 (+4) 


Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP
Initiative: +2
Attack: +4 Base, +8 Unarmed
Defense: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed
Grapple: +6
Knockback: -1


Saves: 3 + 3 + 3 = 9PP
Toughness: +1 (+1 Con)
Fortitude: +4 (+1 Con, +3)
Reflex: +5 (+2 Dex, +3)
Will: +5 (+2 Wis, +3) 


Skills: 60R = 15PP
Diplomacy 8 (+12)
Drive 8 (+10) Skill Mastery
Gather Information 6 (+10)
Language 2 (Base: English, Spanish) 
Notice 8 (+10) Skill Mastery
Perform [Singing] 10 (+14) Skill Mastery
Perform [Stringed Instruments] 10 (+14) Skill Mastery
Sense Motive 8 (+10) 

Feats: 12PP
Attack Specialization: Unarmed 2
Dodge Focus 4
Beginner’s Luck
Seize Initiative
Skill Mastery (Perform [Singing], Perform [Stringed Instruments], Drive, Notice)
Ultimate Save (Will)

Edited by Poncho
  • 1 month later...

Teenage Electrical Manipulator


"I'll put a shock to your system!"


I've been watching Static Shock recently. An excellent cartoon as any real fan of either animation or superheroes probably knows, Dwayne McDuffie really knocked it out of the park with the show, probably one of my favorite he did, but What's New, Scooby-Doo, Ben 10, and Justice League; Crisis on Two Earths are also incredible.


So here's a build based on Season 1 Virgil Hawkins, a PL7, 105PP electricity controller. He doesn't have Richie to back him up; Richie's sort of been more of a hindrance then a help to him at this point, but given enough time, you could buy your own Richie as a sidekick.


The character has a high intelligence but not a lot to go with it; no Eidetic Memory or Inventor that a lot of the higher up brains have- remember that Virgil was smart enough to be accepted to a school for gifted kids in Season 1!-. But those are great things to use some of his Hero Points on for momentary benefits; he already has some Luck, and there's plenty of complications he can have; still being a student, an overbearing dad who just wants the best for him, his best friend's racist pops, his sister's supervillain boyfriend. You could put his Vulnerability to Water either in his power-set to get a few more PP and have some things standard, or you can keep it a complication for those tough fights at the Water Park or when the sprinklers come on. Like any good after-school show, his Beginner's Luck feat lets him get a complication from losing the first encounter, then spend that hero point on a skill that helps him win the fight in round 2; probably something that was covered in class that week!


His Electrical control array doesn't give him a Strike, because Static doesn't really throw punches, but he does have his Taser Noogie. His bolts are accurate and precise, and can be thrown from weird directions, while his Move Object represents throwing metal objects at people; while Move Object 9 seems a bit low, Effective Strength 45 means he can lift up and throw cars, which is actually probably more than Virgil himself can really do in Season 1; his maximum load is an entire Subway car! He can 'grapple' people by pinning people under the stuff and keeping it there, or just throw heavy things at them, but he's still precise enough to pop the screws out of an air vent. He's got Fast Feint, Taunt, and Move-By Action, along with good Bluff, so use that Move Action Bluff Demoralize to get an enemy Shaken before laying into them. He has a lot of versatility to hit Fortitude and Reflex, and AOE to sweep some goons, which makes him great at getting a ton of debuffs on someone for helping others or just getting their own benefits. His actual Flight Speed looks low, but 50MPH is pretty good for city travel when you don't have to worry about traffic, but I'm imagining he's still using trashcan lids instead of a customized board. When you want to kick up his Flight a little, you could add an easy to lose device to boost his Flight up; a 3pp Investment could get up to 5 more ranks of Flight, which would make him extremely fast, especially for a city focused character.


One thing Virgil does fairly often in Season 1 is use his electrical powers to interface with close range machines; he can play CDs by electrically charging them or read data off of computers. Datalink can reach exceptionally long distances if you put the full array's points into it, so I've just put it into one of his powers that didn't need the full PP to have it's effects represented. While it is a useful effect, it's mostly a flavor thing for Virgil, so it's represented such here.


Abilities: 0 + 4 + 8 + 10 + 0 + 4 = 26PP
Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 18 (+4)
Intelligence: 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 10 (+0)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Combat: 10 + 10 = 20PP
Initiative: +2
Attack: +5 Melee, +5 Ranged, +7 Blast, AOE, Stun, and Dazzle
Defense: +7 (+5 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +5
Knockback: -3

Saving Throws: 1 + 5 + 6 = 12PP
Toughness: +7 (+4 Con, +3 [Force Field])
Fortitude: +5 (+4 Con, +1)
Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5)
Will: +6 (+0 Wis, +6)

Skills: 32R = 8PP

Bluff 7 (+9)

Computers 3 (+8)

Knowledge (Pop Culture) 5 (+10)

Knowledge (Current Events) 3 (+8)

Notice 4 (+4)

Search 4 (+9)

Sense Motive 6 (+6)

Feats: 10PP

  • Beginner's Luck
  • Dodge Focus 2
  • Evasion 1
  • Fast Feint 1
  • Luck 2
  • Move By Action
  • Quick Change
  • Taunt

Powers: 3 + 3 + 23 = 29PP

All Powers are Electrical Mutations


  • Flight 3 (50mph, 500 feet per Move Action) (Metal Surfing; Flaw: Platform) [3pp]
  • Force Field 3 (Electric Barrier) [3pp]
  • Electrical Control Array 9.5  (19 point Array; Feats;  4 Alternate Powers) [23pp]
    • Base Power: Blast 7 (Static Bolt; Feats; Accurate, Precise, Improved Crit 2, Indirect) [19pp]
    • Alternate Power: Blast 6 (Static Storm; Extras; Area (Targeted Burst, 30 foot Radius) (+1), Feats; Accurate) [19pp]
    • Alternate Power: Move Object 9 (Electrical Charging, Effective Strength 45; Extras: Damaging (+1), Flaw: Only metal (-1), Feats: Precise) [19pp]
    • Alternate Power: Stun 7 (Taser Noogie; Feats; Accurate, Incurable, Improved Crit 2) [18/19pp] + Datalink 1 (10 foot radius) [1/19pp] [19pp]
    • Alternate Power: Dazzle 6: Visual + Auditory (Distracting Lightning and Manipulating metal) (Feats; Accurate) [19pp]

Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP

DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 15 Toughness                Damage
Blast               Ranged     DC 22 Toughness (18 Crit)      Damage

AOE Blast           Ranged     DC 21 Toughness                Damage

Move Object         Touch      DC 24 Toughness                Damage
Taser Fist          Touch      DC 17 Fortitude (18 Crit)      Stun

Dazzle              Ranged     DC 17 Fort/Ref                 Dazzle


Totals: Abilities (26) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (8) + Feats (10) + Powers (29) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105 Power Points

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Golden Star 250pp Build

Something I've been working on for awhile is where exactly Michael 'ends up', so to speak. His Hourman references fit for a kid, but the idea was always that he'd grow out of that most of the time. He has an internal 'battery', but by the time he's an adult he'd have enough stored that running out of juice is purely a rare complication, not a constant blade hanging over his head like it is now.


The thing I wanted to use to differentiate him from other paragons is two fold; his Skills, and his support feats.


He has a lot of skill points focused on being a politician. They aren't really high enough to be worth anything on rolls and they're sort of in less important knowledge skills, but they fit what I want him to be; he's a Politician, and he's good at it, especially in face to face interactions, and has enough knowledge to keep up with his job.


While a lot of Paragons have Interpose and Leadership, Michael also has 5 ranks of Inspire. He's not able to do the real Team Leader stuff; no Master Plan, no Luck Control, etc. But he can give the inspiring comments that set everyone up for a really big turn.


He's a little slow, but him going later isn't that bad; Paragons are always prone to being the kind of people who only swing second.


He, in theory, has a lot of ability to power stunt off his boosted Paragon Array; he controls cells, including the energy in them, so there's a lot of space in my mind for things like Heal, Dazzle, Nauseate, and Paralyze, or internal effects like Insubstantial or Regeneration. He can also probably access a Disintegration effect- though only targeting things that have cells, so living creatures only, making it instead a Linked Drain Toughness + Damage effect-, but I think the general rule with Michael is that he prefers to play 'Fair' when he can. 


I wanted to tie his weaknesses into the greater Freedom City/World Cosmology, and I figure if he's powered by motion; the movement of cells, the energy created in them, etc. Then a world of total stillness and Zero would be extremely draining on him; the idea that the Zero Zone is completely without 'energy', and thus drains him. It also lets people have things carrying that radiation, or maybe foes attuned to dimensional effects hit that weakness and power him down.


He probably has a really long list of complications, appropriate for a Superman-Expy whose also a politician and attempts to be a team leader. From responsibilities to his constituency as a regular person, to super-teams as a person, to his own personal ideals, the chance he can still run out of power if he's pushed too much without a chance to rest, and probably a bit of arrogance; It's hard to imagine a person like this who isn't at least very self-assured at their own ability to handle things, and could easily get into trouble.

I'm still moving around some of those last few points; deciding if I want to lower his saves in exchange for some other stuff, things like that. One thing is that his Super-Strength sort of breaks the chart; the books max out at 150, and he's 15 points above that, so I might mess around a bit and figure out if I can lower it a little; I want him to at least hit the cap, but maybe not completely blow past it.


Abilities: 4 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 10 = 36PP
Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 20 (+5)

Combat: 10 + 10 = 20PP
Initiative: +7/3
Attack: +5 Melee, +5 Ranged, +10 Unarmed or +15 Unarmed, +15 Laser Blast
Defense: +10 (+5 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed, or +15 (+10 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed. Uncanny Dodge Audio

Grapple: +49 (Full Super-Strength)/ +42 (Full Golden Array Super-Strength) +26 (No Super-Strength)/ Base: +7
Knockback: -14/-7/-1 (Impervious/Without Impervious/Normal)

Saving Throws: 0 + 4 + 9 = 13PP
Toughness: +9/+7/+3 (+9/+7/+3 Con, Impervious 5/1/0)
Fortitude: +20/+15/+3 (+15 Con, +10 Con, +3 Con)
Reflex: +10/+7 (+3 Dex, +7/+4)
Will: +14/+11 (+2 Wis, +12/+9)

Skills: 56R = 14PP

Diplomacy 15 (+20), Skill Mastery

Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Business) 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Current Events) 4 (+7)

Notice 6 (+8) Skill Mastery

Perform 5 (Oratory) (+10) Skill Mastery

Profession (Politician) 6 (+8)

Sense Motive: 12 (+14) Skill Mastery

Feats: 15PP

Benefit 2 (Wealth 1, Freedom City Politician)


Inspire 5



Luck 2

Quick Change

Skill Mastery (Diplomacy, Notice, Perform, Sense Motive)

Ultimate Save (Toughness)

Powers: 2 + 3 + 5 + 152 = 162PP

All Powers are Biological, Biochemical, and Kinetic, except the Muay Thai Container

Immunity 2 (Aging, Need for Sleep) (Infinite Energy) [2PP]

Regeneration 1 (Resurrection 1x week, Feats: Persistent, Regrowth) (Eternal Form) [3PP]

Container 1 (Muay Thai Training) (Training) [5PP]

  • Feat: All-Out Attack
  • Feat: Power Attack
  • Feat: Takedown Attack 2
  • Feat: Improved Critical (Unarmed)


Alternate Form 31(Golden Star; 155 pp; Flaws; Standard Action (-2), Noticeable (-1)) [152PP]

  • Enhanced Strength 36 (to 50/+20, 2 Alternate Powers) (The strength of an exploding Sun) [38pp]
    • Alternate Power: Enhanced Strength 26 (to 40/+15) + Enhanced Attack 5 (to +10 BAB) (The speed of Sunlight) {36/36pp}
    • Alternate Power: Blast 15 (Feats; Accurate 5 (to +15), Precise) (Cellular Energy Beam)  {36/36pp}
  • Enhanced Constitution 34 (to 50/+20, 1 Alternate power) (The resilience of a celestial body) [35pp]
    • Alternate Power: Enhanced Constitution 24 (to 40/+15) + Enhanced Defense 5 (to +10 Base Defense) (As fast as light) {34/34pp}
  • Immunity 10 (Life Support, Hunger and Thirst) (Internal Furnace) [10pp]
  • Impervious Toughness 14 (2 Alternate Powers) (Cellular Empowerment) [16pp]
    • Alternate Power: Super Senses 14 (Hearing: Radio Hearing, Ultrahearing, Extended 3, Uncanny Dodge, Sight: Infravision, Ultravision, Microscopic Vision 2, Extended 3, Feats; Dimensional)
    • Alternate Power: Super-Strength 7 (+35 to Effective Strength)
  • Enhanced Feats 9 (Sunlit Reflexes) [9pp]
    • Attack Focus: Melee
    • Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 2
    • Dodge Focus 5
    • Improved Initiative
  • Enhanced Will 3 (to +14) (Mental Empowerment) [3pp]
  • Enhanced Reflex 3 (to +10) (Increased Reactions) [3pp]
  • Golden Array 18 (36pp Array, Feats; Dynamic, 2 Dynamic Alternate Powers) [41pp]
    • Dynamic Base Power: Flight 1-15 (Star Powered Flight, 10-500,000 mph / 100-5,000,000 feet per Move action) {2-30 PP} + Space Travel 3 (Beyond Light's Speed) {6pp} (Cellular Acceleration)
    • Dynamic Alternate Power: Quickness 1-14 (Explosive Thoughts, 2-50,000x) {1-14pp}  + Speed 1-13 (Shining Speed, 10-100,000 mph / 100-1,000,000 feet per Move action) {1-13pp} + Super Movement 3 (Dimensional: Any Dimension, Flaw; Distracting, Feat; Progression 2 (500 lbs.)) {5pp} + Super Movement 2 (Permeate 2) {4pp} (Cellular Vibrations)
    • Dynamic Alternate Power: Super-Strength 1-16 (+5 to +80 Effective Strength, Feats; Thunderclap, Shockwave, Super-Breath, Stratospheric Punch. Maximum Possible: Super-Strength 23, Total Lifting Strength 165) {2-32PP} (Cellular Might)

Drawbacks: (-4) + (-6) = -10PP

Vulnerability (Vibration; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Major [x2]) [-4pp]

Weakness (Zero Zone Radiation, Frequency: Uncommon [-1], Intensity: Major, cumulative -1 to all stats [-2 plus -1 as effects CON], Time: every minute [-2] [-6pp]


DC Block





Attack bonus

Unarmed - (Strength Shifted)


DC35 Tou (staged)



Unarmed - (Accuracy Shifted)


DC30 Tou (staged)




1,500ft max, 150ft increments

DC30 Tou (staged)





Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (14) + Feats (15) + Powers (162) - Drawbacks (10) = 250/250 Power Points


Edited by Poncho
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

A warning before you read this;


This character is extremely complicated due to the way his powers work. He may actually be too complicated for the site to allow, but as far as I can tell, all his numbers are 'right'. It's the best way I could think to make Ben 10 in M&M without paying out the nose for a giant Variable array, which isn't really how Ben 10 operates to begin with; he has specific forms that he relies on, and only uses the others every now and then; when he is Heatblast, he's always the same Heatblast.

The best I can say is that his actual Caps do not change when the Variable power shifts; he's always -3/+3 in Powerhouse, +0/-0 in Sensor and Blaster, and +2/-2 in Speed.






Abilities: 2 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 28PP
Strength: 12/36 (+1/+13) 
Dexterity: 14 (+4)
Constitution: 16/30 (+3/+10)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)/ 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 16 (+3) 
Charisma: 16 (+3) 


Combat: 12 + 8 = 20PP
Initiative: +2 Base, +10 Speedster form
Attack: +6 Base,

+7 Melee in Powerhouse Form,
+10 in Sensor Form
+12 Melee in Speed Form
+10 with Energy Array in Blaster Form
Defense: Base +6
+7 (+6 Base, +1 Dodge Focus) in Powerhouse Form, +3 Flatfooted,
+10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus) in Sensor Form, +3 Flatfooted
+12 in Speed Form, +6 Flatfooted

+10 (+6 Base, +4 Shield) in Blaster Form, +3 Flatfooted
Grapple: +7 Base, +23 in Powerhouse Form, possibly more depending on Variable
Knockback: -1 in Base Form, -7 in Powerhouse Form, -5 in Blaster and Senses Forms, -4 in Speed Form


Saves: 5 + 6 + 5 = 16PP
Toughness: Powerhouse Form: +13/Speedster Form +8/Sensor Form +10 (+6 Flatfooted)/Blaster Form +10 (Impervious 8 for Energy that matches the current Blast)/ Default +3 (+3 Con)
Fortitude: +8 Base, Speedster, Sensor, and Blaster (+3 Con, +5), Powerhouse Form: +15 (+10 Con, +5)
Reflex: +8 Base, Powerhouse, Sensor, Blaster (+2 Dex, +6), Speedster +12 (+2 Dex, +10) 
Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) 


Skills: 32R = 8PP
Bluff 8 (+10)

Drive 2 (+4)

Knowledge (Life Sciences) 4 (+7)/ 4 (+9)

Language 1 (Base: English, Spanish)

Medicine 5 (+8)

Notice 6 (+9)/ 14(+17) in Sensor Form

Pilot 2 (+4)

Profession (EMT) 4 (+7)

Search 0 (+3)/ 0 (+5)/ 12 (+15) in Sensor Form

Feats: 6PP
Luck 2
Benefit (Atom Academy Member)
Distract (Bluff)
Fast Feint


Powers: 68 = 68PP


Device 17 (Infinigauntlet, 85PP Container, Flaw: Hard to Lose) [68PP] (Technology, Alien, Genetic, Preserver)

  • Comprehend 3- (Speak One Language at a Time, Understand and Read all Languages) (Universal Translator) [6DP]
  • Enhanced Ability- Intelligence 4 (To Intelligence 20, +5) (Onboard Supercomputer) [4DP]
  • Enhanced Feat 1 (Eidetic Memory) (Onboard Supercomputer) [1DP]
  • Variable 2 (10pp of Traits, any Traits) (Technology, Alien, Genetic, Preserver, Alien of Species of transformation) [16DP]
  • Alternate Form 11 (Extra; Linked, Feats; Alternate Power 3) (Technology, Alien, Genetic, Preserver, Alien of Species of transformation) [58DP]
    • Powerhouse Alternate Form Baseline [55/55]
      • Enhanced Strength 24 (to 36/+13) [24]
      • Enhanced Constitution 14 (to 30/+10) [14]
      • Protection 3 (to +13) [3]
      • Impervious Protection 5 [5]
      • Attack Focus: Melee 1 (to +8 Melee) [1]
      • Dodge Focus 1 (to +8 Defense) [1]
      • Super-Strength 3- (Effective Strength +15, Total Strength 51) (Feat: Groundstrike) [7]
    • Speedster Alternate Form Baseline [55/55]
      • Speed 8 (2,500 MPH/25,000' Move Action) [8]
      • Quickness 5 (50x faster Actions) [5]
      • Enhanced Reflexes 4 (to +12) [4]
      • Enhanced Feat: Evasion 2 [2]
      • Enhanced Feat: Improved Initiative 2 (to +10) [2]
      • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus 6 (to +12) [6]
      • Enhanced Defense 6 (to +12) [12]
      • Protection 5 (to +8) [5]
      • Strike 7 (Feats: Mighty) [8]
      • Super Movement 3 (Wall Running 2, Water Running, Flaw: Only while Moving) [3]
    • Sensor Alternate Form Baseline [55/55]
      • Super Senses 21 (Extended on hearing group [3] (-1/10,000), extended on sight group [3] (-1/10,000), Accurate on hearing group [4], Ultravision [1], Infravision [1], Ultrahearing [1], Analytical on all Vision [2], Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Sense Weakness: Detect Weaknesses, Ranged, Acute, Analyze, Assessment power feat [5]) [21]
      • Enhanced Skills  5- Notice +8 (to +14/+17), Search to +12 (+12/15) [5]
      • Enhanced Attack Bonus 4 to +10 [8]
      • Strike 10- (Feats; Improved Critical 2) [12]
      • Enhanced Feat: Dodge Focus 4- (To +10 Defense) [4]
      • Protection 3- (To +6) [3]
      • Enhanced Feat; Defensive Roll 2- (To +10 Toughness) [2]
    • Blaster Alternate Form Baseline [55/55]
      • Blast 10 (Elemental Blast Feats; Precise, Improved Critical 2, Variable 2) [25]
      • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus (Ranged) 4 (to +10) [4]
      • Shield 4 (to Defense +10) [4]
      • Protection 7 (To +10 Toughness) [7]
      • Flight 5 (250 MPH, 2,500' move action) [10]
      • Impervious Toughness 8 (Flaw; Limited to Energy with the same Descriptor as current Energy Array) [4]
      • Immunity 1 (Own Powers) [1]


Drawbacks: -0PP


DC Block


Powerhouse Unarmed: DC28 Tou, +7 Accuracy

Speedster Stirke: DC23 Tou, +12 Accuracy

Sensor Strike: DC25 Tou, +10 Accuracy

Sensor Blast: DC25 Tou, +10 Accuracy

Ranged Blaster Single Blast: DC25 Tough, +10 Accuracy, Crits on 18-20, Precise

Ranged Blaster AOE Cone: DC 20 Ref/DC25 Tough



Totals: Abilities (28) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (16) + Skills (8) + Feats (6) + Powers (68) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points





These are down here because it's too busy to put them on the sheet. This includes the Alternate Form they'd be linked to; so it's what the entire transformation looks like. In my idea, several of these add new complications to the character; because they'd have drawbacks and it helps prevent the character from relying on one form over all the others- triggering a complication as to why a reliable form is suddenly unreliable and using that HP to reveal a new, more appropriate form is a cool idea to me-. They can't be actively Linked because of an issue with the blaster form; since you can't put an Array inside an Array, obviously, so when the Blaster Form wants to do something besides throw a regular Fireball, it has to work with the Variable benefit. In addition, some aliens have 'multiple' variable references to represent their somewhat broader capabilities.

I think I'm doing this right. Maybe I'm not.




HUMBABA- An Auochian from planet Bovini, the Auochians are tall, muscled creatures with oversized arms who are constantly fighting, using their massive, muscular bodies and horns to wrestle for dominance. They become stronger as they become more confident in their own abilities. Humbaba could/should have an additional complication where if he loses confidence, his powers get weaker

  • Enhanced Strength 24 (to 36/+13) [24]
  • Enhanced Constitution 14 (to 30/+10) [14]
  • Protection 3 (to +13) [3]
  • Impervious Protection 5 [5]
  • Attack Focus: Melee 1 (to +8 Melee) [1]
  • Dodge Focus 1 (to +8 Defense) [1]
  • Super-Strength 3- (Effective Strength +15, Total Strength 51) (Feat: Groundstrike) [7]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Additional Limbs 1- (Tail) [1]
    • Super-Strength 2- (Effective Strength +10, Total Strength 61) [4]
    • Enhanced Feats; Improved Grab, Chokehold, Improved Pin, Crushing Pin, All-Out Attack [5]


Alien Gator III- A Jereid, from the Jereid Hegemony.

  • Enhanced Strength 24 (to 36/+13) [24]
  • Enhanced Constitution 14 (to 30/+10) [14]
  • Protection 3 (to +13) [3]
  • Impervious Protection 5 [5]
  • Attack Focus: Melee 1 (to +8 Melee) [1]
  • Dodge Focus 1 (to +8 Defense) [1]
  • Super-Strength 3- (Effective Strength +15, Total Strength 51) (Feat: Groundstrike) [7]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Super Senses 1 (Low Light Vision) [1]
    • Regeneration 1 (Bruised after 1 round) [1]
    • Swimming 5 (50mph, 500' move action) [5]
    • Enhanced Feats: Power Attack, All-Out Attack [2]
    • Additional Limbs 1- (Tail) [1]




Quick Claw- a Machairo from planet Macha, these 4 legged tiger-like creatures live in fast forward, as their planet circles their sun at a highly accelerated rate, and they have evolved to adapt; they secrete a paralyzing poison from their claws and mouths.

  • Speed 8 (2,500 MPH/25,000' Move Action) [8]
  • Quickness 5 (50x faster Actions) [5]
  • Enhanced Reflexes 4 (to +12) [4]
  • Enhanced Feat: Evasion 2 [2]
  • Enhanced Feat: Improved Initiative 2 (to +10) [2]
  • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus (Melee) 6 (to +12) [6]
  • Enhanced Defense 6 (to +12) [12]
  • Protection 5 (to +8) [5]
  • Strike 7 (Feats: Mighty) [8]
  • Super Movement 3 (Wall Running 2, Water Running, Flaw: Only while Moving) [3]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Paralyze 5 (Extra; Alternate Save (Fortitude) [10]


Galloping Ghost- A Protoesquise from planet Protoes, these centaur like creatures with 4 legs and 2 arms have no mouths, eyes positioned on eyestalks on their head, and the ability to go invisible and phase through objects.

  • Speed 8 (2,500 MPH/25,000' Move Action) [8]
  • Quickness 5 (50x faster Actions) [5]
  • Enhanced Reflexes 4 (to +12) [4]
  • Enhanced Feat: Evasion 2 [2]
  • Enhanced Feat: Improved Initiative 2 (to +10) [2]
  • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus (Melee) 6 (to +12) [6]
  • Enhanced Defense 6 (to +12) [12]
  • Protection 5 (to +8) [5]
  • Strike 7 (Feats: Mighty) [8]
  • Super Movement 3 (Wall Running 2, Water Running, Flaw: Only while Moving) [3]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Super Senses 1- Radius on regular Vision [1]
    • Concealment 4- All Visual senses [8]
    • Super Movement 1- Permeate (Flaw; Only while Moving) [1]




Belfry- a Pterochiro from planet Chirodi, they are 6 foot tall bat like creatures with highly advanced sensory organs and front limbs that function as wings.

  • Super Senses 21 (Extended on hearing group [3] (-1/10,000), extended on sight group [3] (-1/10,000), Accurate on hearing group [4], Ultravision [1], Infravision [1], Ultrahearing [1], Analytical on all Vision [2], Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Sense Weakness: Detect Weaknesses, Ranged, Acute, Analyze, Assessment power feat [5]) [21]
  • Enhanced Skills  5- Notice +8 (to +14/+17), Search to +12 (+12/15) [5]
  • Enhanced Attack Bonus 4 to +10 [8]
  • Strike 10- (Feats; Improved Critical 2) [12]
  • Enhanced Feat: Dodge Focus 4- (To +10 Defense) [4]
  • Protection 3- (To +6) [3]
  • Enhanced Feat; Defensive Roll 2- (To +10 Toughness) [2]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Flight 5 (250 MPH, 2,500' move action) [10]
  • Alternate Variable Power [10/10]
    • Blast 10 (Flaw; Full Round Action, Sonic Wail) [10/10]


Wrinkles- An Anuratria from planet Triadoba, these frog like creatures are highly perceptive and highly smart, whose brains work much faster than a normal human's.

  • Super Senses 21 (Extended on hearing group [3] (-1/10,000), extended on sight group [3] (-1/10,000), Accurate on hearing group [4], Ultravision [1], Infravision [1], Ultrahearing [1], Analytical on all Vision [2], Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Sense Weakness: Detect Weaknesses, Ranged, Acute, Analyze, Assessment power feat [5]) [21]
  • Enhanced Skills  5- Notice +8 (to +14/+17), Search to +12 (+12/15) [5]
  • Enhanced Attack Bonus 4 to +10 [8]
  • Strike 10- (Feats; Improved Critical 2) [12]
  • Enhanced Feat: Dodge Focus 4- (To +10 Defense) [4]
  • Protection 3- (To +6) [3]
  • Enhanced Feat; Defensive Roll 2- (To +10 Toughness) [2]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Enhanced Intelligence 8 (to 28/+8) [8]
    • Quickness 4 (Flaw; Limited to Mental Tasks) [2]




Avalanche- A Kelvanic from planet Ke, these massive creatures are made of living ice, and and project ice shards and frost storms from their hands, along with summoning Snow storms.

  • Blast 10 (Elemental Blast Feats; Precise, Improved Critical 2, Variable 2) [25]
  • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus (Ranged) 4 (to +10) [4]
  • Shield 4 (to Defense +10) [4]
  • Protection 7 (To +10 Toughness) [7]
  • Flight 5 (250 MPH, 2,500' move action) [10]
  • Impervious Toughness 8 (Flaw; Limited to Energy with the same Descriptor as current Energy Array) [4]
  • Immunity 1 (Own Powers) [1]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Environmental Control 8 (Create Extreme Cold, DC 15 Distraction, reduce movement to one-quarter, reduce visibility) [8]
    • Immunity 1 (Cold) [1]
    • Enhanced Feat: Ranged Pin (Ice Shards) [1]
  • Alternate Variable Powers
    • Blast- added to existing Blast to create any of the following powers
      • Blast 10 (Elemental Blast, Extras; Area General Cone (+1), Feats; Precise, Improved Critical 2, Variable 2) [10/10]
      • Blast 10 (Elemental Scouring, Extras; Alternate Save (Fortitude)) [10/10]
      • Blast 10 (Rapid-Fire Blasts, Extras; Autofire) [10/10]



Shock and Awe- A Tempestian from planet Tempest, capable of controlling and becoming electricity.

  • Blast 10 (Elemental Blast Feats; Precise, Improved Critical 2, Variable 2) [25]
  • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus (Ranged) 4 (to +10) [4]
  • Shield 4 (to Defense +10) [4]
  • Protection 7 (To +10 Toughness) [7]
  • Flight 5 (250 MPH, 2,500' move action) [10]
  • Impervious Toughness 8 (Flaw; Limited to Energy with the same Descriptor as current Energy Array) [4]
  • Immunity 1 (Own Powers) [1]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Enhanced Feats; Power Attack, Accurate Attack, Move-By Action [3]
    • Flight 2- to Flight 7 (1,000MPH, 10,000' per move action) [4]
    • Environmental Control 1 (Generate Light) [1]
    • Communication 2 (Radio, 25 feet) [2]
  • Alternate Variable Powers
    • Blast- added to existing Blast to create any of the following powers
      • Blast 10 (Elemental Blast, Extras; Area General Cone (+1), Feats; Precise, Improved Critical 2, Variable 2) [10/10]
      • Blast 10 (Elemental Scouring, Extras; Alternate Save (Fortitude)) [10/10]
      • Blast 10 (Rapid-Fire Blasts, Extras; Autofire) [10/10]
Edited by Poncho
Posted (edited)



After the events of Dragon's Hoard, the Umbra Star- the concentrated magic of the Plane of Asterim, a world teetering on the edge of turning into a Netherworld or evil magic, which empowers the Starbright/Starblights- was shattered, then put back together by Rot. Filled with negative energy from the actions of the Starblights, FX, and Eclipse, the Gem was cracked and damaged; on the verge of transforming into a blackened, dark version of itself that would have changed Asterim into a Netherworld. In order to purge the corruption that existed within it by finding those with positive energy, it began empowering teens across Freedom City with the power of the Constellations. As the newly chosen heroes successfully empower their constellation with positive, loving emotions and success at defeating challenges, they slowly purify the original gem, preparing it for the eventual reunification and a possible end to Sola's reign over Asterim. For now, the Gem is watched over by the Freedom League and Veronica Danger, as it slowly heals on it's own.


A Starbright has the following template. Each individual has a unique power in their Array, listed as 'Constellation Power' that is based on their Constellation's own power; for instance, Libra's power involves throwing Fireballs, Cygnus can create a Visual Dazzle using feathers, Scorpio links a poison effect to her attack, etc.


For individuals who already have a Power Array, the Starblight array merges with their own, adding it's ranks to the character's Array and adding the Magic descriptor; similar to how FX and Eclipse used it. It's also possible to just invest more PP into the Array in general.


Good Complications include being hunted by Sola's agents, detailed in her writeup in Rogue's Gallery of M&M 3E, the emotions of the Constellation getting to their head- especially the Southern Constellations, which absorbed the brunt of the evil energy-, and, of course, having to hide their secret identity from others.


Template as listed, though obviously you'd need to flesh it out some and give it some cool names.


Container 9 (Starbright Powers) (Magic, Constellation, Dimensional) [45PP]

  • Enhanced Strength 8 [8]
  • Enhanced Dexterity 8 [8]
  • Enhanced Constitution 8 [8]
  • Immunity 4 (Disease, Cold, Poison, Sleep) (Flaw; Half Effect) [2]
  • Power Array (Feats; 1 Alternate Power)[17]
    • Constellation Power [16]
    • Speed 3 + Quickness 3 + Leaping 3 + Super-Strength 3 [16]
  • Enhanced Feats; Improved Initiative, Luck [2]
Edited by Poncho
  • 1 month later...

Currently significantly over budget. Any comments on stuff that could be cut would be great.


Power Level:
7 (116/105PP)
Unspent Power Points: -15
Trade-Offs: +2/-2 on both Attack and Defense


In Brief: The Third King Cole, a Great-Grandchild of the original King Cole, attempting to reclaim the family 'legacy' with a belt of magic tricks, a mean right hook, and a pretty good stand-up comedy routine.



Abilities: 6 + 8 + 6 + 10 + 6 + 4 = 40PP
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Combat: 10 + 10  = 20PP
Initiative: +4
Attack: +7 Loaded Boots and Gloves, +5 Melee, +5 Ranged
Defense: +9 (+5 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +8
Knockback: -1.5

Saving Throws: 2 + 2 + 4 = 8PP
Toughness: +5 (+3 Con, +2 Defensive Roll)
Fortitude: +5 (+3 Con, +2)
Reflex: +6 (+4 Dex, +2)
Will: +7 (+3 Wis, +4)

Skills: 68R = 17PP

  • Acrobatics 4 (+8)
  • Bluff 8 (+10)
  • Computers 4 (+9)
  • Craft (Artistic) 4 (+9)
  • Disable Device 4 (+9)
  • Escape Artist 4 (+8)
  • Gather Information 4 (+6)
  • Investigation 3 (+8)
  • Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 3 (+8)
  • Knowledge (Art) 3 (+8)
  • Knowledge (Current Events) 3 (+8)
  • Notice 4 (+7)
  • Perform (Oratory) 4 (+6)
  • Search 4 (+9)
  • Sense Motive 4 (+7)
  • Sleight of Hand 4 (+8)
  • Stealth 4 (+8)

Feats: 17PP

  • Luck 1
  • Defensive Roll
  • Jack of All Trades
  • Accurate Attack
  • Power Attack
  • Distract (Bluff)
  • Challenge (Fast Bluff)
  • Takedown Attack
  • Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)
  • Dodge Focus 4
  • Attack Specialization (Knuckle Dusters and Loaded Boots) 2
  • Artificer
  • Beginner's Luck



Powers: 3 + 11 = 14PP


Device 1 (Knuckle Dusters; 5pp, Flaws; Easy to Lose) [3pp]

  • Strike 2 (Feats; Mighty, Improved Crit 2) (Blunt)

Device 3 (Fable Belt; 15pp, Flaws; Hard to Lose, Check Required (Arcane Lore, DC 18) Feats; Restricted 1 (Int 20)) (Magic) [11pp]


Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP


DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 18 Toughness                Damage

Knuckles            Touch      DC 20 Toughness                Damage


Totals: Abilities (40) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (8) + Skills (17) + Feats (17) + Powers (14) - Drawbacks (0) = 116/105 Power Points

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Star Knight

Power Level: 10 (180/180PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: None


In Brief: An old Star Knight whose just one job off of Retiring.

Catchphrase: A Star Knight is always Vigilant.

Theme: My Way- Frank Sinatra


Alternate Identity: Millisand Vermillion, The Ruby Knight, 'That Gorilla', 'The Old Man', and a hundred other epithets
Birthplace:  The State of Helian, on the Planque continent of Bereingi

Residence: Roving throughout the Galaxy, or a home in Bereingi
Base of Operations: Mobile, or Citadel
Occupation:  Intergalactic Peacekeeper
Affiliations: The Star Knights
Family: A large family on Bereingi, his Squire Xendriz


Age: 85 (DoB: Equivalent Earth Year 1939])
Apparent Age: Even people who don't really understand Bereingi aging can tell that Millisand is quite old
Gender:  Male
Ethnicity: Alien Gorilla
Height:  8ft 4 inches
Weight:  630 pounds
Eyes:  Black
Fully covered in a rich ruby fur


Millisand is an 8 foot tall Gorilla by all respects, if not for the fact he speaks Galstandard and usually is wearing his Star Knight Armor, which is just as red as his fur. He's not patchy furred but he's clearly old; he has a pair of tiny glasses he has to wear when he's not in his armor, and he walks with a cane. While his size would seem to represent increased strength and resilience compared to normal sized individuals or humans, his advanced age has sapped almost all of his youth's impressive strength and resilience, leaving him only about as strong as an adult human. Because of his age, he's a bit clumsy now as well, but his mind is still sharp.

He cuts a dashing figure still in his Star Knight Armor, which is covered in the scars of a lifetime of battle. He favors making his energy weapon into heavy hammers and axes, a left over from when he was younger.




Millisand Vermillion is a truly ancient being, especially for his race.


His race resembles Earth Gorillas, particularly the larger Eastern Gorillas.  Bereingi are, indeed, almost physically the same as Earth Gorillas; they have similar physical strength and senses to those creatures. However, they are much more intelligent, and the fur that covers their body is a deep orange, with their 'silverback' fur being a deep crimson. As they age, more of their fur becomes deep crimson; when one's fur becomes fully red, they retire to live an easy life for their last few years.


Millisand is entirely crimson underneath his Star Knight armor, but he continues to go out to protect the stars.


He has a wife, he has a family; he has at least 10 grandchildren, last he knew. He had retired once, but the Communion forced him out of retirement. He was old then, but with the numbers of Star Knights reduced due to the Communion, he felt the need to once more don his armor and rejoin in protecting the universe. He walks with a cane when he isn't in his armor, and without the armor he has some issues with mobility. However, his mind is just as sharp as ever, and he attempts to carry out his duties with dignity and honor.


He was recently given his very last 'mission'; to take the new Star Squire; Xendriz, and turn him into a model Star Knight. So Millisand has taken the hot-headed, aggressive Star Squire under his wing, so to speak. His goal is simple; if Xendriz is important enough to be worth the trouble of training- and Millisand has no reason to believe he isn't-, then Millisand is going to teach him everything about being a Star Knight, and then retire.


Throughout his years as a Star Knight, Millisand- or sometimes called the Ruby Knight for his for his dark red Star Knight armor- is well known throughout the Universe, both positively and negatively. People know him, and they know about him; they know he's old, they know they have grudges against him, they're aware of him teaching a new Squire. He doesn't try to hide these things, but they weigh on him just as much as Xendriz's brashness and unflinching foolishness.

He is just...tired.


Personality & Motivation:
Millisand is stoic, serious, and well-mannered. He carries out his job and does the right thing because he's always had the job and he believes in it. He doesn't wear the weight of the worlds on his shoulder, but he carries out what he believes he needs to without complaint. In the end, he just really wants to finish his final job as a success, and retire for the rest of his life- however long he has- on Bereingi to live out his days. But he isn't going to leave it half done either.


Powers & Tactics:
Millisand has the standard Star Knight Armor, though he relies on it more than most due to his advanced age. He was quite the brute in his younger days, using his large size and great physical power to handle rogue threats, but he's lost much of that strength in his old age; he's had to become more strategic, more careful, and plan out what he intends to do more tightly. He isn't a coward, but he's not rash anymore; the scars and marks on his armor speak to a life spent aggressively but he's grown out of that these days.


Power Descriptions:
Millisand's powers are regular Star Knight Powers; his armor is crimson and his beams in color vary from deep red to a light pink depending on the preciseness of the beam. His physical style resembles how he would fight in his younger days; relying on pure physical strength, but now it's heavily augmented by his Star Knight Armor and he has to be more precise, but thankfully he has many years of that.




Old as Dirt: Millisand is quite old, and has many of the trials and tribulations that come with being old. He has difficulty seeing without the corrective lenses in his Star Knight armor or his stand alone glasses, he has difficulty walking without his cane, and he has back pain and bad knees. Any sort of effect that is standard to an aging body can be given to Millisand as a Complication


A Household Name: Millisand is rather well known for his actions when he was younger. This is not neccesarily always positive, as troublemakers or those with underworld or criminal connections can spot him out quite easily; he's effectively worthless undercover or in sneaking missions because of this, and it's always possible for someone to have heard of him or spot him in a crowd to a negative effect.


Rambunctious Student: Millisand puts a lot of his focus on making sure his job of teaching Xendriz is carried out correctly, and he will put his student's safety before his own


Star Knight; Millisand also puts a lot of effort into being a proper, well meaning Star Knight.

Abilities: -8 + -2 + -4 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 10PP
Strength: 2/10/30 (-4/+0/+10)
Dexterity: 8 (-1)
Constitution: 6/10 (-2/+0)
Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 18 (+4)
Charisma: 18 (+4)

Combat: 10 + 10 = 20PP
Initiative: +4 (Speed of Thought)
Attack: +4 Base (5 - 1 for Size), +10 for Star Knight Array.
Defense: +10 (+5 Base, +6 Dodge Focus, -1 Size), +2.5 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +9/+19 (Strength in Array) (5 + 4 (Size) + 10 (Strength from Array))
Knockback: -9

Saving Throws: 7 + 8 + 5 = 20PP
Toughness: +10 (Impervious 8 ) [-2/+0/+10 (-2/+0 Con, +10 Protection (Impervious 8)]
Fortitude: +7 [-2/+0/+7 (-2/+0 Con, +7)]
Reflex: +7 [(-1 Dex, +8)]
Will: +9 (+4 Wis, +5)

Skills: 28R = 7PP

  • Diplomacy 4 (+8)
  • Gather Information 3 (+7)
  • Investigate 4 (+8)
  • Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 4 (+8)
  • Language 1 (Bereingi, Galstandard)
  • Notice 4 (+8)
  • Search 4 (+8)
  • Sense Motive 4 (+8)
  • All other Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Skills +4

Feats: 40PP
Luck 3

Sidekick 24 (120pp)

Jack of All Trades

Master Plan


Beginner's Luck

Dodge Focus 6

Native: Galactic Lore

Speed of Thought

Benefit (Fame)


Powers: 13 + 2 + 68 = 83PP

The Growth and Super Senses are from his Bereingi Biology. The Star Knight armor is Technological.


Growth 4 (Extra: Duration (Permanent) [+0]; Power Feat: Innate) [13 PP]

  • Strength +8, Constitution +4, Attack -1, Defence -1, Grapple +4, Intimidate +2, Stealth -4, +5' speed, +5' reach, +5 Strength for carrying capacity only

Super Senses 2 (Low Light Vision, Scent) (Sharp Eyes and Nose) [2PP]


Device 17 (Battlesuit, 85PP Container, Flaw: Hard to Lose) [68PP] (technology)

Immunity 9 (Life Support, Starvation and Thirst) [10DP]

Comprehend 3 (Understand and Read all Languages, Speak one at a time) [6DP]

Weapons Array 10 (20PP, Feats: Alternate Power 2, Accurate 3) [25DP]

  • BE: Enhanced Strength 20 (to Strength 30 [+10], Total Effect carrying Capacity Strength 35) {20/20}
  • AP: Blast 10 (laser blasts) {20/20} 
  • AP: Snare 10 {20/20}

Protection 10 (Extra: Impervious [8]) [18DP] 

Flight 8 (2,500 MPH) [16DP]

Super Movement 3 (Space Travel 3) [6DP]

Enhanced Feat: Quick Change [1DP]

Super Senses 3 (Communication Link [Mentor], Radio, Direction Sense) [3DP]

Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP


DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 25 Toughness                Damage

Blast             Ranged      DC 25 Toughness                Damage

Snare             Touch      DC 20 Reflex                Snare


Totals: Abilities (10) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (6) + Feats (40) + Powers (83) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points

Edited by Poncho
Posted (edited)

Star Squire

Power Level: 7 (120/120PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: -2/+2 on Defense/Toughness


In Brief: A new Star Knight, whose brash and boastful, but has a lot of potential

Catchphrase: A Star Knight is always Vigilant.

Theme: Rumble: Zayde Wolf


Alternate Identity: Zendaar of the Zultasians
Birthplace: Somewhere in Khanate Space

Residence: Roving throughout the Galaxy
Base of Operations: Mobile, or Citadel
Occupation:  Intergalactic Peacekeeper
Affiliations: The Star Knights
Family: His family on his homeworld


Age: 26 (DoB: Equivalent Earth Year 1998])
Apparent Age: Roughly the same
Gender:  Male
Ethnicity: Blue Space Elf
Height:  6'2
Weight:  185 Pounds
Eyes:  Black
Hair:  Silver


Zendaar is a lanky looking space alien with blue skin, silver hair, and elf-like ears. He's quite attractive in the way that such creatures often are; exotic and seemingly fragile looking at times. His Star Knight armor is a pearl white color with a ruby gem in the center. His voice is silken but he has quite the foul mouth on him when he gets upset.




Zendaar of the Zultasians is a braggart, a lout, and a rastabout. He's been thrown out of a bars in thirty systems, he's always evasive about heading back home, and he's prone to putting words out there he may not actually be able to match up with. He would be the last person you would think of as being a Star Knight. But he was picked as one regardless, and now finds himself attempting to fit into a job that he doesn't think he's really suited for- he finds the rules and regulations a bit stifling-, and is trying to do his best.


He isn't sure why he was chosen to be a Star Knight, and many of the people around aren't sure either, but Mentor has rarely- if ever- chosen wrong, so people are convinced about Mentor's choices, if not Zendaar himself.


Millisand is his Star Knight trainer, and though he respects the ancient gorilla immensely, their personalities can often clash; He is much more hot-headed than the calm, thoughtful Beringi, and has to be reigned in- or rescued- at times.


Personality & Motivation:
Zendaar is confident, prone to bending the rules, and always looking out for the fastest way to get something done, even if it's not strictly regulatory. He's got a mouth on him that he can usually use to get out of trouble, but when it can't, it's great at helping him get away.


Despite all of this, it's wrong to say that Zendaar is a bad person, or even a rebel in some ways. He wants to do good, and he tries very hard to do good, but he's just not someone to whom that comes naturally.


Powers & Tactics:
Zendaar's great at distracting people with his motor mouth; he's taunting and quick-witted, knocking people off their game with peppered insults and taunts. For his summoned weapons, he favors a dueling saber of light in one hand, and similarly summoned pistol in the other. Though he has no need to summon a pistol of energy to shoot beams, he does it to complete the style that he fights with; a much higher class dueling style then someone would expect from someone who navigates via the location of bars.


Power Descriptions:
Zendaar's powers are regular Star Knight Powers; with his beams being a bright white with a red tinge. He tries to be mobile in his Star Knight armor, but he still relies on it significantly to protect him since he's still undergoing training.




Always a Troublemaker: Zendaar might have people who know of him be very suspicious of the eternal troublemaker.


Hot-Tempered: Zendaar cane be prone to flying off the handle, putting his foot in his mouth, or making a rash decision.


Star Knight; Zendaar puts far less effort into being a proper, well meaning Star Knight then Millisand, but he still tries.

Abilities: 0 + 4 + 6 + 0 + -2 + 6 = 14PP
Strength: 10/24 (+0/+7)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

Combat: 6 + 10 = 16PP
Initiative: +6 (+2, Improved Initiative)
Attack: +3 Base, +7 Star Knight Array
Defense: +5 Base, +2 Flat-footed

Grapple: +6 Base, +13 in Array
Knockback: -2, -8 in Armor

Saving Throws: 2 + 5 + 6 = 13PP
Toughness: +9 (Impervious 7) [+3 Con, +6 Protection (Impervious 7)]
Fortitude: +5 [+3 Con, +2)]
Reflex: +7 [(+2 Dex, +5)]
Will: +5 (-1 Wis, +6)

Skills: 36R = 9PP

  • Acrobatics 2 (+4)
  • Bluff 10 (+13)
  • Computers 2 (+2)
  • Diplomacy 2 (+5)
  • Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 4 (+4)
  • Language 1 (Native; Zultasian Language, Galstandard)
  • Notice 6 (+5)
  • Pilot 4 (+6)
  • Sense Motive 5 (+4)

Feats: 8PP


Challenge (Fast Feint)


Move-By Action

Set Up

Improved Initiative


Native: Galactic Lore


Powers: 60 = 60PP

The Star Knight armor is Technological.


Device 15 (Battlesuit, 75PP Container, Flaw: Hard to Lose) [60PP] (technology)

Immunity 10 (Life Support, Starvation and Thirst) [10DP]

Comprehend 3 (Understand and Read all Languages, Speak one at a time) [6DP]

Weapons Array 7 (14PP, Feats: Alternate Power 3, Accurate 2) [19DP]

  • BE: Enhanced Strength 14 (to Strength 24 [+7]) [14DP]
  • AP: Blast 7 (laser blasts) {14/14} 
  • AP: Snare 7 {14/14}
  • AP: Stun 7 {14/14]

Protection 6 (Extra: Impervious [7]) [13DP] 

Flight 8 (2,500 MPH) [16DP]

Super Movement 3 (Space Travel 3) [6DP]

Enhanced Feat: Quick Change [1DP]

Super Senses 4 (Communication Link [Mentor], Radio, Low-Light Vision, Direction Sense) [4DP]

Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP


DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 25 Toughness                Damage

Blast             Ranged      DC 25 Toughness                Damage

Snare             Touch      DC 20 Reflex                Snare


Totals: Abilities (14) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (9) + Feats (8) + Powers (60) - Drawbacks (0) = 120/120 Power Points

Edited by Poncho
  • 4 months later...


Power Level: 10 (180/180PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: +4 Attack/-4 Damage, -3 Defense/+3 Toughness (+14/+6 and +7/+13)

Abilities: 0 + 6 + -10 + 6 + 6 + 0 = 8PP
Strength: 10/22 (+0/+6)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: - (-)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

Combat: 14 + 10 = 24PP
Initiative: +15 (+3 Dex, +12 Improved Initiative)
Attack: +7 Base, +8 Melee, +14 Super-Speed Array
Defense: +5 (+5 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +2.5 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +15 (+6 Strength, +7 Melee, +2 Super-Strength)
Knockback: -10, (10 Toughness, 3 Impervious, 2 Immovable)

Saving Throws: 0 + 8 + 3 = 11PP
Toughness: +13 (Impervious 3) [Protection 10, + 3 (Density)]
Fortitude: - (Immune)
Reflex: +11 (+3 Dex, +8)
Will: +6 (+3 Wis, +3)

Skills: 12R = 3PP


Computers 4 (+7)

Notice 4 (+7)

Search 4 (+7)

Feats: 12PP

Luck 2

Eidetic Memory

Fast Overrun

Uncanny Dodge (Radar)

Move-By Action

Attack Focus: Melee

Attack Specialization: Super Speed 3

Dodge Focus 2


Powers: 19 + 1 + 10 + 41 + 1 + 25 + 25 = 122PP

All powers are Mechanical.


Density 6 (Extra: Duration (Permanent) [+0]; Power Feat: Innate) [19 PP]

  • Strength +12, Toughness +3 (Impervious), Immovable 2, Super-Strength 2, Mass x5

Super Senses 1 (Radar Sense) [1PP]

Protection 10 (Armored Body) [10PP]

Immunity 41 (Fortitude, Mental Effects, Own Powers) [41PP]

Datalink 1 (Cable Port)[1PP]


Super Speed Powers 5 (Speed Powers, 25PP Container, Extra: Linked to Environmental Control) [25PP] (technology)

Speed 4 () [4PP]

Quickness 4 () [4PP]

Improved Initiative 3 [3PP]

Enhanced Speed Array 6 (12PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 2) [14PP]

  • BE: Enhanced Speed + Quickness 6 (to Speed and Quickness 10) {12/12}
  • AP: Damage 0 (Feats: Mighty, Improved Crit 2, Extra: Autofire) {9/12}
  • AP: Damage 6 (Extra: Area [Targeted, Shapeable; 5' cubes x6], Flaw: Action [Full]) {12/12}


Environmental Control 5 (Extreme Cold, DC 10 Distraction, Reduce Visibility, 5pp/rank Extra; Linked (To Super Speed Powers Container)) (Ice Storm) [25PP]

Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP


DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT


Totals: Abilities (8) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (3) + Feats (12) + Powers (122) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points

  • 2 months later...

This character specifically does not hit his Defensive Caps. The reason for that is very obvious; given his massive regeneration capabilities, if he also hit his defensive caps, he'd be almost impossible to take down and it wouldn't be very fun for the player or the GM running him. Instead, his low defense and lack of Impervious means he should be rolling Toughness saves a lot, even if he regenerates, meaning he can easily be beaten down by groups of people.


I had been planning to put him in Bedlam but if he doesn't fit the vibe maybe he can go somewhere else.

Idea is he was a member of the Contenders, maybe not the original group but a second or third 'printing' so to speak, and he was eventually implanted with a magical jewel by Taurus (Through shell corporations of course) that gave him the Wolverine like Regeneration and slowed his aging process.

He's spent 20+ years in jail, and went clean; he's gotten out on parole recently and has dedicated his life to making sure kids don't grow up like him, starting up a youth center and the like. He still has his loyalty to the Contenders and their other Kids, and may be a bit suspicious to others, but he's a good guy trying to make up for his mistakes



Power Level: 9 (180/180PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: +2 Attack/-2 Damage or +0/+0. Toughness -1/+1 but special, character does not hit Defensive Caps.

Abilities: 6 + 6 + 20 + 2 + 4 + 4 = 42PP
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 30 (+10)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Combat: 10 + 10 = 20PP
Initiative: +11 (+3 Dex, +8 Improved Initiative)
Attack: +5 Base, +11 Rapid Blasts, +9 Scouring Blast
Defense: +5 (+5 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +2.5 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +8 (+3 Strength, +5 Melee)
Knockback: -5, (10 Toughness)

Saving Throws: 0 + 2 + 6 = 8PP
Toughness: +10
Fortitude: +10
Reflex: +5 (+3 Dex, +2)
Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6)

Skills: 19R = 76PP

Acrobatics 4 (+7)

Bluff 4 (+6)

Computers 4 (+5)

Disable Device 4 (+5)

Drive 4 (+7)

Escape Artist 4 (+7)

Gather Information 4 (+6)

Intimidate 7 (+9)

Investigate 1 (+2)

Knowledge (History) 4 (+5)

Knowledge (Physical Science) 4(+5)

Language 2 (Spanish, English)

Notice 6 (+8)

Search 8 (+9)

Sense Motive 6 (+8)

Sleight of Hand 6 (+9)

Stealth 4 (+7)

Feats: 11PP


Accurate Attack

All Out Attack


Beginner's Luck

Improved Initiative 2

Jack of All Trades

Luck 2

Precise Shot
Power Attack


Powers: 34 + 4 + 2 + 39 + 1 = 80PP

the Blast power, Leaping, and Super Movement are Mutations. the Regeneration and Immunity are Magical effects


Eye of the Catobelpas 15 (30PP, Feats: Alternate Power 3, Benefit: Difficult to use for untrained individuals) [34PP]

  • BE: Blast 9 [Gaze of Destruction] (Extras; Area [General Cone] +1, Penetrating +1, Flaws; Range (Touch) -1, Feats: Knockback 3) {30/30}
  • AP: Blast 7 [Rapid Fire] (Extras; Autofire +1, Feats; Accurate 3, Indirect 3, Penetrating 3, Precise) {30/30} 
  • AP: Blast 9 [Scouring Wave] (Extras; Alternate Save [Fortitude] +1, Feats; Accurate 2, Precise)  {30/30}
  • AP: Blast 7 [Reflective Beams] (Extras; Area [Targeted Burst] +1, Selective +1, Flaws; Range (Touch) -1, Feats; Accurate 2) {30/30}

Leaping 4 (x25 Leaping Distance) (Laser takeoff) [4PP]

Super Movement 1 (Slow Fall) (Laser Descent) [2PP]


Regeneration 37 (Bruised: No Action, Injured: No Action, Staggered: Standard Action, Disabled: Standard Action, Ability Damage: No Action, Resurrection: 1 Round, Feats; Persistent, Regrowth) [39PP]

Immunity 1(Aging, Need for Sleep, Flaw; Half Effect) [1PP]

Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP


DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT

Gaze of Destruction Ranged DC 24 Toughness, Penetrating, Knockback 3

Rapid Fire Accuracy +11, Ranged, DC 22 Toughness, Autofire, Precise, Indirect 3, Penetrating 3

Scouring Wave, +9, Ranged, DC 19 Fortitude, Precise

Reflective beams, +9 Ranged, DC 22 Toughness, Targeted Selected Area Burst


Totals: Abilities (42) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (8) + Skills (19) + Feats (11) + Powers (80) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points

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