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My Evil Twin (OOC)


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Carnelia makes her Reflex save with a 22.

She makes her Fortitude save vs drain with an 18.

Rolling only a 10 for her Toughness save, she fails by 9, leaving her bruised and dazed.


I think that just leaves Bernadettes turn to work out OOC.


I'll post Rot and Ruin's actions in the meantime. 

Edited by Huckleberry
Autocorrect stuff

Quick Kart is not how I normally run threads (as I have said, it was a bit of an experiment on trying to do a fast paced "chase"). Typically I do things more like I did in Through the Paces, where stuff gets resolved in the OOC, then the player makes their IC post, then it is the next Player, or NPCs turn. Where there are lots of combatants, that can mean I might have a lot of NPCs interspersed among the PCs, but that is just the way it is.


So I would say go ahead with your IC post for Rot and Ruin. I will work on getting the OOCs up for Multi-Girl and her duplicate (we have generally just had the duplicate act on the same initiative, let me know if you want me to roll separate).



Actually, one last thing, in going to make a roll for the wall behind them vs the disintegration. It automatically fails the Fortitude check, so it's Toughness is reduced by 8. If the concrete wall was Toughness 10, that takes it down to Toughness 2 for the save vs. DC 8+15= DC 23. Concrete wall rolls a 13, failing by 10. Which I believe means the wall is disabled. So it has a large hole in it now. 


Okay, Mutli-Girl is going to try punch Ruin, getting a 21 on her attack roll, which I believe hits? If so, that is a DC 28 toughness save.


The duplicate will spend her turn helping Carnelia get back out into the hallway and out of sight of Ruin. (she should be strong enough to help the only dazed Carnelia get back on her feet and going).


21 attack roll will definitely hit. I was thinking to have Ruin be a problem that it would be unlikely to be able to punch your way out of. So I was considering her having limited/partial Immunity to non-lethal physical damage (1/2 effect) as well as Impervious toughness. Is that "legal"?


There is nothing technically preventing that, I have built a similar villain, but I did not feel quite right applying full impervious for the damage she was partially immune to, and kept it at a level where after being reduced in half, a standard equal PL opponent (without any damage shifting), would still be able to hurt her, just the toughness save would be much lower. But that was my call for my thread, your the GM in this one, so up to you.


I would note, that Bernadette is equally able to do lethal damage with her attacks, not that she would automatically think to do so (or want to risk doing so).


Well, the general philosophy here is that the PCs should typically have a reasonable chance of defeating the villain(s), but that does not necessarily mean only by punching them out. A lot of us also look at things through a lens of "what is good for the story."


There are a number of tools that a GM has beyond how they design their opponents. Some here very much let the dice fall where they may when it comes to rolls. I often lean towards being rather generous with using GM fiat for rerolls for key bad guys (or just allowing the main bad guy to stay in a fight longer) if it serves the story by avoiding them being KO'd by a bad toughness save. (of course, this means handing out HP to the PC making the attack). It can sometimes be a close question as to when you have kept a fight going a dramatically appropriate length of time or instead made it drag on unnecessarily long. :D  


As I indicated, this is your story, so go with what works best for that story. In addition to being PL 9, Bernadette is very much a damage shifted powerhouse still, which was the idea with her initially as being pretty powerful, but not very good at fighting/control. For a host of reasons I have not done a good job of shifting that over the last few years. Probably within the next month or so, I will giving her a PL 10 upgrade (as a Senior at Claremont) and shifting her towards being more balanced. 


Round 2


Bernadette's double is able to get Carnelia back on her feet, as she does so, she notices all the damage from Ruin's attack on Carnelia has healed. 


Rot will make a Bluff check to get Ruin to believe she knows where the power multiplier is and will take her there. She rolls a 1. Nice.


Ruin will resist the check with a -5 penalty, because she wants to believe her. She rolls a 2, lol, just managing to detect the deception.


Enraged that Rot would turn against her, Ruin blasts her with disintegration. But it doesn't do anything since each is immune to their own powers, which apparently extends to alternate time line doubles.


I'll post in game, then Multi-Girl is up. 


Okay, Mult-Girl is going to run in to try to initiate a grapple, and not going to happen with an attack roll of 12.


The duplicate will make sure the staff person gets clear and then come back in the room to see what is going on.


Yup, Multi-Girl misses Ruin.


The staff person is focusing on completing her phone call rather than fleeing the scene. Must be a regeneration thing. She is around the corner, out of sight, behind a concrete wall from the scuffle at the moment. If duplicate wants her to move further, she'll have to try a more forceful approach.


Have you decided how much awareness the different multiples of Multi-Girl share? Do they see what each other sees, know what each other knows?


Wanted to add, in case this was what you were asking, there is nothing about the mental link that would cause them to suffer any mechanical negative result from the other being harmed.


Well, it didn't work last time, but Rot is going to try to grapple again, since she failed her Bluff contest and Ruin is immune to her powers . . . Her first grab roll is truly abysmal, 4, but she will spend her hero point to try again: 18 will actually hit.


Now, for the duel of terrible Grapple bonuses. Rot actually manages to pull out a 17. Ruin counters with a truly pathetic 3.


To me the grappling rules aren't written in the 100% most clear way they could have been.  . . . I don't see an explicit statement that Ruin opposing the Grapple check uses her standard action. But, I do see this statement, which kind of seems to imply it:


"If you use a power requiring a standard action, you forfeit your grapple check that round"


So, does this Grapple contest consume Ruin's standard action as well?


No worries. So, Ruin can take an action, but she is immobilized. So, if she wants to move, she would have to win a Grapple check to move. Can she take standard actions besides making a Grapple check? Or does being pinned prevent that?



Depends on what she is trying to do, if she wants to activate a power, she would need to pass a DC 20 concentration check to do so. Otherwise, the only standard action she can take is trying too escape the grapple.



So,  what does the sentence from the rule book: 



"If you use a power requiring a standard action, you forfeit your grapple check that round"


Even mean in that case?

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