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The purple armored man stares at Gamma Buzz for a moment, before dismissing him, turning to Timeout and Spaceman instead.


"You can call me Doctor Deviation, and what I am expecting, hero, is an army, but if I am to have one, then I will first need to ensure that... that doesn't happen." He motions towards the woman that was a girl not too long ago. She looks apprehensive. "Rapid aging is not ideal in a soldier. And free will? No, that is a defect that I cannot tolerate." 


The voice is full of drama, as he speaks, almost like he is putting on a show. And then he gets another look at Gamma Buzz and pauses.


"You are quite the interesting specimen, are you not?" the purple armored man asks, looking at Gamma Buzz. "What are you?"

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Gamma Buzz


That, thought Baltazar Botez, was a very good question. Lamentably, he did not have a very good answer. 


"Hey, that's a bit personal, isnt it? I am fully sort of human, if you must know, Just a kid from mexico who was... ahhhh.... fortunate enough to get amazing radiation powers that are not only amazing, but amazingly amazing!"


He shuffled his feet. 


"And a few minor cockroach powers which I am sure arent interesting..." he added with a wave of his hands. "They might have completely changed my biochemistry and appearance a little bit, but its nothing to speak of!"



Edited by Supercape
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Lawrence listened as Doctor Deviation gave a general explanation of what he was trying to do and how the girl (now woman) they had encountered before loosely fit into things. When the villain turned his attention to Baz, the blond teen frowned slightly before speaking up again.

"Any Army huh? Well, we will just have to be sure that does not happen." He said as Baz tried to brush of the questions from Deviation. "Might be worth the easy path to just give up and shut all this down, before we have to break stuff."

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Parker frowns. All of this, to make a disposable army? He can feel how many are in there, moving around. Can't see them, no way to tell how old they are, how long they have been there, how long they have lived, how many are alive or not... And the woman besides them? She looks horrified. Absolutely horrified.


"Please. You know that we can't let you do this." He kind of wishes that he had worn his outfit. Dressed like this, in normal clothes, hardly seems like the ideal look to try to sway someone. "We'll figure this out and try to get everyone here help, but you have to stand down."


For some reason, he doesn't really believe that it will work.

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"Cockroach, you say?" Probably the wrong answer. Doctor Deviation sounds intrigued. "Yes... Yes! That could work! An army of minions like you... that might solve the aging problem." 


He doesn't even seem to care about what Timeout and Spaceman are saying as he steps to the side, onto a flat metallic platform that had been on the ground besides him, and rises up above the the floor, up above the cells to look down on them.


The woman that was a child earlier looks between the doctor and the three yonug heroes. She looks scared, but also like she doesn't fully understand what exactly is going on.


"I have no illusions that you will come along quietly, but please, do try your best. Give me some good sample data." He pushes a button on his armor, near the wrist. The cells all open. "And in case you all care, then please remember this: I made all of these. They have no say in what they're doing, I control them all, but it will probably hurt them very much if you start hitting them." 


Men and women dressed in featureless skintight purple outfits begin to emerge from the cells, slowly at first and then, once they see the group, they set into a run towards them.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Three women and one man rushes out in front of the other experimental soldiers. They almost look like they're already falling apart as they start attacking the young heroes. They seem to focus mostly on Gamma Buzz, though some attack Timeout as well, and one lands a solid blow on Spaceman.


The no-longer-so-young woman that they had found dives to the side, out of the way. She doesn't seem like she wants to fight, despite her newfound strength.

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Lawrence frowned slightly as Doctor Deviation moved up away from them and unleased some of his experiments to attack them. The villain tried to play on the expectation of their compassion, which was honestly a rather effective strategy, even more so with Parker.


Dodging aside one of the experimental soldiers as she closed with him, Lawrence took a step back and glanced around to see where everyone was in the room. "I rather doubt you actually have any concern for the wellbeing of your experiments." He called out to the purple clad villain. "Fortunately, I have means of dealing with them that does not require actually injuring them."

With that he extended one hand and a pulse of temporal energy erupted out from the teenager. As was always the case, the temporal energy washed harmlessly around his friends and the woman they had rescued before, while attempting to strike all the experimental soldiers and Doctor Deviation himself.

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Lawrence isn't wrong about the strategy being particularly effective with Parker. 


He looks between the would-be super soldiers, Doctor Deviation and his friends and, once Lawrence freezes them, he knows what to do. He sets off. One moment he is on the ground, the next he is by Doctor Deviation, throwing a punch that, unfortunately, doesn't even come close to hitting the doctor.


"Please stop this! We don't have to do this! We'll help figure out how to make them last, just stop this!"


He has to try, even if he isn't sure that Doctor Deviation wants to listen.

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Gamma Buzz


"You are not match for us!" yelled Baltazar. "Gamma Buzz, baby!"


He backflipped and jumped, ending up on the ceiling, like a cockroach crawling along a wall. 


He gave a cheesy grin. 


"Lets get 'em, team! We can split the work and credit. You do the work, I take the credit! Whoops, did I say that out loud?" he added, winking at his two team mates. 


With a mighty inhilation, his antenna quivering in radioactive anticipation, he proceeded to blow out a stream of gamma-glowing-green particles, catching as many of the "experimental soldiers" as he could!

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The gamma glowing articles spread through the air. A single soldier manages to get out of the way, while others are start screaming, their bodies starting to dissolve once the radioactive particles make contact with their bodies, like they cannot handle the stress, their bodies rapidly aging.


If Doctor Deviation is affected by the horrible demise of his soldiers, then he doesn't let it show. More soldiers come out from the cells, rushing towards Timeout and Gamma Buzz. While four get up to Timeout and start hitting him, two more jump towards Gamma Buzz on the ceiling, slamming their hands into it and then tries to strike him.


Spaceman has a distinct feeling that the doctor is smiling under his helmet, before blasting a shockwave at him, that Spaceman only barely manages to hold back against.


The no-longer-young woman that brought them there shrinks away from the fight. She is looking at her hands. They are starting to seem so old.

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  • 1 month later...



Lawrence winced slightly as Baz unleashed a torrent of radiation on some of the experimental soldiers, most of whom writhed in pain at the attack. As two of the soldiers rushed over toward the blond teen, he managed to dodge the attacks from two of them. The other two seemed just about to land attacks, when Lawrence disappeared in blur of temporal energy, reappearing just a few feet away, causing the attacks to miss.


"Gamma, we are trying to subdue them without harming them." He called out to his friend as he took a slight step back from the soldiers attacking him to send out another burst of temporal energy. This time the attack seemed much more effective, as five of the experimental soldiers were frozen in time, and the remaining two seemed slowed. Even Doctor Deviation seemed affected by the temporal attack this time, his movements slowing as well.


"Help Spaceman with the doctor." Lawrence added.

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  • 1 month later...



Working together, the group of teenaged heroes fight their way through the hordes, though they are soon overwhelmed by the seemingly unlimited onslaught of freshly made clones. Meanwhile the woman that was once a child grows older with each passing moment. In a final blaze of glory, she explodes, taking out enough of the remaining clone soldiers to let Gamma Buzz and Timeout stop the rest, finally joining Spaceman in fighting Doctor Deviation himself.


Alone, Doctor Deviation is more than a match for Spaceman, either countering or resisting his every strike, but when faced with the combined might of the three heroes, he falters, even as he seems to have a device that counters each of their powers in turn. Finally, he makes his escape, disappearing towards the sky in a burst that leaves a gaping hole towards the sky.



Instantly, a self destruct mechanism begins. An explosion rocks the underground base, destroying any evidence, anything that could be traced back to the Doctor, all the research and the cages and vats used to hold the clone soldiers. Through their combined powers, the heroes escape... but it is unlikely to be the last they see of Doctor Deviation.


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