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Shoaling Patterns (OOC)


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Dok's Quickness (Mental) is high enough he can Take 20 on a Notice check as a Free Action.  Taking 20 gets him... 31!


And I'm going to burn a HP (down to 4 now) to use Beginner's Luck, granting him 5 ranks in Stealth.  So his Stealth check is... 23!




Lobbing a gas grenade!


Nauseate 5, Cloud Area effect (Fort Save)


Pretty mild opener, but lets see what they are made of :)


As a move action, he will drop to the ground (he has prone fighting so that means no penalties, and a bit of ranged protection :) )


Okay, the 11 lower PL arcane have DC 15 reflex saves: 5 succeed, 6 fail

Fort saves: First five are with the lower DC 12 other 6 are the normal DC 15: only 1 fails and is sickened.


The lead arcane: DC 15 reflex check: 28, so DC 12 fort save: 29 so passes as well.


So the arcane move out of the cloud.

Five are going to shapeshift into the form of an arachnid like alien animal.


The other six are going to attack (2 on each of you and Star Khan (the sicked one going after Dok):

Two attacking Dok: 17 and 24 so one hit, a DC 23 toughness save for Dok @Dr Archeville


Two attacking Star-Khan: 26 and 15, one hit, but it does not beat his Impervious.


Two attacks Starshot (his defense is up to +16 as he is prone): 25 and 13 so both miss.


Star-Shot will blast one of the arcane, 16, which is a miss.


@Dr Archeville Dok is then up!




Alright, let me see to that Toughness save first


He wasn't expeting a fight to break out to soon, so he does not have his Impervious Toughness up.  But he shouldn't be flat-footed (due to his super-senses), so he'll have his full Toughness.


1d20+14: 32 [1d20=18]


Easily passes!



Okay, setting his VP to


Damage 8 ("nonlethal photonic blast barrage"; Extras: Area [Targeted, Burst,  200-ft. radius], Selective Attack; Flaw: Action [Full]; PFs: Accurate 2 [+12 to hit], Progression Area] 2 [25 ft. increments])  {20/20}


Which should be a big enough area to (potentially) hit every baddie.


And since that's a Targeted Area Effet, I'll need to make an attack roll.... 


1d20+12: 32 [1d20=20]


A Nat 20!  So if that hits (pleasesaythathits), that's a DC (15+8+5) 28 Toughness save they'll all need to make.


(Free Action to set VP, Full Action to attack.)




I'm not sure how many STarshot can get in this, but


Plasma Overburn


That's a line area Damage 11 effect. 


I guess three of four but leave that up to you :D


The Reflex DC 21 and TOughness 26/20 rolls for whoever the effect hits


If he can (with prone fighting and speed) will then use a move action to try and get partial cover behind a rock or something. 


Okay, one makes the reflex check, so a DC 20 and two DC 26 saves (first is DC 20 shapeshifted, other two are DC 26): 14, 11, 19


So, first and third pick up another bruise and are dazed, the second is out.


The two shapeshifted Grue Arcane are moving into melee, one with Star Khan, one with Dok: 14, 26; Star Khan will Interpose for Dok, taking the hit with no effect due to Impervious.


The other two Grue Arcane are going to try to use Mind Reading on Starshot and initiate a mental grapple: 28 and 14, so Starshot has a Will save vs a 28 and 14 to resist @Supercape for each he fails, he has another DC 21 Will save vs damage from the mental grapple


Star Kahn will punch the shapeshifted arcane that attacked Dok: 20, so a DC 29 toughness save: 10, that one is out.


Okay, rolling for the least injured of the normal arcane: 21, 17 and 26, so one passes, the other two each pick up another bruise.


Now the two that had 2 bruises: 21 and 8, so one picks up a third bruise, the other is out.


The lead arcane gets a 20, so picks up a second bruise.


And now it is 


Round Three


27 Starshot (unharmed, mentally grappled) 0 HP

20 Arcane (4) (1 shapeshifted (bruised 2), 1 shapeshifted (bruised 3)); (1 bruised;1 bruised 2)

18 Star Khan (unharmed)

17 Doktor Archeville (unharmed) 6 HP

15 Lead Arcane (bruised 2)


@Supercape Starshot is up, but he is mentally grappled, so right now he has no dodge bonus, and to do anything but try to escape the mental grapple requires a DC 20 Concentration check. If he wants to try to escape the mental grapple, it will be a Will save vs. a power check by the arcane. It is a standard action to try to escape.

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