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Blind Man's Bluff (OOC)


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Okay, the shuttle is going to touch down to the south of the town, and drop off 20 more troopers, then lifts back into the air


The dazed hunter clears his dazed, the other shots at Star Khan, missing with a 12.


The troopers near Rock all decided it is time to cut out, and start running away from the center of town, ducking down side streets/alleys to get out of sight. The new group spread out and start moving in towards the town.


Round Three


21 Thuarian Guards (12 unharmed)

19 Eclipse 2 HP (unharmed)

18 Justicar Gor'an (bruised, staggered, dazed, bound and helpless)

14 Star Khan (unharmed)

14 Rock 1 HP (unharmed)

13 Dropship Pilot (unharmed)

13 Dropship gunner (unharmed)

9 Rogue Khanate Hunters (1 unharmed, 1 bruised and dazed)

8 Rogue Khanate Troopers (unharmed, 4 remaining near Gor’an)


So some of the bodyguards fire at the Khanate troops approaching from the south, two hit with a 19 and 20 given the range penalties. With toughness saves of 13 and 7, one is dazed and bruised, the other out.


I will get my IC up tomorrow. @Fox Might as well get Eclipse's action resolved.


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100' of movement allowing, Eclipse will close on the injured hunter and try to get him with her sword (variety being the spice of life and all).


Melee Attack Roll: 1d20+13: 27 [1d20=14]

Assuming that hits, it's a DC22 Toughness Save.


(If she can't close to the hunter in that range, let me know and I'll revise!)


Discussed the battlefield layout with Thevshi!


Lacking a sniping option or anything dropship-worthy, and without any other enemies too close at hand, Eclipse is going to get closer to Rock and watch the south - readying a blaster shot at any enemy troopers who get close enough, in the unlikely event they can cover that distance very quickly.


EDIT: By request:

Intimidation Check: 1d20+3+4: 10 [1d20=3]




Okay, the Justicar can beat that intimidate without a roll, so, he is being dumb.


Star Khan will keep on the injured Hunter, hitting with a 26, DC 29 toughness save: 29, just makes it.


@Gizmo Rock is up!



Justicar Gor'an weighs ~275 lbs, making his a heavy load for a character with Strength 18. Rock has an effective Strength of 69, surpassing that requirement by 51 points. That means a potential throwing distance of 51 / 5 = 10 increments up the progression table from 5' to 10 000' or ~1.9 miles. The dropship is less than 10 000' away. So!


Standard ActionThrow Justicar vs Dropship; All-Out Attack 2: 1d20+7+2 13

Hero PointThrow Justicar vs Dropship; All-Out Attack 2, HP Reroll: 1d20+7+2 18 28

Move Action: Start walking toward the remaining enemy forces!


Okay, going to call this +17 Str bonus, so DC 32 toughness saves.

The dropship again rolls real well (even already damaged) and gets  29, so is now injured 2.


The Justicar gets  22, so, already staggered, he is out.


The Hunter mechs are moving forward and firing up at the Khan, this time both hit, but they glance off his Impervious.


The 10 troopers heading towards Eclipse are spreading out and double-moving, so have closed to about 200' at this point, the 9 heading toward the center of town also double move, also about 200' from there now.

The transport touches down near where the Justicar fell after hitting it and some of the crew heads out to where he is.


Round Four


21 Thuarian Guards (12 unharmed)

19 Eclipse 2 HP (unharmed)

14 Star Khan (unharmed)

14 Rock 0 HP (unharmed)

13 Dropship Pilot (unharmed) (dropship injured 2)

13 Dropship gunner (unharmed)

9 Rogue Khanate Hunters (1 unharmed, 1 bruised)

8 Rogue Khanate Troopers (19: 10 moving towards Eclipse, 9 moving towards center of town (one bruised))


The guards keep shooting at the ones advancing towards the plaza, two hitting again17 and 14, so both pick up a bruise (and one is dazed).


Back to Eclipse @Fox


Eclipse will just head on back toward the guards - she'll try to find some cover in or near the plaza, double-moving if needed. If the double-move isn't required, she'll ready an action to fire at any troopers who come out shooting.


Star Khan will keep trying to work on the injured Hunter, hitting this time with a 28, DC 29 toughness save: 24 so another bruised and dazed.


@Gizmo Back to Rock, I will say that you are in position to be able to charge the uninjured Hunter if you like.


Okay, the dropship crew manage to drag the Justicar onboard this round.


The Hunter that Rock just missed with try to cleave him with its plasma blade, hitting with a 19, so a DC 25 toughness save for Rock @Gizmo (not sure what his Impervious is, but there is 5 penetrating on the rank 10 attack so..)


The other Hunter is clearing a daze.


Okay, troopers: the group that had been heading towards Eclipse turns to move toward where she moved to, taking a move action and firing this round. They are pairing up into three groups (2 of 3, and one of 4), the first 2 (3 in the last group) will be trying to use Aid for the other (DC 10): they almost all succeed, so each of the remaining three that are shooting at Eclipse get +4 to their attacks: 10, 20, 11 they still all miss.


The other troopers (8 able to this round) are firing on the house: only 2 manage to hit any of the bodyguards using that as cover. DC 20 toughness saves: 10 and 12 (so staggered and dazed, the other bruised and dazed).


Brings up:


Round Five


21 Thuarian Guards (10 unharmed, 1 staggered and dazed, 1 bruised and dazed)

19 Eclipse 2 HP (unharmed)

14 Star Khan (unharmed)

14 Rock 0 HP (unharmed)

13 Dropship Pilot (unharmed) (dropship injured 2)

13 Dropship gunner (unharmed)

9 Rogue Khanate Hunters (1 unharmed, 2 bruised)

8 Rogue Khanate Troopers (19: 10 moving towards Eclipse, 9 moving towards center of town (three bruised, one dazed))


The Thuarian Guards return fire: due to range, 5 manage to hit. DC 20 toughness saves: 2 make it, 1 is bruised and dazed, and another bruised, and 1 (staggered) we will call out).


And Eclipse is up @Fox (the troopers have spaced out so the best she could likely do is get three in her cone attack)


Well, Eclipse could try to AoE but she does not like those troopers shooting at the guards, so! Time to be a threatening target.


She's going to break cover and close toward the troopers. She'll take 10 on a shot at one of the ones shooting at guards, with a full power attack - that's an 18 attack 'roll', DC27 Toughness for the trooper.


Star Khan will again turn his attention to the drop ship, full power attack getting a 14 to hit (which hits), DC 34 toughness save: 27, again with great rolls, so picks up another injured. 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Okay, going to try to get this wrapped up :D


The Hunter will attack Rock again, hitting with a 25, a DC 25 toughness save @Gizmo


Four troopers fire at Eclipse, all missing.


Just going to fluff the other shooting between the NPCs to speed things up.


Round Six


21 Thuarian Guards (7 unharmed)

19 Eclipse 2 HP (unharmed)

14 Star Khan (unharmed)

14 Rock 0 HP (unharmed)

13 Dropship Pilot (unharmed) (dropship injured 3)

13 Dropship gunner (unharmed)

9 Rogue Khanate Hunters (1 unharmed, 2 bruised)

8 Rogue Khanate Troopers (13: 8 engaged with Eclipse, 5 engaged with Thuarians)


@Fox Eclipse is up!


Having closed in on them a bit last round, Eclipse will try an AoE attack against whomever she can get in her cone - if she can catch the ones fighting Thaurians all the better, but she'll take as many as she can thin out at this point.


Same as before, full power attack, taking 10 for an 18 attack roll and DC27 Toughness save.


Star Khan will fly over and make an attack on the retreating dropship (-2/+2 for Power attack), hitting with a 22.


DC 31 toughness save for the damaged dropship: this time is fails badly with a 12, so is going down.


Then it is Rock's turn (after his toughness save) @Gizmo

  • 2 weeks later...


Toughness Save vs DC 25: 1d20+17 22

That's a bruise!

Full Action: Eruption

That's a DC 22 Reflex Save followed by a DC 27 Toughness Save with Secondary Effect in a 120' cone. If he can catch both Hunters in it he will but it's fine if it's just the one!


Will say you are just able to catch both. They both miss the reflex saves. 


They get 11 and 19 on their toughness saves, so the unharmed one he had been fighting is knocked out, the other takes a third bruise and is dazed.


Move action to get a good line of sight on the remaining Hunter and close a little distance.


With 2 hero points to burn and stuff winding down, let's stunt an attack power why not; she'll turn her flat Blast 7 [14pp] into Blast 7 (Extras: Autofire 1; Flaws: Distracting) [14pp].


And then, to blasting!


Ranged Attack Roll vs. Hunter: 1d20+13: 23 [1d20=10]


DC22 Toughness save, +1 for every 2 she beat its defense by.

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