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On 3/3/2024 at 10:36 PM, Thevshi said:

Meanwhile the three Legion facing Ghule had moved into a circle around her, grinning as the zombie young woman made desperate attempts to hit them with her bone weapons. "Need some pointers?" One asked.

"We can help." Replied another as she and the first lunged in, both striking Ghule with their staff, one connecting on the side of her head. Meanwhile, the third attacked from behind, hitting the zombie young woman in the back.


Over near where Multi-Girl lay on the ground now in agony from being shocked, the two Legion facing Stormcrow readied themselves as they grinned, one rubbing her jaw where she had been hit by his staff. "Hit a nerve there did we?" One asked as they both moved in to attack, but Stormcrow easily blocked the first attack, and while he blocked the second, it was a bit of a call.


"What are you going to do if we hit her again?" As a third Legion, another that had been sent flying by Nighscale's wind gust, as she brought her staff above her head and started to swing it down toward Multi-Girl.


At that moment a large armored figure dropped out of the sky, landing between the Legion and Multi-Girl. The figure stood nearly six and a half feet tall and was dressed in teal armor with a black under suit visible at the joints. On each shoulder pauldron of the armor was a black circle with a yellow eight-pointed starburst in the middle. A similar, much larger white starburst covered the armor’s chest plate. The figure was male, with grey-blue skin, high cheekbones and a flowing mane of white hair and tapered ears.


He easily caught Legion's staff in his right hand, holding it firmly in place as he looked down at the woman as she tried to pull it free. "I do not think so." He said in heavily accented English. 




Vik attempted to bring her bone-katanas to bear, but Legion was just too fast, and she realized that she had hit the extent of her training. She may be stronger, but they were faster and more experienced. All this went through her mind just moments before the staff connected with the side of her head. Her head rang like a bell, and she staggered for a moment before two more blows rained down on her, the last one connecting with her back. Though she knew the pain was psychosomatic, it still hurt like nobody's business, and she fell to the ground on her side, groaning as a high-pitched whine filled her head. 


"Bern..." she croaked out as she got to her feet slowly, her head still ringing, as an armored figure dropped out of the sky. Who the hell is this now? she thought as she readied herself into a fighting stance, but tripped over her own feet and fell back down. I'm in way over my head here...

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The fight had been slightly blurry chaos around Bernadette as she had tried to clear her head after getting knocked down by one of what seemed to be duplicates of the woman calling herself Legion. Charlie was suddenly there, protecting her and keeping them from being able to continue hitting her while she was down. And then suddenly there was the tall armored figure standing over her stopping one of the Legion’s attacks and then knocking the duplicate out.


The redhead looked up at the figure, still a bit shocked and her head ringing still. And then she saw Vik down and surrounded by Legion duplicates, and Pol take a hit from the hulking armored villain. She scowled in anger and heard Charlie telling her to get back into things.

"Right." She stated firmly, quickly rolling onto her back and in a fluid motion, kipping back up to her feet. "Thanks fer the save." She said to the young Star Khan with a small smile before glancing over to Charlie and giving him a warmer smile of thanks.


The Irish then leapt towards the middle of the street, to a spot more or less at the center of all the villains and her friends. And then there were nearly a dozen redheads, rushing and leaping in every direction towards the gathered villains, while the original moved over to one of the Legion standing over Ghule.


Bernadette and her duplicates unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks aimed at the various villains. One duplicate leapt up to deliver a kick to the Legion duplicate next to Shadowborne, but the Legion managed to roll with the hit and came back up seemingly unharmed. The other Legion duplicates did not fare as well.


One of the ones over Ghule took a hit and stumbled back a few steps, hurt but otherwise fine. The other two over Ghule were sent flying, slamming hard into the wall of the laser tag warehouse a short distance away, dazed, but not yet out of the fight. The two that Stormcrow had been facing were similarly sent flying, each hitting parked cars and similarly falling to the ground dazed.


Another redheaded duplicate delivered a kick to Visor that caused him to stumble slightly as well. However, the punch aimed at Mindfire glanced off a psychic barrier that protected the villainess, similar to how Shadowborne’s attack had been deflected.


One of the Irish teen's duplicates put herself between Shift and Big Horn, delivering a powerful right hook that actually caused the large man's head to snap to the side as he stumbled a step before he recovered and looked down at the redhead. He had clearly felt that hit.


The Legion duplicate near Shadowborne immediately launched a counterattack, jumping into the air and bringing her staff down to hit the shadowy heroine.

Down on the street, the Legion still standing near Ghule focused her attention on Multi-Girl, grinning slightly. "Not bad, but not quite good enough." She said as she quickly swung her staff around. Multi-Girl managed to get her left arm up to protect her head, but she took the impact on her left shoulder, feeling a painful sting.


Two more Legion stepped out of the back of the overturned armored transport Mindfire had been in. One of them rushing forward to attack Stormcrow. "So you're the leader huh? They able to function if we take you down?" She asked as she swung her staff at him, but Stormcrow was easily able to deflect the attack.


The Legion remaining next to Mindfire and Visor had her staff ready as she glanced over to Visor briefly. "We need to try to get clear."


Meanwhile, the four Legion that had been knocked to the ground (after hitting a wall or parked car) all seemed to clear their heads, ready to get back into the fight.

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Despite all the bracing she'd created to allow her big swing, Big Horn plowed into Shift and knocked her completely off her feet, temporarily scrambling all her sensors in the process. For a few precious seconds, the young robot could not differentiate between up or down or find magnetic north. But in the time it took for her friend Bernie to step in and lay a solid punch on the massive villain, Shift did a rapid reboot, and both her arms shot out and wrapped around Big Horn several times as she formed a face just to stick a tongue out at him.



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"I realize that." Visor grunted in response to the Legion near him as he stepped away from the Multi-Girl duplicate that had kicked him in the stomach. "But this Star Khan can apparently fly, so unless we do something to deal with that we might not get far." The villain focused on the armored alien, firing one of his energy beams at the young Star Khan.


Kinarr turned towards the attack, raising one gauntleted hand that was struck by the blast, which deflected harmlessly away from him, hitting the ground nearby and blasting a sizable hole in the pavement. He then considered Stormcrow and his request to deal with the woman dressed in orange. "A mentat? Indeed a dangerous foe." He replied with a slight nod. He then quickly flew over to Mindfire to take a swing at her, but the redheaded villainess was able to dodge aside as she turned her focus to Kinarr.


"Oh, aren't you a cute one. Wouldn't you rather be friends?" She said seductively as her eyes flared with psychic energy and Kinarr's did as well.


The young Star Khan gritted his teeth as he fought against Mindfire's attempt to take control of his mind. "Get…out…of…my….mind!" He managed to snarl as he finally shook off the mental attack.


Mindfire took a step back away from Star Khan, a look of frustration on her face, mixed with a bit of concern.

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Still reeling from the mental onslaught Nightscale struggled to regain his footing, he shook his head as if he could physically shrug off the influence of Mindfire attack.


"Why does it always have to be psychics..." He half whispered, half growled as he narrowed his eyes searching the chaos of the battlefield for the villain that had just tried to invade his and Muirne's minds. First Sebastian and then this.... 


"There..." He grinned as he finally found his quarry, closing the distance between them he caught the fiery telepath in his claws.


"You are not going anywhere now..." 



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As Nightscale took to the air once more and snatched up Mindfire in one of his claws, Big Horn struggled against the snake-like arms that were wrapped around him. Although the armored villain was very large and strong, Shift planted her feet in place and managed to continue to hold him firmly in her grip. The tide of the fight certainly seemed to be turning the Young Guardians' way, with three of their opponents, including the muscle, all restrained and helpless and most of the Legion duplicates still recovering from Multi-Girl’s counterattack…

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Paper felt his hammer connect solidly, but the big man shrugged off the attack. The young hero grit his teeth and cursed as the villain continued to dismiss him.


Multi-Girl managed to get in a sucker punch before Shift recovered from the blow she took and wrapped her arms around Big Horn, literally.


He growled under his breath and tightened his grip on the paper mallet.

“I told you not to ignore me!”

He yelled.


Paper charged the bound hulk, paper snapping into place under his feet and he stepped up off the ground to get a flying swing at the villain.


Paper grunted with effort as he swung, not with his muscles so much, but his force of will. He imagined the paper hitting just as easily as he had envisioned the paper forming the hammer, and that was all it needed.

The paper responded. Swinging in an arch the mallet connected with Big Horn.. right upside the head. With more force than Paper could have managed on his own.

Edited by Spacefurry
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The tide's finally turning... and all it took was a lucky hit and a guy from space showing up. Bernie is back in action, Pol and Leon are taking down the big guy with the horns, Luke got the fire lady with the mind powers. Vik needs help, they will have to get to her, but right now...


Stormcrow takes a step back, swinging his staff around as the identical people near him try to taunt him about what would happen if they take him down. 


"That's a big if," he quips, as he takes a step a step back, then slams his staff down on the prone dupe, before spinning to attack the next one.


"Somebody back up Ghule! Nightscale, KO the telepath before she tries to whammy anyone again!"

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Aoife tracked the incoming staff strike with her eyes, even as she moved to dodge and interpose her shield she could tell it was going to strike true. The moment seemed to drag on for eternity as her mind raced, when one of the times Muirne had been training with Charlie sprang to mind. She focused on the well of shadows within her as the staff drew ever closer, drawing shadows over herself. Satisfaction ran through her as the staff passed harmlessly through insubstantial shadows. She made a note to thank Charlie when this was over. 


She wasted no time acting on his orders, dozens of inky black tendrils shooting out to grasp metal before launching herself towards Ghule, sprinting across the space within moments to occupy the same space as the zombie woman, claws scything out towards one of the prone duplicates, but only meeting the concrete below. A low hiss of frustration escaped her as piercing green pinpoints of light glared out from the shadows at the duplicates.

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Vik groaned as she got to her feet and found Muirne and Multi-Girl fighting alongside her. The ringing in her ears subsided, and she nodded to her friends. "Don't worry," she groaned, "I think we've got 'em on the ropes. Besides, I've got a new trick up my sleeve..."


She planted herself on the ground, widening her stance and holding her fists out in front of her. A thick carapace of bone formed around her body, creating an armor that surrounded her. Spiky clubs covered her fists entirely, and she turned to face the duplicate that knocked her down. 


"You made a mistake today. You ruined our team hang-out. You hurt my friends. And worst of all," she said, tapping her club-fists together like a prizefighter. Vik lunged forward, throwing her might into a massive right hook! 



Edited by Lone_Star
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Paper lands a powerful blow on the trapped Big Horn, who goes limp in Shift’s grasp as he is knocked unconscious. Stormcrow takes down another of the Legion duplicates, while Sureshot struggles in vain against the mesh net he is trapped in, with none of his allies currently able to try to assist him.


Bernadette was glad to see Vik back up on her feet and in the fight, was Murine came over to help as well. She and her duplicates again made attacks against all the still active enemies that she could reach. Unfortunately, the three Legions on their feet and Visor all managed to avoid the attacks, but the several of her duplicates did manage to land hits on the three Legion still trying to get back to their feet after the redhead’s last attack. Two were once again dazed, one seemingly barely hanging in the fight. The other appeared hurt, but not out of the fight.


"Wow, very heroic, beating on opponents that are down." One of the Legion mockingly stated. She then moved forward to try to attack Stormcrow again, but he was easily able to defect the attack with his own staff.


Another Legion leapt off the overturned transport where she had been fighting Shadowborne and moved over towards Paper. However, the timing of her attack was off, and Paper easily ducked under the attack.


The Legion facing Multi-Girl, Shadowborne and Ghule managed to take the hit from the latter, taking a slight step back from the hit as she looked at the undead girl. "Taking this a bit personal, aren't you? It's just business." She said before stepped forward and landing another hit on Ghule with her staff.


Meanwhile the Legion standing over next to Visor slammed her fist against the armored door of the transport. As she did, another duplicate popped into existence next to her…

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With the massive Big Horn down for the count, it has time for Shift to switch targets. In a matter of seconds, she scanned the entire battlefield with all her advanced sensory apparatus, noting all her allies and the various enemies. There was a lot going on, but one piece of data intrigued her: one of the Legions just made a duplicate. Now it was certainly possible that any of the identical super-criminals could make a double, but this is the first time she'd seen one do so.


But what if this Legion was the prime? What impact might their be on the duplicates if this one was hurt or incapacitated?


All of this calculation and analysis took place at incredibly high speed; what most people saw was one of the robot's extended arms lash out like a bull whip and strike one of the Legions right across her face with a painful crack.

Edited by Heritage
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Shift manages to knock the Legion standing next to Visor off her feet and sending her flying backward a short distance. The moment Shift struck that Legion, another duplicate appeared next to Visor, ready to join the melee.


Visor watched as thing continued to go worse for his team, focusing up on where Nightscale was still holding Mindfire, he fired another powerful beam of energy at the dragon. The blast stuck Nightscale squarely in the torso, causing some damage, but not putting him out of the fight.

Meanwhile, Star Khan looked over to where the Legion Shift had hit landed. "Interesting." He commented, flying over towards the downed Legion. "You appear to be the source of these duplicates. So dealing with you should deal with them all." He said as he tried to punch the dazed Legion. However, at the last moment she managed to roll to the side, so Star Khan's powerful punch only grazed her. But it was enough to cause yet another duplicate to pop into existence nearby.


Up in the air, Mindfire manage to turn so she could see Nightscale from where he held her in his claw. "Time to burn!" She yelled as psychic flames formed around the dragon, causing excruciating pain as the telekinetic force tried to fully grab ahold of him. But the dragon was able to pull free from the psychic energy, even as it cause a bit more damage, still maintaining his hold on Mindfire in the process.

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Nightscale gritted his fangs as another round of psychic onslaught washed against his scales, cracking more than a few and forcing him to expel all the air in his lungs. 'This is gonna suck tomorrow...' He thought, yep he would certainly have quite a collection of bruises and hopefully nothing was too broken.


"Is that all you got?" The black dragon forced a smirk as a show of confidence. Despite the evidence suggesting that the two supervillain's attacks had been far from harmless he was still standing and in fact, Mindifre hadn't escaped his claws, she was still struggling, but hopefully not for long. 


Now the temptation to repay fire with fire was a strong one, but unleashing his dragon breath in a city street was perhaps not the wisest, so he had to rely on the less refined method of slamming the captured telepath on the ground, not exactly chivalrous perhaps, but then again, he wasn't the one tossing psychic fire around wasn't him?


"Stay put now...ok?" He his paw (but not completely just in case) to see if the villainesse underneath was still in fighting shape before turning his attention to the chaos that was still unfolding.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Bighorn was out of the fight. Paper watched as Shift quickly settled or her next target, one of the Multi-Girl wannabes. He was dimly aware that several of the girls were already dealing with other Legion dupes.


Paper decided their leader wasn’t being properly entertained. The mallet in his hands collapsed and reformed into a large bow as he lifted his hand. An arrow forming as he pulled back the string.


He did notice, before he released his paper arrow, that Legion popped out another dupe even as Shift knocked one literally off her feet.

“Hmm, well that seems annoying.”


Paper let his arrow loose and it sored true, striking Visor squarely. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to stop him.

He glared in annoyance, another arrow already forming as he began to draw again.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Taking a step to the side, Stormcrow spins his staff to deflect the blow from the Legion duplicate, but he isn't really paying attention right now. His attention is all over the battlefield. Paper is doing fine, but the prolonged fight is starting to take its toll on everyone, especially Nightscale and Ghule.


"Back each other up! We need to find the prime duplicator! Paper's got the right idea, take down their leader before he gets to the rest of them!"


Get a quick overview of whatever else is going on... the Star Khan is still helping, at least. 

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  • 3 weeks later...



As her opponent falls to the ground, Vik nods at her friends that came to her rescue. Though she temporarily felt somewhat ashamed that she couldn't take down the duplicates by herself, she reminded herself that she was working with a team and that they backed each other up.


"Thanks for the assist," she says, somewhat abashed. Though she didn't feel pain in the way that the others did, her injured arm was starting to throb like a sore tooth. This might be a problem...


'Charlie's right; this rather vexing situation isn't going to end until we uncover the primary. So, let's hope it's you!' she declares, turning back towards the fallen duplicate. She swiftly leaps into the air and attempts to deliver a powerful elbow drop on Legion. 'I've seen this move on TV!

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Aoife's tendrils rippled as she understood Charlie's instructions. The others would be able to defeat the Legion, and the other was currently tied up in Charlie's net. That just left the one who with the laser eyes. She skittered forwards, claws carving small marks into the concrete as she surged up behind the villain while he was still distracted by Leon's attack.


Her claws lashed out, several meeting their mark. Shadowy claws found his flesh, biting deeply into the villain. A grim chuckle emanated from her, glowing green eyes staring deeply into Visor's own. "You should have surrendered when you had the chance..."

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Shadowborne's attack knocked Visor to the ground, badly injuring him, although he still managed to remain conscious. Back over closer to the AEGIS vehicle that had initially alerted the team to what was going on, Ghule leapt into the air to try to hit one of the prone Legion duplicates. However, at the last moment, the duplicate rolled out of the way, causing Ghule’s elbow to slam into the pavement instead.


Multi-Girl moved over toward where Visor and the original Legion were both lying on the ground trying to get up. Several of her duplicates followed as the redheads managed to land solid punches on the two villains, knocking both out.


As the original Legion went unconscious, the various duplicates facing off with the other Young Guardians vanished. With that, the area around the laser tag arena went quiet, save for the approaching sound of police sirens.


Bernadette took a look around as she took in a deep breath, dismissing her own duplicates. "That was some row." She said to Murnie with a small smile as she moved back toward the center of the street where Charlie, Leon and Pol were standing.


Star Khan walked back over toward the center of the street as well, a smile on his face as he regarded the group of young adults. "Well fought! They were a challenging group of opponents, but you prevailed through perseverance and teamwork."


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"Of course we had, we're the freakin' Young Guardians." Nightscale remarked enthusiastically as he walked toward the group in the middle of the plaza, although the occasional growl every few steps, the cracked scales and the collection of bruises underneath suggested that it had indeed been far from a routine scuffle.


"And you are?" The young dragon turned his solid gold eyes to the newcomer. "Anyone of you knew these guys?" He continued, his gaze  shifted  briefly toward Chaz, confident that in fact, his friend would much likely have a pretty encyclopedic knowledge about who those goons might have been.


Admittedly though, while celebrating with the rest of the team was for sure important, Luke found his attention quickly moved to Muirne.


"You know... I missed a good scrap together..." He grinned as he playfully rubbed his head against her, in a way not unlike how a giant cat would have done (well one that looked like a bus-sized lizard at least).


"Dunno about you all, but we should move somewhere more... private... if we wanna have a talk... I for once would love changing into something more comfortable." Especially he could not exactly assume his human form in a crowded street in front of strangers and his super-hero costume still safely stored where he left it before going out for the game, back home...

Edited by Nerdzul
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Paper watched Visor and Legion fall under Multi-girl’s attack. He swung his paper bow over the street quickly before letting it fall apart when he was sure all threats were neutralized.


He stepped up as the others all seemed to congregate back in the center of the scene. Leon gave Multi-girl a nod and a grin.

“A lot more fun than light-gun tag.”

The new guy in fancy armor gave them the old ‘you did good’ speech, like most adults that underestimated them just because they were young. Something was a little off about the man on top of that.


He glanced at his roommate and chuckled.

“These guys? Ya, there’s Side-o-Beef.”

Paper thumbs over at Bighorn.

“Angry McScreams-a-lot.”

He motioned in Mindfire’s direction.

“Not Multi-Girl.”

He nods towards Legion and Visor.

“And Cyclops…”

Paper paused and shook his head.

“Na, that’s a stupid name. Shades? Ray-Ban? We’ll workshop it.”

He smirked and shrugged.

“Wait, wasn’t there another one? Oh ya, the other guy that went down way easy. We’ll just call him Basic Bitch.”

Paper waved in Sureshot’s direction.


Paper nodded in agreement with Nightscale when the other Guardian suggested moving somewhere else.

“As long as we can snag something to drink while we’re at it, I’m thirsty now.”

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Despite the fact that she had seen this move on TV, Ghule lands hard on the pavement with her elbow drop. For a few moments, all she could do was roll around and groan. She hears something pop loudly. Well, that can't be good. I'll have to snap it back in place later, though...


She stood up to realize the battle was already over, and she barely landed a hit. If she were capable of blushing, she would. Vik stomped on the pavement in frustration and crossed her arms. You messed up, Vik. You didn't pull your weight in this battle, and they all know it. 


Unfazed by Star Khan's words, Ghule turns her back and walks away. "Hey, guys, I've gotta...I'd better go. Good fighting out there today." 

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Leon glanced in Vik’s direction as the girl started to walk.

“Hey, just where do you think you’re runnin’ off to?”

He chuckled.

“If I gotta stick around, so do you. That’s what it means to be a Young G.”

Leon reached out and ruffled her hair. Sure, she was only about 4 inches shorter than him, but it wasn’t going to stop him from messing with her curly hair like a little sister.

“The more us there are, the less likely those two will start with the PDAs.”

He thumbed over at Stormcrow and Multi-Girl.

“Besides, Stormy’s paying for lunch. Aren’t you?”

Leon smirked.

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Aoife watched quietly as the group exchanged banter, trying to figure out how she could join in when Luke's head passed through her Insubstantial body. She felt both a surge of warmth and a pang of longing at the lack of sensation, but squashed it down. "It's nice, being together again."


She paused at the mention of going out for lunch. She would be in this form for hours yet, and they couldn’t exactly be seen in civilian guises with a Shadowbeast. 


Instead she focused on Vik's injured arm, her mind going to how the Conqueror Worm had been brought back with her power. She had heard that the Undead drew power from the Schattenwelt, perhaps she could try to heal it.


It would be nice, to fix something for once.


Aoife agreed with Muirne's sentiment, many limbs shifting to move her forwards to her companion, where a arm reached out, claws glinting like wet paint. "Vik, could I take a look at your arm?"

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After every name that Paper calls the villains, Stormcrow corrects him with the actual names.


"Big-Horn. Mindfire. Legion. Visor. Sureshot." 


He is smiling lightly at Leon's jabs at them. He's not complaining, but he is wondering about them. Some of them are known to work together, but not all. Is Visor trying to grow his group?


Vik's issues are... not ideal, but Leon and Muirne are trying to help her out, at least. That's good, then he'll be able to try to deal with the other pressing matters, at least for now.


"Hey, you were a big help too. Star Khan, was it? I'd love to compare notes and everything in a moment, but there's something I gotta check with this guy," he says to the Star Khan. There's something about that name that he feels like he should keep a note about, but he also seems like a space guy, and that isn't exactly his area.


People like Visor, though? They're more in his wheel house. Getting a gadget out from his belt, he makes sure that's he bound tight, and his visor is covered. Then, he taps him lightly, trying to wake him up. "Visor, right? That's a nice crew you've gotten here. Looking to add Mindfire, huh?"

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