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Tropical Getaway: Bernadette's Version (IC)

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Iris and Daniel had found a quite spot on the upper floor of the main house, where there was a large living room space, with multiple seating areas and large windows that looked out toward the water and other island beyond. It was filled with various pieces of local art and antiques, spaced between the seating areas on various low bookshelves or tables. The room was big enough to easily fit all the teenagers that had come on this trip, with plenty of space for more.


Afte having been relaxing in the relative quiet for a bit, the twins heard a voice behind them. "Oi, you two aren' planin' on spendin' the entire trip sittin' inside are ya?" Turning around they saw Bernadette (whether it was the original or a duplicate they were unsure) standing behind them, wearing only a bikini, her hands on her hips.


"Come on, get out an' enjoy the warm weather." The Senior girl stated, walking up to shoo the twins from where they were seated. "Most o’ the rest o' yer class has headed down ta the beach. But if you don' want ta do that, at least come hang out by the pool. Mainly just the seniors, an' Michael, so not too crowded." She gave a small smile.

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"It was a love poem," said Neko, her purring voice becoming a tease as she studied him over the pages of her book. "The servant of the princess brings her love the poem, and he replies: 

Mata Ausaka no
Seki wa koenamu


which means 'I shall cross again to you, over the Meeting Barrier." With a sad little smile, she added, "They never meet again. But that's how poetry goes sometimes." She grinned at Michael and asked "Do you ever read poetry to Carmen? Girls like that, you know." 


Meanwhile Owain had climbed out of the pool to take a break and was toweling himself off, calling out cheerfully to some of the Bernadettes in the pool. "Nay, nay! You Irish spitfires fight like warriors born!" It was definitely a compliment, even if he had his odd way of saying it. He grinned at Michael and said, "Poetry is all well and good but you should learn a musical instrument! Ladies love a song from a gallant young man." Loudly he burst into Sumer is icumen in, his singing voice not bad even if untrained. 

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"Reading poetry? I...guess I haven't." he admitted, frowning. "I never really thought about it. I'm still kind of figuring out what Carmen likes, we've only been dating for three days. " he laughed at that. "...Our first date was us doing superhero stuff together. So it probably changed how I was uh...imagining how this worked. Oh well, we'll figure it out, don't worry. But I'll definitely try the poetry thing. There's a lot of really famous Mexican poets right? Maybe she'd like it if I learned Spanish and surprised her by reading some love poems in Spanish?" He pondered, sort of asking Neko and sort of not; he wouldn't mind her opinion but he also didn't want to bother her. As he pondered this, Owain's comment made him frown slightly.


"Sing?" Then something really weird happened, at least for Michael; the unflappable Sophomore who always seemed pretty calm on his feet, blushed, turning red about the ears and looking down at his feet. "I...yeah...that's probably not the best idea for me...don't think anyone wants to hear me singin'." He held up a hand in surrender at the idea.

Edited by Poncho
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Cerebral and Cerebellum 


Iris and Daniel did not know many people here But they did know Bernadette, mostly because she was their guide. So when she found them. The twins were happy to accompany her. As they got ready, Iris could not help but blush a little as she noticed that Bernadette was wearing a bikini...before patting her checks a bit to make said blush go away. The sister was confused as to that whole reaction so it took her a while to get her towel and book out.


Daniel was already way ahead of his sister though and had already taken his shirt off and grabbed a towel. "Pool? Sounds fun! Let's go!" The young man practically dragged Iris outside after the Senior, once the other was ready. Soon there were two new people at said pool!


Iris went for one of the chairs and sat down before pulling out her book. "Alright Danny, be careful!" She warned her brother.

Don't worry I'll be fine!" With that Daniel floated his towel over to Iris with his Telekinesis,  which also had a purple energy around the item(s) he was moving much like his twin, before he turned and jumped into the pool! SPLASH!

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Bernadette’s duplicate reemerged from the building to where the original and others were gathered by the pool. "Found a couple stragglers inside." She announced as she went back over to the lounge chair she had been sitting at before. Iris and Daniel emerged shortly after the duplicate.


"Be a shame not ta enjoy the warm weather." Stated the original Bernadette from the chair she was laying on, glancing over to the twins with a smile, having been fully aware her duplicate had run into them inside. "I imagine you remember Owain, in case you have not met them yet, this is me roommate, Neko, an' another senior, Rosalind. I expect you have met Michael in at least one class." She continued, indicating each in turn.


After Owain had exited the pool, the four duplicates had continued swimming around the large pool, so were rather spaced out when Daniel leapt into the pool with a large splash.

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"Hello." Michael turned his attention from Neko to wave at the twin freshmen who were fairly fresh to his class, but it was a good chance to meet them- or meet them again if he had managed to show up to their introduction-. He stretched a little and waved.


"Yes, I'm Michael Adon, as Bernie says; the world's nosiest Sophmore. It's good to see you show up here;  vacations are a great time to meet all the new students in your class. Because then you don't have to get yelled at for talking in class or whatever. Plus, no one on campus besides Bernie can give an introduction and still not miss a class...trust me, I'm jealous of her for that." he looked over at Bernie and her frolicking clones with mock suspicion as he said that.

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When Michael looked back at Neko, she was sitting up, her yellow eyes shining, her tail thumping vigorously back and forth on the chair behind her. "You have to sing for us before we leave the island," she told him, hands folded beneath her chin. "It would be so epic! If you do sing," she offered, "I bet I could sing with you..."  


Owain meanwhile was cheerfully greeting the twins, happy to see the girl and boy he'd met as part of his duties as chaperone. "Hello!" he said. "Can you believe we crossed the world in an eyeblink? This truly is an age of wonders, is it not?" 


For her part, Neko rose to greet the twins, still smiling with visibly pointy teeth. The twins had heard about the catgirls at Claremont and this one seemed more girl than cat; in many ways a normal Japanese girl of medium height and build, albeit with white and brown-spotted hair that looked like fur on her head, two huge yellow eyes that were almost bigger than a human's could have been, incisors that were just a little too pointy - and of course the ears, pointy and furred, that stuck up above her head, and the tail behind. 


"Hello!" she said, "I am Neko Musume. Owain told me about you," she said, stepping backwards so that she balanced on the metal frame of the chair as she looked down at Iris. Her own book, the Tales of Ise, was still clutched neatly in one hand. "What are you reading?" she asked. 

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Cerebral and Cerebellum 

Daniel could be seen swimming in the book, backstroke, his eyes gazed up at the sky as he heard Michael speak. It had been a few weeks since they had first come to this school, but that did not mean everyone knew them yet. The young man turned to look in Michael's direction, then he focused a little bit and reached out towards the other's mind. 


Michael would hear Daniel's voice in his head. "Nice to meet you man, I'm Daniel and my sister's Iris!" He waved at the other young man before gesturing to Iris, whom seemed to be intereacting with Neko. Both Daniel and Iris looked almost the exact same. Same height, same short brown hair and blue eyes. The only visble difference was their gender...and expressions. Daniel seemed a lot more fun loving compared to the seemingly stoic Iris. 


Daniel then turned towards Owain. "Haha, isn't that the truth?!" This time he was speaking outloud...and with that he splashed the knight with some water. 


Meanwhile Iris just shook her head at her brother'a antics before turning her attention to Neko. "Iris Evans, my brother's Daniel. Nice to meet you Neko." That seemed a bit on the nose for Iris. A catgirl named Neko...yes that tracked. At the mention of her book she would speak. "Oh. I'm reading Dune. What about you?" She noticed there was a book in the other woman's hand. Ever the book lover, Iris was curious.



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"As if there isn' time ta talk with people between classes." Bernadette said with a small smirk as she glanced over to Michael. She then just grinned at his comment about her being able to not miss class while still given tours or doing other things. "It does come in handy." The redhead stated. "If I wasn' able ta have duplicates handle some studyin' while I am out rehearsin' or performin' in shows with me band, I would probably be failin' half me classes."


When Neko began trying to pressure Michael to sing for them at some point during the trip, Bernadette just shook her head slightly as she lay back to look up at the sky.


Meanwhile, in the pool, one of the redhead's duplicates swam up near Daniel, giving him a slight nudge. "Rember I was mentionin' Rosalind durin' yer tour? That is her over there." She said, pointing to another girl sitting in one of the lounge chairs. "Hey, Rosalind!" The duplicate called out. "Have another one that might be interested in joinin' yer next production!" She said, pointing to Daniel.

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Rosalind looked up from her phone at the mention of her name, taking a second to figure out what had been said.



Oh have they exorcised the theater already?” realising how that sounded she added with a smile “Claremont problems right?”



It was weird how quickly she’d adjusted to the weirdness of the school, she was going to miss it when she graduated in the Fall.



It wasn’t as bad as I thought but I’m not sure they’ll want me to direct again. I can put a word in to however doing the next play though, volunteers are always a struggle from my experience.”

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At the sound of someone else's thoughts in his head, Michael did what any normal person would do. He looked around suspiciously before realizing it was coming from the guy in the pool and focused his attention on him. 


"...Y..yeah. Nice to meet you too Daniel, Iris." he said, a little unnerved at the words in his head. He looked back between the twins momentarily, frowning as he did so. Identicial twins, just about. He'd have to be careful about remembering.  He then put his affable personality back on again, starting with Neko.


"I...really don't think it's a good idea for me to sing. I'm pretty sure I'd ruin the vacation if I did, trust me. I'm not even allowed to sing Happy Birthday anymore." he said sheepishly. Then he turned to Bernie


"Oh come on, you know they don't give us near enough time for anything good between classes." He teased. "Plus, you know me, always running around doing something extra. Speaking of that and the theater, I need to finish painting those trees when I get back." He mumbled to himself. When he finished that thought, he switched again, going back to the book discussion.


"I should read more. I did just finish Cradle by Will Wight, it was really good, I couldn't put it down." 

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"Ah yes, Dune," said Neko, now balancing on her toes on the edge of the folding chair's head. "I never read the book," she admitted, "but I saw the movies for my show." Neither of the siblings had seemingly-recognized her as the titular Catgirl of Catgirl Reacts!, but truthfully that was a blessing - not every conversation with one of her fellow students had to be about her new image. "I-awp!" Suddenly the chair collapsed under her with a clatter as Neko fell backwards, briefly thumping onto her butt before rolling up into a sitting position. With an air of injured dignity, she licked the back of her hand before running it through her white and brown hair, not seeming to comment on her tumble. "So," she said, "you and your brother, where are you from?" she asked curiously. "You seem very - calm, about everything." That was only arguably true with what was happening in the pool.

Owain had been about finished, but when faced with this challenge, he responded as any warrior born would. "Oh-hoh! If it's a water war you want, it's a water war you'll get!" He leaped into the water, making a big splash Daniel's way, and then tossed an armful of water at him. "Have at thee!" 

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Cerebral and Cerebellum 


Daniel glanced over at Rosalind with a massive grin on his face. "So you head the theatre?! I would love to audition for any plays or productions you might be scheduling! My name is Daniel, maybe we can talk about- WOAH!" The brother's excited rambling was cut off by water splashing in his face...not that he minded, after all he did start this by splashing Owain. 


"...Alright I'll put that on hold, first...challenge accepted!" The young man grinned and dived under the water before surfacing at a different part of the pool and splashing the knight once more! The arc of water would accidentally fly towards Iris, who moved her book away just in time!


"Watch it Daniel!"




Iris shook her head before returning to Neko..who had just fallen over. She would put a bookmark in her book and put it down before getting up and helping the older girl up. "Oh? We're from Emerald City. You can say we've seen some stuff, very little surprises us these days." That was a lie, but they were good at hiding their surprise. At least Iris was. "What about you?"

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Bernadette looked over at Rosalind with a grin. "I'm shoor no one is blamin' you fer what happened with that." She stated. "I think you should take another shot at directin' again."


At Michael’s response about not having enough time to talk with his fellow students, the redhead gave a small laugh. "You know, maybe if you didn' try ta take on twenty different things at once you might have a bit more time ta just hang out." She said with a bit of a grin.


At the sound of Neko following over, the Irish teen looked in her direction, smirking slightly as her roommate just brushed it off and continued talking to Iris. When the younger girl mentioned her and her brother having seen some stuff, Bernadette replied, "well, Claremont sometimes has a tendency ta throw some wild stuff yer way, so, be ready fer it."


Meanwhile, in the pool, the four duplicates had swum down to the far end of the pool, but seeing all the commotion starting back up between Daniel and Owain, started slowly swimming back toward that end.

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"Yeah, but I can't just stop. I've always gotta be preparing...you never know what's going to happen." He complained to Bernie. Then when Neko fell over, he looked like he wanted to say something; he clearly was about to, but then Neko acted like it hadn't happened, and he didn't want to annoy her, so he just...let it go, leaving her to do...whatever she was doing. Cat Things, apparently. He didn't want to question this. He was going to have to get used to it, probably.


This had gotten very complex, with the book talk and the play and the group going after it in the pool. He really couldn't keep up with all the different things going on without his powers, and he didn't want to use them, so he sat back down in his lounger and stretched out in the sun, content to be quiet for a bit.

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Jonah wandered on in, his duffle still over his shoulder, seeming... overwhelmed, or at least in a way that kept his mouth shut. His blue skin having a silvery sheen, and his breath coming out in puffs of steam, until he entered AC, then it would be a bit more normal. Not that he showed any physical discomfort, and he wandered about shirtless.

He'd have talked to Lawrence, but he seemed busy, and he was pretty sure he could just sneak off to the cliffs, but he was kind of realizing he'd successfully avoided any connections with the rest of the students. Which... fit, but he wasn't super fond of it in hindsight. So he intruded, his big shadow encroaching on a Bernadette, Michael, and the others. "Uh, anyone wanna go up to see those cliffs?" He set his bag down again, as he got close to the water, his expression pensive, or made brooding by heavy brows that knitted together as he tried to work out the best way forward.

His predilection to climbing was known, though he didn't talk about it,there were instances of him in P.E., just killing time, or in the simulator so much that unless someone was brand new to the campus, they would be aware.

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Neko smiled, showing teeth. "I was born in Japan, but I live in the West End." She took a step or two away from the new girl as soon as she could, tail lashing briefly behind her. She'd embarrassed herself and it sounded like Michael was done being played with, which meant she was starting to lose interest in the outdoor party. When Jonah spoke up, she said "Yes, let's go for a hike. These mountains are small, though," she added, wriggling her nose skeptically. "Do you want to come, Owain?" 

Owain gave Daniel another splash and said "Only as a bird. I've had enough tromping in the hills for one lifetime. How about you Daniel, are you man enough for a little trip to the upcountry? It may seem a wasteland," he added, "but one can find some remarkable things so close to nature." 

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Bernadette looked up as Jonah’s shadow fell over her, sighing as the blue skinned teen mentioned going checking out the cliffs on the island and Owain and Neko spoke up about being interested in joining. "Goin' ta make me get dressed again." She muttered as she sat up and looked over toward her roommate. "I'm pretty shoor he means rock climbin'. But, still have ta hike out to 'em." She stated as she reached into her bag and got out her jeans shorts and T-shirt and began to put them back on over her bikini.


"Yeah, I'm game." She replied as she fished around her bag for her cross-trainers. "Well, who's goin'?"

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"Not me." Michael declared as he rolled over. "I'm sitting here until Carmen comes and gets me. Or until I head down and see what my classmates are doing...probably something funny." He decided. "But for now, I'm not moving." He said with absolute resolution as he put his sunglasses on and closed his eyes.

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It was just as Michael would lean back as a certain cat like face would sneak up behind him, moving quietly as she could, walking silently across the ground. He'd notice her presence soon enough, looking down at him with her face eerily close, "Hi Michael~" Carmen said with a smile, hovering over him. Carmen seemed rather chipper at the moment, a far cry from her usual loner self. The cat woman's journey through the forest surrounding the property and across the island had been a fun one, letting herself be free of restraints for awhile as she traversed through it at her will for a while, "Whatcha doin'."

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Michael was trying to sleep! It had gotten very peaceful with him and Rosalind working on their tans and just generally not doing anything stressful. Ease. Relaxation. The calm of nothing at all to do, nothing at all to worry about.


He closed his eyes, breathing out deeply. He opened them again, shifting a bit. He closed them again.


Carmen was way too close to his face. He was definitely surprised, jerking a little in surprise at her being right there before he straightened and try to play it off cool, because he was just going with the flow at this point.  He took a deep breath and slowly said something that he hoped wasn't really stupid to say.


"Looking at the prettiest girl on this island." he said with a lot of bravado and not a lot of real confidence.

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Cerebral and Cerebellum 

At the offer Daniel raised an eyebrow. He had never been rock climbing before! “Sure, sounds fun!” He would reply as he kept swimming in the pool, this time more casually, without too much splashing.


Iris, meanwhile, was a bit concerned. Rock Climbing was dangerous! Daniel could get hurt. As much as she hated outdoor based activities she couldn’t not go. “I’ll go as well.”

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Jonah hoisted up his bag, "I have gear, not enough, so, we wont get going too hard at it, as I don't want anyone hurt." He nodded a little, as he looked at everyone. "Don't worry, I am pretty good at this, and have done retreats and teaching with people who've not done as much as me." He looked at them, radiant a relaxed sort of confidence. "Besides I am a boy scout. So, yanno have some faith." He looked at everyone, and he waived towards cliffs.

"Are any of you outdoors people?"

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La Puma Negra


There was some harmless joy in spooking him a little bit, a side of her that wasn't too usual. Energetic and free, unhindered by the eyes of others, as if alright with herself and now the company that she now currently kept. A new and maybe even improved Carmen for today's world.


The young catwoman would smile at the greeting, moving away so she wasn't so uncomfortably close to his face before taking a seat next to him. She seemed to not see the confidence as an issue and was smitten with the bravado, looking out towards the waves that rocked against the beach and its tide, "The island is super nice. A bit of a climb here and there but nice and lush."

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A gleaming Owain flew overhead, flapping his wings to shake the water from them. "At times!" he called to Jonah, his deep voice particularly odd coming from a large raven. He landed on Neko's shoulder and continued. "Tis better with a horse, I am not fain to travel all that way on foot. Besides, in the air I can have the pleasance of a fine view." He took the opportunity to nibble on one of his own toes. 


For her part, Neko had kicked off her sandals and was stretching out her small furred feet, her pointed toes far apart for a moment. "I grew up in mountains much bigger than those," she told Jonah easily. "I just hope America hasn't made me soft," she added, twitching her tail slightly at the thought. 



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