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Gamma Buzz


"Lawre--- I mean, TImeout!" called Gamma Buzz, alarmed. "I got ya, buddy!"


He jumped into the air, somersaulted twice, and landed in an elegant cockroach-pose right by the feet of the four armed insect creature, his armour plates glowing with green gamma energy.  


"I'm the number one cockroach round here, sucker!" he said. "Get ready to meet the might of the merely magnificent Gamma Buzz!"


With that, he backflipped, and in doing so stuck out his feet, intent on catching the creature with both feet!

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Gamma Buzz landed near the speeding four-armed alien and delivered a powerful punch. The attack caught the alien off-guard and connected solidly with the side of the alien’s chin. The alien was knocked off its feet and sent flying, tumbling a few times across the grass before it came to a stop unconscious. It lay on the ground for a brief moment, before it faded away.


But as one went down, another of the time shades went into action, a fully metallic humanoid cyborg that appeared vaguely female leapt into a portal that tore open in the air next to it. At the same moment, a similar portal appeared behind Gamma Buzz and the cyborg dropped out of it, slashing at the teen hero with a plasma blade that extended out of the wrist of its right arm. The blade cut across Baz's back, sending the teen flying forward a short distance to land in a dazed heap. Meanwhile the cyborg disappeared through another portal that opened just beneath it before it landed on the ground and it was then gone.


Over at the center of the park, Lawrence stepped out from behind Paradigm as he raised his hands once again, sending another pulse of temporal energy that quickly spread across the park and beyond. As before dozens of newly arrived communion drones were struck by the temporal energy as their appearance reverted back to their normal form as time reversed what had been done to them. Three additional members of the Praetroians were returned to their original state as well.


Then another of the times shades went into action, the other cyborg, a male humanoid with two cybernetic arms, that leapt into the air and landed in front of Sever. The humanoid alien was armed with a sword as well, and swung his blade at the teen hero, but Sever was able to bring up his blade to block the attack with a loud *CLANG* as the alien took a step back and went into a guard stance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blue Bolt 


Vueriz ducked with a yelp as Baz went flying, ducking her head so that she couldn't see the damage the plasma blade had done (don't think about it) she needed to focus. The resonating chamber was done, she still needed to expand the battery array and rebuild the barrel so that it could focus the beam rather than just exploding in her hands, although there was still a chance- (don't think about it).


She ducked down to make herself a smaller target while she pried open the barrel, hands trembling slightly as she rerouted wires and unplugged the Meson Generator. She couldn't get this wrong. She tried to calm her breathing as the wires sparked slightly. This had to work.

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As Vueriz continued to work on reconfiguring the Meson Driver to try to breech the barrier of the robed figure, the time shades it had summoned continued to move into action. A tall, thin reptilian humanoid rushed forward, moving rather quickly but not as fast as the insectoid had. As it drew close to Lawrence, it aimed an energy weapon at the teen. But the blast just went wide, as Lawrence just sidestepped with a faint ripple of temporal energy.


Back over near the robed figure, two of the female time shades were next to act. The first was a beautiful woman that appeared human, though with green hair and lavender eyes. Those eyes fixed their gazed on Spaceman, as a blast of golden telekinetic energy rippled out, the powerful shock wave tearing up the grass between them before slamming into the teen.


The other was a female humanoid with short white hair and dull black skin, pointed ears and glowing white eyes. A pair of black, hawklike wings spread out and quickly carried her into the air as she flew up over toward Spaceman. Stopping a couple dozen feet away, she extended her hands to unleash a powerful sonic shockwave at Spaceman. Once again, the powerful attack slammed hard into the blond teen…

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Michael was mostly focused on keeping his little section of the area safe right now. Parker had a decent chunk of his power, so he had to hope that whatever he was still holding onto would be enough to keep the other student safe. Right now, he had his own job to do.


When Some weird drone appeared, shooting blasts at Lawrence, he flew at it, lacking much of his glowing golden aura, he could only fly relatively slowly. He had lost a lot of his actual power, he was tired. But he was going to push through it.


He flew directly at the creature with the energy weapon and landed a solid knee on the creature's face, then turned and kicked it. But it did absolutely nothing to the creature, and only made Michael even more tired, and he was frayed as it was.


"...Okay. Well fine then. I can keep going. No problem."

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  • 3 weeks later...



Parker can't reach the robed figure... not yet, at least. Whatever the others are cooking up, he really hopes that they will be there soon. They can't afford to wait, it will just make everything much worse.


And then they're all around them, even more people in the robed figure's control. Attacking his friends, and attacking him. His gambit to try and distract the bad guy doesn't seem to have worked at all. Great.


He doesn't get much time to react before two of the newcomers with the faded colors attack him. He has no idea who they are. One sends a telekinetic wave of energy towards him, ripping up the ground towards him. Parker is pushed, but steels himself and goes through it. The other with the wings flies up throws her hand out at him. Some kind of sonic attack. He can feel his teeth rattle, as he throws his hands up over his ears to try and block the noise. It isn't enough. He has to stop it.


The noise is making it difficult to concentrate, but he manages to shift his position. Why should he be on the ground in front of the winged woman, when he could be right next to her. His teeth are still rattling as he throws a single punch, which causes a cascade of hits from similar punches to rain down over her, space itself striking her over and over.

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Spaceman landed several hits on the flying woman, slamming her down into the ground. She lay unmoving for a moment before fading away.


Then another of the recent summoned figures went into motion, a cat-like humanoid that rushed over towards Golden Star. The large muscular male felinoid snarled at Michael as it slashed at him with its claws, but the teen was just able to dodge aside.


Back over towards the center of the park, Paradigm looked over at one of the recently restored Praetorians, the hulking eight foot reptilian figure that she had restrained while it was still a Communion drone. Speaking to it in a language no one present understood, she pointed over towards Lawrence, the flew over to engage some of the new enemies. The Praetorian flew down to attack the felinoid that had attacked Golden Star, but the agile figure was able to dodge her attack with ease.


Meanwhile, the eight-foot-tall reptilian Praetorian moved over to stand near Lawrence and Mizuki, taking up a defensive position near them, looking around for any potential threats….

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As some of teens' new allies go into action, more of the time shades began to act. First, an eight-foot-tall hairless humanoid with a wiry frame and light grey flesh (that seemed even more faded than the others), moved forward, a large club of some sort of glowing yellow energy appearing in its hands. Moving toward Spaceman, it raised on hand as walls of the same glowing yellow energy began to form around the teen, trying to trap him.


Meanwhile a short squat humanoid moved over towards where Rot was flying in the air, sending a blast of energy up at the teen that struck her, but did not seem to harm her. The teen returned the attack, the short humanoid just dodging aside.


A female time shade, who looked almost human suddenly was covered in rocky plates as she took several running steps forward and leapt into the air, easily covering the distance between her and the area near Lawrence and the others. Landing hard on the ground, her feet sunk into the ground a fair distance, as she pulled herself free, focusing on Lawrence.

As she did so, the large reptilian Praetorian stepped forward, swinging his ten foot long tail that ended in a spiked ball at the female opponent. However, she brought up one rocky arm and deflected the attack harmlessly away and took a couple more steps forward…

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Torpedo Lass II


What the stone woman didn't see what TL start to bob and weave as she was waiting for just the right moment. And it came. When she deflected the Ankylosaur-like hero's attack she was off balance for a split second.


Her eyes glowed phosphorescent blue along with her fists, and it was like her fists and arms were overclocked, and she unleashed a barrage of punches, right below the rock-woman's armpits, chiseling away at her stone until she hit paydirt, eventually striking her with such ferocity that there was nothing left to do... The stone woman fell, and TL quickly did a arm-cocking like motion like she was reloading...


"Hoooo boy, boutta make a name for my self here!" She shouted, grinning. "GG, NEXT."

Edited by The Sailor
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sever sped past his armed opponent, running a literal circle around them before jumping up and over, bringing his sword down on top of his opponent.


As he crossed over to land where he had been before, however, his opponent blocked his attack.


Sever landed where he had been before, and cursed under his breath.

He was trying to keep his head straight and focus on one enemy at a time. This entire thing was so far above his head that he barely understood where he was or what he was doing. But there was another guy with a sword, and fate decreed they must fight.

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Torpedo Lass' attacks slammed into the side of the stone woman, causing her to stagger a step back before the collapsed to the ground unconscious, her form reverting back to normal.


Meanwhile, Sever tried to circle his opponent, trying to get him off guard. But the cybernetic humanoid did not seem fooled, and when the teen launched his attack, was easily able to block it and prepare himself to counter.


Over near the mysterious robed figure, the glowing energy cube that sprung up around Spaceman completely trapped the teen within, as the large alien figure moved towards the energy construct. Not far away, another humanoid alien dressed in what appeared to be a trench coat, took to the air and flew towards the center of the park. As the figure drew close, the raised one hand that crackled with electricity before shooting a bolt of lightning towards Lawrence.


However, the large reptilian alien stepped in the path of the bolt, which slammed into him and caused a slight grunt, but the Praetorian seemed little the worse for wear.


Back near the robed figure, another of the time shades moved forwards some, close part of the distance between where the cube of energy was now formed Spaceman. Coming to a halt, the alien sent a blast of psychic energy at Paradigm. The Praetorian leader seemed to tense slightly at the psychic attack, but otherwise did not seem affected.


Then a blur of yellow zipped over near the psychic time shade, as Velocity sped by, trying to land a supersonic punch. *CRACK* But the speedsters timing was off, and she missed with the attack, as she sped away and looped back over near the center of the park.

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Gamma Buzz


Feeling like he had gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson, Baz shook his head. This wasn't at all like training. His head felt like it was in eight places at once... and not in a good way. 


His unfocussed and blurred vision slid to the sight of Lawrence getting blasted by lightning. Or at least maybe blasted. He couldnt quite process all the data. The sight of his budy getting shot at was enough to give him a bit of focus. 


"Hands off my buddy, mister... or misses... or thing..." he couldn't really make sense of the haze. But the concern for Lawrence brought some steel to his head. 


And more than steel. A blast of deadly non-lethal GAMMA LASER streamed for his eyes, bullseying the lightning throwing villain!

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The green beam of energy from Gamma Buzz slammed into the side of the flying time shade, sending it reeling through the air for a moment before it disappeared as if it had not been there. But the radioactive hero had little time to celebrate his victory when another tear in space appeared beside him and the fully cyborg time shade leapt out, slashing once more with a plasma blade that bit into Gamma's side. The cyborg then disappeared through another tear in space hovering above the ground, which closed up behind it.


Over where he was standing near Mizuki and the massive reptilian Pretorian, Lawerence took a moment to scan the area around him once more before letting loose another powerful pulse of temporal energy. As with the last few waves of temporal energy, it washed harmlessly over his friends and the time shades, but slammed into the communion drones that were with the large area of the burst. The two remaining Praetorians that had been turned to communion drones were finally restored to their original state. Dozens of other drones within the burst were also returned to normal. There was now a small army of Lor, Khanate and Grue soldiers, plus numerous other alien species, that turned to engage any remaining communion drones.


Meanwhile, Sever's duel with the time shade with the cybernetic arms continued. Having blocked Sever's attack, the alien stepped to one side and the lunged forward, slashing with his sword and getting past the teen's guard….

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Blue Bolt 


Vueriz was panting slightly as she worked to make the last adjustments to the Meson Driver, her hands shaking with fear and adrenaline. The Gamma Resonance Chamber was affixed to start of the barrel, aligned to receive an extra kick from the Meson Generator. A mess of wires led from the expanded battery pack to both parts. Now she just needed to make sure the magnetic containment on the barrel was just right, or instead of a beam she had just made a bomb. Which she would be at ground zero for.


(Don't think about it.)


With a triumphant and panicky cry she connected the last component, the modified Meson Driver lighting up, flashes of blue and green pulsing up the barrel. It was ready, it just needed it's charge and to be aimed at the target for whom it was destined. "IT'S READY! Timeout! Spaceman! His shield is dispersing incoming energy throughout time and space! I need you two to try lock it down and keep it from doing that! Golden Star, Gamma Buzz I need you two to give the initial charge for the Driver, it can't generate as much power as you two but it can amplify yours! I don't think I'll get more than one shot, but if it works it should crack through his shield!"

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As Vureiz looked up from her finished work and called out to the others she needed to be part of the combined effort, she realized that Spaceman was nowhere to be seen. Where she had recalled him last being located was now a large cube of glowing energy that appeared to have been put up around him.


Meanwhile, the reptilian time shade speed back over towards the center of the park where many of the teenage heroes were gathered. As it approached, it fired a quick shot from its energy pistol at Lawernce. But once again the time shade's aim was off and the blast passed harmlessly by the English teen.


The human looking time shade that had hit Spaceman with a telekinetic attack turned away now that the teen was trapped in the energy construct before taking to the air carried by telekinetic power. As she approached the center of the park, the time shade sent a telekinetic blast toward Michael, however the attack was poorly aimed as well, blasting a shallow ditch across the grass next to Michael, but not striking the teen at all.

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(Golden Star Post)


"Ah! Hey!" Michael complained as the blast missed him, halfway between him looking around for Baz and Parker.


"OH! You've got Spaceman in your stupid bubble too!" He yelled in frustration. "Fine!" 


He didn't really want to do it, but he needed his own power back before he could help anyone else, so he had to do that; compressing instead of giving, until most of it was back where it should be, sitting in his chest like the core of the sun. He shot off surprisingly fast towards the telekinetic, a streak of crimson instead of gold. When he got closer to the telekinetic, instead of hitting them head on, he suddenly diverted, swinging a sharp turn to the right, then a left, and another left, so he was coming at the shade from behind with both feet to try and kick her directly into the ground. 


"Well if I knock you out, I'll get rid of that bubble, right!?"

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Parker smiles with grim determination as the shade he had counter attacked fades from view. He managed to something right, at least.


He doesn't really have much time to celebrate before he finds an energy maze stretching out all around him, a three dimensional glowing yellow construct that, at least from what he can see, goes on forever. 


Parker just stares for a moment, all the time he can afford. He doesn't have time to navigate something like this. He has to help his friends. He has to focus his senses. Find a way out. How far it stretches. Where the attacker is and...


There. Contact.


Parker changes his position, appearing behind the time shade and starts raining blows down on them, one punch becoming multiple, even if they seem to have little effect.

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The towering alien time shade took the hits from Spaceman with seemingly minimal effect, turning towards the teen as it raised a glowing energy hammer.

Meanwhile, closer toward the center of the park, the cat-like alien time shade turned toward Paradigm and leapt at the Praetorian leader, slashing at her with its claws. While the attack hit, racking across her midsection, there was no apparent affect as Paradigm did not even flinch under the attack.


The purple and black haired alien quickly swung a counter-punch, hitting the time shade with a solid hit. However, while the time shade stumbled back slightly, it managed to twist away from the hit just enough that it caused only minimal damage and the cat-like alien remained in the fight.

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Torpedo Lass


Mizuki heard Vueriz's plan and grunted... Lawrence was right here... she couldn't...


She looked over at the reptilian Praetorian. "Cover Lawrence, big guy. We're gonna finish this fight."


TL lept over to Baz. "Hey buddy, still alive? V needs your aid with her anti-doomsday weapon. She needs Spaceman too, so he's probably in route."



Edited by The Sailor
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The towering time shade turned after taking several hits by Spaceman with seemingly little effect. The hulking alien swung a energy hammer at the teen, but Spaceman was able to duck underneath the swing so it passed harmlessly over his head.


Back over towards the center of the park, whether or not the hulking Praetorian understood Torpedo Lass was unclear. But the reptilian alien turned slightly to scan the area around him. Noting no immediate threats, he took a few steps back to be closer to Lawernce and seemed to prepare himself for the next threat to appear….

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Sever needed to train. He needed to train and practice. He needed to get stronger, faster, and better with his sword. As it was, he felt like he was aimlessly flailing, with no real success.

This guy was easily tearing his offense apart. Nothing was working. 

If he managed to survive this, he'd double down.

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Over near where Spaceman was fighting one of the time shades, one of the Praetorians flew over and began a psychic battle with the time shade that had been unleashing psychic attacks at several of the heroes. The two mentalists were soon locked in a telepathic struggle, focused on each other and paying little heed to anything else around them.


Velocity speed across the heavily damaged park, rushing up to the reptilian time shade that had been trying to shoot Lawrence.



The teenage speedster delivered a solid supersonic punch that knocked the time shade off its feet, sending it crashing to the ground where it then disappeared. 

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Gamma Buzz


With all the whizzing super speed, Baltazar found it hard to keep up with what was happening, even with his amazing cockroach-reflexes. 


His head spun left, spun right, and his antennae trembled. 


How could anything be so fast?


It was befuddling. 


"Spaceman. Plan. Powers. Got it!" he said, putting up a cockroach thumb to Torpedo Lass. "Clear as mud on a moonless night. And thanks to my amazing cockoach-intelligence, I cockroach-understand exactly what is going on, and what to do!"

His antennae twitched. 


"Look, don't tell the others but I dont have a clue what is happening. But if you need me, I am there. So grab me, point me, and I'll release a gamma blast like you never saw!"

Edited by Supercape
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As Baz and Mizuki prepared to join in executing Vueriz's plan, a six-foot-tall humanoid landed near the pair. He had hardened, callous hairless greenish-blue skin, with lean muscle and bony ridges. The figures sunken yellow eyes regarded the two for a moment then glanced about. Even as it did, a tear opened in the air above the two teens, the cyborg time shade that had been attacking Baz leaping out of it towards the cockroach kid.

But then the green-blue alien intercepted the cyborg, kicking it out of the sky and sending it to the ground nearby. Landing between the two teens and the cyborg, the alien stayed focused on the cyborg, waiting for it to get to its feet.


Over by Michael, two of the Praetorians flew over towards the teen. One a humanoid moth, with gossamer wings that kept it aloft (who Michael recognized as Moon-Moth), the other a hairless male humanoid with dark green skin dressed in a black and blue bodysuit. As they arrived, the two Praetorians engaged the female time shade that had been trying to attack Michael, forcing her back and putting themselves between the teen and the simulacrum.


In another part of the park, after deflecting Ryan's attack, the sword wielding cyborg launched a counterattack towards the teen. Then suddenly a powerfully built, human-looking woman dressed in a formal blue and white uniform landed in front of Ryan, easily blocking the sword wielding time shade's attack with a sword of her own, pushing the attack side and causing the time shade to recover and reassess the situation.


As Parker ducked underneath the attack, the grey skinned time shade was readying itself for another attack, when an over eight-foot figure appeared between Parker and the time shade. Dressed in white armor, the female humanoid had a powerful built frame, easily allowing her to raise the almost seven-foot-long grey kite shield in front of her as she shielded Parker from the time shade.


Then a temporal distortion appeared near Parker, as Lawrence materialized. "Hey, got the full calvary returned to normal." He stated with a nod toward the large Praetorian engaging with the time shade.

"Blue Bolt has a plan to deal with the one behind all this. It starts with you and I combining our powers to try to weaken its temporal forcefield." The blond teen continued, turning to look at the dark robed figure hovering near by as he raised one hand to prepare to launch the opening attack….

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(Golden Star)


"Thanks Moon Moth!" Michael said to the Moth-y Hero with a wave. "...Well I guess you don't know who I am or why I'd know that. So don't worry about that. Anything thanks for the save! Going to go handle this problem now!" he said, turning around and flying back to Vueriz and her gadget quickly.


"Okay, I guess everyone's ready, so here, let me give you what I got." he said, rubbing his hands together like he was trying to make a spark. His golden light surged around him, then down into his hands, until he was holding the entirety of his star in his hands before holding it out towards the machine, sending whatever power he still had directly into the machine. "Alright, here you go, Vueriz! That's basically...all I got. So hopefully you don't have to make another one!"

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