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Ducking under the blow, Parker glares at the time shade. He can't be held up here, he has a job to do. He has to stop it now and... then the large woman appears with the shield, blocking a blow. He blinks once, stares and then Lawrence is there.


"Good. I don't know how long I could keep up trying to distract the guy in the robe. He didn't really seem to care about me at all." Which honestly made sense, if the bad guy did all this to get at Lawrence, but still, Parker would have liked to do more.


He nods at Vueritz' plan. He had listened to hear before, but sounds like she is finally reading. Good. He's just about done. He has no idea how much more energy he has to give.


The already intense black crackle that are rising around intensifies, his entire body beginning to appear as if it is dissolving, as he tries to push his power as far as he can. He looks towards the bad guy in the robe and nods at Lawrence.


"Alright. Let's go."

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Torpedo Lass II


Mizuki wasted no time in scooping up Baz and arriving at the device. "Alright Baz... give that doohickey everything you got!" She said, setting him down.


Mizuki charged up a ball of energy itself and it slung into what counted as a receptacle to the device, making it glow a bright bluish green for a moment... She slumped to her knees. She put everything she had into that one... "Time to give that jerk what for!"

Edited by The Sailor
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Gamma Buzz


"You aim true, my marine friend! Almost as if you had Cockroach agility!" said Baz, giving two thumbs up.


"Right then..."

He tensed, summoning up all the gamma energy in his body, forcing it from his veins, his beating heart, his twisted intestines, up, through, into his eyes.


"GAMMA BUZZ, BABY!" he yelled.


Every ounce of available energy, and perhaps something more - derived from sheer will - was put into a blinding blast of green gamma laser, shooting straight forward!



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The golden energy from Michael lit up the jury-rigged device in Vueriz's hands and was quickly followed up by a volatile ball of energy from Mizuki and the green gamma radiation from Baz. Vueriz could feel her device vibrating in her hands from the combined energies that had overcharged it. She was uncertain how long the hastily adjusted systems could handle all the combined energy, hopeful she would be able to use it soon….


A short distance away, Lawrence and Parker both turned and focused on the black robed figure, black crackling energy surrounded Parker, while Lawrence was almost hidden behind a temporal distortion as he began drawing fully on his power. Then suddenly both released their power at once, aimed at the robed figure. There was an explosion of crackling black energy that seemed to fluctuate in time, surrounded by temporal distortions. In front of the dark figure, the combined energy seemed to reverberate across a temporal barrier, dancing across it as it seemed to try to pull apart the barrier. While the two teen’s combined power did not breach the barrier, it certainly seemed to be weaking it in preparation for Vueriz's device…

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Blue Bolt


Vueriz watched with relief as Michael's power was pulled into the energy capture vent, and Mizuki carried Baz towards her. This was going to work. It had to. Then Mizuki sent one of her phosphorescent spheres into the vent at the same time as Baz's energy beams.


That, she hadn't planned for.


Her eyes widened as the modified Meson Driver thrummed as it amplified the energy within again and again. Light began to shine through the thinnest parts of the metal and the whole contraption started heating. It was going to have to be fired soon, or else it would explode in her hands.


(Don't think about it.)


Refocusing, she looked up as Lawrence and Parker focused their efforts on the shield, and she could see the barrier struggling against their combined power over the space-time continuum. But on their own they would not succeed.


Wordlessly she cried out as she aimed the glowing Meson Driver, blue, green and gold shining through the advanced metals as arcs of power jumped from it. Vueriz didn't even remember aiming. She could feel the building heat on her hands as she pulled the trigger and the tripartite beam leapt forth in a nearly blinding flash across the entire light spectrum. Vueriz desperately wanted to close her eyes, the light searing at them at the same time as her weapon seared at her hands. The beam was still continuing as the first splash of molten metal from her hasty upgrades hit the ground, heat poured off it into the surrounding air while the beam drilled into the barrier.


Almost as suddenly as it began, the beam cut out. Melted pieces of the Meson Driver sloughed to the ground as the Zirtimzara collapsed to her knees again, staring at the enemy before her, looking to see if her efforts had worked.

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The tri-colored beam of energy erupted from the heavily modified Meson Driver, streaking across the park towards the massive temporal distortion erupting around the robed figure. The bright beam of energy drew the attention of nearly everyone around the park.


The beam struck the temporal barrier at the point where Lawrence and Parker's powers had been focused, resulting in an explosion of the various combined energies. The air shimmered with temporal distortions and the black crackle of Parker's powers as the multi-colored shockwave spread.


When the bright flash of the explosion had subsided, the dark robed figured could be seen slamming to the ground some thirty feet behind where it had been hovering. Around it the temporal barrier that had been protecting it could be seen shattering under the combined attack.


But even as the figure pushed itself back up and began to rise, many of the heroes scattered about the park took the opening to target the being behind everything. From one side, Captain Thunder (hovering in the air and healed by Lady Liberty) unleased a powerful lightning bolt at the figure. At the same time, Deadalus, Lady Liberty, Siren and Star Knight similarly unleashed ranged attacks of various energies. From the other side, Paradigm had risen higher in the air, as beams of bright energy erupted from her eyes towards the robed figure. Several of the other Praetorians joined their leader in targeting the robed figure, as Traveller, Moon-Moth, Magnetar and Dragonoid unleased magnetic, fire and magical blasts.


The varied energies slammed into the robed figure almost simultaneously, resulting in another massive explosion. When the flash and smoke cleared, there was a large crater in the ground, the robed figure lying at the center. No…I…I…was….so….close. It stated weakly. You…re…friends….are…still…doomed. It added, before ripples of temporal energy washed over it and the figure was reduced to dust that swirled in several directions before vanishing as well.


Around the park, the remaining time shades of the Crime League and the aliens that the figure had summoned vanished. High up in the sky, massive temporal distortions could be seen as the invisible barrier that Lawrence had sensed began to collapse.

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Gamma Buzz


Baltazar felt exhausted, depleted, like the last embers of a barbeque (a radioactive barbeque with uranium coals of course). 


"Errrr.... did that work?" he asked, forcing his eyes up to the sky. It looked more vivid, more strange than he could comprehend. 


"That looks weird. I mean... obviously I completely understand the quantum blahblah effects of the spacetime thingy. But perhaps someone else could explain it to help all the others understand it? And perhaps whether it is a good thing, or a bad thing, or a really really bad thing that I don't want to hear about if it is. In fact, if it is a really really bad thing then dont tell me, just give me a bunch of cherrypop lollipops and tell me its all going to be ok and the la-de-da faries are going to whisk us all away to a playground where we can play computer games all day..."


His eyes turned to Lawrence. 


"Lawrence, you are almost as clever as me! You explain it all! In language the others will understand.... obviously I will understand anything you say, but its for the others benefit!"

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(Golden Star)


Michael had put all the energy he could into the thing without him being concerned it was going to explode. He'd given Parker a boost, he'd punched a mummy, he'd dealt with a bunch of drones, he'd (helped, a little) wrestle Paradigm to the ground.


If there was anything left in his battery, it was a flickering, half dead ember of a burnt out flame, clasped to his chest in a raging storm. If he even had the energy left to walk he'd be surprised at himself

He wasn't sure if they'd won, but the time person was done for now? It seemed. They'd managed to break through and then the big heroes had blown him to dust? It seemed like it, at least. Not that that meant they were gone...maybe they'd just come back. But for now it seemed like it was safe, the shades gone. So he ignored how tired he was and all the bruises and injuries and how little he had left to stand up and survey the area.


"...Is everyone okay? No one's too badly hurt or something are they? Let's try and make sure everyone's accounted for if we can." He said with an even smile. But he himself didn't move just yet, concerned if he tried to take a step he'd stumble or maybe fall over entirely, and completely fail to live up to the image he wanted to set. He wasn't sure how Parker and Lawrence were doing, but he was almost certain they'd be fine, and probably totally cool and confident. And he couldn't be that far behind. He wouldn't be that far behind. He needed to be strong too.


"If someone's hurt, let's try to get them gathered up."

Edited by Poncho
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Torpedo Lass


Mizuki got back to her feet, catching her breath as she felt her reserves starting to be replenished. Her eyes now having just a faint greenish phosphorescence to them. "Yeah, I'm alright."


She looked up at the weakening temporal field. "Seems things are about to get interesting again shortly... that field that robed jerk had up looks like it's had it's last gasp. if we end up back in our own time here's hoping we got our smart phones working so we can make sure we all made it back safe and sound." Still looking up she gulped. "But I'm totally hoping I'm just being pessimistic."



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Parker has never felt like this before. Never used his power like this. Never used that much. He almost feels like he is starting to disappear into the black crackling energy that keeps bubbling off him. But he keeps pushing. They need time and space to do this. To give Vueriz's machine a chance to break through. 


And then...


She does it. Vueriz breaks the barrier. Exhausted, Parker drops to his knees. He doesn't have anything more to give. At least he doesn't have to. All the past heroes, everyone, they just pile on and in moments, the robed figure is gone. 


The black crackle dissipates around Parker, just a few bubbles continuing to flow from his hands. 


Grunting with some effort, he climbs back up. He is clearly looking worse than any of the others have seen him before. 


"The barrier's going down, Baz," he explains. He can feel it disappearing, feel the distance to it eroding, going away. "Any idea what that's going to do, Lawrence? Break down this place?"

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After the combined firepower of members of the past Freedom League and members of the Praetorians dealt with the robed entity, Lawrence had looked to the sky along with the others. The blond haired teen tapped into his cosmic senses, his eyes going completely blue and glowing with energy.


"Yes, the temporal barrier I sensed around the city is collapsing, so nothing is blocking me from getting us out of here any longer." He replied. "But as for the rest….that is harder to say. At the moment, the timeline appears to be stable, but that does not mean that the entity could not just shut it down once we are gone." His eyes began to return to normal as he looked back over to his friends. "I am not entirely sure what this timeline consists of. It could just be this city, or the state, or Earth, or a fully complete alternate timeline. I cannot even say for certain what its connection to the normal space-time continuum is."


Lawrence let out a small sigh. "We cannot stay here. But, I am worried about taking us back without at least first trying to locate the timeline the others have been placed in. If we are outside the space-time continuum, then they would be as well. We might have a better chance of locating them here than going back to our timeline."

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Gamma Buzz


"Exactly," said a wilted Baltazar. "That's exactly it, I am sure of it.... well done, Timeout old buddy!"


He gave two thumbs up. 


"And, errr, how are we going to locate the timeline the others are in? I mean, can you do that?"


He looked around. 


"Can any of us do that?"


A final thought struck him. 


"And who was that guy? and why did he want you? Collapse?"

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(Golden Star)


"Right." Michael was suddenly serious again, turning to Lawrence. "Please, we need to find the others before we try to get out of here. We can't just lose or abandon the others." he agreed. He was thinking of Carmen, but it was the same for all the other students as well, he didn't want to abandon any of them. 


What could they do to help this timline? This little splintered off segment of the world that they didn't belong in, from a time before they were born or whatever. If they even existed in this timline. They weren't strong enough to save this place if the assembled heroes couldn't, and outside of Parker and Lawerence, this seemed pretty far outside of the comfort zone of most of the others.


"I don't know anything about this specific timeline or whatever, but, well...I trust Paradigm and the Freedom League to manage to protect it. We should focus on protecting our own friends and timeline, and getting back to it."

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