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As the massive robot powered down and the last Omegadrone in the area fell, a moment of quiet seemed to fall over the area. The police were still getting civilians out of the nearby buildings and down into the sewers through the opening Owain had made and towards safety. And the sounds of explosions could still be heard in the distance, primarily from the downtown area where dozens (if not hundreds) of small figures could be seen flying through the skies above the city.


Archer moved forward and over to where Kesmit had landed the sky-cycle she was piloting. "If you all want to run, you can." He stated, glancing over towards the teens. "But we need to stop just reacting, and start picking our targets and striking." He glanced over towards the city. "As long as the portals are open and allowing more of these troops in, we will constantly be on the defensive. We need to find a way to shut down those portals."


Turning, his gaze swept over the members of FORCE Ops before focusing back on the Claremont teens. "We are going to go and see if we can find a way to shut those down. You all are a lot more capable than I would have expected at your age, we could certainly use your help."


Bernadette glanced over towards the others, hesitant for a moment. But before she could speak, a tall figure rouse up behind her duplicate and in a quick movement plunged an energy sword into the duplicate’s back. The duplicate arched slightly as she let out a brief cry of pain that was cut off as the end of the energy blade pierced out the front of her chest. The original Bernadette’s body went tense, and she staggered a step, almost as if she had been hit herself.


In a swift motion, the figure pulled the blade free and the duplicate collapsed lifelessly to the ground and then disappeared. The figure was a six-foot-tall woman wearing a long red military style coat with gold braid and brown, thigh high leather boots. She had long raven hair that flowed out of a golden helmet that covered her face. Taking a step forward, she pointed her energy sword at the original Bernadette. "Will you disappear as well when I cut out your heart?"


"Kill them all!" She yelled as six Omegadrones in black armor flew into view, followed by a number of normal Omegadrones.

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El Gato hissed at the woman that had managed to sneak up on the group, leaping at the Annihilst as she slashed with her claws. The tall dark haired woman was caught slightly off guard by the sudden attack, El Gato’s claws slashing across her side. While they drew blood, they seemed not much more than a minor wound to the masked woman.


Meanwhile Kismet leveled her assault rife at one of the Omegadrones in black armor and fired a burst at it. Several of the bullets hit, but they all bounced off the heavily armored foe to no apparent effect. That drone then flew over towards El Gato, stabbing at her with its power pike, but the cat-woman easily ducked under the attack.

Another of the black clad Omegadrones flew near Starshine, firing a blast of energy at the teen from its power pike. However the blast missed the target, as Starshine dodged to one side.

Meanwhile Bernadette ducked under an attack from another of the black armored Omegadroens, while Owaine similarly dodege and attack aimed at him


But a blast of energy from yet another struck Archer in the upper shoulder, knocking the bow wielding hero to the ground as it dazed him. Another blast managed to strike Daniel in the side as well as a black armored Omegadrone flew overhead.

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"Bernadette!!" Iris cried out, despite all this chaos around her, she would witness the other losing her clone and the pain it seemed to shoot through her. This older girl was the first actual friend both Iris and Daniel had made in the school...arguably the first they had made in Freedom City. Because of this protective rage flowed through her veins.


She would pop out from behind her cover and point towards the tall woman that had done the dreaded deed, and extremely faint bolts shot from her forehead and towards the villainess'. She would be able to feel something trying to harm her mind but she pushes through it unharmed.


Upon Iris realising this, she clutches the pike she stole close to her before running and ducking behind a destoryed car. 

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The  Annihlist managed to shake off the mental blast, briefly glancing over towards Iris before focusing her gaze back on Bernadette. The tall woman rushed toward the redhead, swinging her sword as she closed. The broad form of Bruiser suddenly stepped into the Annihlist's path, blocking her from reaching Bernadette.

Martinet's glowing sword slashed across the hulking man’s chest, sending a small spray of blood as it cut him and sent him falling back to the ground, dazed and injured from the attack. The Annihilist brought her sword back into a ready position as she refocused back on Bernadette, waiting to see what the redhead did in response.

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Something was wrong, well everything was wrong what with all these Omegadrone flying around, but things felt off. Maybe it was all the power she was challenging, and apparently, more fighting was coming.


Normally she'd wait until they attack, but a freakin' invasion most definitely counted as the worse kind of attack you could get. So charing up her powers again, causing her to glow like a mini star, as she fired off a burst of light energy towards the leading drone. They looked tougher, but her attack seemed to cause some damage, hopefully it would be enough for now.

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Bernadette watched as Bruiser took a hit intended for her, getting knocked to the ground as he was cut by the Annihilist's blade. While hurt, the powerhouse seemed to still be in the fight as the redhead gritted her teeth and focused on the tall sword-wielding woman.

Up in the air, Startshine's attack hit one of the black armored Omegadrones, causing it some damage, but not enough to slow it down at the moment.


As Bernadette rushed towards Madrigal Martinet, nearly a dozen of her duplicates popped into existence, a couple moving towards the Annihilist, spreading around her and briefly drawing her attention. The others spread out to attack the three black armored Omegadrones that were either on the ground or close to the ground attacking people.

All of Bernadette's duplicates managed to hit the Omegadrones they attacked. Two were hurt, but otherwise remained on their feet similar to the drone attacked by Starshine. However the third was knocked to the ground by the force of the attack of that duplicate, dazed, at least for the moment.

The Irish teen herself attacked Martinet, landing a solid blow into the taller woman’s stomach. While the powerful punch caused the Annihilist to flinch back in pain, she stood back upright as she looked down at Bernadette. "You are indeed much stronger than you look. But I have fought and defeated stronger."

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La Puma Negra


The more the group stayed here in this time the more precarious their situation occurred as now a major super villainess had arrived to continue the reign of terror and put an end to Force Works and their resistance to the Terminus invasion as major threat to their plans. Puma and her compatriots being there meant that they in effect were tampering with the events of what transpired that day with each passing second. However, if they were going to survive, they had to fight, and Puma did that well enough.


With a battle cry of sorts, she charged and pounced at the Elite Omega drone with a claw swipe. It imbeds in good but does no damage, growling as she saw that it had no effect whatsoever. Taking out these drones meant they wouldn't be taking potshots at her friends dealing with Martinet, the fewer the better.

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Neko Musume 


Wondering if she would ever be free of war, Neko made a declaration, holding her lunar necklace high. "<He comes! Gashi gashi HE COMES!>" 


That was the thing about war, you see. Wars make people dead, and the dead remember. Power crackled from her necklace and across her body, then into the air, taking an unholy form as the air around them rattled with the groans and cries of the unquiet dead - of which there were now a great many. Was Bernadette's soul among them? It was hard to tell. Still standing by the manhole cover she and Owain had pulled open for the benefit of any fleeing refugees, Neko laughed in a high kekekeke sound as a gigantic, building-sized skeleton formed above her, its bones dripping with rotting flesh, its teeth rattling in its gigantic head. 


"<Give me flesh!>" it bellowed in Japanese, towering as high as the nearby wrecked buildings, the biggest moving thing visible to anyone. Familiar with this plan, Owain went on the defense, running around and around Neko in an anxious circle. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

With a roar, the giant skeleton closed on Martinet with a few powerful strides of its gigantic limbs. When it struck, it was with no great accuracy; throwing down a fist larger than a man as it sought to scoop up the Annihilist. It was like watching part of a building collapse, if it was a building the size of a skeleton. The strike knocked the conqueror to their knees, sending a shower of debris flying like a shotgun blast of concrete. 

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The living lightning that was Network watched the giant skeleton form and then proceed to attack the Annihilist. "Nice one." He commented to Neko before looking up at some of the other threats facing the group. There were several of the red colored Omegadrones closing in as sell, and Network took to the air as he flew up and sent a bolt of electricity arcing through the air. The blast caught four of the approaching Omegadrones, three of which seized up and then dropped out of the sky, their armor blackened in multiple spots from the damage. The fourth managed to take the hit and remain in the sky.


Further down the block, the more than a dozen Omegadrones that had been caught in Neko's illusion were suddenly freed as she shifted her power to summoning the giant skeleton. Turing back towards where the Claremont students and Force Ops were battling, the armored figures flew back toward the fighting, swarming into the area.


A number of the Omegadrones focused on the giant skeleton, blasting at it with their forcepikes. Most managed to land attacks on the massive foe, though whether or not they would be effective was another matter.


Other Omegadones focused on the various heroes, some diving down to engage in melee with them, while others simply fired energy blasts from their forcepikes. El Gato and La Puma both managed to dodge the attacks of Omegadrones that flew down to try to stab them. When a drone flew over to try to impale Neko, Owain was there, a blur of fur that distracted the drone and made its attack miss. Network dodged two energy blasts aimed his way.


However, Starshine was hit by a blast from one of the flying Omegadrones. While another dove down and stabbed its weapon into Bruiser's back as the large hero was just trying to get back to his feet. The weapon pierced deep, driving Bruiser back down into he pavement as he let out a yell of pain.

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Daniel was having a small mental breakdown from everything happening at once. He needed to oreitate himself and figure out what he could do. The male twin took a few deep breaths before looking out from behind his cover...only too see the massive amount of Omegadrones heading in their direction! 


He knew he could start destroying those before they swarmed him! So he would concentrate on one of them, sending out a mind blast at it and forcing it to fall out of the sky!

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  • 2 weeks later...



As several of the Omegadrones swarmed around the giant Neko had summoned. While it was hit several times, on one of the attacks seemed to have any effect, but one that was hardly slowed the giant down. Starshine took a hit from one of the Omegadrones, injuring her, but not putting her out of the fight yet.


While all of this was going on, a figure in a tattered black robe had appeared on the roof of a nearby building, watching the chaotic scene below impassively.


On the street below, El Gato slashed the red Omegadrone that had attacked her, dropping it easily. But just as she did so, she had to dodge away from the attack of one of the black armored Omegadrones, flipping away from the attacker and landing on the hood of a damaged car.


Kismet fired another burst from her assault rifle, dropping another Omegadrone, while more of the black armored ones continued to press the attack. One dove down to the ground where Bruiser was just clearing his head after being struck by the Annihilist, trying to impale him with its forcepike. The musclebound member of Force Ops barely managed to roll to the side to avoid the attack.


Two of the black armored Omegadrones joined in the attacks on Neko’s summoned giant, both flying up to stab the giant. The one that had previously hit Daniel fired an energy blast at the teen once more, slamming into his forcefield. The last managed to regain its bearings, after having been knocked to the ground by Bernadette.

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Much like her twin, Iris was slowly breaking down mentally. There was just too much chaos, and her normal orderly brain couldn't handle it. At least that was until she heard her brother cry out in pain as he was hit! 

That's what caused her to snap into focus right then and there, not only did she hear her brother's pain. But also all of her new friends fighting for the lives, she could be no coward now. First she turned towards the drone that had injured Daniel and shot a Mental Blast at it. Then she looked around to see if there was anything around her that could be useful.

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  • 2 weeks later...



The Omegadrone that had attacked Daniel staggered backward slightly from Iris’ mental attack, but it remained on its feet and in the fight, if momentarily dazed. As Iris glanced around the area, she did not see anything that seemed particularly useful in the current situation. However, she did spot the mysterious figure in the tattered black robe that had appeared on a nearby rooftop and was observing the chaotic battle.


In the thick of the chaos, Bernadette went into action once more, even more of her duplicates popping into existence as the redheads spread out to engage the Annihilist and as many of the Omegadrones as they could get to. One of the duplicates ran over to Madrigal Martinet as the Annihilist was starting to push herself back up right, delivering a knee to the side of the woman’s head that knocked her reeling once more, although still not taking her out of the fight.


The original Bernadette moved over to deliver a solid punch to the black armored Omegadrone that had tried to stab Bruiser, knocking the large armored figure to the ground and nearly knocking it out completely. "Come on big guy, this isn' over yet." She said to Bruiser with a slight grin as she looked about at her other duplicates engaging with other Omegadrones.

In a few moments, two more of the black armored Omegadrones had been knocked down and almost take out of the fight. Six of the normal Omegadrones were also unconscious. However, the Omegadrone that had attack Daniel managed to withstand the kick from one of the redheaded duplicates.

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La Puma Negra


It was liking with herself almost, moving with El Gato with smooth and quick reflexes while attacking at opportune moments. In the thick of it, never stopping as they moved with a flow that showed just how good they could move. This was a needed as it seemed like every few moments there was one of the drones attacking them, just barely missing the two Puma followed Gato, seeing her strike out and easily destroy these terrible drones. As another one fell and another attempted to strike out at Gato, missing, Puma decided it was time to attack the true foe at hand.


Dashing past Gato, she aimed her strike at the downed Martinet as she tried to get back up. Already beat from several previous attacks, it was the perfect time to strike while she had the chance, knowing full well that if they could take this crazy lady out, they might be able to have a chance to go home in one piece. So, with a flip of her body, her clawed feet would strike straight down upon this terrible woman.

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La Puma moved up to deliver a solid hit on the Annihilist as the tall woman was trying to get back to her feet. However, while the attack easily landed, it was like hitting a brick wall and the woman seemed unaffected by the attack.


A short distance away, Bruiser looked up as Bernadette knocked the black armored Omegadrone that had been attacking him down, momentarily freeing him up from combat. "Yeah, sure thing." The large figure said as he climbed back up to his feet, offering the redhead a small smile.

He then turned his attention back to the fight at hand. His gaze first fell on the Omegadrone that had tried to stab him while he was recovering from the Annihilist’s attack, so the hulking man stepped forward and tried to slam his massive fist down onto the black armored figure. However, the blow glanced harmlessly off the black armor, as the force of Bruiser’s punch was delivered to the pavement, smashing a hole into it and sending small chunks flying in all directions.

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Rosalind always tried to keep up a positive attitude in the worst of situations, but with a sky full of drones it was a struggle. Zig-zagging around to try and keep out of their way she fired off a few shots at one of the more impressive-looking drones, all the while wondering just where all the heavy hitters were in the sky.


"Got to say this is really not the way I saw the day going when I got up this morning!"

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Neko and Owain disappeared as they started to move away from the center of the battle. The skeletal giant swung its arm through the air, swatting four of the Omegadrones away, sending them flying backward to slam into a building across the street. Two smashed through windows and landed inside, the other two slammed into the wall before falling to the sidewalk. Bringing its arm down, it tried to smash the Annihilist on the ground nearby. Even though she was on the ground, the raven haired woman was able to roll away and avoid the attack. Carmen also dover aside, dodging the attack.


Network sparked through the air, sending a bolt of lighting out that arced through two of the black armored Omegadrones. The first went ridged from the blast and was knocked off it feet, injured and dazed. The second was struck by the bolt, but withstood the electrical blast with minimal effect.

Meanwhile the eight remaining Omegadrones in red armor swarmed around the skeletal giant, all flying in to stab at the giant. Working in two groups, they managed to land two powerful attacks on the giant.


Meanwhile, in a quick motion, Archer kipped himself back up to his feet, pulling an arrow out of his quiver. Leving the arrow at the remaining black clad Omegadrone and fired the weaker armor at the neck. The arrow struck, causing the Omegadrone to stagger slightly backward. "You okay kid?" He asked to the nearby Daniel who was still dazed from being struck earlier.

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Maybe this was the end, Neko reflected, as she and Owain retreated from the drones under the cloak of invisibility he'd erected. She could hear him praying to the Christian god as they did so, leaving open the line of retreat for any fleeing civilians down into the sewers. She'd torn apart the air and summoned a creature of the old tales but it was slowly being crushed by the drones that swarmed it like so many sharp-bladed butterflies - for all that it was still certainly in the fight. She was sorry things had come to this, but she'd known she was mortal since the first time she'd licked up a man's blood. She took Owain's hand, and after a moment's thought and a smile, joined him in his prayer. 

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  • 3 weeks later...



Neko's giant skeleton took more damage, but was still in the fight as the cat-girl and Owain briefly took sanctuary from the chaos thanks to Owain’s invisibility, as chaos continued to swirl around them.


Meanwhile, the members of Force Ops continued to fight, as El Gato pressed the advantage on one of the black armored Omegadrones which had been staggered and dazed. The cat-woman leapt forward slashing her claws and piecing the drone’s armor, causing it more wounds, but still not dropping it.

Kismet took aim at another of the black armored Omegadrones, firing a well-aimed burst from her assault rifle that managed to hit the drone in one of the gaps in its armor, spraying dark ichor across the pavement. The Omegadrone stumbled backward a few steps, dropped down to its knees and after a moment’s pause, fell forward to lie on the sidewalk unmoving.


Meanwhile, most of the other black armored Omegadrones were recovering from various attacks, pulling themselves back to their feet and preparing to keep fighting. One was still active, flying up into the air and unleashing a powerful energy blast in the giant skeleton summoned by Neko…

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Iris was watching the chaos unfold...but her focus zeroed in on Daniel. She would take a deep breath and rush out into the chaos and grab her brother before dragging him back to safety behind a car, at least temporaily safety anyway. 

As she was doing this, the young hero would look at the injured Omegadrone and hit it with a Mental Blast, purple psychic waves hit the cyborg directly.



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Neko's giant skeleton fell backward to the ground before it faded away after the last attack on it. Meanwhile, Iris psychic blast caused the black armored Omegadrone to stagger backward as it appeared injured and dazed once more.


Meanwhile, the tall female Annihilist shook off her daze as with a quick movement was back up on her feet, drawing her sword up behind her as her eyes locked onto Bernadette. Snarling, the Annihilist rushed forward, swinging her sword towards the Irish redhead. The hulking form of Bruiser moved in front of Bernadette again, ready to take the attack once more. The sudden appearance of the massive figure seemed to throw off the Annihilist as her sword glanced harmlessly off Bruiser's side and completely missed its intended target.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Whilst she wasn't as experienced as some of those here, or even her fellow students, but she had still learned one or two tricks over the last few years at Claremont. And if ever there was a time to use some of those tricks, now was probably the best time to use such things! She began to gather all the power she had at hand as she worked out a flight path that got her as close to as many of the drones as she could manage. This could make things worse for her after the fact, but that was a problem for (near) future her.


Once she gathered all the power and got into position, she let all the energy she had gathered into a burst that rolled out to engulf some of the drones in those damaging energies. Not perfect in the slightest, but not a terrible start now she was rapidly approaching being that future her!

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While Starshine knocked half of the red Omegadrones out of the sky, Bernadette and her duplicates were moving around on the ground, attacking the Annihilist and the remaining black armored Omegadrones. The Irish redheads were a flurry of punches and kicks. Although several duplicates attacked her, Marinet managed dodge the attacks as she backed way from the original Bernadette.

Meanwhile, the duplicates managed to knock out three of the black armored Omegadrones, and another was hurt and dazed. Only one of the elite Omegadrones withstood the attacks from the redheads, taking a hit with no effect…

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La Puma Negra


Attacking this woman, even as accurately as she had, and as impactful seemed to do little as she recovered, flipping back from her kick in the nick of time as she had to twister her body in acrobatic fashion just as a giant arm slammed down right where she had been standing not a moment before. Such a strike would have likely hurt badly if she was under it, doubting she could have even reacted in time to try and even lift something like that given her strength. Her head then would snap towards Neko, growling out her disproval of almost being squashed under the premise of friendly fire but was quickly discard when she changed the target of her aggression at a nearby Omegadrone.


With a hiss, she'd dive forward and slash at it, attempting to inflict some damage upon it though doubted given her luck with things in this time warp. Fortunately, the slash would take it out with relative ease, already downed and out by a previous blow. There had to be a way of this mess, she had hope, hope in that somewhere Michael was on the other side trying to get her out of here with the rest of them.

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