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Carmen's attack finished off the black armored Omegadrone she had focused on, knocking it to the ground and unconscious.


Meanwhile, while Martinet dodged the attacks from a pair of Bernadette's duplicates, Bruiser rushed forward toward the Annihilist. Letting out a yell of anger, the hulking figure launched a wild right hook at Martinet, somehow catching her by surprise.


The force of the punch could be felt by those nearby, and the few remaining windows on nearby buildings shook slightly. Martinet was knocked off her feet and sent flying across to the block to smash through a wall and into a damaged building.

The Annihilist landed hard in the middle of the wreckage strewn about the room and lay there unconscious, finally removed as a threat.

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Neko pointed at one of the attacking cyborgs and felt its mind burn in a fiery flash of claws and teeth while Owain stayed back, using his invisibility spell (and, frankly, prayers to Christ Jesus) to try and shield the civilians who hadn't yet gone below from the eyes of the Omegadrones. Neither of the pair looked particularly optimistic about where things were going.

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Neko's mental attack caused the remaining black armored Omegadrone to stagger slightly, clearly hurting it, but not putting it down.

Up in the sky, Network sent another bolt of lightning arching through the sky as it tore through the four remaining red armored Omegadrones. The electrical attack blasted a black hole in each of their armored chest plates before all four feel out of the sky to crash to the ground below.


Archer stepped forward, drawing another arrow back as he aimed at the black clad Omegadrone Neko had attacked. Letting loose the arrow, it struck right through the eye socket of the helmet, snapping the Omegadrone’s head back before it crumpled to the pavement.

And then, everything around the teens was silent. The damaged giant robot, dozens of downed Omegadrones, and the unconscious form of an Annihilist. There was still the faint sound of distant explosions, but for the moment, there were no enemies within sight….

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Daniel shook his head and rubbed his bruise for the moment before getting up. He felt terrible. Not just because he had been hit, but because he felt extremely useless. But...they had peace for now. He would move out towards the other students and speak up, after taking a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down. This was all a little too much for the poor young man. Still they have beaten the enemy back...good good.

"We need to get out of here! There has to be a secret base somewhere for us to hide or...?" Maybe they could rush out to help some people also.

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"Sit back and do nothing if you intend to, but we are not about to just watch our city get torn to pieces." Archer stated bluntly as he strode over towards his teammates, gesturing out towards the downtown skyline that was now partially obscured by columns of smoke from countless fires.


But even as the moment of calm settled on the area, it was relatively short lived, as a tall figure appeared in the air near the group of heroes. The figure was completely concealed beneath tattered black robes, its face completely hidden within shadowy darkness of the hood of the robe. "Bravely fought, but ultimately futile." The figure stated in a cold, hollow voice.

Neko heard its words in Japanese, not just any Japanese, but the very dialect of her village. Owain heard it speak in Welsh, Carmen heard Spanish, while Rosalinda, the twins and Bernadette heard English.


Whatever the members of Force Ops heard, Archer quickly drew an arrow and fired at the hovering figure. There was a distorted ripple in time and space as the arrow seemed to strike some invisible barrier some distance from the robed figure before exploding. The smoke quickly cleared, and the figure was still hovering there, completely unfazed.


"You many run if you wish, but there is no escape from the endless hordes of the Terminus." The figured continued, continuing to speak in each listener’s native language. "Soon, the Lord of Terminus will arrive, and this time there is no Centurion to stop him. When he does, this world will die, as it is drawn into the Cosmic Coil."

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Glowing, literally and figuratively, thanks to her last attack Rosaling flew down and floated above the ragtag team of heroes. Things weren't going great but maybe, just maybe they'd be able to pull off something like a victory. She wasn't the most confident most of the time, but it was either bluffing or she'd arrive at Terminus decades before she'd even been born!


"Well if things are that cut and dry I'm sure you won't mind telling us just who you are, and just how you've arranged for Centurion to be a no-show?"



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La Puma Negra


It finally seemed like there was at the least a little reprieve from this fight as they managed to knock out this Martinet person. Sure, she was probably in one of the history books as Carmen could remember enough of that, but it still isn't easy piecing these sorts of things together for her to realize the depths of. History itself was just out of her ability to recall at this important juncture. That was before they showed up, a presence that made her as she stood on all fours like a predatory cat like being. Whatever this being was, Puma was growling towards it, gritting her teeth as felt all her nerves go haywire upon hearing it speak Spanish.


"This guys got us figured. Not a good thing," Puma responds back towards her fellow compatriots. Things felt like they were just about the get worse.

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"Can you not save these people?" asked Owain, a knight's plea at a failed battle in his voice as he adopted his usual mortal visage again. The speaker looked a villain but who could tell in these times? "Even a fraction of their number? All men should know, in truth, that with great power, comes great responsibility!" he declared boldly. 


Neko was silent, her eyes moving to the others as she put two and two together. "Send us back," she said suddenly, not bothering with English, dusting the ash and blood off her kimono. "You have won." She could guess at the being's power, so vast it might not have been there at all to her enhanced senses, not to mention with all these wonders - and horrors - it had wrought. What was the point in toying with a god? "Please - my lord," she added.


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Cerebral and Cerebellum


The twins turned and looked up at the hooded figure...oh no, this wasn't good at all! This was surely some kind of reinforcement from Terminus....and they had been fighting non-stop since they left the underground. Both Daniel and Iris were beginning to get tired from this non-stop fighting. 

Then again....this being seemed a bit different. It spoke as if it was not from this time, just like them! This thing could either help or harm them. Iris, for one, could not take this.


"I agree with Neko here. Send us back to our time. We have no place here...w-we shouldn't even be around as is!" Iris exclaimed. They weren't even born yet.

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It was not the robed figure that responded to Rosalind's question, but Archer. He looked over at the teenager as he spoke, "Centurion died decades ago, around the end of World War II."


"Bugger us." Bernadette muttered as she looked over at the vigilante leader before focusing back on the robed figure.


The mysterious figure hovered in the air, seemingly unmoved by the pleas of some of the group. "Once Lawrence Harrow surrenders and agrees to join me, I shall return you to your timeline." The figure stated simply.


"He an' the others aren' even here." Bernadette spoke up. "Are they somewhere else in the city?"


"Harrow and his companions are in another timeline, facing the Communion." The figure simply stated.

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It hadn't taken a genius, even with her slightly janky history knowledge, but it was nice to know why Centurion was a no-show here. Not that it made anything better in the here and now. Rosalind had romantic notions of finding this world's Bracelet and doubling her power, but that would take the one thing that they didn't have right now... time!


"If you want someone to stay behind and play you sick little games, I'll stay! But not before you send everyone back to our own Earth, I'm not that green!"


It was probably a fruitless gesture, but she had to at least try and see if she could save her friends, new and old.


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La Puma Negra


Pointing at this strange being, Puma was not fazed by such threats by appearances, though in truth she was rather terrified. Standing in a partial crouch, she'd speak somewhat brazenly, "You send us back now you hear me! None of us are playing your stupid game bastard so bring us back!


Puma quickly moved over towards Starshine with a leap, still keeping her eyes on such a being. This truly was a bad spot for them all and she little understood what this had to do with one of their fellow classmates at all, "What the heck do we do Rosalind," she'd whisper. This whole deal seemed to be getting worse by the minute and Carmen had already had enough of this strange and bizarre timeline of the past.

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


The twins used their own powers and floated over beside Bernadette. Both were trembling, but were trying to hide it. Iris had better success with this then her poor brother. Still both were staring up at this clearly powerful figure in fear. What could they do?! Iris was wracking her brain to try and figure out how to get them all out of this. Her brother, however, had no such reservations. 


"What do you even want?! Lawrence isn't even here!" He would yell up at the figure through a shakey voice. They can get out of this, they had to! It will all work out...right?

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