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I was actually wrong, it's a 40 ft. radius, not 20. How many can I get with that?


Anyway, gonna move slightly to get as many as I can within the 40 ft. radius, then spend 1HP to stunt off the Space Movement array for this power:


Area Strength 8 Adds (Extras: Area [Targeted Burst] 8, Selective 8; Flaws: Distracting) to Strength (40 ft. radius) {8/10} (Descriptors: Reach Everything)


And I'd like to set Personal Space Control Array to Impervious Toughness/Immovability and Space Control Array to Elongation/Enhanced Strength.


And then  Parker is going to punch every bad guy he can reach at once. If they're minions, I'd like to take 10 to hit them with 18, which is a DC23 TOU save for everyone he hits, and then try to establish a grapple on everyone that I hit: 37


That's an insanely cool idea for a power stunt.


Well, I don't have that, so I'm just going to fly over to the Minion that Lawrence left behind and take 10 on the attack for a 17, DC 22 toughness.


@The Sailor Torpedo Lass is up! Parker just took out the two insect drones attacking her (along with the three around him)


There are only two others left, hovering over Baz (who is on the ground) about 125' away. 

The other up in the air on Consuelo (a bit further than 125' away).

Posted (edited)

Going to throw a Phosphorescent Sphere at one of the hovering drones above Baz. Taking 10 to hit.


I'm going to do this while leaping over to Lawrence, to help watch his back (Move-by action).

Edited by The Sailor

@Huckleberry @Supercape @The Sailor @RocketLord @Thunder King @Poncho @Kaede Kimura Okay, out of combat for the moment (though I will just keep the current initiative order when we get back so we don't have to have a delay of getting new initiative rolls again).

For those that were hurt by the Communion drone attacks, Lawrence has healed the injuries everyone picked up, but the bruises are still there (he also healed the worst injury the cop had).


38 Velocity (unharmed)

32 Gamma Buzz 2 HP (bruised)

24 Timeout 5 HP (unharmed)

21 Blue Bolt 2 HP (bruised 2)

21 Rot 4 HP (unharmed)

20 Spaceman 3 HP (bruised)

20 Golden Star 2 HP (unharmed)

17 Torpedo Lass II  3 HP (unharmed)

10 Sever 1 HP (bruised)


So to answer questions discussed in Discord: yes, a singularity should show up as a MASSIVE blip in the time/space continuum. If it was in the city, there would be no more city, and likely no more planet, unless someone expended an extensive amount of energy to contain it (which would seem counter productive to wanting to use it as a power source, as you would spend a lot of the energy gained to contain it).


And in the realm of pure theory, if someone could harness the power of a singularity and use that to create an isolated timeline, there is no reason to expect they would not be able to do so from outside the isolated timeline (ie the singularity could be someplace completely different).



Okay, going back to combat order. To keep this moving quicker, will probably be asking multiple people to post their actions at once.


Round One


38 Velocity (unharmed)

32 Gamma Buzz 2 HP (unharmed)

25 Insect Drones (many)

24 Timeout 5 HP (unharmed)

21 Blue Bolt 2 HP (unharmed)

21 Rot 4 HP (unharmed)

20 Spaceman 3 HP (unharmed)

20 Golden Star 2 HP (unharmed)

17 Torpedo Lass II  4 HP (unharmed)

15 Drones (many)

13 Needle Fighters (many)

10 Sever 1 HP (unharmed)


@Supercape @Kaede Kimura Let me know what Gamma and Blue Bolt are going to do.


Right now there are half a dozen groups (each of four) of the ground based drones spread out around the plaza/park where everyone is gathered. There are several small swarms of the insect drones that are flying around, several heading down to where everyone currently is.


Rot is around halfway down the Initiative order, but in the interest of expediency, I'll just say note for combat, she will copycat off of Spaceman's targeted area attack, taking 10 vs minions. She'll get as many as she can, preferring the nasty little dragonfly types. The base of her HP power Stunt will be:


Stunt off Attack Array 14: Damage 8 (Extras: Area - targeted burst) (Feats: Accurate 4)


Which would give her an 18 to hit and a DC 23 Toughness save vs damage. If she can get out in the clear without friendly targets, she can pump up to 8 PP into extending the area of effect. If she can't get free of potential friendly targets, she'd use those 8 PP to make the damage effect a selective attack. 


Baz will jump up to the insect drones (45' high Jump), and let loose a Radation Flare


Dazzle 8, Area: Burst 20- 200'


So keping the burst to a 40' area to save his allies!


Okay, will say there is a group of a dozen just at the edge of that 40' burst (after you leap 45' into the air).


They get a Reflex save vs the area effect: four make it and avoid the burst with Evasion


The other 8 get a Reflex save to avoid the dazzle: two make that save

So there are 6 that have to make the Fort save vs the dazzle: two make that, so 4 are dazzled.


Correction, fort saves are later, so half are dazzled right now.

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