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Superior Initiative: 21, 15

Superior Soldiers Initiative: 9

I hope its alright that I put them before the dupe, so that @Thevshi don't have to wait for me to do posts between actions!


To make things clear: Superior is incredibly powerful, and while you might be able to slow him down, you will be unable to fully defeat him.

The woman that Puma is by might be able to help, if you can get through to her, or at least help you figure out what Superior and the soldiers are up to!

There are currently 12 soldiers around, but their numbers might be increased. 


At any rate, @Kaede Kimura is up, though mind that actual combat haven't started yet.


31 - Blue Bolt - 3HP - Unharmed

21 - Gamma Buzz - 1HP - Unharmed

21 - Superior - Unharmed

18 - La Puma Negra - 3HP - Unharmed

15 - Superior - See above status

9 - Superior Soldiers - 12x Unharmed

9 - Multi-Girl Dupe - Unharmed

7 - Multi-Girl - 3HP - Unharmed

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Man, trying to decide on a course of action as the first in Initiative is tough when you're playing the character who has genuinely no idea who anyone is. I know who they are! Everyone is in incredible danger!


Regardless, she's going to ready the Nervebuzzer to yeet it at anyone who attacks her before flying out talk at them. If possible she'll do so in such a way as to not give away the others position.

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Gamma Buzz will do speaky (IC) and then prepare a standard action - Blasting Superior with Gamma Vision if he moves. 


In case he does - feel free to roll for me (just to keep things moving) its a +8 attack, DC 23 Toughness blast (with penetrating extra)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, Bernadette will try to catch as many of the minion soldier in her area effect as she can and take 10 to hit time (for an 18). Let me know if that misses and she will accurate attack, otherwise, DC 27 toughness save for all those caught in the area. She will exclude Superior (as she could not take 10 if she tried to attack him) and any friendlies in the area.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually... I think we will move outside of actual rolls for combat here and instead move to just descriptions. I'll admit that's on me not really feeling this (potential) fight, but I'd rather do it freeform-ish than just end the thread.


You can fight, you can talk, whichever you prefer. You can most likely take out or stop some of the soldiers with relative ease, but Superior of course basically being unstoppable.


Just let me post once between everyone doing a post. If there's something specific you'd like to have happen or an effect, feel free to let me know here in the OOC.

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